PDL :: Volume #6

#564: The war starts

Hua Ling begins, Qin Shi from, when will not fall behind. He is caressing Yu Luocha gently, places her to the safe position, said: In this I, oneself careful.” 花零动手,秦石自当不会落后。他轻轻抚着玉罗刹,将她安置到安全的位置,道:“在这等我,自己小心一点。” Yu Luocha worries, but she knows which is the lighter and which is the heavier, the matter develops this situation, this war has had to fight, for this reason docile [say / way]: You are also careful.” 玉罗刹担忧不已,不过她知道孰轻孰重,事情发展到这个地步,此战已经是不得不战,为此温顺的道:“你也要小心。” Relax, I also counted on that a bit faster finished this, is on one's honeymoon with you, do not forget you to comply with my matter.” Qin Shi badly badly smiles, stubbornly disobedient condition. “放心吧,我还指望快点结束这,然后和你去度蜜月呢,你别忘了你答应我的事。”秦石坏坏一笑,一副顽劣之态。 You!” The Yu Luocha jade surface that such obvious sexually harassing, harms is charming, stared Qin Shi one maliciously, but she is immediately gentle, the nod said: Um, I comply your, certainly will achieve, you comply my also to achieve, promising me do not have the matter.” “你!”这么明显的调戏,害的玉罗刹玉面娇羞,狠狠的瞪了秦石一眼,不过马上她就柔和下来,点头道:“嗯,我答应你的,就一定会做到,你答应我的也要做到,答应我一定不要有事。” Um, I promise you!” “嗯,我答应你!” Obtained the answer of satisfied, Qin Shi such as knocks the medicine to be the same immediately, the whole person was competitive, turned around to leap to Hua Ling side. 得到满意的答复,秦石顿时如磕了药一样,整个人动力十足,一个转身就跃到花零身旁。 Bang! 轰隆! Only they, throw off the startled day the wild waves, several hundred palace guards go forward by being hard that Qin Shi and Hua Ling force actually half step. 单凭两人,就掀翻起惊天的骇浪,数百名御林军硬是被秦石花零逼迫的难以前进半步。 Xiao Chong look is low and deep, exclaimed to nearby Wu Yu and Bing Xin: „Do you stare are doing? Quickly hasn't begun? If makes Lin Yu mount the throne, Qing Luanmen and Laoshan sects cannot obtain the advantage!” 肖宠神色低沉,冲着旁边的吴宇和冰心吼道:“你们愣着干什么呢?还不赶快动手?如果真让麟宇登上皇位,卿鸾门和崂山宗也得不到好处!” Hears this word, the core of wood and Wu Yu knit the brows, they are advocate Sect Master after all, was shouted to drink by Xiao Chong to feel like this not to be feeling well unavoidably, but they also know Xiao Chong said right, not to mention today's election, before is only , their actions, then already and Qin Shi and Hua Ling made not dead the continuous situation, if made Lin Yu mount the throne, feared that was the 2nd day is their date of extermination. 听闻此言,木心和吴宇皱了皱眉,两人毕竟是门主宗主,被肖宠这样呼来喝去难免会感到不爽,不过他们也知道肖宠说的没错,暂且不说今日的选举一事,光是之前两人的所作所为,便已然和秦石花零闹到了不死不休的地步,若是真让麟宇登上皇位,怕是第二日就是他们的灭门之日。 Hua Ling, Qin Shi, I and others can you!” 花零,秦石,我等来会会你!” Wu Yu and pure-heart on uneven, by a broad strength, harasses the clouds in deliberation hall. 吴宇和冰心齐上,以一股恢弘之力,扰乱朝堂上的云霄。 Bang! 轰! Bang, two exceedingly high light beams pierce the ceiling of deliberation hall directly, a wisp of light setting sun disperses, falls in the deliberation hall. 巨响一声,两道通天的光柱直接将朝堂的天花板洞穿,一缕淡淡的夕阳散下,落在朝堂上。 These two people give me to cope, I and their a little personal gratitude and grudges.” Wu Yu and core of wood that staring approaches, Qin Shi ridicule snort. “这两个人交给我来对付,我和他们有点私人恩怨。”凝视逼近的吴宇和木心,秦石讥讽的哼了哼。 hear that, Hua Ling reveals for several points to question obviously: Gives you? Do you determine?” 闻言,花零明显露出几分质疑:“交给你?你确定吗?” Pours also no wonder, Qin Shi only then two days of boundaries, Wu Yu and core of wood are actually three days of summits, even if knows that the Qin Shi method is uncommon, Hua Ling does not dare to believe. 倒也难怪,秦石只有二天之境,吴宇和木心却是三天之巅,即便知道秦石的手段不凡,花零还是不敢置信。 He he, relieved, I have complied with the demons, certainly will not have an accident.” Qin Shi smiles, reveals to wipe the exclusive aggression. “呵呵,安心吧,我答应过罗刹,一定不会出事。”秦石轻轻一笑,露出抹专属的霸气。 Sees Qin Shi so decidedly, the Hua Ling silent meeting, the nod said: Good, you were careful.” 秦石这般决然,花零沉默一会,点头道:“好,那你自己小心。” Should next, Qin Shi not in the idle talk, they leaps forward to Wu Yu and core of wood, welcomes two Li Mang of coming in waves to collide loudly. 应下一声,秦石不在废话,冲着吴宇和木心两人跃进,迎着两道滚滚而来的厉芒轰然碰撞。 Bang! 轰隆! Golden asterism, like the sharp sword of destroying the hardest defenses, directly pierces Wu Yu and core of wood offensive, but is this instant, Wu Yu and core of wood are sideways to ambush, one after the other comes up toward the Qin Shi converging attack. 一股金色的星芒,像一把无坚不摧的利剑,直接将吴宇和木心的攻势洞穿,不过就是这个刹那,吴宇和木心侧身伏击,一前一后的朝秦石夹击上去。 Brat, suffers to death!” “臭小子,受死!” Front, core of wood such as tiger claw, reflects the Qin Shi forehead to cover, but the rear area is Wu Yu, the hand grasps the sharp great axe, the place above is also glittering the ease raging fire, the First Rank empty shade from the hundred zhang (333m) high airborne chops maliciously. 前方,木心手如虎爪,映着秦石的眉心笼罩下来,而后方则是吴宇,手握锋利的巨斧,上方还闪烁着悠然烈火,一层虚影从百丈高的空中狠狠劈下。 Is staring at their offensive, in the Qin Shi pupils woods cold cold Dao: He he, this wants my life, feared that is unqualified?” 盯着两人的攻势,秦石眸间森寒的冷道:“呵呵,这就想要我的命,怕是还不够格吧?” The word, about him considers, black pupil fierce raising, stop moment in ceiling broken hole, the corners of the mouth reveal wipe the strange smiling face, at once in them among him, only then the square inches, he catches up suddenly, under black robe fierce curls up the fierce cold current, tramples void, jumps onto azure clouds directly. 言罢,他左右思量一番,黑眸猛的扬起,在天花板被破开的窟窿上停顿片刻,嘴角露出一抹诡异的笑容,旋即就在两人临近他只有方寸之间,他突然发力,黑袍下猛的卷起剧烈寒流,一个虚空践踏,直接跃上青霄。 Qin Shi leaps suddenly, Wu Yu and in core of wood pupil eyes direct mapping each other form, making their heart be startled. 秦石突然飞跃,吴宇和木心的眸眼中直接映射出彼此的身影,令两人心头一惊。 Damn! Was swindled!” “该死!上当了!” The core of wood is sideways hastily, but this, the tiger claw still cut from Wu Yu's shoulder, but which he also very to goes, the calf was opened a blood-stained mouth by Wu Yu's great axe. 木心连忙侧身,但就算这样,虎爪仍是从吴宇的肩膀上划破,而他也好不到哪去,小腿被吴宇的巨斧开了条血口。 Bang! 轰隆! The spirit pressure explosions of two ruthless offenses, burn directly in the deliberation hall the raging flame. 两股狠戾的灵压爆炸,直接在朝堂上燃烧起熊熊烈火。 In the tuck dive of flame, their look is fierce, being filled with righteous indignation staring upper air, Qin Shi in ten thousand meters remote bird's eye view , the taunt on corners of the mouth is exceptionally obvious, beckons to them slightly. 火光的翻腾中,两人神色狰狞,义愤填膺的凝视高空,秦石正在万米之遥俯瞰着下方,嘴角上的嘲讽异常明显,冲着两人微微招手。 This movement, has enraged them directly, the core of wood calls out one, the whole body flood the billowing green ray, the incisive singlestick, takes advantage of opportunity from him about one after another raises, spirit pressure vortex that although the singlestick, all around flees in all directions, is the same like the meat grinder, in Lian Feng has blown the dust passes, directly broken to pieces Cheng Jifen. 这一动作,直接激怒了两人,木心嚎叫一声,全身泛起滚滚绿色的光芒,一道一道尖锐的木剑,顺势从他左右升起,不过虽说是木剑,周遭流窜的灵压漩涡,却如绞肉机一样,连风中吹过的尘埃从中晃过,都直接被碎成齑粉。 Boy, should not be favorite, this wanted your life!” Shouted angrily, core of wood grasped the singlestick to run out of the deliberation hall, from flank direct thorn to the Qin Shi black robe. “小子,你别得意,这就要了你的命!”怒喝一声,木心手握木剑就冲出朝堂,从侧方直接刺向秦石的黑袍。 ! 咻! The pupil shrinks, Qin Shi is sideways hastily, but he just dodged, in another hole surges with amazement the spirit prestige, such as great antiquity fierce tiger is ordinary, fierce launches the impact toward Qin Shi. 瞳仁一缩,秦石连忙侧身,不过他刚闪躲,另一个窟窿中涌动起骇然灵威,如洪荒的猛虎一般,猛的朝秦石发起冲击。 The blazing irritable explosive, these two attacks are again and again cut-throat, crowd that in the deliberation hall waits and sees indifferently one startled: Has not thought that just started Wu Yu core of wood two Sect Master to move fully, it seems like in their eyes, this Qin Shi is also troublesome.” 炽热的火爆爆响连连,这两道攻击非常凶狠,就连朝堂上观望的人群都漠然一惊:“没想到,刚开始吴宇木心两位宗主就动了全力,看来在他们眼中,这个秦石也是个麻烦啊。” „, This Qin Shi arrogance truly some were too truly rampant, young uses so to cultivate is, if performs the growth of date and time, feared that will be links Hua Ling also to be surmounted by him.” “确实,这秦石的气焰确实有些太嚣张了,年纪轻轻就用有这般修为,若是加以时日的成长,怕是连花零也会被他超越吧。” Um, but now has two days of boundaries in him well, depending on him should not be two Sect Master strengths now, today should be strangled in the cradle.” Many people sobbed at heart. “嗯,不过好在他现在才只有二天之境,凭他现在应该不是两位宗主的实力,今日应该就会被扼杀在摇篮里了。”不少人的心里唏嘘一番。 The sky engages in the intense battle, in deliberation hall is also not the least bit off. 上空展开激烈的交锋,朝堂内也是丝毫不差。 Hua Ling one man guards the pass, the town in the front of several hundred palace guards, had her, let alone is this crowd of Profound Spirit Realm palace guard, is these civil and military hundred officers, in empire honored and popular great person, is suddenly difficult the achievement. 花零一夫当关,镇受在数百御林军的前方,有她在别说是这群只有玄灵境的御林军,就是这些文武百官,帝国中有头有脸的大人物,一时间也难有作为。 He he, does the gigantic empire, such select the skill?” Is looking at each look anxious all people, Hua Ling is actually completely at ease, the taunt of whole face. “呵呵,硕大个帝国,难道就这么点本事吗?”望着各个神色紧张的诸人,花零倒是坦然自若,满脸的嘲讽。 Xiao Chong moral nature sinks, in white hands are suddenly many three spells, throws to the upper air in: Snort, Hua Ling, should not be favorite, you thought that I can not prepare? Immediately some people coped with you, the soul ghost attached the spirit!” 肖宠心底一沉,玉手中突然多出三道符咒,冲着高空中一抛:“哼,花零,你别得意,你觉得我会没有准备吗?马上就有人对付你了,魂鬼附灵!” Buzz! 嗡! Spell, silent palace three old raise head suddenly, three people of complexion are pale, pupil eyes blood red, all around surges the black air/Qi that winds around. 符咒一出,沉默的宫廷三老突然仰头,三人的面色苍白,一个一个眸眼血红,周遭涌动出缭绕的黑气。 Bang! 轰! Side Qingyuan tiger body, sticks out suddenly the strange mark to wind from his forehead immediately together. 方庆元虎躯一挺,从他的眉心处顿时暴起一道诡异的纹络。 Kills!” The rough hoarse sound puts out from the side Qingyuan mouth, the next instant his body vanishes indifferently, is treading the disorderly remnant shade, before compelling the Hua Ling tender body directly, black air/Qi is filling his big hand, tightens to the Hua Ling nape of the neck. “杀!”粗犷的沙哑声从方庆元口中吐出,下一霎他身躯漠然消失,踏着凌乱的残影,直接逼到花零的娇躯前,一圈黑气弥漫着他的大手,冲着花零的脖颈就勒紧下去。 The Hua Ling beautiful pupil opens the eyes, the speed of this side Qingyuan is extremely fast, far exceeds her expectation, unavoidablily body after leans, the white hands strike to fly side Qingyuan from the upper air hastily. 花零美眸一睁,这方庆元的速度极快,远远超出她的预料,不得已间身躯朝后一倾,玉手连忙从高空中将方庆元击飞。 Bang! 砰! In Fang Qingyuan the chest the move, withdraws continuously three strides. 方庆元胸口中招,连续退后三个大步。 However he was just compelled to draw back, two remnant shades take advantage of opportunity from his about reappear, separately is Fang Qinghu and Fang Qingyu, wipes approaches in the spirit pressures of four days of boundaries infinitely, spouts from their crowns. 不过他刚被逼退,两道残影顺势从他的左右浮现,分别是方庆虎和方庆宇,一抹无限接近于四天之境的灵压,从两人的天灵盖上喷出。 The sudden difference, Hua Ling look sudden change, two white hands were welcoming Fang Qinghu and Fang Qingyu hastily dash directly. 突然的异样,花零神色骤变,两只玉手连忙迎着方庆虎和方庆宇两人正面冲撞一番。 Bang! 砰! Has not expected just fought, the Hua Ling beautiful pupil shrinks, the feeling on the white hands transmitting, does not hit likely on the human body, instead like is the bombardment, in two do not have on the life sheet iron, their strength terrors extremely, are toughing it out the attack of Hua Ling, shakes it draws back. 未料刚交手,花零的美瞳一缩,玉手上传递回来的感觉,丝毫不像是打在人体上,反而像是轰击在两块没有生命的铁板上一样,两人的力量极其的恐怖,硬挺着花零的攻击,将其生生震退。 Bang! 轰隆! Explodes draws back several steps, Hua Ling frowns suddenly: Damn, these three old fogies what's the matter?” 爆退数步,花零猛然蹙眉:“该死,这三个老家伙是怎么回事?” Hua Ling palace host, is careful them, they already were not the human, did not have the life puppet!” Eats delicacies moon/month in the distant place, hastily drinks one lowly. 花零殿主,小心他们,他们早就不是人了,是没有生命的傀儡!”啸月在远处,连忙的低喝一声。 Puppet? No wonder!” Heard this word, Hua Ling suddenly, Qingyuan once again leapt forward at this time, the everywhere blue glow formed the Tsunami, making her have no other choice the rapid kneading together white hands, gathered the chest: Heavenly palace bouquet of flowers icy cold colored shield!” “傀儡?难怪!”听闻此言,花零恍然,这时方庆元再度跃进,漫天的蓝芒形成海啸,令她不得已间迅速的捏合玉手,汇聚胸膛:“天宫花束・冰凌花盾!” First Rank light cold current before her loftily very milk-white bosom glitters, takes advantage of opportunity, an attractive icy cold flower blooms, the stamen and pistil that from the cold current blooms such as the firm barrier, wraps firmly Hua Ling. 一层淡薄的寒流从她傲然挺起的酥胸前闪烁,顺势,一朵诱人的冰凌花从寒流中绽放,绽放开的花蕊如坚固的屏障,牢牢将花零包裹起来。 Bang! 砰! The barrier just formed, such as the shell offensive direct bombardment goes forward, immediately forms the radiant fireworks from the midair, the fierce complementary waves toward all around affect. 屏障刚形成,如炮弹般的攻势直接轰击上前,顿时从半空中形成璀璨的烟花,剧烈的余波朝周遭波及。 Bang! 轰隆! The surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) palace bang, the earth of deliberation hall starts from the Hua Ling under foot indifferently, toward all around opens the number to arrive at the rift valley broken, the entire construction precipitates toward under several points. 方圆百里的宫廷漠然巨响,朝堂的大地从花零脚下开始,朝着四周碎开数到裂谷,整个建筑都朝下方沉淀几分。 The complementary waves continued half double-hour to be many, the dust from the sky drifted, before people's shoved open body quarry stone, has the lingering fear: Good terrifying strength!” 余波持续了半个时辰还要多,大片大片的尘埃在空中漂泊,众人将身前的乱石推开,心存余悸:“好恐怖的力量!” Bang! 轰隆! In field four forms of imposing confrontation, side Qingyuan three people already infinite close four days of boundaries, moreover these three people of attacks are exceptionally strange, they did not understand that anything is called the defense, because does not have the life puppet, how whatever Hua Ling attacks, even if pierces the heart, can still such as Long Ruhu, the offensive be unceasing. 场上轰烈交锋的四道身影,方庆元三人已经无限接近四天之境,而且这三人的攻击异常诡异,他们根本不懂得什么叫做防御,由于是没有生命的傀儡,任由花零怎样攻击,即便是将心脏洞穿,仍然能如龙入虎,攻势不绝。 Under three people of forcing, Hua Ling is inferior to obviously, even if four days of boundaries, she was still ** can the body, how compared with the deceased person? 在三人的逼迫下,花零明显不及,即便是四天之境,她仍是**之躯,怎么能和死人相比? Sees this, Lin Yu closing tightly jaw maliciously, this war because of him, how he can look at Hua Ling injured, the tip of the toe anger treads, the dust under his body was shaken the powder directly, even if jump battlefield: Hua Ling palace host, I help you!” 望见这幕,麟宇狠狠的咬紧牙关,这场战争本来就是因他而起,他怎么能看着花零受伤,脚尖怒踏一下,他身下的尘埃直接被震散,纵然跃进战场:“花零殿主,我来助你!” Three days of prestige, such as bubbling spring blowout. 三天之威,如涌泉般喷出。 The Lin Yu whole body transpiration scarlet flame raging fire, from one side North Korean Qingyuan is approaching. 麟宇全身蒸腾着赤炎烈火,就从侧面朝方庆元逼近。 Bang! 砰! Has not expected this time, remnant shade fast approaches by the thunderclap together indifferently, keeps off the Lin Yu offensive in the front, Fang Heng the corners of the mouth smiles: He he, disturbs others, this is not good to be familiar with, you want the words that finds the human to fight, I accompany you.” 未料这时,一道残影以迅雷之速漠然逼近,生生将麟宇的攻势挡在胸前,方衡嘴角一笑:“呵呵,打扰别人,这可不是什么好习惯,你想要找人交手的话,我来陪陪你。” Damn!” “该死!” The Lin Yu moral nature sinks, the body of speeding away retreats rapidly several steps, but Fang Heng already attacked at this time, the strength of four days of uneven day, crush under. 麟宇心底一沉,疾驰的身躯迅速撤退几步,不过这时方衡已然进攻,四天齐天之力,碾压而下。 Bang! 轰! Fang Heng and Lin Yu encounter, the taking advantage of opportunity increasing number of people participate in the battlefield, the previous second of also broad infinite deliberation hall, at this moment degenerated into the dust, innumerable Heaven Realm expert, mix everywhere the remnant cloud, the vault of heaven in entire palace wall becomes dim. 方衡和麟宇交锋,顺势越来越多的人参与进战场中,前一秒还恢弘无限的朝堂,此时此刻已经沦为尘埃,无数天境高手,搅动起漫天的残云,整座皇城的苍穹都变得昏暗下来。 Goes through many places, in the palace wall falls into the thousand years in the most scared confusion. 辗转间,皇城中陷入千年来最为恐慌的混乱之中。 !! !!
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