PDL :: Volume #5

#492: Fights Luan Muhua

Battlefield of noise. All of a sudden complete silence. 喧嚣的战场。一下子鸦雀无声。 All people. All stops attack on hand. Looks at toward the steps of Burning Sky Sect main shrine in the vision. Falls the blood-stained mouth place on Luan Muhua left arm. 所有人。皆是停下手上的攻击。将目光朝焚天宗主殿的阶梯上望去。落在栾慕华左臂上的血口处。 Rumble. Luan Sect Master she. She was injured unexpectedly. Boy. The boy injured Luan Sect Master unexpectedly. How possible.” “咕噜。栾宗主她。她竟然受伤了。那小子。那小子竟然伤到了栾宗主。怎么可能。” Cannot. Since Luan Sect Master achieves three days of boundaries. Let alone injures to her. Continually compels to draw back her. Never has the human to achieve. This Qin Shi. Actually is any origin.” “不会吧。自从栾宗主达到三天之境。别说是伤到她。就是连逼退她。都从來沒有人做到过。这秦石。究竟是什么來历。” Bang. 轰隆。 On fair flesh. Blood-stained mouth very dazzling. Luan Muhua bricks. Shivers suddenly. powder pink / white that Bang one phonochemical is difficult to distinguish for the naked eye. A fearful strength overflows to open along her long gown. 白皙的肌肤上。血口十分的刺眼。栾慕华脚下的砖瓦。突然间颤抖起來。砰一声化为肉眼难辨的齑粉。一股可怕的力量沿着她的长袍四溢而开。 Brat. You dare to injure me. I want you dead.” “臭小子。你敢伤我。我要你死。” The incisive sound can listen. This time Luan Muhua already anger to the extreme. The tender body changes into innumerable illusory images suddenly. Among half respites. Before reappearing directly the Qin Shi body. Finding out of wonderful stingy offense. 尖锐的声音能够听出來。此时的栾慕华已经愤怒到了极点。娇躯突然间化为无数的幻影。半个喘息间。直接浮现到秦石身前。妙手狠戾的探出。 Shi’tou. Be careful.” Shu Zhongyu shouted one tenderly. 石头。小心。”书中玉娇呼一声。 The black pupil concentrates. Qin Shi does not make rapid being sideways of response. Only listens to the air one after another Bang a fulmination. Position that just Qin Shi was. Was broken including the air unexpectedly. 黑眸一凝。秦石不做回应的迅速侧身。接连只听空气中砰一声爆鸣。刚刚秦石所在的位置。竟然连空气都被震碎。 Feels the evil spirit the strength. Many people reveal several points of panic-stricken. 感受到凶煞的力量。不少人露出几分惊恐。 Bang. 砰。 Unusual martial arts. Overflowing mass-criticizes toward Qin Shi. Under intense pressure. Qin Shi spiritual power was affected. During falls into to be passive all of a sudden. Has moving aside hastily. 异样的武学。四溢的朝秦石炮轰。在强烈的威压下。秦石灵力受到影响。一下子陷入被动之中。只好连忙的躲闪。 . 咻。 Touches and goes with Luan Muhua white hands once again. On the shoulder of Qin Shi was cut a blood-stained mouth. Made under his low and deep eye: He he. Three days of boundaries. Really is not good to cope.” 再度和栾慕华的玉手擦过。秦石的肩膀上被划开一道血口。令他不由的低沉下眼:“呵呵。三天之境。果然不好对付啊。” Now regretted. Late.” “现在才后悔。晚了。” Does not give time of Qin Shi thinking. Luan Muhua approaches once again. A flame. From referring to the seams condenses. To the Qin Shi void ball. 根本不给秦石思索的时间。栾慕华再度逼近。一道火光。从指缝间凝聚。冲着秦石虚空一弹。 Regret. He he. Never.” Smiles lightly. Qin Shi gives up resisting suddenly. Stands in unexpectedly same place gathers toward the chest two. “后悔。呵呵。从來沒有过。”淡淡一笑。秦石突然放弃抵抗。竟站在原地的将两手朝胸膛一聚。 God character Secret Art.” “神字诀。” Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique.” 星陨霸体决。” Two ** gate. Rapid revolution. Following close on him[ body] in strength. Tumbles at the fearful degree unceasingly. The next instant has covered nearby Qiu Diao directly. With three quiet clan clansmen. Dominates above ordinary Heaven Realm. 两**门。迅速运转。紧跟着他〖体〗内的力量。以可怕的程度不断翻滚。下一霎直接盖过旁边的邱雕。和三名幽族族人。凌驾于普通的天境之上。 Bang. 轰。 Bang. Among flashes. Qin Shi closes right up against the fist of ossein level package actually. Hot ball that will approach keeping off. 巨响一声。一霎那间。秦石硬是靠着骨质层包裹的拳头。生生将逼近的火弹给挡下。 Sudden change. Luan Muhua narrows the eye. She ten thousand has not expected. Qin Shi can actually from the frontage. Keeps off her attack. 突然的变化。栾慕华眯起眼睛。她万沒有料到。秦石竟然能够从正面。将她的攻击挡下。 Today. You must die. Explodes shoots the hot feather.” “今日。你必须死。爆射火羽。” Roars lowly. Luan Muhua spiritual power turns once again wells up. After her long gown. Explodes projects the innumerable red such as the flame of blood. In flame gathering. Changes into together the blazing wing. Under the wing fans. The aggressive roaring flame arrow arrow explodes to shoot one after another. 低吼一声。栾慕华的灵力再度翻涌。从她的长袍后。爆射出无数的赤色如血的火光。火光汇聚中。化为一道炽烈的羽翼。羽翼扇动下。一道一道咄咄逼人的烈焰箭矢爆射而出。 Gets down to move aside in the arrow rain hastily. Qin Shi is staring at the Luan Muhua fierce facial expression. Shows the frivolous smiling face: Ha Ha. Luan ghost. Felt that has been afraid. Is afraid my growth. Is afraid my retaliation. Is afraid to want me dead. Does not dare to make me run away again.” 连忙在箭雨下躲闪。秦石盯着栾慕华狰狞的神情。露出轻浮的笑容:“哈哈。栾老鬼。感觉到害怕了是吗。害怕我的成长。害怕我的报复。害怕到非要我死。不敢再让我逃走了是吗。” Hears the great wild goose sound reverberation.. Luan Muhua torso is even more stiff. 听闻鸿音回荡。。栾慕华的躯干越发僵硬。 Right. She dreaded . The first time. Qin Shi makes her feel that so dreaded. 沒错。她是真的畏惧了。第一次。秦石让她感觉到如此忌惮。 But is one year. Qin Shi had with the strength that she face-to-face speaks the last words. She even can imagine. If makes Qin Shi live today again departure. In one year. Perhaps two years. What picture will have. 只不过是一年。秦石就已经拥有和她面对面叫板的实力。她甚至能够想象到。如果今日再让秦石活着离开。再过一年。或是两年。将会发生什么样的画面。 Without doubt. Is rivers of blood Burning Sky Sect. 无疑。是血流成河的焚天宗 Is staring at Luan Muhua hesitation and shocks. Qin Shi from the feeling of heart refreshed. He wants is this effect. He wants is makes Luan Muhua uneasy. Said with a smile crazily: Ha Ha. Luan Laogou. You felt relieved. My Qin Shi has said. I must extinguish your Burning Sky Sect. Therefore today I will not run. Prepares to withstand the inexhaustible retaliation.” 盯着栾慕华的迟疑和震撼。秦石由心的感觉到爽快。他要的就是这种效果。他要的就是让栾慕华感到不安。狂笑道:“哈哈。栾老狗。你放心。我秦石说过。我要灭你焚天宗。所以今日我不会跑。准备好承受无穷无尽的报复吧。” Boasts shamelessly..” “大言不惭。。” Shouted angrily. Luan Muhua calms down gradually. Back majestic wing. Falls off suddenly the thousands feather. The blazing feather such as the rock magma is common. Drops in the ground. Makes spirit stones that hard does not destroy. Was melted all of a sudden. 怒喝一声。栾慕华渐渐冷静下來。背后雄壮的羽翼。突然间脱落数以万计的羽毛。炽热的羽毛如岩浆一般。滴落在地面上。令坚硬不摧的灵石。一下子都被融化。 The feather clears. Back remaining two columns of flame. 羽毛散尽。背后剩下两根火柱。 Today. I let take a look. I and your disparity. Let you know. In the face of true strength. Your all taking advantage. Is as transient as fleeting clouds. Vulnerable.” “今日。我就让瞧瞧。我和你的差距。让你知道知道。在真正的实力面前。你所有的依仗。都不过是过眼云烟。脆弱不堪。” Under the anger of torrential roaring flame. Luan Muhua suddenly jade hand back to behind. Inserts in the column of flame all of a sudden. This made many people reveal the panic-stricken color. At once rock magma roaring flame. Like is one after another poisonous snake. Gathers in Luan Muhua palm. 滔滔烈焰的怒火下。栾慕华突然将玉手背到身后。一下子插入火柱之中。这一幕令不少人露出惊骇之色。旋即之间岩浆般的烈焰。像是一条一条毒蛇一样。汇聚在栾慕华的掌中。 Two white hands slightly flood red. The above flesh is split explodes. But under flesh that explodes. Flows out several drops of bright red essence and blood. Essence and blood sublimation. Integrates in the hot snake. All of a sudden two hot snakes like living. Very draws out hundred meters high snake body. In mouth unceasing putting out tongue letter. Hissing hissing unusual grating. 两只玉手微微泛红。上面的肌肤都是干裂爆开。而爆开的肌肤下。流出几滴鲜红的精血。精血升华。融入到火蛇中。一下子两只火蛇像活过來一样。挺起百米高的蛇身。口中不断的吐出舌信。嘶嘶的异常刺耳。 Swallows the hot snake flame claw.” “吞火蛇炎爪。” Roars lowly. Two hot snakes. Twines unexpectedly all of a sudden. The flame lights the air. Condenses the substantialization unexpectedly the air current. One after another approaches toward Qin Shi. 低吼一声。两尊火蛇。竟一下子缠绕起來。火焰将空气点燃。竟然凝聚出实体化的气流。一股一股的朝着秦石逼近。 The strength just rose. The world as if melts is the same. Fills all around clouds. Was evaporated all of a sudden completely. Turns Yun Fuhai exploding to shoot at Qin Shi. 力量刚刚攀升。天地仿佛都融化一样。弥漫四周的云霄。一下子被蒸发殆尽。翻云覆海的爆射向秦石 This is. Secret technique that the ancestors leave behind.” An audiences Burning Sky Sect elder has sucked the tongue. Looks at each other in blank diamay. Not only does not have the anger. Looks to the Qin Shi vision. Instead reveals the color of several points of ridicule unexpectedly: Hey.. This Sect Master lost one's temper . The Qin Family baby must endure hardships.” “这是。先祖留下的秘术。”一众焚天宗的长老咂了咂舌。面面相觑间。非但沒有愤怒。望向秦石的目光里。竟反露出几分嘲弄之色:“嘿嘿。。这一次宗主真的动怒了。秦家的小娃娃要遭罪喽。” Under scalding hot roasting. The Su Ming forehead flows out the bean big sweat. Scolding sentence that cannot bear: Shi’tou is up to mischief. Was not and he said. Asked him first do not enrage Luan Muhua. Let him, when we set aside the hand. Copes with Luan Muhua together.” 灼热的烘烤下。苏铭的额头流出豆大的汗水。忍不住的骂句:“石头在搞什么鬼。不是和他说。叫他先不要激怒栾慕华。让他等到我们腾出手。一起对付栾慕华吗。” You have not understood his temperament. Only hopes that he can insist a meeting.” Qin Shang clenched teeth. An arrow step flees to go forward. Not in entering battlefield of delaying. “你还不了解他的脾气。只希望他能多坚持一会吧。”秦殇咬了咬牙。一个箭步窜上前。不在耽搁的杀入战场。 Bang. 砰。 Bang. Stares two rush of blood to the head snakes that the front surface is dropping. Approaches by the easily accomplished potential. The Qin Shi black robe was blown psst makes noise. Black pupil drawing in rapidly. Gathers the hand imprint rapidly: Demon ghost day photo.” 巨响一声。盯着迎面落下的两头火蛇。以摧枯拉朽之势逼近。秦石的黑袍被刮动的吱吱作响。黑眸一阵急速的收拢。迅速汇聚手印:“魅鬼天照。” Several thousand black silk. Gathered hastily the black date. Jumps out all of a sudden. At once under massive spiritual power support. Unceasing expansion. When increases to the hundred zhang (333m) at one fell swoop. Explodes projects the inexhaustible light space. 数万道的黑丝。连忙汇聚成黑日。咻一下子窜出。旋即大量灵力的支撑下。不断的扩张。一举攀升到百丈之余。爆射出无穷无尽的光宇。 7-Step martial arts.” 七阶武学。” Felt the black date the might. Many people trembled the trembling god. 感受到黑日的威力。不少人颤了颤神。 Dry lamp presbyopia pollution. Sighed darkly: He actually also leaves leeway the card in a hand. Monstruous talent.” 枯灯老眼浑浊。暗叹道:“他竟然还留有底牌。妖孽。” Bang. 轰隆。 Two big martial arts move. Next instant mountain peak[] Yang. Splits several pitiful gullies all of a sudden. In the gully like is the volcanic eruption. Splutters the blazing crushed stone. 两大武学触碰。下一霎山峰的正〖中〗央。一下子裂开数道凄惨的沟壑。沟壑中像是火山爆发一样。溅射开炽热的碎石。 The hot snake stops slightly. Luan Muhua stares. But next instant. Her pupil heart deep place. Flashes through together the ruthless offense cold glow suddenly.. From vanishes all of a sudden same place. Controlled when Qin Shi unexpectedly the black date. Before forcing his body: „In front of my to use this long-enduring martial arts. Courts death.” 火蛇稍微停顿一下。栾慕华不由一愣。而下一霎。她的眸心深处。突然间闪过一道狠戾的寒芒。咻一声。一下子从原地消失。竟趁着秦石操控黑日之时。逼迫到他的身前:“当着我的面使用这种持续性武学。找死。” The sharp claws puncture together. The Qin Shi vision actually changes. Hastily follows close on was benting will attack to shunt. Footsteps strange moves out of the way several steps. Corners of the mouth unexpectedly inexplicable raises several points toward on: If not for this. How you will be swindled.” 一道利爪刺出。秦石的目光却是一变。紧跟着连忙猫下腰的将攻击躲开。脚步诡异的挪开数步。嘴角竟莫名的朝上扬起几分:“若不是这样。你怎么会上当呢。” Sees the Qin Shi strange movement. Luan Muhua nonchalant has gawked the god: Um.” 看见秦石诡异的动作。栾慕华不经意的愣了愣神:“嗯。” Bang!. A resounding. Qin Shi forcefully separates the hand imprint. With black date that the hot snake contends with. Loses the spiritual power support all of a sudden. Was torn to pieces by the fang of hot snake directly. The next instant dazzling flame blocks the sky. Once again billowing approaching of hindrance. 一声脆响。秦石强行的将手印断开。和火蛇抗衡的黑日。一下子失去灵力的支撑。直接被火蛇的獠牙撕破。下一霎刺目的火光遮天蔽日。再度阻碍的滚滚逼近。 Luan Muhua look shockingly changes. 50% allows to map tenderly for several points under the flame with amazement. Looks back suddenly. Sees only the hot snake to be away from her. Only then less than square inch distance. 栾慕华的神色惊世一变。一半的娇容在火光下映射出几分骇然。猛然回首。只见火蛇距离她。只有不到方寸的距离。 Brat.. You direct my near body intentionally. Then uses my move to attack me.” Getting back one's composure. Luan Muhua resents cursed angrily one. “臭小子。。你是故意引我近身。然后利用我自己的招数來攻击我。”回过神。栾慕华愤恨的怒骂一声。 Shrugging of not to accept as correct. Qin Shi already withdrew from beyond several hundred meters. 不以为然的耸了耸肩。秦石早已退出数百米外。 Bang. 砰。 Bang. Luan Muhua body. Was swallowed by the hot snake directly. The buckteeth of two hot snakes. Under people panic-stricken striking the eye. Pricks Luan Muhua heart and lungs one after another. Shock that causes. Let the audience all sucks the tongue. 巨响一声。栾慕华的身躯。直接被火蛇吞噬。两尊火蛇的獠牙。在众人惊骇的触目下。一根一根的刺入栾慕华的心肺。所引起的震撼。让全场皆是咂舌。 Flame that projects. Affects the clouds to be ordinary. Made originally already the dusk horizon. Sends out the contrast ratio high noon also to want the astonishing ray. 投射出的火光。牵动云霄一般。令本已经黄昏的天际。散发出照比正午还要惊人的光芒。 Rumble. Finished.” “咕噜。结束了。” Does not know that is. Aperture. Causes inexhaustible clamoring one after another: Luan Muhua defeated. Shi’tou won. Was Shi’tou wins.” 不知是谁。率先的开口。接连引起无穷无尽的喧哗:“栾慕华败了。石头赢了。是石头赢了。” But stands in the distant place. Qin Shi partly squats is supporting knee. Is staring[] roaring flame that Yang seethes. Has not actually relaxed the least bit to be vigilant. He does not believe absolutely. expert of three days of boundary can so falling from the sky easily. 而站在远处。秦石半蹲的撑着膝盖。盯着〖中〗央翻腾的烈焰。却是沒有放松半点警惕。他绝对不会相信。一名三天之境的高手会这般轻易的陨落。 A wisp of invisible psychic force. Searching of taking advantage of opportunity enters in the flame. Under one searches. His pupil shrinks rapidly. Together light life aura mapping in Sea of Consciousness. Made his low drink one: I know. So is not easy to finish.” 一缕无形的精神力。顺势的探入火焰中。在一番寻觅下。他的瞳仁迅速一缩。一道淡薄的生命气息映射在识海中。令他的低喝一声:“我就知道。沒有这么容易结束。” Bang. 轰。 [] Yang's roaring flame. Was divided into two by a fearful air wave. Luan Muhua showing in rags. Body also vaguely can see several alarmed blood-stained mouths. 〖中〗央的烈焰。被一股可怕的气浪一分为二。栾慕华衣衫褴褛的从中透出。身上还依稀的可以看见几道触目惊心的血口。 . 咻。 But when the people are astonished. Qin Shi at lightning speed. Reappears suddenly before Luan Muhua body. The five fingers spread out punctures to Luan Muhua. 而众人惊愕时。秦石以迅雷不及掩耳的速度。突然间浮现在栾慕华身前。五指摊开的冲着栾慕华刺下。 Qin Shi knows. Deals with Luan Muhua this person. Does not have the least bit morality and justice. If not get sick while her at this time. Wants her to assign. In the future trouble even more. 秦石知道。对付栾慕华这种人。沒有半点道义可言。若不此时趁她病。要她命。往后将会越发的麻烦。 Sect Master.” Several elders startled drink suddenly. 宗主。”数名长老猛然惊喝。 jue hot shield.” “爝火盾。” Luan Muhua beautiful pupil woods are cold. Raises the white hands suddenly. At the same time flame barrier. Expansion baseless. The Qin Shi five finger stops under. 栾慕华的美眸森寒。猛然扬起玉手。一面火焰屏障。凭空的展开。将秦石的五指挡下。 The raging fire barrier reappears. Qin Shi not with giving up. Roars lowly: Big Buddhist relics decide.” 烈火的屏障浮现。秦石不跟罢休。低吼一声:“大舍利决。” Suddenly. In the five fingers ignites the purple fire. Purple fire rapid burns through spiritual power in barrier. All of a sudden its smashing. At once another hand of Qin Shi. Finds out from the black robe all of a sudden. Holds Luan Muhua white arms. 戛然。五指间燃起紫火。紫火迅速的将屏障上的灵力燃尽。一下子就将其粉碎。旋即秦石的另一只手。一下子从黑袍中探出。抓住栾慕华的皓腕。 Went well.” “得手了。” Look one happy. Qin Shi hastily revolution spiritual power. Pricks Luan Muhua each inch pore crazily. But does not think that spiritual power just invaded. His brow suddenly wrinkle. Not a good premonition well ups. 神色一喜。秦石连忙运转灵力。疯狂的刺入栾慕华的每寸毛孔。而不想灵力刚刚入侵。他的眉头猛然一皱。一股不好的预感涌上心头。 . 唰。 From the Luan Muhua fair flesh. It is not the spiritual power category blazing flame. Broken body that makes a false counter-accusation suddenly. Blazing melted space. Bang unexpectedly shakes Qin Shi departs several hundred meters far. 从栾慕华白皙的肌肤下。一股不属于灵力范畴的炽热火焰。突然间反噬的破体而出。炽烈的融化空间。砰一声竟生生的将秦石震飞出数百米远。 Bang. 轰隆。 Knocks all of a sudden in the ceiling of main hall. Qin Shi is supporting quarry stone setting out of very single-handed. Is staring on Luan Muhua white arms. Position that just he held. Is suddenly low and deep. Sees only in its place above. A raging fire armor. Firmly protects it. 一下子撞翻在大殿的棚顶。秦石单手撑着乱石的挺起身。盯着栾慕华的皓腕上。刚刚他抓住的位置。突然间低沉下來。只见在其上方。一圈烈火般的铠甲。牢牢的将其护在其中。 Palace error armor.”( “宫阙铠甲。”( …… ……
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