PDL :: Volume #6

#565: Also governs other body with other [say / way]

The palace wall, is chaotic. 皇城,混乱不堪。 Takes the deliberation hall in imperial palace as the center of circle unceasingly, the fulmination sound again and again to eight side transmissions, the common people in palace wall all falls into to be scared. 以皇宫的朝堂为圆心,爆鸣声连连不断的向八方传递,皇城中的百姓全部陷入恐慌之中。 In the vault of heaven, Qin Shi stands erect here, in his front is Wu Yu and core of wood, on both sends out the broad miraculous glow unceasingly. 苍穹上,秦石矗立在此,在他的前方是吴宇和木心,两者身上不断散发出恢弘的灵光。 Bang! 砰! Core of wood grasps the sharp sword, socializes hundred moves with Qin Shi, both no one is willing to give up, finally Wu Yu enters the war, in the hundred zhang (333m) high beginning the combustion raging fire, able to move unhindered surely in strength chops, separates the two of tangled warfare. 木心手握利剑,和秦石周旋百招,两者谁也不肯罢休,最终还是吴宇参战,百丈高的开山斧上燃烧烈火,纵横千万里的力劈下来,才将混战的两人分开。 Explodes draws back several hundred meters, in the black pupil of Qin Shi takes along dignifiedly, simultaneously faces two big Sect Master gate hosts, he somewhat is strenuous, especially the core of wood, the core of wood has achieved half step four days of boundary. 爆退数百米,秦石的黑眸中捎带凝重,同时面对两大宗主门主,他还是有些吃力,特别是木心,木心已经达到半步四天之境。 Compares Qin Shi, core of wood actually comfortable ruthless, he of strength of wooden attribute, on wrist aquamarine light such as dream such as imaginary, gathers round him to twine unceasingly, the beforehand injury cure, cracks into a smile to Qin Shi: Kid, your intelligence is good, why bother must lose one's life for Lin Yu, be honest with you Queen Xiao Chong, for this power of exponent weighs your highness superior, preparation sufficiency of , you defeat are only sooner or later matters, wanted me saying that you might as well pledge allegiance to with us, one can fight time made a contribution, later this Scarlet Flame Empire was our world, what East District Hua Ling, the scarlet flame of what nonsense first, at that time not, whatever I and others did butcher?” 相比秦石,木心倒是自在的狠,木属性之力的他,手腕上碧绿色的光影如梦如幻,不断的围着他缠绕,将之前的伤势治愈,冲着秦石咧嘴一笑:“小家伙,你的资质不错,何苦要为了麟宇送命,不瞒你说肖宠皇后为了这次方衡殿下上位,准备的十分充足,你们战败只是迟早的事,要我说你不如归顺与我们,一会大战的时候多做点贡献,以后这赤炎帝国就是我们的天地,什么东方区域花零,什么狗屁的赤炎第一,那时候不任由我等宰割?” Hears this word, Qin Shi knit the brows, sound ice-cold saying with a smile: He he, you said that indeed really has several points of truth, if cut to kill you, the southwest two wide ranges were more unattractive than East District?” 听闻此言,秦石皱了皱眉,声音冰冷的笑道:“呵呵,你说的确实有几分道理,不过若是斩杀了你们两个,西南两大区域不是比东方区域更加诱人?” One hear of this saying, the core of wood changes suddenly: Drinks, the young fellow, gives you way out you not to want, can bring about own destruction is?” 一听这话,木心骤然大变:“喝,好小子,给你生路你不要,非要自寻死路是不是?” Does not bring about own destruction, is only little never with the dog connivance.” Qin Shi shrugs, a face decidedly. “不是自寻死路,只是本少从不跟狗同谋。”秦石耸了耸肩,一脸的决然。 Core of wood and Wu Yu thorough was enraged. 木心和吴宇彻底的被激怒。 The person who core of wood gate host, you and this type does not know the good and evil what rubbish? Fights a battle to force a quick decision, below also has Hua Ling!” Wu Yu di drinks one, looks back on blows out spiritual power: „The disciple who brat, gives me the Laoshan sects pays with a life, entrance broken axe!” “木心门主,你和他这种不识好歹的人废话什么?速战速决,下面还有花零呢!”吴宇低喝一声,回首间将灵力爆出:“臭小子,给我崂山宗的弟子偿命吧,山门破斧!” Instantly, hundred blood glow spout from Wu Yu's palms, a blood axe of thousand hundred zhang (333m) from his forehead gathering, the blade edge front place of this blood axe is rolling up and pushing along the howling hurricane, broken wind under. 霎时,百道血芒从吴宇的掌间喷出,从他的眉心处汇聚起一把千百丈的血斧,这血斧的刃锋处卷动着呼啸飓风,破风而下。 Demon ghost day photo!” “魅鬼天照!” Look one tight, Qin Shi exceptionally stern, an arrow step and Wu Yu spread out, withdraws while turns over the hand imprint, took advantage of opportunity the evil spirit black date to swallow the clear sky together extremely, rolling punctured by ten thousand li (0.5km) remote offensive. 神色一紧,秦石异常正色,一个箭步和吴宇拉开距离,一边退后一边翻转手印,顺势一道极为凶煞的黑日吞噬晴空,以万里之遥的攻势滚滚刺下。 Bang! 轰! The black glow and blood axe made half wall sky gloomy, the wild with rage blood rain fell drippingly. 黑芒和血斧令半壁天空都为之暗淡,狂怒的血雨淋漓落下。 Wu Yu pupil shrinks: 7-Step martial arts?” 吴宇瞳仁一缩:“七阶武学?” Can judge the quality of goods!” Breaks the blood axe, Qin Shi takes advantage of somebody's authority to fiercely attack, from the chest in a flash, a thorough palace reappears single-handed: „The strength of soul soul palace!” “识货!”破开血斧,秦石借势猛攻,单手从胸膛一晃,一座透彻的宫殿浮现:“灵魂之力・魂殿!” Indifferently, the soul palace armor offers a sacrifice , the Qin Shi whole body shows the purple dim light, is difficult to distinguish speed quick and violent approaching Wu Yu who by a naked eye. 漠然,魂殿铠甲祭出,秦石全身透出紫色幽光,以一股肉眼难辨的速度迅猛的逼近吴宇。 Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” Among the fingers and palms, six golden light Buddhist relics take advantage of opportunity to blow out. 指掌间,六枚金光舍利顺势爆出。 Bang! 轰! Bang, the sky of half wall crushes directly, the golden light Buddhist relics swallow spiritual Qi that in the openings is overflowing, suddenly gathers the fist palm size, all around unceasingly is circling the shining vortex, in the vortex also has the strange mark to wind, conflagration thorn to Wu Yu's chest. 巨响一声,半壁的天空直接粉碎,金光舍利吞噬着裂口间溢出的灵气,眨眼间就汇聚成拳掌大小,周遭不断盘旋着金灿灿的漩涡,漩涡中还带有着诡异的纹络,爆燃刺向吴宇的胸膛。 The golden light covers the field of vision, Wu Yu pupil shrinks, said flustered: „The strength of soul? Damn, the brat, are you unexpectedly soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master?” 金光笼罩视野,吴宇瞳仁一缩,慌张道:“灵魂之力?该死,臭小子,你竟然是魂咒符魔师?” Has not thought that besides strongly fragrant clan, in the empire will present unexpectedly also soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master!” “没想到,除了郁族以外,帝国中竟然还会出现魂咒符魔师!” The Qin Shi purple armor, making the people in deliberation hall be startled. 秦石的紫色铠甲,令朝堂上的众人都是一惊。 Perhaps the common person does not know, but these lived over a hundred years of old fogy is very clear, soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master was any concept. 或许寻常人不知,不过这些活了上百年的老家伙却十分清楚,一名魂咒符魔师是什么概念。 Now realized that somewhat is too late?” “现在才察觉,是不是有些为时已晚?” Qin Shi sneers, in addition of soul palace holds, his field of vision with the reversal of stress far ultra superhuman, did not give the opportunity that Wu Yu dodged, Wu Yu just toward the rear end opened one step, the golden light Buddhist relics early had the expectation to be the same together, hit his back of the body directly. 秦石冷笑一声,魂殿的加持下,他的视野和反应力远超超人,根本不给吴宇躲闪的机会,吴宇刚朝后侧开一步,一道金光舍利早有预料一样,直接就击中他的后心。 Bang! 砰! The pain of web transmits from the Chest, Wu Yu meng jet bloodstain. 钻心的痛感从心口传递,吴宇猛的喷出口血迹。 Core of wood from side one startled, at this time he absolutely not can make Wu Yu be killed, wields several sword glow to Qin Shi: Brat, the old man comes to be able you!” 木心从旁边一惊,这时候他断不能让吴宇被杀,冲着秦石挥出数道剑芒:“臭小子,老夫来会会你!” Bang! 轰隆! Six deep green sword glow, blast out with six golden light Buddhist relics directly. 六道碧绿剑芒,和六道金光舍利直接炸开。 Breaks the Buddhist relics, the core of wood goes forward directly, in the hand is grasping the deep green sharp knife blade, is cutting space all around on the thorn to Qin Shi: Blue luan sword Ji!” 破开舍利,木心直接上前,手中握着碧绿利刃,划破着周遭的空间就刺向秦石:“青鸾剑姬!” Swastika Sword !” 卍剑!” The forehead sinks, sudden offensive, making Qin Shi has to give up Wu Yu, offers a sacrifice to hastily Netherworld Sword, hundred zhang (333m) wan character sword-light clashes together horizontally. 眉心一沉,突然的攻势,令秦石不得不放弃吴宇,连忙将幽冥剑祭出,一道百丈的卍字剑光横冲而出。 Bang! 轰! Two vast spirit glow collide fiercely, from the sky forms in an instant fireworks. 两股浩繁的灵芒剧烈碰撞,在空中形成刹那间的烟花。 Flashes past from the fireworks, the core of wood supports Wu Yu hastily: How is it?” 从烟花中一闪而过,木心连忙扶住吴宇:“怎么样?” I am all right!” Wu Yu with rapt attention drinks one lowly seriously, the look many said to the core of wood: Wooden door host, since the everyone / influential family choice cooperation, that no one cover-up, uses together how is it fully?” “我没事!”吴宇凝神的低喝一声,神色郑重不少的冲木心道:“木门主,既然大家选择合作,那就谁也别藏着掖着,一起动用全力怎么样?” The core of wood knit the brows: I already used fully.” 木心皱了皱眉:“我早就用全力了。” Wooden door host, you must words like this, that really not have the meaning, this boy no small matter, is delaying not to have the advantage to anyone!” Wu Yu meng being angry, spoke of this him not to go to the idle talk, the five fingers to provokes void several, radiant palace error offered a sacrifice to directly: Then, I must use fully, you look at the office, at this time did not take the larger situation into account, actually is also thinking individual personal gain, when time Xiao Chong blames, let alone I have not reminded you!” “木门主,你要这样的话,那就真没意思了,这小子非同小可,在拖延下去对谁也没有好处!”吴宇猛的大怒,说到这他不去废话,五指冲着虚空撩拨几下,一座璀璨的宫阙直接祭出:“接下来,我要用全力了,你自己看着办吧,这个时候不以大局为重,竟然还想着个人的私利,等到时候肖宠怪罪下来,别说我没有提醒过你!” Palace error sacrifice!” “宫阙・祭!” Wu Yu arm, the First Rank scarlet raging fire takes advantage of opportunity the combustion. 吴宇手臂一张,一层血色的烈火顺势燃烧。 Blazing raging fire roasting upper air, core of wood in side one startled: Originally was he also this degree?” Thinks of this, he nips jaw, does not dare to neglect, just like Wu Yu said that if Xiao Chong blames finally, he must unable to eat to capture walking, palm, palace error is offering a sacrifice to: „The Wumen host, I help you!” 炽热的烈火烘烤高空,木心在旁边不由一惊:“原来他也达到这种程度了?”一想到这,他咬了咬牙关,也不敢在怠慢,正如吴宇所说,若是最后肖宠怪罪下来,他也要吃不了兜着走,掌心一番,宫阙祭出:“吴门主,我来助你!” Palace error armor?” “宫阙铠甲?” In the deliberation hall many people are terrified: „, Have two Sect Master spirit vein foundations consolidated?” 朝堂上不少人为之悚然:“难道,难道两位宗主灵脉根基已经稳固了?” It seems like is this, otherwise is impossible to run risks to offer a sacrifice, this thinks before , they have used fully, it seems like us look down on them.” “看来是这样,否则不可能冒着风险祭出,本以为之前两人已经动用全力,看来咱们还是小瞧他们啦。” That is the affirmation, after is the overlords in Scarlet Flame Empire two wide ranges, this Qin Shi met to trouble, big energies under two palace error armor, even if were soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master is not the match?” “那是肯定,毕竟是赤炎帝国两大区域的霸主,这一下秦石遇到麻烦了,两名宫阙铠甲下的大能,就算是魂咒符魔师也不是对手吧?” The surging emotions of many civil and military hundred officer are excited. 不少文武百官的心潮激动起来。 The strength of two broad attribute duo duo compel, Qin Shi knit the brows from the distant place, reveals wipes unprecedented to be dignified: A little slightly troubles.” 两股恢弘的属性之力咄咄相逼,秦石从远处皱了皱眉,露出一抹前所未有的凝重:“有点小麻烦啊。” Suffers to death!” “受死!” Opens palace error, Wu Yu imposing manner big change, before an arrow step rushes to the Qin Shi body, fire dragon that single-handed such as is dormant, fierce searches the bleeding mouth. 开启宫阙,吴宇气势大变,一个箭步就冲到秦石身前,单手如蛰伏的火龙,猛的探出血口。 Bang! 砰! The under foot transfers fast, Qin Shi moves aside hastily, just shunted the offensive, in the hand explodes directly projects six [gold/metal], blasts out to Wu Yu. 脚下快速挪移,秦石连忙躲闪,刚一躲开攻势,手中直接爆射出六道金芒,冲着吴宇炸开。 Under the palace error armor, common spiritual power is unable to cause the damage to it, only has the psychic force to counterattack. 宫阙铠甲下,寻常的灵力根本无法对其造成伤害,唯有精神力才能够还击。 However Wu Yu just withdrew, the core of wood takes advantage of somebody's authority to approach, a fist hits the Qin Shi back of the body from the back, making the Qin Shi pupil shrink, a blood puffed out. 不过吴宇刚退后,木心又借势逼近,一拳从背后击中秦石的后心,令秦石瞳仁一缩,一口鲜血喷了出去。 Damn!” “该死!” Cursed angrily one, flying of Qin Shi translation escapes hundred meters. 怒骂一声,秦石平移的飞遁百米。 They use fully, Qin Shi falls in the weak trend obviously, even if there are soul palace in addition to hold is not good, after all the soul palace is mainly not used to attack. 两人动用全力,秦石明显落于弱势,就算有魂殿加持也不行,毕竟魂殿主要不是用来攻击。 This opportunity, the core of wood approaches once again, cold Dao who the corners of the mouth laugh wildly: Scoffs, the kid, how was this repulsed?” 得此时机,木心再度逼近,嘴角狂笑的冷道:“嗤,小家伙,怎么这就败退了?” Few idle talk!” “少废话!” Qin Shi dark snort, has not expected behind swept across the cold wind at this time suddenly, made his brow suddenly wrinkle, looked askance to see only Wu Yu to approach rapidly, a beginning of hundred zhang (333m) was imminent. 秦石暗哼一声,未料这时背后突然席卷寒风,令他的眉头突然一皱,侧目只见吴宇正急速逼近,一把百丈的开山斧已经迫在眉睫。 A flurry, Qin Shi lifts the sword resistance. 一阵慌乱,秦石举剑抵抗。 Bang! 轰! Bang, the beginning strength of hundred zhang (333m) is enormous, even if launches Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, the Qin Shi tigers mouth place was still shattered, the bloodstain flows out directly. 巨响一声,百丈的开山斧力量极大,就算将星陨霸体决展开,秦石的虎口处仍是被震裂,血迹直接流出。 Shi’tou!” 石头!” This made in the deliberation hall many people be surprised. 这一幕令朝堂上不少人为之一惊。 Yu Luocha stands up directly, if not for large male deer imperial concubine is blocking her, feared that was she already boldly rushed. 玉罗刹直接站起身,若不是麟妃拦着她,怕是她早就奋不顾身的冲上去了。 Relax, he is all right, you will go instead to make him divert attention.” [Say / Way] that the large male deer imperial concubine Chest varies. “放心吧,他没事,你去了反而会让他分心。”麟妃心口不一的道。 Struggled, Yu Luocha fastened tightly the white hands has selected, in Chest pray silently: Shi’tou, you have promised me, do not have the matter.” 挣扎一番,玉罗刹才扣紧玉手的点了下头,心口中默默的祈祷:“石头,你答应过我,一定不要有事啊。” Qin Shi falls into the dangerous situation, the core of wood is exceptionally excited: Snort, little demon is the little demon head, today I make you know that any Qin sect was a joke, if said that perhaps past Burning Sky Sect can also make me and others dread several points, but your Qin sect did not have this ability.” 秦石陷入险境,木心异常兴奋:“哼,小鬼头就是小鬼头,今日我就让你知道,什么秦宗不过是个笑话,若是说当年的焚天宗或许还能令我等忌惮几分,不过你秦宗却是没这个能力。” The word, he leaves to go forward, circles to the Qin Shi back directly, the hand imprint seethes in the palms unceasingly, wipes the green demon plate rolling to lift off: Kid, suffers to death, Qing Luan puts to death to decide!” 言罢,他抽身上前,直接绕到秦石的背后,手印在掌心间不断翻腾,一抹青色的魔盘滚滚升空:“小家伙,受死吧,卿鸾诛杀决!” Bang! 轰! Takes advantage of opportunity, demon plate changes into thousand zhang (3.33 m), the minister luan that the core of wood uses puts to death to decide, goes far beyond Qing Luanmen eight to protect buddhist law, blocking the sky gets down toward the Qin Shi crush. 顺势,魔盘化为千丈大小,木心所使用的卿鸾诛杀决,远远超过卿鸾门的八名护法,遮天蔽日的朝秦石碾压下去。 Twilight one black, Qin Shi knit the brows, but he relaxed at this time suddenly, whatever the black robe makes noise in the wind cool and refreshingly, the corners of the mouth have raising of several points of ridicule: He he, actually said that my Qin sect was inferior to Burning Sky Sect, it seems like, if a real skill, can make you understand that I can kill Luan Muhua in the past, can extinguish Burning Sky Sect, similarly can extinguish you.” 暮色一黑,秦石皱了皱眉,不过这时他突然放松下来,任由黑袍在风中泠泠作响,嘴角带有几分嘲弄的扬起:“呵呵,竟然说我秦宗不如焚天宗,看来真的要是出点真本事了,才能够让你明白,我当年能杀了栾慕华,能灭了焚天宗,就同样能灭了你们。” The voice just fell, Qin Shi fierce raising head, the color of direct locking core of wood evil spirit, his movement makes the audience one startled together at once, makes with the beforehand core of wood similar hand imprint unexpectedly, wipes the blue glow lift-off: I use your Qing Luanmen move, copes you!” 话音刚落,秦石猛的仰头,一道凶煞之色直接锁定木心,旋即他的动作让全场一惊,竟做出和之前木心同样的手印,一抹青芒升空而起:“我就用你卿鸾门的招数,来对付你!” Minister luan puts to death to decide!” “卿鸾诛杀决!” The blue glow blooms, the demon plate able to move unhindered, in the Qin Shi control, howls with the core of wood same blue lovelace plate. 青芒绽放,魔盘纵横,秦石的手心上,一尊和木心相同的青色魔盘呼啸而出。 This strikes, before , he is pregnant the god to set up there exploitation to come from the god, like this 6-Step martial arts, regarding he who year to year under Shu Zhongyu gradually influences, almost it can be said that looks at one, can learn immediately. 这一击,正是之前他从神孕神树那里剥削而来,像这种六阶武学,对于常年在书中玉熏陶下的他,几乎可以说是看一眼,立马就能够学会。 When his demon plate has thousand zhang (3.33 m) similarly, even must surmount the core of wood to a certain extent the demon plate, after all after the transformation of Blazing Book, martial arts enters the step. 他的魔盘同样有千丈之余,甚至在某种程度上还要超越木心的魔盘,毕竟经过焚书的改造,武学进阶。 What's wrong, how to be possible?” “怎么,怎么可能?” !! !!
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