PDL :: Volume #5

#497: Hundred Buddhist relics

„Do big Buddhist relics decide?” “大舍利决?” Hears these four characters to put out from the Qin Shi lip angle, many people reveal several points of surprise, Luan Muhua is also look one revolution, the nervousness relaxes several points: Little bastard, do you prepare to draw on to kill me with this? Naive 听闻这四个字从秦石的唇角中吐出,不少人露出几分诧异,就连栾慕华也是神色一转,紧张心情放松几分:“小杂种,你就准备用这招來杀我?天真” I said that all try apparent.” “我说了,一切试试便知。” self-confidence has raised the corners of the mouth, perhaps in others opinion, the big Buddhist relics has not been one year ago, past the season martial arts of Qin Shi use, but Qin Shi are actually clear, he most formidable attack anything expensive is not the nether world of emperor soul, the 7-Step martial arts demon ghost day photo, but is this strikes from Mysterious Heaven Scripture, does not have spiritual martial arts of step: The big Buddhist relics decide. 自信的扬了扬嘴角,或许在别人看來,大舍利决不过是一年前,秦石使用的过季武学,而秦石自己却是清楚,他最强大的攻击绝非什么贵为帝魂器的幽冥,七阶武学的魅鬼天照,而是这一击來自玄天圣经中,沒有品阶的精神武学:大舍利决。 The big Buddhist relics decide, a prestige, will then be tyrannical extremely, on the scene dares the frontage not to surpass the number of five fingers with his person of resistance absolutely, may regarding Luan Muhua of three days of boundaries, actually be appears somewhat weakly cannot withstand, and insufficient will make him dread, even if will have injection of strength of soul will also be not necessarily able the wound to her. 大舍利决,一枚之威,便是极为强横,在场敢正面与其抵抗的人绝对不会超过五指之数,可对于三天之境的栾慕华來讲,却是显得有些微弱不堪,并不足矣令其忌惮,就算是有灵魂之力的注入也未必能够伤的到她。 But is really this big Buddhist relics complete might definitely? 但这真是大舍利决的全部威力吗? No, so, Qin Shi at heart is far from clear, big Buddhist relics true might definitely, does not lie in its individual paroxysm, but lies in the fearful overlay. 不,远非如此,秦石心里清楚,大舍利决的真正威力,并不是在于它的个体爆发性,而是在于可怕的叠加。 This overlay, is not one plus one equal to two so simple, but climbs up by the relations of multiple, cannot injure Luan Muhua, does not represent two not to injure, two cannot injure not to represent three, four, several cannot injure her. 这种叠加,绝非是一加一等于二这般简单,而是以倍数的关系攀爬,一枚伤不到栾慕华,不代表两枚伤不到,两枚伤不到不代表三枚,四枚,数枚也伤不到她。 Pinched this point, Qin Shi all, bet in this to strike, deep suction port cold air/Qi, Qin Shi single-handed toward previous, shouted to clear the way lightly: Concentrates 正是掐准了这一点,秦石才将一切,赌在这一击上,深深的吸口冷气,秦石单手朝上一番,轻喝道:“凝” Bang Forceful congealing character jumps, in an instant in the Qin Shi side gathering extremely deep quiet fire, is the violent anger evil dragon is likely ordinary, at the same time sends out the shocking startled roar. 铿锵有力的凝字蹦出,刹那间在秦石身旁汇聚极深的幽火,像是暴怒的恶龙一般,同一时间发出震天的惊吼。 Bang 轰隆 Under the startled roar, around the quiet fire ancient mark winds, like is the mature sunflower splits, the dazzling golden light blooms one after another. 惊吼声下,幽火四周的古老纹络,像是成熟的葵花一样裂开,一道一道刺目的金光从中绽放。 Under ray, unexpectedly unification float scarlet golden Buddhist relics one after another. 光芒之下,竟统一悬浮起一枚一枚的赤金色舍利。 Reappearing of each Buddhist relics, will cause the dreadful sandstorm surely, the sandstorm is rolling up and pushing along the dense fog in cloud layer, like finds time several thousand meters high burning day mountain range, making countless people have to turn very quiet, withdrew hastily. 每一枚舍利的浮现,必定会引起滔天的风沙,风沙卷动着云层中的迷雾,像是将数万米高的焚天山脉抽空一样,令无数的人不得不屏住呼吸,连忙退后。 „Can this Buddhist relics, simultaneously start unexpectedly so?” “这舍利,竟能同时发动如此之多?” Was covered by eye-catching [gold/metal], in the vision of people have filled with the puzzled, quiet fire under has the pure gold Buddhist relics to multiply to jump out with amazement unceasingly, two ten 被夺目的金芒笼罩,众人的目光中充满了的骇然与不解,幽火下不断有赤金舍利滋生跳出,一枚,两枚十枚 20 20枚 30 30枚 More and more, as many as densely covered clear sky. 越來越多,多到密布晴空。 40, 50, 60, achieve 60 suddenly, moreover each, the implication strength, all sufficiently destroys the day to extinguish, is this grand picture? 40枚,50枚,60枚,眨眼间就达到60枚之多,而且每一枚,其中蕴含的力量,皆是足以毁天灭地,这是何等壮阔的景象? But what is terrified, to 60 quantities, Qin Shi probably and dissatisfied, although 60 [gold/metal] pill's might was tyrannical, may face Luan Muhua, he does not dare to have the slightest general idea, after all the former is expensive is three days of boundaries, takes a broad view at Scarlet Flame Empire to be the first ten big energies. 而更加悚然的是,对60枚的数量,秦石好像并不满意,尽管60枚金丹的威力已经非常强横,可面对栾慕华,他不敢有分毫的大意,毕竟前者是贵为三天之境,放眼赤炎帝国都能够位列前十的大能。 For safety's sake, pinches tightly fist heart sticks out suddenly the both arms, Qin Shi offers a sacrifice to completely the psychic force in Sea of Consciousness, the strength of soul palace armor promotes the several fold once again, made it all around once again beat ten several spooky purple fires suddenly. 为了保险起见,捏紧拳心的暴起双臂,秦石识海中的精神力全部祭出,魂殿铠甲的力量再度提升数倍,猛然间令其周遭再度跳动起十数道幽幽紫火。 70 “70枚” Puffs, the Qin Shi forehead had sweated profusely, the resolute face appears pale, but so two arms have not put down, light quiet fire along armor, once again seeps out toward side. 喘着粗气,秦石的额头已经被大汗淋漓,刚毅的面庞显得苍白,而就算这般两臂也未曾放下,淡淡的幽火沿着铠甲,再度的朝旁边渗出。 80 “80枚” 90 “90枚” 95 “95枚” 96 “96枚” Registers with the mind one after another, hoarse low roars once again, surging of one group of quiet hot tuck dive, then swallows the fog between mountain peak instantly, buys in spiritual Qi of world, shows prompt piercing goal golden light. 一枚一枚用脑海记数,再度沙哑的低吼一声,一团幽火翻腾的涌起,刹时间便是吞噬掉山峰间的云雾,吸纳天地的灵气,透出一点刺目的金光。 97 “97枚” At this time in Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness, psychic force is serious being exhausted, on consciousnes starts lax, the present picture is also slurred. 此时秦石识海中,精神力已是严重的匮竭,神智上开始涣散,眼前的画面也跟着模糊不清。 In order to maintain soberly, he breaks by biting the lip that uses tooth to make an effort, the light smell of blood faints from the oral cavity, made its reluctant relaxed several points, at once leans closes right up against on sweat cleaning of shoulder brow tip excessively, since congealed the black pupil drank one lightly: 98 为了保持清醒,他用牙齿使劲的将嘴唇咬破,淡淡的血腥味从口腔晕开,才令其勉强的缓和几分,旋即侧过头靠着肩膀将眉梢上的汗水擦拭,凝起黑眸的轻喝一声:“98枚” Bang Quiet fire blowing out again, lights spiritual power in air to turn into the Buddhist relics together. 一道幽火再一次的爆出,点燃空气中的灵力化成舍利。 This condensation, has exhausted his residual strength, making him have to stop to rest a meeting, then start once more with rapt attention, among the brassards of shivering congealed once again the quiet fire. 这一次的凝聚,耗尽了他残留的力量,令他不得不停下來休息一会,然后才再次的开始凝神,颤抖的臂铠间再度凝起幽火。 99 “99枚” 99 pure gold Buddhist relics, in the soul palace armor of Qin Shi whole body transmit Bang an explosive, presents one after another profound opening indifferently, was unable to support the armor under the psychic force of being exhausted. 99枚赤金舍利,秦石全身的魂殿铠甲中传來砰一声爆响,漠然出现一道一道深邃的裂口,在匮竭的精神力下已经无法支撑铠甲。 Affecting of strength of soul, making the Qin Shi look pale, if not for the front also had slight fluctuating, even with deceased person not different. 灵魂之力的牵动,令秦石的神色苍白,若不是胸前还有轻微的起伏,甚至和死人并无两样。 Under terrifying pressure, several thousand people vision unwavebering stares at tight Qin Shi, the condensation of each pure gold Buddhist relics, the air thin several points all around, the terrifying pressure will be strong a point. 在恐怖的威压下,数万人将目光死死的盯紧秦石,每一枚赤金舍利的凝聚,周遭的空气就会稀薄几分,恐怖的威压就会强劲一分。 But a might powerful point, Qin Shi complexion also will be inevitably pale a point, before completely obviously Venerable the prestige the soul palace armor is also becomes light, has the possibility of breakage anytime, these all sorts of signs make all people understand that this time Qin Shi is the spent force. 但威力强势一分,秦石面色必然也会苍白一分,之前尽显尊威的魂殿铠甲也是变得淡薄起來,随时都有破裂的可能,这些的种种迹象都让诸人明白,此时的秦石已是强弩之末。 But for all this, in the 99 Buddhist relics of his side, the implication fearful strength, Luan Muhua who is better than three days of boundaries, for this reason feeling panic-stricken, in the silver thread ties unceasing struggling, whooshes. 而尽管如此,在他身旁的99枚舍利中,蕴含的可怕力量,就连强如三天之境的栾慕华,为此都不由的感觉到惊恐,在银丝结界中不断的挣扎,嘶吼。 Limit? No, this is not “极限了吗?不,这不是” Weak breathed heavily two thick air/Qi, the shaking down head that Qin Shi makes an effort, the black pupil becomes exceptionally firm, opens the mouth is explodes drinks one, suddenly makes an exceptionally bold movement, two arms in the chest congeals seal, the mark firmly hit the front the armor, at once winds along the mark of chest, the translucent soul palace armor self-ignition gets up unexpectedly, changes into one vast purple quiet fires. 无力的喘了两口粗气,秦石使劲的摇下头,黑眸变得异常坚定,开口就是爆喝一声,突然做出一个异常大胆的动作,两臂在胸膛凝结成印,印记牢牢的击中胸前的铠甲,旋即沿着胸膛的纹络,半透明的魂殿铠甲竟然自燃起來,化为一片浩繁的紫色幽火。 The high temperature that suddenly the transmission comes, made countless people terrified one startled: What does he want to make? Hasn't prepared to receive the hand?” 突然传递而來的高温,令无数人悚然一惊:“他想要做什么?难道还不准备收手吗?” This kid, must go all out.” “这小家伙,是要拼命了啊。” Piao Quan crosses the hands behind the back is looking at cloud layer, is feeling in the quiet fire the terrifying psychic force, reveals wipes the unprecedented congealing color, what is Qin Shi worries. 朴泉负手的望着云层,感受着幽火中恐怖的精神力,露出一抹前所未有的凝色,不由的为秦石捏了一把冷汗。 Bang 轰隆 The quiet fire ignites, Bang an endless helmet and armor broken becomes powdery, the powder has not fallen, but along airborne changes into the gigantic vortex, vortex unceasing rotation, all around wild air current complete monopoly. 幽火燃起,砰一声无尽的盔甲碎成粉末状,粉末并沒有落下,而是沿着空中化为硕大的漩涡,漩涡不断的转动,将四周狂野的气流全部垄断。 Finally the air current gathers, the central position draws in suddenly, expands together the dazzling golden light, golden light very dazzling, glistens the vault of heaven of half wall, then changes to incomparably thorough pure gold Buddhist relics. 最终气流汇聚间,中央的位置突然收拢,扩开一道刺目的金光,金光非常的耀眼,将半壁的天穹闪亮,然后化作一枚无比透彻的赤金舍利。 100 “100枚” 100, 100 th, Qin Shi concentrates to make 100 pure gold Buddhist relics fully, just surged in 100 Buddhist relics, Qin Shi puff a blood spouts, the whole body is suddenly weak. 100枚,第100枚,秦石整整凝造出100枚的赤金舍利,在100枚舍利刚刚涌起,秦石噗一口鲜血喷出,全身突然间瘫软下來。 Black pupil one tight, but at this time Qiu Diao was quick of eye and hand, one changed into the majestic goshawk, was whipping the wing, leapt to Qin Shi under all of a sudden, picked up Qin Shi. 黑眸一紧,而这时邱雕眼疾手快,唰一下化为雄壮的苍鹰,拍打着翅膀,一下子飞跃到秦石的下方,将秦石托起。 Stands firm the body, Qin Shi relaxed, expression of gratitude of forced smile, this is looking at present own masterpiece, hundred Buddhist relics. 稳住身,秦石不由松了口气,苦笑的道了声谢,这才望着眼前自己的杰作,百枚舍利。 Shouted successfully?” “呼成功了吗?” The condensation of hundred Buddhist relics, making Shu Zhongyu and many other people raise the tight heartstrings to relax. 百枚舍利的凝聚,令书中玉等不少人提紧的心弦放松。 Although [gold/metal] pill concentrates, may depend on this time him, is unable to revolve, must restore some to be good the strength, for this reason clenched teeth drinks one lightly: Timely rain rain and dew decides 尽管金丹凝成,可凭此时的他,根本无法运转,必须要将力量恢复一些才行,为此咬了咬牙的轻喝一声:“甘霖雨露决” Instantaneous, in dantian remaining spiritual power, by mild nourishment, from nine spirit vein middle reaches, has started to repair body in confusion, but while the short rest, Qin Shi looks all around in the field the black pupil. 瞬间,丹田中残余的灵力,以一股温润的养料,从九条灵脉中游过,开始修复着狼藉的躯壳,而趁着短暂的休息,秦石将黑眸在场上环顾一圈。 In battlefield, a Qin Family side, or a Burning Sky Sect side, the frigid confrontation of experience half day, is the casualties is serious. 战场上,无论是秦家一方,或是焚天宗一方,经历半日的惨烈交锋,都是伤亡严重。 Takes burning the day prominent peak as the surrounding area of center of circle in ten thousand meters, was all filled the air by the bright red courage vigor, on the whole full is the sores, does not have a complete institute. 以焚天主峰为圆心的方圆万米内,皆是被鲜红的血气弥漫,大体上满是疮痍,无一处完好之所。 Looks at the pitiful appearance, Qin Shi tip of the nose acid, constraining that the Chest cannot say, but he has not displayed, because he knows matter that the war could not avoid, what he must do is only the reduced casualties as far as possible. 看着凄惨的模样,秦石的鼻尖一酸,心口说不上的压抑,可他并沒有表现出來,因为他知道战争已是避免不了的事,他要做的只是尽可能的减少伤亡。 Has swept from the battlefield, he looks at toward Qin Xuexin and a Zhen Yuan side the vision, in sky that in spiritual power was burnt through by him, they were still being heavily engaged that hit, the extremely savage fulmination sound transmitted unceasingly. 从战场上扫过,他又将目光朝沁雪心和甄渊一方望去,在灵力已经被他燃尽的天空中,两人仍是打的不可开交,极度凶残的爆鸣声不断传來。 To Ocean Group hateful Qin Xuexin, on leaving the move must be the killer, the offensive is cunning, the cold current freeze air, made all around to hike up the light flying snow, thousands of zhang (3.33 m) iceberg rose from eight sides, one group of thorough ice hockey were similar to Yao date are common, Bang ejected to Zhen Yuan chest. 对溟组充满憎恨的沁雪心,每逢出招必是杀手,攻势刁钻毒辣,寒流冻结空气,令周遭飘起淡淡的飞雪,千万丈的冰山从八方崛起,一团透彻的冰球如同曜日一般,砰一声的冲甄渊胸膛击出。 Bang Zhen Yuan sinks, the Qin Xuexin strength, is he is unexpected, ties the black barrier in the chest fast, reluctant will attack the ice hockey. 甄渊心里一沉,沁雪心的实力,是他始料未及得,快速在胸膛结起黑色的屏障,才勉强的将攻击冰球。 But this was not finished, ice hockey when moving barrier, the flower bud that such as has not split unexpectedly bashfully was the same, launched nine pretty flower petals all of a sudden, in the snow lotus just like Tianshan, was really beautiful. 而这并非结束,冰球在触碰到屏障时,竟如一朵含羞未绽的花骨朵一样,一下子展开九片靓丽的花瓣,宛如天山上的雪莲,甚是美丽。 Bang 轰隆 In the snow lotus mixes with the cool fragrance, by the potential of power of perseverance, seepage bit by bit, the original black will dye unexpectedly deep blue, Bang ordered it to disintegrate. 雪莲中夹杂清凉的芬芳,竟是以滴水穿石之势,一点一点的渗透而出,将本來的黑色染成碧蓝,砰一下令其土崩瓦解。 Damn, looked down on you.” “该死,小瞧你了。” Zhen Yuan criticizes one, rapid toward retroceding hundred meters, before the contempt on face was nothing left, to the present, he got rid to Qin Xuexin from the beginning the avoidance strategic point desirably, like for fear that injured to Qin Xuexin, but therefore several made him be almost killed. 甄渊暗骂一声,迅速的朝后退开百米,之前面庞上的轻视荡然无存,本來从一开始到现在,他对沁雪心出手都会刻意的避开要害,像是生怕伤到沁雪心一样,而正是因此几番令他差点丧命。 He realized now, if is not earnest, perhaps today he has not assigned to leave. 他现在才意识到,若是在不认真起來,说不定今日他就沒有命离开了。 Realized that Qin Xuexin has the superiority, worry in heart puts down gradually, Qin Shi shouted the long air/Qi slowly, 30% that the injury in within the body restored, although is not many, controls these hundred [gold/metal] pill is enough. 察觉到沁雪心取得优势,心中的担忧渐渐放下,秦石缓缓的呼了长气,体内的伤势已经恢复的三成,虽说并不是很多,操控这百枚金丹已是足够。 Elder Sister Yu, remove to tie.” 玉姐,撤掉结界吧。” Sound faint putting out, the audience all of a sudden becomes silent, all people turn very quiet. 声音淡漠的吐出,全场一下子变得寂静,所有人都屏住呼吸。 Good “好” Complied with gently, Shu Zhongyu the front skilled artist toward upturning, twined several thousand silver threads on wrist, like was affects the wood the line, only listened to clear sound one after another, with a crash break. 轻轻的应了一声,书中玉将胸前的妙手朝上翻起,缠绕在手腕上的数万道银丝,像是牵动木头的线条一样,只听一声一声的清脆响声,砰然断裂。 Luan Muhua facial expression concentrates, the tight silver thread was just lax, the next instant, she is almost not fake thinks after runs away, white hands continuous rotates in the front, but at the same time the barrier has not condensed, in her phoenix eye reflects the fierce golden light suddenly, making her tender body tremble, foolish is in-situ. 栾慕华神情凝起,绷紧的银丝刚刚松垮,下一霎,她几乎不假思朝后遁去,玉手连绵的在胸前转动,而一面屏障尚未凝聚,她的凤眼中突然反射出剧烈的金光,令她的娇躯一颤,痴傻的愣在原地。 Single-handed empty holds, mixes the air current on vault of heaven, Qin Shi is picking up hundred Buddhist relics, then points to Luan Muhua kilometer away, the lip angle opens: Explodes 单手虚扶,搅动着天穹上的气流,秦石将百枚舍利托起,然后直指千米外的栾慕华,唇角张开:“爆” …… Instant, hundred [gold/metal], such as the meteor is common, is dragging the kilometer star tail, sweeping that hits to Luan Muhua front, follows close on half wall barrier that she was just condensing, has not achieved including a stop of faint trace, changes into the powder pink / white directly. 刹那,百道金芒,如流星一般,拖着千米长的星尾,击中的扫向栾慕华胸前,紧跟着她刚刚凝聚起的半壁屏障,连一丝丝的阻拦都未曾做到,直接化为齑粉。 Bang 轰隆 Fulmination repetitive resounding through in the horizon, the dazzling golden light and day vies, on ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high vault of heaven was broken a Dadong to be ordinary likely, hundreds of thousands of meters earth fierce tremor, shoots down in the wild waves dust sand that on the earth forms, in an instant swallows several thousand disciples directly, the mountain massif Bang the avalanche becomes two halves. 爆鸣连连的响彻在天际,刺目的金光与日争辉,万丈高的天穹上像是被破开一个大洞一般,数十万米的大地剧烈的颤动起來,击落在大地上形成的骇浪尘沙,转眼间将数万名弟子直接吞噬,山体砰的崩塌成两半。 This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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