PDL :: Volume #5

#489: Attacking army has reached the city

Talked nonsense, Qin Shi no longer rubbish, suddenly remembered anything, said to Du Ziteng earnestly: Was right, before you and I said that matter that is pregnant the hagberry about the god, whether to be true?” 胡扯一番,秦石不再废话,恍然的想起什么,冲着杜紫藤认真道:“对了,之前你和我说,关于神孕树果的事,可否属实?” Drinks, the father on me knows under the astronomy to know the geography, you thought that I am deceiving you?” One hear of this saying, Du Ziteng pinches the waist anger to say heatedly. “喝,老子我上知天文下知地理,你是觉得我在骗你?”一听这话,杜紫藤面红耳赤的掐着腰怒道。 Whisper the winking eye, Qin Shi somewhat is hard to accept, on complexion fills immaturely, the 12 or 13-year-old child says the father before him at most, but said: „It is not, is not, I am only want to ask that the god is pregnant the hagberry to make concrete in the what position of fine wine volcano?” 叽咕挤咕眼睛,秦石还是有些难以接受,一个面色上充满稚嫩,顶多十二三岁的孩子在他面前自称老子,无奈道:“不是,不是,我只是想问问,神孕树果具体在琼浆火山的什么位置?” Du Zi Fujishina: Does not know.” 杜紫藤白了一眼:“不知道。” The corners of the mouth twitch, Qin Shi said: You just did not say that knows the astronomy, below knows the geography? How won't this know?” 嘴角抽搐一下,秦石道:“你不是刚说上知天文,下知地理吗?怎么这会又不知道了?” I know that I did not tell you!” “我知道,我也不告诉你!” Listens to this and other righteous responses, psst to make noise, wields single-handed, the blazing flame that the Qin Shi fist pinches ignites together: Hey, I think you, although turned into the human, but this fire, if pulls up, should be very magnificent?” 听着这等理直气壮的回应,秦石拳头捏的吱吱作响,单手一挥,一道炽烈的火焰燃起:“嘿嘿,我想你虽然化成了人,但这火要是撩下去,应该还是很壮观的吧?” „Does Emma, you want to do?” “埃玛,你想干嘛?” Du Ziteng one startled, the eyeground raises wipes the fear. 杜紫藤一惊,眼底升起一抹恐惧。 Realized that this, Qin Shi thinks really right, how to say again the plant fears the fire, approaches several steps badly to say with a smile: Few idle talk, said quickly, otherwise has burnt you, this little has not seen the camphor tree essence that has been able to run!” 察觉到这一幕,秦石心想果然没错,再怎么说植物还是怕火,逼近几步的坏笑道:“少废话,快说,否则烧了你,本少还没见过会跑的樟树精呢!” Combined threats with inducements, Du Ziteng faded droops a head that got down: Ok, the brat, calculates you to suppress, the father does not lower oneself to the same level with you.” 一阵威逼利诱,杜紫藤蔫吧下来的耷拉个头:“行,臭小子,算你狠,老子不跟你一般见识。” Spoke, he puts in pants crotch to hold gu several hand, at once the arm makes an effort, deeply grieved calling out, he gives a tongue-lashing will hand over to Qin Shi that the tooth does poorly: „, Gives you!” 说完话,他把手伸进裤裆里捅咕几下,旋即手臂一用力,一声惨痛的嚎叫,他才呲牙劣作的将手递给秦石:“喏,给你!” Is staring at Du Ziteng movement strangely, Qin Shi stared staring, felt that the whole person is not good, withdraws hastily several steps: „Do you do? This little does not have this fondness!” 盯着杜紫藤的动作,秦石怪异的瞪了瞪眼,感觉整个人都不好了,连忙退后几步:“你这是干嘛?本少没有这种癖好!” I go, what do you think? This is father's lifeblood!” “我去,你想什么呢?这可是老子的命根子!” This saying did not say fortunately, said Qin Shi draws back is farther: „It is not, Big brother, were you too also ruthless? Did the lifeblood give to dig? You did not say that did not say, I didn't burn you line not? You hurry to receive!” 这话不说还好,说完秦石退的更远:“不是,大哥,你也太狠了?命根子都给撅了?你不说就不说,我不烧你了行不?你赶紧收起来!” You see clearly, is the life and plant root!” Du Ziteng digs the spreading out hand of mouth. “你看清楚,是命、根子!”杜紫藤撅起嘴的摊开手。 Life, plant root?” “命,根子?” Puzzled light nan, Qin Shi thought that what this does have to distinguish? But wants to turn over to think that he is searches the vision that the letter will doubt, at once knit the brows, sees only in Du Ziteng hand, the pinky thick or thin tree root, making his eyelid select selecting: „, Really is the lifeblood!” 不解的轻喃一声,秦石心想这有什么区别吗?而想归想,他还是信将疑的探去目光,旋即不由皱了皱眉,只见在杜紫藤的手上,有一根小拇指粗细的树根,令他眼皮挑了挑:“靠,果然是命根子!” You are taking it, goes to the fine wine volcano, in the crater position, the dryondra, she is my old friend, you give this, she naturally can help you!” Du Ziteng curls the lip to say. “你拿着它,去琼浆火山,在火山口的位置,有一棵梧桐树,她是我的老相好,你将这个给她,她自然会帮你!”杜紫藤撇撇嘴道。 The look changes, Qin Shi wants to inquire very much, the tree that Nyima two will not move, achieves the long and trying journey always sentiment? Afterward thinks that poured does not have any strange, now some people often did not say that the distance was not the issue. 神色一变,秦石本来是很想询问,尼玛两棵不会动的树,是怎么做到千山万水总是情的呢?后来想一想,倒也没什么奇怪,现在不是有人常说,距离不是问题么。 Attains Du Ziteng lifeblood, Qin Shi is hugging the greatly stupid bear, afterward saw Long Qiu and several Fire Cloud Cobra, growth of one year of their some varying degrees, making him feel happily. 拿到杜紫藤的命根,秦石抱着大笨熊,后来又看见了龙鳅和几条火云眼镜蛇,一年时间他们都有不同程度的成长,令他感觉到欣慰。 Reunion after long separation is always joyful, chatted with several fellows was very long, fell until the night, he returned to the dwelling, passed on to the matter of spirit ore to Qin Yongfeng. 久别后的重逢总是愉悦,和几个家伙聊了很久,直到夜幕降临,他才回到宅院,将灵矿的事转告给秦永峰 Knew that the spirit ore the news, all people are shocked, at once acclaims the luck of Qin Shi secretly. 得知灵矿的消息,所有人都是大跌眼镜,旋即暗自赞叹秦石的幸运。 Half a month time, said that was long said was short, in this period in Qin Shi under indicated personally, in addition the huge spirit stones support, a Qin Family side, were many several Profound Spirit Realm expert, he in finally, spiritual power, the psychic force consolidated all, achieved a saturated condition. 半月时间,说长不长说短不短,期间在秦石的亲自点拨下,加上庞大的灵石支撑,秦家一方,多出数名玄灵境高手,他自己在最后,也是将灵力,精神力尽数稳固,达到一种饱和的状态。 Bang! 砰! In the side building, the jet black and profound pupil heart opens suddenly, wipes the bone-chilling cold cold brightness, such as sharp sword edge, rolls up and pushes along four sword Qi. 厢房内,漆黑而深邃的眸心猛然睁开,一抹凛冽的寒光,如一把锋利的剑刃,卷动起四下的剑气 But opens eyes once more, in the Qin Shi foreheads, reappears the light ancient mark to wind gradually together, the mark winds the lavender,[] Yang has together the incisive lightning. 而再次睁眼,秦石眉宇间,渐渐浮现出一道淡薄的古老纹络,纹络成淡紫色,〖中〗央有一道尖锐的闪电。 Lei Jieyin?” Induces winds to the mark the fluctuation, the Shu Zhongyu full Han pleasantly surprised [say / way]: Shi’tou, did you try to find out that level finally?” “雷劫印?”感应到纹络中的波动,书中玉满含惊喜的道:“石头,你终于摸索到那个层面了?” satisfied has pinched the fist, Qin Shi, but said: Yes, but embryonic form, the distance maturely also has a long way to go, otherwise can postpone the time actually, is trying breakthrough Heaven Realm, by that time did not use by Luan Muhua threat.” 满意的捏了捏拳,秦石无奈道:“是啊,只不过还是雏形,距离成熟还有很长的路要走,否则倒是可以将时期推迟一下,尝试着突破天境,到那时就再也不用受栾慕华的威胁了。” „It is not anxious, this time Luan Muhua, I will help you fully, now you concentrate Lei Jieyin, tried to find out that Heaven Realm shackles, during this, your as far as possible from thunder disaster India , China, the strength of sensibility attribute, arrives at Heaven Realm to your breakthrough, has the unsurpassed wondrous use.” Shu Zhongyu said with a smile. “不急,此次栾慕华,我会全力助你,如今你凝出雷劫印,摸索到天境的桎梏,这期间你尽可能的从雷劫印中,感悟属性之力,对你突破天境,有着无上妙用。”书中玉笑道。 Only can like this.” have no alternative complied with one, Qin Shi to rub the nose, said: Elder Sister Yu, the unnecessary words, I did not say that thank you such a long time support.” “只能这样了。”无可奈何的答应一声,秦石揉了揉鼻子,道:“玉姐,多余的话,我就不说了,谢谢你这么长时间的支持。” Gets the hell out, said that does not make me artificial, oneself actually on artificial not?” Shu Zhongyu ill-humored [say / way]. “滚蛋,说不让我矫情,自己倒是矫情上了是不?”书中玉没好气的道。 Is hearing the sound of scolding gruffly, Qin Shi silly has grasped scratching the head, at once stern many, in the before hand of sleeve robe is grasping, attains the lifeblood that from Du Ziteng hand, said earnestly: Good, is not artificial, if this time, I have the life to live am going out of Burning Sky Sect, I go to the fine wine volcano to take the god to be pregnant the hagberry for you, making you not use by the pain of pain!” 听着责骂的声音,秦石憨傻的抓了抓头,旋即正色不少,袖袍的手中握着之前从杜紫藤手中拿到的命根子,认真道:“好,不矫情,若是这一次,我有命活着走出焚天宗,我就去琼浆火山为你取神孕树果,让你再也不用受病痛之苦!” Warms at heart, the beautiful pupil of Shu Zhongyu somewhat is strange, nod under gently: Um! I believe you.” 心里温暖起来,书中玉的美眸却有些怪异,轻轻的点头下头:“嗯!我信你。” Was not saying that Qin Shi begins supinely, looks following the window to azure clouds. 不在多说,秦石仰起头,顺着窗口望向青霄。 He can feel, that day of expecting for a long time, was approaching unceasingly, nearly to letting him thinks,[ body] in blood with ebullition. 他能感受到,期待已久的那一天,正在不断的临近,近到让他想一想,〖体〗内的血液都会跟着沸腾。 After half a month reorganization, Qin Family deployed that obtained the archery target promotion. 经过半个月的整理,秦家部署全部得到了质的提升。 Next day early morning. 翌日的清晨。 ! 咻! Remnant shade from out of the blue flies upwards together, crosses the hands behind the back vertical float sky over mystical place, is treading void, complexion is resolute, decidedly, bird's eye view earth. 一道破空的残影飞升而起,负手而立的悬浮在秘境上空,踏着虚空,面色刚毅,决然,俯瞰大地。 In its, is about ten thousand disciples, is divided into five sides, is led by five commanders, as far as the eye can see its huge lineup, feared that must tremble to tremble including Scarlet Flame Empire. 在其下方,是近万弟子,共分为五方,由五名统帅领军,放眼望去其庞大的阵容,怕是连赤炎帝国都要为之颤上一颤。 „, Can half a month crossed, prepare?” “诸位,半月已过,可都准备好了?” The broad sound, such as great antiquity beast of prey, resounds through in the limitless world, just likes together the fire seed, under is the innumerable firebrands, both's union, ignites is then dreadful **. 恢弘的声音,如洪荒猛兽,响彻在无边无际的天地,犹如一道火种,下方是无数的干柴,两者的结合,燃起的便是滔天的**。 East District Qin sect deployed the whole staff here, wishing hear of Sect Master to dispatch!” 东方区域秦宗部署全员在此,愿听宗主调遣!” North District Qin sect deployed that pledges to fight to the death to follow Sect Master.” 北方区域秦宗部署,誓死追随宗主。” Quiet clan is willing to help big brother helping hand!” “幽族愿助大哥一臂之力!” Qin Family shares life and death!” 秦家生死与共!” „The North District temporary union armed forces, are willing to assist Qin Shi Sect Master!” 北方区域临时结合军,甘愿辅佐秦石宗主!” The howl like the thunder, increases successively, Qin Shi indulges, satisfied raising head of suddenly, even if he looks to be his army, the surging emotions arouse thousand overlapping waves huā. 啸声如雷,节节攀升,秦石沉溺其中,满意的猛然仰头,哪怕是他自己看着属于他的大军,心潮都不由激起千层浪huā。 He knows that will pass today, North District will unify thoroughly, two results, Burning Sky Sect will only perish, or Qin sect. 他知道,过了今日,北方区域将彻底统一,只会有两种结果,焚天宗亡,亦或是秦宗。 Burning Sky Sect, the final retaliation started.” 焚天宗,最后的报复开始了。” Deep inspiration, diligently puts gently the mentality, Qin Shi raises the hand finally, pinches the fist, exclaimed: Army!” 深深的吸了口气,努力的将心态放平缓,秦石终于举起手,捏拳,吼道:“全军出发!” Goes through many places to come is the earth vacillates, mighty force. 辗转而来是大地动摇,千军万马。 The peak that fog fills, is situated a broad main hall, is the Burning Sky Sect main shrine. 一处云雾弥漫的高峰,坐落一座恢弘的大殿,正是焚天宗的主殿。 Reported Sect Master, outside the sect 300,000 meters defense line broke through!” “禀告宗主,宗外300000米防线攻破!” Reported Sect Master, 200,000 meters defense line broke through.” “禀告宗主,200000米防线攻破。” Reported Sect Master, 100,000 defense lines broke through, Qin sect the army has encircled under the peak.” “禀告宗主,100000防线攻破,秦宗大军已围剿峰下。” Sad news one after another, continuous introduction in. 一条一条的噩耗,接连不断的传入其中。 Bang! 砰! Bang, the main shrine peak, a Luan Muhua palm a side four jiao table will crank up the smashing, being burning with anger looks under is kneeling several elders: useless person, one crowd of useless person! Small Qin Family you cannot block, do I raise your what use?” 巨响一声,主殿顶端,栾慕华一掌将旁边的四角桌拍成粉碎,怒火中烧的望着下方跪着的几名长老:“废物,一群废物!一个小小的秦家你们都拦不住,我养你们何用?” Under Long Wei loses one's temper, crawling that elder atmosphere do not dare to breathe heavily when place, but when the people feel helpless, calls out the sound to break through silent, making many elders look askance to look, thought that which this was does not have the fellow of eyesight, doesn't want to live? 龙威动怒下,一个一个长老大气不敢喘的匍匐在地,而就在众人不知所措时,一声嚎叫声冲破寂静,令不少长老侧目望去,心想这是哪个没眼力的家伙,不想活了? Sect Master, is not wonderful, is not wonderful.” 宗主,不妙了,不妙了啊。” The elder who puff passes one, opening the mouth just made great strides forward the main hall, falling of staggering turns in the place, painful he calls out one, creeping motion that at once cares about busily palace[] Yang, shivers saying: Sect Master, is not wonderful, left the important matter.” 噗通一声,开口的长老刚迈进大殿,一个踉跄的摔翻在地,痛的他嚎叫一声,旋即无暇顾及的蠕动到殿堂〖中〗央,颤抖道:“宗主,不妙了,出大事了。” The anger made the tender surface become flushed, Luan Muhua was staring at the following elder indignantly, cursed angrily: Said, these time how?” 怒火令娇面涨红,栾慕华气愤的盯着下面的长老,怒骂道:“说,这一次又怎么了?” Returns, returns to Sect Master, Qin Shi has broken Sect , leading the army to kill.” “回,回宗主,秦石已经破开宗门,率领大军杀上来了。” Since hear that, Ye He in the leftmost, has accommodated tenderly fully is the strange look, half a month she hears most news, about Qin Shi and Qin sect. 闻言,叶鹤在最左侧,娇容上满是古怪的神色,半月以来她听闻最多的消息,就是关于秦石和秦宗。 She knows, one year ago depending on strength of greatly noisy Burning Sky Sect a oneself black robe youth, came back now, again came back North District. 她知道,一年前凭一己之力大闹焚天宗的黑袍少年,如今真的回来了,再一次回来了北方区域 But this time, far from the previous time may compare, this time his not only strength strives, in the personality is calm, understands to bear patiently, prepares for war, the preparation is sufficient, to report one year ago hatred. 而这一次,远非上一次可比,这一次的他不仅实力精进,性情上更是沉稳,懂得隐忍,招兵买马,准备充足,就是为了报一年前的仇恨。 But those who make her most grieved is, this black robe youth, with her two person, all has the complicated relations, firmly is in the same place, today of youth, is her one facilitates, if not for she three years ago tacitly consented to that Yu Lin’er entices Qin Shi, steals Qin Family Suppressing Jade, today's all, perhaps will not be so the sword opposite direction scenes. 而让她最心痛的是,这个黑袍少年,和她的两个徒儿之间,皆是有着千丝万缕的关系,牢牢地系在一起,少年的今天,更是她一手促成,若不是她三年前默许于琳儿去勾引秦石,偷盗秦家崩玉,今日的一切,或许就不会是这般刀剑相向的光景。 Behaves badly!” “作孽啊!” Sighed to sigh one, foul air put out among the cherry lips, Ye He recalled since one year ago, shaking the head of forced smile, the hatred of Qin Shi and Burning Sky Sect, she knows that was in the situation that was unable to melt, did not die the continuous war. 喟叹一声,一口浊气自樱唇间吐出,叶鹤回想起一年前,苦笑的摇了摇头,秦石焚天宗的仇恨,她知道,已经到了无法化解的地步,只有不死不休的战争。 Elder similarly surprised supine beginning that the one side crawls, looking left and right sobbed several, all was all of a sudden scared: What? So is long, has he killed?” 一旁匍匐的长老同样吃惊的仰起头,左右顾盼的唏嘘几声,一下子全被吓破了胆:“什么?才这么久,他就已经杀上来了?” Bang! 砰! A jade archery target colored glaze cup, was pinched the powder by Luan Muhua by the white hands, stares under such as many elders of loose sand to exclaim: Sufficed!” 一个玉质的琉璃杯,生生被栾慕华靠玉手捏成粉末,盯着下方如散沙的诸多长老吼道:“够了!” Under fierce scolding, in main hall peaceful many. 厉声的呵斥下,大殿中安静不少。 Under the tension-filled atmosphere, several rank old elders squint, opens the mouth saying: Sect Master, we then what to do?” 紧张的气氛下,几个辈分年长的长老相觑一眼,开口道:“宗主,那我们接下来怎么办?” Considers, Luan Muhua reveals the color of being annoyed, under her plan, should take five cities now, broke through Qin sect, north a series. 斟酌一番,栾慕华露出懊恼之色,本来在她的计划下,现在应该已经拿下五城,攻破秦宗,一统北方。 But now, all these were broken by sudden Qin Shi completely, how letting her not to be angry, bite the silver tooth to exclaim: Good, since he wants to bring death, this place has helped him, all elders prepare to burn the day to put to death the command, in the disciple the sect all recalled, exterminates Qin sect!” 而如今,这一切全部被突然出现的秦石打破,让她怎么能不愤怒,咬着银牙吼道:“好,他既然想要送死,本座就成全了他,所有长老准备焚天诛杀令,将宗内弟子全部召回,诛灭秦宗!” --------- Fellow readers were sorry that small shallow school has a vacation, because on rushing to family's road, therefore renews is unstable, tomorrow should be able to be proficient, the day after tomorrow will restore to renew, cell phone upload ~ delicious strength.( ---------各位读者抱歉,小浅学校放假,因为在赶往家里的路上,所以更新非常不稳定,明天应该能够到家,后天会恢复更新,手机上传~好吃力。( …… ……
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