PDL :: Volume #5

#493: Directs Zhen Yuan

Boy, can compel me to put forth heavenly body palace error, your boy is also some skills, but finished to here.” Luan Muhua violent anger, Bang rolling approaches to Qin Shi. “小子,能逼我使出天体宫阙,你小子也算是有些本事,但一切到这里都结束了。”栾慕华暴怒而起,砰一声冲着秦石就滚滚逼近。 Bang Among instants, the clouds wore out, the raging fire turns along Luan Muhua all around, wraps her tender body at one fell swoop firmly, the red burning hot helmet and armor emerges, the aura of her whole person transforms suddenly, speed the strength, obtained the archery target promotion. 一霎间,云霄被穿破,烈火沿着栾慕华的四周翻起,一举将她的娇躯牢牢包裹,赤色炎热的盔甲浮出,她整个人的气息戛然转变,无论是速度或是力量,都得到了质的提升。 Master, what strength is this?” The Qin Si rain is gripping Piao Quan the sleeves, cannot bear question. “师父,这是什么力量?”秦私雨攥着朴泉的衣袖,忍不住问句 Piao Quan is ugly: Heaven Realm heavenly body palace error, one type dominates the strength above spiritual power, Shi’tou that boy was then troublesome.” 朴泉难看下來:“天境的天体宫阙,一种凌驾于灵力之上的力量,这下石头那小子麻烦了。” Under the roasting of high temperature, crowd hastily makes way Luan Muhua surrounding area kilometer position, Qiu Diao and Xiaomi Cai look at each other one, reveals wipes panic-stricken, wants to leave to go forward in abundance , helping one another Qin Shi. 在高温的烘烤下,人群连忙的将栾慕华方圆千米的位置让开,邱雕和小米彩几人对视一眼,露出一抹惊恐,纷纷想要抽身上前,相助秦石 Gave up any idea of that disturbs Sect Master “休想去打扰宗主 Realized that several people of differences, the Burning Sky Sect elder also sets out, becomes wall with flues for heating that at the same time does not ventilate, keeps off firmly several people. 察觉到几人的异样,焚天宗的诸位长老同时起身,成一面不透风的火墙,牢牢将几人挡下。 Bang The strength that just spattered in all directions, was stopped all of a sudden, Qiu Diao several people criticized one: Damn was realized by them.” 刚迸溅出的力量,一下子被阻拦回來,邱雕几人暗骂一声:“该死被他们察觉了。” To this young lady Scram! “给本小姐滚开 Stubborn Xiaomi Cai drinks one tenderly, the snake tail of hundred zhang (333m) curls up, suddenly Qiu Diao and several quiet clans the clansmen of tremble, the pressure from bloodlines made several people simultaneously the crawling lower part of the body. 桀骜的小米彩娇喝一声,百丈的蛇尾卷起,一刹那间邱雕和数名幽族的族人不由一颤,來自血脉的威压令几人同时匍匐下身。 The true bodies of seven color Tun Tian pythons, by the strong attack from a point, cut off the wall with flues for heating that six people compose directly, but when the wall with flues for heating disrupts, the flame that the naked eye is together difficult to distinguish, one flashes through from her gigantic snake eye, Luan Muhua has forced Qin Shi less than hundred meters distance, strikes under the hot fist wicked bang. 七彩吞天蟒的真身,以强势的攻击从一点,将六人组成的火墙直接斩断,而火墙碎裂时,一道肉眼难辨的火光,咻一下从她硕大的蛇眼中闪过,栾慕华已经逼迫到秦石不足百米的距离,一击火拳恶狠狠的轰下。 Father not Xiaomi Cai startled [say / way]. “爹爹不”小米彩惊道。 Narrows the eye, the pupil of Qin Shi draws in rapidly, under the speed of strength of promotion attribute, making him move aside radically without enough time, bit the jaw crossing hand sleeve, was uneven the five fingers, the purple quiet fire ignited. 眯起眼,秦石的瞳仁迅速收拢,属性之力提升的速度下,让他根本來不及躲闪,一咬牙关的翻过手袖,将五指齐出,紫色的幽火燃起。 Bang Does not think that the quiet fire on the helmet and armor of raging fire, made a false counter-accusation unexpectedly directly, made Qin Shi at heart one startled, two palace error armor that before bumped into, decides under the attack of psychic force however will cause heavy losses, but Luan Muhua the time, unexpectedly ineffective? 不想,幽火在烈火的盔甲上,竟直接被反噬掉,令秦石的心里不由一惊,之前碰到的两次宫阙铠甲,在精神力的攻击下定然会受到重创,而栾慕华的这次,竟然无效 Suddenly, Qin Shi thinks that Qin Xuexin had said with him the words, sink at heart: „, Her heavenly body palace has error, consolidated the foundation?” 猛然,秦石想到沁雪心曾经和他说过的话,心里一沉:“难道,她的天体宫阙,已经稳固了根基?” Boy, all finished “小子,一切结束了” Luan Muhua tenderness accommodates fiercely, reveals wipes the extrication and happy expression, Bang an under foot shakes void, speed promotion several fold once again. 栾慕华的娇容狰狞,露出一抹解脱和喜色,砰一声脚下的虚空震开,速度再度的提升数倍。 Among respites, she has been in the Qin Shi front, five slender fingers, likely are the cobras in desert, first brings back the joint, is dormant for a long time exploding to shoot, follows its five sharp sword hot glow. 一个喘息间,她已经身临秦石的面前,五只修长的手指,像是沙漠中的眼镜蛇,先是勾起关节,蛰伏许久的爆射而出,伴随其五道利剑火芒。 …… The hot glow is away from Qin Shi to be nearer, Luan Muhua even more excited, her, in this vast war, only then a Qin Shi person, the foot made her dread, so long as can cut to kill Qin Shi, sacrificed many to calculate to be worth. 火芒距离秦石越近,栾慕华就越发的兴奋,于她來讲,这场浩大的战争中,只有秦石一人,足矣令她忌惮,只要能够斩杀秦石,牺牲多少都算值得。 The resolute face, was covered by the flame, Qin Shi has raised the handle strenuously, all around spiritual power was in debt all, wipes the dilutedness to well up. 刚毅的面庞,被火光笼罩,秦石吃力的提了提手,四周的灵力已经尽数亏空,一抹无力感涌上心头。 Shi’tou, I come 石头,我來” Shu Zhongyu of waist trembles, white light surges wants to emerge. 腰间的书中玉一颤,白光涌起的就欲浮出。 Bang! Does not wait for Shu Zhongyu to leap, Qin Shi actually suddenly presses down the control, firmly gathers tight, low nan Blazing Book said: „It is not good, did not have when the time comes 不等书中玉跃出,秦石却突然间将手心按下,牢牢的将焚书合紧,低喃道:“不行,还沒到时候” Idiot, you cannot keep off this to strike “白痴,你挡不下这一击” Hey, I cannot keep off, some people will actually keep off for me.” “嘿嘿,我挡不下,有人却会替我挡下。” Facing the tender roar of Shu Zhongyu, Qin Shi smiles to make noise suddenly, at once when all people think his dead end, he actually makes an exceptionally bold movement, violent operates two arm rests, the chest exposes to Luan Muhua. 面对书中玉的娇吼,秦石突然间笑出声來,旋即在诸人都以为他穷途末路之时,他却做出个异常大胆的动作,猛烈的将两臂撑开,胸膛就裸露给栾慕华。 Bang Airborne sudden shivers, together the opening of nihility able to move unhindered between Luan Muhua and Qin Shi. 空中突然的颤抖起來,一道虚无的裂口纵横在栾慕华和秦石之间。 Bang 轰隆 Bang, the opening just emerged, before the hot glow of Luan Muhua evil spirit, was been likely common by greatly the suction, vanishes in all of a sudden. 巨响一声,裂口刚浮出,之前栾慕华凶煞的火芒,像是受到巨大的吸力一般,一下子消失在其中。 At once, from the opening, emerges a strange form, wears a blood red long gown, above is puncturing the patterns of several fog, the pattern center has a scary pupil. 旋即,从裂口中,脱颖而出一名诡异的身影,穿着一袭血红色的长袍,上面刺着几朵云雾的花纹,花纹中央有一只骇人的眸子。 Finally is willing to act?” “终于肯出面了吗?” Stares the form that is reappearing suddenly, Qin Shi reveals wipes the ridicule, this person is not just one year ago, ejects North District Zhen Yuan him? 盯着突然浮现的身影,秦石露出一抹讥讽,此人不正是一年前,将他击出北方区域的甄渊吗? Shu Zhongyu is suddenly enlighted, then takes a look at Zhen Yuan of distant place to stare: Shi’tou, is he person of that Ocean Group you said?” 书中玉恍然大悟,然后打量着远处的甄渊不由一愣:“石头,他就是你说的那个溟组的人?” Um, is he.” Qin Shi nodded. “嗯,就是他。”秦石点了点头。 The Zhen Yuan sudden appearance, making those present startled allow to change colors: Who is this person?” 甄渊的突然出现,令在场的人不由惊容失色:“这人是谁?” Is one year ago, strikes that person that Qin Shi flies? Does he actually also keep Burning Sky Sect?” “是一年前,将秦石击飞的那人?他竟然还留在焚天宗?” Piao Quan several people see Zhen Yuan, recalled one year ago, he waves to turn Yun Fuhai the strength, lacked self-confidence at heart all of a sudden. 朴泉几人看见甄渊,回想起一年前,他挥手间翻云覆海的实力,心里一下子沒了底。 Luan Muhua, has forced this degree Qin Shi, in addition this Zhen Yuan words, can they have the stratagem which ensures success? 一个栾慕华,已经将秦石逼迫到这种程度,再加上这个甄渊的话,他们还能有胜算吗? Thinks of this, Qin Yongfeng exclaimed in a low voice: Situation changes, hurries to solve the match, then lends a hand to assist together Shi’tou 想到这,秦永峰低声吼道:“情况有变,赶紧将对手解决,然后一同出手相助石头 Xiaomi Cai several Heaven Realm big energies, under Zhen deep pool terrifying, reveal the color of fear, suddenly does not dare in rapid getting rid of general idea. 小米彩几名天境大能,在甄渊的恐怖威亚下,都露出畏惧之色,一时间不敢在大意的迅速出手。 Bang Luan Muhua was shaken to draw back, has gawked the god: Zhen Yuan senior?” 栾慕华被震退,愣了愣神:“甄渊前辈?” Pays no attention to Luan Muhua, the back that Zhen Yuan crosses the hands behind the back passes away, high and low sizes up Qin Shi, said with a smile evilly: „Didn't Jie Jie, the kid, one year see, grew?” 不理栾慕华,甄渊负手的背过身,上下的打量秦石一番,邪笑道:“桀桀,小家伙,一年不见,成长了很多吗?” „If there is not grown, how I do dare to come back?” Facing Zhen Yuan, the Qin Shi expression is fierce, sound cold with amazement. “若是不有所成长,我怎么敢回來呢?”面对甄渊,秦石的表情狰狞,声音寒冷的骇然。 Zhen Yuanleng has gawked, at once laughs: Ha Ha, pours also right, is only I am very curious, perhaps if only then Luan Muhua, your also somewhat stratagem which ensures success, actually must not hesitate the life me directs, you thought that depending on you now, did the foot ask me to murder those who have cheated them?” 甄渊愣了一愣,旋即大笑:“哈哈,倒也沒错,只是我很好奇,若是只有栾慕华,你说不定还有几分胜算,却非要不惜性命的将我引出來,难道你是觉得凭你现在,足矣找我寻仇了吗?” He he, naturally some people will cope with you, first directs you, but is makes you hide in the hidden place throughout, I am not steadfast.” Laughter of Qin Shi satire. “呵呵,自然会有人对付你,先将你引出來,不过是让你始终藏在暗处,我心里不踏实而已。”秦石讽刺的笑声。 Knit the brows, Zhen Yuanpo has saying with a smile of profound meaning: Oh? takes a broad view at this small Scarlet Flame Empire, even if were called the empire most Eastern Hua Ling, not necessarily is my match, you said that some people do cope with me? I pour really want to see, you said that who looks is?” 皱了皱眉,甄渊颇有深意的笑道:“哦?放眼这小小的赤炎帝国,就算是被称之为帝国之最的东方花零,也未必是我的对手,你说有人对付我?那我倒真是想要见一见,你说说看是谁?” Qin Shi shrugs, lets go saying: You will know immediately.” 秦石耸了耸肩,摊手道:“你马上就会知道了。” …… The voice just fell, the piercing cold wind speeds past from the distant place together suddenly, ripples in Zhen Yuan behind space suddenly, the graceful physique emerges together, 3000 blue long hair harasses the audience, since the turn over the skilled artist clashes the back of Zhen deep pool to puncture. 话音刚落,一道刺骨的寒风突然间从远处疾驰而过,在甄渊身后的空间突然荡漾一番,一道曼妙的身姿浮出,3000碧蓝色的长发扰乱全场,翻转起妙手就冲甄渊的背后刺下。 Bang The look changes, Zhen Yuan turns round hastily, follows close on one to keep off in the chest skinnyly, hastily withdraws dozens steps, stares is gawking to the form that he gets rid of: Qin Xuexin? Is you?” 神色一变,甄渊连忙回身,紧跟着一只枯瘦挡在胸膛,连忙的退后数十步,盯着对他出手的身影不禁一愣:“沁雪心?是你?” Ocean Group, the blood debt blood recompenses.” “溟组,血债血偿的时候到了。” Strikes to fail, Qin Xuexin was not accidental, stares at Zhen Yuan to make in the past cold such as ice her, suddenly became the breath shortness, killed intent to rise from all directions. 一击落空,沁雪心并不意外,盯着甄渊让以往寒冷如冰的她,一时间都变得呼吸急促,杀意四起。 The sudden appearance of Qin Xuexin, making the person who just the rebellion got up stop once again, suddenly revealed color with amazement, a Qin Yongfeng brow wrinkle, said: „Does snow heart girl, really have such strong strength?” 沁雪心的突然出现,令刚刚暴动起來的人再度停下,一时间露出骇然之色,秦永峰的眉头一皱,道:“雪心这丫头,竟然有这么强的实力?” Um, moreover thought so, before Qin Shi, does not make the snow heart act intentionally, should early be prepared, this kid present thoughts, simply are close scary.” Under point that Piao Quan several people approve. “嗯,而且这么看,秦石之前故意不让雪心出面,应该是早有准备,这小家伙如今的心思,简直是紧密的吓人啊。”朴泉几人认可的点下头。 Ha Ha, it seems like my son married an extraordinary wife, after my Qin Family has, after my Qin Family has , the Qin Tianqing clear and resonant voice laughed. “哈哈,看來我儿娶了个了不得的媳妇,我秦家有后,我秦家有后了啊”秦天擎朗声大笑。 In the laughter, the vision projections of many envying come, just like Qin Tianqing said that Qin Shi truly married an extraordinary wife. 在笑声中,不少羡慕的目光投射而來,正如秦天擎所说,秦石确实娶了个了不得的媳妇。 The blue sending silk rocks, Luan Muhua trembles, induces to the spirit prestige that Qin Xuexin expands: This female, is unexpectedly same as Zhen Yuan senior, is reaches arrives in full Heaven Realm expert?” 碧蓝色的发丝晃动,栾慕华不由一颤,感应到沁雪心扩张出的灵威:“这女子,竟和甄渊前辈一样,都是达到齐天境高手?” Wipes the fear to rush the heart suddenly, made her panic-stricken looked toward Qin Shi: Side him, really also has such powerhouse? If before , on getting rid, feared that was I already died now?” 一抹后怕突然涌向心头,令她惊骇的朝秦石望去:“他身边,竟然还有这样的强者?若是之前就出手的话,怕是现在我早已陨落了吧?” But thinks of this, she relaxes several points suddenly: This is also good, otherwise Zhen Yuan this old fogy is not necessarily able to help me, now the Qin Shi estimate will be directed, to me might as well be a good deed.” 而想到这,她突然放松几分:“这样也好,若不然甄渊这老家伙未必会帮我,现在秦石估计将被引出來,对我未尝不是件好事。” Is staring at the Qin Xuexin half sound, Zhen Yuan holds the knee to laugh, stares at Qin Shi saying: Good, good, good, the young fellow, you early were in a planned way, I look down on you actually.” 盯着沁雪心半响,甄渊才扶膝大笑,盯着秦石道:“好,好,好,好小子,原來你早有计划,倒是我小瞧你了。” He he, eats one time to owe, you thought that I will also eat the second time?” Qin Shi thinks little to smile, turns round to clap on the fragrant shoulder of Qin Xuexin, said: Snow heart, helping me constrain Zhen Yuan, Luan Muhua gives me to be good.” “呵呵,吃过一次亏,你觉得我还会吃第二次吗?”秦石不以为意笑了笑,回身拍下沁雪心的香肩,道:“雪心,帮我拖住甄渊,栾慕华交给我就好。” You were careful.” “那你自己小心。” Hesitant, the Qin Xuexin nod complies with one. 犹豫一下,沁雪心点头答应一声。 Sees this, Luan Muhua a bright idea suddenly occurs: Zhen Yuan senior, you do not want the Suppressing Jade application method, this female gave you, when I have solved Qin Shi, I helped you catch the Qin Family person exactly, compelled the Suppressing Jade application method 望见这幕,栾慕华灵机一动:“甄渊前辈,你不是想要崩玉的使用方法吗,这女子就交给你了,待我解决了秦石,我帮你活抓秦家人,逼出崩玉的使用方法” Jie Jie, you will take advantage actually.” Ill-humored stared one to Luan Muhua, saying with a smile that Zhen Yuandao has not rejected: Good, but you remember, do not kill this boy, otherwise troubled is big.” “桀桀,你倒是会趁火打劫。”沒好气的冲着栾慕华瞪了一眼,甄渊倒也沒有拒绝的笑道:“好,但你记住,别把这小子弄死,否则的话麻烦就大了。” Relax, I will keep the tone to him.” Luan Muhua complies with one fiercely. “放心吧,我会给他留口气。”栾慕华狰狞的答应一声。 Has been responded, under Zhen Yuan point with a laugh, the finger under blood robe bends at once, punctures wisp of black glow to the Qin Shi forehead, in the black glow holds the air/Qi of evil spirit completely, changes into a ghost beast. 得到回应,甄渊笑呵呵的点下头,旋即血袍下的手指屈起,冲着秦石的眉心刺出一缕黑芒,黑芒中满含着凶煞之气,化为一尊鬼兽。 …… Realized that Zhen Yuan gets rid, Qin Xuexin stands up from failure hastily, keeping off of putting in an appearance before the Qin Shi body, skilled artist in front, a several hundred long iceberg baseless. 察觉甄渊出手,沁雪心连忙翻身,一个照面的挡在秦石身前,妙手在胸前一番,一座数百长的冰山凭空而起。 Bang 轰隆 Bang, made the mountain massif avalanche of half wall, was only the remaining prestige makes innumerable strength bad person fainting error not good, Qin Shi also rapid left to leave. 巨响一声,令半壁的山体崩塌,光是余威就令无数实力不济的人昏阙不行,秦石也是迅速的抽身离开。 „The confrontation of uneven Heaven Realm, is really out of the ordinary.” “齐天境的交锋,果然非比寻常啊。” Secretly drinks one noisily, a Qin Shi brow suddenly wrinkle, looking askance stares toward the distant place by the black robe, sees only the dreadful sea of fire like the evil dragon from Luan Muhua palm blowout: Brat, this time I thought that you who can also save you 暗自的喧喝一声,秦石的眉头猛然一皱,侧目的透过黑袍朝远处凝望,只见滔天的火海如恶龙般从栾慕华的掌心喷出:“臭小子,这一次我看你谁还能救你” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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