PDL :: Volume #5

#499: Luan Muhua dies

Sect Master 宗主 Rescues Sect Master quickly “快救宗主 The fist under black robe, like the sharp sword that hangs, it goes forward every time a point, the heart of people mentioned a point, the turning very quiet breath of looking at steadily. 黑袍下的拳头,像一把悬起來的利剑,它每前进一分,众人的心就跟着提起一分,目不转睛的屏住呼吸。 This fist falls, will become the ending tune of this unrivalled war. 这一拳落下,就将成为这场旷世大战的落幕曲。 The Burning Sky Sect disciple arrives at the elder, pupils give a tongue-lashing to crack, set out to probably go forward to stop. 焚天宗的弟子到长老,一个一个眸呲欲裂,起身就欲要上前阻拦。 No one want to disturb him “谁也别想打扰他” But does not wait for them to raise legs, together the blue cold ice and seven colored multi-colored sunlight, launch from about two wings together, like once the dignified endless city wall, stopped all people outside. 而不等他们抬腿,一道碧蓝色的寒冰和一道七彩色的霞光,从左右两翼展开,像一度威严无尽的城墙,将所有人阻拦在外。 Bang Was shaken by the wild with rage spirit pressure draws back, a Burning Sky Sect side is thorough, many disciples even directly kneel on the ground, grasping of two pain on sending the silk call out. 被狂怒的灵压震退,焚天宗一方彻底绝望,不少弟子甚至直接跪在地上,两手痛苦的抓在发丝上嚎叫起來。 Ye He is away from they not far place pupil to shrink, shouted to clear the way tenderly: Qin Shi Young Master, under the hands / subordinates is forgiving, no matter what, Luan Sect Master is also poem Master Zu 叶鹤在距离两人不远的地方瞳仁一缩,娇喝道:“秦石公子,手下留情,不管怎么说,栾宗主也是诗兰的祖师父啊” Buzz Poem blue two characters, have not the small influence to Qin Shi, making the fist heart that he punctures rapidly refuse to compromise, in the mind reappears that full Toujin brown luxuriant tender body. 诗兰两字,对秦石有着不小的影响力,令他急速刺出的拳心僵持,脑海中浮现起那满头金棕色秀发的娇躯。 Short deadlock, making countless person palpitations stop partly patting was anxious. 短暂的僵持,令无数人心跳停止半拍的紧张起來。 Now, Qin Shi is the spent force, Luan Muhua has the fearful strengths of three days of boundaries, if makes her make the rest slightly, has been restored, will have in the future perhaps Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering ***. 如今,秦石已是强弩之末,栾慕华拥有三天之境的可怕实力,若是让她稍作休息,得到恢复的话,往后说不定会发生惊天动地的***。 But under the people worry, the Qin Shi facial features suddenly become the ruthless offense, under the black pupil has the limpid cold current to flash through together, exclaimed lowly: Because of so, me must kill her 而就在众人担忧下,秦石的面容突然变得狠戾,黑眸下有一道清澈的寒流闪过,低吼道:“正是因为如此,我更要杀她” Bang Just because of fist that the poem blue two characters refused to compromise, suddenly pinched was tighter, without the slightest hesitation passed through to Luan Muhua. 刚刚因诗兰两字而僵持的拳头,突然间被捏的更紧,毫不犹豫的冲栾慕华贯穿下去。 Bang 轰隆 Bang, the sounds of several bone disruption resounds through the world one after another, the face of Qin Shi is fierce, the fist hits after Luan Muhua chest has not stopped, but rolls up and pushes along the wild severe gale under to press unceasingly, only listens to bang the explosive, the profound iron stone column that behind Luan Muhua closes right up against is caves in the same place, is centered on a point becomes the spider web shape fissure, dense and numerous expands toward all around. 巨响一声,接连几声骨头碎裂的声音响彻天地,秦石的面庞狰狞,拳头击中在栾慕华的胸膛后并未停下,而是卷动着狂野的厉风不断下压,只听轰隆的爆响,栾慕华背后靠着的玄铁石柱都是塌陷下去一块,以一点为中心成蛛网状的裂痕,密密麻麻的朝四周扩张。 This fist is very heavy, almost wanted Luan Muhua half life, the tender surface twitches, shows the whites of the eyes fainted, lost consciousnes thoroughly. 这一拳很重,几乎要了栾慕华的半条命,娇面抽搐一下,一翻白眼的就昏了过去,彻底失去了神智 Old dog, repays a debt “老狗,还债吧” Roars lowly, another fist fierce curls up the white ossein level, strikes to the position that Luan Muhua gets down hollowly maliciously. 低吼一声,另一只拳头猛的卷起白色骨质层,冲着栾慕华凹陷下去的位置狠狠一击。 This fist, hits for my parents “这一拳,是替我父母打得” This fist, hit for my Qin sect casualties disciples “这一拳,是替我秦宗伤亡弟子们打得” This fist, hits for my younger sister Xu Qiao'er “这一拳,是替我妹妹许巧儿打得” This fist, is poem hits blue “这一拳,是诗兰打得” The violent fist rainstorm is likely common, making Luan Muhua rib break all, his five main internal organs (entrails) crushes completely, horrible to look at already did not have the human appearance. 猛烈的拳头像暴雨一般,令栾慕华的肋骨尽数断裂,其五脏六腑全部粉碎,惨不忍睹的早已沒了人样。 Fierce pressure, a bright red bloodstain spouts from Luan Muhua mouth, sprinkles makes him feel that on the face of Qin Shi several points warm up, but he actually still ignored, whatever dislocation of several hand phalanxes under the gravity, were still the numb unceasing bombardments. 剧烈的压力一下,一口鲜红的血迹从栾慕华口中喷出,洒在秦石的脸上让他感觉几分温热,而他却仍是不理不睬,任由几根手指骨在重力下错位,仍是麻木的不断轰击。 He knows, these three years hatred, only then can scrub with the blood, with her Luan Muhua blood. 他知道,这三年的憎恨,只有用鲜血才能洗刷,用她栾慕华的鲜血。 Shi’tou 石头 In the distant place, the throat of Qin sect people could not bear roll, wiped with float the face with amazement panic-stricken, this time Qin Shi, looked like the devil that crawled from the abyss is in their opinion same, the fierce expression made five senses distortions. 在远处,秦宗众人的喉咙忍不住滚动一下,一抹骇然和惊恐浮上面庞,此时的秦石在他们看來,就像是从深渊爬上來的恶魔一样,狰狞的表情令五官都有些扭曲。 Under about hundred fists, the profound iron stone column becomes blood red, a minute of not clear blood, is Luan Muhua or Qin Shi, but under attack of this vibration, even if Luan Muhua of three days of boundaries cannot withstand absolutely. 近百拳下,玄铁石柱变得血红,已经分不清楚其中的鲜血,是栾慕华还是秦石的了,而在这种震动的攻击下,就算是三天之境的栾慕华也绝对承受不住。 Saw that Luan Muhua aura is getting more and more thin, but Qin Shi still nearly crazy attack, the face was getting more and more fierce, the Qin Si rain several junior pinching tightly fists, are exclaiming of worry: Shi’tou, stops quickly, do not hit.” 眼看着栾慕华的气息越來越稀薄,而秦石却仍然近乎疯狂的攻击,面庞越來越狰狞,秦私雨几名小辈不由的捏紧拳头,都是担心的吼道:“石头,快住手,别打了啊。” Bang! But at this time, blocked the Qin Si rain in nearby Su Ming suddenly, to her faint shaking the head, hinted the former do not stop. 而这时,在旁边的苏铭突然拦下秦私雨,冲着她淡漠的摇了摇头,示意前者不要阻拦。 The Qin Si rain starts to be incomprehensible, Qin Tianqing is stepping to side said: These years, Shi’er because of Burning Sky Sect, suffered too many crimes, has had too many pain, making him vent, will otherwise be leaving behind the obstruction at heart, will not have the advantage to his future practice.” 秦私雨开始还不能理解,秦天擎在迈到旁边道:“这些年,石儿因为焚天宗,遭受了太多的罪,吃了太多的苦,让他发泄出來吧,否则会在心里留下芥蒂,对他将來的修炼沒有好处。” Hears, Qin Si rain Ai Rou looking to Qin Shi. 听闻,秦私雨哀柔的望向秦石 The Qin Tianqing words right, Qin Shi because of Burning Sky Sect, really has had too many pain in the three years, abandonment of Qin Family, the betrayal of Chi Huo School, one year ago Qin Family disaster, poem blue death, these all sorts of all sorts, completely his anti- on shoulder, and has never complained anybody, had not said to anybody only said half language, will always laugh heartily to take to person, but all pain on were only pile up in the moral nature, was suffered alone. 秦天擎的话沒错,这三年來秦石因为焚天宗,真是吃了太多的苦,秦家的抛弃,离火宗的背叛,和一年前秦家的灾难,诗兰的死,这些种种的种种,全部都被他一人抗在肩上,并且从未抱怨过任何人,未曾对任何人说过只言半语,总是将欢笑带给身边的人,而一切的痛苦就只是积压在心底,独受折磨。 Such Qin Shi, is their pride. 这样的秦石,是他们所有人的骄傲。 Recalls these, the Qin Si rain does not have the courage to stop Qin Shi again, these in addition the resentment read is she does not dare to imagine, but was looking at the appearance of Qin Shi gradually distortion, light nan said: Only is this way, Shi’tou he can Qi Deviation 回想这些,秦私雨再也沒有勇气阻拦秦石,这些加起來的怨念是她所不敢想象得,只是望着秦石渐渐扭曲的模样,轻喃道:“只可是这样下去,石头他会走火入魔的啊” He, within will not have anything to defeat him on this day, his great strength is far from you can imagine, the person who he must protect are too many, even if for us, he cannot Qi Deviation.” But at this time, Qin Xuexin arrived around several people under supporting by the arm of Xiaomi Cai, was looking at fierce Qin Shi, the ice-cold face allowed to reveal light smiling. “他不会,这天地间沒有什么能够打垮他,他的强大远非你们能够想象,他要守护的人太多,哪怕是为了我们,他也不会走火入魔。”而这时,沁雪心小米彩的搀扶下走到几人跟前,望着狰狞的秦石,冰冷的颜容上露出淡淡的笑。 Under the smiling face, does not have worry of slightest, only then endless loving dearly and love, because she knows that in the front that person, is worth her entrusting the life-long person, is person who will not abandon her not to attend to absolutely. 笑容下,沒有分毫的担忧,只有无尽的心疼和爱意,因为她知道,在前面的那个人,是值得她托付终生的人,是一个绝对不会弃她而不顾的人。 Qin Xuexin these words, making many people were hanging the heart one relax, such as he said is the same, the person who Qin Shi must protect were too many, will therefore certainly not have the matter. 沁雪心的这番话,令不少人悬着的心一下放松,如他所言一样,秦石要守护的人太多,所以一定不会有事。 Believes him, he early is not one year ago that impulsive kid, present he clear are making anything, will not be making the piffle.” Piao Quan smiled. “相信他吧,他早不是一年前那个冲动的小家伙,现在的他清楚自己在做什么,不会在做傻事了。”朴泉笑了笑。 Sighed to sigh one, the human object of universal admiration and hopes in the black robe form that the center shelled unceasingly, read wants simultaneously to reappear in all people at heart, that is the shortly after future, this youth decides however will cause a stir in the trim mainland. 喟叹一声,人群望着在中央不断轰击的黑袍身影,一个念想同时浮现在所有人的心里,那就是在不久后的将來,这个少年定然会轰动整片大陆。 This point, nobody suspected, even if Qin Xuexin is also same. 这一点,沒有人怀疑,就算是沁雪心也一样。 Bang Qin Shi stops the numb attack finally, the red eye unwavebering locked chest is hollow, menstruation pupil fuzzy Luan Muhua, a fist has lifted the top of the head, the place above is gathering in within the body complete miraculous glow, gives a tongue-lashing the tooth saying: Old dog, three years of gratitude and grudges ended in light of this 秦石终于停下麻木的攻击,通红的眼睛死死锁着胸膛凹陷,已经血眸模糊的栾慕华,一只拳头举过头顶,上方汇聚着体内全部的灵光,呲牙道:“老狗,三年的恩怨就此结束” Last fist, hits for me “最后一拳,是替我自己打得” Volume “额啊啊” Fierce calls out, the fist that Qin Shi lifts up high as if tears the sky, wicked shells to Luan Muhua. 狰狞的嚎叫一声,秦石高举的拳头仿佛将天空撕裂,恶狠狠的冲着栾慕华轰击下去。 Bang 轰隆 A primordial chaos shivers, Luan Muhua chest emerges a fist big hole directly, avalanche that the next instant behind her the profound iron stone column, cannot withstand again. 一声鸿蒙颤动,栾慕华的胸膛直接浮出一个拳头大的窟窿,下一霎她背后的玄铁石柱,再也承受不住的崩塌。 …… 咔嚓 Lei Guang of galloping, passes from beyond the highest heavens together, tick-tock the light rain is dripping, as if dark is doomed general, washes out bloody water that the gully is flushing. 一道奔腾的雷光,从九霄云外晃过,滴滴答答的小雨淋漓,仿佛冥冥中注定一般,冲刷着沟壑冲的血水。 On this day, Burning Sky Sect will be removed thoroughly, North District does not have Burning Sky Sect again.” “这一日过后,焚天宗将会被彻底除名,北方区域再无焚天宗。” Um, Luan Muhua these years help an evildoer do evil, finally obtained the penalty, later it seems like wanted many and Qin sect pull closer the relations to be good, after this time, Qin Zongbi will displace, became a North District lofty tree.” “嗯,栾慕华这些年为虎作伥,终于是得到了惩罚,以后看來要多和秦宗拉近关系才行,经过这次以后,秦宗必会取而代之,成为北方区域的一棵参天大树。” I want also not necessarily so, depending on the disposition of this boy, trivial North District to be possible unable to satisfy him, so plans by him closely, he should have the next step idea.” “我想还未必如此,凭这小子的性格,区区北方区域可满足不了他,以他这般紧密的计划,他心里应该已经有了下一步的想法。” Yes, the future of this boy, extraordinary, extraordinary.” “是啊,这小子的前途,了不得,了不得啊。” This fist, leads the hearts of all people last, Luo maple tree, purple potato, dry lamp and the others, in heart is excited, looks youth who the center is creakying, nod of cannot bear. 这最后一拳,带动起所有人的心,洛枫、紫薯、枯灯等人,心中不由的激动起來,望着中央摇摇欲坠的少年,忍不住的点了点头。 This youth, has brought the miracle to them once more. 这个少年,再次给他们带來了奇迹。 Stands erect in the cyclopian riprap, looks under dust sand that the stone column avalanche is causing, the aura is getting more and more weak, until nothing left Luan Muhua, the Qin Shi whole body relaxes suddenly, the corners of the mouth have selected selecting strenuously. 矗立在乱石堆中,望着石柱崩塌引起的尘沙下,气息越來越弱,直至荡然无存的栾慕华,秦石全身突然间放松下來,嘴角吃力的挑了挑。 The tight nerve has been relieved, dizziness wells up the mind, makes his present field of vision fuzziness, two legs all of a sudden soft goes toward the anteversion. 紧绷的神经得到纾解,一股眩晕涌上脑海,令他眼前的视野一阵模糊,两腿一下子松软的朝前倾去。 …… A wisp of white light flashes through from distant place rapidly, holds Qin Shi in the bosom. 一缕白色的光影从远处迅速闪过,一把将秦石抱在怀中。 The will of surviving, looks is accompanying three years of familiar appearance, the Qin Shi sound faint [say / way]: „Did Elder Sister Yu, see? My I succeeded.” 残存的意志,望着相伴三年的熟悉容貌,秦石声音低弱的道:“玉姐,看见了吗?我我成功了。” Looked at him grey pit-a-pat face, the Shu Zhongyu bursting out laughing has been smiling, the phoenix pupil under brow tip slightly flood red, under the making an effort point, loved dearly: Um, saw, smelly Shi’tou, you have also spelled, this wound feared that is must be able to restore for a long time.” 望着他灰突突的面庞,书中玉哑然笑了,眉梢下的凤眸微微泛红,使劲的点下头,心疼道:“嗯,看见了,臭石头,你也太拼了,这一身伤怕是又要好久才能恢复。” They have passed through together for three years, finally has arrived at today, the big enmity must report. 两人共同走过了三年,终于走到了今天,大仇得报。 Shaking the head of forced smile, in the bosom of Shu Zhongyu, Qin Shi felt that specially steadfast, said: Quick, helping me take carry back Suppressing Jade, initially was I steals away Suppressing Jade to make the huge mistake, I must make up personally am good.” 苦笑的摇摇头,在书中玉的怀中,秦石感觉到特别的踏实,道:“快,帮我把崩玉拿回來,当初是我偷走崩玉犯下了大错,我要亲自弥补才行。” Suppressing Jade?” 崩玉?” Shu Zhongyu has gawked staring, the side that is suddenly enlighted is excessive, grasps to Luan Muhua body single-handed void, points on space ring to take down her. 书中玉愣了愣,才恍然大悟的侧过头,单手冲着栾慕华的躯体虚空一握,将她手指上的空间戒指取下。 After taking down, to knowing very well to tie her, breaks Luan Muhua soul mark superficially, at once fast turning looks, but more will be in the future turning looks, her black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed tight. 取下后,对熟知结界的她,轻描淡写的破开栾慕华的灵魂印记,旋即从中快速的翻找起來,而越是往后的翻找,她的黛眉不禁蹙紧。 How?” “怎么了?” Qin Shi sees that the weak body supports, has seized Luan Muhua space ring from the hand of Shu Zhongyu, under one inquires about at heart becoming angry out of shame: No? How to have?” 秦石见状,虚弱的身躯强挺起來,从书中玉的手中夺过栾慕华的空间戒指,一番探寻下心里不由的恼羞成怒:“沒有?怎么会沒有?” Bang But the large Dahan ice that at this time, on the vault of heaven was disregarded throughout, produces suddenly transmits fierce rocking, the black time spatters in all directions from the interior together, making the reliable cold ice four split. 而这时,天穹上始终被人无视掉的硕大寒冰,突然间产生传來剧烈的晃动,一道黑色的光阴从内部迸溅而出,令牢固的寒冰四下裂开。 Cold ice of rupturing, the vision attractions of all people, this thinks the war that can end in light of this, suddenly presents the accident. 爆裂的寒冰,将所有人的目光吸引,本以为能就此结束的战争,突然出现变故。 Under ice crystal of everywhere disruption, dodges to plunder together the strange shadow, the shadow bird's eye view the earth, is being the eagle glance game of being dormant is likely common, but in his hands, has the jade color jasper together, smiled to Qin Shi: Thing that kid, you must look, is this?” 漫天碎裂的冰晶下,从中闪掠出一道诡异的黑影,黑影俯瞰着大地,像是蛰伏的雄鹰扫视猎物一般,而在他的手中,有一块翡色的碧玉,冲着秦石笑了笑:“小家伙,你要找的东西,可是这个?” Is staring at the emerald green jasper, is carving forceful Beng Word in the center of jasper, making Qin Shi pupil one draw. 盯着翠色的碧玉,在碧玉的中央刻着一个铿锵有力的崩字,令秦石的瞳仁一阵收拢。 Suppressing Jade 崩玉 This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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