PDL :: Volume #5

#491: Adding the finishing touch

Bang! 轰隆! Qin Shi and under Luan Muhua being in sharp opposition, have lifted North District thoroughly, the frigid war without parallel in history, the roaring sound, calls out the sound, wept and wailed the sound, unceasingly. 秦石和栾慕华的针锋相对下,彻底掀开了北方区域,空前绝后的惨烈战争,怒吼声,嚎叫声,哭喊声,声声不绝。 Sea Qi Yue, falls cliff convulsion. 沧海齐月,落崖惊风。 Two side armies, sword opposite direction along summit decisive battle that the fog fills, the brilliant purple and red miraculous glow, surges in several thousand disciples, gathers to blend, the fearful strength that creates, ten thousand meters high mountain peak trembles to tremble. 两方大军,刀剑相向的沿着云雾弥漫的山巅决战,姹紫嫣红的灵光,在数万名的弟子举手投足间涌起,相聚交融,造成的可怕力量,就连万米高的山峰都为之颤上一颤。 Qin sect a side, although human scolded in leeward, but won in the morale of under the anger surging, in addition Qin Shi the profound soldier sharp weapon that carried from East District, with 4-Step, 5-Step, 6-Step martial arts, these including the treasure that Burning Sky Sect must await eagerly, making him instead have the absolute quality superiority. 秦宗一方,虽说人数落于下风,而胜在愤怒下涌起的士气,加上秦石东方区域携带回来的玄兵利器,和四阶,五阶,六阶武学,这些连焚天宗都要望眼欲穿的珍宝,令其反而取得绝对性的优势。 But these, are Qiu Diao, Xiaomi Cai and the others, is most magnificent with fighting of Burning Sky Sect six Heaven Realm elders, serious. 而在这其中,要数邱雕,小米彩等人,和焚天宗六名天境长老的交手最为壮观,惨重。 Heaven Realm, as the name implies, endures compared with blue sky. 天境,顾名思义,堪比青天。 Every one time moves, is only the remaining prestige that overflows, on the foot out Burning Sky Sect, counts hundred zhang (333m) high giant stele broken Cheng Jifen, half wall Burning Sky Sect are reduced to ashes. 每一次触碰,光是溢出来的余威,就足矣将焚天宗门外,数百丈高的巨大石碑碎成齑粉,半壁有余的焚天宗化为灰烬。 Under battlefield that in this grade of blood fills, Luan Muhua and Qin Shi are motionless for a very long time, crosses the hands behind the back above the main hall, treads in the vault of heaven void, under the pupil heart was all disclosing the fearful chill in the air, like one hides the incisive sharp sword under scabbard, momentarily possibly delimits sword Qi, punctures general. 而在这等鲜血弥漫的战场下,栾慕华和秦石两人却久久不动,一个负手于大殿之上,一个虚空踏于苍穹,眸心下皆是透露着可怕的寒意,像一把隐藏在剑鞘下的尖锐利剑,随时都可能划出剑气,刺出一般。 What coincidence is, hundred meters nearby them, is similar to a region of vacuum, how several thousand people encounter again, absolutely will not approach here. 巧合的是,在两人附近的百米,如同一个真空的地带,数万人再怎样交锋,都绝对不会接近这里。 But various people as everyone knows, among this seems like gentle two, contending of shocking everybody has opened, a true peak showdown. 而诸人殊不知,在这看似平和的两人之间,一场惊世骇俗的抗衡已经拉开帷幕,一场真正的巅峰对决。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Scary spirit prestige, before their bodies, gushing out that rolling increases, tumbles to keep like the First Rank First Rank rivers and streams, the unceasing friction all kinds of sparks, form the gigantic air wave. 骇人的灵威,从两人的身前,滚滚攀升的涌出,像一层一层的江河一样翻滚不停,不断的摩擦出各式各样的火花,形成硕大的气浪。 Brat, one year ago, I can expel North District you, one year later my same energy, even has killed you!” “臭小子,一年前,我能将你逐出北方区域,一年后我一样能,甚至杀了你!” Pinches the fist, Luan Muhua is lowering roars, holds the wind to spread out suddenly, together the scarlet red flame, like leaving the profound arrow is common, in a fair fingertip ball, Bang pricks in the central staggered air wave. 捏着拳,栾慕华低吼一声,掌风突然摊开,一道赤红色的火苗,像离玄之箭一般,在白皙的指尖一弹,砰一声刺入中央交错的气浪里。 Roar “吼” The invisible air wave receives bribing of red flame, is the firebrand meets the raging fire to be ordinary likely, rumbles to burn the hundred zhang (333m) high hot cloud, of hot cloud like the spray, strong fierce tiger jumps out, roars, under the sharp claws is treading Yun Ai, plunges Qin Shi. 无形的气浪受到赤色火苗的染指,像是干柴遇到烈火一般,轰一下燃烧起百丈高的火云,火云像浪花一样一番,一头健硕的猛虎从中窜出,怒吼一声,利爪下踏着云霭,扑向秦石 Stares fierce tiger that is approaching unceasingly, Qin Shi completely at ease tightened the black robe, at once among the sleeves wipes the lavender miraculous glow compression, the compression to the thumb size, such as a sharp sword has been ordinary, raises to the fierce tiger forehead: He he, one year ago, you truly can compel this North District me, but this time, actually cannot, I already say, I am not one year ago I, person who this time must die, is you!” 盯着不断逼近的猛虎,秦石坦然自若的紧了紧黑袍,旋即袖筒间一抹淡紫色的灵光压缩,一直压缩到拇指大小,如一把利剑一般,冲着猛虎的眉心扬去:“呵呵,一年前,你确实能将我逼出这北方区域,而这一次,却是不能,我早就说过,我已不是一年前的我,这一次要死的人,是你!” Bang! 砰! The purple sharp sword hits on fierce tiger, the fierce tiger body refuses to compromise, but follows close on nearby air wave to be summoned likely strangely, is centered on the sharp sword, forms a gigantic vortex. 紫色的利剑撞在猛虎身上,猛虎身躯不由僵持一下,而紧跟着旁边的气浪像是受到诡异的召唤,咻一声以利剑为中心,形成一个硕大的漩涡。 The air density compression in vortex, bit by bit turns into the pale blue, the central purple sharp sword by potential of the point, raises the gigantic sea column, leads to the steps of forehead likely. 漩涡中的空气密度压缩,一点一点变成淡蓝色,中央的紫色利剑以一点之势,升起硕大的海柱,像是通往天庭的阶梯。 The sea column just cast, a purple flood dragon void evolution, at once such as beginning the sea level is ordinary, is twining the sea column on, shows unprecedented to be flagitious, the two buckteeth under blood-stained mouth, bite to the fierce tiger nape of the neck. 海柱刚铸成,一头紫色的蛟龙虚空演化,旋即如初出海面一般,缠绕着海柱而上,彰显出前所未有的凶残,血口下的两颗獠牙,冲着猛虎的脖颈咬下。 Bang! 轰隆! A dragon tiger, fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents. 一龙一虎,龙争虎斗。 Counts the hundred zhang (333m) vault of heaven, immediately was occupied by both, before , Profound Spirit Realm that fights, the Heaven Realm big energy, suddenly was restrained by the remaining prestige, has to put down the personal appearance unexpectedly, knocks it off the ground the war. 数百丈的苍穹,顿时被两者占据,就连之前在其中交手的玄灵境,天境大能,一时间受到余威的克制,竟然都不得不放下身形,将战事拉倒地面。 This is really the strength of person!” Startled shouted one, Leader Yun was supine beginning of head, stares dragon tiger that two were overawing eight sides, revealed wipes to change countenance. “这真的是人的力量吗!”惊喊一声,凌霄为首的仰起头,盯着两尊威震八方的龙虎,露出一抹动容。 Vision with amazement, on the battles of two overlords with the horizon gathers, one after another fearful ripples, such as the calm sea level by the watermark that the giant stone causes, toward faints in all directions. 骇然的目光,伴随着天际上两尊霸主的争斗而汇聚,一团一团可怕的涟漪,如波澜不惊的海面被巨石引起的水纹,朝着四面八方晕开。 The watermark expands unceasingly, like a gigantic Eight Diagrams chart, one side is the scarlet flame raging fire, one is the purple quiet color wild waves, meets as an equal, strikes the eye unceasingly. 水纹不断扩大,像一个硕大的八卦图,一侧是赤炎色的烈火,一处是紫幽色的骇浪,分庭抗礼,触目不断。 Young fellow, can be this degree depending on Profound Spirit Realm, has to say you in this year, is the progress are truly many, may only be this, First Rank Heaven Realm may dread your several points, regarding me, actually does not affect!” Luan Mu Huamu color changes, the white hands to fierce tiger, kneading together that makes an effort suddenly. “好小子,能凭玄灵境达到这种程度,不得不说你这一年,确实是进步不少,可光是这样,一层天境或许会畏惧你几分,对于我来说,却毫无作用!”栾慕华目色一变,玉手正对着猛虎,猛然用力的捏合。 Roar “吼” The explosive again and again, receives Luan Muhua control, fierce tiger demeanor Li Ren roars, sticks out chest by the stance of king of jungle, wants to bite to the flood dragon. 爆响连连,受到栾慕华的操控,猛虎声色厉荏的怒吼一声,以丛林之王的姿态挺起胸膛,冲着蛟龙就欲要咬下。 Right? That this?” “是吗?那这样呢?” Qin Shi smiles lightly, the palm sudden back arrives behind, but in the next instant, the flood dragon fiercely trembled trembling, the empty atheistic longan, suddenly looks like added the finishing touch, has glittered unexpectedly several none remaining. 秦石淡淡一笑,掌心突然背到身后,而就在下一霎,蛟龙剧烈的颤了颤,本来空洞无神的龙眼,一刹那间就像是画龙点睛,竟是闪烁过几道精光。 The none remaining one presently, the flood dragon compared just, it may be said that was the personality big change, the movement appeared very experienced did not say, the response that the speed of attack, or dodged became exceptionally adept. 精光一现,蛟龙相比起刚刚,可谓是性情大变,动作显得十分老练不说,无论是进攻的速度,或是躲闪的反应都变得异常娴熟。 Bang! 砰! When a collision, while fierce tiger withdraws, unknowingly, the flood dragon takes advantage of somebody's authority, under moving of effort Dragon's Tail, flood the lavender aperture, the aperture one expands together, one tiger body bundle firmly, then bypasses the sharp tiger claw, unwavebering tying down fierce tiger, restrains the fierce tiger nape of the neck. 一次碰撞,趁着猛虎退后之时,一个不经意间,蛟龙借势而起,用力的甩动下龙尾,泛起一道淡紫色的光圈,光圈咻一下扩大,一下将虎躯牢牢的捆绑,然后绕过锋利的虎爪,死死的缠住猛虎,勒住猛虎的脖颈。 The sudden action, made circumstance rapid subversion, many people revealed the panic-stricken color, just the movement of flood dragon, simply might be called peerless: „, Cannot unexpectedly the spiritual power control so is lost in thought not measured? Is this human?” 突如其来的举动,令情势迅速的颠覆,不少人露出惊骇之色,刚刚蛟龙的动作,简直堪称绝伦:“不是吧,竟然能将灵力操控的这般出神莫测?这还是人吗?” „Is this really Profound Spirit Realm? Even if Heaven Realm, feared that is also mediocre?” “这真的是玄灵境吗?就算是天境,怕是也不过如此吧?” Must know that spiritual power embodiment, itself needs very abundant background support, but under the so huge consumption, can make flood dragon expansion so free, simply is the monstruous talent. 要知道,将灵力具象化,本身就需要非常雄厚的底蕴支撑,而在如此庞大的消耗下,能够令蛟龙这般的伸缩自如,简直就是妖孽。 Luan Muhua is also complexion sinks, felt that several points of inconceivable, is staring at the purple flood dragon, the flood dragon gives her feeling, completely likely is not the spiritualisation empty body, the reversed image is to have consciousnes and life living creature. 栾慕华也是面色一沉,感觉到几分不可思议,凝视着紫色蛟龙,蛟龙给她的感觉,完全不像是灵化的虚体,倒像是拥有神智和生命的活物。 Is the psychic force!” The opacitas presbyopia stares, Piao Quan song said suddenly: I understood, from beginning to end, Qin Shi that boy simply has not controlled this flood dragon.” “是精神力!”浑浊的老眼一瞪,朴泉突然悚道:“我懂了,从头到尾,秦石那小子根本没有操控这只蛟龙。” Many person puzzled looking to Piao Quan, question that the Qin Si rain takes the lead: Master, what meaning is your this saying? It is not Shi’tou is controlling, is difficult to be inadequate is this flood dragon is attacking?” 不少人不解的望向朴泉,秦私雨带头的问句:“师父,你这话是什么意思?不是石头在操控,难不成是这蛟龙自己在攻击?” Piao Quan for a long time, returns to normal silent such as Jiang Hong Fanlan surging emotions, deep sigh air/Qi, the nod said: Um, if my right, Qin Shi should spiritual power embodiment, then control the psychic force, attaches in this flood dragon consciousnes, the flood dragon of present, except for not having fleshly body, with true life not different!” 朴泉沉默许久,才平复如江洪泛滥的心潮,长嘘一气,点头道:“嗯,如果我才的没错,秦石应该是将灵力具象化,然后操控精神力,附于这蛟龙神智,现在的这只蛟龙,除了没有肉身,和真正的生命并无两样!” Really has this matter?” “竟然有这种事?” The person who hears this saying, has simultaneously held breath an cold air/Qi, dumbfounded is staring at the purple flood dragon. 听到这话的人,同时倒吸了口冷气,目瞪口呆的盯着紫色蛟龙。 What does this mean? That is, Qin Shi living fabricates one, has the consciousnes flood dragon? Also was too rather inconceivable? 这意味着什么?就是说,秦石活生生的捏造出一只,拥有神智的蛟龙?未免也太不可思议了吧? The Qin Si rain is in same place, [say / way] that shocks does not dare to believe: Master, is this possible? spiritual power and psychic force, are as incompatible as fire and water are always right, person when using psychic force, is unable to control spiritual power, do not say that unified both?” 秦私雨则是震撼的愣在原地,不敢置信的道:“师父,这怎么可能?灵力和精神力,向来是水火不容才对,徒儿在使用精神力时,根本无法操控灵力,更不要说是将两者结合了?” Perhaps others do not know that but is Demonic Talisman Master she, is actually clear clear this point. 或许别人不知道,而身为符魔师的她,却是真切的清楚这一点。 The dignified silent meeting, Piao Quan shakes the head saying: „According to the common sense, spiritual power and psychic force, truly were as incompatibles as fire and water, but I think that now psychic force of Qin Shi control, should not be the common psychic force.” 凝重的沉默一会,朴泉摇头道:“按常理讲,灵力和精神力,确实是水火不容,但我想如今秦石操控的精神力,应该已经不是寻常的精神力了。” Isn't the common psychic force? What is that?” “不是寻常的精神力?那是什么?” „The strength of soul!” “灵魂之力!” „The strength of soul?” Qin Si rain pressed frowning. “灵魂之力?”秦私雨蹙了蹙眉。 Piao Quanman is under helpless point: Um, the strength of soul, quenchings from the psychic force, and dominates in the unique strength of psychic force.” 朴泉满是无奈的点下头:“嗯,灵魂之力,是从精神力中淬炼而出,并且凌驾于精神力的独特力量。” „If the strength of soul, wants to unify spiritual power, pours is not difficult. The strength of this soul, I have seen on the body of my master, cannot think that one year, his Demonic Talisman Master cultivates is, has been this terrifying degree unexpectedly.” “如果是灵魂之力的话,想要结合灵力,倒也不难。只是这灵魂之力,就连我也只是在我师父的身上见过,想不到,一年时间,他的符魔师修为,竟然达到了这种恐怖的程度。” Here, his shamelessness absent-minded, shaking the head of forced smile: It seems like, we have looked down on him, the future of this boy is to have no bound.” 说到这,他的老脸失神,苦笑的摇了摇头:“看来,我们还是小瞧了他,这小子的前途将是无可限量啊。” Knows this matter, the Qin Si rain has sucked the tongue, since Bai Puquan is a master, Piao Quan to anybody, has never shown this look, with acclaiming. 得知此事,秦私雨咂了咂舌,自从拜朴泉为师,朴泉从未对任何人,露出过这种神色,和赞叹。 Realizes this, she begins to look supinely to crosses the hands behind the back to stand in the sky, the corners of the mouth are hanging the black robe youth of faint smile throughout, recalled again once that in Qin Family, the trifle without respect youth, at heart the inexplicable feeling lost. 意识到这点,她仰起头望向在上空负手而立,嘴角始终挂着浅笑的黑袍少年,再回想起曾经那个在秦家,玩世不恭的少年,心里莫名的感觉到失落。 Three years ago, when Qin Family clan compared with, in addition Qin Shi also needs to defeat her with the aid of the method, but in an instant three years pass, the distance between both, is unknowingly, is getting more and more far, to thinks that makes her feel such as the crash abyss is common, inexhaustible. 三年前,秦家族比时,秦石还尚且需要借助手段才能够战胜她,而转眼三年即逝,两者之间的距离,却是在不经意间,越来越远,远到只是想想,就让她感觉到如坠落深渊一般,无穷无尽。 Pinches tightly the pink / white fist, the Qin Si rain clenches teeth saying: Master, one day, I will certainly surpass him, at least surpasses him in cultivation of Demonic Talisman Master for on, brings honor for you.” 捏紧粉拳,秦私雨咬牙道:“师父,有一天,我一定会超过他,至少在符魔师的修为上超过他,为您争光。” Has gawked staring, Piao Quan presbyopia absent-minded, has rubbed the Qin Si rain luxuriant said with a smile: Silly thing, can have this heart, obsolete was content, may not probably be swayed by personal feelings is good.” 愣了愣,朴泉老眼失神,揉了揉秦私雨的秀发笑道:“傻丫头,能有这份心,老朽就知足了,可莫要意气用事才好。” Um!” Earnest complies with one, the moral nature of Qin Si rain, is actually remembers the three years ago past events, the blazing beautiful pupil locks Qin Shi: One day, I must surpass you, this can leave you to be nearer!” “嗯!”认真的答应一声,秦私雨的心底,却是想起三年前的往事,炽热的美眸锁定秦石:“有一天,我已经要超过你,这样才能够离你更近一些!” Bang! 轰隆! fierce tiger under the flood dragon wild offensive, finally is under the defeat that is inferior , the dry lamp flame that Bang one phonochemical to burn through one after another, creakies. 猛虎在蛟龙狂野的攻势下,终是不及的败下阵,砰一声化为一道一道燃尽的枯灯火苗,摇摇欲坠。 Looks appearance that flood dragon Longsheng is leaving, the Qin Shi look has several points of fierceness, cold Dao: Luan Laogou, I thinks you now, but also dares saying that doesn't affect? No rush, had not finished!” 望着蛟龙胜出的模样,秦石神色带有几分狰狞,冷道:“栾老狗,我看你现在,还敢说毫无作用吗?别急,尚未结束呢!” Um?” “嗯?” Allows to stare tenderly, however along with it, the flood dragon gigantic torso shrinks, an ambush of speeding away, from the sky delimits one line of purple, punctures to Luan Muhua forehead. 娇容一愣,然而随之,蛟龙硕大的躯干一缩,一个疾驰的伏击,在空中划出一行紫色,冲着栾慕华的眉心刺下。 The sudden accident, Luan Muhua draws out the hand hastily, gathers 3000 light spaces in the front, the light space becomes the light red, firmly protects her. 突然的变故,栾慕华连忙起手,在面前汇聚起3000的光宇,光宇成淡淡的红色,牢牢的将她护在其中。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang, the attire of flood dragon ruthless offense in the light space, while this opportunity, Qin Shi controls the flood dragon once again, strips two parts it unexpectedly. 巨响一声,蛟龙狠戾的装在光宇上,趁此机会,秦石再度对蛟龙进行操控,竟生生将其剥离成两部分。 Part continues to attack, part changes into the beat unexpectedly the purple fire, purple fire unceasing combustion spiritual power, made originally the reliable light space unexpectedly, all of a sudden became the thin several points, reappeared together the opening. 一部分继续进攻,一部分竟化为跳动的紫火,紫火不断的燃烧灵力,竟令本来牢固的光宇,一下子变得稀薄几分,咔嚓一声,浮现一道裂口。 Broken!” “破!” Opening, Qin Shi shouted the opportunity to arrive darkly, drank one lowly, the black robe wields void, the flood dragon was defeated and dispersed directly myriad miraculous glows, the hair silk thick or thin purple glow, such as the sharp sword was together common, in the opening following only space, one pricked. 裂口一出,秦石暗呼时机到了,低喝一声,黑袍虚空一挥,蛟龙直接溃散成万千的灵光,一道头发丝粗细的紫芒,如利剑一般,顺着光宇上的裂口,咻一下就刺入其中。 Bang! 砰! Dull thumping sound, the dust sand by fits and starts disperses in the main hall front, at once when smog dispersing, Luan Muhua is pale the standing erect in which of face, on her sleeve cuff, there is naked eye obvious scratching together, blood one after another, ticktack ticktack falling in dust. 闷响一声,一阵一阵的尘沙在大殿前方散开,旋即在烟雾散开时,栾慕华铁青着脸的矗立其中,在她的袖口上,有一道肉眼可见的划伤,一滴一滴的鲜血,嘀嗒嘀嗒的落在尘埃中。 Sees this, the audience is suddenly peaceful. 望见这幕,全场戛然间安静下来。 Luan was Muhua, injured unexpectedly? 栾慕华,竟然受伤了? !! !!
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