PDL :: Volume #6

#586: The shock of demon

To dragon tooth several people, Qin Shi wants to lie low until something blows over, actually unexpectedly actually hears the matter that some should not he hear. 对龙牙几人,秦石本只是想避避风头,却不料竟然听到了些不该他听到的事。 This matter is a little troublesome, after all the large male deer clan is also hundred clans, moreover side joyful three sisters, marries hundred clans, should go back saying that with large male deer imperial concubine several people are good.” Qin Shi was whispering at heart, “这事有点麻烦啊,毕竟麟族也属于百族,而且方欣三姐妹,也都是下嫁百族,应该回去和麟妃几人说说才行。”秦石在心里嘀咕一下, This Desolate Spirit Continent takes Wu as, this point in nearly four years, Qin Shi had completely understood that this Long Clan said takes series hundred clans, definitely cannot leave the military force, when the large male deer clan, the side joyful three sisters' family, will certainly receive the crisis at that time. 荒灵大陆以武为尊,这一点在近四年中,秦石已经看透,这龙族说要一统百族,肯定离不开武力,等到那时候麟族,方欣三姐妹的家族,一定会受到危机。 First did not say he and Lin Yu relations, only said large male deer imperial concubines and side joyful three sisters, these four people all are the Yu Luocha elder sisters, depending on this point, he can not to Long Clan. 先不说他和麟宇的关系,光说麟妃和方欣三姐妹,这四人皆是玉罗刹的姐姐,光凭着这一点,他就不能任由龙族。 Hope, this dragon clan can law-abiding, otherwise recently worry that easy and comfortable is too long, the next goal takes it to start.” Qin Shi pupil dew ruthless offense. “希望,这龙族能够安分一点,否则的话最近正愁安逸太久,下一个目标就拿它下手。”秦石眸露狠戾。 To be honest, he law-abidingly was truly long, such day has not suited him. 说实话,他确实安分久了,这样的日子还真不适合他。 However, this did not say beforehand that the more important matters made Qin Shi have a headache. 不过,这事先不说,有一件更重要的事令秦石头疼起来。 That is Evil Spirit . 那就是邪魔 About him looks all around, had not discovered that Evil Spirit trail, is embarrassed: „, This damn Evil Spirit , reaches an agreement to me protects, now my breakthrough, he had not come back, can not be reasonable?” 他左右环顾一圈,都没有发现邪魔的踪迹,不禁难堪下来:“靠,这该死的邪魔,说好给我守护,现在我都突破了,他还没有回来,能不能再不靠谱点啊?” Evil Spirit cannot long time leave Totem, finally under is indignant, Qin Shi has to wait for same place. 邪魔不能长时间离开图腾,最终愤愤不平下,秦石只好在原地等待。 This first-grade, is less than half month. 这一等,就是小半个月。 Half a month later early morning, display of vigour and vitality. 半个月后的清晨,旭日东升。 ! 咻! A shadow cuts from the distant horizon like the ghosts and demons, fierce falling before the Qin Shi body. 一道黑影如鬼魅般从遥遥天际划破而过,猛的落在秦石身前。 Well? breakthrough?” The Evil Spirit surprise, in his computation, by the Qin Shi strength, wants to contend with 150,000 meters Lei Jie, for half a month is least deadlines. “咦?突破了?”邪魔诧异,在他的计算中,以秦石的力量,想抗衡150000米的雷劫,半个月已经是最少的期限了。 You also know that dies?” Saw Evil Spirit , Qin Shi to get angry immediately. “你还知道死回来?”看见邪魔,秦石顿时就怒了。 Originally, he is worried about Yu Luocha, the pain of half a month waits, every day experiences one day like a year to him. 本来,他就担心玉罗刹,这半个月的苦等,每日对他来讲都是度日如年。 Oh, should not be excited, I in all directions take a stroll.” Awkward smiling, Evil Spirit is orthochromatic, goes forward to hold Qin Shi wrist. “哎呀,别激动嘛,我就是四处溜达溜达。”尴尬的笑了笑,邪魔正色不少,上前抓住秦石手腕 Surveys, Evil Spirit knit the brows: Well, has felt strange, 150,000 meters Lei hasn't Jie, created any injury to you unexpectedly?” 探测一番,邪魔皱了皱眉:“咦,奇怪了,150000米的雷劫,竟然对你没有造成任何的伤势?” Here, Evil Spirit big hand, glittered the spirit grass cover of miraculous glow to throw the ground, said: It seems like, was I was unnecessary, this thinks that crossed Lei Jie, you will receive the internal injury surely, I also specially picked the spirit grass that has moistened the heart [lineage/vein] for you.” 说到这,邪魔的大手一番,一株一株闪烁着灵光的灵草被扔到地上,道:“看来,是我多余了,本以为渡过雷劫,你必定会受到内伤,我还特意为你摘了些滋润心脉的灵草。” Is staring at the spirit grass of ground, Qin Shi at heart one warm. 盯着地上的灵草,秦石心里不禁一暖。 Must know, these spirit grass, any, in six above, the spirit grass of this rank, even if in hundred clans, very rare, even if occasionally one, the surroundings will have the formidable Desolate Beast asylum, wants to pick, is really not easy. 要知道,这些灵草,任何一株,都在六品以上,这种级别的灵草,就算是在百族境内,也是十分的罕见,就算是偶有一株,周围也定会有强大的荒兽庇护,想要摘来,实属不易。 This, Qin Shi knows that he has misunderstood Evil Spirit . 这一下,秦石才知道他误会了邪魔 Sorry!” “抱歉!” What is sorry, but I am very curious, did you safely and uneventfully cross this thunder disaster? Before I looked at 150,000 meters Lei Jie, even if were the common four days of boundaries, crossing of impossible undamaged.” Evil Spirit curious question. “抱歉什么,不过我很好奇,你是怎么安然无事渡过这雷劫得?之前我看150000米的雷劫,就算是寻常的四天之境,都不可能完好无损的渡过。”邪魔好奇的问句 The Qin Shi corners of the mouth smile, see only him to wield single-handed, the method revolution of Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl, the innumerable psychic forces start to build Jinta from his. 秦石嘴角一笑,只见他单手一挥,舍利衣钵的法门运转,无数的精神力开始从他脚下搭建金塔。 Jinta, Evil Spirit fierce stares the big eye: Good mysterious move, but on this Jinta, can be useful?” 金塔一出,邪魔猛的瞪大眼:“好神奇的招数,不过就这金塔,能有什么用处?” You tried not to know, you attacked to this Jinta fully.” Qin Shi in Jinta, passes on the tone channel through psychic force. “你试试不就知道了,你全力对这金塔攻击一下。”秦石在金塔内,通过精神力传音道。 Strikes fully?” Evil Spirit knit the brows, half believing, half doubting huh: „Did you determine? Even if you three days of boundaries, my fully strike now, you cannot withstand.” “全力一击?”邪魔皱了皱眉,将信将疑的哼哧一声:“你确定?就算你现在有三天之境,我的全力一击,你也承受不住。” That may not necessarily.” Qin Shi self-confidence said. “那可未必。”秦石自信道。 Good.” Evil Spirit is not the ink marks person, moreover he also understands Qin Shi, since Qin Shi dares saying that certainly has confidence, he does not want to fall the chain in front of Qin Shi, two evil clutches gather in the front slowly. “那好。”邪魔不是墨迹的人,而且他也了解秦石,秦石既然敢说,就一定有把握,他可不想在秦石面前掉链子,两只魔爪缓缓在胸前汇聚。 Kid, prepared.” “小家伙,准备好了。” Suddenly, billowing Baleful Qi soars to the heavens, forms the sharp lance in his evil clutches. 戛然,滚滚的煞气冲天,在他的魔爪中形成锋利长矛。 Broken!” “破!” The word, the Evil Spirit demon eye stares. 言罢,邪魔的魔眼一瞪。 Wild with rage swallows Baleful Qi to howl on, shells to the Qin Shi Jinta. 狂怒的吞噬煞气呼啸而上,冲着秦石的金塔就轰击下去。 Bang! 轰! Both knock-on collision, the flash in the confrontation place, produces the billowing hurricane, the instantaneous below earth cracks to blast out, such as the spider web gully extends the trim ruins. 两者直接碰撞,一瞬间在交锋处,产生滚滚的飓风,瞬间下方的大地就崩裂炸开,如蛛网般的沟壑延绵整片废墟。 On the vault of heaven forms the billowing vortex, vortex comprised of the golden color and black, makes ten thousand meters endomorphism gorgeous of , strange. 天穹上形成滚滚漩涡,漩涡由金色和黑色组成,令万米内变的十分绚丽,诡异。 Was attacked, Jinta shivers fiercely, Qin Shi loses the center of gravity, three meat eight elements supports the iron wall hastily, in the heart in great surprise: Good terrifying strength, a moment ago dragon tooth four days of boundaries strikes fully, makes this Buddhist relics cassock and almsbowl tremble gently, has not thought that during waving of Evil Spirit , has such big sound, even if Evil Spirit does have five days of boundaries should not so?” 受到攻击,金塔剧烈颤抖起来,秦石在其中失去重心,三荤八素的连忙扶住铁壁,心中大惊:“好恐怖的力量,刚才龙牙四天之境的全力一击,也只是让这舍利衣钵轻轻一颤,没想到邪魔的挥手间,就产生这么大的动静,就算邪魔有五天之境也不该如此吧?” This, regarding of Qin Shi to Evil Spirit , to promote several altitudes once more, one of the ancient times two big demon Venerable, is really not has unearned reputation. 这一下,秦石邪魔的看待,再次提升几个高度,这远古两大魔尊之一,果然不是浪得虚名啊。 This confrontation, has continued the time of half tea, gradually is weak. 这种交锋,足足持续了半盏茶的功夫,才渐渐的微弱下来。 When the offensive clears, on the iron wall of Jinta is hollow, was injured by the Evil Spirit Baleful Qi lance, but had not penetrated. 等到攻势散尽,金塔的铁壁上生生凹陷下去,被邪魔煞气长矛所伤,不过仍是没有击穿。 Evil Spirit knit the brows: Kid, this Jinta came from where, my strikes fully, hasn't broken through it unexpectedly?” 邪魔皱了皱眉:“小家伙,这金塔从何而来,我的全力一击,竟然没有将其攻破?” Life arrogant Evil Spirit , these time has eaten unexpectedly shrivelled, is not feeling well at heart extremely. 一生傲慢的邪魔,这一次竟然吃了瘪,心里极为不爽。 Qin Shi satisfied diverges Jinta: Now you know, how I crossed Lei Jie?” 秦石满意的将金塔散去:“现在你知道,我是怎么渡过雷劫的了吧?” By it?” “就是靠它?” Um.” Qin Shi nods, at once does not pay attention while Evil Spirit , embraces into the spirit grass of ground the bosom hastily, said resentfully: But my smooth breakthrough, these spirit grass are also my, you had said that must give to me, the thing of seeing somebody off does not need.” “嗯。”秦石点点头,旋即趁着邪魔不注意,连忙将地上的灵草揽入怀中,悻悻道:“但就算我顺利突破,这些灵草也是我的啊,你说过要送给我的,送人的东西不需要。” Looks at this prospect, nobody and you snatch, my present condition, wants these spirit grass is also useless, does not have the least bit advantage to my injury, so long as, you help me collect demon to be good.” Looks the appearance that Qin Shi villains holds sway, Evil Spirit curled the lip. “看着这点出息,没人和你抢啊,我现在的状态,要这些灵草也是无用,对我伤势没有半点好处,只要以后你多帮我搜集魔物就好。”看着秦石小人得志的模样,邪魔撇了撇嘴。 However, looks at the Qin Shi strengthen heartfeltly, Evil Spirit feels happy, perhaps he had not discovered that but in unknowingly, him had very deep sentiment to Qin Shi, even in placing of innermost feelings, he starts to anticipate the Qin Shi strengthen, looks disdainfully with him to the foot formidable, at that time they can be on intimate terms. 不过,看着秦石变强,邪魔由衷的感到开心,或许他自己没有发现,但在不知不觉中,他对秦石已经有了很深的感情,甚至在内心的身处,他开始期待秦石变强,强大到足矣和他睥睨,那时候两人就能够称兄道弟。 Since the breakthrough three days of boundaries, quickly returned to the empire, you aren't worried about your young wife?” Evil Spirit supplements one. “既然已经突破三天之境,就赶快回帝国吧,你不是还担心你那小媳妇呢吗?”邪魔补充一句。 Qin Shi receives the spirit grass, hastily nod. 秦石将灵草收起,连忙点头。 He truly must return to the empire, except that but, because is worried about the Yu Luocha accident, what are more before is, Long Ya said the matter, the safety about hundred clans he does not dare to be negligent. 他确实要回帝国,不过除了因为担心玉罗刹意外,更多的是之前龙牙所说之事,关于百族的安危他不敢大意。 Walks.” “走吧。” The Qin Shi restraining mind, extends the left hand. 秦石收敛心神,将左手伸出。 Totem on left arm glitters, Evil Spirit then changes into Baleful Qi to enter, at once they do not have the moment to stop over, changes to the star meteor to cut the clear sky directly, hurries toward Scarlet Flame Empire of West. 左臂上的图腾闪烁一下,邪魔便化为煞气进入其中,旋即两人没有片刻逗留,直接化作星陨划破晴空,朝西方的赤炎帝国赶紧。 ! 咻! Shortly after they just walked, dozens forms have leapt from the East, fierce falling above waterfall ruins. 两人刚走不久,数十名身影从东方跃过,猛的落在瀑布废墟之上。 The strength of this group of people are quite tyrannical, is the person of head is sends the temple flood white old man, his body actually has not appeared because of the old and old condition, instead gives people a strong powerful feeling, especially his eye pupil, is including many over 20 years old of right maturity unprecedented limpid, unusual imposing manner suppresses the audience. 这群人的实力极为强横,为首之人是名发鬓泛白的老者,不过他的身上却并未显出因年长而苍老的状态,反而给人一种健硕有力的感觉,特别是他的眼眸,含有着就连许多20多岁正当壮年都未有的清澈,一身超凡的气势压制全场。 This person, is dragon clan Family Head: Long Xuan. 此人,正是龙族家主:龙轩。 In Long Xuan behind, without doubt is Long Ya, with the elders and youth of several Long. 在龙轩身后,无疑是龙牙,和几名龙家的长老和青年。 And a youth, monkey-like ill-flavored, the sound sends the sharp [say / way]: Day material rare treasure that Jie Jie, Long Ya, you said that is here? How I see here, is stretch of ruins, rare treasure where some you said that I thought that you do toss about us intentionally?” 其中一名青年,尖嘴猴腮令人反感,声音发尖道:“桀桀,龙牙,你说的天材异宝,就是在这里吗?我怎么看这里,都是一片废墟,哪里有你说的异宝,我看你是故意折腾我们吧?” About Long Ya sizes up, Jinta early does not have the trail, making him feel nervous. 龙牙左右打量一番,金塔却早无踪迹,令他心里发慌。 For this Jinta, he gives to invite including Family Head, if flies back without any results finally, he is difficult to run away its fault. 为了这金塔,他可是连家主都给请来,如果最终无功而返的话,他难逃其咎。 Is impossible, before also here.” Long Ya goes forward anxiously several steps, anything had not actually discovered that said to Long Xuan restlessly: Grandfather, you believe me, before was here, hundred zhang (333m) high Jinta, that Jinta linked my strikes fully, is unable to leave the trace above, but also has brought in 150,000 meters Lei Jie.” “不可能啊,之前还在这里。”龙牙焦急的上前几步,却还是什么也没发现,不安的冲龙轩道:“爷爷,你相信我,之前就是在这里,有一座百丈高的金塔,那金塔连我的全力一击,都无法在上面留下痕迹,还引来了150000米的雷劫。” Has not waited for Long Xuan to open the mouth, the youth of incisive monkey cheek satirized: Dragon tooth, I said you to be able let alone such strange? Made a mistake has made a mistake, has not had, why gave these many explanations? The fact here, you explained that these many are useful? Wanted me saying that you envy dragon Big Brother Bai, therefore fabricated this anything supernatural object, wanted to capture dragon Big Brother Bai in the status of family.” 没等龙轩开口,尖锐猴腮的青年讽刺道:“龙牙,我说你能不能别说的这么邪乎?错了就是错了,没有就是没有,何必做这么多的解释?况且事实就在这里,你解释这么多有什么用?要我说啊,你就是嫉妒龙白大哥,所以才捏造这什么神物,想要夺取龙白大哥在家族的地位。” Dragon indifferently, you do not talk nonsense, the beforehand Jinta truly here, we personally see.” Long Ya behind several youth angry [say / way]. “龙漠然,你别胡说,之前的金塔确实在此,我们都是亲眼所见。”龙牙身后几个青年愤怒道。 You said where is at?” “那你们说,在哪呢?” This!” Several youth bursting out laughing. “这!”几名青年哑然。 Long Ya pinched tightly the fist at this time, vision unwavebering stares at the position that the beforehand Jinta is, finally knitting the brows of maliciously, steps before Long Xuan body: Grandfather, no matter you do believe that that the grandson said are true, but this Jinta went to where, I do not know that very possible to be taken away by other families, if this Jinta falls to others hand, is very disadvantageous to our following plans, I requested earnestly the grandfather to investigate thoroughly to this matter.” 龙牙这时捏紧拳头,目光死死盯着之前金塔所在的位置,最终狠狠的皱起眉,迈到龙轩身前:“爷爷,不管你信不信,孙儿说的句句属实,但这金塔去了何处,我也不知道,很可能是被其他家族夺去,如果这金塔落到别人手中,对我们接下来的计划十分不利,我恳请爷爷对此事彻查。” Investigates thoroughly? Investigates thoroughly other families? You thought that now is not very chaotic? One month later is hundred clan outstanding heroes matches, if alerts the enemy now, will only affect our plan.” The dragon supercilious look said indifferently. “彻查?去彻查其余家族?你是觉得现在还不够乱吗?一个月后就是百族群雄赛,如果现在打草惊蛇的话,只会影响到我们的计划。”龙漠然白眼道。 Sufficed!” Is listening to two juniors' quarrels, Long Xuan opens the mouth finally, he just opened the mouth, a vigorous sound then suppresses the audience, said: This matter, arrives at this, regardless of there is this Jinta, hundred clan outstanding heroes match on plan as before, these time planned my Long Clan to wait for hundred years, cannot be defeated absolutely again.” “够了!”听着两名小辈的争吵,龙轩终于开口,他刚开口,一股浑厚的声音便压制全场,道:“这事,就到这吧,无论有没有这金塔,百族群雄赛上的计划依旧,这一次计划我龙族等待了百年,绝对不能再失败。” Moreover, did this year's sports event decide?” “另外,今年的赛事决定下来了吗?” Um, decided that altogether was divided into four, one was to compete the strength, one was the competion speed, one was to compete the defense, one was to compete the insight, so long as we can win three categories of champions, other families will rally together to support, help our dragon clan become the heads of hundred clan.” “嗯,决定下来了,一共分为四项,一项是比拼力量,一项是比拼速度,一项是比拼防御,一项是比拼洞察力,只要我们能够拿到三项冠军,其余家族就会群起拥护,助我们龙族成为百族之首。” Is very good, bears patiently for hundred years, one month later, when is my dragon clan rises.” “很好,隐忍百年,一个月后,就是我龙族崛起之时。” !! !!
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