PDL :: Volume #6

#585: Long Clan

Cannot exit in any case, Qin Shi can also see through but actually, sits in Sea of Consciousness same place, starts to study this Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl. He to wanting to take a look, this Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl actually great, can make him exchange with the life unexpectedly. 反正出不去,秦石倒也看得开,原地坐在识海中,开始研究起这个舍利衣钵。他到想要瞧瞧,这舍利衣钵究竟有多了不起,竟然能让他拿性命来交换。 According to Sanskrit that he holds the breath the five senses, enters absorbed condition alone. 按照梵文所说,他将五官屏息,进入独自的忘我状态。 On the flash, with the coordination of Profound Heaven Ancient Formation, innumerable [gold/metal] emerges toward him, his god read the sensation rapidly to expand, as if combined to be the same with able to move unhindered 90,000 meters Sea of Consciousness. 就一瞬间,在玄天古阵的配合下,无数的金芒朝他涌入,他的神念感知迅速扩张,仿佛和纵横90000米的识海合二为一一样。 Quite mysterious.” “好神奇。” At heart surprised, Qin Shi came the interest. 心里不免惊讶,秦石来了兴致。 His person, does not have the resistivity to new thing, this got to know the benefits of all of a sudden, after will rush to the matter that the thunder forces to throw into the brain directly, is wholly absorbed. 他这人,对新事物没有抵抗力,这一下子尝到了甜头,直接将奔雷逼迫的事抛到脑后,专心致志下来。 Buddhist relics are the bone, the diamond do not go bad.” “舍利为骨,金刚不坏。” Grants the cassock and almsbowl, ray Jinta.” “赐予衣钵,光芒金塔。” Four methods, Qin Shi gently huh, starts to control the psychic force, in way revolution according to method, in the god read several big life gate casting cassock and almsbowls. 四句法门,秦石轻轻的哼哧,开始操控精神力,按照法门上的方式运转,在神念中的几大命门铸造衣钵。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, the Qin Shi god read blossoms in radiant splendor, different [gold/metal] was different from common [gold/metal], actually has several points of substantialize meaning, read the surroundings that to start the human pyramid from the Qin Shi god, finally passed through however forms hundred zhang (333m) high golden color tall Ta. 骤然,秦石的神念大放异彩,迥异的金芒不同于寻常金芒,竟然有着几分实质化的意思,从秦石神念的周围开始叠罗汉,最终经然形成个百丈高的金色高塔。 This high tower is very broad, each First Rank plates Phnom Penh, in Phnom Penh is mounting the radiant golden buddhist relics, most under First Rank is also widest First Rank, has mounted 9981 fully, Second Rank is 8864, Third Rank 7749, Fourth Rank 6636, and so on, until most top layer, ninth. 这高塔十分恢弘,每一层都镀有金边,金边上镶嵌着璀璨的金色舍利子,最底下一层也是最宽的一层,整整镶嵌了9981枚,第二层则是8864枚,第三层7749,第四层6636,以此类推,直到最顶层,第九层。 In the ninth place above, is one has the eye-catching Buddhist relics of dragon first size, this Buddhist relics unusual twinkle, Qin Shi supinely begins, by ray stabbing pain eye pupil. 在第九层的上方,是一颗有龙首大小的夺目舍利,这舍利异常的闪烁,就连秦石仰起头,都不禁被光芒刺痛眼眸。 Good beautiful Jinta.” Jinta reappears, this Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl was also practices, what Qin Shi is now curious: Does not know that this Jinta is useful?” “好漂亮的金塔。”金塔浮现,这舍利衣钵也就算是修炼成了,不过现在秦石好奇的是:“就是不知道,这金塔有什么用?” Bang! 轰隆! At this time, is thinking in him, in Sea of Consciousness suddenly wild with rage shivered, a startled day strength passed through from the place above, has intense Ben Lei. 这时,正在他思索中,识海中突然间狂怒的颤抖起来,一股惊天的力量从上方贯穿,带有强烈的奔雷。 The Qin Shi pupil is startled: Damn, forgot Lei Jie the matter, thunder disaster this fell?” 秦石瞳仁一怔:“该死,忘了雷劫的事,雷劫这就落下来了?” When he has gotten back one's composure, already without enough time. 等他回过神,已经来不及了。 Diameter ten meters long Ben Lei, such as self-torture several thousand years of hui, has been through repeatedly the flood dragon finally, ceratop, on the dragon, obtains enlightenment a liter immortal, fierce casts off Dragon's Tail from the thunder clouds, straight fires into the cold deep pool waterfall. 直径十米多长的奔雷,如一条苦修数千年的虺,终于历经蛟龙,角龙,应龙,得道升仙,狰狞的从雷云中甩开龙尾,笔直的冲向寒潭瀑布。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The grand waterfall, under Thunder Dragon's impact, disintegrated all of a sudden, the hard rock also changes into the dust. 本来壮阔的瀑布,在雷龙的冲击下,一下子就土崩瓦解,坚硬的岩石也是化为尘埃。 Thousand zhang (3.33 m) fairyland, degenerates into the ruins in an instant. 千丈的仙境,转眼沦为废墟。 What's the matter?” From the waterfall outward, hundreds of thousands of meters place had 78 crowds just to pass by, by this fierce shake attraction, raised head to look all of a sudden in the waterfall direction. “怎么回事?”从瀑布往外,数十万米处有78名人群刚好路过,一下子被这剧烈的震荡吸引,仰头朝瀑布方向望去。 Thunder dragon who sees galloping, one group of people one startled: Some people in breakthrough? Looks at this Lei Jie size, is four days of boundaries?” 看见奔腾的雷龙,一群人一惊:“有人在突破?看这雷劫的大小,难道是四天之境?” Should be.” “应该是。” Walks, in the past took a look, four days of boundaries, the foot Qi Tian, our hundred clan regions, had not presented this expert for a long time.” “走,过去瞧瞧,四天之境,足矣齐天,咱们百族区域,已经许久没有出现过这种高手了。” Um, although a four days of boundary to fear insufficient, for the following plan, looks in the past, do not delay the important matter.” “嗯,一个四天之境虽说不足为惧,不过为了接下来的计划,还是过去瞧一瞧,别耽误了大事。” 78 people look at each other, leaps forward to the direction of waterfall. 78人相视一眼,冲瀑布的方向跃进。 When they close , the waterfall already became the ruins, billowing dust and quarry stone, horrible to look. 等到他们临近时,瀑布早已成为废墟,滚滚的尘埃和乱石,惨不忍睹。 In 78 people, what lead is the famous youth, he investigates in the dust the psychic force, discovered that does not have the aura of least bit, knits the brows: Nobody?” 78人中,领头的是名青年,他将精神力在尘埃中侦查一番,发现没有半点的气息,皱眉道:“没有人?” „Can dragon tooth elder brother, be crosses the disaster to be defeated? This seizes the day to arrive in full Heaven Realm Lei Jie, ten have ** must have an accident, many can in three days of boundaries, rather give up breakthrough not provoking this Lei Jie greatly.” A little brother said. “龙牙哥,会不会是渡劫失败了?这夺天到齐天境的雷劫,十有**是要出事,多少大能在三天之境,宁愿放弃突破也不去招惹这雷劫。”一个小弟道。 This asked Long Ya the youth to consider, the approval said: Has this possibility, although does not know that is the person of which family, since crossed the disaster to be defeated, that should better, but, our following plans, did not need to be worried.” 这叫龙牙的青年斟酌一下,认可道:“有这个可能,虽说不知是哪个家族的人,不过既然渡劫失败了,那最好不过,咱们接下来的计划,也就不用担心了。” Dragon tooth elder brother, you looks quickly that.” At this time, a little brother put out a hand to face forward a finger. “龙牙哥,你快瞧那面。”这时,一个小弟伸手朝前一指。 Other Long Ya and several people of vision along with going, see only in the front dust, glitters the light golden light, attracts several people. 龙牙和其余几人目光随去,只见在前方的尘埃中,闪烁起淡淡的金光,不由吸引几人。 Dragon tooth elder brother, took a look in the past, perhaps Lei Jie, some people of breakthrough did not create, but had any heavenly materials or earthly treasures born, world phenomenon that created.” “龙牙哥,过去瞧瞧啊,说不定刚才的雷劫,并不是有人突破造成,而是有什么天材地宝出世,造成的天地异象。” Long Ya nods: Um, if is really this, perhaps can also help our dragon clan following plan.” 龙牙点点头:“嗯,如果真是这样,说不定还能对我们龙族接下来的计划有所帮助。” 78 people face forward to make great strides forward, quick approaches to the golden light. 78人朝前迈进,很快就接近到金光。 In the position of golden light sending out, all around is the drainage that the waterfall accumulates. 在金光散发的位置,四周全是瀑布积成的水沟。 In the center of drainage, hundred zhang (333m) high Jinta, this Jinta is very broad, before is not just , Qin Shi in the Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl that in Sea of Consciousness condenses? 在水沟的中央,有一座百丈高的金塔,这金塔十分恢弘,不正是之前秦石识海中凝聚出的舍利衣钵吗? At this time, Qin Shi sitting cross-legged in. 此时,秦石就盘膝其中。 Has completed the practice of Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl, he receives the god to read naturally, returns to fleshly body. 完成了舍利衣钵的修炼,他自然而然的收起神念,回到肉身中。 Just returned to fleshly body, he looked at all around the shining picture to suck the tongue: „Did this Jinta, get down Lei Jiedang unexpectedly? The defensive power of good terrifying, no wonder a moment ago Profound Heaven Ancient Formation did not make me leave, originally it already knows that this Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl can cross the disaster for me?” 刚回到肉身,他望着四周金灿灿的画面不禁咂舌:“这金塔,竟然将雷劫挡下了?好恐怖的防御力,难怪刚才玄天古阵不让我离开,原来它早就知道这舍利衣钵能够替我渡劫?” Completes crosses the disaster successful, Qin Shi achieves three days of boundaries, at heart to Profound Heaven Ancient Formation gratitude: Little thing, this time, really many thanks you, you have rescued my life.” 完成渡劫,秦石水到渠成的达到三天之境,心里对玄天古阵不由的感激:“小东西,这一次,真是多谢你了,你又救了我一命。” Feels grateful one, Qin Shi restraining train of thought that starts to size up in this Jinta, this Jinta and outside can be said as isolate completely, spiritual power is unable to transmit, the only advantage is, the psychic force can also use, like this regarding Qin Shi, was equal to that he can see the outside all, the outside actually cannot see internal him. 感激一声,秦石收敛思绪,开始在这金塔中打量起来,这金塔和外界可以说是完全隔绝,就连灵力都无法从中传递,不过唯一的好处是,精神力还能够使用,这样对于秦石来讲,就等于他能够看见外界的一切,外界却看不见内部的他。 Hey, this thing is good, is not only the natural protection shield, if later wants to submerge the enemy, sets up this Jinta directly, my cat in not on line?” Qin Shi delicious wants saying: It seems like, this Mysterious Heaven Scripture is really uncommon, does not know that what in the future Fifth Rank can be?” “嘿嘿,这东西好啊,不仅是个天然的保护盾,以后若是想要潜入敌军,直接把这金塔一立,我就猫在里面不就行了?”秦石美滋滋的想道:“看来,这玄天圣经果然不凡,不知道往后的五层会是什么?” Mysterious Heaven Scripture was divided into nine, this point he already knows that now he will start more and more to anticipate in the future Fifth Rank. 玄天圣经共分九层,这一点他早就知道,现在他开始越来越多期待往后的五层了。 However in Qin Shi just wanted diverges Jinta, the brow suddenly wrinkled, one group of people rush in his energetic field of vision, this group of people without doubt are dragon tooth several people. 不过就在秦石刚欲将金塔散去时,眉头突然间皱了起来,一群人闯进他的精神视野,这群人无疑是龙牙几人。 Here is in hundred clans, is different from Scarlet Flame Empire, now they cannot see me, I had a look at the situation to say first again.” Thinks, Qin Shi then not, prepares to watch changes quietly first. “这里是百族境内,不同于赤炎帝国,现在他们看不见我,我先看看情况再说。”思索一下,秦石便没有在动,准备先静观其变。 Dragon tooth several people leap the body to enter the drainage center, seeing grand Jinta to suck the tongue: „Is this Jinta, what thing?” 龙牙几人跃身进入水沟中央,看见壮阔的金塔不由咂舌:“这金塔,是什么东西?” Does not know, but before, here should be the cold spring waterfall, we can pass through here every day, has not seen this Jinta, inadequate of this Jinta under waterfall, by Lei Jie dividing?” “不知道,不过之前,这里应该是冷泉瀑布,咱们每天都能经过这里,从来没有见过这座金塔,难道这金塔是在瀑布下面,被雷劫给劈出来的不成?” Did not need to guess.” [Say / Way] that Long Ya concludes: I, if guesses right, this Jinta should a moment ago bring in Lei Jie the day material rare treasure, can bring in 150,000 meters Lei Jie, definitely is not every, first has the Huilong Clan.” “不用猜了。”龙牙断定的道:“我若猜得没错,这金塔应该就是刚才引来雷劫的天材异宝,能够引来150000米的雷劫,肯定不是凡品,先带回龙族。” Hears Long Ya the instruction, several people nod again and again. 听到龙牙的指示,几人连连点头。 This, may be flustered Qin Shi in Jinta, this must give these people to bring, that matter may trouble. 这一下,可急坏了金塔内的秦石,他这要真给这几人带回去,那事情可就麻烦了。 However, he does not dare to appear rashly, measures several people of psychic force sweeping, the strength of this group of people are uncommon, was the dragon tooth of head is, has four days of boundaries not saying that spiritual power purity and compared with Hua Ling, superior several points. 不过,他又不敢贸然露头,用精神力扫量几人一番,这群人的实力都非常不凡,为首的龙牙更是了得,有着四天之境不说,灵力的纯度就算和花零相比,都优胜几分。 At this time if fought, Qin Shi must defeat without doubt. 这种时候若是交手,秦石必败无疑。 Real his mother is frustrated.” “真他妈是出师不利。” Is criticizing at heart, but on this time, the picture of outside spread, making his worry clear, instead showed several points of happy expression. 在心里暗骂,不过就这时,外界的画面传入,令他的担忧散尽,反而露出几分笑意。 Sees only, Long Ya behind several little brothers enclose Jinta, they also make an effort, Jinta did not respond, if were inserted the earth the iron pole to be the same, how regardless of they make an effort, is aloof. 只见,龙牙身后的几个小弟将金塔围上,他们同时用力,金塔却毫无反应,如一尊被嵌入大地的铁柱一样,无论他们怎样使劲,就是无动于衷。 One crowd of useless person!” Long Ya knit the brows in behind, sees had not always responded that goes forward personally: You make way!” “一群废物!”龙牙在后面皱了皱眉,见始终没有反应,亲自上前去:“你们让开!” Several little brothers withdraw hastily. 几个小弟连忙退后。 The dragon tooth gathered round Jinta to transfer, stopped by a rock of upwarping suddenly, single-handed void revolving, air all around took advantage of opportunity to be compressed the solid, a vigorous strength overflow. 龙牙围着金塔转了一圈,在一个翘起的岩石旁突然停下,单手虚空的旋转一圈,周遭的空气顺势被压缩成固体,一股浑厚的力量外溢而出。 Gets up!” “起!” He holds the foundation of Jinta, fierce makes an effort toward on. 他一把抓住金塔的底座,猛的朝上用力。 Buzz! 嗡! Has not expected, under the strength of this terrifying, this Jinta produces for several points to shiver, then again is then stirless, one has been wild with joy Qin Shi. 未料,在这恐怖的力量下,这金塔只是产生几分颤抖,然后便再无动静,一下乐坏了秦石 It seems like my worry was unnecessary, this Jinta not only defensive power tall Chao, thinks that the weight was also very stocky, should not move out easily.” Qin Shi To take Joy in Calamity and Delight in Disaster gets up. “看来我的担心是多余了,这金塔不仅防御力高朝,想必重量也是十分敦实,应该不会被轻易搬走。”秦石幸灾乐祸起来。 Long Ya strikes inadequately, face is pale, at once he spiritual power gathering fist heart, makes an effort to shell to the surface of Jinta. 龙牙一击不成,面庞铁青下来,旋即他将灵力汇聚拳心,冲着金塔的表面就用力轰击上去。 Bang! 轰隆! This strikes very heavily, Qin Shi shivers in, but also shivers, then belongs to tranquilly. 这一击十分沉重,秦石在里面都不禁颤抖一下,不过也就只是颤抖一下,便归于平静。 This defensive power of Jinta, simply is the impregnable bastion, is not expugnable. 这金塔的防御力,简直就是铜墙铁壁,不可攻克。 Dragon tooth elder brother, what to do?” Several little brother weak question. “龙牙哥,怎么办?”几个小弟弱弱的问句 Long Ya is ugly the face: This Jinta is very strange, places this not to be in any case able to be inescapable, first goes back they to notify one with the head of the clan, I think that the head of the clan they should be have the means.” 龙牙难看着脸:“这金塔十分诡异,放在这反正也跑不了,先回去和族长他们通报一声,我想族长他们应该能有办法。” Um, like this is just right, Long Yage now is in the dragon clan youth second, only compared with the first dragon white difference, had the contribution of this opportunity, the status that deciding can surpass Long Bai, the position of Family Head also isn't Long Yage?” “嗯,这样正好,龙牙哥如今已是龙族青年中的第二,只比第一的龙白差上一点,有了这次机会的贡献,定能够超过龙白的地位,家主之位还不是龙牙哥的?” Family Head did not discuss beforehand that first thinks the following plan, if Long Zuzhen can series hundred clans, even if could not make Family Head, how can also?” Dragon tooth strange smiling, at heart is very happy: Walks, first returns to the family, had this Jinta, the following plan can succeed surely.” 家主之事先不谈,先想想接下来的计划,如果龙族真的能够一统百族,就算做不了家主,又能如何?”龙牙诡异的笑了笑,心里还是非常开心:“走,先回家族,有了这座金塔,接下来的计划定能成功。” The word, one group of people are not delaying, flies to escape toward the distant place in abundance. 言罢,一群人不在耽搁,纷纷朝着远处飞遁。 When dragon tooth several people go far away, Jinta fierce shivers, Jinta that before did not destroy hardly suddenly like dust dispersing, becomes everywhere diamond dust. 等到龙牙几人远去,金塔才剧烈的颤抖一下,之前坚硬不摧的金塔突然如粉尘般散开,成漫天的金粉。 Jinta clears, Qin Shi steady falling in crushed stone, but his look is not quite attractive at this time, in the mind recalled a moment ago Long Ya the words: This Long Clan, what origin is, actually wants series hundred clans?” 金塔散尽,秦石稳健的落在碎石上,不过此时他的神色却不太好看,脑海中回想起刚才龙牙的话:“这龙族,是什么来历,竟然想要一统百族?” !! !!
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