PDL :: Volume #6

#584: Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl

Is far away from the palace wall, Qin Shi goes forward toward the East, depending on his present speed, stretches across the entire empire is also the half-day matter, one day later he leaves the empire directly, the quiet forest from empire stops over. 远离皇城,秦石一路朝东方前进,凭他现在的速度,横跨整座帝国也不过是半天的事,一天后他直接离开帝国,从帝国外的幽林落脚。 Leaves the empire to be so far, should not have the matter.” Qin Shi was whispering at heart. “离开帝国这么远,应该不会有事了。”秦石在心里嘀咕。 Kid, you are walking toward north, the northern 150,000 meters places, the natural cold deep pool waterfall, you go to breakthrough to there, the cold deep pool can suppress the anger of your within the body, is insufficient when you resist the thunder disaster, diverts attention because of the anger.” Evil Spirit start to talk. “小家伙,你在朝北走一走,北方150000米处,有一座天然寒潭瀑布,你到那里去突破,寒潭能够将你体内的火气压制,不至于在你抵抗雷劫时,因火气而分心。”邪魔开口。 Regarding the Evil Spirit words, Qin Shi is curious: How can you induce to are so far?” 对于邪魔的话,秦石不由好奇:“你怎么能感应到这么远?” Must know, his psychic force, can induce to able to move unhindered 90,000 meters distance, is together such a long time with Evil Spirit , he does not know that Evil Spirit has the psychic force. 要知道,他的精神力,也不过才能感应到纵横90000米的距离,和邪魔相处这么长时间,他并不知道邪魔有精神力啊。 Snort, you think, the prestige that my ancient times demon Venerable was the rumor.” “哼,你以为,我远古魔尊的威名是空穴来风啊。” Consulted modestly, unexpectedly this Evil Spirit is proud of unexpectedly unexpectedly this, Qin Shi is also disinclined to respond him: „It is not willing saying that considers as finished.” 本是虚心请教,不料这邪魔竟竟以此骄傲起来,秦石也就懒得搭理他:“不愿意说算了。” The word, he flies to escape toward the distant place. 言罢,他朝远处飞遁。 After 150,000 meters, Qin Shi has not seen the waterfall, by the ear then to hear the graceful fluent sound. 150000米过后,秦石尚未看见瀑布,耳旁便传来曼妙的水流声。 Proceeds again, if is really wonderland, the cold deep pool waterfall that casts naturally drops to fall from the kilometer high cliff, 3000 blue sky silver ripples attack on the rock, resounds the delightful elusive sound, probably is a wonderful ballad. 再往前,果真是人间仙境,一处天然铸成的寒潭瀑布从千米高的悬崖上狂泻而落,3000的碧落银涟打击在岩石上,响起悦耳的空灵之音,就好像是一首美妙的歌谣。 Regarding this, Qin Shi has sucked tongue, not only admires Evil Spirit several points. 对此,秦石咂了咂舌,不仅又佩服邪魔几分。 Here breakthrough.” “就在这里突破吧。” Qin Shi deep inspiration, in the air is mixing with the icy cold moisture content, making him exceptionally comfortable. 秦石深深的吸了口气,空气中夹杂着冰凉的水分,令他异常的舒适。 Um, you go to breakthrough, I help you guard from the outside.” Evil Spirit leaps Totem, pitch-black becomes Qilin shape Evil Spirit , to threaten that the race does not dare to approach. “嗯,你去突破吧,我从外界帮你看守。”邪魔咻的跃出图腾,乌黑成麒麟状的邪魔,给人种不敢接近的威迫。 He he, you said that you are two big demons revere, cannot be good-looking a point, after this appearance, if the snow heart sees you, was not scared to death by you.” Qin Shi teased one. “呵呵,你说,你怎么也算是两大魔尊,就不能长得漂亮一点,这个样子以后要是雪心看见你,不还被你吓死啊。”秦石调侃一声。 „Did brat, whom say?” The scolding sound of Evil Spirit ignition, when but he looks back, Qin Shi already speedily entered under the cold deep pool waterfall, he of air/Qi in same place stamps the feet. “臭小子,说谁呢?”邪魔发火的骂声,但当他回首时,秦石早就一溜烟窜进寒潭瀑布之下,气的他在原地直跺脚。 Alone the remaining people, Evil Spirit sizes up the mortal world of outside to sigh with emotion: He he, tens of thousands years, did not have such idly, this boy in this breakthrough, little said in any case also wants half a month, here remote mountain is lonesome and quiet, some people will not disturb, side might as well go to play while this opportunity.” 独自剩下一人,邪魔打量着外界的花花世界不禁感慨:“呵呵,几万年了,没有这么清闲过,反正这小子在此突破,少说也要半个月,这里深山幽静,也不会有人打扰,不如趁此机会去旁边玩玩。” Plays the heart to be big, after Evil Spirit already helping the matter of Qin Shi protecting buddhist law threw into the brain, about has sized up, selected a direction to change into the shadow, vanished to go. 玩心大起,邪魔早就把帮秦石护法之事抛到脑后,左右打量了一下,挑了一个方向化为黑影,消失而去。 Enters under the waterfall, Qin Shi opens the barrier in turbulent current, two making up gently on the knee, wipe the golden thunder and lightning to flee in the arms, looks like the golden spirit snake is ordinary, is quite mysterious. 进入瀑布下,秦石在激流中开启屏障,两手轻轻的搭放在膝盖上,一抹金色的雷电在手臂间窜起,就像是金色的灵蛇一般,颇为神奇。 Along with the reassignment of Qin Shi dantian, the golden spirit snake is getting more and more, quick all round wraps Qin Shi. 随着秦石丹田的调动,金色灵蛇越来越多多,很快就将秦石团团包裹。 Spirit snake, Qin Shi forehead, reappears light [gold/metal], [gold/metal] toward all around spreads throughout, forms a salient point, such probably momentarily must work loose the body, jumps out is the same. 灵蛇一出,秦石的眉心处,浮现出淡淡的金芒,金芒始终朝周遭扩散,形成一个凸点,那样子就好像随时都要挣脱皮肉,跳出一样。 Bang! 砰! Finally, this salient point jumps, glitters a dazzling mark, the center of mark has Lei Guang together, this Lei Guanggang left Qin Shi within the body, immediately became manic, one soared to the heavens on. 最终,这凸点还是跳跃出来,闪烁成一个刺眼的印记,印记的中央有一道雷光,这雷光刚离开秦石的体内,马上就变得狂躁起来,咻一下冲天而上。 Bang! 轰隆! The icy cold waterfall was only chopped into pieces by the thunder, thousand zhang (3.33 m) high cold deep pool waterfall, looked that from the distant place probably able to move unhindered was broken out by the great sword is the same, year to year by the water scouring, the crag Shiguo dew of some gloss, slightly had been glittered under the high noon early morning splendor. 冰凉的瀑布被雷光劈碎,千丈高的寒潭瀑布,从远处看去就好像是被巨剑纵横劈开一样,常年被水流冲刷,已经有些光泽的岩石果露而出,在正午的晨辉下微微闪烁。 However this twinkle has only continued moment, above the cold deep pool then reappears the billowing pitch-black thunder clouds, the thunder clouds are Lei Jieyin who receives Qin Shi within the body affect, both quick combine to form one group, starts unceasingly toward all around spreads. 不过这闪烁只持续了片刻,寒潭之上便浮现起滚滚乌黑的雷云,雷云是受到秦石体内的雷劫印影响,两者很快就结合成一团,开始不断的朝周遭扩散。 Suddenly, this thunder clouds on the breakthrough 50,000 meters, 50,000 meters are the limit of common three days of boundary, has not reached arrives in full Heaven Realm Lei Jie, said reasonably is impossible over 100,000 meters. 只是眨眼间,这雷云就突破50000米,50000米已经是寻常三天之境的极限了,未达到齐天境的雷劫,按理讲是决不可能超过100000米。 However, this time Lei Jie, has not received this factor, as if must disobey the life of heaven, inexhaustible toward all around swallows, makes in the quiet forest the rapid stalemate darkness, this darkness has covered 150,000 meters finally. 不过,此时的雷劫,并未受到这种因素,仿佛要违逆苍天之命,无穷无尽的朝着周遭吞噬,令幽林中迅速的陷入黑暗,这黑暗最终足足笼罩了150000米。 zi! 嗞! 150,000 meters thunder clouds, the place above starts to seethe the lightning, thousands of zhang (3.33 m) lightning circles one after another, probably is the great hibernation of insects that in the summer just regained consciousness, sends out suddenly roars dreadfully. 150000米的雷云,上方开始翻腾起闪电,一道一道千万丈的闪电盘旋,就好像是夏日里刚苏醒的巨蛰,突然间发出滔天怒吼。 In the quiet forests, innumerable birds are startled. 幽林间,无数的鸟兽惊起。 Evil Spirit that escapes, one stops on a crotch, looks back to look at the pitch-black thunder clouds to knit the brows: Had already warned him, cannot long-term suppresses Lei Jie, these brings in 150,000 meters Lei Jieyin, was interesting.” 远遁出去的邪魔,一下停在一颗树杈上,回首望着乌黑的雷云皱了皱眉:“早就警告过他,不能长时间的压制雷劫,这一下引来150000米的雷劫印,有意思了。” To be honest, he somewhat worried. 说实话,他心里有些担忧。 But finally he shakes the head: This minor matter, cannot baffle him, otherwise, he did not coordinate my Tun Tian to be on intimate terms.” 但最终他还是摇摇头:“这点小事,难不倒他,否则的话,他也就不配和我吞天称兄道弟了。” Kid, must endure, do not disappoint me.” The word, he goes far away once more, at heart actually silently wants saying: Kid, do not blame me not to help you, like this also has the advantage to you, so long as can endure this disaster, quenchings depending on these 150,000 meters Lei Jieyin, the spiritual power purity in within the body will certainly sublimate, although at that time had three days of boundaries, can actually depend on the force spiritual power stable spirit vein, opening palace error.” “小家伙,一定要挺住啊,千万不要让我失望。”言罢,他再次远去,心里却默默的想道:“小家伙,别怪我不帮你,这样对你也有好处,只要能够熬过这一劫,凭这150000米的雷劫印淬炼,体内的灵力纯度必将升华,那时候虽说只有三天之境,却能够靠强迫的灵力稳固灵脉,开启宫阙。” Under the waterfall, Qin Shi also had a scare: 150,000 meters? Brings in such huge Lei Jie? These troubled.” 在瀑布下,秦石也被吓了一跳:“150000米?怎么引来这么庞大的雷劫?这一下麻烦了。” Before his breakthrough two days of boundaries, under the fine wine volcano, there is a charm god to set up and strength help of fine wine volcano, but is this, one about 50,000 meters thunder clouds, almost wanted his half destiny. 之前他突破二天之境,是在琼浆火山之下,有神韵神树和琼浆火山的力量帮助,不过就算是这样,一个50000米左右的雷云,就差点要了他的半天命。 This time, comes up is 150,000, and did not have the external force to be auxiliary, that has not divided him while still alive. 这一次,上来就是150000,并且还没有外力辅助,那还不活活劈死他啊。 Bang! 轰! At this time, nine days of Lei Jie fell, the diameter more than ten meters were long, was torn including the space, approached to the Qin Shi forehead. 这时,九天的雷劫已经落下,直径足足有十米多长,连空间都被撕裂开,冲着秦石的眉心逼近。 Desert decides desolated “大漠荒芜决” Qin Shi kneads together the hand imprint hastily, earth all around takes advantage of opportunity withered, weakens several points including the inexhaustible waterfall, the hundreds of desolated grains wind the direct impact highest heaven. 秦石连忙捏合手印,周遭的大地顺势干枯,连无穷无尽的瀑布都减弱几分,数以百计的荒芜纹络直冲九霄。 Bang! 轰隆! Vault of heaven fierce sways, this desert desolated is 8-Step martial arts, the might seriously is definitely uncommon. 天穹猛的晃荡一下,这大漠荒芜决身为八阶武学,威力当真不凡。 However, even if so, was only and Lei Jie has contended with the moment, then directly was given to wash out by Lei Guang, straight howling to the earth. 不过,就算如此,也只是和雷劫抗衡了片刻,便直接被雷光给冲散,笔直的呼啸向大地。 Then played in a big way.” “这下玩大了。” The Qin Shi moral nature sinks, does not dare in the negligent slightest, uses completely the god character Secret Art and Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, and opening soul palace armor. 秦石心底一沉,不敢在大意分毫,将神字诀和星陨霸体决全部用上,并且开启魂殿铠甲。 Evil Spirit , your degenerate, reaches an agreement to me protects, this saw that this little must die by Lei Jiepi, which did you protect to me to?” Lei Guangyue approaches, Qin Shi shouted abuse. 邪魔,你个败类,说好给我守护,这眼看着本少要被雷劫劈死了,你给我守护到哪去了?”雷光越逼近越,秦石破口大骂。 Crossed half sound not to respond, Qin Shi understands that Evil Spirit not in surroundings, this was repentant , the one had only known he will not put Evil Spirit to exit, at least like this they can the dying same place, now may be good, on the road to Hades wanted him alone to lead the way. 过了半响没有回应,秦石才明白邪魔不在周围,他心里这个悔悟啊,早知如此他死活也不会放邪魔出去,至少这样俩人能死一块,现在可好了,黄泉路上都要他独自前行。 No, I cannot die!” “不,我不能死!” Buzz!” “嗡!” On this time, in Sea of Consciousness, transmitted buzz the cry suddenly intermittently. 就这时,识海之中,突然传来阵阵嗡鸣。 The Qin Shi flustered heart is indifferently tranquil. 秦石慌张的心漠然平静。 This buzz the whining noise he is very familiar, is already quiet for a long time Profound Heaven Ancient Formation. 这嗡鸣声他十分熟悉,正是已经沉寂许久的玄天古阵 This Profound Heaven Ancient Formation, after entering Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness, first time sends out the sound, when Rainbow Cloud City, teaches to his Mysterious Heaven Scripture first two, making him become Demonic Talisman Master. 玄天古阵,从进入秦石识海以后,第一次发出动静,是在虹云城时,传授给他玄天圣经前两层,令他成为符魔师 The second time, in Ancient City, opens Mysterious Heaven Scripture Third Rank: The big Buddhist relics decide. 第二次,是在古城,开启玄天圣经三层:大舍利决。 The third time, is protecting country big, making him exempt is protected the country big threat, instead also obtained has protected the country big strength. 第三次,是在护国大阵,让他不禁免去被护国大阵的威胁,反而还得到了护国大阵的力量。 The fourth time, just left the lotus city, when cultivates the Refining Spirit character Secret Art, played the enormous role. 第四次,刚离开莲城,修炼神字诀时,更是起到了极大的作用。 Now, some Profound Heaven Ancient Formation responses, made originally desperate Qin Shi again, such as grabbed the straw to grasp to be the same all of a sudden, in regarded Sea of Consciousness hastily: „Is little thing, you are shouting me?” 如今,玄天古阵再有反应,令本来绝望的秦石,一下子如抓住救命稻草一样,连忙内视识海:“小东西,是你在喊我吗?” Buzz!” “嗡!” Induces reads to the Qin Shi god, Sea of Consciousness central Profound Heaven Ancient Formation propagandizes fiercely. 感应到秦石的神念,识海中央的玄天古阵剧烈宣传一圈。 Really is you? Do you have the means to help my breakthrough?” “果真是你?你是不是有办法助我突破?” Buzz!” “嗡!” Profound Heaven Ancient Formation unceasing buzz cry, does not know is, but, this Qin Shi anxiously, unceasing questioning: Is, you give a reliable news actually, if cannot I be possible to have no free time in this and your ink marks, immediately must kill.” 玄天古阵不断的嗡鸣,也不知道是是,还是不是,这把秦石急得要死,不断的追问:“是还是不是,你倒是给个准信啊,要是不能的话我可没空在这和你墨迹,马上就要出人命了。” Buzz!” “嗡!” Buzz cry, but this time, the Profound Heaven Ancient Formation sudden ray rises from all directions, the extremely radiant dim light takes in Qin Shi within the body together, revolves above ancient unceasingly Sanskrit that like is receives a summon, starts the independent arrangement the character, falls into the eye socket. 还是嗡鸣,不过这一次,玄天古阵突然光芒四起,一道极为璀璨的幽光摄入秦石体内,在古阵上方不断旋转的梵文,像是受到一股召唤一样,开始自主的排列成字,落入眼眶。 Mysterious Heaven Scripture Fourth Rank, Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl.” 玄天圣经四层,舍利衣钵。” Stared at one line of Sanskrit, Qin Shi was staring staring, immediately got angry: „, I said the little thing, at this time you called me, to not let me will practice this Mysterious Heaven Scripture four sublever? Truly, this Mysterious Heaven Scripture is fierce, I am also interested, but you must guard the threshing floor to gather, this and compared with my life, I thought that my life is more important, having no free time manages you, I walked!” 盯着一行梵文,秦石瞪了瞪眼,马上怒道:“靠,我说小东西,这种时候你把我叫进来,不会就是为了让我修炼这玄天圣经四次层把?确实,这玄天圣经是厉害,我也非常感兴趣,不过你也要看场合啊,这和我的性命相比,我觉得还是我的性命更重要,没空理你,我走了!” The word, Qin Shi must leave Sea of Consciousness on the extremely angry desire. 言罢,秦石就愤愤的欲要离开识海 Has not expected, he just about to withdrawing consciousnes, Sea of Consciousness border raising [gold/metal], a gigantic barrier Qin Shi seal, making him unable to leave. 未料,他刚要抽回神智,识海的边境却升起金芒,一个硕大的屏障将秦石封印其中,令他无从离开。 This, his fierce losing one's temper: Little thing, what do you mean? Do you want to kill me?” 这一下,他猛的动怒:“小东西,你这是什么意思?你是想害死我是不是啊?” Buzz!” “嗡!” Profound Heaven Ancient Formation does not pay attention to Qin Shi bellows to yell that one line of Sanskrit glitter once again. 玄天古阵不理会秦石的大吼大叫,一行梵文再度闪烁一下。 You!” Indignant, Qin Shi shakes the fist to strike toward the barrier. “你!”气愤下,秦石挥拳就朝屏障击去。 Bang! 砰! Has not expected, his fist just left, [gold/metal] counter-attacks together like fierce tiger, the strength in this fierce tiger is exceptionally strange, probably hits the Qin Shi soul directly, making him call out one sorrowfully. 未料,他一拳刚出,一道金芒如猛虎般就反扑上来,这猛虎中的力量异常诡异,好像直接击中秦石的灵魂,令他痛不欲生的嚎叫一声。 Ok, you are ruthless enough, do I practice the line? In any case a meeting, when Ben Lei chops me, your little thing do not think.” “行,你够狠,我练行吧?反正一会,等到奔雷把我劈死,你个小东西也别想好。” Qin Shi closes tightly jaw, then he but thoroughly, he has had to obey the arrangement of this Profound Heaven Ancient Formation finally, sits cross-legged to sit down in Sea of Consciousness, practices this Mysterious Heaven Scripture Fourth Rank. 秦石咬紧牙关,这下他彻底无奈了,最终他只好听从这玄天古阵的安排,在识海中盘膝坐下,修炼起这玄天圣经的第四层 Practices, he while smiles bitterly, oneself were blocked in their Sea of Consciousness cannot exit, this dramatic matter estimate in the world, only then can he do? 一边修炼,他一边苦笑,自己被封锁在自己的识海里出不去,这种戏剧性的事情估计天底下,也就只有他能做出来了吧? In life this certainly.” “命里该绝啊。” Long implored one, Qin Shi not in the idle talk, started according to the record of Sanskrit. 长吁一声,秦石不在废话,按照梵文的记载开始就连。 But he does not know , when he just the revolution Mysterious Heaven Scripture four sublevers, his fleshly body suddenly glittered under the waterfall the golden ray, the First Rank strange barrier protects him. 而他不知道的时,就在他刚运转玄天圣经四次层时,他的肉身在瀑布下突然闪烁起金色光芒,一层诡异的屏障将他护在其中。 !! !!
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