PDL :: Volume #7

#692: To fighting Yan Hao

It seems like your big brother did not prepare to help you, then finished.” “看来你的大哥是不准备帮你了,那么就结束吧。” Delayed was so long, Yan Hao has not begun, the Qin Shi also losing patience gradually, after the preparation at present this disciple strikes to kill, attacked on own initiative. 耽误了这么久,严浩迟迟没有动手,秦石也渐渐的失去耐心,准备将眼前这名弟子击杀后,主动出击了。 After all here is Chaos Domain, this degree of fighting will alarm immediately other people, when the time has the foreign country elder to appear, the matter troubled. 毕竟这里是乱域,这种程度的打斗马上就会惊动旁人,等到时候有外域长老出现,事情就麻烦了。 Although five areas did not have labelling to say cannot the disciple private war, but created the world group and Xing Moyuan collaborates, matter that unavoidably will meet the elder bias. 虽然五区没有标注说不许弟子私斗,但创世团和邢墨鸢同流合污,难免会遇到长老偏心的事。 Let alone here also has the fog pledge , the fog pledge and foreign country elder's relations are not good. 何况这里还有雾盟在呢,雾盟和外域长老的关系可不好。 Therefore he dodged to pass over gently and swiftly together the limpid gloss among the night jet black pupils, that gloss such as cold ice in winter, cold and gloomy exceptionally. 为此他如深夜般漆黑的眸子间闪掠过一道清澈的光泽,那光泽如冬日里的寒冰,森冷异常。 The next instant, his five fingers open, thin that the air between kilometers changes, strength of the ancient times great antiquity spread from his black robe, 500 desolated grains wound the condensation. 下一霎,他五指张开,千米间的空气变的稀薄,一股远古洪荒之力从他的黑袍下蔓延,500道的荒芜纹络凝聚而成。 Bang! 轰! Indifferently, creates the world group disciples to be frightened out of one's wits, has been shocked by the strength that Qin Shi rises suddenly, finally fights intent also to be beaten, he starts to regret now that regrets to arrive at five areas. 漠然,创世团弟子魂飞魄散,被秦石突然崛起的力量惊呆了,最后的战意也被击垮,他现在开始后悔,后悔来到五区。 Regretted to provoke Qin Shi this monstruous talent. 后悔招惹了秦石这个妖孽。 ! 咻! But at this time, Yan Hao could not repress finally, he in behind pinching tightly sharp claws maliciously, the sole stamped to the space of nihility, rolls up and pushes along the remnant shade to plunge Qin Shi. 而在这时,严浩终于按耐不住,他在后面狠狠的捏紧利爪,脚掌冲着虚无的空间一跺,卷动着残影就扑向秦石 Bang! 轰隆! 500 desolated grains wind by Yan Hao are struck crushing, the spirit pressures of six days of boundaries are very strong, the impregnable vault of heaven as if trembled trembling. 500道的荒芜纹络被严浩一击击碎,六天之境的灵压很强,本来固若金汤的天穹仿佛都颤了颤。 Qin Shi has congealed with rapt attention, rapidly after spreads out, wipes the naked eye the demon shade that is difficult to distinguish like the arrow, rips open is spatial the period the severe gale thorn to Qin Shi. 秦石凝了凝神,迅速朝后拉开距离,一抹肉眼难辨的魅影如箭,撕开空期间的厉风刺向秦石 ! 咻! The shunt attack, Qin Shi shows a faint smile: Finally couldn't bear get rid?” 闪开攻击,秦石微微一笑:“终于忍不住出手了吗?” Yan Hao is low and deep the facial features, vision from beginning to end has not actually been looking at one toward Qin Shi, but has several points to fear staring of intent behind Qin Shi void. 严浩低沉着眉眼,目光却从始至终都不曾朝秦石看去一眼,而是带有几分惧意的凝视着秦石背后的虚空。 Before he did not get rid, because of fearing Qin Shi, because he detected ten several terrifying strengths in the distant place, this group of strength quiet azure rank. 之前他不出手,并不是因为惧怕秦石,而是因为他在远处发觉到了十数股恐怖的力量,这群力量正是幽青等人。 Like this is no wonder secure, originally has the fog pledge person to be the backing to you.” Scolding of Yan Haochen sound, to sneers to say void: He he, the hearsay seriously is not it seems like false, did the fog pledge reduce to and this petty people really makes the situation of friend? You said I said right? Fog pledge second in command, quiet blue!” “难怪这样有恃无恐,原来是有雾盟的人给你做后盾啊。”严浩沉声的呵斥,冲着虚空冷笑道:“呵呵,看来传闻当真不假,雾盟真的沦落到和这种鼠辈做朋友的地步了?你说我说的对吗?雾盟二当家,幽青!” Quiet azure has not hidden from beginning to end, therefore by Yan Hao was realized he does not have the accident, instead very confident jumping onto clear sky: Was seen? Our fog pledge and who becomes friends, probably hasn't been one's turn you to create the people of world group to come gesticulate while talking?” 幽青从始至终都没有隐藏,所以被严浩察觉他也没有意外,反而十分坦然的跃上晴空:“被看见了吗?我们雾盟和谁交朋友,好像还轮不到你们创世团的人来指手画脚吧?” Yes, birds, the like attracts like, your fog pledge are content to reduce, is willing to be on good terms with the petty people, live like the dog, truly creates the world group not to have what relations with us.” Yan Hao taunted snort. “是啊,正所谓,物以类聚,人以群分,你们雾盟自甘沦落,愿意与鼠辈交好,活的像狗一样,确实和我们创世团没有什么关系。”严浩冷嘲热讽的哼了哼。 Has not waited for the quiet blue start to talk, nearby several fog younger sworn brother children fly into a rage: Drinks, creates the third-class disciple of world group, do you dare such to speak with our quiet blue elder brother?” 没等幽青开口,旁边的几名雾盟弟子勃然大怒:“喝,一个创世团的三流弟子,你敢这么和我们幽青哥说话?” Oh, do not care.” Blocks the people quiet blue: Has a few words, does not know that you listen not to have, generally curses at people are person of dog is the dog, you said that the dog bites your one, can you also bite?” “唉,别在意。”幽青拦住众人:“有一句话,不知道你们听过没,一般骂人是狗的人自己才是狗,你说狗咬你一口,难道你还能咬回去吗?” You!” Strictly vast withers stares big eye, kills intent abundant. “你!”严浩肃杀的瞪大眼,杀意盎然。 But has not waited for his spirit top-ranking to move, the strength of quiet blue seven days of boundary clashes the crown vault of heaven, such as the rivers and streams will be strict the vast crush the withdrawing several steps. 但没等他的灵压卷动,幽青七天之境的力量冲冠天穹,如江河般生生将严浩碾压的退后数步。 Bang! 轰! Both in a level, the strict vast moral nature do not sink. 两者根本不在一个层面上,严浩心底一沉。 Damn!” “该死!” He criticizes one, in the heart slightly absent-minded, he knows that the fog pledge is protecting Qin Shi, has not actually expected can be the quiet blue this great person unexpectedly. 他暗骂一声,心中微微失神,他知道雾盟在保护秦石,却没料到竟然会是幽青这种大人物。 Big brother, we what to do?” “大哥,我们怎么办?” By the creation world group disciple of Qin Shi severe wound is anxious trembling. 秦石重伤的创世团弟子更是紧张的瑟瑟发抖。 What to tremble? Lacks prospects!” “哆嗦什么?没出息!” Yan Hao cursed angrily one ill-humoredly, at heart was also worried must die, this situation their strengths insufficiently looked radically, was only quiet blue one person, enough second killed them. 严浩没好气的怒骂一声,心里也是烦闷的要死,这种情况他们三人的实力根本不够看,光是幽青一人,就足够秒杀他们。 Understands this point, his raises to draw back the court room drum at heart. 明白这一点,他的心里升起退堂鼓。 Brat, you assign today, but do not think that has the fog pledge to support to you, we create the world group not to dare to move you, the present fog pledge is also like a clay buddha crossing the river, you offended us to create the world group, will happen one day wanted you dead in the foreign country!” Strict vast deep inspiration, to behind beckons at once: We walk!” “臭小子,你今天命好,但是你别以为有雾盟给你撑腰,我们创世团就不敢动你,现在的雾盟也是泥菩萨过河,你得罪了我们创世团,终有一天要你死在外域!”严浩深深的吸了口气,旋即冲着身后招手:“我们走!” But has not waited for three people to leave, wipes the asterism big hand to find out in the nighttime sky, blocks three people of escape routes. 但没等三人动身,一抹星芒大手在夜空探出,将三人的退路拦住。 Oh, I said that what your this makes? I said that asked you to walk? Do you and I put the ruthless words on this?” Smiling of Qin Shi loses one's voice. “唉,我说,你们这是做什么?我说叫你们走了吗?你们就在这和我放狠话?”秦石失声的笑了笑。 Yan Haohan pupil like sword: Brat, what do you want to make?” 严浩寒眸如剑:“臭小子,你要做什么?” What makes? I have said that since you came, today cannot get away.” The palm of Qin Shi makes an effort slightly, big hand the space within kilometer jointly will block. “做什么?我说过,你们既然来了,今天就走不了。”秦石的掌心微微用力,大手将千米内的空间联合封锁。 „Do you dare to block me?” The word, Yan Hao heart like mess, mouse rapid has swept on quiet azure: Quiet blue, are you also this meaning? Do you want to cause to create the war between world groups and fog pledges?” “你竟敢拦我?”言罢,严浩心如乱麻,鼠目迅速的在幽青身上扫过:“幽青,难道你也是这意思?你想要引起创世团和雾盟之间的大战吗?” Quiet azure was interrogated, innocent shrugging. 幽青被质问,无辜的耸了耸肩。 Looks the vision that the strict vast four lower reaches leave, Qin Shi said: Do not look, this saying was I said that had nothing to do with the quiet blue elder brother with the fog pledge, they will not participate, this matter was I and you hit, hits to hit you to shout them, since came to make them be a witness.” 看着严浩四下流离的目光,秦石接过话道:“别看了,这话是我的说的,和雾盟与幽青哥无关,他们不会参与进来的,这事本来就是我和你们打,打着打着你非将他们喊过来,那既然来了就让他们做个见证人吧。” What did you say? You said that you and we do hit?” Strict vast some do not dare to believe. “你说什么?你说你自己和我们打?”严浩有些不敢置信。 Yes.” Response that Qin Shi thinks little. “是啊。”秦石不以为意的回应。 This, Yan Hao the complexion is pale: Quiet blue, words that he spoke real?” 这一下,严浩的脸色铁青:“幽青,他说的话是真的吗?” Quiet blue does slightly hesitant, this matter Qin Shi won said fortunately, if Qin Shi lost to Yan Hao, Yan Hao will go back to present his experience surely, was very so disadvantageous to their fog pledge. 幽青稍作犹豫,这事秦石赢了还好说,如果秦石输给严浩的话,那严浩回去定会将他所见所闻呈上,那样对他们雾盟十分不利。 But Qin Shi only then four days of boundaries, can he win? 秦石只有四天之境,他能赢吗? Under the silence, he and Qin Shi looks at each other one, but is this simple looking at each other, completely changed him to determine. 在沉默下,他和秦石对视一眼,但就是这简单的对视,彻底改变了他心里的判定。 From the Qin Shi black pupils, one wipes the limpid and firm vision makes him be startled slightly, he discovered that Qin Shi is very completely at ease, but this completely at ease does not pull rank, instead is an uncommon confidence. 秦石黑眸间,有一抹清澈而坚定的目光令他都微微吃惊,他发现秦石十分的坦然自若,而这份坦然自若绝非是托大,反而是一种不凡的信心。 Yes, I will not begin, today do you have the life to live departure, looks at your skill.” In Qin Shi, quiet blue is smiles bitterly decidedly finally one. “是,我不会动手,今天你有没有命活着离开,就看你自己的本事吧。”在秦石的决然下,幽青终是苦笑一声。 Has been affirmed, in the strict vast happy expression has several points of fierceness. 得到肯定,严浩喜色中带有几分狰狞。 Originally, he does not dare to fight with Qin Shi is fears quiet azure and fog pledge influence, since now quiet azure will not get rid, what scruples he also does have? 本来,他不敢和秦石交手就是怕幽青和雾盟的势力,现在幽青既然不会出手,那他还有什么顾忌? Has killed Qin Shi, he will have 100,000 contribution values. 杀了秦石,他还会有100000贡献值。 That brat, today was your time of death.” His facial features low and deep shouting angrily sound, bends the wainscot at once, the body explodes shoots at Qin Shi. “那臭小子,今天就是你的死期了。”他眉眼低沉的怒喝声,旋即弓起腰板,身躯爆射向秦石 Feels the wild with rage strength, quiet blue fog younger sworn brother child worried: „Doesn't quiet blue elder brother, have the issue like this? If he has had an accident, how the big brother that did confess?” 感受到狂怒的力量,幽青身旁的雾盟弟子不由担忧:“幽青哥,这样没问题吗?如果他出事了,大哥那面怎么交代?” Shakes the head quiet blue, to be honest he does not know. 幽青摇摇头,说实话他也不知道。 Has a look, I always felt that this boy is not simple, let alone he is the person who the big brother has a liking, if this skill does not have continually, that also can only say that was the big brother misreads the human.” “看看吧,我总感觉,这小子不简单,何况他是大哥看上的人,如果连这点本事都没有,那也只能说是大哥看错人了。” Final war triggering. 最终的大战触发。 Also with has a moment ago by the Qin Shi severe wound creation world group disciple who Yan Hao begins together, about them unites from about converging attack, curls up all over the sky remnant shade. 和严浩共同动手的还有刚才被秦石重伤的创世团弟子,两人左右联合的从左右夹击,卷起满天的残影。 Faint smile restraining of Qin Shi, is gradually dignified. 秦石的浅笑收敛,渐渐凝重。 He knows that is one will struggle hard. 他知道接下来将是一番苦战。 ! 咻! In their attacks, him suddenly will transfer Lei Guang between world, an arrow step toward the left shunt, will be intentionally strict the vast attack to give to make way, at once the body enters approaching another of light swallow to create the world group disciple. 就在两人的攻击将至,他突然调转天地间的雷光,一个箭步朝左侧闪开,故意将严浩的攻击给让开,旋即身入轻燕的逼近另一名创世团弟子。 He displays the acme the speed, during the thunder just like the speed of light, revolves in the surroundings of this person rapidly over a hundred, holds wrist of this person: „The under the hands / subordinates defeated general, do not come to bother.” 他将速度发挥到极致,电闪雷鸣间宛如光速,迅速在此人的周围旋转上百圈,一把抓住此人的手腕:“手下败将,就别来搅局了。” The held disciple startled color surges, his shifty eyes stare suddenly in a big way, he discovered that Qin Shi imposing manner and completely was just different, before they fought, he at least can also resist 12, but now only in aura, he unexpectedly on heart fresh scared look. 被抓住的弟子惊色涌动,他的贼眼骤然瞪大,他发现秦石气势和刚刚完全不同,之前两人交手时,他起码还能抵挡12,但现在光是在气息上,他竟然就心生惧色。 Felt this strength solely is not he, Lian Yanhao and quiet blue also slightly does with rapt attention: „Did this boy, hide the strength unexpectedly?” 感觉到这股力量的不单单是他,连严浩和幽青也是稍作凝神:“这小子,竟然还隐藏了实力?” Bye-bye!” “拜拜!” Qin Shi waves the hand to the present disciple, connects on the vault of heaven to gather 3000 thunder clouds, big dragon that a gang of Ben Leiru glen regains consciousness, wild with rage impact. 秦石冲着眼前的弟子摇摇手,接连天穹上汇聚起3000雷云,一股奔雷如幽谷苏醒的巨龙,狂怒冲击。 Bang! 砰! The opportunity that this disciple gets back one's composure continually does not have, a big energy of five days of boundary, such as the water jar thick or thin thunder light was pierced the skull by this. 这弟子连回神的机会都没有,一名五天之境的大能,就被这如水缸粗细的雷光刺穿颅骨。 Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, this hominization was the hard coke, dying crashed. 眨眼间,这人化为焦炭,断气的坠落下去。 Just made war, a disciple already died, the throats of many person rolled, moral nature frightened cannot help but. 刚开战,一名弟子既死,不少人的喉咙滚动一下,心底不由自主的惊悚。 But Qin Shi is very confident, has not killed individual likely, most makes the human unable to understand what was at this time, he also to quiet blue shouted unexpectedly: Quiet blue elder brother, troubles you to help me receive his contribution value, do not line one's purse, otherwise I must get angry.” 秦石却十分坦然,根本不像是杀了个人,最让人理解不了的是这个时候,他竟然还冲着幽青喊道:“幽青哥,麻烦你帮我收一下他的贡献值,你可别中饱私囊啊,否则我要翻脸的。” Hears the Qin Shi laughter, people foolish has gawked staring, ridicules to say quiet blue: Brat, hits relieved, one point will not be short your.” 听闻秦石的笑声,众人痴傻的愣了愣,幽青笑骂道:“臭小子,安心打吧,一分也不会少你的。” Good!” “好嘞!” Qin Shi has pinched the fist, an inexplicable power to the full whole body, the people could not understand where this power came, only had Kong Xianhui to smile in side embarrasedly, she too understood Qin Shi. 秦石捏了捏拳,一股莫名的动力冲盈全身,众人就理解不了他这动力是哪里来的,唯有孔贤慧在旁边讪讪一笑,她太了解秦石了。 Was good, then, nobody disturbed us, one-to-one Shan Tiao.” The Qin Shi temperate pupil changes, on the vault of heaven of previous kilometer curls up the dreadful hurricane. “好了,接下来,没人打扰我们了,一对一单挑吧。”秦石温和的眸子一变,上千米的天穹上卷起滔天飓风。 Strict vast gloomy lowering the head, wipes the meaning of withering to surge: Brat, you want dead, I help you.” 严浩阴沉的低下头,一抹肃杀之意涌动:“臭小子,你想要死,那我就成全你。” Bang! 砰! Suddenly, they are similar to the sharp swords that two reversed directions puncture, from airborne leaves behind electric light flint collision one group, the wild with rage attack grows unceasingly, the strength that every time encounters unceasingly increases. 骤然,两人如同两把反方向刺出的利剑,从空中留下电光火石的碰撞一团,狂怒的攻击不断衍生,每一次交锋的力量都不断增加。 In an instant, they fight hundred moves. 转眼间,两人交手百招。 Yan Hao the city palace is quite deep, very early in the morning sees Qin Shi to be fishy, therefore does not have the slight general idea, with Qin Shi to a fist, his six days of Initial Stage might is erupting completely, the five fingers are similar to the vault of heaven rip open a giant wormhole to be the same, a thousand zhang (3.33 m) lance implements, fierce punctures to the Qin Shi forehead. 严浩的城府颇深,一早就看出秦石有鬼,所以没有丝毫的大意,和秦石正对一拳,他六天初期的威力全部爆发,五指如同在天穹上撕开一个巨大的虫洞一样,一把千丈的长矛贯彻而出,猛的冲秦石眉心刺下。 This struck, concentrates about Yan Hao complete spiritual power, including distant place quiet blue slightly was out of sorts. 这一击,凝合了严浩全部的灵力,连远处的幽青都微微失神。 The vault of heaven is fierce, entire world disintegration. 天穹剧烈,寰宇崩碎。 Qin Shi slightly one startled, six days of boundaries make him feel the pressure, saw that forcing of lance, quiet azure and the others worry for him, but under this terrifying constriction, he suddenly reveals to wipe the strange happy expression. 秦石微微一惊,六天之境还是让他感到压力,眼看着长矛的逼迫,幽青等人不由为他捏了把冷汗,但是就在这种恐怖的压迫感下,他突然间露出抹诡异的笑意。 „To strike to decide the victory and defeat? Good, I accompany you!” “想一击定胜负吗?那好,我陪你!” !! !!
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