PDL :: Volume #6

#566: Situation

The core of wood is dumbfounded, definitely is unable to believe the present fact. 木心目瞪口呆,完全无法相信眼前的事实。 However the fact is this, Qin Shi used Qing Luan to put to death to decide, two green demon plates revolved in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) upper air unceasingly, the blue vortex made the vault of heaven such as the calm sea level, was been suddenly ordinary by the flood dragon invasion, all of a sudden became the ocean waves ripples, fierce collision. 不过事实就是这样,秦石使用了卿鸾诛杀决,两尊青色的魔盘在万丈高空上不断旋转,碧蓝色的漩涡令天穹如波澜不惊的海面,突然间被蛟龙侵入一般,一下子变得海浪涟漪,剧烈碰撞。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Is above the imagination complementary waves explodes suddenly, such as the great antiquity beast of prey is common, howling swallows the remnant cloud. 一股超乎想象的余波骤然爆开,如洪荒猛兽一般,呼啸的将残云吞噬。 This strikes the momentum that causes to be quite terrorist, the entire palace wall in its under trembles, the deep blue vault of heaven was turning into the garnet in an instant, the dreadful hot glow falls like the rainstorm. 这一击引起的声势极为恐怖,整座皇城在其下都是为之一颤,本来蔚蓝的苍穹在刹那间变成暗红色,滔天的火芒如暴雨般落下。 Good terrifying strength!” The crowd in deliberation hall terrified in great surprise. “好恐怖的力量!”朝堂上的人群悚然大惊。 How possible? Just the move of Qin Shi use, was Qing Luanmen left behind martial arts?” “怎么可能?刚刚秦石使用的招数,是卿鸾门的遗留武学吧?” Mistakenly, but how will he use?” “错不了,不过他怎么会使用?” Does not know, moreover haven't you seen? martial arts of Qin Shi use, must a moment ago probably in the core of wood gate main above, is actually this boy what background?” “不知道,而且你们没看见吗?刚才秦石使用的武学,好像还要在木心门主之上,这小子究竟是什么来头?” Um, it seems like we looked down on him.” “嗯,看来我们都小瞧他了。” Fills toward civil and military, the emperor's family aristocrat, is the bursting out laughing sucks the tongue. 满朝文武,皇亲贵族,皆是哑然咂舌。 Xiao Chongmei pupil reduces, staring Qin Shi that dreads, the surging emotions become no longer tranquil: In any event, this boy must die today, otherwise another day must Cheng Da contract!” 肖宠美眸紧缩,忌惮的凝望秦石,心潮变得不再平静:“无论如何,今日这小子必须死,否则他日必成大患!” Bang! 砰! A palm shakes side Qingyuan draws back, Hua Ling stands firm the tender body, sees the airborne demolition also reveals several points of surprise, at once smiles bitterly saying: He he, the beforehand worry looked like has wasted, this was also good, fellow who I wholeheartedly coped with your three old codgers!” 一掌将方庆元震退,花零稳住娇躯,看见空中的爆破也是露出几分诧异,旋即苦笑道:“呵呵,之前的担心看来是白费了,这样也好,我就全心全意来对付你们三个老不死的家伙吧!” The word, her beautiful pupil dodges the ruthless offense, void trampling of strolling, circles to the side Qingyuan flank directly, on the white hands the miraculous glow tumbles, strikes to kill. 言罢,她美眸一闪狠戾,漫步的虚空践踏,直接绕到方庆元侧方,玉手上灵光翻滚,一击必杀。 Bang! 轰! An inch vigor, Chinese Qingyuan vest. 一个寸劲,正中方庆元背心。 Bang! 轰隆! This strikes very tyrannicalally, a spirit pressure cuts to pieces the heart of side Qingyuan from the pore directly, because is only the puppet, side Qingyuan body stiff, if then has not been injured to be the same, throws once again toward Hua Ling. 这一击十分强横,一股灵压直接从毛孔将方庆元的心脏切碎,不过由于只是傀儡,方庆元身躯僵硬一下,便如没受伤一样,再度朝花零扑去。 The beautiful pupil has congealed congealing, the Hua Ling look is embarrassed: Snort, three fellows of old codgers, died so were hard to deal with.” 美眸凝了凝,花零的神色难堪下来:“哼,三个老不死的家伙,死了还这么难缠。” Eats delicacies moon/month to drink in the distant place lowly: Hua Ling palace host, attacks to their heads, so long as made their head and body separation, their within the body planted spell naturally will expire!” 啸月在远处低喝:“花零殿主,对他们三人的脑袋攻击,只要令他们的脑袋和身躯分离,他们体内被种植的符咒自然就会失效!” Head?” Hua Ling light nan, after bearing in mind, taunted: This, it seems like my also this use real!” “脑袋吗?”花零轻喃一声,记在心里后嘲讽道:“这样的话,看来我也该动用真格的了!” Hundred flowers on the wane!” “百花・凋零!” Continuously toward retroceding several steps, Hua Ling very kneads together before the high milk-white bosom the skilled artist rapidly, takes her as hundred meters of center of circle in suddenly, the earth shivers fiercely. 连续朝后退开数步,花零将妙手在高挺的酥胸前迅速捏合,骤然间以她为圆心的百米之内,大地剧烈颤抖起来。 This earth trembles, side Qingyuan is three people of head suddenly one stiff, on the earth splits several gullies directly, the purple quiet color timbo takes advantage of opportunity to circle one after another, blocks three people firmly. 这大地一颤,方庆元为首的三人猛然一僵,大地上直接裂开数道沟壑,一条一条紫幽色的树藤顺势绕出,将三人牢牢的封锁。 Gives me to break!” “给我破!” The pupil opens the eyes, an invisible strength takes advantage of opportunity to cover the audience. 瞳仁一睁,一股无形之力顺势笼罩全场。 The spirit pressures of four days of boundaries, extremely strange finding out, altogether covers the side Qingyuan three people, at once at this moment, ties up three people of rattan to move restlessly, sends out fierce roaring unceasingly, side Qingyuan three people of skull smashing. 四天之境的灵压,极为诡异的探出,一股脑的将方庆元三人覆盖,旋即就在这时,捆绑三人的藤条躁动起来,不断发出剧烈的咆哮,生生将方庆元三人的头骨粉碎。 Bang! 轰! The skull was crushed, three spells directly from three people in within the body dissipations. 头骨被击碎,三道符咒直接从三人的体内消散。 This, the strong body slowly drops down throughout. 这一下,始终坚挺的身躯才缓缓倒下。 Three people drop down, hisses moon/month sorrow certainly grips the tight fist: Three younger brothers, you liberated, goes back your world.” 三人倒下,啸月哀绝的攥紧拳:“三位弟弟,你们解放了,回去你们的世界吧。” Three senior generals were extinguished, Xiao Chong is once again terrified: „Did three always defeat? How is this possible?” 三名大将被灭,肖宠再度惶恐:“三老败了?这怎么可能?” The battlefield subsides much, only remaining unceasingly circuitous Lin Yu and Fang Heng, among them the war is intense, although Lin Yu is inferior to Fang Heng on spiritual power, but before depending, leading by the hand of hisses moon/month, he suppresses Fang Heng on martial arts completely, suddenly arrives to end up to turn out the fate of being equally matched. 战场平息不少,只剩下不断迂回的麟宇和方衡,两人之间的战争非常激烈,麟宇虽说在灵力上不及方衡,不过仗着之前啸月的提携,他在武学上完全压制方衡,一时间到落得个难分伯仲的下场。 Holds up the day to murder Lei Jue!” “擎天弑雷决!” Lin Yu floats in void, strikes Fang Hengbi draws back, takes advantage of somebody's authority two gatherings, myriad thunder light unite from the five fingers. 麟宇浮于虚空,一击将方衡逼退,借势将两手汇聚,万千的雷光从五指间联合。 Bang! 轰! Rushes to the heavenly thunder light, gathers from upper air suddenly. 奔天雷光,骤然从高空汇聚。 The formation of thunder clouds, has extremely vigorous constriction, making those present group one startled: Is that move?” 雷云的形成,产生极为浑厚的压迫感,令在场的人群不由一惊:“是那招?” Is empire three big martial arts, empire taboo martial arts!” “难道是帝国三大武学之最,帝国禁忌武学!” This was Lin Yu insane? Can use that move unexpectedly?” “这麟宇疯了?竟然要用那招?” Did not say, once that move uses, the user must by intensely making a false counter-accusation, will also lose the life? He awfully?” “不是说,那一招一旦动用,使用者必会遭到强烈的反噬,甚至还会丢掉性命吗?难道他要命了?” In the noise, only has hisses moon/month to show a faint smile, perhaps others are not clear, but she actually fully realized, now Lin Yu holds up the day to murder Lei Jue, already was not once the half-finished product of that perishing together, but has the terrifying lethality must kill the technique. 喧嚣中,唯有啸月微微一笑,或许别人不清楚,不过她却深知,如今麟宇的擎天弑雷决,早就不是曾经那个同归于尽的半成品,而是拥有恐怖杀伤力的必杀技。 Stands erect under the rough rushing thunder, Fang Heng knit the brows: He he, holds up the day to murder Lei Jue? With this move, do you want to perish together with me?” 矗立于粗犷的奔雷下,方衡皱了皱眉:“呵呵,擎天弑雷决?用这招,难道你是想要和我同归于尽吗?” Perishes together?” Palm Lei Mang, the Lin Yu cold pupil opens and closes sneers: This had not planned that I also want, for my queen mother mounts the throne, I must look at the Shi’tou casting legend, I may not hate dead in this.” “同归于尽?”手掌雷莽,麟宇寒眸开合的冷笑一声:“没这打算,我还要为了我母后登上皇位,我还要看着石头铸造传奇,我可舍不得死在这。” Isn't? You have not stopped in a big hurry!” Boundless that more and more Lei Guang gathered, Fang Heng in its under reveals for several points to dread. “不是?那你还不快快停下!”雷光已经汇聚的越来越磅礴,方衡在其下露出几分忌惮。 Stops?” The Lin Yu corners of the mouth one, the palm rushes indifferently, until forehead that the side weighs: Who told you, don't I stop will die? What can die is you grasps holds up the day to murder Lei Jue, but my, then cannot!” “停下?”麟宇嘴角一咧,掌心漠然冲下,直至方衡的眉心:“谁告诉你,我不停下就会死得?会死的是你掌握的擎天弑雷决,而我的,则不会!” Broken!” “破!” Suddenly, in the palms of Lin Yu makes the sound of sound roaring, on the thunder clouds with vault of heaven produces the resonance, has the water jar thick or thin thunder light direct broken clouds together under. 骤然,麟宇的掌间发出声咆哮之音,和天穹上的雷云产生共鸣,一道足足有水缸粗细的雷光直接破云而下。 Howls, remnant cloud smashing. 呼啸间,一路的残云粉碎。 Bang! 轰隆! Lei Mang crushes the place above of deliberation hall directly, fierce fluctuation including Hua Ling pressed frowning, enclasps Yu Luocha, toward retroceding. 雷莽直接将朝堂的上方击碎,剧烈的波动连花零都蹙了蹙眉,一把将玉罗刹抱紧,朝后退开。 Xiao Chong beautiful face changing colors: Weighs, draws back quickly!” 肖宠花容失色:“衡儿,快退下!” Under rushing to thunder package, weighs space all around to be found time directly, his pupil shrinks fiercely: Damn, your you used unexpectedly, you not awfully?” 在奔雷的包裹下,方衡周遭的空间直接被抽空,他的瞳仁剧烈一缩:“该死,你竟然你真的使用出来了,难道你不要命了吗?” Bang! 轰! Under rushes to be struck by lightning, when Fang Heng in wants to shunt has been too late, the chest frontage was broken to pieces by rough Lei Guangjiao, shaking departs several kilometers to go him. 奔雷劈下,方衡在想躲开时已经为时已晚,胸膛正面被粗犷的雷光绞碎,生生将他给震飞出数千米去。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The deliberation hall direct avalanche of half wall becomes the dust. 半壁的朝堂直接崩塌成尘埃。 Good terrifying lethality!” Countless person Chest tremble with fear. “好恐怖的杀伤力!”无数人心口惊颤。 Weighs!” Xiao Chongai certainly sound changes, fierce leaps toward the distant place. “衡儿!”肖宠哀绝声变,狰狞的朝远处跃开。 Puff! 噗! A blood spouts from the dust, when Fang Heng Xiao Chong turns out, whole person very distressed, but he has four days of boundaries after all, sees only his whole body to glitter the light strength armor, has not come under the too intense attack. 一口鲜血从尘埃中喷出,方衡被肖宠翻出时,整个人十分的狼狈,不过他毕竟拥有四天之境,只见他全身闪烁着淡淡的火色铠甲,并未受到太强烈的攻击。 Palace error armor?” “宫阙铠甲?” Hisses moon/month pressed frowning, this somewhat is actually troublesome. 啸月蹙了蹙眉,这样的话倒是有些麻烦。 Flushing Xiao Chongdao who fierce standing up, Fang Heng cannot give a thought to the injury: Lin Yu? Has a look at Lin Yu quickly, he uses to hold up the day to murder Lei Jue, will decide by fiercely making a false counter-accusation, has killed him to me quickly!” 猛的站起身,方衡顾不上伤势的冲肖宠道:“麟宇呢?快看看麟宇,他使用擎天弑雷决,定会遭到剧烈的反噬,快给我杀了他!” The side weighs the safe, Xiao Chong is also calm much, this fierce has returned to the taste, shouted to clear the way to nearby civil and military hundred officers tenderly: Stares is doing? Has killed Lin Yu quickly!” 方衡无事,肖宠也冷静不少,这才猛的回过味,冲着旁边的文武百官娇喝道:“都愣着干什么呢?快去杀了麟宇!” Many people are startled, complies hastily. 不少人一怔,连忙答应。 Takes advantage of opportunity, the people pass through the dust, when just wanted to get rid, all people have been shocked, sees only standing erect Yu Kong of Lin Yu complete non- saving, where has the appearance that the least bit encounters makes a false counter-accusation? 顺势,众人穿过尘埃,不过刚欲出手时,所有人都惊呆了,只见麟宇完好无存的矗立于空,哪里有半点遭到反噬的模样? An arrogance ice appearance however sweeps away the audience, the Lin Yu chuckle: „Do you want to get rid to me?” 一副傲气凌然的模样横扫全场,麟宇轻笑:“你们要对我出手吗?” What's wrong, how to be possible?” all people startled, terrified trembling said: You did not use have held up the day to murder Lei Jue, will you be all right? Shouldn't you make a false counter-accusation?” “怎么,怎么可能?”诸人一惊,惶恐的颤道:“你不是使用了擎天弑雷决,你怎么会没事?你不是应该遭到反噬吗?” He he, who tells you to use to hold up the day to murder the thunder certainly to make a false counter-accusation definitely, today I give you under the popular science the knowledge, making you know everything not absolutely!” “呵呵,谁告诉你们使用擎天弑雷决就一定会遭到反噬,今天我就给你科普下知识,让你们知道凡事没有绝对!” Lin Yu corners of the mouth one, at once in pupils one cold, the several forms before raising hand gate pulse body shell: Then, this you, since you stood mistakenly the position, that does not need to live!” 麟宇嘴角一咧,旋即眸间一寒,举手间冲身前的数名身影轰击下去:“接下来,该你们了,既然你们站错了位,那就没有必要活着了!” Bang! 砰! Lin Yu cuts the gordian knot, the time that all Renlian gets back one's composure does not have, was killed to be caught off guard directly. 麟宇快刀斩乱麻,诸人连回神的功夫都没有,直接被杀了个措手不及。 Realized that this, Fang Heng is burning with anger: Lin Yu, you court death!” 察觉到这幕,方衡怒火中烧:“麟宇,你找死!” Indifferently, he turns sets out, although he is also curious, how after Lin Yu will use to hold up the day murders the thunder definitely, will be safe and uneventful, now what he wants to do kills Lin Yu, a broad raging fire armor duo duo compels the day, launches the offensive to Lin Yu. 漠然,他翻起身,尽管他也好奇,麟宇怎么会使用擎天弑雷决后会安然无事,不过他现在更想要做的是杀死麟宇,一席恢弘的烈火铠甲咄咄逼天,冲着麟宇就发起攻势。 The Lin Yu pupil shrinks, becomes low and deep, holds up the day to murder the thunder no doubt to be definitely formidable, actually appears somewhat weak under the palace error armor, only if can mix with the strength of attribute, the damage of otherwise causing is minimal. 麟宇瞳仁一缩,不由变得低沉,擎天弑雷决固然强大,不过在宫阙铠甲下却显得有些无力,除非能够夹杂属性之力,否则造成的伤害微乎其微。 However at this time, has not waited for Lin Yu to respond, in the upper air transmits broad Lang Xiao suddenly: Your Highness Fang Heng, how this was, such big anger, emperor but who Lin Yu you may the wound not probably, he probably mount the throne, if wanted to vent anger, I gave an undeserved target of anger then am, caught!” 不过这时,没等麟宇反应,高空中突然传递来恢弘郎笑:“方衡殿下,这是怎么了,这么大的火气,不过麟宇你可伤不得,他可是要登上皇位的天子,若是真的想要出气,我送给个出气筒便是,接住!” Bang! 砰! The voice has not fallen, before Fang Heng pupil, in a flash the black glow, the broken form falls from the day together, hit to fill with him directly, was passed through by his fist. 话音未落,方衡眸前一晃黑芒,一道残破的身影从天而落,直接和他撞了个满怀,被他的拳头贯穿。 Damn, what thing?” The blood seeps out, Fang Hengmeng the stopping body, is looking at the form on fist one startled: Core of wood gate host?” “该死,什么东西?”鲜血渗出,方衡猛的停下身,望着拳头上的身影不由一惊:“木心门主?” Bang! 轰! The next instant, the hot glow such as the meteor crashes in addition together, maliciously penetrates the deliberation hall, pounding loudly on the earth, was broken to pieces a several meters deep endocrater including the earth. 下一霎,另一道火芒如流星坠落,狠狠的将朝堂击穿,轰然的砸在大地上,连大地都被碎开一个数十米深的巨坑。 Under the Royal Court endocrater looks, Wu Yu unceasing twitching, shows the whites of the eyes already lost consciousnes. 朝巨坑下一瞧,吴宇正在其中不断的抽搐,翻着白眼已然失去了神智 What's all this about?” Many person suction port cold air/Qi, raises head but actually hastily. “这是怎么回事?”不少人倒吸口冷气,连忙仰头。 Does not raise head importantly, this raising head people are completely foolish are in-situ. 不仰头不要紧,这一仰头众人全部都痴傻在原地。 Yes, is Qin Shi? Did he win?” “是,是秦石?他赢了?” Qin Shi is hanging the light faint smile, binds the black robe from airborne to fall slowly, on his black robe moistened completely the bloodstain, but careful will look will discover, these bloodstains completely from him, but came from the core of wood and Wu Yu. 秦石正挂着淡淡浅笑,裹着黑袍从空中缓缓落下,他的黑袍上沾满了血迹,不过仔细一瞧就会发现,这些血迹全部是来自他,而是来自于木心和吴宇。 Your Highness Fang Heng, can this undeserved target of anger return satisfied?” “方衡殿下,这出气筒可还满意吗?” You!” “你!” Fang Heng is angry, the core of wood severe wound, weighed this fist by the place above, died directly, where Wu Yu very arrives at similarly, the injury serious under was also vents anger the multi- air admissions to be short. 方衡大怒,木心本就重伤,挨上方衡这一拳,直接就断气了,吴宇同样好不到哪里,伤势惨重下也是出气多进气少了。 Crosses the hands behind the back Yu Kong, Qin Shi has not gone to pay attention to angry Fang Heng, looks directly to Xiao Chongling however smiles: „Does Queen Xiao Chong, at this moment, you also prepare to show off power?” 负手于空,秦石没去理会愤怒的方衡,直接望向肖宠凌然一笑:“肖宠皇后,事到如今,难道你还准备逞强吗?” Under forcing of Qin Shi, Xiao Chong falls into low and deep, the present situation is very disadvantageous to her, the Wu Yu core of wood two front door hosts defeat, the palace three old were also crushed, this thinks Fang Heng and Lin Yu who playing chess can win safely, suddenly has not taken the superiority in ideal. 秦石的逼迫下,肖宠陷入低沉,现在的情况对她十分不利,吴宇木心两大门主战败,宫廷三老也被粉碎,就连本以为能稳妥胜出的方衡和麟宇的对弈,一时间也没有取到理想中的优势。 However silent, she sneers suddenly: He he, Qin Shi, you think really that this can finish? I told you, was impossible!” The word, her five senses are fierce: Blood sorcerer, comes out!” 不过沉默中,她突然冷笑:“呵呵,秦石,你真的以为,这样就能结束了吗?我告诉你,不可能!”言罢,她的五官都狰狞起来:“血巫师,出来吧!” !! !!
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