PDL :: Volume #7

#691: Battle

The moonlight of rest soil penetrates the cloud layer, such as the poem such as sprinkling of picture in the Chaos Domain foreign country, has put on the First Rank silver-gray gauze clothes for the Chaos Domain foreign country likely. 息壤的月光透过云层,如诗如画的洒在乱域外域,像是为乱域外域披上了一层银灰色的纱衣。 Qin Shi binds tightly the black robe, under foot effort slightly, Lei Guang who spatters in all directions sprays, making him tread spatial and good running out kilometer far. 秦石裹紧黑袍,脚下微微的用力,迸溅的雷光喷射而出,令他踏空而行的冲出上千米远。 Kong Xianhui follows, approximately on at the altitude of 20000 meter s, two talented people stop the body, the under foot is treading the billowing fog, drifts in the icy blast. 孔贤慧紧随其后,大约在20000米的高空上,两人才停下身来,脚下踏着滚滚的云雾,在凛冽寒风中漂泊。 Half sound, three Daoist believers only from out of the blue. 半响,三道流光破空而来。 But approaches in three people, the Qin Shi slender big hand finds out the sleeve robe, the spirit pressure rapid rotation of First Rank difference, from dead ahead show clearing the way golden color barrier. 而就在三人临近,秦石修长的大手探出袖袍,一层异样的灵压迅速转动,从正前方展开道金色屏障。 Bang! 砰! The sudden barrier made three people be caught off guard, a disciple of five days of boundary was shaken by [gold/metal] directly flies, although other two reluctant stopping body, but was still the look in great surprise, eased the pain by [gold/metal]. 突然的屏障令三人措手不及,一名五天之境的弟子直接被金芒震飞,另外两人虽说勉强的停下身,但仍是神色大惊,被金芒镇痛。 Drinks, what person? Dares to prevent me to create the way of world group unexpectedly?” Is the person of head very manic, wipes six days of pressure to destroy Huanglong, the vault of heaven shook the powder on the sparse cloud layer on. “喝,什么人?竟然敢阻挡我创世团的去路?”为首之人十分的狂躁,一抹六天的威压直捣黄龙,将天穹上本来就稀疏的云层震散。 Qin Shi shows a faint smile, the bird's eye view said: Yo, three, excuse me, I and my fiancee am observing the stars to enjoy looking at the moon in this, has not thought that you such late will also pass by.” 秦石微微一笑,俯瞰道:“呦,三位,不好意思啊,我和我未婚妻正在这观星赏月,没想到你们这么晚了还会路过。” Is the person of look head changes: Observes the stars to enjoy looking at the moon? Drinks, the brat, you clearly were intentionally were aiming a moment ago at us, you think that we could not look, were we fools?” 为首之人神色一变:“观星赏月?喝,臭小子,刚才你分明是在故意针对我们,难道你以为我们都看不出来,我们都是傻子吗?” Yes, I such think!” “是啊,我就是这么以为的!” Has not expected, Qin Shi nodded hastily, moreover appearance very earnest, Kong Xianhui cannot bear in side throws to smile to make noise. 未料,秦石连忙点了点头,而且样子十分的认真,孔贤慧在旁边忍不住的扑哧笑出声来。 Is the creation world group disciple complexion of head is ugly immediately. 为首的创世团弟子脸色马上难看下来。 You!” “你!” He then responded that Qin Shi was intentionally is clearly teasing him. 他这才反应过来,秦石分明就是在故意逗他。 He was been angry by Qin Shi, clenches teeth saying: Brat, this place has no free time rubbish with you today, if you do not want dead a bit faster make way, otherwise creates the world group not to let off you!” 他被秦石气坏了,咬牙道:“臭小子,本座今日没空和你废话,如果你不想死的话就快点让开,否则的话创世团不会放过你们!” Creates the world group? Original three are to create the adults of world group?” Qin Shi ships out appearance that exaggerates very much intentionally, flatters saying: That does not know that what person three adults do come to five areas to find? Perhaps can I also add on you?” “创世团?哇,原来三位是创世团的大人们啊?”秦石故意装出很夸张的样子,阿谀奉承道:“那不知道,三位大人来五区找什么人?说不定我还能够帮上你们呢?” You?” “就你?” Is the first disciple reveals for several points to disdain, but by him two disciples go forward saying: Yan Haoge, Brother Jane Zhun said before, that boy several day that we must look for had not gone home . Moreover the surroundings have the person guard of fog pledge, perhaps this boy really can help us find that boy, such words we can also go round the fog pledge, isn't just right?” 为首弟子露出几分不屑,但他旁边的两名弟子上前道:“严浩哥,之前简准师兄说,咱们要找的那小子几日没有回过家了,而且周围还有雾盟的人把守,说不定这小子真能帮到我们找到那小子,那样的话咱们还能绕开雾盟,不是正好?” The named Yan Hao disciple knit the brows, obviously has moved, raises head saying: Boy, you said that you do want to help me are?” 名为严浩的弟子皱了皱眉,显然动心了,仰头道:“小子,你说你要帮我是不是?” Yes, creates the adults of world group to be fierce, how such good relations can I give up?” “是啊,创世团的大人多厉害啊,这么好的关系我怎么能够放弃呢?” Hears the flattery of Qin Shi, Yan Hao cannot help but has smiled: That but actually is also, I asked you, did you know Qin Shi?” 一听见秦石的奉承,严浩不由自主的笑了出来:“那倒也是,那我问你,你知不知道秦石?” Qin Shi? Naturally knows.” Qin Shi is binding the black robe, approaches intentionally toward Yan Hao. 秦石?当然知道啊。”秦石裹着黑袍,故意朝严浩靠近过去。 Strict vast look great happiness: You told me quickly, this Qin Shi where?” 严浩神色大喜:“那你快告诉我,这秦石在什么地方?” This!” Qin Shi stretches out the sound intentionally, at this time he is away from Yan Hao already, be only about ten meters distance, in the black pupils dodges the ruthless offense, sneers saying: Come, I told you, your grandfather in this!” “这个吗!”秦石故意将声音拉长,此时他距离严浩已经只有十米左右的距离,黑眸间一闪狠戾,冷笑道:“来,我告诉你,你爷爷就在这呢!” The word, rushes to the thunder to rise from all directions. 言罢,奔雷四起。 Bang! 轰! Cloud layer rupturing of Qin Shi under foot, one group of thunder clouds do not have in the time that the people responded, ruptured the number rapidly by the lightnings of ten ideas. 秦石脚下的云层爆裂,一团雷云在众人反应的功夫都没有,迅速爆裂开数以十计的闪电。 The electric light flint, Qin Shi must be blessed by God, the opportunity that suddenly Yan Haolian responded did not have, he stretched across ten meters space directly, a straight punch flushed Yan Hao on striking under. 电光火石,秦石如有神助,眨眼间严浩连反应的机会都没有,他直接将十米的空间横跨,一记直拳冲严浩就击下。 This fist is extremely sudden, moreover with trying, the opportunity that Yan Haolian responded did not have, had been hit a slam by Qin Shi directly, the next instant fierce ache penetration chest, Yan Hao felt that his five internal organs were broken probably, the corners of the mouth twitched several, exploded rapidly draws back. 这一拳太过突然,而且用尽了全力,严浩连反应的机会都没有,直接被秦石打了个满贯,下一霎剧烈的疼痛穿透胸膛,严浩感觉他的五脏好像都被震碎了,嘴角抽搐几下,迅速爆退。 Withdraws several hundred meters, he spouts several blood continuously, this gentle many are covering the chest: Brat, are you Qin Shi?” 退后数百米,他连续喷出几口鲜血,这才平缓不少的捂着胸膛:“臭小子,你就是秦石?” Qin Shi shrugs: I said that your grandfather in this.” 秦石耸了耸肩:“我说了,你爷爷就在这呢。” You!” Yan Hao is burning with anger: I thought that you really have not died, dares with creating the world group does right in the Chaos Domain foreign country, under I deliver you to go to see right in front of one yama today.” “你!”严浩怒火中烧:“我看你真是没死过,敢在乱域外域里面跟创世团做对,我今天就送你去下面见阎王。” Brothers, began to me, kill him to have 100,000 contribution values!” “兄弟们,给我动手,杀了他就有100000贡献值!” He greeted to nearby two disciples. 他冲着旁边的两名弟子招呼一下。 Under the huge benefit impact, two create the world group disciples the greed becomes confused the reason, having no scruples to be killed to Qin Shi. 在巨大的利益冲击下,两名创世团弟子被贪欲冲昏理智,毫无顾忌的就杀向秦石 The head confrontation, Qin Shi is slightly dignified. 正面交锋,秦石微微凝重起来。 Before he sneak attacks Yan Hao, depending on him now uncommon cultivation is, even if will be six days of boundaries will not feel better, but if were meeting the tough head-on with toughness, he wanted more vigilant. 之前他是偷袭严浩,凭他现在不凡的修为,就算是六天之境也不会好受,但如果是硬碰硬的话,他还是要警惕一些。 After all, he and six days of boundaries have very big disparity. 毕竟,他和六天之境还有很大的差距。 100,000? He he, that is not good, my life, may more than 100,000 contribution values, therefore feared that is that you have not paid dirt assigns!” The Qin Shi corners of the mouth rise, black robe binding tightly slightly, First Rank purple Lei Guang is shifty, the body takes advantage of opportunity changes into everywhere the remnant shade. “100000?呵呵,那不行,我的命,可不止100000贡献值,所以怕是你们没有发横财的这个命了!”秦石嘴角上扬,黑袍微微的裹紧,一层紫色的雷光翻云覆雨,身躯顺势就化为漫天的残影。 Bang! 砰! Qin Shi does not draw back instead enters, strikes positive dashing, pesters one group with a five days of boundary. 秦石不退反进,一击正面的冲撞,和一名五天之境纠缠一团。 Among the electric light flint, nighttime skies on five area ten Qidao Street were illuminated, Qin Shi knocks out the fist by the extremely quick speed, suddenly they encounter over a hundred moves. 电光火石间,五区十七道街上的夜空都被照亮,秦石凭借极快的速度出拳,眨眼间两人就交锋上百招。 Continuously, creates the world group disciples to clench teeth, he then realized that he has looked down on Qin Shi, Qin Shi spiritual power cultivates, although only then four days of boundaries, but the move can see from each time, he is not the generation of common commonplace, his speed or the attack effort, cannot weigh with four days of boundaries. 此起彼伏,创世团弟子咬了咬牙,他这才意识到他小瞧了秦石,秦石灵力修为虽然只有四天之境,但从他每一次出招就能看出,他绝非是寻常的等闲之辈,无论是他的速度或是攻击力度,根本不能用四天之境来衡量。 During the confrontation, Qin Shi the strength of use spirit, because in his opinion to a generation five days of boundary, he could not have been using all -out effort anxiously fully. 交锋间,秦石并未急着动用精神之力,因为在他看来对代一个五天之境,他还用不到拼劲全力。 Several months ago when hundred clans, he then can alone strike to kill Long Bai, now five days of boundaries could not pose the threat in his eyes, truly those who make him dread is in following Yan Hao. 几个月前在百族时,他便能够独自击杀龙白,现在五天之境在他眼中已经构不成威胁,真正让他忌惮的是在后面的严浩。 He must leave behind enough card in a hand to himself. 他要给自己留下足够的底牌。 Bang! 砰! Strikes the straight punch, another strikes the straight punch, under the revolution of Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, Qin Shi does not have use slight martial arts, by the most common attack, but makes his attack each time sentence like the iron hammer, confrontation during continuously links his air all around to present the ripples, the billowing air wave dopes the overlapping lightning, plunging of howling is creating the world group disciple. 一击直拳,又一击直拳,在星陨霸体决的运转下,秦石没有动用丝毫的武学,就是凭借最普通的攻击,但却让他的每次攻击都判如铁锤,连续不断的交锋间连他周遭的空气都出现涟漪,滚滚的气浪掺杂着交叉的闪电,呼啸的扑向创世团弟子。 This created the world group disciples to give a tongue-lashing the tooth, he also discovered that Qin Shi fleshly body was uncommon, was mounted the body , after by Qin Shi he several resisted, the arm of right-hand man crushed completely, the blood exploded shoots. 这创世团弟子呲了呲牙,他也发现秦石肉身不凡,被秦石黏上身躯以后他几番抵挡,左右手的手骨全部粉碎,鲜血爆射。 „Is the strength of this boy so how strong?” Criticizes with the creation world group disciple moral nature of Qin Shi confrontation, drinks to nearby disciple lowly: Do not look, is about to help me!” “这小子的力量怎么这么强?”和秦石交锋的创世团弟子心底暗骂,冲着旁边的弟子低喝:“别看了,快过来帮我!” The disciple has gawked the god, recovers from the shock, connects his forehead to be slightly dignified, cuts the silver-gray horizon to plunge Qin Shi. 那弟子愣了愣神,才从震惊中回过神来,接连他的眉宇微微凝重,划破银灰色的天际扑向秦石 Facing approaching the form, Qin Shi actually ignores, instead the fist wind more making a determined effort offense, making his match complain of grievances again and again, was good because of being sees the helper to arrive immediately, in Qin Shi such as under Long Huban attack with hardship strong. 面对逼近的身影,秦石却置之不理,反而拳风越发狠戾,令他的对手连连喊苦,好在是看见帮手马上就要抵达,才在秦石如龙虎般的攻击下苦苦坚挺。 Close to Qin Shi, initiates the sneak attack in shortly the creation world group disciple heart the great happiness, cold glow of nihility becomes the platinum sharp sword, is rolling up and pushing along the vortex between world, the thorn to the Qin Shi back of the body. 眼看着临近秦石,发起偷袭的创世团弟子心中大喜,一把虚无的寒芒成白金利剑,卷动着天地间的漩涡,刺向秦石后心。 Boy, you died!” In strict vast three people of hearts same to you. “小子,你死定了!”严浩三人心中同喜。 Bang! 砰! Has not expected at this moment, wipes beautiful figure such as fairy to descend to earth, dragging such as the white skirt of snow to flash under the moonlight, the white hands are kneading together spiritual power between world, strikes his whereabouts blocks. 未料就在这时,一抹倩影如仙女下凡,拖着如雪的白裙在月色下一晃而过,玉手捏合着天地间的灵力,一击将他的去向挡住。 Disturbs others is not good to be familiar with, your match is I!” Kong Xianhui is treading strolling, performance relaxedness of. “打扰别人可不是什么好习惯,你的对手是我!”孔贤慧踏着漫步,表现的十分轻松。 Bang! 轰隆! Around the disciple only feeling of sneak attack pressure suddenly to increase, cursed angrily: Damn, forgot also to have a person.” 偷袭的弟子只感周围压力暴增,怒骂道:“该死,忘了还有个人了。” Attacks is blocked, his withdrawing several steps, the contamination sweeping of look from the Kong Xianhui tender body measures, looks at the Kong Xianhui slick jade surface slightly absent-minded, reveals to wipe the happy expression: Drinks, small girl, long real juicy, this is the war of man, I urged your woman do not mind others'business.” 攻击被阻,他退后数步,污秽的眼神从孔贤慧的娇躯上扫量一番,看着孔贤慧八面玲珑的玉面微微失神,露出抹笑意:“喝,小丫头,长的真水灵啊,这是男人的战争,我劝你一个女人还是不要多管闲事。” Hears this word, on the elegant face of Kong Xianhui raises in the disgruntled, beautiful pupil flashes through the rare murderous intention: Right? He he, I told you, has underestimated the woman, is the biggest mistake that your this whole life made.” 听闻此言,孔贤慧的俏脸上升起不悦,美眸中闪过罕见的杀机:“是吗?呵呵,那我告诉你,低估了女人,将是你这辈子犯的最大错误。” The word, her air wave all around like wind, rapid covers the surrounding area kilometer. 言罢,她周遭的气浪如风,迅速的笼罩方圆千米。 Suddenly, the world is low-spirited. 骤然间,天地黯然。 This strength very ominous strength, made on the scene is the people slightly absent-minded, distant place quiet blue frowned. 这股力量很凶力,令在场是众人微微失神,就连远处的幽青都是皱起眉头。 Good terrifying woman!” “好恐怖的女人!” Why does not know, similarly is four days of boundaries, quiet blue felt unexpectedly on Kong Xianhui, he felt rustlings the terrified sense of crisis. 不知为何,同样是四天之境,幽青竟在孔贤慧身上感觉到一股,就连他都感觉到瑟瑟悚然的危机感。 This woman, is not simple.” “这女人,不简单啊。” Far more than is she is not simple, is they are not simple.” “何止是她不简单,是他们两个都不简单。” Original Qin Shi is above the common sense, has made quiet azure and the others shock, now sees the Kong Xianhui appearance, people moral nature feel even more is helpless. 本来秦石的超乎常理,已经让幽青等人大跌眼镜,现在看见孔贤慧的模样,众人心底越发的感到无奈。 Cracks a joke, although Kong Xianhui suppresses desirably cultivates is, but the background of her eight days of boundaries may, therefore in quite be strong to the control of spiritual power, although is only spiritual power of four days of boundaries, can be displayed not to be inferior to five days of effects by her. 开玩笑,孔贤慧虽然刻意压制修为,但是她八天之境的底子可还在呢,所以在对灵力的操控上极为强劲,尽管只是四天之境的灵力,也能够被她发挥出不亚于五天的效果。 This should be called the foundation to hit good. 这应该就叫做根基打的好吧。 The Kong Xianhui white hands from the sky move, her air/Qi field to the crown kilometer, the creation world group disciple shifty eyes that before also the color narrowed the eyes stares, withdrawing that hastily frightens instantaneously. 孔贤慧玉手在空中撩动,她的气场瞬间冲冠千米,之前还色眯眯的创世团弟子贼眼一瞪,吓的连忙退后。 „Does smelly woman, what you want to make?” “臭娘们,你想要做什么?” Does matter that you want to do.” “做你想做的事啊。” Kong Xianhui embarrasedly smiles charmingly, connects her tender body from the moonlight in a flash, to harass the charming movement under passes through before creating the world group disciple body, like the grinder striking power, the surrounding remnant cloud is crushing, to creating the forehead of world group disciple punctures. 孔贤慧妩媚才讪讪一笑,接连她的娇躯从月色下一晃,以扰乱迷人的动作咻下就穿越到创世团弟子身前,一股如粉碎机般的攻击力,连带着周围的残云都生生击碎,冲着创世团弟子的眉心刺下。 Bang! 砰! The disciple who wants to sneak attack like this is compelled to draw back by Kong Xianhui, not only has not sneak attacked Qin Shi, harms to fall into the danger. 本来欲要偷袭的弟子就这样被孔贤慧生生逼退,非但没有偷袭到秦石,害得自己也陷入危难。 Scratches to realize that the back picture, Qin Shi reveals to wipe gratified smiling, behind completely faith giving Kong Xianhui, dedicated and this disciple encounters at present. 擦觉到背后的景象,秦石露出抹欣慰的笑,将背后完全信赖的交给孔贤慧,专注的和眼前这名弟子交锋。 Goes through many places, is out of sorts to go down in the world with the disciple of Qin Shi confrontation, before he was the spent force, whole body by Qin Shi moves of such as Jiang Hong's attack severe wound, formerly was looks that the partner sneak attacked, he bit jaw very to insist, but the intention of partner is blocked now, his thorough losing defense line. 辗转间,和秦石交锋的弟子失神落魄,早在之前他就是强弩之末,全身上下被秦石招招如江洪的攻击重伤,先前是看着伙伴进行偷袭,他才咬着牙关强挺坚持,但现在伙伴的意图被阻,他彻底的失去防线。 !! !!
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