PDL :: Volume #5

#498: Killing

Bang 轰隆 The fierce fulmination resounds through in the world, hundred Buddhist relics simultaneous under erupts, making entire burn the day prominent peak fiercely rocked. 剧烈的爆鸣响彻在天地间,百枚舍利同时的爆发下,令整座焚天主峰都是剧烈的晃动起來。 Qin Xuexin that the one side is in sharp opposition they, feel the fearful remaining prestige to evade the point temporarily, black star meteor the iceberg puncture of front, Zhen Yuan while this opportunity, hastily escapes the kilometer, stares under completely is being the fire beacon desolated earth, the corners of the mouth twitches several: Just can that 100 golden Buddhist relics, unexpectedly create this grade of terrifying lethality? Does this boy, actually where obtain this strange martial arts?” 一旁针锋相对的沁雪心两人,感受到可怕的余威都不得不暂避锋芒,黑色的星陨将胸前的冰山击穿,甄渊趁此机会,连忙的远遁千米,盯着下方尽是狼烟的荒芜大地,嘴角抽搐几下:“刚刚那100枚的金色舍利,竟然能造成这等恐怖的杀伤力?这小子,究竟在哪里得到这种诡异的武学?” Dazzling dust sand, is similar to evil spirit fierce tiger is common, in an instant swallows in which the surrounding area several thousand meters, all kinds of howling resound from the smog. 刺眼的尘沙,如同凶煞的猛虎一般,转眼间就将方圆数万米吞噬其中,各种各样的吼叫声从烟雾中响起。 Qiu Diao is away from Qin Shi to be recent, a chaos heat flow shakes him directly flies, Bang hits on the mountain massif several kilometers away. 邱雕距离秦石最近,一股混沌的热流直接将他震飞,砰一声撞在数千米外的山体上。 Bang The mountain massif trembled fiercely trembling, his whole person falls a several meters endocrater. 山体剧烈的颤了颤,他整个人陷进去一个数十米的巨坑。 Xiaomi Cai several Heaven Realm are good, is falls turns in the place, receives injury that the weight varies, but in addition they so, do not raise these Profound Spirit Realm, the Spirit King Realm disciple, the casualty are innumerable. 小米彩几名天境算是好的了,都是摔翻在地,受到轻重不一的伤势,而她们都尚且如此,就更不要提那些玄灵境,王灵境的弟子,死伤无数。 Bang Probably passed half double-hour, the sand and crushed stone that fills gradually changes pale in the cold wind, a gigantic giant stone was shoved open, Qin Yongfeng is several people of head pokes head, breathing heavily in gulps thick air/Qi. 大约过了半个时辰,弥漫的砂石才在冷风中渐渐变淡,一块硕大的巨石被人推开,秦永峰为首的几人从中探出头來,大口大口的喘上粗气。 The people very draw out the body under each other supporting by the arm, asked mutually: Is all right?” 众人在彼此的搀扶下挺起身子,互相问道:“都沒事吧?” Several people shook the head, raise eyes to look toward front, the central position was the courage vigor was still rich, does not see clearly the condition, made the [say / way] of it worry: How did not know Sect Master.” 几人摇了摇头,举目朝前方望去,中央的位置仍是血气浓郁,看不清楚状况,令其不由担心的道:“不知道宗主怎么样了。” Should be all right, after all this strikes, is Sect Master uses personally, does he would leaving some leeways to himself?” Cen Chi said. “应该沒事,毕竟这一击,是宗主亲自动用,他总会给自己留些后路吧?”岑驰说道。 Regarding this, Qin Tianqing is the several Qin Family person faces of head is actually pale, the forced smile said: You do not know, if changes into others, somewhat is actually possible, but Shi’er his temperament is too gruff, always kept promises, since he said that must murder those who have cheated them with Luan Muhua, that died must achieve, as for this escape route, was really not necessarily.” 对此,秦天擎为首的几名秦家人面庞却是铁青,苦笑道:“你不知道,若是换成别人,倒是有几分可能,可石儿他的脾气太倔,向來是说一不二,他既然说了要和栾慕华寻仇,那就算是死也要做到,至于这后路,真是未必。” Hears this word, Cen spreads in several people of mind to recall and Qin Shi contact all sorts, just like Qin Tianqing said general, the Qin Shi style, truly made the human not act bashful certainly. 听得此言,岑驰几人脑海中回想起和秦石交往的种种,正如秦天擎所言一般,秦石的行事风格,确实让人拿捏不准。 Do not be dejected, you have forgotten, on the boy never lacks the miracle, moreover just that move, even if uneven Heaven Realm is not necessarily able to keep off, let alone is Luan Muhua of three days of boundaries? We should Gao Xingcai be.” Piao Quan breaks the people to say. “都别垂头丧气,难道你们忘了,那小子身上从來不缺少奇迹,况且刚刚那一招,就算是齐天境都未必能够挡下,更何况是三天之境的栾慕华?我们应该高兴才是。”朴泉打断众人道。 Several people squint, regarding this approves actually, was white the might that a moment ago Buddhist relics create, they personally see, sighed painstakingly: Hope so, now does not have the means that we can only wait, hopes this time, this kid can also create the miracle.” 几人相觑一眼,对此倒是非常认可,刚才白枚舍利造成的威力,他们都是亲眼所见,苦叹道:“希望如此吧,现在也沒办法,我们只能等了,但愿这一次,这小家伙也能创造奇迹吧。” Outside main hall in confusion, Ye He is faint the beautiful pupil, stared was being once unusual refined practice sacred place, now reduces for so the scene unexpectedly, wiped well ups grieved: All are the causes and effects, is behaves badly.” 在狼藉的大殿外,叶鹤淡漠着美眸,盯着曾经超凡脱俗的修炼圣地,如今竟沦落为这般光景,一抹酸楚涌上心头:“一切都是因果,都是作孽啊。” The stop in airborne Zhen Yuan, has swept one to fire beacon, he also loses the confidence to Luan Muhua, that struck a moment ago, is extremely really terrorist, he engages in introspection, is not necessarily able to keep off directly. 停顿在空中的甄渊,冲狼烟下扫了一眼,就连他对栾慕华也是失去信心,刚才那一击,实在太过恐怖,就连他扪心自问,都未必能正面挡下。 Scoffs, useless person, since Burning Sky Sect could not count on that personally begins by me “嗤,废物一个,既然焚天宗指望不上,那就由我亲自动手吧” Criticizes one, he under moves vision to the direction of Qin Family disciple, the look concentrates suddenly, is hundred black sharp swords. 暗骂一声,他将目光唰下挪向秦家弟子的方向,神色猛然一凝,举手投足间就是百道黑色利剑。 The black sharp sword just left, many Qin Family disciple flurried supine beginning, but has not waited for the sharp sword to be close, in vision fierce reappears the pretty blue color. 黑色的利剑刚出,不少秦家弟子慌乱的仰起头,而沒等利剑接近,目光中猛的浮现出靓丽的碧蓝色。 Bang The white hands turn from the front, at the same time the hard ice shield emerges, how whatever hundred sharp swords dash, does not help matters. 玉手从胸前一翻,一面坚硬的冰盾浮出,任由百道利剑怎样冲撞,都是无济于事。 Qin Xuexin, can you really with me for the enemy?” The sharp sword kept off, Zhen Yuan annoying roars. 沁雪心,你真要和我为敌吗?”利剑被挡下,甄渊懊恼的怒吼一声。 Bang Draws in the white hands, Qin Xuexin has not responded, but indicates her determination with the movement, first white arms holding up slowly, in she points at the position, turns the light blue cold glow suddenly, in the cold glow has been full of the biting cold cooling blast, forms a gigantic vortex along the sandstorm. 收拢玉手,沁雪心并未回应,而是用动作表明她的决心,先将皓腕缓缓的举起,在她手指间的位置,突然间翻起淡淡的蓝色寒芒,寒芒中充满了彻骨的冷气流,沿着风沙中形成一个硕大的漩涡。 In the vortex flows the naked eye obvious mark to wind, the mark wound the place of passing over gently and swiftly to freeze snowflakes the air unexpectedly gradually, more product more much, then covered in Qin Tianqing several people of all around, formed a broad cold ice palace, various person defending of firmly. 漩涡中流淌着肉眼可见的纹络,纹络掠过之处竟是将空气渐渐冻结成一片一片的雪花,越积越多,然后笼罩在秦天擎几人的四周,形成一座恢弘的寒冰宫殿,将诸人牢牢的守在其中。 I have said that this is my third family, my anybody will not injure them to complete, Qin Xuexin clashes Zhen Yuandao indifferently. “我说过,这是我第三个家,我绝不会任何人伤害他们”一切都做好,沁雪心冷漠的冲甄渊道。 Stared at the Qin Xuexin movement, Zhen Yuan has been giving a tongue-lashing the tooth breathless, obloquied saying: Good, I catch today you, leading you to see palace host 盯着沁雪心的动作,甄渊气急败坏的呲了呲牙,大骂道:“好,那我今天就把你抓回去,带你去见殿主” Spoke, raises hand is the wild black fog, the black fog unusual evil spirit, is a first ghost is likely ordinary, fierce plunging Qin Xuexin. 说完话,扬手间就是狂野的黑雾,黑雾非常的凶煞,像是一头一头鬼魂一般,猛的扑向沁雪心 Bang Ice flower one after another blooms, Qin Xuexin gets rid resolute, defeats the Zhen Yuan black fog, under the tip of the toe void, flees to go forward, in airborne concentrates single-handed, punctures together just like the ice hockey of bright moon. 一朵一朵的冰花绽放,沁雪心出手果决,一击破开甄渊的黑雾,脚尖下虚空一点,咻的窜上前,单手在空中一凝,刺出一道宛如皓月的冰球。 Bang 轰隆 One black, they reach the impass, just withstood hundred Buddhist relics the prominent peaks, cannot withstand two uneven Heaven Realm to be able again greatly under fighting, the strength of attribute moves the remaining prestige that produces, made below precipice continuous rupturing. 一篮一黑,两人又陷入僵局,刚刚承受百枚舍利的主峰,再也承受不起两尊齐天境大能的交手,属性之力触碰下所产生的余威,令下方的山岩连绵爆裂。 Bang Was compelled to draw back again, Zhen Yuan agitated pinching tightly fist, moral nature angry scolded: Damn, limits from the three-year that the monarchy gives must approach shortly, emits such a damn girl in this crucial point, if could not be mastering the Suppressing Jade application method, the monarchy will certainly not let off me.” 再次被逼退,甄渊烦躁的捏紧拳,心底愤怒的骂道:“该死,距离君主给下的三年期限眼看就要临近,偏偏在这个节骨眼上冒出这么个该死的丫头,若是在掌握不了崩玉的使用方法,君主一定不会放过我。” Does not give the time that Zhen Yuanduo think, the Qin Xuexin movement is extremely quick, Zhen Yuan just moved, her white hands gather directly the top of the head, among the lip angles have exclaimed lowly: Space 根本不给甄渊多想的时间,沁雪心的动作极快,甄渊刚刚挪动,她玉手直接就聚过头顶,唇角间低吼道:“天上” Underground “地下” Only I “唯我” Frozen “冰封” Frozen profound territory “冰封玄域” In an instant, the intense cold current along the fingertip winding of Qin Xuexin, follows close on is making the density suddenly sharp increase in air, direct coagulation. 刹那间,强烈的寒流沿着沁雪心的指尖缠绕,紧跟着令空气中的密度猛然剧增,直接凝固。 The cold current under coagulation, such as is common to the profound arrow, rolling wraps to Zhen Yuan. 凝固下的寒流,如离玄之箭一般,冲着甄渊就滚滚包裹下去。 Bang The cold wind caresses the face, the aura that Zhen Yuan exhales was frozen directly, under the face of First Rank light thin glazed frost on his cape, making his pupil reduce, perhaps said: This is, the secret technique of blue snow sect?” 寒风扑面,甄渊呼出的气息直接被冻结,一层淡淡的薄冰挂在他斗篷下的面庞上,令他瞳仁紧缩,恐道:“这是,青雪宗的秘术?” The faint supineness draws out the broad and handsome forehead, Qin Xuexin has not responded, when myriad cold currents gather completely, her look changes, during the skilled artist turn over pats in own chest, an essence and blood spouts, shouted to clear the way tenderly: Seals 淡漠的仰起螓首,沁雪心并未回应,在万千寒流全部汇聚时,她神色一变,妙手翻转间拍在自己的胸口,一口精血喷出,娇喝道:“封” Bang A character of condensation, like is reliable shackles, just resounded instant, Zhen Yuan cold current all around shivers fiercely, then the unceasing compression freeze, changes to a hundred zhang (333m) the iceberg, blocks in which Zhen Yuan. 凝聚的一个字,像是一把牢固的枷锁一样,刚刚响起的刹那,甄渊周遭的寒流剧烈颤动起來,然后不断的压缩冻结,化作一尊百丈的冰山,生生将甄渊封锁其中。 The previous second of freeze, Zhen Yuan is also revealing the color of evil spirit. 冻结的前一秒,甄渊还流露着凶煞之色。 Is staring at blue cold ice, the foul air that the person under field will turn always very quiet puts out, relaxes all of a sudden: Won?” 盯着碧蓝色的寒冰,场下的人将始终屏住的浊气吐出,一下子放松起來:“赢了吗?” This strikes the frozen profound territory, it may be said that has consumed the Qin Xuexin complete strength, in the moving jade surface flows off the fragrant perspiration, was good because has blown Zhen Yuan, otherwise the following matter, she really does not dare to imagine. 这一击冰封玄域,可谓是消耗了沁雪心全部的力量,动人的玉面上流下香汗,好在是将甄渊镇住了,否则接下來的事,她真是不敢想象。 But she has not rested, is supporting the exhausted body, beautiful pupil fast moving to the center of dust sand, in which the color of worry, it goes without saying. 而她并沒有休息,强挺着疲惫的身躯,将美眸快速的挪向尘沙的中央,其中的担忧之色,不言而喻 Along with the Qin Xuexin vision, Qin Tianqing and the others also once more in confusion search toward most position, pinches tightly the waiting of fist heart one by one. 随着沁雪心的目光,秦天擎等人也再次朝最狼藉的位置探去,各个捏紧拳心的等待。 Sigh Cool breeze has stroked, several points of chill in the air. 一阵清风拂过,略带几分寒意。 In an instant all Renmeng is anxious: Looked quickly, has dispersed, inside had the human.” 刹那间诸人猛的紧张起來:“快瞧,散开了,里面有人。” Who is?” Audience with rapt attention. “是谁?”全场凝神。 Like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, rich dust sand dispersing, the thin form exposes in all Renyan together, this form partly kneels on the ground, the body is fluctuating fiercely, seemed like distressed. 风卷残云,浓郁的尘沙散开,一道稀薄的身影暴露在诸人眼中,这身影半跪在地上,身子剧烈的起伏着,看起來狼狈极了。 Reappearing of form, the hearts of all people mentioned the throat place, in heart unceasing pray silently, who this person was, will be deciding the result of this unrivalled war. 身影的浮现,所有人的心都提到嗓子眼处,心中不断的默默祈祷,这个人是谁,将决定着这场旷世大战的结果。 Qin Shi, Qin sect won. 秦石,秦宗则赢。 Luan Muhua, Qin sect defeated. 栾慕华,秦宗则败。 Under the tight atmosphere, wisp of tornado curls up in form, follows close on is making among its thin edges and corners, reveals wipes the black lower hem corner. 紧张的气氛下,一缕旋风在身影的下方卷起,紧跟着令其稀薄的棱角间,露出一抹黑色的衣角。 Qin sect a side, pupil drawing in suddenly: Black robe, is Sect Master 秦宗一方,瞳仁猛然的收拢:“黑袍,是宗主 The symbol of black robe, all people are excited, Qin Tianqing shows the gratified smiling face: This brat, has not really disappointed us 黑袍的象征,所有人兴奋起來,秦天擎露出欣慰的笑容:“这臭小子,果然沒有让我们失望” Luan Muhua? Died?” “栾慕华呢?死了吗?” Under the excitement, Leader Yun a few words awaken the people, this is the matter that the present most should care about. 在兴奋下,凌霄的一句话惊醒众人,这才是现在最应该关心的事。 But in the dreariness, Qin sect a disciple raised hand, after the vision attractions of all people, shouts: You look quickly, Sect Master got up 而在沉寂中,一个秦宗的弟子扬了扬手,将所有人的目光吸引后喊道:“你们快瞧,宗主起來了” In the dust sand, controlled hundred Buddhist relics before, causes the Qin Shi body short paralysis, decides long-term moistening gradually to restore after the timely rain rain and dew, standing up that then he sways gradually, staggers passes through hundred meters, stops the body. 在尘沙中,之前操控百枚舍利,导致秦石的躯体短暂麻痹,经过甘霖雨露决长时间的滋润才渐渐恢复,接着他摇晃的站起身,一步一步踉跄的走过百米,才停下身子。 Just stopped, the crowd brow wrinkle of distant place: Is Luan Muhua she has not died?” 刚停下來,远处的人群眉头一皱:“是栾慕华她沒死?” In the Qin Shi front, is burns the day to walk the stone column of main shrine, the stone column already the avalanche, has every large or small hole above, Luan Muhua pours in the place above of stone column, tender body unceasing twitching, although the eye also opens, consciousnes is also in good health, is only present she, received the extremely serious injury, spiritual power in within the body dissipates completely, even said continually the strength of words has not had. 秦石的前方,是焚天走主殿的一根石柱,石柱已经崩塌,在上面有大大小小的窟窿,栾慕华倒在石柱的上方,娇躯不断的抽搐,虽说眼睛还睁开,神智还健在,只是如今的她,受到了极为严重的伤势,体内的灵力完全消散,甚至连开口说句话的力气不曾拥有。 Is staring at the Qin Shi fierce and excited face, she can feel, has showing that a rich killing intent does not block above, for this reason wipes , since achieving three days of boundaries, never has free time scared and dreads to float to accommodate tenderly. She knows, depending on her present condition, if Qin Shi launches the attack to her, then her fate will have dead characters. 盯着秦石狰狞和兴奋的面庞,她能够感觉的到,在其上有一股浓郁的杀意正毫无遮拦的透出,为此一抹自从达到三天之境后,就从未有空的恐慌和畏惧浮上娇容。她知道,凭她现在的状态,若是秦石对她发动攻击,那么她的下场将只有一个死字。 Stares at dispirited Luan Muhua, in the Qin Shi heart the inexplicable feeling several points is feeling relaxed, one year ago all, no, said accurately, should be these three years all, for three years he and Burning Sky Sect all gratitude and grudges, must end finally, he in today's for this reason thorough marking period. 盯着萎靡的栾慕华,秦石心中莫名的感觉到几分释然,一年前的一切,不,准确的说,应该是这三年來的一切,三年來他和焚天宗的所有恩怨,终于就要结束了,他将在今日为此彻底的画上句号。 Remembers in the three years pain, the color of Qin Shi evil spirit on expansion even more, slowly stretches out from the sleeve the palm, gripping Cheng Quan of doing utmost: Luan Muhua, I one year ago has said that you certainly will regret some day whatever initially I left, now is you repays all these times 一想起这三年來的痛苦,秦石凶煞之色就越发的扩张,缓缓的将手掌从袖筒中伸出,竭尽全力的攥成拳:“栾慕华,我一年前说过,有一天你一定会后悔当初任由我离开,现在就是你偿还这一切的时候了” The word, the fist leaves, the audience holds the breath. 言罢,拳出,全场屏息。 This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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