PDL :: Volume #5

#494: The third family

( ( A distant place side. Qin Xuexin and Zhen Yuan pointed weapons quarrel. They all are uneven Heaven Realm First Rank. Four days of boundaries. Every one time fights the caused fluctuation. Surely is flames of war. Explosive again and again. 远处一方。沁雪心和甄渊兵刃相向。两人皆是齐天境一层。四天之境。每一次交手所引起的波动。必定是烽火连天。爆响连连。 Facing Zhen Yuan. The Qin Shi first time. Sees Qin Xuexin to be rude. Really rude. Numb raising white hands. Thousand zhang (3.33 m) iceberg rises one after another. Shoots to go to Zhen Yuanbao. So ruthless offense offensive. But wants in her moral nature. Actually to have what kind detesting to the Ocean Group. 面对甄渊。秦石第一次。看见沁雪心失态。是真的失态。麻木的扬起玉手。千丈的冰山接连崛起。冲着甄渊爆射而去。如此狠戾的攻势。可想在她的心底。对溟组究竟有着何等的憎恶。 Bang. 砰。 Counts on the fingers a ball. The strange black silk was left by Zhen Yuanci together. In iceberg center that the front surface approaches. Rips open together the hole of pinhole size. Then is the hole of this pinhole size. Suddenly erupts the fearful strength. If the toxin enters the body to be common. Overflowing corrodes the iceberg. The gigantic iceberg changes into the jet black color in a flash. Bang explodes. 屈指一弹。一道诡异的黑丝被甄渊刺出。在迎面逼近的冰山中央。撕开一道针孔大小的窟窿。然后就是这针孔大小的窟窿。突然爆发出可怕的力量。如毒素入体一般。四溢的将冰山侵蚀。转瞬间硕大的冰山化为漆黑之色。砰一声爆裂开。 Facing the strength of Zhen deep pool. Why Qin Shi does not know. The inexplicable feeling wipes at heart familiar. But this type familiar. full Han loathes. 面对甄渊的力量。秦石不知为何。心里莫名的感觉到一抹熟悉。而这种熟悉中。满含厌恶。 To the feeling of person probably is: Old enemies. 给人的感觉就好像是:宿敌。 Routs the iceberg. Zhen Yuan to the Qin Xuexin cold Li laughter: Jie Jie. Several years. Cannot think that you grew to linking me must dread several points of situation. Really worthily is the blood sacrifice of monarchy. Continue like this again shortly afterward. The conditions should be ripe.” 击溃冰山。甄渊冲着沁雪心冷厉的笑声:“桀桀。几年时间。想不到你已经成长到连我都要忌惮几分的地步。真不愧是君主的血祭。如此下去再过不久。时机应该就会成熟了吧。” Bei Chiyao red lip. Qin Xuexin hear of hears that sound sounds. Excited exclaiming: Why. Actually your points are anything.” 贝齿咬着红唇。沁雪心闻声响。激动的吼道:“为什么。你们的目地究竟是什么。” Hey. No rush. Is again long. You will know. Before then. Let me be what is surprised is. You knew perfectly well people who has the relations with you must die. You also dare to approach this Qin Family boy unexpectedly. You did not fear that Qin Family is hit by the disaster of extermination of the clan because of you.” Zhen Yuan does not make shrugging of response. “嘿嘿。别急。再不过久。你就会知道了。只是在这之前。让我感到意外的是。你明知和你有关系的人都要死。你竟然还敢接近这秦家的小子。难道你就不怕秦家因为你而遭到灭族之灾吗。”甄渊不做回应的耸了耸肩。 Trembles at heart. Before Zhen Yuan words Qin Xuexin, matter that is worried about. Therefore she does not even hesitate desirably alienates Qin Shi relatives and friends. 心里一颤。甄渊的话正是沁雪心之前所担心的事。为此她甚至不惜刻意的疏远秦石身边的亲朋。 Sees the hesitation of Qin Xuexin. Qin Shi exclaimed in the distant place lowly: Snow heart. Do not listen to his words. Although I do not know the point of Ocean Group. May before they have not mastered the Suppressing Jade application method. How our Qin Family.” 看出沁雪心的犹豫。秦石在远处低吼道:“雪心。别听他的话。虽说我不知道溟组的目地。可在他们沒有掌握崩玉的使用方法前。奈何不了我们秦家。” Stared one. Zhen Yuan ridicules saying: Right. He he. I truly do not dare to slaughter Qin Family. But if kills several juniors conveniently. Pours does not hurt the essentials.” 瞪了一眼。甄渊笑骂道:“是吗。呵呵。我确实不敢屠杀秦家。可若是随手杀几个小辈。倒也无伤大雅。” . 咻。 Speech. More quicker chapters welcome. He holds the wind changes. Three are doping the rich black miraculous glow. To Qin Fei, Qin Fengshan and Qin Si rain. Three Qin Family junior forehead puncture. 说完话。更多更快章节请到。他掌风一变。三道掺杂着浓郁的黑色灵光。冲着秦飞秦风山秦私雨。三名秦家的小辈眉心刺下。 Sudden accident. Made under the field the human call out in alarm suddenly. When Qin Shi is thrown into confusion wants to get rid. Luan Muhua actually compels anxiously. Strikes nearly penetrates his chest. Made on his left arm be cut together the blood-stained mouth of deep obvious bone. 突然的变故。令场下之人猛然惊呼。秦石手忙脚乱中欲要出手之时。栾慕华却借此逼急。一击险些击穿他的胸口。令他的左臂上被划开一道深可见骨的血口。 Damn. Private Older Sister Yu.” “该死。私雨姐。” Backs up several hundred meters pulling out mouth cold air/Qi. The Qin Shi anger said. 倒退数百米的抽口冷气。秦石怒道。 Bang. 轰隆。 Two icebergs rise hastily. At one fell swoop toward the black glow stop that Qin Fei and Qin Fengshan approach. At once double pupil of Qin Xuexin flood red. Tender body alone moves out of the way toward below. Own self catcher before the body of Qin Si rain. Is relying on the frail tender body. Stiffly keeps off the black glow. First renews 两座冰山连忙崛起。一举将朝秦飞秦风山逼近的黑芒阻拦。旋即沁雪心的双眸泛红。娇躯独自的朝下挪开。亲自挡在秦私雨的身前。凭借着单薄的娇躯。硬生生的将黑芒挡下。第一时间更新 Bang. 砰。 Bang. Qin Xuexin explodes draws back several steps. Numerous bombardments by Qin Yongfeng several people. 巨响一声。沁雪心爆退数步。重重的轰击在秦永峰几人身旁。 Realizes this. Zhen Yuan grins to ridicule: He he. The common people are mediocre. That is your. Why must for others. Sacrificed itself.” 察觉这一幕。甄渊咧嘴嘲笑道:“呵呵。世人多庸碌。就是说你们这些。何必要为了别人。牺牲自己呢。” Bastard.” “畜生。” Qin Shi is pinching the fist. He expects all. Only has not expected. Zhen Yuanjing can so the villain. Holds the Qin Xuexin frailest place. And attacks. 秦石捏着拳。他料到一切。唯独沒料到。甄渊竟会如此小人。抓住沁雪心最脆弱的地方。并且加以攻击。 Crawls in the ruins. Qin Xuexin feels the surrounding vision. Reveals wipes to rebuke oneself. But at this moment. A big hand pats to her fragrant shoulder on suddenly. 在废墟中爬起。沁雪心感受到周围的目光。露出一抹自责。而就在这时。一只大手突然拍到她的香肩上。 These is serious. And has warm and trust completely. Made her stare first. Raises the broad and handsome forehead looks. Qin Tianqing been all smiles is looking at her. The nod said: Silly thing. Do not rebuke oneself. This matter does not blame you. You and Shi’tou in the same place. Is our Qin Family person. Our Qin Family exterminates the clan. Also will not drop out the clansman.” 这一下非常沉重。其中满含着温暖和信任。令她先是一愣。扬起螓首的望去。秦天擎正笑容满面的瞧着她。点头道:“傻丫头。别自责。这事不怪你。你和石头在一起。就是我们秦家的人。我们秦家就算是灭族。也不会抛下族人。” Uncle Qin “秦伯父” Sister-in-law. Felt relieved that does. Even if no you. Shi’tou that fellow will not be glad to ordinary. We with Shi’tou. Knows this immediately. Decides however will be high-risk. If we fear not with him. The people inherent die. Regardless of future how. But asked to end regretless.” Su Ming several people. In side and together to the Qin Xuexin side. “嫂子。放心去做。就算沒有你。石头那家伙也不会甘于平凡。我们跟着石头。便就知道这一路。定然会充满危险。我们若是怕的话就不会跟着他。人固有一死。正所谓无论前程如何。但求落幕无悔吗。”苏铭几人。在旁边并齐到沁雪心的身旁。 Then is the Qin Si rain and other Qin Family juniors. 然后是秦私雨等秦家小辈。 what Yan, Luo maple tree and Piao Quan, all people all clash Qin Xuexin to throw the pupil of trust. First renews 何岩、洛枫、朴泉、所有人全部冲沁雪心抛去信任之眸。第一时间更新 everyone / influential family 大家 In Qin Xuexin bosom one warm. She who for 20 years cold Ruhan ices. As if melts all of a sudden general. Always with kinship that she misses. Suddenly as if blooms in the moral nature. Phoenix pupil under on Yin Hong is moist. 沁雪心怀中一暖。20年來冷如寒冰的她。一下子仿佛融化一般。向來与她无缘的亲情。一刹那间仿佛在心底绽放。凤眸唰下就殷虹的湿润起來。 Jie Jie. Really affected. Humanity is this. Always the custom indulges in fantasy. Lives in own fictionalizing world. However one flock of ants. I want to take a look but actually. But your how strove for regretless.” Zhen Yuan voice resounds once again. Firing into azure clouds that opens single-handed. The sky of half wall is suddenly dim. As if was camouflaged on the First Rank mist. At once in jet black space. If arrow rain black glow explodes shoots under. “桀桀。真是感动啊。人类就是这样。总是习惯异想天开。活在自己的虚构世界里。不过一群蝼蚁。我倒想要瞧瞧。你们怎么个但求无悔。”甄渊的声音再度响起。单手翻开的冲向青霄。一刹那间半壁的天空昏暗。仿佛被遮蔽上一层雾气。旋即漆黑的空间中。如箭雨般的黑芒爆射而下。 The black glow falls from the sky. Qin Xuexin raises head suddenly. More quicker chapters welcome. Stares at Zhen Yuan low to exclaim: Ocean Group. You extinguish my entire clan. Kills my foster father foster mother. Here is my third family. I will not make you injure their slightest again.” 黑芒陨落。沁雪心猛然仰头。更多更快章节请到。凝视着甄渊的低吼道:“溟组。你们灭我全族。杀我养父养母。这里是我第三个家。我绝不会再让你伤他们分毫。” Bang. 轰。 A unprecedented cold current surges. Along Qin Xuexin all around. Hikes up piece by piece the snowflake. A grating rumor. The air seemed frozen general. Starts along her left hand. First Rank hard ice Armor climbs up the whole body. 一股前所未有的寒流涌起。沿着沁雪心的周遭。飘起片片雪花。唰一声刺耳的风声。空气仿佛被冻结一般。沿着她的左手开始。一层坚硬的冰甲攀爬之全身。 Bright ice Armor opening. Qin Xuexin aura voice qualitative change. An arrow step jumps onto azure clouds. Keeps off in Zhen Yuan and center of Qin Family people. White hands staggered pinching in chest. At the same time thousand zhang (3.33 m) barrier launches void. 剔透的冰甲开启。沁雪心的气息发声质变。一个箭步跃上青霄。就挡在甄渊和秦家众人的中央。玉手交错的捏在胸口。一面千丈的屏障虚空展开。 Bang. 轰隆。 Bang. Position of hundred black glow in being away from Qin Xuexin kilometer away. Suddenly by freeze. Biting cold cold goes following Zhen Yuanbi. 巨响一声。百道的黑芒在距离沁雪心千米外的位置。突然间被生生的冻结。一股彻骨的寒冷顺着甄渊逼去。 Induces to the change of Qin Xuexin. Qin Shi at heart gradually relaxes. Then affected toward Qin Tianqing. Su Ming and the others threw the vision. 感应到沁雪心的变化。秦石心里渐渐的放松下來。然后感动的朝秦天擎苏铭等人抛去目光。 Just words. Not is only enjoys to Qin Xuexin. He is also always remembers in heart. 刚刚的一席话。不光是对沁雪心受用。就连他也是铭记心中。 Bang. 砰。 Cold current suddenly. Made Zhen Yuan tremble. Hastily moves out of the way several points toward the side. Then reluctant shunts the offensive. However just shunted. Back cold current freeze air. Blooms the radiant ice flower. 突然间的寒流。令甄渊不由为之一颤。连忙的朝侧面挪开几分。这才勉强的将攻势躲开。然而刚刚躲开。背后的寒流冻结空气。绽放出璀璨的冰花。 Looked back to look at an ice flower. Zhen Yuan complexion is gradually pale. He has not expected him to compel to draw back Qin Xuexin. Actually instead aroused her fighting spirit. More quicker chapters welcome. Working just the opposite. 回首瞄了一眼冰花。甄渊的面色渐渐铁青下來。他沒料到他本想逼退沁雪心。却反而激起了她的斗志。更多更快章节请到。适得其反。 Bang. 轰隆。 Qin Xuexin leaving the palace error armor. In speed unusual quick and violent. Approaches Zhen Yuan hastily. Under fierce collision. Made the latter suddenly. Share that unexpectedly only then makes concessions. 沁雪心化出宫阙铠甲。速度上异常的迅猛。连忙逼近甄渊。剧烈的碰撞下。令后者一时间。竟然只有退让的份。 In her mood unexpectedly except for hatred. Also somewhat other fluctuations.” Zhen Yuan has the ice cone that the hand keeps off to approach. In the heart inexplicable sinks: Damn. Such words. In these years trained her cold-hearted to waste. At this time after having finished, must report monarchy to be good. Doesn't must go bad the plan.” “她的情绪中竟然除了恨意。还有几分其余的波动。”甄渊起手挡下逼近的冰锥。心中莫名一沉:“该死。如此的话。这几十年來培养她的冷酷无情可就白费了。此时结束后需将禀告君主才行。莫要坏了计划。” Thinks of this. Zhen Yuan exclaimed to Luan Muhua in a low voice: Situation changes. Fast solves Qin Shi. Be not escaping.” 一想到这。甄渊低声的冲栾慕华吼道:“情况有变。速速解决秦石。别在脱下去了。” Bang. 砰。 Roar that hears Zhen Yuan. With Luan Muhua suddenly stop lower part of the body that Qin Shi walks randomly. Black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed. Is she of three days of boundaries. Always like this was shouted to drink. Many somewhat will be discontented. 听闻甄渊的吼声。和秦石游走的栾慕华突然停顿下身。黛眉不由的蹙了蹙。身为三天之境的她。总是这样被呼來喝去。多少会有些不满。 May for all this. Nips the silver tooth. Sneers to say to Qin Shi: Scoffs. Thinks that is playing jokes upon your meeting. Since Zhen Yuan senior opened the mouth. That has to solve you.” 可尽管如此。还是咬了咬银牙。冲着秦石冷笑道:“嗤。本想在多戏耍你一会。既然甄渊前辈开口了。那就只好解决你了。” Solves me. Feared that you do not have that skill.” “解决我。怕你沒那个本事。” Qin Shi crosses the hands behind the back Yu Kong. To Luan Muhua ice-cold smiling. 秦石负手于空。冲着栾慕华冰冷的笑了笑。 Boasts shamelessly.” “大言不惭。” Drinks one coldly. Body all around roaring flame armor tumbling. Luan Muhua has gathered the top of the head two. Then sees only her facial expression to congeal. Has several points of evil spirit airborne flow curvature. The distortion next gigantic demon shade floats to empty. The wing of hundred zhang (333m) stretches to open. If perches the hot phoenix under Chinese parasol tree. 冷喝一声。身躯四周的烈焰铠甲翻滚而起。栾慕华将两手聚过头顶。然后只见她神情一凝。带有几分凶煞的将空中的气流扭曲。扭曲下一尊硕大的魅影浮空而出。足足百丈的羽翼舒展而开。如栖息在梧桐下的火凤凰。 Nirvana hot phoenix.” “涅槃火凤。” Airborne of cloud of smoke float over. Because the raging fire tuck dive becomes gloomy. Changes colors. Has ripples together in blazing blast of heart spleen. Follows close on the dreadful roaring flame likely is being the hot lotus of blooming. 硝烟弥漫的空中。由于烈火翻腾变得暗淡。失色间。有一道荡漾在心脾的炽热炸开。紧跟着滔天的烈焰像是绽放的火莲。 Broken.” “破。” Rapid change hand imprint. Luan Muhua drinks one tenderly. Hot phoenix that then sticks out suddenly. The gasping for breath mouth will raise eyes to raise. Luan Muhua dodges to plunder on. Single foot treading gently on beak mouth. If sharp sword of destroying the hardest defenses. Was cut several slight fissures including the space. Approaches to the chest of Qin Shi. 迅速的变化手印。栾慕华娇喝一声。然后暴起的火凤凰。将喙嘴举目扬起。栾慕华闪掠而上。单脚轻轻的踏在喙嘴上。如一把无坚不摧的利剑。连空间都被划开几道细微的裂痕。冲着秦石的胸膛逼近。 Feels this. Many people call out in alarm. 感受到这一幕。不少人惊呼而起。 Several Heaven Realm expert. Induces to Luan Muhua the strikes. The shape sinks to the deep sea to be common at heart. Stubborn Xiaomi Cai. Is gloomy. Gigantic snake body tremor low cry. 几名天境高手。感应到栾慕华的这一击。心里都像沉入深海一般。就连桀骜的小米彩。不由的都暗淡下來。硕大的蛇身颤动低鸣。 Consistently stands Ye He in main hall covers the red lip. Mood bewildered binding tightly. 始终站在大殿上的叶鹤捂住红唇。情绪莫名其妙的裹紧。 But stares flame that is approaching unceasingly. Qin Shi actually free and easy shrugging arm. One is in the hip hand-held: Elder Sister Yu. This you got rid.” 而盯着不断逼近的火光。秦石倒是洒脱的耸了耸肩膀。一手扶在胯间:“玉姐。这一次该你出手了。” Hey. Waits for a long time.” “嘿嘿。等候已久。” A clear laughter. Follows close on is only listening to one. A white light offers a sacrifice to from the waist of Qin Shi. The barriers of fish scale shape. Reappears suddenly in the Qin Shi front. 一声清脆的笑声。紧跟着只听咻一声。一道白光从秦石的腰间祭出。一片一片鱼鳞状的屏障。突然间浮现在秦石的胸前。 Bang. 轰。 Hot phoenix fierce hit in barrier. Airborne explodes one after another projects dazzling glory. Keeps off Luan Muhua. Moreover this had not finished. The barrier center is suddenly hollow. A hole of steamed bun size emerges. A skilled artist takes advantage of opportunity to pass through. One next holds Luan Muhua long gown. Is following close on the light white light. Speed that is difficult to distinguish by the naked eye. Unexpectedly corrosion Luan Muhua palace error helmet and armor. Made Luan Muhua be startled. Backs up all of a sudden about hundred meters far. 火凤剧烈的撞击在屏障上。接连空中爆射出刺目的光辉。生生的将栾慕华挡下。而且这还沒有结束。屏障中央突然凹陷下去。一个馒头大小的窟窿从中浮出。一只妙手顺势穿过。咻一下一把抓住栾慕华的长袍。紧跟着淡淡的白光。以肉眼难辨的速度。竟然生生的侵蚀进栾慕华的宫阙盔甲。令栾慕华不由一惊。一下子倒退出近百米远。 expert of three days of boundary. Was forced the so distressed boundary unexpectedly. Sudden difference. Made the audience reveal startled accommodates. Supine beginning that does not dare to believe. Sees only the helmet and armor of Luan Muhua nape of the neck place to present several fissures. And seeps out the light blood. 一名三天之境的高手。竟被逼迫到这般狼狈的境界。突然的异样。令全场露出惊容。不敢置信的仰起头。只见栾慕华脖颈处的盔甲出现几道裂痕。其中渗出淡淡的鲜血。 Who in unseemly behavior.” “何人在作怪。” The blood was evaporated by the raging fire. Luan Muhua is staring at front vigilantly. 鲜血被烈火蒸发。栾慕华警惕的盯着前方。 Smog dispersing of dust sand. A plain books float before the Qin Shi body. Follows close on has been stroking along with the cool breeze. Automatic opening page. Together graceful tender body. Drags to win the snow the white clothing to emerge. Maps in the eyes of people. 尘沙的烟雾散开。一本古朴的书籍漂浮在秦石身前。紧跟着随清风拂过。自动的翻开书页。一道曼妙的娇躯。拖着胜雪的白衣浮出。映射进众人的眼中。 This book first round came from, first looks at the legal copy content! 本书首发来自,第一时间看正版内容!
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