PDL :: Volume #5

#496: Final card in a hand: Soul palace

How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” The sound of shivering puts out from Luan Muhua mouth, in her beautiful pupil by color full with amazement, unwavebering is staring at Qin Shi of distant place. 颤抖的声音从栾慕华口中吐出,她的美眸中被骇然之色充盈,死死的盯着远处的秦石 Qin Shi is binding the black robe, frail body in dust sand partly visible, but this is not the key point, the key point is at this time in his hand, there is together a deep purple light group, the light group unceasing condensability, until changing into a thorough palace, the center of palace has a clear soul character. 秦石裹着黑袍,单薄的身躯在尘沙中若隐若现,而这并不是重点,重点是此时在他的手上,有一道深紫色的光团,光团不断的凝缩,直至化为一座透彻的宫殿,宫殿的中央有一个清晰的魂字。 Realized that this, the torso of Piao Quan senile trembles: Rumble, has he unexpectedly, reached that altitude unexpectedly really?” 察觉到这一幕,朴泉老态的躯干一颤:“咕噜,他竟然,竟然真的达到了那种高度?” Master, what is that?” “师父,那是什么?” Is pointing at the soul palace, Qin Si rain puzzled question. 指着魂殿,秦私雨不解的问句 Deep inspiration, Piao Quan the lip is split, partly makes a sound the trembling [say / way]: Is the soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master soul palace.” 深深的吸了口气,朴泉的嘴唇都干裂起來,半响才颤巍巍的道:“是魂咒符魔师的魂殿。” Soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master?” “魂咒符魔师?” Um, soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master, endures compared with Heaven Realm Demonic Talisman Master cultivates is, altogether is divided into nine soul incantations, but stated differently Heaven Realm expert is not perhaps rare, after all on this day within has filled spiritual power, practices for the human, but soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master, like extremely rare is scarce, in my impression is entire Scarlet Flame Empire, for several hundred years have not appeared, Qin Shi is only one.” “嗯,魂咒符魔师,是堪比天境符魔师修为,总共分为九道魂咒,而不同的是天境高手或许并不罕见,毕竟这天地间充满了灵力,供人來修炼,但魂咒符魔师,却如凤毛麟角般稀少,在我印象中就是整座赤炎帝国,数百年來都不曾出现过,秦石是唯一的一个。” What?” “什么?” The people rumble have choked a saliva, only of entire empire? What concept is this? 众人咕噜的噎了口口水,整座帝国的唯一?这是什么概念? Is hearing this news, countless people look toward Qin Shi with the vision of respect, they know at this moment, altitude that this black robe youth the position is near, is not they can imagine. 在听到这个消息,无数人用敬仰的目光朝秦石望去,此时此刻他们才知道,这个黑袍少年所位临的高度,根本不是他们所能想象出來得。 Although we have given him very high vision, finally has actually looked down on him, this time he to dun, preparation imagines us is more sufficient.” “尽管我们都已经给他很高的眼光,最后却还是小瞧了他啊,这一次他为了讨债,准备的远比我们想象的要充足啊。” Um, cannot regard him is the child.” Nod of Qin Tianqing approval, the appearance has filled happily. “嗯,再也不能把他当成是孩子了。”秦天擎认可的点了点头,面目充满了欣慰。 Reappearing of soul palace, the one side fights is attracted in Qin Xuexin and Zhen who Yuan, Zhen Yuan reveals several to wipe the shock, said with rapt attention: Drinks, no wonder this boy dares alone to speak the last words with Luan Muhua, originally has been the soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master degree?” 魂殿的浮现,就连在一旁交手的沁雪心和甄渊都不禁被吸引,甄渊露出几抹震惊,凝神道:“喝,难怪这小子敢独自和栾慕华叫板,原來是达到了魂咒符魔师的程度?” Shi’tou 石头 Qin Xuexin min the cherry lips, Qin Shi has achieved soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master matter her not to know that at this time sees in the heart overflow unavoidably to be joyful. 沁雪心抿了抿樱唇,秦石达到魂咒符魔师的事就连她也不知道,此时看见心中不免的溢出喜悦。 Heaven Realm can take a broad view greatly in Scarlet Flame Empire, may be respected innumerably, may be relative to her place, with trim Desolate Spirit Continent, Heaven Realm actually also suffices the inadequate crucial moment, is nothing to speak. 一个天境大能放眼在赤炎帝国,或许会受到无数的敬仰,可相对于她所处的地方,和整片荒灵大陆上來讲,天境却还够不成火候,不值一提。 Therefore, before Qin Xuexin was still worrying for Qin Shi that by the Qin Shi temperament sooner or later, certainly will leave Scarlet Flame Empire facing the entire mainland, at that time he will withstand surely is the huge pressure, but now looks like her worry obviously is somewhat unnecessary. 为此,之前沁雪心还在替秦石担忧,以秦石的脾气早晚有一天,一定会离开赤炎帝国面对整座大陆,那时候他将承受的必定是巨大的压力,而现在看來她的担忧显然是有些多余。 Although, according to cultivation for degree, soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master and Heaven Realm relative, but in the status is actually differs many, soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master wants distant domination in Heaven Realm, a great strength of soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master, even can make a Sect strength, is promoting one time imperceptibly, this fearful strength, even if their blue snow sect, feared that can move? 虽说,按修为程度來讲,魂咒符魔师天境相对,可地位上却是相差甚多,魂咒符魔师要远远的凌驾于天境,一名魂咒符魔师的强大,甚至能够令一个宗门的实力,在无形中提升一倍,这种可怕的力量,就算是她们青雪宗,怕是都要动心吧? Takes a broad view at the mainland, any soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master, is the goods in great demand that the major influences fight to seize by force therefore has an unwritten custom in the mainland, does not arrive in the situation of having no recourse, ten thousand do not offend soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master, even if any spiritual power has not repaired for soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master is also same, after all themselves is not perhaps terrorist, but their back influences are actually the huge astonishment, even does not need they to open the mouth, on will have the innumerable influences to win over them, is willing to raise one's head for them, the personal enemy will extinguish kills. 放眼大陆,任何一名魂咒符魔师,皆是各大势力争抢豪夺的抢手货所以在大陆上有个不成文的规矩,就是不到迫不得已的情况下,万不要得罪魂咒符魔师,哪怕是一名沒有任何灵力修为的魂咒符魔师也一样,毕竟他们自身或许并不恐怖,而他们背后的势力却是庞大的惊人,甚至不需要他们开口,就会有无数的势力为了拉拢他们,甘愿替他们出头,将仇人灭杀。 Buzz The condensation soul palace, Qin Shi treadons void, deep inspiration, this is his first time, the use soul palace in the actual combat, his unusual cautious and solemn, the control of strength of soul is for this reason different from spiritual power, must be extremely accurate and slight, words that otherwise does not do well, not only cannot injure the enemy, but also by fearfully making a false counter-accusation. 凝聚魂殿,秦石脚踏虚空,深深的吸了口气,这是他第一次,在实战中使用魂殿,为此他非常的小心翼翼,灵魂之力的掌控不同于灵力,必须要极度的准确和细微,否则弄不好的话,非但伤不到敌人,还会遭到可怕的反噬。 But at this time, he has not chosen, this opportunity is Shu Zhongyu spells to consume the spirit body to help him strive, he must strike to kill Luan Muhua to be good, will otherwise not have the second opportunity again. 但此时,他沒有选择,这一次机会是书中玉拼着消耗灵体才帮他争取到的,他必须要击杀栾慕华才行,否则将再无第二次机会。 Shouted “呼” Constrains for a long time foul air to put out the chest, Qin Shi falls into an absorbed boundary, the soul palace rises in his palm slowly, then float on his crown, wisp of wisp of translucent purple, likely is the neat rain water drippingly, his billowing package. 将胸口压抑许久的浊气吐出,秦石陷入一种忘我的境界,魂殿在他的掌心中缓缓上升,然后悬浮在他的天灵盖上,一缕一缕半透明的紫色,像是清爽的雨水般淋漓而下,将他滚滚的包裹。 Bang The next instant, above the soul palace soul character blossoms in radiant splendor suddenly, then jabs into the Qin Shi forehead suddenly, among that short respites, Qin Shi body violent shivers, the black robe of fluttering like was coagulated, when a howl of broken wind, along his all around forms the vortex, the vortex tuck dive, First Rank translucent purple armor, solid coverage his flesh. 下一霎,魂殿上方的魂字突然大放异彩,然后猛然刺进秦石的眉心,那短短的喘息间,秦石身躯猛烈的颤抖起來,飘动的黑袍像是被凝固一样,唰一声破风的啸声,沿着他的四周形成漩涡,漩涡翻腾之余,一层半透明的紫色铠甲,严实的覆盖住他的肌肤。 Bang Soul palace armor, by a very terrifying strength, unceasing corrodes to surge toward all around, making nearby air become viscous, when as viscous as certain extent, the self-ignition gets up suddenly, forms the innumerable strange purple fires, in a Qin Shi surrounding area hundred meters position, burns in an instant dozens quiet fires. 魂殿铠甲,以一股非常恐怖的力量,不断的朝四周侵蚀涌动,令附近的空气都变得粘稠起來,等到粘稠到一定程度,突然间自燃起來,形成无数诡异的紫火,一转眼间在秦石方圆百米的位置,燃烧起数十道的幽火。 Qin Shi stands erect in the innumerable quiet fires, under a purple armor, the makings of whole person had the qualitative change, probably is the Deva war-god is ordinary to the feeling of person, Venerable the prestige to be infinite. 秦石就矗立在无数的幽火中,在一身紫色的铠甲下,整个人的气质发生了质变,给人的感觉就好像是天界战神一般,尊威无限。 Succeeded?” “成功了吗?” Controls myriad silver threads, Shu Zhongyu is revealing the gratified faint smile: Shi’tou, prepares to strike fully, you have the opportunity of striking, at that time I will tear off to tie 控制着万千银丝,书中玉露出欣慰的浅笑:“石头,准备全力一击,你只有一击的机会,那时候我会扯掉结界” Um “嗯” Nodded, Qin Shi knows that concentrates to make the soul palace armor, this plan has succeeded half, then said on such as Shu Zhongyu, he must do fully strikes, cuts to kill Luan Muhua. 点了点头,秦石知道凝造出魂殿铠甲,这一次的计划就算是成功了一半,接下來就如书中玉所说,他要做的就是全力一击,斩杀栾慕华。 Hears their conversations, Luan Muhua in tying struggles shouted curses: Qin Shi, you think really you can depending on strike cut to kill me? Naive, I told you, you not only could not kill me, when tied remove, you instead by me will be killed, not only you, your Qin sect, could not have escaped.” 听得两人的交谈,栾慕华在结界中挣扎的叫骂道:“秦石,你真以为你能够凭一击就将我斩杀吗?天真,我告诉你,你非但杀不死我,等到结界撤掉,你反而会被我杀死不只是你,还有你的秦宗,一个都逃不掉。” Right? That tries.” “是吗?那就试试吧。” Facing shouting curses, Qin Shi not warm not hot light snort, finally in the idle talk, two arm rapid holding up, is not only the short process, air all around finds time, leaves behind dozens remnant shades. 面对叫骂,秦石不温不热的轻哼一声,终是不在废话,将两臂迅速的举起,只是短暂的过程,周遭的空气抽空,留下数十道的残影。 God character Secret Art adverse current “神字诀逆流” Black pupil staring suddenly is big, spiritual power one after another was transferred from the dantian, like is the intense water pump, swims against the stream along Qin Shi spirit vein, final 10% spiritual power, such as Jiang Hong Ban breaks to able to move unhindered 90,000 meters Sea of Consciousness , was attracted by central float Profound Heaven Ancient Formation, its fusion. 黑眸猛然的瞪大,一股一股的灵力从丹田中被调动而起,像是强烈的水泵一样,沿着秦石灵脉逆流而上,最终10的灵力,如江洪般冲入到纵横90000米的识海中,然后被中央悬浮的玄天古阵所吸引,将其融合。 Bang spiritual power that suddenly integrates, making the Qin Shi psychic force rise suddenly once again, is following close on the helmet and armor of Qin Shi whole body, glittered swiftly several, was the saturated degree, promoted several points unexpectedly. 突然融入的灵力,令秦石的精神力再度暴涨,紧跟着秦石全身的盔甲,倏忽间闪烁几下,本來达到饱和的程度,竟然又增进几分。 Bang 轰隆 The remaining prestige that cannot suppress, such as air wave one after another spreads toward all around, both sides of confrontation tremble, many mental not ripe disciples, direct stupor. 压制不住的余威,如一团一团的气浪朝四周扩散,交锋的双方不由一颤,不少心智不熟的弟子,直接昏迷过去。 Felt that extension of terrifying, the look of Piao Quan senile concentrates, sucks the tongue saying: „Is his psychic force, still unexpectedly increased? What has he made?” 感觉到恐怖的延续,朴泉老态的神色一凝,咂舌道:“他的精神力,竟然还在提升?他到底做了什么?” Cen Chi and several disciples from East District tremble several, stares at Qin Shi saying: Drinks, good terrifying strength, if feeds in East District, feared that is Mysterious Palace Hua Ling, will feel the accident?” 岑驰和几名來自东方区域的弟子哆嗦几下,盯着秦石不由道:“喝,好恐怖的力量,若是传回到东方区域,怕是就连玄殿花零,都会感觉到意外吧?” Yes, don't forget, Sect Master Profound Spirit Realm, if makes him achieve Heaven Realm, feared that is Hua Ling is not necessarily able to profit before him.” Under point that several elders approve, at once said excitedly: If wins today, I want shortly afterward, entire Scarlet Flame Empire to be vibrated by Qin sect two characters again.” “是啊,别忘了,宗主才不过玄灵境,若是让他达到天境的话,怕是花零在他面前都未必能够占到便宜。”几名长老认可的点下头,旋即兴奋道:“若是今日获胜,我想再过不久,整座赤炎帝国都会被秦宗二字震动。” Mentioned this matter, all was Qin sect the disciple, feeling cannot help but proud, Leader Yun with the fellow of black ink Chen these most senior statesman was also same, because they knew the day of the distance, was not far. 提到这事,所有身为秦宗的弟子,不由自主的感觉到骄傲,就连凌霄和墨辰这些最元老的家伙也是一样,因为他们知道距离这一天,已经不远了。 Bang The transformation of god character Secret Art stops, Qin Shi achieves unprecedented peak, making an effort gripped the fist, a surrounding area ten thousand meters wind has blown moving of grass, completely received completely under his informer, he could not bear was excited. 神字诀的转化停止,秦石达到前所未有的巅峰,使劲的攥了攥拳,方圆万米的风吹草的动,全部尽收在他的耳目之下,就连他自己都忍不住的兴奋起來。 Feels psychic force that Qin Shi increases successively to stop, is stranded in tying the Luan Muhua thorough chaos, she can feel, at this time Qin Shi strikes fully, even if she of three days of boundaries, is not necessarily able to keep off, exclaimed terrified: How possible? Will your this little animal, how release such terrifying strength?” 感受到秦石节节攀升的精神力停下,困在结界中的栾慕华彻底大乱,她能够感觉得到,此时秦石的全力一击,就算是三天之境的她,都未必能够挡下,悚然吼道:“怎么可能?你这小畜生,怎么会释放出这么恐怖的力量?” Strange? Actually is not strange, you do not know this year, I have hate you, therefore you do not know that my hatred will be formidable “奇怪么?其实并不奇怪,你不知道这一年,我有多么的恨你,所以你不会知道,我的恨意会有多么强大” The voice falls to the ground, the black pupil curls up the meaning of withering, the Qin Shi look changes suddenly, evil spirit gathers the control in the chest, in the chest forms a strange hand imprint. 话音落地,黑眸卷起肃杀之意,秦石的神色猛然变动,凶神的将手心汇聚在胸膛,胸膛中形成一道怪异的手印。 Bang The hand imprint concentrates, is ordinary like an inexplicable summon, dozens quiet fires that the surroundings burn, in an instant completely centralized to his front. 手印凝成,像一种莫名的召唤一般,周围燃烧的数十道幽火,刹那间全部集中向他的胸前。 The quiet fire is similar to fireworks unceasing rupturing, Qin Shi position near spreads out the hand imprint suddenly, at once sees only him to grip single-handed, the imaginary point several of index finger quick and violent in dozens quiet fires, is following close on dozens quiet hot center, was left behind the naked eye obvious mark to wind together. 幽火如同烟花般不断的爆裂,秦石位临其中突然间将手印摊开,旋即只见他单手攥起,食指在数十道幽火中迅猛的虚点几下,紧跟着在数十道的幽火中央,被留下一道肉眼可见的纹络。 The mark wound to fill with the ancient times aura, if carefully watches will discover that with revolving all around was the same in Profound Heaven Ancient Formation [gold/metal] mark, revolved along each quiet fire, makes originally the unscrupulous quiet fire, seemed fettered by the destiny all of a sudden, starts the unceasing condensability, in the condensability makes nearby air and spiritual power burns. 纹络充满了远古的气息,若是仔细观看就会发现,和围绕在玄天古阵周遭的金纹一样,不停的沿着每一个幽火旋转,令本來肆无忌惮的幽火,仿佛一下子受到了命运的束缚,开始不断的凝缩,凝缩中令旁边的空气和灵力随之燃烧。 Bang 轰隆 Under the combustion, surrounding area kilometer spiritual power was found time directly, Xiaomi Cai several people of distant place confrontation, just martial arts that wanted to release, inexplicable being defeated and dispersed opened, lost the spiritual power support, several people escaped including the flying apsaras are hard to achieve, has to rapid and Qin Shi spread out. 燃烧下,方圆千米的灵力直接被抽空,远处交锋的小米彩几人,刚欲要释放的武学,一下莫名的溃散而开,失去了灵力的支撑,几人连飞天遁地都难以做到,不得不迅速的和秦石拉开距离。 spiritual power between world is gathering toward him, actually does he want to make what?” Stands firm the body, countless people reveal unprecedented scared and with amazement. “天地间的灵力在朝他汇聚,他究竟要做什么?”稳住身,无数人露出前所未有的恐慌和骇然。 Luan Muhua pupil reduces, suddenly he as if saw Gate of Death to be the same, she can feel that this struck, even if were she has not grasped to keep off, before reluctant calm completely broke, starts crazy struggling. 栾慕华瞳仁紧缩,一刹那间他仿佛看见了鬼门关一样,她能感觉到这一击,就算是她也沒有把握挡下,之前勉强的冷静彻底打破,开始疯狂的挣扎。 Big Buddhist relics decide “大舍利决” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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