PDL :: Volume #5

#500: Ancient times demon beast

Firmly stares at Suppressing Jade, Qin Shi is clenching teeth saying: Suppressing Jade in your hand?” 牢牢的盯着崩玉,秦石咬牙道:“崩玉在你的手上?” Jie Jie, naturally, I early have to expect that Luan Muhua this useless person management will be disadvantageous, how will I also keep her body Suppressing Jade?” Zhen Yuan float Yu Kong, a face relaxed smiling face, making many people feel absolutely terrifiedly. “桀桀,当然,我早有预料到栾慕华这个废物会办事不利,我又怎么会将崩玉留在她的身上呢?”甄渊悬浮于空,一脸轻松的笑容,让不少人感觉到毛骨悚然。 Hears this word, the heart of Qin Shi sinks to the valley. 听闻此言,秦石的心沉入谷底。 Looks at the strange form of being dormant, the throat of people are rolling, because before the reason of frozen profound territory, making all people relax to Zhen Yuan vigilantly, has not actually thought that withstood that terrifying attack, he not only had not died a tragic death, unexpectedly including the least bit injury? 望着蛰伏的诡异身影,众人的喉咙不禁滚动一下,之前由于冰封玄域的缘故,令所有人对甄渊都放松了警惕,却沒想到承受了那种恐怖的攻击,他非但沒有惨死,竟然连半点伤势都沒有? About ten thousand vision gatherings with amazement in one, smiling of Zhen Yuan not to accept as correct: Has delayed for three years, was the time should finish, otherwise the monarchy blamed, that was really troublesome.” 近万道骇然的目光汇聚于一身,甄渊不以为然的笑笑:“耽搁了三年,是时候该结束了啊,否则君主怪罪下來,那就真是麻烦了。” Group demon blade edge dance “群魔刃舞” The voice just fell, his expression callous, is affecting the mind of audience people, the strange blood robe flutters calmly, next over a hundred black light, likely are one after another sharp sword edge, punctures in the direction of Qin Family juniors. 话音刚落,他的表情冷酷,牵动着全场人的心神,诡异的血袍无风飘荡,唰一下上百道的黑色光影,像是一把一把锋利的剑刃,朝着秦家子弟的方向刺去。 Do not want to injure them “你别想伤他们” At the same time the iceberg rises suddenly, able to move unhindered eight sides protects the Qin Family person. 一面冰山崛地而起,纵横八方的将秦家人护住。 Bang 轰隆 The strengths of two evil spirits collide suddenly, Qin Xuexin several tread spatial overstepping to arrive in the midair, just used her in frozen profound territory, now is also the spent force, can only tough it out the tender body, vigilant is staring at Zhen Yuan. 两股凶煞的力量猛然碰撞,沁雪心几番踏空的逾越到半空中,刚刚动用冰封玄域的她,如今也是强弩之末,只能硬挺着娇躯,警惕的盯着甄渊。 Looks at each other with Qin Xuexin, Zhen Yuan not accidental selected has been a fussy eater the angle: What's wrong, arrived this step, do you also want to show off power?” 沁雪心对视一下,甄渊并不意外的挑了挑嘴角:“怎么,都到了这一步,你还想要逞强吗?” The word, he stops desirably, ease [say / way]: Has to acknowledge that the frozen profound territory truly let my accident several points, the fellow of what cold that old codger, taught the secretaries of blue snow sect to you unexpectedly, prepared to treat as next Sect Master to train you evidently.” 言罢,他刻意停顿一番,才悠悠然的道:“不得不承认,刚才的冰封玄域确实让我意外几分,何舒寒那个老不死的家伙,竟将青雪宗的秘书都传授给你,看样子是真准备把你当做下一任宗主來培养啊。” The beautiful pupil condenses, Qin Xuexin shouted to clear the way tenderly: „Do you know my master?” 美眸凝聚,沁雪心娇喝道:“你知道我师父?” Jie Jie, is called existence of western region ice emperor, can I not know? By her innate skill, I want hundred years again, should be able to achieve that watershed the boundary, but was a pity that what a pity spoke of this, Zhen Yuan did intentionally shaking the head of regretted. “桀桀,被称为西域冰皇的存在,我又怎么会不知道呢?以她的天赋,我想再有个百年,应该就能够达到那个分水岭的境界了,只是可惜啊,可惜”说到这,甄渊故作惋惜的摇了摇头。 What to be a pity?” “可惜什么?” Qin Xuexin flurried compels to ask. 沁雪心慌乱的逼问道。 Ridicule selected has been a fussy eater the angle, Zhen Yuandao: Is a pity her overestimate one's capabilities, unexpectedly for you do not hesitate to oppose with the Ocean Group, how long I could not want, she with the blue snow sect, together will disappear, Ha Ha.” 讥讽的挑了挑嘴角,甄渊道:“可惜她不自量力,竟然为了你不惜和溟组作对,我想要不了多久,她就会和青雪宗,一同消失了吧,哈哈。” The sudden words such as the bolt from the blue is common, hits all of a sudden in the Qin Xuexin tender body, making her shiver fiercely several, not sane exclaiming: What did you say? What have you she and blue snow sect made to my master?” 突然的话语如晴天霹雳一般,一下子击中在沁雪心的娇躯,令她剧烈的颤抖几下,不理智的吼道:“你说什么?你们对我师父她和青雪宗做了什么?” Jie Jie, pours does not have anything, but was the same with the past seeping family.” Shrugging that Zhen Yuan does not care at all, light [say / way]. “桀桀,倒也沒什么,只不过是和当年的沁家一样,罢了。”甄渊满不在乎的耸了耸肩,轻道。 Bang The biting cold cold current curls up along Qin Xuexin around, making the dripping rain water be frozen the ice directly, in Bang! shooting down in place. 彻骨的寒流沿着沁雪心四周卷起,令淋漓的雨水直接被冻结成冰,噼里啦的击落在地。 Your this flock of bastards “你们这群畜生” Angry to the crown, Qin Xuexin almost lost the reason, in the indifferent sound mixes with is getting angry howlingly, the white hands raise, is thousand zhang (3.33 m) iceberg. 愤怒的冲冠下,沁雪心几乎失去了理智,冷漠的声音中夹杂着怒嚎,玉手一扬,就是千丈冰山。 Bang Turns the hand among the floating clouds, Zhen Yuan relaxed keeps off the iceberg, suddenly gives birth for the first time laughs, he enjoys the Qin Xuexin angry appearance probably specially, Qin Xuexin is the even more rough, cold sound track that angry he smiles: What's wrong? Was angry? Right, thinks the seeping family, thinks that past old husband and wife, thinks the blue snow sect because of the soul that you died a tragic death, is felt that was angry? This was right, angry, Ha Ha, forgot that all sentiments, have indulged in the anger, otherwise to have wasted my Ocean Group these years to your cultivation?” 翻手浮云间,甄渊轻松的将冰山挡下,突然开怀的大笑起來,他好像特别享受沁雪心愤怒的样子,沁雪心越是愤怒他就笑的越发粗犷,冷声道:“怎么?生气了?对,想一想沁家,想一想当年的老夫妇,想一想青雪宗因你惨死的亡灵,是不是感觉到愤怒了?这样就对了,愤怒吧,哈哈,忘掉所有的感情,就一直沉溺在愤怒中,否则的话岂不是浪费了我溟组这些年对你的栽培?” A few words with, reverberate in the audience who the character does not only fall, the Qin Shi look of distant place trembles, black pupil strenuous looks toward Qin Xuexin, that frail tender body fierce shivers, in the beautiful pupil flood the blood red color, he is being the first time, first time sees this appearance Qin Xuexin. 一段话与,只字不落的在全场回荡,远处的秦石神色一颤,黑眸吃力的朝沁雪心望去,那单薄的娇躯剧烈的颤抖起來,美眸中泛着血红之色,他是第一次,第一次看见这个样子的沁雪心 Damn, this Zhen Yuan said the matter, is the taboo that inviting the wrath of the emperor of snow heart and cannot be moved, is he wants to enrage the snow heart intentionally?” “该死,这甄渊所说之事,皆是雪心的逆鳞和不可触碰的禁忌,他是想要故意激怒雪心?” Qin Shi criticizes one at heart, but he actually does not think clearly, why Zhen does Yuan want this? What advantage enrages Qin Xuexin to him? What is final so-called training? Actually do these have what unknown secret? 秦石心里暗骂一声,可是他却想不明白,甄渊为何要这样做?激怒沁雪心对他有什么好处?还有最后的所谓培养又是什么?这其中究竟有着什么不为人知的秘密? I have killed you “我杀了你” Qin Xuexin was listening to years past the past events, these moved his soul the grief, in the ice-cold tender surface was covered incorruptible, the ice crystal that white hands void, all around crashed condensed suddenly, formed revolving under the unceasing compression the photosphere. 沁雪心听着昔年往事,那些触碰他灵魂的伤痛,冰冷的娇面上被冰霜笼罩,玉手虚空一番,周遭坠落的冰晶猛然凝聚,在不断的压缩下形成一个旋转的光球。 The photosphere formation, the place above curls up the hurricane, the cold current in hurricane is similar to the deep sea beast of prey is the same, finds out the ruthless offense toward all around unceasingly the wicked claw, gallops to Zhen Yuan. 光球成型,上方卷起飓风,飓风中的寒流如同深海猛兽一样,不断朝四周探出狠戾的恶爪,冲着甄渊奔腾上去。 Bang The fearful cold air rolling up and pushing along snow and ice, Zhen Yuan pupil shrinks, void rocks, flies the running away several kilometers toward the sky. 可怕的冷空气卷动冰雪,甄渊的瞳仁一缩,虚空的晃动一下,朝着天空中飞遁去数千米。 …… He just left, Qin Xuexin quickly, dragging the blue long skirt to meet the approaching enemy, but at this moment, the world because of their collisions, produces fierce rocking. 他刚动身,沁雪心以迅雷不及掩耳之势,拖着碧蓝色的长裙就迎击上去,而就在这时,天地因两人的碰撞,产生剧烈的晃动。 , Burns day mountain range the midpoint, the position of Northeast region boundary, was broken by black two strengths directly, forms the giant rift valley that deeply does not see. 咔嚓一声,焚天山脉的正中央,东北区域分界线的位置,直接被一篮一黑的两股力量震碎,形成一个深不见的巨大裂谷。 Bang A pair of hundred zhang (333m) has cold ice wings, launches in the Qin Xuexin back, follows close on is wielding continuously several, making her speed increase directly several times, Yuan kilometer a distance of one her and between Zhen pulled closer, punctured to the chest of Zhen deep pool. 一对百丈有余的寒冰羽翼,在沁雪心的背后展开,紧跟着连续挥动几下,令她的速度直接攀升几倍,将她和甄渊之间千米的距离一下拉近,冲着甄渊的胸膛就刺了下去。 But facing this offensive, Zhen Yuan also frowned, tramples several dodging to plunder void, ridiculed: Has not thought that just had used blue snow sect Jinshu, actually also has strength so?” 而面对这种攻势,甄渊也是不禁皱起眉头,虚空践踏几番的闪掠开,嘲弄道:“沒想到,刚动用了青雪宗禁术,竟然还拥有这般力量?” Suffers to death “受死” Does not make the response drinks one tenderly, Qin Xuexin circles in airborne three, circles to the back of Zhen deep pool all of a sudden, on the white hands float a radiant palace, one changes into blue ice Armor, presses up to Zhen Yuan chest. 不做回应的娇喝一声,沁雪心盘旋于空中三圈,一下子绕到甄渊的背后,玉手上悬浮起一座璀璨的宫殿,唰一下化为碧蓝色的冰甲,直逼甄渊的胸膛。 Bone-chilling cold turning round looked at one, this time Zhen Yuan has not fled, but selected toward on suddenly has been a fussy eater the angle, wiped strangely to faint: Wants me dead? That is not good, I must lead you to return to the Ocean Group, how can die in this easily?” 凛冽的回身瞄了一眼,这一次甄渊并未遁逃,而是突然间朝上挑了挑嘴角,一抹诡异从中晕开:“想要我死?那可不行,我还要带你回溟组呢,怎么能够轻易死在这?” From the distant place, sees this by excellent vision, the Qin Shi moral nature like by the giant stone crush, trembles inexplicably, said suddenly: Snow heart, shunts quickly 从远处,凭借过人的视力看见这幕,秦石的心底像是被巨石碾压一样,莫名一颤,猛然道:“雪心,快躲开” Bang But when he opens the mouth, all already late, earth suddenly fierce shivers, ten thousand meters mountain massif change, high and low interlocks forms the innumerable horst rift valleys unexpectedly, Zhen Yuan launches the both arms suddenly, the back cape makes noise in the wind cool and refreshingly. 而他开口时,一切都已经晚了,大地突然间凶猛的颤抖起來,万米的山体变迁,上下交错间竟形成无数的地垒地堑,甄渊突然将双臂展开,背后的斗篷在风中泠泠作响。 Ominous demon changes “凶魔变” The sound just fell, from the under foot of Zhen deep pool, gushed out the strange jet black dense fog suddenly, in the dense fog is full of the rogue resentment to read. 声响刚落,从甄渊的脚下,突然间涌出诡异的漆黑迷雾,迷雾中充满了凶恶的怨念。 The dense fog just left, Qin Xuexin that duo duo approaches, the tender body from the sky stagnates suddenly, follows close on her beautiful pupil to congeal, Bang was shaken to fly. 迷雾刚出,咄咄逼近的沁雪心,娇躯突然间在空中停滞一下,紧跟着她美眸一凝,砰一声就被震飞出去。 Bang 轰隆 Zhen Yuan body indulges in dense fog, inflates at the naked eye obvious speed, is the size of number hundred zhang (333m), at once in his top of the head, buffalo and cow horns of pair of crescent moon shape punctures suddenly, the back launches the wing of bat, on the arm jumps likely several blue veins, dry crack of wrist like the water scarcity, the nail turns blood red. 甄渊的身躯沉溺在迷雾中,以肉眼可见的速度膨胀,足足达到数百丈的大小,旋即在他的头顶上,一对月牙状的牛角突然刺出,背后展开像蝙蝠的羽翼,手臂上蹦起几根青筋,手腕像缺水一样枯裂,指甲变成血红。 That suddenly reappears, the terrified color climbs up ten thousand people of faces on the scene, Qin Yongfeng and the others withdrew several steps, the moral nature quite fears. 突然浮现的一幕,悚然之色攀爬上在场万人的面孔,秦永峰等人退后几步,心底极为恐惧。 What monster is this? Is demon symbol?” “这是什么怪物?难道是魔符?” Rumble, his strength is growing doubled and re-doubled, if is really the demon symbol, actually that does want the what kind terrifying Desolate Beast to refine?” “咕噜,他的力量正在成倍的增长,若真是魔符,那究竟是要何等恐怖的荒兽才能炼制?” No, possibly is not the demon symbol, I have never seen this ominous beast.” Making an effort swallowed a spit, Piao Quan shook the head to say decidedly. “不,不可能是魔符,我从未见过这种凶兽。”使劲的咽了口吐沫,朴泉决然的摇头道。 Including the disciple of Burning Sky Sect surviving, all of a sudden is flurried, Ye He shiver is pinching the white hands: Actually does Sect Master know that she is together with any monster 焚天宗残存的弟子,都一下子慌乱起來,叶鹤颤抖的捏着玉手:“宗主究竟知不知道,她在和什么怪物相处” In the distant place, Qin Shi is also trembles several points, is looking at Zhen Yuan suddenly the monster, makes him feel that from above several points of familiar, but this being familiar he also cannot say. 在远处,秦石也是哆嗦几分,望着甄渊突然所化的怪物,从其上让他感觉到几分熟悉,而这种熟悉他却又说不上來。 Was the ancient times demon beast?” Shu Zhongyu said suddenly. “是远古魔兽?”书中玉突然道。 Ancient times demon beast?” Gawked the god, Qin Shi has been suddenly enlighted: I thought that this strength I once also felt to have been on Evil Spirit , but can compared with on this strong several hundred times of Elder Sister Yu, this ancient times demon beast, actually be what?” “远古魔兽?”愣了愣神,秦石恍然大悟:“我想起來了,这力量我曾经在邪魔身上也感觉到过,只不过要比这强上数百倍玉姐,这远古魔兽,究竟是什么?” Ancient times demon beast was a very ancient race, they were different from Desolate Beast, had more fearful fleshly body, had quenchinging of demon blood, Chang Rili and humanity not different, but once launched the demon blood, changes into the demon condition, the strength will obtain qualitative leap.” “远古魔兽是一种很古老的种族,他们不同于荒兽,不禁拥有更加可怕的肉身,更是有魔血的淬炼,常日里和人类并无两样,可一旦展开魔血的话,化为魔态,力量将会得到质的飞跃。” Elder Sister Yu, you said that this Zhen Yuan was the ancient times demon beast?” 玉姐,那你是说,这甄渊是远古魔兽?” Um, before I felt that he does not suit, cannot think that unexpectedly was the ancient times ominous demon.” Shu Zhongyu nodded, said dignifiedly: Now, his strength approached five days of boundaries.” “嗯,之前我就感觉他不太对劲,想不到竟是远古凶魔。”书中玉点了点头,凝重道:“如今,他的力量已经逼近五天之境了。” What, five days of boundaries?” “什么,五天之境?” Qin Shi sinks at heart, this degree has been above his imagination, and has not completed demon, if by his demon success, that were greeted really their is the total destruction. 秦石心里一沉,这种程度已经超乎他的想象,况且还沒有完成魔化,若是真被他魔化成功,那迎接他们的将是灭顶之灾。 Pinches tightly the white hands, Shu Zhongyu drinks hastily tenderly: Shi’tou, prevents him quickly, cannot make him complete demon, otherwise those present no one is his match, even if the snow heart is not good 捏紧玉手,书中玉连忙娇喝:“石头,快阻止他,不能让他完成魔化,否则在场的人谁也不是他的对手,就算是雪心也不行” The moral nature turbulent waves are billowing, under the Qin Shi fierce point, almost roared without hesitation to the people: Grandfather, Piao Quan the senior, all Qin sect elders, attacked along with me together, ten thousand cannot make him complete demon 心底激浪滚滚,秦石猛的点下头,几乎是不假思索的冲众人咆哮道:“爷爷,朴泉前辈,所有秦宗的长老,随我一起出击,万不能让他完成魔化” Obtains the instruction, the people squint, they know that this relates to their life and death, does not dare the scratch coat under the point, simultaneously revolves each one strongest martial arts. 得到指令,众人相觑一眼,他们知道这关系到他们的生死,不敢打底的点下头,同时运转起各自最为强势的武学 Demon ghost day photo “魅鬼天照” Yellow Springs' Nine Swords 黄泉九剑 Dry lamp fuel oil broken “枯灯燃油破” Extinguishes day palm “灭天掌” Big day rips wind “大天撕风手” All kinds of martial arts, become seven color shapes from the sky blooms. 各式各样的武学,成七彩状在空中绽放。 Bang 轰隆 Does not think that said surely the miraculous glow approaches unceasingly, when approaching Zhen Yuan kilometer position, suddenly receives a huge hindrance, all of a sudden resists. 不想,千万道灵光不断逼近,就在临近甄渊千米的位置时,突然受到一股巨大的阻碍,一下子被生生的抵挡下來。 „Does Jie Jie, depending on these vulture insect small techniques, want to shake the body of my ominous demon? Joke “桀桀,凭这些雕虫小技,就想要撼动我凶魔之身?笑话” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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