PDL :: Volume #6

#501: Qin sect despair

Bang 轰隆 The attacks of thousands of person, by Zhen Yuan relaxed resisting, are in an instant fireworks swing likely however dissipate, wipes unprecedented to be scared, faints in the moral nature of crowd: How can like this?” 千万人的攻击,被甄渊轻松的抵挡,像是刹那间的烟花般荡然消散,一抹前所未有的恐慌,晕开在人群的心底:“怎么会这样?” „Did over a thousand attacks, unexpectedly, all keep off unexpectedly? How is this possible?” “上千道的攻击,竟然,竟然全都被挡下來了?这怎么可能?” Day, a point does not have the wound to arrive at him unexpectedly, this not real?” “天,竟一点都沒有伤到他,这不是真的吧?” All people died a tragic death the joy of gain because of Luan Muhua, by the strength blow to the head of Zhen Yuan terrifying, was strangled directly in the cradle. 所有人因栾慕华惨死而获取的喜悦,被甄渊恐怖的力量当头一棒,直接扼杀在摇篮里。 Jie Jie, finished.” “桀桀,结束了。” Wreaking havoc sneers to resound through, Zhen Yuan whole body Bang, the back wing launches thoroughly, about thousand zhang (3.33 m), block the sky general, making the vault of heaven gloomy. 肆虐的冷笑响彻,甄渊全身砰的一声,背后的羽翼彻底展开,足足有近千丈大小,遮天蔽日一般,令天穹暗淡。 Day demon broken world “天魔碎世” Indifferently, blood of dry cane holds up, grasps to below huge crowd void, twists close to the space of Zhen deep pool directly, boundless Baleful Qi blows out loudly. 漠然,枯藤的血手举起,冲着下方的人海虚空一握,临近甄渊的空间直接扭曲,磅礴的煞气轰然爆出。 Bang At once, the quarry stone on earth blasts out directly, one after another a kilometer gully, Qin Yongfeng was head the person of Qin Family Qin sect, in its under could not withstand like the ants, Bang was shaken departs several kilometers to go. 旋即,大地上的乱石直接炸开,一道一道千米长的沟壑,秦永峰为首的秦家秦宗之人,在其下如蝼蚁般不堪,砰的被震飞出数千米去。 Not “不不不” Qin Shi stares the greatly black pupil, pupil gives a tongue-lashing to want roaring of crack, Zhen Yuan strength makes him feel frightened, he knows, even if most flourishing he cannot go out of three moves in its under the hands / subordinates, let alone is experiences Luan Muhua to fight, early is the oil completely lamp dry present, he is also again powerless. 秦石瞪大黑眸,眸呲欲裂的咆哮,甄渊的实力让他感觉到恐惧,他知道,就算是全盛的他在其手下也走不出三招,何况是经历栾慕华一战,早是油尽灯枯的现在,他再也无力回天。 Helplessly the disciple tragic death that can only look at Qin sect, uses up roaring in bottom. 只能眼睁睁看着秦宗的弟子惨死,竭斯底里的咆哮。 Space “天上” Underground “地下” Only I “唯我” Frozen “冰封” Frozen profound territory “冰封玄域” Under desperate Baleful Qi, the gloomy cold current surges in the dust sand by fits and starts suddenly, becomes at the same time the indestructible cold ice barrier, froze in Zhen Yuan and center of person of Qin sect. 绝望的煞气下,一阵一阵阴森的寒流在尘沙中突然涌起,成一面坚不可摧的寒冰屏障,冻结在甄渊和秦宗之人的中央。 The blue beautiful figure, together tenderly breathes heavily float. 一道碧蓝色的倩影,娇喘的悬浮而起。 Bang Bang, cold current from two wings black space frozen. 巨响一声,寒流从两翼将黑色的空间冰封。 The cold air that but swiftly has, making Zhen Yuan knit the brows, jokes: Yo? Really also has the strength to use the secret technique of blue snow sect? And just compared, missed some, may unable to keep off me depending on this degree 倏忽而起的冷空气,令甄渊皱了皱眉,讥笑道:“呦?竟然还有力气动用青雪宗的秘术?只是和刚刚比起來,差了些许啊,凭这种程度可挡不下我” Bang 轰隆 The word, black Baleful Qi by potential of the point, jabs into the gigantic cold ice center together, at once ignites the great fire from the ice-cold cold current unexpectedly, all of a sudden its melting, after the melting, has not stopped, is ordinary like fierce tiger, plunges Qin Xuexin. 言罢,举手投足间,咻一道黑色的煞气以一点之势,刺进硕大的寒冰中央,旋即竟从冰冷的寒流中生生燃起巨火,一下子将其融化,融化后还尚未停下,像猛虎一般,扑向沁雪心 Snow heart Qin Shi sinks at heart. “雪心”秦石心里一沉。 Burns shield “焚盾” Instant, at the same time the pure white strategy, suddenly dodges to plunder in the scattered cold ice, the next second keeps off before the Qin Xuexin tender body, such as the snake large male deer, are cut off the black raging fire. 刹那,一面洁白的阵法,突然间在被驱散的寒冰中闪掠,下一秒挡在沁雪心的娇躯前,如一片一片的蛇麟,将黑色的烈火阻隔下來。 Bang 轰隆 The explosive again and again, Qin Shi stares first, follows close on is only listening to nearby Shu Zhongyu puff, a bright red bloodstain blowout, Yin Hong wins the snow on her the white clothing. 爆响连连,秦石先是一愣,紧跟着只听旁边的书中玉噗一声,一口鲜红的血迹喷出,殷虹在她胜雪的白衣上。 Elder Sister Yu 玉姐 Looks back suddenly, Qin Shi exclaimed lowly. 猛然回首,秦石低吼道。 Knitting the brows of the white light that presents once again, Zhen Yuan cannot bear: Scoffs, kid, lucky in love actually great, two beautiful women so help you unexpectedly, but I will make you understand that all increase the futile effort before me.” 再度出现的白光,甄渊忍不住的皱起眉:“嗤,小家伙,身边的艳福倒是不浅,竟然有两名美人这般助你,只是我会让你明白,一切在我面前都不过是增添徒劳。” Ominous demon thousand kill “凶魔・千杀” Zhen Yuan draws in the back bat wing suddenly, billowing black Baleful Qi surges, like is the bubble gathers along his all around, unceasing turn over. 甄渊突然收拢背后的蝠翼,滚滚的黑色煞气涌起,沿着他的四周像是泡沫一样汇聚,不断的翻转。 Puff Dull thumping sound one, the bubble likely is the molten bath of smelting, multiplies thousand black dark fabricated sharp swords unexpectedly, one after another float under azure clouds, revolving in suddenly 360 degrees, straight directional earth 闷响一声,泡沫像是冶炼的熔池,竟是滋生出千把黑色幽暗的虚妄利剑,一把一把悬浮在青霄下,猛然的旋转上360度,笔直的指向大地 Seals “封” Bang, thousand sharp sword vertical shooting down, loudly gate pulse to Qin Xuexin and Shu Zhongyu, as well as Qin Family audiences, what is accidental is these sword edge has not penetrated the people, but is sword edge and sword hilt conclusion is connected, blocks firmly the people. 砰一声,千把利剑垂直的击落,轰然间冲向沁雪心书中玉、以及秦家家众,意外的是这些剑刃并未击穿众人,而是剑刃和剑柄收尾相连,将众人牢牢的封锁起來。 Seals stamped certificate?” The people are startled. “是封印结界?”众人一惊。 Qin Xuexin responded extremely quickly, white hands floating off cold ice, continuous void laying out. 沁雪心反应极快,玉手浮起寒冰,连绵的虚空拍出。 Bang Actually unexpectedly, biting cold cold current when approaching fabricated black sword one after another, unexpectedly by strangely strength, baseless was worn down completely. 却不料,彻骨的寒流在临近一把一把的虚妄黑剑时,竟受到诡异的力量,凭空的被消磨殆尽。 Can't break?” “破不开?” Jie Jie, even if ice emperor what wants to break my this demon territory Feng Shu coldly, must take some efforts, depends on you also to break? Curling the lip angle of overestimate one's capabilities Zhen Yuan taunted. “桀桀,就算是冰皇何舒寒想要破开我这魔域封术,都要费些力气,就凭你也想破开?不自量力”甄渊冷嘲热讽的撇了撇嘴角。 Qin Shi is looking at pain all people, clenched teeth to shout toward Shu Zhongyu: Elder Sister Yu, told me quickly, this knot eye in which 秦石望着痛苦的诸人,咬了咬牙朝书中玉喊道:“玉姐,快告诉我,这结界的阵眼在哪” Is narrowing the eyes the phoenix pupil, Shu Zhongyu complexion is embarrassed, for a long time shook the head: „It is not good, this strategy I cannot break 眯眯着凤眸,书中玉面色难堪下來,许久才摇了摇头:“不行,这阵法我破不开” What?” “什么?” Sinks at heart, Qin Xuexin cannot break through the enemy lines Qin Shi not to feel the accident, what making him not dare to believe that is good at tying isn't Shu Zhongyu able to break unexpectedly? This situation is for three years have never presented the matter. 心里一沉,沁雪心未能破阵秦石都不感意外,让他不敢置信的是,擅长结界的书中玉竟然无法破开?这种情况是三年來从未出现过的事。 Pays no attention to all people, Zhen Yuan to Qin Shi cold Dao: Kid, oneself hands over Suppressing Jade the law of control, perhaps I can also give you a happiness.” 不理诸人,甄渊冲着秦石冷道:“小家伙,自己把崩玉的操控之法交出來吧,说不定我还能给你个痛快。” Is congealing the god, Qin Shi weak standing erect in the ruins, he considers everything, has not calculated that Zhen Yuan will have this fearful strength, unexpectedly was carry-over of ancient times demon beast. 凝着神,秦石无力的矗立在废墟中,他千算万算,也沒有算到甄渊会拥有这种可怕的力量,竟是远古魔兽的遗留。 Before Zhen Yuan, he felt that one and Qin sect looked like the fish on knife and chopping block, can only , no matter what he butchered, does not have ample force that the slightest struggled. 在甄渊面前,他感觉自己和秦宗就像是刀俎上的鱼肉,只能任他宰割,沒有分毫挣扎的余力。 But for all this, he was still the pinching tightly fist maliciously, shouted to clear the way lowly: Makes me hand over Suppressing Jade the law of control? Gave up any idea of 而尽管如此,他仍是狠狠的捏紧拳头,低喝道:“让我交出崩玉的掌控之法?休想” Bang Counts on the fingers a ball, a handle void sharp sword, even if has delimited from the Qin Shi left arm, strikes him shakes departs several kilometers far. 屈指一弹,一柄虚空的利剑,纵然从秦石的左臂划过,一击将他震飞出数千米远。 Zhen Yuanleng said: You said that didn't say?” 甄渊冷道:“你说还是不说?” Did not say “不说” Crawls on the ground, the anger of Qin Shi pain said. 在地上爬起,秦石痛苦的怒道。 You court death “你找死” Zhen Yuan loses patiently narrows the eye, the empty space raises the blood claw, must puncture to the Qin Shi forehead. 甄渊失去耐心的眯起眼,虚空间将血爪扬起,冲着秦石的眉心就要刺下。 Countless person pupil contraction: Shi’tou 无数人瞳仁紧缩:“石头 Does not want, I told you.” Is the parents, looks own child fully suffered to suffer, shouting that Qin Tianqing cannot endure again. “不要,我告诉你。”身为父母,看着自己孩儿饱受折磨,秦天擎再也忍受不住的喊道。 Hears this word, Qin Shi fierce turning round, vision anxious looking approaches Qin Tianqing, exclaiming of shouting oneself hoarse: Father, cannot say 听闻此言,秦石猛的回身,目光急切的望向秦天擎,声嘶力竭的吼道:“爹,不能说” He knows, so long as Zhen Yuan has not obtained Suppressing Jade the law of control, the Qin Family person also has a slim chance of survival, if were known Suppressing Jade the law of control by him, at that time Qin Family really not hope. 他知道,只要甄渊沒得到崩玉的操控之法,秦家人就还有一线生机,若是被他知道崩玉的操控之法,那时候秦家才是真的沒了希望。 Shuts up “闭嘴” Pupil heart one cold, Zhen Yuan back bat wing wields lightly, is three bone-chilling cold black glow, Bang shakes Qin Shi directly departs about hundred meters far. 眸心一寒,甄渊背后的蝠翼轻挥,就是三道凛冽的黑芒,砰一声直接将秦石震飞出近百米远。 Bang Qin Shi once more by the severe wound, exclaiming that Qin Tianqing cannot repress: Do not injure him, I told you.” 秦石再次被重伤,秦天擎按耐不住的吼道:“别伤他,我告诉你。” He he, finally has understanding what has to done.” Zhen Yuan splits smiling of big mouth: Said that actually Suppressing Jade is the law of control what?” “呵呵,总算有识时务的了。”甄渊裂开大嘴的笑了笑:“说吧,崩玉的操控之法究竟是什么?” You first remove my seal, I need to see Suppressing Jade to be good personally.” In the Qin Tianqing control is grips the sweat the [say / way]. “你先将我的封印撤掉,我需要亲自看见崩玉才行。”秦天擎手心里已是攥出汗水的道。 Knit the brows, Zhen Yuanding the Qin Tianqing silent meeting, Qin Tianqing is just being Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, solid is mean like the dust in his front, is not worth paying attention, for this reason but actually also refreshed raising hand: Thousand kill solution comes, I thought that you can play to play tricks.” 皱了皱眉,甄渊盯着秦天擎沉默一会,秦天擎只不过是玄灵境中期,在他的面前实如尘埃般低微,根本不值得放在眼里,为此倒也爽快的扬手:“千杀阵・解过來吧,我看你能耍出什么花样來。” Bang Void sword edge shivers several, dissipates in a cold wind, Qin Tianqing fierce relaxes several points, at once his Ai Mo looking to Qin Shi, in the opacitas eye pupil fills Ai Rou, just now clashes Zhen Yuanmai to go. 虚空的剑刃颤抖几下,在一阵冷风中消散,秦天擎猛的放松几分,旋即他哀默的望向秦石,浑浊的眼眸中充满哀柔,方才冲甄渊迈去。 Gradually, Qin Family all people vision completely centralized on the body of Qin Tianqing, shaking the head that Qin Shi struggles, unceasing whooshing: Father, does not want 一步一步,秦家所有人将目光全部集中在秦天擎的身上,秦石挣扎的摇头,不断的嘶吼:“爹,不要” Clenched teeth, Qin Tianyu is also irritable said to Qin Yongfeng: Father, the Second Brother does he, want to tell this monster Suppressing Jade the law of control really? Currently this monster also has scruples, if makes him know that really Suppressing Jade the law of control, he will definitely not let off us at that time.” 咬了咬牙,秦天宇也急躁的冲秦永峰道:“父亲,难道二弟他,真的要将崩玉的操控之法告诉这个怪物?现在这怪物还有所顾忌,若是真的让他知道崩玉的操控之法,那时候他肯定不会放过我们。” Qin Yongfeng strange looking Qin Tianqing, clashes Qin Tianyu to shake the head for a long time: Your Second Brother he, does not know Suppressing Jade the law of control.” 秦永峰怪异的望了望秦天擎,许久才冲秦天宇摇了摇头:“你二弟他,根本就不知道崩玉的操控之法。” What?” Qin Tianyu fierce stares: „Doesn't Second Brother he know?” “什么?”秦天宇猛的一愣:“二弟他不知道?” Deep sighing sighed one, Qin Yongfeng said: Um, Suppressing Jade the law of control, only hands down in all previous Family Head, I truly intend to teach the position of Family Head to him, but does not have the opportunity in this year throughout.” 深深的喟叹一声,秦永峰道:“嗯,崩玉的操控之法,只在历代家主中相传,我确实是有意将家主之位传授给他,可这一年來始终都沒有机会。” Hears this news, Qin Tianyu is thorough, rapid [say / way]: Second Brother he, what is this must make? He, he wants 听闻这个消息,秦天宇彻底凌乱,急促道:“那二弟他,这是要做什么?难道他,他是想要” The word hence, Qin Tianyu did not have the courage to say again that raised head to look toward Qin Tianqing, on latter's face, he realized that wiped, view death as a return home decidedly. 言罢至此,秦天宇再也沒有勇气说下去,仰头朝秦天擎望去,在后者的面庞上,他察觉到一抹,视死如归的决然。 Right, he wanted to sacrifice itself, strove for the vitality for us.” Qin Yongfeng in an instant, suddenly old several fold, thinks that Qin Tianqing treats Qin Shi to be the same, Qin Tianqing is also his son: He and Shi’er, are our Qin Family proud.” “沒错,他想要牺牲自己,为我们争取生机。”秦永峰刹那间,突然苍老了数倍,就想秦天擎对待秦石一样,秦天擎也是他的儿子啊:“他和石儿,是我们秦家的骄傲啊。” Has been confirmed that Qin Tianyu is dumbfounded. 在得到确认,秦天宇哑口无言。 At this time, Qin Tianqing set out to arrive at Zhen Yuan side, facing the former, Zhen Yuan has been full of the contempt: Said that I urged you not to play any trick well, otherwise I will let here person, did not go on living.” 这时,秦天擎已经起身走到甄渊的身旁,面对前者,甄渊充满了轻视:“说吧,我劝你最好别耍什么花样,否则的话我会让这里的人,一个都活不下去。” Qin Tianqing shaking the head of hastily, before gathering up flushing Zhen Yuandao: Suppressing Jade the law of control from exploding.” 秦天擎连忙的摇了摇头,凑上前的冲甄渊道:“崩玉的操控之法是自爆。” What?” “什么?” Zhen Yuan knit the brows, follows close on him to stare suddenly, with rapt attention looks toward Qin Tianqing, the next instant sees only on latter's tiger body, flood the billowing bright red color, billowing spiritual power gushes out from within the body suddenly. 甄渊皱了皱眉,紧跟着他猛然一愣,凝神的朝秦天擎望去,下一霎只见后者的虎躯上,突然间泛起滚滚的鲜红之色,滚滚的灵力自体内涌出。 Father, Uncle Qin “爹,秦伯父” Realized that the Qin Tianqing movement, countless people stare the big eye. 察觉到秦天擎的动作,无数人瞪大眼睛。 Shi’er, takes care of your mother well, you are the pride of father, is the pride of Qin Family person.” The scarlet of Qin Tianqing face removes, pale under to Qin Shi free and easy saying with a smile. 石儿,好好照顾好你娘,你是爹爹的骄傲,是秦家人的骄傲。”秦天擎面庞的血色褪去,苍白之下冲着秦石洒脱的笑道。 The despair of that moral nature, has delimited like a dagger, the Qin Shi five senses of colic twist, fierce unceasing calling out: Not 那心底的绝望,像一把匕首划过一样,绞痛的秦石五官扭曲,狰狞不断的嚎叫:“不” Scoffs, ants, think that can shake me depending on you?” Zhen Yuan pupil shrinks, the cold glow four shoot shouted angrily to Qin Yongfeng: Soul lock “嗤,一个蝼蚁,以为凭你就能撼动我吗?”甄渊瞳仁一缩,寒芒四射的冲着秦永峰怒喝一声:“魂锁” Bang The next instant, a series of black sharp swords, become the periodic winding in all around, unexpectedly spiritual power that Qin Tianqing within the body gushes out, suppression bit by bit. 下一霎,一连串的黑色利剑,成周期性的缠绕在四周,竟生生将秦天擎体内涌出的灵力,一点一点的压制回去。 Puff A dull thumping sound, wreaking havoc spiritual power, dissipates in the black mist unexpectedly suddenly, Qin Tianqing dantian that wants to detonate, becomes does not have the light all of a sudden unexpectedly gloomily, lost the contact with him, from exploding was blocked unexpectedly? 一声闷响,肆虐的灵力,竟然突然间在黑色雾气中消散,秦天擎欲要引爆的丹田,一下子竟变得暗淡无光,和他失去了联系,自爆竟被生生的阻断了? How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” He reveals does not dare to believe with amazement. 他露出不敢置信的骇然。 Wants from exploding? That was too cheap you “想要自爆?那太便宜你了” Indignant, Zhen Yuan raises void, airborne was cut together the rogue opening by him directly, shakes Qin Tianqing departs several kilometers far. 气愤下,甄渊虚空一扬,空中直接被他划开一道凶恶的裂口,将秦天擎震飞出数千米远。 Bang 轰隆 At once, Zhen Yuan evil clutches in jabbing into opening, under an exploration the opening crumb, forms terrifying photosphere of one group of vibration world, compels to Qin Tianqing. 旋即,甄渊的魔爪在刺进裂口,一番探索下将裂口捏碎,形成一团震动天地的恐怖光球,冲着秦天擎逼去。 Around the photosphere, is twining fearful Baleful Qi, making the heart of audience people frame all of a sudden, that strength was existence that they imagined do not dare to imagine. 光球四周,缠绕着可怕的煞气,令全场人的心一下子定格,那种力量是他们连想象都不曾敢想象的存在。 Dares to deceive me, I must rip smashing you personally “敢骗我,我要亲手将你撕成粉碎” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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