PDL :: Volume #7

#690: Carves up the enemy

The cold wind has stroked, several wisps of black hair cut off by the sharp knife blade, Qin Shi breathed heavily in gulps several thick air/Qi, knit the brows. 冷风拂过,几缕青丝被利刃斩断,秦石大口大口的喘了几口粗气,皱了皱眉。 He looks at the sharp knife blade of stop, in the heart is doing slightly puzzled, spoke this man to have no reason not to kill him reasonably, but he knows now does not think time, rapid vigilance withdrew several steps. 他望着停顿的利刃,心中稍作不解,按理讲这男子没有理由不杀他啊,但他知道现在不是多想的时候,迅速警觉的退后几步。 What's wrong, defended in my main house gate was so long, now saw me not to think happy? So long as has killed me, you can't go back to report on accomplishments? If I have not remembered incorrectly, your lords should promise you 100,000 contribution values?” “怎么,在我的家门口守了这么久,现在看见我了难道不觉得开心吗?只要杀了我,你们不就能够回去交差了吗?我要是没记错,你们主子应该许诺你们了100000贡献值吧?” The men have gawked staring, has returned to obloquying of taste: Brat, what talked nonsense, I and brothers looked at such long family in this to you, did your boy such repay my?” 男子愣了愣,回过味的大骂:“臭小子,胡说什么呢,我和兄弟们在这给你看了这么久的家,你小子就是这么报答我的啊?” Um?” “嗯?” hears that sound, Qin Shi reveals several points of vacant. 闻声,秦石露出几分茫然。 „Do you look after the house to me? Aren't you Jane Zhun people?” “你们给我看家?你们不是简准的人吗?” Fart, do I think you to look like the Jane accurate person? You thought that depending on the Jane accurate strength, moves me who can direct? Your this brat, really does not understand to be full of gratitude!” Man indignant scolding. “放屁,我看你像简准的人吗?你觉得,凭简准的实力,能够使唤的动我?你这臭小子,真是不懂知恩图报!”男子愤愤不平的呵斥。 Qin Shi has congealed with rapt attention, sweeping of black pupil on the male bamboo hat measures, this man said right, he has seven days of boundaries, moreover from just perfect attacking, his cultivation for should not be weak Yu Jane Zhun, doesn't have the reason to be the lackey to Jane Zhun? 秦石凝了凝神,黑眸在男子斗笠上扫量一番,这男子说的没错,他拥有七天之境,而且从刚刚极致的突击上来看,他的修为应该不弱于简准,没理由给简准做狗腿子啊? „Aren't you really Jane Zhun person?” To understand this, Qin Shi half believing, half doubting question. “你真不是简准的人?”想明白这点,秦石将信将疑的又问句 Nonsense, if I Jane Zhun person, I should cut you a moment ago directly, your where also has the life and I talks in this!” The male look is embarrassed, will cover the facial features the bamboo hat to take off, a green long hair helps mount a load on somebody's shoulder dispersing. “废话,我要是简准的人,刚才我就应该直接斩了你,你哪里还有命在这和我对话!”男子神色难堪,一把将遮挡面容的斗笠摘下,一头青色的长发搭肩散开。 Is this man, not just Fu Jun sends to protect the Qin Shi fog pledge to be quiet? 这男子,不正是付军派来保护秦石的雾盟幽青? Is the fog pledge second in command?” “是雾盟的二当家?” Qin Shi does not know quiet blue, but Kong Xianhui many knows, Chaos Domain three years ago hands down, the fog pledge second in command mysteriously appears and disappears, hides away expert, a azure sends, murder invisible. 秦石不认识幽青,但孔贤慧多少知道一些,早在三年前乱域就相传,雾盟二当家神出鬼没,隐遁高手,一头青发,杀人无形。 Is Fu Jun right-hand. 是付军的左膀右臂。 Qin Shi surprised has sucked tongue: Fog pledge? Are you fog pledge person?” 秦石吃惊的咂了咂舌:“雾盟?你是雾盟的人?” „Do you think?” “你以为呢?” In the quiet blue heart constrains, the life of his originally paid armed forces protects Qin Shi, finally unexpectedly almost by this boy, when the unprincipled person striking to have killed, his day-by-day undeserved? 幽青心中压抑,他本来是受付军之命来保护秦石,结果竟差点被这小子当坏人给击杀了,他一天天的是有多冤枉啊? Has been affirmed, Qin Shi is poverty-stricken, he knows that was he misunderstands. 得到肯定,秦石不由窘迫,他知道是他误会了。 But he immediately righteous curling the lip: That cannot blame me, your greater part of the night sways in my family entrance, who knows what you press is what heart?” 但他马上又理直气壮的撇撇嘴:“那也不能怪我啊,你们大半夜的在我家门口晃来晃去,谁知道你们按的是什么心?” Drinks, did your boy also hold true? If not for my big brother asked me to protect you, you think that I am willing to come this to stay at a selected place?” “喝,你小子还有理了?若不是我大哥叫我来保护你,你以为我愿意来这蹲点啊?” Quiet pale, follows the quiet blue numerous fog younger sworn brother child is also forehead suddenly Han, they now the serious suspicion, Fu Jun is asked them to protect Qin Shi, this clearly was asks them to come to here to endure hardships. 幽青白了一眼,跟随幽青的众多雾盟弟子也是额头暴汗,他们现在严重怀疑,付军是叫他们来保护秦石的吗,这分明是叫他们来这里遭罪的啊。 Quiet azure more said more is mad, contains ones anger saying: Moreover, do we, you think your family also to be able now safe and uneventful standing in that?” 幽青越说越气,含怒道:“而且,要不是我们,你以为你的家现在还能安然无事的立在那吗?” What meaning?” “什么意思?” What meaning?” Quiet blue strange looked at looking toward Kong Xianhui, sees the Kong Xianhui pleasing elegant face absent-minded several points, shakes the head saying: Your this walks, is seven days does not come back, you really have also sufficed, was chased down by the bystander, do a man and a woman have the mood to exit to be on one's honeymoon unexpectedly? These seven days, create world group at least to send six disciples to kill you, even some people want to set on fire in your family, gives to direct you, if not we, your family now already became the grey coal in raging fire.” “什么意思?”幽青怪异的朝孔贤慧瞄了瞄,看见孔贤慧惹人喜爱的俏脸失神几分,摇头道:“你们这一走,就是七天不回来,你们也真是够了,被外人追杀,一男一女竟还有心情出去度蜜月?这七天,创世团至少派来六名弟子杀你,甚至有人想要在你家中放火,将你们两个给引出来,如果不是我们在的话,你的家现在早就成烈火中的灰炭了。” Has this matter?” Qin Shi heart fresh chill in the air, the jet black pupil flashes through several cold and gloomy. “有这种事?”秦石心生寒意,漆黑的眸子闪过几道森冷。 He truly had not considered before, has not thought that creates the world group so to be unexpectedly ruthless, sets on fire in the Chaos Domain five areas blatantly? 他之前确实没有考虑过,也没想到创世团竟然会这么狠,公然在乱域五区里放火? But thinks that creates world group to have Xing Moyuan to cover, probably did not have the matter that they do not dare to do. 但一想,创世团有邢墨鸢罩着,好像还真没有他们不敢做的事。 Quiet blue big brother, before was I have misunderstood, had to offend to hope that much you can not mind.” Understands that the whole story of matter, Qin Shi a little feels sorry at heart, to quiet has laughed foolishly hastily blue several. “幽青大哥,之前是我误会了,多有得罪希望你能别介意啊。”明白事情的原委,秦石心里有点过意不去,连忙冲着幽青傻笑了几声。 You know on the line.” Quiet blue helpless shaking the head. “你知道就行。”幽青无奈的摇摇头。 Qin Shi hey has rubbed nose, he discovered that the quiet blue disposition and Fu Jun look like very much, is one is very frank, person who is very suitable to be the friend. 秦石嘿嘿的揉了揉鼻子,他发现幽青的性格和付军很像,是一个很直爽,很适合做朋友的人。 But at this moment, the Qin Shi look changes, thick eyebrows such as sword wrinkling of suddenly. 但就在这时,秦石的神色一变,浓眉如剑的猛然皱紧。 Periphery the air/Qi field that he changes suddenly made one startled, presented besides quiet azure, did other fog younger sworn brother children from Qin Shi, the meanings of how many minute of fears actually feel? 他突然变化的气场令周围一惊,在场除了幽青以外,其余的雾盟弟子从秦石身上,竟然感觉到几分恐惧之意? The invisible spiritual power fluctuation howls in the wind, in the quiet blue heart also starts several ripples, rapid withdraws one step. 无形的灵力波动在风中呼啸,幽青心中也掀起几番涟漪,迅速的退后一步。 He can feel that in the Qin Shi profound pupils, wipes the rich murderous intention completely obviously without doubt. 他能感觉出来,在秦石深邃的眸子间,一抹浓郁的杀机尽显无疑。 Boy, what do you want to make?” He is vigilant the [say / way]. “小子,你要做什么?”他警惕道。 Qin Shi quiet was awakened blue, the vicious tendencies of bountiful person mind gradually were restrained under the black robe by him, at once he shows a faint smile to the people, the corners of the mouth rise, is somewhat strange: Hey, does not have anything, is only this time, probably some people delivered the contribution value.” 秦石被幽青惊醒,饶人心神的戾气才被他渐渐收敛到黑袍下,旋即他冲着众人微微一笑,嘴角上扬中,有些诡异:“嘿嘿,没什么,只是这一次,好像是真的有人来送贡献值了。” Um?” “嗯?” Knitting the brows of quiet blue surprise, in his foreheads makes the shock at once slightly, the long and narrow pupil eye stares in an area direction. 幽青诧异的皱了皱眉,旋即他的眉宇间稍作震惊,狭长的眸眼朝一区方向凝望。 Takes advantage of opportunity, three forms fall into his field of vision. 顺势,三道身影落入他的视野。 In the chests of three forms, sees one quiet blue limpidly creates the character greatly, not just creates the symbol of world group uniform? 在三道身影的胸膛,幽青看见一个清澈的大大创字,不正是创世团制服的标志? Creates the disciple of world group?” “是创世团的弟子?” He first is suddenly, the gushing out eyeground that being startled color cannot cover up at once, the look strange looks to Qin Shi. 他先是恍然,旋即惊色遮掩不住的涌出眼底,神色怪异的冲秦石望去。 Must know that these three people are away from five area also several thousand meters distances, if before is not Qin Shi said that perhaps he will not detect now, but Qin Shi only then did four days of boundaries, have this and other unexpectedly the excellent insights? 要知道,这三人距离五区还有数万米的距离,如果不是秦石之前道出,恐怕他现在也不会发觉,但秦石只有四天之境,竟拥有这等过人的洞察力? Quiet Qing's cognition to the Qin Shi rises several points. 不由间,幽青对秦石的认知又上升几分。 Drinks, is really an interesting fellow.” “喝,真是个有趣的家伙。” Qin Shi does not know that quiet thinks blue, is three incantation Demonic Talisman Master he, a surrounding area 360,000 meters slightest sign of trouble, is impossible to escape from his field of vision, let alone disclosed that in these three people very obvious ominous strength, the goal is such locking. 秦石并不知幽青所想,身为三咒符魔师的他,方圆360000米的风吹草动,都不可能逃出他的视野,何况在这三人身上透露出十分明显的凶力,目标是那样的锁定。 His sweeping quantity, these three create the world group disciple simply, what is the head is six days of Initial Stage, following two are five days of peak. 他简单的扫量一番,这三名创世团弟子,为首的是名六天初期,后面两名是五天巅峰 This strength, if placed the past, in the Qin Shi heart will reveal the shock surely, since his psychic force strove, six days of Initial Stage has dreaded insufficiently, let alone the side also had quiet azure of seven days of boundary, with numerous fog younger sworn brother child. 这种实力,若是放在以往,秦石心中定会露出震惊,但是自从他的精神力精进,六天初期已经不足以畏惧,何况身边还有个七天之境的幽青,和众多的雾盟弟子。 He he, this thinks that this Jane Zhun grew the memory finally, but now looks like that a matter?” His cold and gloomy smiling , the surrounding temperature is dropping. “呵呵,本以为,这简准终于长记性了,但是现在看来还是那么回事吗?”他森冷的笑了笑,连带着周围的温度都跟着下降。 Sees the change of Qin Shi, quiet azure said: What to do do you prepare?” 看出秦石的变化,幽青笑说:“你准备怎么办?” What to do?” Qin Shi has pinched the fist, narrows the black pupil: Since some people must disperse wealth, if I in do not accept, and a little wasn't ignorant of current affairs? Naturally accepted.” “怎么办?”秦石捏了捏拳,将黑眸眯起:“既然有人要散财,那我要是在不收下,且不是有点不识时务了?当然是收下了。” He he, this saying, if were heard by Jane Zhun, must be irritated while still alive may not.” Has gawked quiet blue staring, laughs, at once said: That was inferior that we do compare? The person who who kills, contribution value turns over to who how? I have compelled here painstakingly for 78 days, making me also earn an extra income.” “呵呵,这话要是被简准听见,非要被活活气死不可。”幽青愣了愣,哈哈大笑,旋即道:“那不如,我们来比一比?谁杀的人,贡献值就归谁如何?我在这里苦逼了78天,让我也赚点外快吧。” Qin Shi curls the lip: You did not say that you did receive six to create the disciples of world group? This contribution value you also snatch with me, are you fog pledge second in command?” 秦石撇撇嘴:“你不是说,你已经收了六名创世团的弟子吗?这点贡献值你还和我抢,你是不是雾盟的二当家啊?” By a Qin Shi such saying, quiet blue was stared staring. 秦石这么一说,幽青瞪了瞪眼。 Drinks, the brat, I have not done accounts with you, do you unexpectedly also dare to bargain back and forth with me now?” “喝,臭小子,我还没和你算账,你现在竟然还敢和我讨价还价?” That is different, my this person of skinning a flea for its hide, you want my life line, the contribution value is actually not good.” Qin Shi hey shrugging. “那不一样,我这人爱财如命,你要我的命行,贡献值却是万万不行的。”秦石嘿嘿的耸了耸肩。 You!” The quiet blue corners of the mouth twitch, finally he pours is also free and easy: Ok, that these three people give you, I do not get rid in behind, if you eat up versatilely, all gave you.” “你!”幽青嘴角抽搐,最终他倒也是洒脱:“行啊,那这三人交给你,我在后面不出手,你要是全能吃下,就全都给你了。” Means what he says?” “说话算数?” The pupil heart of Qin Shi dodges the fine glow. 秦石的眸心一闪精芒。 But this movement, made the quiet blue accident, quiet blue wants to have a difficult problem to Qin Shi, making Qin Shi give way before difficulties, has not thought that this brat did take seriously unexpectedly? 但他这动作,却令幽青意外,幽青本来就是想给秦石出个难题,让秦石知难而退而已,没想到这臭小子竟然当真了? But said the water that the words that such as sprinkle, quiet blue attaches great importance to face-saving, clenches teeth to comply saying: Naturally, so long as you do not fear death.” 但说出去的话如泼出去的水,幽青十分要面子,咬牙答应道:“当然,只要你不怕死的话。” Hey, then on line, depending on these three fellows, in addition not the qualifications that wants me to assign.” Smiling of Qin Shi self-confidence, he leaps to Kong Xianhui side at once: „Does girl, prepare to begin?” “嘿嘿,那就行,凭这三个家伙,尚且没有要我命的资格。”秦石自信的笑了笑,旋即他跃到孔贤慧身边:“丫头,准备开工吧?” Kong Xianhui understands Qin Shi, smiles embarrasedly. 孔贤慧了解秦石,讪讪一笑。 Good.” Her white hands raise, aim in three people most to depend on following one: That five days of boundary, turns over to me.” “好。”她玉手一扬,指向三人中最靠后面的一个:“那个五天之境,归我。” Qin Shi realizes, curled the lip: You are really good, said that you are also eight days of boundaries, you coped with me to endure, has selected unexpectedly also weakly?” 秦石察觉一番,撇了撇嘴:“你真行,怎么说你也是八天之境,你对付一个我就忍了,竟然还挑了个最弱的?” You did not say that is the man, doesn't need woman many? Or three give you to be also good.” Kong Xianhui mischievous has flung Mawei. “你不是说,身为男人,不需要女人多手吗?要不三个都给你也行。”孔贤慧调皮的甩了甩马尾。 The Qin Shi look constrains slightly, shook the head hastily. 秦石神色微微压抑,连忙摇了摇头。 No, you cope with that five days of boundary.” “别,你还是对付那个五天之境吧。” Although, these three human and being insufficient makes Qin Shi feel the crisis, but simultaneously copes with three, he feels to be incapable, after all has six days of boundary, in Heaven Realm each First Rank disparity is very big. 虽说,这三人并不足以让秦石感到危机,但是同时对付三名,他还是感觉到无力,毕竟有个六天之境,天境中每一层的差距都很大。 That he helps one another without Evil Spirit has not fought with six days of boundaries, but calculated according to his theory, therefore careful, is always good. 他在没有邪魔相助的情况下还没和六天之境交过手,只不过是按照他自己的理论来推算,所以小心一点,总是好的。 Looks at the Qin Shi poverty-stricken appearance, Kong Xianhui cannot bear purse the lips to laugh in spite of trying not. 看着秦石窘迫的模样,孔贤慧忍不住抿嘴失笑。 She thought that can make Qin Shi admit defeat, is one is not very easy very happy matter, regarding the hobby of this rare and beautiful flowers, Qin Shi also can only express dumbfounded. 她觉得,能够让秦石吃瘪,是一件很不容易很幸福的事情,对于她这个奇葩的嗜好,秦石也只能表示无语 The disciple of quiet blue and numerous fog pledge stared staring in behind, was shocked by their movements. 幽青和众多雾盟的弟子在后面瞪了瞪眼,不由被两人的动作所震惊。 Their four days of boundaries, the people do not think clearly, is actually what lets their such self-confidence? 两人都只有四天之境,众人就是想不明白,究竟是什么让两人这么自信 Quiet blue elder brother, don't they have the issue really? Two four days of boundaries, cope two five days and six days, is this unlikely?” “幽青哥,他们俩真的没问题?两个四天之境,对付两名五天、一名六天,这不太可能吧?” Shakes the head quiet blue, he is not clear: First has a look, do not forget the beforehand this boy, a person struck to kill three five days of boundaries, I thought that he was not the person who can show off power, since he chose to do, should some assurances.” 幽青摇摇头,他心里也不清楚:“先看看吧,别忘了之前这小子,一个人击杀了三名五天之境,我觉得他不是个会逞强的人,既然他选择要做了,应该有些把握。” Here, his hesitant evil ways: One will be called brothers eyes sharp, if he has any matter, must save him, if he has an accident, the big brother definitely will be angry.” 说到这,他犹豫下道:“一会叫兄弟们眼睛尖一点,如果他真的有什么事,一定要救下他,他要是出什么事,大哥肯定会生气。” Yes!” Numerous disciples comply with one. “是!”众多弟子答应一声。 Looks brothers who is completing to attack at any time, quiet azure the putting down heart slightly, ties the back bamboo hat, hidden goes to his green sending silk, makes his whole person, if vanishes in the nighttime sky is the same. 望着随时做好出击的弟兄们,幽青才微微的放下心,将背后的斗笠系上,将他青色的发丝隐去,令他整个人如消失在夜空中一样。 His long and narrow look stares at Qin Shi. 他狭长的眼神凝视秦石 Boy, making me look, actually you have any skill.” “小子,让我瞧一瞧,你究竟有什么本事吧。” !! !!
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