PDL :: Volume #7

#697: Ye Ling

The Qin Shi flying high steps, quick stretches across an area, arrives at the fog pledge the headquarters. 秦石凌空踏步,很快就横跨一区,来到雾盟的总部。 After the beforehand matter, fog pledge most disciples knew him, even if did not know that he also knows, a youth of black robe is Fu Jun the friend, therefore treats Qin Shi to be polite. 经过之前的事,雾盟大多数弟子都已经认识他,就算不认识他也知道,一席黑袍的少年是付军的朋友,所以对待秦石非常客气。 Stops in front of fog pledge, Qin Shi enters the fog pledge under the influence of two guards, bypasses the dwelling after inside arrives at a splendid palace. 在雾盟的门前停下,秦石在两名护卫的引领下进入雾盟,从里面绕过宅院后来到一处富丽堂皇的宫殿。 This palace has First Rank, First Rank very broad, the banquet must start immediately, Fu Jun and quiet blue, congealing rain, Kong Xianhui, as well as fog pledge high level completely in this. 这宫殿只有一层,一层非常的宽阔,宴会马上就要开始,付军和幽青,凝雨,孔贤慧,以及雾盟的高层全部在此。 The people saw Qin Shi to smile happily. 众人看见秦石开心的笑了起来。 Boy, hasn't this time gained little?” Quiet blue grinning holding in the arms Qin Shi. “小子,这次没少赚吧?”幽青笑嘻嘻的搂住秦石 Qin Shi shrugs, is default. 秦石耸了耸肩,算是默认。 He is quiet arrives to pay side the armed forces blue. 他跟着幽青来到付军身旁。 Was good, is the family members, since the human were uneven, then everyone / influential family started, we were not drunk do not turn over to!” Fu Junpai has patted the shoulder of Qin Shi, the holding up wine class of atmosphere. “行了,都是自己家人,既然人齐了的话,那么大家就开始吧,我们不醉不归!”付军拍了拍秦石的肩膀,大气的举起酒杯。 „It is not drunk does not turn over to!” “不醉不归!” Qin Shi then distributes, the fog pledge is not only Fu Jun and quiet blue straightforward, is under these disciples is completely straightforward, one glass of aging strong liquor toss down, is unambiguous, is not artificial. 秦石这才发下,雾盟不光是付军和幽青豪爽,是下面的这些弟子全部非常豪爽,一杯陈年烈酒一饮而尽,一点都不含糊,不矫情。 Moreover these disciples know that Qin Shi and Jan's accurate matter, claps the hands and shouts praise, in the big meeting, they fools around together with Qin Shi one group, everyone / influential family also understands. 而且这些弟子知道秦石和简准的事,一个一个拍手叫好,没过多大一会,他们就和秦石厮混一团,大家也都了解起来。 Fu Junchong Qin Shi said with a smile: Brother Qin, presents these is our fog pledge present main force, do not look down on their any person, in them everyone was the capable person who the hand grasped thousand soldiers, even if were the king in common small empire, not necessarily had they such big right.” 付军冲秦石笑道:“秦老弟,在场这些全是我们雾盟现在的主力,你可别小瞧他们任何一人,他们中每个人都是手握千兵的能人,就算是寻常小帝国的帝王,也未必有他们这么大的权利。” Qin Shi is startled slightly, has 78 people in the field energy, everyone hand grasps the words of thousand soldiers, that fog pledge actually how many disciples? 秦石微微吃惊,在场能有78个人,每一个人都手握千兵的话,那雾盟究竟有多少弟子啊? 7,000-8,000? 七八千? This digit, truly the foot made many empires candidly admit defeat, at least Scarlet Flame Empire is unable in comparison, in the Chaos Domain foreign country, cultivation of any disciple to not to be lower than three days of boundaries after all. 这数字,确实足矣令许多帝国甘拜下风了,至少赤炎帝国无法与其相比,毕竟在乱域外域之中,任何一个弟子的修为都不会低于三天之境。 I give you to introduce.” Fu Junxian is aims quiet blue: Quiet blue, you have seen, I was needless saying that the second in command of our fog pledge, I most self-satisfied right-hand, he was the team leader of our fog pledge dark group, the dark group completely was some disciple who was good at hiding and assassinating.” “我给你介绍一下。”付军先是指向幽青:“幽青,你们见过,我就不用说了,我们雾盟的二把手,我最得意的左膀右臂,他是我们雾盟暗组的组长,暗组全部是些擅长隐藏和暗杀的弟子。” Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, no wonder before , he is unable to see through quiet azure, originally is he team leaders of dark group? 秦石恍然大悟,难怪之前他无法看穿幽青,原来他是暗组的组长啊? This is Shen Fengchun, is our fog pledge Long Zu main item, his under the hands / subordinates disciple is good at attacking, everyone above six days.” “这位是沈逢春,是我们雾盟龙组的龙头,他手下的弟子擅长攻击,每一个人都在六天之上。” Hello!” Shen Fengchun is that type, can look at person, he does not have any hideaway, the disposition of military person: My this person of any hobby, has not been likes fighting, by Later Qin brother , if meeting Jane Zhun, that must shout me, I guaranteed he who hits did not know his mother!” “你好!”沈逢春是那种,一眼就能看到底的人,他没有任何的隐藏,武夫的性格:“我这人没啥爱好,就是喜欢打架,以后秦老弟要是在碰见简准,那一定要喊我啊,我保证打的他连他妈都不认识!” Spoke, Shen Fengchun deliberately considers that hastily awkward shaking the head: Hey, probably is not right, this saying said is coming? Is doesn't he who I hit know him his mother? Right, probably is this.” 说完话,沈逢春寻思寻思,连忙尴尬的摇摇头:“嘿嘿,好像不对,这话是怎么说的来着?是我打的他连他妈都不认识他?对,好像是这样。” He spoke, the people yacket. 他说完话,众人哄堂大笑。 Has kicked his foot quiet blue ill-humoredly: Does not have the culture, in this attire cultural worker, what day-by-day you besides fighting you also knows?” 幽青没好气的踢了他一脚:“没文化,就别在这装文化人,一天天你除了打架你还知道什么?” Fought? I practice to fight.” Shen Fengchun is not convinced has wielded shaking the fist: What's wrong? Refuses to accept? Refuses to accept to fight one!” “打架怎么了?我修炼就是为了打架。”沈逢春不服气的挥了挥拳:“怎么?不服啊?不服打一架!” Quiet blue withdraws hastily, Qin Shi laughs in spite of trying not. 幽青连忙退后,秦石不由失笑。 Has the opportunity, I accompany big brother Shen to hit!” Qin Shi is not artificial. “有机会,我陪沈大哥打!”秦石也不矫情。 One hear fights, Shen Fengchun was excited: That this matter settled, do not want to shirk.” 一听打架,沈逢春就激动了:“那这事说定了啊,别想推脱。” Relax, I mean what he says.” Qin Shi has patted striking one's chest. “放心,我说话算话。”秦石拍了拍胸脯。 Fu Jun continues saying: This is Dunhuang, he is Long Guizu the Boss, the under the hands / subordinates disciples is good at defending, before and created the world group fought, is he defends the headquarters, made the fog pledge be insufficient to be sneak attacked.” 付军又继续道:“这位是敦煌,他是龙龟组的老大,手下的弟子多是擅长防御,之前和创世团交手的时候,都是他来防守总部,才让雾盟不至于被偷袭。” Hello.” Dunhuang polite smiling. “你好。”敦煌客气的笑了笑。 But has not waited for him to speak, Shen Fengchun in side ill-humored snort: Smelly tortoise, light know that the defense is useful.” 但没等他说完话,沈逢春在旁边没好气的哼了哼:“一个臭王八,光知道防御有什么用。” Shen Fengchun did, whom you say?” The Dunhuang temperament is also straight. “沈逢春,你说谁呢?”敦煌脾气也直。 Said you, said you, how, refuses to accept to fight one!” “说你呢,就说你呢,怎么的啊,不服来打一架!” Hits hits, who feared who?” They speak pull open a weaponry. “打就打,谁怕谁啊?”两人说着话就拉开阵仗。 Quiet azure opens the mouth in side hastily: Drinks, I said that your two, day in day out doesn't hit tired? Finally cannot decide a victory and defeat.” 幽青在旁边连忙开口:“喝,我说你们两位,一天到晚打不累吗?最后也分不出个胜负。” But they pay no attention to quiet azure radically, exited to fight unexpectedly, Qin Shi somewhat was at heart awkward, said hastily: Fu Junge doesn't, use the control they?” 但两人根本不理幽青,竟然真出去打架了,秦石心里有些尴尬,连忙道:“付军哥,不用管管他们吗?” Shaking the head that Fu Jun smiles bitterly, said to Qin Shi: All right, their this, a day , if not hit several times, no one will give up, when they hit were tired good, actually they were in this, relational best friend.” 付军苦笑的摇摇头,冲秦石道:“没事,他们俩就这样,一天要是不打几次,谁也不会善罢甘休,等他们打累了就好了,其实他俩是这里面,关系最好的朋友。” What?” “啥?” The Qin Shi eyelid jumped jumping, thought that you determined this they are the friends? 秦石眼皮跳了跳,心想你确定这俩人是朋友吗? But is careful thinks that probably is really this, only then can the most sincere friend like this? How to deliberately create trouble, will not affect the feelings, if not the friend, perhaps really got angry a moment ago. 但仔细一想,好像真是这样,也就只有最真挚的朋友才能够这样吧?无论怎样胡闹,都不会影响感情,如果不是朋友的话,刚才说不定就真的翻脸了。 Then, Fu Jun clashes Qin Shi to introduce several people. 接下来,付军又冲秦石介绍几人。 Separately is the hawk bird group team leader who excels at the speed: Wang Kun, with management fog pledge Yao Yi of account as well as collection, as well as last, the young beautiful woman who excels at the rear service: Ye Ling. 分别是擅长速度的鹰鸟组组长:王坤,和管理雾盟账目以及采集的姚毅,以及最后一名,擅长后勤的小美女:叶玲。 Hello, I am Ye Ling.” “你好,我是叶玲。” Ye Lingchang is very attractive, is that petite Loli, the delightful smiling face made Qin Shi be out of sorts slightly. 叶玲长的很漂亮,是那种娇小的萝莉,甜美的笑容令秦石微微失神。 Hello!” “你好!” Qin Shi puts out a hand, but he too did not understand that he sizes up carefully, this Ye Ling has three days of boundaries, must know that this is in the foreign country the strength of most floor, can enter the fog pledge like this strength? Moreover high-level? 秦石伸出手去,但是他不太理解,他仔细打量一番,这叶玲只有三天之境,要知道这是外域中最为底层的实力,像这种实力怎么能够进入雾盟?而且还是高层的一员? Boy, you do not look down on Ye Ling, met you to know location of her fierce.” Sees vacant of Qin Shi quiet blue, snort. “小子,你可别小瞧叶玲,一会你就知道她的厉害之处了。”幽青看出秦石的茫然,哼了哼。 Qin Shi puzzled knitting the brows. 秦石不解的皱了皱眉。 Shen Fengchun and Dunhuang they also hit enough, the final result contradictory, a crazy attack, not a warm not hot defense, no one could win anyone. 沈逢春和敦煌两人也打够了,最后的结果还是矛盾不已,一个疯狂的攻击,一个不温不热的防御,谁也赢不了谁。 Your dead tortoise!” “你个死王八!” What am I tortoise that am your? Careless people! Isao!” “我是王八那是你什么?粗人!勇夫!” They scolded in the clamor return palace. 两人骂咧咧的回到殿内。 The people visit them, suddenly laughs loudly, pays the armed forces to be orthochromatic: Was good, since everyone / influential family knew, that then starts, how making us taste Ye Ling the recent craftsmanship.” 众人看着他们俩,一时间捧腹大笑,付军正色不少:“好了,既然大家都认识了,那接下来就开始吧,让我们尝尝叶玲最近的手艺如何。” Spoke, he moves the chopsticks. 说完话,他率先动筷。 Qin Shi has congealed in side with rapt attention: Ye Lingxin craftsmanship?” 秦石在旁边凝了凝神:“叶玲新的手艺?” Is hugging Qin Shi quiet blue, aims at the table color fragrance complete dish: Doesn't understand? I told you, these stem from Ye Ling's hand completely, met you to taste, insurance good food, moreover these good food, to cultivation to have very formidable function.” 幽青搂着秦石,指向桌子上色香味俱全的菜品:“不懂了吗?我告诉你,这些全部是出自叶玲之手,一会你尝一尝,个保个的美食,而且这些美食,对修为还有很强大的作用。” Hears these, Qin Shi has gawked the god. 听闻这些,秦石愣了愣神。 Since he steps into practices a way, he did not have to food **, after all was not the body of mortal, warded off the valley hundred days regarding him, was simply easy as pie, eats meal is also only the form, or said that made him also record him is being individual. 自从他踏入修炼一途,他对食物就没了**,毕竟不是凡人之躯,对于他来说辟谷百日,简直易如反掌,吃饭也只是形式,或是说让他还记着他还是个人。 But eats meal to increase cultivates is? This matter he is the first time heard that for this reason the curious taking up chopsticks, selected have been clamping one to his recent dish, tasted carefully. 但吃饭能增加修为?这种事他还是头一次听说,为此好奇的拿起筷子,挑着离他最近的一道菜夹了一口,细细品尝。 This was steams the meat, flesh lump just the entrance, Qin Shi instantaneously stared in a big way the eye, this flesh lump melted unexpectedly, a weak fragrant temperature rhyme oral cavity. 这是块蒸肉,肉块刚入口,秦石瞬间就瞪大了眼睛,这肉块竟自己就融化,一股酥软的香气温韵口腔。 Quite fragrant!” “好香!” Swallowed a spit maliciously, Qin Shi has dared to strike one's chest the affirmation, this was this whole life has eaten the most delicious thing. 狠狠的咽了口吐沫,秦石敢拍着胸脯肯定,这是他这辈子吃过最好吃的东西。 What is most important, this steams the meat to slide into the abdomen, has several points of most primitive pure strength unexpectedly. 最重要的是,这蒸肉滑入腹中,其中竟带有几分最为原始的纯粹力量。 This, is this? Desolate Beast meat?” The Qin Shi look is startled. “这,这是?荒兽的肉?”秦石神色一惊。 Sees the performance of Qin Shi, smiling of quiet blue satisfied: Hey, felt? Right, Ye Ling cook, then did not have the words to say in the foreign country absolutely, even if were the entire eight territories does not flaunt lets, stemmed from the delicacy of his hand, all made one to forget to return.” 看见秦石的表现,幽青满意的笑了笑:“嘿嘿,感觉到了吗?没错,叶玲的厨艺,那在外域绝对没话说,就算是整个八域也不逞多让,出自他手的美味,全都叫人流连忘返。” Nod that Qin Shi acclaimed, Ye Ling the cook was truly praiseworthy, especially cooking Desolate Beast this point, must know on Desolate Spirit Continent, few people can achieve. 秦石赞叹的点点头,叶玲的厨艺确实叫人钦佩,特别是烹饪荒兽这一点,要知道在荒灵大陆上,很少有人能够做到。 The Desolate Beast meat is different from common wild animal, in their pulp has filled spiritual power, moreover fleshly body very hard, some chefs are unable to cut again it, even if divides the flesh lump it, meal also meeting being hard that makes deglutition, is unable to chew. 荒兽的肉不同于寻常野兽,他们的肉质中都充满了灵力,而且肉身非常的坚硬,一些厨师根本无法对其进行改刀,就算是将其分割成肉块,做出来的饭菜也会难以下咽,无法咀嚼。 But these issues in Ye Ling the hand, as if are not the issues. 但这些问题在叶玲手上,仿佛都不是问题。 No wonder, three days of boundaries can become the fog pledge high levels.” “难怪,三天之境就能够成为雾盟的高层。” Solely so, he is not in our fog pledge indispensable one, even if no these two rare and beautiful flowers, can not have my Sister Ye Ling.” Quiet azure said the sentence, raises hand to aim at Shen Fengchun and Dunhuang. “不单单如此,他可是我们雾盟中不可或缺的一员,就算是没有这两个奇葩,也能没有我叶玲妹妹啊。”幽青说句,举手就指向沈逢春和敦煌。 But this they got angry immediately: Quiet blue, whose did you say rare and beautiful flowers?” 但这俩人马上就怒了:“幽青,你说谁奇葩呢?” Is, refuses to accept? Refuses to accept to fight one!” “就是,不服啊?不服打一架!” They foam with rage immediately, such with must rip quiet was blue same, sees that after of quiet blue hastily laughing foolishly moves out of the way one step, hides pays the armed forces. 俩人马上吹胡子瞪眼,那样子跟要撕了幽青一样,幽青见状连忙憨笑的朝后挪开一步,躲到付军的身后。 Everybody make noise immediately. 大伙马上又喧闹起来。 „Is dead fatty, what you making?” But in this hitting also did not say Yao Yi, has not opened the mouth throughout has gotten immediately angry, angry obloquies one. “死胖子,你在做什么?”但就在这面打的不亦说乎,始终没有开口的姚毅顿时就怒了,愤怒的大骂一声。 This roar, has alarmed all people all of a sudden, in the room is immediately peaceful, the people move along with Yao Yi's vision. 这一吼,一下子惊动了所有人,房间中马上就安静下来,众人随着姚毅的目光挪动。 Sees only, a moment ago under the people created a disturbance, congealing rain fatty unexpectedly selfish eating, moreover his table manners simply were horrible to look , the big hand of fat grasped fast on the table, full delicacies this must see the bottom suddenly. 只见,刚才在众人打闹下,凝雨这胖子竟然自顾自的吃上了,而且他的吃相简直是惨不忍睹,肉呼呼的大手在桌子上快速抓去,本来满满的佳肴这眨眼间就要见底了。 Hum, delicious, delicious!” “呜呜呜,好吃,好吃!” This dreadful fatty, pays no attention to the vision of people radically. 这猥琐的胖子,根本不理众人的目光。 This, the people are not calm, Dunhuang and Shen Fengchun does not count the past animosity, collaborated to join to the good food snatches to take crazily. 这一下,众人在也不淡定了,敦煌和沈逢春也不计前嫌,联起手来加入对美食的疯狂抢取中。 The people who looks at the delighted enemy, Qin Shi make an effort ka the eye in behind, corners of the mouth revealing wipe to be satisfied to smile: He he, is really an interesting place.” 看着欢喜冤家的众人,秦石在后面使劲咔吧咔吧眼睛,嘴角不由的露出抹惬笑:“呵呵,真是个有趣的地方。” He discovered that each people here are that sincere, moreover is such harmony happiness, he starts to believe that then in the day of fog pledge, will be certainly interesting. 他发现,在这里的每个人都是那么真挚,而且是那么的其乐融融,不由他开始相信,接下来在雾盟的日子里,一定会非常有趣。 !! !!
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