PDL :: Volume #5

#495: Sleepy Luan Muhua

Reappearing of tender body, making many people reveal for several points with amazement, when the people were at a loss puzzled, Leader Yun and Su Ming and the others the look changed, gushing out face that the happy expression could not cover. 娇躯的浮现,令不少人露出几分骇然,而在众人茫然不解之余,凌霄苏铭等人神色一变,喜色遮挡不住的涌出面庞。 Is one year ago spirits?” “是一年前的器灵?” Elder Sister Yu? Did she also come back along with Shi’tou?” 玉姐?她也随石头回來了?” Regarding Shu Zhongyu, they know, once several when Chi Huo School lent a hand to help one another picture that also has the lingering fear. 对于书中玉,他们都是知道,曾经在离火宗时几番出手相助的画面,至今还心存余悸。 This time, Qin Shi has not made her expose throughout, actually is also Qin Shi holds back one trick to oneself. 只是这一次,秦石始终沒有让她暴露,其实也算是秦石给自己留了一手。 This kid, has grown up, actually in the thoughts to have installed many matter, we are unable to completely understand.” Recalled that the entire process, from the ambush of Qin Xuexin, compels Zhen Yuan intentionally, to present Shu Zhongyu, a series of facts adds again, made Leader Yun several people of not being able to bear has sucked the tongue, this and other close thoughts were their these lived hundred years of old monster, must grumble was inferior. “这小家伙,真的是长大了,心思里究竟装了多少的事,就连我们也无法看透啊。”回想起整个过程,从沁雪心的埋伏,故意逼出甄渊,再到现在的书中玉,一连串的事迹加起來,令凌霄几人忍不住的咂了咂舌,这等紧密的心思就算是他们这些活了百年的老妖怪,都要自叹不如。 Luan Muhua complexion is pale, is covering the injury of chest single-handed, stares at Shu Zhongyu to stare, ridicules: Drinks, I consider anyone, originally is small spirits?” 栾慕华的面色铁青,单手捂着胸口的伤势,盯着书中玉一愣,讥讽道:“喝,我当是谁,原來不过是个小小的器灵?” One year ago, your right protected buddhist law also said that afterward result how I think did not need me saying that you should be also clear?” Shu Zhongyu sneers to say. “一年前,你们的右护法也是这么说,后來的结果如何我想不用我说,你应该也清楚吧?”书中玉冷笑道。 hears that sound stares, Luan Muhua said suddenly: Oh? I knew, you are one year ago, runs that my Burning Sky Sect causes trouble to work with the Qin Family little bastard, cannot think that you are also living?” 闻声一愣,栾慕华恍然道:“哦?我知道了,你就是一年前,和秦家小杂种跑來我焚天宗闹事的那个器灵,想不到你还活着?” You are living, how will I die?” “你都活着呢,我怎么会死?” [Say / Way] that Shu Zhongyu refuses to admit being inferior, but does not wait for the voice to fall, throughout is hanging faint smile Qin Shi, the black pupil looks all around on the audience, is looking Qin Xuexin that and Zhen Yuan struggles hard, the interruption said: Elder Sister Yu, rubbish with her, delays was so long, was the time should make to mediate, the people of Ocean Group were crafty, the snow heart will perhaps have the danger, strove a bit faster this to make the solution to help her in the past.” 书中玉不甘示弱的道,而不等话音落下,始终挂着浅笑的秦石,黑眸在全场上环顾一圈,瞧着和甄渊苦战的沁雪心,打断道:“玉姐,别和她废话,耽误了这么久,是时候该做个了断了,溟组的人诡计多端,雪心说不定会有危险,争取快点将这面弄解决过去助她。” Hey, relax, had not seen that you and snow do to shame the bashful matter greatly, I am not willing others to injure her.” Shu Zhongyu grinning should the sentence. “嘿嘿,放心吧,沒看到你和雪大做羞羞的事,我才不肯别人伤害她呢。”书中玉笑嘻嘻的应句。 Knit the brows, Qin Shi does not say a word white. 皱了皱眉,秦石不做声的白了一眼。 Stares appearance that they are flirting with one another, Luan Muhua is burning with anger, exclaims: Drinks, two fellows not awfully, good, kills, two also die, I have helped you 盯着俩人打情骂俏的模样,栾慕华怒火中烧,吼道:“喝,两个不要命的家伙,好,一个也是杀,两个也是死,我就成全了你们” Scoffs, depends on you?” Shu Zhongyu snorts contemptuously snort the sound, rigorous turning round said to Qin Shi at once: Shi’tou, will draw back in the future, meets me to constrain her, you look for opportunity attack “嗤,就凭你?”书中玉嗤之以鼻的哼了声,旋即严谨的回身冲秦石道:“石头,往后退,一会我拖住她,你找机会攻击” Good “好” Qin Shi stern complies with one rapidly, the step is treading void, after moves out of the way several hundred meters position. 秦石正色的答应一声,步伐迅速的踏着虚空,朝后挪开数百米的位置。 „To run?” “想跑?” The Qin Shi movement, attracts Luan Muhua all of a sudden, holds up the scarlet red flame single-handed, shoots several to the Qin Shi counting on the fingers company, several are full light Yu Bi of strength of attribute to the Qin Shi forehead. 秦石的动作,一下子吸引住栾慕华,单手举起赤红色的火光,冲着秦石屈指连弹几下,数枚充盈着属性之力的光宇逼向秦石的眉心。 Bang But the flame just surged, the thorough barrier reappears together baseless, such as the snake large male deer, strike not badly keeps off Luan Muhua attack. 而火光刚刚涌起,一道透彻的屏障凭空浮现,如一片一片的蛇麟,一击不差的将栾慕华的攻击挡下。 Keeps off to attack, Shu Zhongyu is dragging the snow skirt, forces to go forward to Luan Muhua, the skilled artist same stirs up like the fan, white sword Qi from out of the blue: Your match is I 挡下攻击,书中玉拖着雪裙,冲着栾慕华就逼迫上前,妙手如扇子一样煽动一下,一股白色的剑气破空而出:“你的对手是我” Bang 轰隆 They collide once again, the fluctuation that three days of boundaries cause, contrast ratio Zhen Yuan and Qin Xuexin do not flaunt let, in the explosive repetitive remnant shade, from time to time is the great hot raging fire, from time to time is the holy glory. 两人再度碰撞,三天之境所引起的波动,照比甄渊和沁雪心也是不逞多让,爆响连连的残影中,时而是巨热的烈火,时而是圣洁的光辉。 Is staring at the confrontation of two beautiful figures, under countless person revealing of amazement, the battlefield gets stronger and stronger, this situation is not the degree that they can control, can only depend on Qin Shi, Shu Zhongyu and Qin Xuexin three people. 盯着两道倩影的交锋,下方无数人不禁的露出骇然,战场越演越烈,这种情况已经不是他们能够左右的程度,只能够靠秦石书中玉沁雪心三人。 If three people defeat Zhen Yuan and Luan Muhua, a Burning Sky Sect side does not attack surely bursts, but on the contrary, if Qin Shi several people defeat, the remaining people are difficult to run away surely die, Luan Muhua will not let off them absolutely. 若是三人将甄渊和栾慕华战胜,焚天宗一方必定是不攻自溃,而相反,若是秦石几人战败,剩下的人定是难逃一死,栾慕华绝对不会放过他们。 Realizes this, Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist heart in side, throughout is dormant is looking for the opportunity, this time he cannot lose, cannot lose. 正是意识到这点,秦石在旁边捏紧拳心,始终蛰伏着寻找机会,这一次他不能输,也输不起。 The vision of changing countenance interlocks, Piao Quanwang was acclaiming like white snow Shu Zhongyu: He he, this girl, one year does not see, looks at the look to restore good.” 动容的目光交错间,朴泉望着如白雪般的书中玉不禁赞叹:“呵呵,这小妮子,一年不见,看着神色恢复的不错啊。” Bang 轰隆 The consecutively two palms kept off, Luan Muhua look changes, stern several points, not in attack rashly. 连续两掌被生生挡下,栾慕华的神色一变,不禁的正色几分,沒有在贸然的出击。 She discovered that in all around of Shu Zhongyu tender body, the nature becomes firm knot, moreover in this knot is also mixing with the strength of several points of strange attribute, the common attack is unable to break the defense. 她发现,在书中玉娇躯的四周,自然而成一圈坚固的结界,而且这结界中还夹杂着几分怪异的属性之力,寻常的攻击根本无法破开防御。 „The song of bath fire “浴火之歌” Plunders kilometer in the dust sand, Luan Muhua palm toward previous, one group of extremely high raging fire gushes out, then a rapid formation vortex, the vortex made below mountain peak start to melt, bringing the rock magma to approach Shu Zhongyu. 在尘沙中掠出千米,栾慕华的手掌朝上一摊,一团极高的烈火涌出,然后迅速的形成一个漩涡,漩涡令下方的山峰都开始融化,带着岩浆逼近书中玉 Under blazing, Shu Zhongyu accommodates tenderly map slightly flood red, the corners of the mouth disdain selects toward on, at once the step is lithe, welcomed the fierce vortex to approach unexpectedly, followed close on her is being only the white hands flutters, has stroked void, Bang in an acoustic shock a sea of fire vortex point. 在炽热下,书中玉娇容被映射的微微泛红,嘴角不屑的朝上一挑,旋即步伐轻盈,竟迎着剧烈的漩涡逼近,紧跟着她只是玉手轻扬,虚空拂过,砰一声击中火海漩涡的一点。 Bang Is this point, when was attacked, the gigantic vortex like is unbalanced, fierce rocks, four exploding project the boiling hot rock magma, then blasts out in the sky directly, like is the fireworks. 就是这一点,在受到攻击时,硕大的漩涡像是失衡一样,剧烈的晃动起來,四下的爆射出滚烫的岩浆,然后直接在天空中炸开,像是烟花一样。 Luan Muhua stares, in look has several points of strangeness, at once the skilled artist pinches in the hip, turns over, shakes suddenly: Neither living burns naive fire 栾慕华不由一愣,神色中带有几分怪异,旋即妙手掐在胯间,翻转一圈,猛然震出:“不生不灭焚天真火” Bang 轰隆 Along the armor of her raging fire, tumbles the strange mark to wind suddenly together, the mark winds appears somewhat ancient, all around is beating the blood red flame, approaches to Shu Zhongyu once more. 沿着她烈火的铠甲,突然翻滚出一道诡异的纹络,纹络显得有些古老,四周跳动着血红色的火苗,冲着书中玉再次逼近。 Bang But finally, as should be apparent Shu Zhongyu once more uses a fingertip gently point, from a position relaxed the gigantic flame mark will wind to rout. 而结果,很显然的是书中玉再次用指尖轻轻一点,从一个位置轻松的将硕大的火焰纹络击溃。 Phoenix raging fire 不死鸟的烈火” Burns completely numerous lights a fire firmly “焚尽众生火牢” The look changes, Luan Muhua breathed heavily several thick air/Qi, comes up to erupt several martial arts once again, martial arts is Burning Sky Sect upper-level martial arts, completely in 5-Step above, even many 6-Step. 神色一变,栾慕华喘了几口粗气,上來再度爆发出数道武学,这其中的武学皆是焚天宗上层的武学,全部在五阶以上,甚至不乏六阶 Under the frantic temperature, making below numerous disciples again and again stamp one's foot, just likes the ant on wok with cooking oil is the same, but is these in their opinion, any one strikes might infinite martial arts, is actually exists in name only in front of Shu Zhongyu general, several have pulled up gently, breaks all. 狂热的温度下,让下方的众多弟子都是连连跳脚,犹如油锅上的蚂蚁一样,而就是这些在他们看來,任何一击都威力无穷的武学,在书中玉面前却是形同虚设一般,几番的轻轻撩过,尽数破掉。 Sees this in the distant place, shaking the head of Qin Shi cannot bear, the Blazing Book ability he is clear, satirized: He he, manipulates martial arts in front of Elder Sister Yu, isn't this equal to showing off meager skills before an expert general? overestimate one's capabilities.” 在远处看见这幕,秦石忍不住的摇了摇头,焚书的能力他再清楚不过,不由讽刺道:“呵呵,在玉姐面前摆弄武学,这不是等于班门弄斧一般?不自量力。” Bang 轰隆 Last martial arts was broken, Luan Muhua cannot repress again: How possible?” 最后一道武学被破,栾慕华再也按耐不住:“怎么可能?” If said her martial arts one time, two was broken, that possibly is the coincidence, but three four times are innumerable, certainly does not have the possibility of coincidence, she discovered what martial arts, no matter she uses, Shu Zhongyu can understand clearly the martial arts weakness immediately. 若是说她的武学一次,两次的被破,那可能是巧合,而三次四次以至于无数次,就绝无巧合的可能,她发现不管她使用什么样的武学,书中玉都能马上洞悉出武学的弱点。 Stops the blind attack, Luan Muhua is staring at the Shu Zhongyu half sound, the latter sees her not to act, actually suddenly goes into action, passed over gently and swiftly a white star tail, one compels to come: „Was the Guizhou donkey completely poor? That changes me 停下盲目的攻击,栾慕华盯着书中玉半响,后者见她沒有动作,却是突然间行动起來,掠过一道白色的星尾,咻一下就逼上前來:“黔驴尽穷了?那换我來” Bang Shu Zhongyu does not have use half minute martial arts, but is relying on all kinds of knot, with Luan Muhua unceasing random walk attack and defense, white hands again and again to bumping, mountain massif avalanche. 书中玉沒有动用半分武学,而是凭借着各式各样的结界,和栾慕华不断的游走攻防,玉手连连对碰,山体崩塌。 Bang 轰隆 The backing up several steps that bang, wild remaining prestige Qin Shi, cannot bear once again, stand firm the body, with rapt attention searches toward the dust sand, together the red light and a white light, fall into once more continuously. 再度巨响一声,狂野的余威就连秦石,都忍不住的倒退数步,稳住身躯,凝神的朝尘沙中探去,一道红光和一道白光,再次陷入此起彼伏之间。 Collisions during time and time again, Shu Zhongyu start gradually backs up, is she of spirit body, depending on bearing long ago was not Luan Muhua match, the confrontation that was long-time caused her tender body to start becomes thin, the strength and speed being inferior to even more, quick fell into the weak trend. 一次一次的碰撞间,书中玉渐渐的开始倒退,身为灵体的她,光凭耐久远不是栾慕华的对手,长久下來的交锋导致她的娇躯已经开始变得稀薄,力量和速度越发的不及,很快就陷入弱势。 Bang Compels to draw back it once more, Luan Muhua realizes this point, is happy: He he, the spirit after is spirits, no ** useless person, you think that can defeat me depending on you really?” 再次将其逼退,栾慕华察觉到这一点,不由喜道:“呵呵,器灵终归是器灵,沒有**的废物罢了,你以为凭你自己真能战胜我?” He he, I have said that do I want to defeat you?” Shu Zhongyu breathes heavily tenderly several, suddenly reveals wipes to swing the person heartstrings smiles craftily. “呵呵,我有说过,我要战胜你吗?”书中玉娇喘几声,突然露出一抹荡人心弦的诡笑。 Realized that this minute smiles craftily, Luan Muhua stares: What meaning is your this saying?” 察觉到这分诡笑,栾慕华一愣:“你这话是什么意思?” You take a look at all your around.” “你瞧瞧你的四周。” All around?” “四周?” Luan Muhua has gawked staring, turns round hastily, at once sees only on all her around vault of heaven, suddenly glitters to look like the stars luminous spot one after another, position that these luminous spots are, all was the place of their fighting a moment ago, has several thousands densely and numerously fully. 栾慕华愣了愣,跟着连忙回身,旋即只见在她四周的天穹上,突然闪烁起一道一道像繁星般的光点,这些光点所在的位置,皆是刚才两人交手之处,密密麻麻足有数千之多。 This is, is this strategy?” “这是,这是阵法?” Hey, responded luminous spot to reappear, the Shu Zhongyu self-satisfied congealment hand imprint, the sound worried that several points of thin and pale being angry said: Feng Tian collar bone “嘿嘿,答对了”光点浮现,书中玉得意的凝结手印,声音担忧几分憔悴的嗔道:“封天锁骨阵” Bang The sound just fell, the hand imprint to azure clouds, myriad luminous spots is also rising, illuminates the dust sand dim world suddenly, the next instant saw only each Daoguang and between the luminous spot, really had the slight [say / way] naked eye the silver wire that was hard to distinguish to be together connected, during interweaving of silver wire formed a radiant palace, firmly blocked in which Luan Muhua. 声响刚落,手印正对青霄,万千光点同时崛起,将尘沙朦胧的天地猛然照亮,下一霎只见每道光点和光点之间,竟然有一道细微道肉眼难以辨别的银线相连,银线的交织间形成一座璀璨的宫殿,牢牢的将栾慕华封锁其中。 The movement was coagulated, Luan Muhua struggles flurriedly several, the discovery has in this knot special restrains the strength of her attribute, making her not have the opportunity, indignant exclaiming: Damn, did you already plan to with tying seal up me?” 动作被凝固,栾慕华慌乱的挣扎几下,却发现在这结界中有着专门克制她的属性之力,让她毫无用武之地,气愤的吼道:“该死,你早就计划要用结界封住我?” Shu Zhongyu smiles the light point broad and handsome forehead that did not speak. 书中玉笑而不语的轻点螓首。 Pinches tightly the fist, Luan Muhua stares at the tight Shu Zhongyu front the hand imprint to say with a smile suddenly: He he, you truly have succeeded well, is only I am very curious, you control this knot, should have no time to do several things at the same time to me to launch the attack? Do you want such to consume with me?” 捏紧拳,栾慕华盯紧书中玉胸前的手印突然笑道:“呵呵,那这样的话,你确实是成功了,只是我很好奇,你操控这个结界,应该无暇分身对我发动攻击吧?难道你就想这么和我一直耗着吗?” Cannot set at smiling of otherwise, Shu Zhongyu said: I do not want to attack you, your life must leave Shi’tou, otherwise he wants me to be angry.” 不可置否的笑了笑,书中玉道:“我本身也沒想攻击你,你的命要留给石头,否则他非要我生气。” Qin Shi?” Among Luan Muhua brow tips curled volume, suddenly laughed wildly: Ha Ha, did you say depending on this brat? So long as he has not achieved Heaven Realm, is impossible to break my raging fire armor, you thought that he can injure to me?” 秦石?”栾慕华眉梢间卷了卷,突然狂笑:“哈哈,你是说凭这个臭小子?只要他沒有达到天境,就不可能破开我的烈火铠甲,你觉得他能够伤到我吗?” Heaven Realm? Ha Ha.” 天境?哈哈。” Shu Zhongyu light nan, has smiled recklessly. 书中玉轻喃一声,肆意的笑了起來。 What do you smile?” Luan Muhua is flurried. “你笑什么?”栾慕华心里慌乱。 Half sound, Shu Zhongyu stops smiling face, the taunt that the white clothing flutters: I laugh at you, extremely in superficial, you do not know that wants to break your this raging fire armor except for Heaven Realm palace error, but also other its thing?” 半响,书中玉才停下笑容,白衣飘荡的嘲讽道:“我笑你,太过于肤浅,难道你不知道,想要破开你这身烈火铠甲除了天境的宫阙,还另有其物吗?” Um?” In the lock of silver thread sleepy, Luan Muhua knit the brows, instantly as if thinks of anything, frightened stared stared saying: „, You say the soul palace?” “嗯?”在银丝的锁困下,栾慕华皱了皱眉,刹时间仿佛想到什么,惊悚的瞪了瞪眼道:“难道,难道你是说魂殿?” Thinks of this, her look sudden change, turning round suddenly looks toward Qin Shi, however latter's movement, thorough breaks her moral nature the tranquility, thousand wild waves well up crazily. 想到这,她神色骤变,猛然的回身朝秦石望去,然而后者的动作,彻底的打破她心底的平静,千层的骇浪狂涌而起。 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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