PDL :: Volume #5

#490: On the eve of war

Has been instructed, many elders want to set out to evacuate. 得到指示,不少长老欲要起身撤离。 Sect Master, may not!” Ye He is actually frightens one startled, goes forward steaming two, said: One year ago lesson, did you forget? If dispatches troops now, that and Qin sect really did not die continuous, a leeway of recalling did not have!” 宗主,不可啊!”叶鹤却是吓得一惊,腾腾上前两步,道:“一年前的教训,难道你都忘了吗?若是现在发兵,那和秦宗就真的是不死不休,一点挽回的余地都没有了啊!” Recalls? Drinks, is really the joke, small Qin does sect, need to recall? Extinguished is, this North District, sooner or later was my world!” The Luan Muhua cold pupil opens and closes, gets angry to say. “挽回?喝,真是笑话,一个小小的秦宗,难道还需要去挽回吗?灭了就是,这北方区域,迟早是我的天下!”栾慕华寒眸开合,嗔怒道。 Bei Chiyao the red lip, Ye He was opening mouth, wants in persuading 12, but she just wanted to open the mouth, looks at each other with Luan Muhua just in time, the ruthless offense under latter pupil heart and decidedly, gave her to answer directly. 贝齿咬着红唇,叶鹤张了张嘴,想要在劝说12,而她刚欲开口,正巧和栾慕华对视,后者眸心下的狠戾和决然,直接给了她答复。 But, she must sigh shaking the head of sound, finally leaves the lower segment message, dragging the desolate form to depart: Sect Master, you in so besotted, Burning Sky Sect sooner or later must destroy in your hand!” 无奈下,她只得叹声的摇了摇头,最终留下段话,拖着落寞的身影离去:“宗主,你在这般执迷不悟,焚天宗迟早要毁在你的手上!” Bang! 砰! Ye He just left the main hall, Luan Muhua angry raising white hands, strike hundred meters high beam column break: Drinks, will Burning Sky Sect destroy? Really laughs!” 叶鹤刚出大殿,栾慕华愤怒的扬起玉手,一击将百米高的梁柱震碎:“喝,焚天宗会毁?真是笑话!” Luan Sect Master, was this? North do not unify, is the unified empire, mad such big?” On the house beam drops the intermittent sawdust, is calm and loose, the void opening rips open in the main hall center together, the skinny form reappears together. “栾宗主,这是怎么了?你不是要统一北方,统一帝国吗,怎么生这么大的气呢?”房梁上落下阵阵木屑,无风而散,一道虚空的裂口在大殿中央撕开,一道干瘦的身影浮现而出。 Form Zhen Yuan, Luan Muhua stares, said hastily respectfully: Zhen Yuan senior? Did you come? Did not say that can close up?” 身影正是甄渊,栾慕华一愣,连忙恭敬道:“甄渊前辈?您怎么来了?不是说要闭关么?” Jie Jie, entire Burning Sky Sect, was given the full by the intense resentment, do you let closing up how I can feel at ease?” Zhen Yuan falling slowly on the ground, in the sound has several points to satirize: Hey, said you, I think this relations, probably inverted, before did not say that can attack Qin Family? Now the reversed image was you are encircled.” “桀桀,整座焚天宗,都被强烈的怨气给充盈,你让我怎么能够安心的闭关?”甄渊缓缓的落在地上,声音中带有几分讽刺:“嘿嘿,说说你,我看这关系,好像颠倒了啊,之前不是说要去攻打秦家吗?现在倒像是你被围剿了呢。” Snort, classes of one crowd of petty people, have resulted in the potential wild boundless Zhongshan wolf, thinks can shake my Burning Sky Sect foundation really depending on them?” Luan Muhua complained roars lowly that read soars to the heavens. “哼,不过一群鼠辈之流,得了点势就猖狂无边的中山狼,真以为凭他们就能够撼动我焚天宗的根基吗?”栾慕华怨念冲天的低吼一声。 „The class of petty people?” Zhen Yuanguai smiles narrows the eyes focuses, strokes the corners of the mouth say: Hey, that may really be rat, moreover Qin Shi that kid, seemingly, before I had also said that you possibly also will plant some day in his hand, now looked like I says but actually also right.” “鼠辈之流?”甄渊怪笑的眯眯着眼,捋一捋嘴角道:“嘿嘿,那可真是大耗子呢,而且秦石那小家伙,貌似也在其中啊,之前我就说过,有一天你可能还会栽在他的手上,现在看来我说的倒也没错。” Qin Shi? Scoffs, but is the stray cur, what has to be good to take into consideration?” Luan Muhua actually thinks little, gets angry: One year ago, this can the crush he, one year later, this place in the same old way energy!” 秦石?嗤,不过是个丧家之犬,有什么好顾及得?”栾慕华却不以为意,怒道:“一年前,本座能碾压他,一年后,本座照样能!” Hey, this saying, you remained with him were saying personally, this place ahead of time good luck.” “嘿嘿,这话啊,你还是留着亲自和他说吧,本座就提前祝你好运喽。” Facing Luan Muhua shouting curses, Zhen Yuanshi does not close already joining hands behind the back, ridiculed the sentence to Luan Muhua with a laugh, the form was actually becomes more and more thin, finally disappearance gradually in airborne. 面对栾慕华的叫骂,甄渊事不关已的背着手,冲着栾慕华笑呵呵的嘲弄句,身影却是变得越来越稀薄,最终渐渐的消失在空中。 Zhen Yuan sudden departure, with staying behind the words made Luan Muhua stare, at once her black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed tight, beautiful pupil looks suddenly to the main hall outside like the sharp sword. 甄渊的突然离开,和留下的话语令栾慕华不由一愣,旋即她的黛眉猛然蹙紧,美眸如利剑般冲着大殿外望去。 ! 咻! One from out of the blue, one after another is several bang the fulmination sound, sees only form that several wear the hot cloud elder, broke the kite of line to be ordinary likely, Bang falling of flying upside down entered the main hall. 一声破空,接连是数道轰隆隆的爆鸣声,只见几名身穿火云长老的身影,像是断了线的风筝一般,砰一声倒飞的摔进大殿。 Luan Muhua, fast comes out to suffer to death!” “栾慕华,速速出来受死!” The loud and clear sound such as the ancient grave morning bell, along burning peak rupturing of day mountain peak starts. 洪亮的声音如古墓晨钟,沿着焚天山峰的峰顶爆裂而开。 The tender body in main hall trembles, Luan Muhua quick and violent raises head, together familiar black robe, float in the upper air kilometer away, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 大殿上的娇躯一颤,栾慕华迅猛仰头,一道熟悉的黑袍,正悬浮在千米外的高空,负手而立。 Qin Shi! Really is you!” 秦石!果然是你!” In the slit of shell space between teeth squeezes out several characters, Luan Muhua cannot repress again, picks up long gown that full is venerates, enhanced dust. 贝齿间的缝隙中挤出几个字来,栾慕华再也按耐不住,托起满是尊崇的长袍,扬尘而起。 Leaps the main hall, Yang Muding Qin Shi under black robe, Profound Spirit Realm peak spiritual power fleeing in all directions all around, the Luan Muhua cold pupil opens and closes, although heard, may work as personally sees, she is very difficult to believe that one year ago kid who that by her crush hitting, now has been this degree unexpectedly. 跃出大殿,仰目盯着黑袍下的秦石,玄灵境巅峰灵力流窜四周,栾慕华寒眸开合,尽管有所听闻,可当亲眼所见,她还是很难相信,一年前那个被她碾压着打的小家伙,如今竟达到了这种程度。 But is she of host, although in the heart shocks, in the surface will not display, has several points of satire rhyme flavor: He he, cannot think that you also really dare to come back!” 而身为一宗之主的她,心中虽说震惊,表面上也不会表现出来,带有几分讽刺的韵味道:“呵呵,想不到你还真敢回来!” The black pupil of widow who does not remarry, falls on Luan Muhua body, arouses the dreadful wild waves all of a sudden, the cold current in sound overflows to open, Qin Shi said: Old fogy, whether to remember, one year ago I have said that my Qin Shi will come back sooner or later, when the date of my coming back, when is your Burning Sky Sect exterminates an entire family!” 古井无波的黑眸,落在栾慕华的身上,一下子激起滔天骇浪,声音中的寒流四溢而开,秦石道:“老家伙,可否记得,一年前我说过,我秦石早晚会回来,待我回来之日,就是你焚天宗灭门之时!” The audience tremble, one year ago picture, reverberation as if by prior agreement in Burning Sky Sect all disciples, with the mind of elder. 全场一颤,一年前的画面,不约而同的回荡在焚天宗所有的弟子,和长老的脑海中。 A jet black opening, a youth of black robe, is putting together whooshing that tries finally. 一个漆黑的裂口,一个黑袍的少年,在最终拼尽全力的嘶吼。 Changes countenance at heart several points, obviously, Luan Muhua has also thought that diligently maintains the satire of faint smile: He he, has such a matter probably, is only I am very curious, your Profound Spirit Realm does useless person, why extinguish my Burning Sky Sect?” 心里动容几分,显然,栾慕华也是想了起来,努力保持浅笑的讽刺道:“呵呵,好像是有这么回事,只是我很好奇,你一个不过玄灵境废物,凭什么灭我焚天宗?” May not only be I.” “可不光是我自己。” Qin Shi shrugs, several forms rise straight from the ground from mountain peak, are headed by Leader Yun and Qin Yongfeng, Qin Family disciple and Qin sect elder and what Yan, Piao Quan, dry lamp, bagpipe, Luo maple tree, purple potato and Huo Caidie, Chushan and Luohe River eight strange, North District all well-known powerhouse, the unification stays in Qin Shi behind, such as a strong backing. 秦石耸了耸肩,数道身影从山峰外拔地而起,以凌霄秦永峰为首、秦家弟子和秦宗长老、何岩、朴泉、枯灯、风笛、洛枫、紫薯、霍彩蝶、竹山枝、洛河八怪、北方区域尽数的知名强者,统一停留在秦石身后,如一面坚挺的后盾。 Dozens people of floating are spatial, Luan Muhua black eyebrow coloring eyebrow has shouldering of flavor: Yo? Luo Family? Huo? Several rare fellows, Qin Shi, have saying that in this year some of your truly progress, most at least understood prepared for war.” 数十人的浮空,栾慕华黛眉颇有韵味的挑起:“呦?洛家?霍家?还有几个罕见的家伙,秦石,不得不说,这一年你确实有些长进,最起码懂得招兵买马了啊。” Here, sound suddenly cold severe: Is only, you think that depending on one group of ineffective and worthless troops, the remnant defeat willow tree, with the old fogy who one crowd is going to be buried, can shake my Burning Sky Sect dignity?” 说到这,声音突然寒厉:“只是,你以为,凭一群虾兵蟹将,残枝败柳,和一群将要入土的老家伙,就能够撼动我焚天宗的威严吗?” Depending on us, is truly insufficient, but if adds on these?” Qin Shi rubbed the nose, finger has spread out suddenly, gently rocked. “光凭我们,确实不够,可若是加上这些呢?”秦石揉了揉鼻子,手指突然摊开,轻轻的晃动一下。 Hears this word, Luan Muhua does to refuse to budge slightly, but has not waited for her opening the mouth [say / way] saying that a series of sounds from out of the blue, are mixing with fearful spiritual power, dark mass of speeds past from thousand li (0.5km). 听闻此言,栾慕华稍作僵持,而没等她开口道说,一连串的破空声,夹杂着可怕的灵力,乌压压的从千里外疾驰而过。 Qiu Diaowei head, Cen Chiwei auxiliary, East District Qin sect disciple, with quiet clan, enough 50 powerhouses, suppression of coming in waves, many several Heaven Realm, simultaneously protect in Qin Shi about. 邱雕为首,岑驰为辅,东方区域的秦宗弟子,和幽族,足足50名的强者,滚滚而来的压制而下,其中不乏数名天境,同时护在秦石的左右。 Four Heaven Realm?” “四名天境?” This time, even if Luan Muhua, reveals for several points startled to accommodate. 这一次,纵然是栾慕华,都露出几分惊容。 Scoffs, solely is not four!” “嗤,可不单单是四名!” But full Han a stubborn charm in anger, thorough making Luan Muhua is uneasy whether sitting or standing, Xiaomi Cai is harnessing seven Rainbow Bridge, leap that handsome waves before the Qin Shi body. 而一声满含桀骜的娇嗔,彻底的令栾慕华坐立不安,小米彩驾着七彩虹桥,翩翩舞动的跃到秦石身前。 Also follows has Feng Hen who Xiaomi Cai comes, Xiao Qing. 跟随小米彩而来的还有封痕,小青 Five Heaven Realm?” Burning Sky Sect many elders, when various people get together, the thorough opening mouth, shivers. “五名天境?”焚天宗的诸多长老,在诸人齐聚之时,彻底的张大嘴巴,颤抖起来。 Burning Sky Sect now, but also seven Heaven Realm, moreover they are clear, in these seven Heaven Realm, how many are close right up against the external force to lead by the hand, because just achieves Heaven Realm, is knows Heaven Realm is not easy, if no nine revolutions to cross disaster, engaging in introspection can achieve Heaven Realm and how many people have? 焚天宗如今,不过也才七名天境,而且他们自己清楚,这七名天境中,有多少是靠着外力提携上来,正因为达到天境,更是知道天境的不易,若是没有九转渡劫阵,扪心自问能够达到天境的又有几人? Bang! 轰隆隆! This had not finished, the Burning Sky Sect earth starts to shiver suddenly, about ten thousand people of disciple dense entering Sect , firmly encircles the main hall. 这还没有结束,突然间焚天宗的大地开始颤动,近万人的弟子黑压压的杀入宗门,牢牢的将大殿围剿。 Suddenly, two influences are in sharp opposition. 一时间,两股势力针锋相对。 A side, was about ten thousand Qin sect, a side, was several thousand Burning Sky Sect, two sides took the main hall as the boundary, at daggers drawn. 一方,是近万名的秦宗,一方,是数万名的焚天宗,两方以大殿为分界线,剑拔弩张。 According to the population, Qin Zongyuan was inferior to Burning Sky Sect, but after half a month defeating one by one, the Burning Sky Sect nucleus, was destroyed by Qin Shi all, in addition Qin sect the morale was wild, made two sides suddenly be equally matched actually, meets as an equal. 按人数,秦宗远不如焚天宗,而经过半个月来的逐一击破,焚天宗的中坚力量,被秦石尽数摧毁,加上秦宗的士气狂暴,倒是令两方一时间难分伯仲,分庭抗礼。 The attacking army has reached the city, Ye He the beautiful pupil draws, is staring one year ago black robe youth, at this time from the immature transformation, has remembered the words that in the past he left, bitter and astringent endless: Day must perish my Burning Sky Sect.” 兵临城下,叶鹤的美眸收拢,盯着一年前的黑袍少年,此时已是从稚嫩蜕变,想起当年他留下的话,苦涩无尽:“天要亡我焚天宗啊。” Feels the condition circumstance, Qin Shi is staring at Luan Muhua to smile strangely: Now, you know why I did extinguish your Burning Sky Sect?” 感受着状况的情势,秦石盯着栾慕华诡异一笑:“现在,你知道我凭什么灭你焚天宗了吧?” Bei Chi closes tightly, the Luan Muhua fierce supineness begins: Good, good, good, Qin Shi, I looked down on you actually, but you think that really can shake my Burning Sky Sect depending on these? Naive!” 贝齿咬紧,栾慕华狰狞的仰起头:“好,好,好,秦石,倒是我小瞧你了,只是你以为,凭这些就真的能够撼动我焚天宗吗?天真!” The voice falls, a jade surface cold, loud and clear sound suppresses the audience: „The Burning Sky Sect disciple obeys orders, today intruder, does not remain!” 话音落下,玉面一寒,洪亮的声音压制全场:“焚天宗弟子听令,今日入侵者,一个不留!” I must entire North District to know that dares to violate head-family, kills without the amnesty!” “我要让整个北方区域的人知道,敢犯本宗者,杀无赦!” Has been instructed, several thousand Burning Sky Sect disciples also move, dozens elders around Luan Muhua, dragging the long star tail to plunder, is not leaf crane six Heaven Realm, is not weak in imposing manner of Qin Shi side blasts out. 得到指示,数万名的焚天宗弟子同时行动,在栾慕华四周的数十名长老,拖着长长的星尾掠起,不算叶鹤在内的六名天境,以不弱于秦石一方的气势炸开。 At the same time, Luo maple tree and the others expand toward all around, becomes eight side shapes meets the approaching enemy on, Qiu Diao leads three quiet clan Heaven Realm, on own initiative attacks constrains four Heaven Realm. 同一时间,洛枫等人朝四周扩开,成八方状迎击而上,邱雕率领三名幽族天境,主动出击的拖住四名天境 Gorgeous pink clouds, form two corona in the white hands of Xiaomi Cai, is Divine List Ferocious Beast she, under bloodlines that in cannot be moved, single-handedly, depending on strength of the, suppresses two Heaven Realm. 一道道绚丽彩霞,在小米彩的玉手间形成两个光环,身为神榜凶兽的她,在不可触碰的血脉下,单枪匹马,凭一己之力,将两名天境生生压制。 Bang! 轰隆隆! The powerhouse showdown, Qin Yongfeng and Leader Yun fall to the army, leads front and Burning Sky Sect meets the approaching enemy on, both sides armies tangled warfare one group, the fishy smell of irritating the nose takes advantage of opportunity fills the air to open in the world. 强者对决,秦永峰凌霄落到大军之下,率领前方的和焚天宗迎击而上,双方大军混战一团,刺鼻的腥味顺势间在天地间弥漫而开。 The original fog dim peak, suddenly changes into the bright red scarlet. 本来云雾朦胧的峰顶,一时间化为鲜红的血色。 But for all this, in two sides does not have one person, provokes Luan Muhua, or Qin Shi. 而尽管如此,两方中无一人,去招惹栾慕华,或是秦石 Qin sect a side, was because nobody was Luan Muhua rival, the strengths of three days of boundaries, foot crush audience, but a Burning Sky Sect side, then knows that Qin Shi must have Luan Muhua to solve personally. 秦宗一方,是因为无人是栾慕华的敌手,三天之境的实力,足矣碾压全场,而焚天宗一方,则是知道,秦石要有栾慕华亲自解决。 Hears the ruthless offense the sound, on the Qin Shi young face is indistinct to grin fiendishly, the vision sweeps off one toward Luan Muhua Ye He, turns round saying: Luan Muhua, you do not need so, three years ago Burning Sky Sect destroys my spirit vein, steals Suppressing Jade, injures my parents, two years ago wound my brother, harms me to withdraw from Sect , one year ago nearly destroys my Qin Family, seizes my younger sister, injures my Elder Sister Yu, kills the poem to be blue, I and your Burning Sky Sect, already was absolutely irreconcilable, did not die continuous! Today, is not your Yun mist sect removes in North District, is my Qin Shi life mourning in this!” 听得狠戾的声响,秦石年少的面庞上隐约间狞笑而起,目光朝着栾慕华身旁的叶鹤扫去一眼,回身道:“栾慕华,你也不必如此,三年前焚天宗毁我灵脉,盗窃崩玉,伤我父母,两年前伤我兄弟,害我退出宗门,一年前险些毁我秦家,捉我妹妹,伤我玉姐,害死诗兰,我与你焚天宗,早就是不共戴天,不死不休!今日,不是你云岚宗在北方区域除名,便是我秦石命丧于此!” Increases under the anger fierce successively. 厉声在怒火下节节攀升。 Both get angry to squint to regard, under Luan Muhua wicked point: Good, I must take a look but actually, your how does not die continuous, how absolutely irreconcilable!” 两者红着眼相觑而视,栾慕华恶狠狠的点下头:“好,我倒要瞧瞧,你怎么个不死不休,怎么个不共戴天!” !! !!
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