PDL :: Volume #7

#693: After all my such caolanh

Tun Tian Long Yin!” 吞天龙吟!” Under for a very long time spiritual power impact, Qin Shi transforms the attacking mode suddenly, the thunder light of whole body goes rapidly pale, finally hides away in the jet black nighttime sky. 在久久的灵力冲击下,秦石突然间转化攻击模式,全身的雷光迅速淡去,最终隐遁在漆黑的夜空里。 The next instant, his whole body explodes shoots [gold/metal], just likes from Western extremely happy immortal god, was scattered including the silver-gray moonlight. 下一霎,他全身爆射金芒,犹如来自西方极乐的仙神,连银灰色的月色都被生生驱散。 This is, psychic force?” “这是,精神力?” Drinks, is this boy, Demonic Talisman Master?” “喝,这小子,原来还是个符魔师?” The strength that suddenly surges is vast, just likes the Eunha-ri innumerable all over the sky stars. 突然涌动的力量浩瀚无垠,犹如银河里数不胜数的满天繁星。 Puff! 噗! The quiet fire, two quiet fires, more and more quiet fires, ultimately form 500 numbers together, in each quiet fire grows the radiant golden Buddhist relics. 一道幽火,两道幽火,越来越多的幽火,最终足足形成500之数,每一道幽火中衍生出璀璨的金色舍利。 Buddhist relics, the world is desolated. 舍利一出,天地荒芜。 500 desolated grains wind the extreme twist, from the sky forms 500 giant tornado, golden light Buddhist relics swallowing. 500荒芜纹络急速旋转,在空中形成500个巨大的龙卷风,将金光舍利生生的吞噬其中。 Both unify in pairs, form 500 strange Capsicum anomalums, on this Capsicum anomalum walked randomly the ancient times mark to wind, the place above has glittered from time to time in gloss, has filled wild spiritual power, with vast psychic force. 两者双双结合,形成500枚的诡异龙珠,这龙珠上游走着远古的纹络,上方时而闪烁过的光泽中,充满了狂暴的灵力,和浩繁的精神力。 Two, two strength unions?” “两,两种力量结合?” Quiet azure, Yan Hao, people on the scene one after another absent-minded, they are the disciples in eight territories, the understanding Desolate Spirit Continent was very deep, they clearly know the nature of spiritual power and psychic force. 幽青、严浩、在场的众人接连失神,他们身为八域的弟子,对荒灵大陆的了解已经很深,他们清楚的知道灵力与精神力的性质。 Two strength unions of promoting and constraining mutually, this affirmation? 两种相生相克的力量结合,这肯定吗? Yan Hao the look has been shocked, his air all around was found time by the quiet fire, 500 many golden Buddhist relics are similar to seal huge, blocks him firmly in a hundred meters space. 严浩的神色惊呆了,他周遭的空气被幽火生生抽空,500只多的金色舍利如同封天大阵,将他牢牢的封锁在一个百米的空间中。 Thousand zhang (3.33 m) lance shivers fiercely, has not given the opportunity that he responded, was crushed directly. 千丈的长矛剧烈颤抖,根本没给他反应的机会,直接被击碎。 Boy, you already planned, has kept this I to swallow the bait is?” Yan Hao as if understood anything, five senses fierce low of drinks. “小子,你早就算计好,一直留着这一手在等我上钩是不是?”严浩仿佛明白了些什么,五官狰狞的低喝。 Qin Shi confident smiling of: Since has guessed correctly, your following result, should not need me to tell you?” 秦石坦然的笑了笑:“既然猜到了,那你接下来的结果,应该就不用我告诉你了吧?” What?” “什么?” Yan Haozheng has been startled the god, at once dazzling [gold/metal] just likes the scorching sun hot sun, the instantaneous one not good premonition wells up his heart. 严浩怔了怔神,旋即刺目的金芒犹如骄阳烈日,瞬间一种不好的预感涌上他的心头。 Bang! 轰! Several hundred Capsicum anomalums puncture alternately, Yan Hao the whole body wild with rage strength burns unceasingly, was thrown the attack that strikes to pierce by intense such as the cheetah one after another. 数百的龙珠交叉刺出,严浩全身狂怒的力量不断燃烧,被一股一股强烈如猎豹扑击的攻击生生刺穿。 The violence of attack, making his blood not flow out. 攻击之猛烈,让他连鲜血都没有流出。 Bang! 轰隆! This attack has continued the hemiprism fragrant time, the Tun Tian Long Yin overwhelming power, it goes without saying. 这攻击足足持续了半柱香的功夫,吞天龙吟的威猛,不言而喻 Before continued as Guodong to feel to be startled, let alone is this has Yan Hao of six days of boundaries? 之前就连任国栋都感到吃惊,何况是这只有六天之境的严浩? Bang! 砰! His whole body was pierced the strainer, finally the one breath rest puts out, was broken including his soul, does not have vitality crash Yu Kong again. 他全身被洞穿成筛网,最后一口气息吐出,连他的灵魂都被震碎,再无生机的坠落于空。 The entire process speed is astonishing, Qin Shi in gulps breathes heavily the thick air/Qi, each revolution Tun Tian Long will recite him to feel very exhausted, strength that especially this type will condense the acme. 整个过程速度惊人,秦石大口大口的喘起粗气,每一次运转吞天龙吟他都会感到非常疲惫,特别是这种凝聚出极致的力量。 But this type was suppressed by him exhaustedly in the heart, binds tightly the black robe, the big hand wields, sends out the light fluorescent contribution card to be used the spiritual power by him vast body to strip severely. 但这种疲惫被他强忍在心,裹紧黑袍,大手一挥,一张散发着淡淡荧光的贡献卡被他用灵力从严浩的身上剥离。 Has not been busy at work finally in vain.” “总算是没有白忙活。” Qin Shi cancels the sweat of forehead, read the strength penetration contribution card, received fiercely his one startled, before all exhausted vanished into thin air. 秦石抹去额头的汗水,念力穿透贡献卡,接下他猛的一惊,之前所有的疲惫都烟消云散。 Ten, 150,000 contribution values?” Looks that Yan Hao contributes the strength huge amount, Qin Shi makes an effort to rub the eyes, that happy expression could not cover up: Has gotten rich, has gotten rich, this time got rich.” “十,150000贡献值?”看着严浩贡献力庞大的数额,秦石使劲揉了揉眼睛,那喜色已经遮掩不住:“发财了,发财了,这次是真的发财了。” ! 咻! Qin Shi solves Yan Hao in a while, the distressed remnant shade streaks across the nighttime sky like the shell together, another also to defeat to come to an end with the creation world group disciples who Kong Xianhui fights. 秦石解决掉严浩没过多久,一道狼狈的残影如炮弹般划破夜空,另一名和孔贤慧交手的创世团弟子也以战败告终。 Qin Shi supine beginning gently, Kong Xianhui still comfortable strolling Yu Kong: Snort, dares to look down on the woman? If no woman, your this group of smelly men who which comes?” 秦石轻轻的仰起头,孔贤慧依然自在的漫步于空:“哼,竟敢小瞧女人?要是没有女人的话,哪来的你们这帮臭男人?” Listens to the Kong Xianhui cold suddenly tenderness to drink, smiling of Qin Shi have no alternative, Kong Xianhui was really a hero, aggressive ruthless. 听着孔贤慧冷暴的娇喝,秦石无可奈何的笑了笑,孔贤慧真可谓是女中豪杰了,生猛的狠。 Looks down on her, is not courting death. 小瞧她,不是在找死。 Has patted the white hands, the almond eyes and Qin Shi of looking at each other Kong Xianhui, this reveals several points of girl's appearance, hey smiles one sweetly, leaps to Qin Shi side. 拍了拍玉手,孔贤慧的杏眼和秦石对视,这才露出几分女孩子的模样,嘿嘿的甜笑一声,跃到秦石身旁。 „, Takes a look quickly, here has many contribution values.” “喏,快瞧瞧,这里有多少贡献值。” Before Kong Xianhui , the foreign country number and route plate of disciple gives Qin Shi, the receiving hand that Qin Shi nods, read the strength to search. 孔贤慧将之前弟子的外域腰牌交给秦石,秦石点点头的接过手,念力一探。 Drinks, extraordinary, here also 70,000 many contribution values?” “喝,了不得啊,这里也有70000多的贡献值?” That in addition, we 200,000 contribution values?” The Kong Xianhui also happy preparation, excited badly said with a smile: „Before no wonder you, is hoping Jane Zhun person comes, this truly very much gains.” “那加起来,咱们岂不是有200000的贡献值了?”孔贤慧也开心制剂,激动中不由坏笑道:“难怪你之前盼着简准的人来,这样确实很赚吗。” Yes.” Qin Shi shrugs. “是吧。”秦石耸了耸肩。 Is looking in two who the horizon talked, the disciple of quiet blue and numerous fog pledge has been startled the god, everyone the Boss of mouth Zhang, was shocked. 望着在天际你一言、我一语的两人,幽青和众多雾盟的弟子怔了怔神,每个人的嘴巴都张的老大,惊呆了。 Rumble!” A disciple almost by spit choking, stares the big eye of round to clash quiet blue question: Quiet blue elder brother, you determined that big brother Fu Jun is asks us to protect their?” “咕噜!”一个弟子差点没被吐沫给噎死,瞪着圆溜溜的大眼睛冲幽青问句:“幽青哥,你确定,付军大哥是叫我们来保护他们俩个吗?” This issue, puzzles the people. 这一问题,困扰众人。 The quiet Qingshen color is poverty-stricken, suddenly is also the bursting out laughing, fought to start from just Qin Shi and Yan Hao, his heart throughout hung has not been putting down, start was because was worried that the Qin Shi safety, then came to be shocked by the Qin Shi powerful. 幽青神色窘迫,一时间也是哑然,从刚刚秦石和严浩交手开始,他的心就始终悬着没有放下,开始是因为担心秦石的安危,而后来则是被秦石的强势惊呆了。 Four days of boundaries to fighting six days of boundaries, continuously the situation that this type surmounts two boundary murders, has almost never had in the foreign country matter, but just he with own eyes had been witnessing Qin Shi, achieved. 四天之境对战六天之境,这种连续跨越两个境界杀人的情况,是在外域几乎从未发生过的事,但就在刚刚他亲眼的见证了秦石,做到了。 He he, no wonder the big brother such will regard as important him, the body of this boy has been full of the secret, moreover he was too inconceivable.” Light nan that quiet azure thought aloud, looked up to the stars: It seems like, three years of subsiding, probably since the time that he presents, all completely were disrupted, moreover is bringing the black name card of master, is this destiny?” “呵呵,难怪大哥会这么看重他,这小子的身上充满了秘密,而且他真的太不可思议了。”幽青自言自语的轻喃,仰望繁星:“看来,三年的平息,好像在他出现的时刻起,一切就全部都被打乱了,而且带着师父的黑色名片,难道这就是命运吗?” Indifferently, in his moral nature, bold imagination, the appearance of Qin Shi is destined probably, an unrivalled long-cherished wish soon will open in Chaos Domain, Chaos Domain will not be tranquil. 漠然,在他的心底,有一种大胆的想象,秦石的出现好像就是命中注定,一场旷世的夙愿即将在乱域打开,乱域将再也不会平静。 „Is quiet blue elder brother, in a daze? Gives me the number and route plate, do not want to line one's purse, that is my thing.” In quiet is in a daze blue, Qin Shi pulls the white hands of Kong Xianhui to overstep the cloud layer. “幽青哥,发什么呆呢?将腰牌给我吧,你可别想中饱私囊啊,那是我的东西。”在幽青发呆中,秦石牵着孔贤慧的玉手踏过云层。 Is severely vast on their number and route plates to pick up a bargain, he will be will not give up another person absolutely. 从严浩两人的腰牌上捡到便宜,他是绝对不会放弃另一人。 Has gawked quiet blue the god, by Qin Shi interruption train of thought. 幽青愣了愣神,被秦石打断思绪。 He looks at that edges and corners to be distinct, flood the resolute face of outstanding ability is smiling under the moonlight slightly: This perhaps is the life.” The word, he starts to anticipate that anticipates the following day. 他望着那棱角分明,在月色下微微泛着刚毅的俊逸面庞不由一笑:“这或许就是命吧。”言罢,他开始期待,期待接下来的日子。 As soon as he raises hand, the number and route plate throws to Qin Shi. 他一扬手,腰牌扔给秦石 I have said that will not miss your point, this contribution value I am not rare, later entered an area, the making money place has is.” “我说过,不会差你一分,这点贡献值我不稀罕,以后进了一区,赚钱的地方有都是。” Hey, your leave alone many, one point does not compare right.” The Qin Shi grinning receiving number and route plate, read the strength slightly sized up, in this number and route plate also 70,000 many contribution values. “嘿嘿,你别管多少,有一分就比没有强对吧。”秦石笑嘻嘻的接过腰牌,念力微微的打量一番,这腰牌里也有70000多的贡献值。 Gets hold of three number and route plates, the Qin Shi happy expression gushes out the eye socket. 握紧三枚腰牌,秦石喜色涌出眼眶。 „Before being counted , the contribution value of snatching, in addition also had 300,000.” The Qin Shi big hand wields, receives three number and route plates, bad said with a smile: Calculates carefully that I pour must thank Jane Zhun, these ten days made me gain these many, later were not the poor wretches, he simply was my delivering wealth Warawako.” “算上之前抢来的贡献值,加起来也有300000了吧。”秦石大手一挥,将三枚腰牌收起,不由的坏笑道:“仔细一算,我倒还要感谢简准,这十天来让我赚了这么多,以后再也不是穷光蛋了,他简直就是我的送财小童子啊。” Delivers wealth Warawako?” “送财小童子?” Hears Qin Shi to Jane accurate name, quiet blue the numerous disciple corners of the mouth of fog pledge are twitching. 听见秦石对简准的称呼,幽青连带着雾盟的众多弟子嘴角抽搐。 If this were heard by Jane Zhun, it is estimated that can be irritated while still alive may not? 这要是被简准听见,估计非要被活活气死不可吧? Laughs quiet blue, the big hand has patted the shoulder of Qin Shi: Your boy.” 幽青哈哈大笑,大手拍了拍秦石的肩膀:“你小子。” Hey.” Qin Shi shrugs. “嘿嘿。”秦石耸了耸肩。 The troublesome solution, Qin Shi has pinched the fist, because there is quiet azure and fog pledge disciple, he and Kong Xianhui has not delayed in five areas, returns to the room simple reorganization, at the same night rushes to an area. 麻烦解决,秦石捏了捏拳,由于有幽青和雾盟的弟子,他和孔贤慧也没有在五区耽搁,回到房间里简单的整理一下,连夜赶往一区。 Enters an area, quiet azure said to Qin Shi: Now the weather late, house has rented is impossible to open the door, tonight do you go to the fog pledge headquarters? Early tomorrow morning, I am accompanying you to rent the house.” 进入一区,幽青冲秦石笑说:“现在天色晚了,房屋租借不可能开门,今晚你们两个就去雾盟总部吧?明天一早,我在陪你们租房子。” Has not expected, Qin Shi mysterious shaking the head of: Does not use, I have place to live.” 未料,秦石神秘的摇了摇头:“不用,我有地方住。” Um? Do you have the place to live?” Knit the brows quiet blue. “嗯?你有地方住?”幽青皱了皱眉。 Right, after all can my such aloof, how live in others that casually?” “对呗,毕竟我这么高冷,怎么能随便的住在别人那呢?” Qin Shi kept guessing, connects him to quiet to shake the key blue, leaps to No. the 20 mansion of fourth street with Kong Xianhui, this mansion is the Third Rank pink garret, the contrast ratio fog pledge headquarters does not flaunt lets, they stop in the entrance slightly, greeted to quiet azure, then makes great strides forward the mansion. 秦石卖了个关子,接连他冲着幽青晃了晃钥匙,和孔贤慧冲着第四道街的20号豪宅跃去,这豪宅是个三层的粉色阁楼,照比雾盟的总部也是不逞多让,两人在门口微微停顿一下,冲着幽青打了个招呼,便迈进豪宅。 The entire process, the disciple of quiet azure and fog pledge is completely in-situ. 整个过程,幽青和雾盟的弟子全部愣在原地。 Must know that in, the common residents takes 100,000 contribution values together, but like the Third Rank garret that the fog pledge and Qin Shi enter, every month 300,000 contribution values, you do not want do not think. 要知道,在一起里面,寻常的民宅都要100000贡献值,而像雾盟和秦石进入的这种三层阁楼,每个月没有300000的贡献值,你想都不要想。 „!” “靠!” Endured patiently for a long time, obloquying that quiet blue cannot bear finally. 忍耐了许久,幽青终于忍不住的大骂。 This brat, does the sentiment poor-mouth with me in this? One have such big mansion, early knows that this that number and route plate, said a moment ago any I will not give him!” Quiet blue poverty-stricken shaking the head. “这臭小子,感情是在这跟我哭穷啊?自己有这么大的豪宅,早知道这样刚才那腰牌,说什么我也不会给他!”幽青窘迫的摇摇头。 From knowing Qin Shi, Qin Shi takes to him too many shock. 从认识秦石,秦石带给他太多的震惊。 Smiling of in a minute, he loses one's voice: It seems like, how long could not want, must have a fierce battle, I was also the time go back to say one with the big brother.” 片刻,他失声的笑了笑:“看来,要不了多久,要有一场恶战啊,我也是时候回去和大哥说一声了。” We walk.” “我们走吧。” He beckons to behind disciples, returns to the fog pledge headquarters. 他冲着身后的弟子们招了招手,回到雾盟总部。 With Kong Xianhui enters the mansion surprised, Qin Shi opens the big mouth: This rather really should not be luxurious enough, does a person actually live in such big house?” 孔贤慧进入豪宅,秦石吃惊的张开大嘴:“这勿宁也真够奢侈了啊,一个人竟然住这么大的房子?” Rather that girl, always should not be wasteful, three years ago her territory time, every month has the salaries of several thousand contribution values, this has not been counted her to make some duties, one month adds almost 500,000-600,000 contribution values, but this insufficiently she spends, every month also wants us to provide relieft to her, does not know where she spent.” Kong Xianhui approval smiles embarrasedly. “勿宁那丫头,向来大手大脚的,三年前她在内域的时候,每个月就有数万贡献值的薪资,这还不算上她做些任务,一个月加起来差不多有五六十万贡献值,但是这样都不够她花,每个月还要我们救济她,也不知道她都花在什么地方了。”孔贤慧认可的讪讪一笑。 Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, is really a black sheep of the family. 秦石咂了咂舌,真是个败家子啊。 Entered the mansion, Kong Xianhui has chosen not boudoir rather, inside decorated very only beautiful, variously ornament that was built by the precious ore, seeing these ornament Qin Shi to understand, not Ningdu contribution value flower where, actually a standard concubine. 进入豪宅,孔贤慧选了勿宁的闺房,里面装潢的非常唯美,各种各样由珍贵矿石打造的装饰品,看见这些装饰品秦石就明白,勿宁都把贡献值花在了什么地方,倒是个标准的小女人。 They recently were really tired, Kong Xianhui just lay down on the bed, entry dreamland gradually. 两人这些日子是真的累了,孔贤慧刚在床榻上躺下,就渐渐的进入梦乡。 Looks at the beautiful woman in sleep, Qin Shi is showing a faint smile, at once has pinched the fist, breaks by biting the tongue, makes deep attachment quan the sleepiness in the mind to go pale. 望着睡梦中的美人,秦石微微一笑,旋即捏了捏拳,一口将舌头咬破,令在脑海中缱绻的睡意淡去。 !! !!
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