PDL :: Volume #5

#488: Du Ziteng

In the future half a month, the people in mystical place start to bustle about, is commanded to take the lead by five, carries on all kinds of military drills, with operation plan. 往后的半月里,秘境里的众人开始忙碌起来,由五名统领带头,进行各式各样的军事演练,和作战计划。 spirit stones that Qin Shi in this year, will also save, the herbal medicine, as well as all kinds of pointed weapons martial arts, all contribution, hopes that can in this final period, making we influence make the impact again, after all strove a point, can many one point of stratagem which ensures success. 秦石也将这一年,积攒的灵石,草药,以及各式各样的兵刃武学,尽数的贡献出来,希望能够在这最后的期间,令本方势力再做冲击,毕竟精进一分,就能多一分的胜算。 Regarding the North District Qin sect disciple, many spirit grass that Qin Shi put out, the profound soldier sharp knife blade, as well as martial arts, was their long-awaited most precious objects, but Qin Shi by reward system, inspires the following disciple, this ordered all people, thought competitive. 对于北方区域的秦宗弟子来说,秦石拿出的很多灵草,玄兵利刃,以及武学,都是他们梦寐以求的至宝,而秦石更是以奖励的制度,来鼓舞下面的弟子,这一下令所有人,都觉得动力十足。 Feels the warm-blooded atmosphere, Qin Shi is laughing in spite of trying not, he has not chosen once again breakthrough in half a month, after all spiritual power the psychic force, he arrived at a hard bottleneck, this bottleneck will relate to him in the future in practicing a fate on way, therefore cannot act with undue haste. 感受着热血的气氛,秦石不由失笑,他自己并没有选择在这半个月里再度突破,毕竟无论是灵力或是精神力,他都已经到了一个坚硬的瓶颈,这个瓶颈关系到他将来在修炼一途上的命数,所以不能操之过急。 When all straighten out, Qin Shi ends up to turn out rarely idly, for this reason when being all right frequent accompanying side Qiong Shuyao and Qin Tianqing, makes up for these two years spatial window time, performs the filial piety. 当一切步入正轨,秦石难得落得清闲,为此趁着没事时就会经常的陪在琼淑瑶秦天擎身边,弥补这两年的空窗期,尽尽孝道。 Dusk, he also personal directs to the Qin Family disciple, and chooses to suit own pointed weapons and martial arts for them. 黄昏时,他也会亲自的对秦家弟子指点一番,并且为他们挑选适合自己的兵刃和武学 Looks Qin Shi does not count the past animosity directs itself, many Qin Family younger generations feel guilty, Qin Fei is the start to talk of head said: Shi’tou, the past matter was we are not good, we made the mistake.” 看着秦石不计前嫌的指点自己,不少的秦家晚辈感觉到愧疚,秦飞为首的开口道:“石头,当年的事是我们不好,我们做错了。” Stares inexplicably, Qin Shi raises head to look at many looks, is suddenly enlighted all of a sudden, shakes the head to say with a smile: He he, the Qin Fei cousin, your this saying said looked on as an outsider, we are the whole family, blood is thicker than water, passed.” 莫名一愣,秦石仰头看着诸多的神色,一下子恍然大悟,摇头笑道:“呵呵,秦飞表哥,你这话说的就见外了,我们是一家人,血浓于水,都过去了。” hear that, several human desire must open the mouth, Qin Shi breaks to say hastily: Moreover, if not for you, I currently estimated that once the second ancestor of that playboy, where did have present sight so? Calculates carefully that you have not harmed me, has helped me on the contrary.” 闻言,几人欲要开口,秦石连忙打断道:“况且,若不是你们,我现在估计还是曾经那个纨绔的二世祖呢,哪里有现在的这般风光?仔细一算,你们没有害我,反倒是帮了我。” These words, Qin Shi said right, the weal and woe relied on one another since old times, if not for he were abandoned by Qin Family in the past, feared that will be is taken possession by Evil Spirit , will not meet Shu Zhongyu, all, the path of life will not be entirely different from the present. 这些话,秦石说的没错,自古福祸相依,若不是当年他遭到秦家遗弃,怕是也不会被邪魔附身,不会遇到书中玉,一切的一切都不会,人生的轨迹将会和现在截然不同。 Therefore, he rejoiced very much that often thinks of these, even regarding the hatred of forest, will weaken several points continually gradually. 所以,他很庆幸,每每想到这些,甚至连对于林儿的恨意,都会渐渐的消弱几分。 Does not want to go into seriously in this topic, Qin Shi looks askance, happen to sees a black clothing female to come, opens the mouth to say hastily: Xiao Qing?” 不想在这个话题上深究,秦石侧目间,正好看见一席青衣女子迎面而来,连忙开口道:“小青?” Um, you did not say that can lead me to go to the mausoleum of head of the clan Yu Bing?” Xiao Qing says with a smile. “嗯,你不是说,要带我去郁冰族长的陵墓么?”小青笑着道。 Pats the forehead, Qin Shi then thinks, before just entered the mystical place time, he has complied with Xiao Qing, for this reason turns round to greet to several Qin Family juniors, leaves with Xiao Qing. 一拍脑门,秦石这才想起来,之前刚进入秘境的时候,他就答应过小青,为此回身冲几名秦家的小辈打了声招呼,和小青离开。 Yu Bing mausoleum, mire in mystical place most deep place. 郁冰的陵墓,在秘境最深处的泥潭。 They come here, three years ago , because the demolition in mystical place, below tomb pit is in an extremely difficult situation, was good because of leading to the central region channel can also vaguely find, but kept off by several huge spirit stones stone columns, before Qin Shi and Xiao Qing two people, existed in name only. 两人来到此处,三年前因为秘境中的爆破,下方的墓穴已是狼狈不堪,好在通往中央地带的通道还能够依稀找到,只是被几块巨大的灵石石柱挡上,在秦石小青两人身前,形同虚设。 About half double-hour, they arrive at Yu Bing the ice coffin, ices the coffin to be opened, making Yu Bing the corpse fester, cannot see clearly the appearance. 大约半个时辰,两人来到郁冰的冰棺,冰棺被打开过,令郁冰的尸体已经溃烂,看不清容貌。 Stands outside the ice coffin, the beautiful pupil of Xiao Qing under was red, puff kneels in the bright ground: Head of the clan Yu Bing 站在冰棺外,小青的美眸唰下就红了,噗一声跪在剔透的地面上:“郁冰族长” Feels at heart heavy, Qin Shi heavy has clapped on the fragrant shoulder of Xiao Qing: Before the strongly fragrant ice senior walked, was very serene, restrains grief.” 心里跟着感到沉重,秦石沉重的拍了拍小青的香肩:“之前郁冰前辈走的时候,很安详,节哀吧。” I think that I think the independent dull meeting.” “我想,我想单独的呆一会。” Wiped the corner of the eye, Xiao Qing has nipped shivering of silver tooth to say. 抹了抹眼角,小青咬着银牙的颤抖道。 Sighed to sigh one, Qin Shi knows, at this time, can only follow the Xiao Qing intent, making her live alone a meeting, for this reason has carried nearby falling back on hand. 喟叹一声,秦石知道,这种时候,只能顺着小青的意,让她自己独处一会,为此背过手的退到一旁。 In the one side comes the safe, Qin Shi to rap the walls of several tomb pits idly single-handed, actually does not want suddenly transmits thump the sound, making him stare: Here, hollow?” 在一旁闲来无事,秦石单手敲击几下墓穴的墙壁,却不想其中突然传来‘咚咚’的声响,令他不由一愣:“这里,是空心得?” Knit the brows, this is grave, for then does not disturb Xiao Qing, he offers a sacrifice to golden spiritual power single-handed, cautious and solemn cuts on the wall surface, as far as possible does not make the sound. 皱起眉,这才严正起来,接着为了不打扰小青,他单手祭出金色的灵力,小心翼翼的在墙面上划开,尽量的不发出声响。 But just cut, extremely powerful spiritual power heads on, even if present he, feels several points of heaviness: Good fearful spirit prestige.” 而刚划开,一股极为强悍的灵力扑面而来,就算是现在的他,都感觉到几分沉重:“好可怕的灵威。” Shi’tou, is the spirit ore!” 石头,是灵矿!” Suddenly, Shu Zhongyu flutters happy [say / way]. 突然,书中玉飘出喜道。 Gawked the god, Qin Shi raised eyes to enter, sees only in the wall, was a spacious cavern, in the cavern has covered entirely sparkling spirit stones, moreover these spirit stones qualities, all were Upper Tier: Really is the spirit ore?” 愣了愣神,秦石举目而入,只见在墙壁内,是一处空旷的洞穴,洞穴上布满了闪闪发光的灵石,而且这些灵石的品质,皆是上品:“真的是灵矿?” Nodded, Shu Zhongyu held his hand saying: Shi’tou, goes to take a look, I from this, feel one, very not simple strength.” 点了点头,书中玉拉了拉他的手道:“石头,进去瞧瞧,我从这里面,感觉到一股,很不简单的力量。” Um?” “嗯?” Surprise how many minutes, present Shu Zhongyu, endures compared with Third Rank Heaven Realm expert, can make her feel not the simple thing, how can there be every saying? 诧异几分,如今的书中玉,堪比三层天境高手,能让她感觉到不简单的东西,岂有凡品一说? Qin Shi is stepping the step, enters to the spirit ore center, but has not walked far, in the central section of spirit ore, he discovered that gigantic spirit stones, has three people high. 秦石迈着步伐,进入到灵矿中央,而没走多远,在灵矿的中央地段,他就发现一块硕大的灵石,足足有三个人高。 This spirit stones is at variance with commonly, it limpid, limpid foot makes person one eyes look to put on, the glory that reflects motley in the face of Qin Shi, making him suck the tongue: Rumble, is this Top Grade spirit stones? Is such big same place?” 这块灵石异于寻常,它非常的清澈,清澈的足矣让人一眼望穿,折射出的光辉斑驳在秦石的面庞,令他不禁咂了咂舌:“咕噜,这是极品灵石?还是这么大一块?” Top Grade spirit stones, Hua Ling has donated he in Mysterious Palace, and helps his breakthrough to Profound Spirit Realm peak, was only then Top Grade spirit stones, but there is a nail size, if this smashing, feared that must have several thousands. 极品灵石,花零玄殿赠予过他,并且助他突破玄灵境巅峰,只是当时的极品灵石,不过有指甲大小,若是将这块粉碎,怕是要有数万之多。 Shi’tou, you look among this spirit stones, has probably any thing.” Shu Zhongyu said. 石头,你看这灵石中间,好像有什么东西。”书中玉道。 Goes along the power and reputation, sees only in the Top Grade spirit stones center, enchanting flower buds, this flower bud as if in attracting is permitting spiritual power in spirit stones, slow growth. 顺势望去,只见在极品灵石的中央,有一株妖娆的花骨朵,这花骨朵仿佛在吸允着灵石中的灵力,缓慢的生长。 Is seven Pin Lingcao, students five lines of flowers?” Shu Zhongyu screamed one suddenly. “是七品灵草,生源五行花?”书中玉突然尖叫一声。 Seven Pin Lingcao?” “七品灵草?” Sucked the tongue, students five lines of flower Qin Shi had not listened, but seven Pin Lingcao means anything, he was actually deep awareness, took a broad view at Scarlet Flame Empire, feared that was difficult to seek second. 咂了咂舌,生源五行花秦石没听过,可七品灵草意味着什么,他却是深深的知道,放眼赤炎帝国,怕是都难寻第二株。 Um, this students five lines of flowers, in seven Pin Lingcao, are superior, has the strength of very boundless attribute.” Here, Shu Zhongyu stopped, in the flower bud of beautiful pupil stopped over several points on Top Grade spirit stones, said: Is only, looks at this appearance, this students five lines of flowers should also not mature, first receives it, after being mature, at that time you should also breakthrough arrive at Heaven Realm, happen to can help you to do to strive.” “嗯,这生源五行花,就算在七品灵草中,都算是上等,其中拥有很磅礴的属性之力。”说到这,书中玉停顿一下,美眸在极品灵石中的花骨朵上逗留几分,道:“只是,看这模样,这株生源五行花应该还没有成熟,先将其收起来吧,等到成熟以后,那时候你应该也突破天境,正好可以助你在做精进。” Um, this anxious time, can obtain this most precious object, poured is also gives opportune help.” Nodded, Qin Shi will wave, in the central Top Grade spirit stones income ring, sets out to leave the spirit ore at once. “嗯,这种紧张的时候,能得到这种至宝,倒也算是雪中送炭了。”点了点头,秦石将挥手一番,将中央的极品灵石收入戒指中,旋即起身离开灵矿。 Leaves the spirit ore, Qin Shi discovered that Xiao Qing alone left, thinks that is because sad excessively, therefore has not waited for him, he has not blamed, deeply inspired, prepares to go back the matter of spirit ore to pass on to Qin Yongfeng. 离开灵矿,秦石发现小青已经独自离开,想必是因为伤心过度,所以才没有等他,他也没有责怪,深吸了口气,准备回去将灵矿的事转告给秦永峰 He believes that had this spirit ore, decided however becomes Qin sect in the future in holding a memorial service that Scarlet Flame Empire based, with huge boost of development. 他相信,有了这处灵矿,定然会成为秦宗将来在赤炎帝国立足的祭奠,和发展的巨大助力。 Puff! 噗! Just left the tomb pit, Qin Shi treads on the viscous swampy ground, present field of vision suddenly one black, the huge shadow fell from the day together, maliciously him according to the ground. 刚出墓穴,秦石踏在粘稠的沼泽地上,眼前的视野突然一黑,一道庞大的黑影从天而落,狠狠的将他按在地上。 At heart one tight, just wanted revolution spiritual power, Qin Shi actually suddenly felt that transmits the billowing steam, one like is the brush thing, has licked from his body, leaves behind viscous liquids. 心里一紧,刚欲运转灵力,秦石却突然感觉到身上传来滚滚的热气,一个像是刷子一样的东西,从他的身上舔过,留下一片一片粘稠的液体。 Roar “吼” By the ear reverberated the fierce calling out sound, Qin Shi has gawked the god, after seeing clearly carefully, pupil heart one happy: Greatly stupid bear? Is you?” 耳旁回荡起剧烈的嚎叫声,秦石愣了愣神,仔细看清楚后,眸心一喜:“大笨熊?是你?” This giant shadow, was not just Qin Shi initially the little brother who gave shelter to the mystical place, greatly stupid bear? 这巨大的黑影,不正是秦石当初在秘境里收留的小弟,大笨熊吗? Now, the greatly stupid bear has reached the Heaven Realm ten levels, immediately wants breakthrough to arrive at Profound Spirit Realm, the build can also contract freely, one changes into the Pekinese dog size, falls on the Qin Shi bosom, was excited. 如今,大笨熊已经达到天境十级,马上就要突破玄灵境,体型也能够自由收缩,咻一下化为哈巴狗大小,落在秦石的怀里,兴奋极了。 Is hugging the greatly stupid bear, Qin Shi is also happy, in the past the greatly stupid bear several violated the danger for him, until now also leaves leeway at heart attentive. 抱着大笨熊,秦石也非常开心,当年大笨熊几番为他犯险,至今为止心里还留有温存。 Whoops feeds!” “哎呦喂!” But the greatly stupid bear just reduced, the frail form falls from the space together suddenly, throws down in the mire all of a sudden, cursed angrily: Smelly black bear, you change small do not know that told the father one? Plunged to death me!” 而大笨熊刚缩小,一道单薄的身影突然从天上掉下来,一下子摔倒泥潭里,怒骂道:“臭狗熊,你变小不知道告诉老子一声?摔死我了!” Blinked, how many minute of hollow laughs Qin Shi stares at the start to talk form to reveal, this form is a youth, looks like, only then 13 or 14-year-old appearance, says the father unexpectedly? 眨了眨眼,秦石盯着开口的身影露出几分干笑,这身影是个少年,看起来只有十三四岁的模样,竟然自称老子? The 13 or 14-year-old youth crawled to set out, has patted dirt, saw the Qin Shi eye one brightly, suddenly went forward to pat the shoulder of Qin Shi: Kid, good, in more than one year does not see, did you achieve Profound Spirit Realm?” 十三四岁的少年爬起身,拍了拍身上的污渍,看见秦石眼睛一亮,突然上前拍了拍秦石的肩膀:“小家伙,不错啊,这一年多不见,你都达到玄灵境了?” Um?” “嗯?” The sudden picture, making Qin Shi stare the god, he shouted a moment ago one what? Have the kids, Nyima, made a mistake? 突然出现的画面,令秦石愣了愣神,他刚才喊自己什么?小家伙,尼玛,搞没搞错? „Has little brother, we seen?” Is suppressing the happy expression, Qin Shi question. “小弟弟,我们见过吗?”强忍着笑意,秦石问句 Little brother? Did you shout my little brother?” Young hear that, the violent walks suddenly: Drinks, really does not understand the respect for elders care for the young, I am Du Ziteng!” “小弟弟?你喊我小弟弟?”少年闻言,突然暴走:“喝,真是不懂尊老爱幼,我是杜紫藤!” Ka the eye, Qin Shi is surprised the different way: „Does belly hurt? My belly is not sore.” 咔吧咔吧眼睛,秦石诧异道:“肚子疼?我肚子不疼。” „It is not the belly hurts, is Du Ziteng!” “不是肚子疼,是杜紫藤!” My belly is not really sore Qin Shi unable to find out the brains more and more. “我肚子真不疼”秦石越来越摸不清头脑。 „It is not, I meant that my name was Du Ziteng!” “不是,我是说,我叫杜紫藤!” Your belly hurts, you called me to be also useless.” “你肚子疼,你叫我也没用啊。” I irritated the father! Ok, you have a look at this.” The youth had nothing to say in reply, the body sent out the light aquamarine ray suddenly, at once the fair skin, turned into the withered branches and leaves unexpectedly, rose suddenly all of a sudden dozens meters high, changed into a rough camphor tree. “我气死老子了!算了,你看看这个。”少年无言以对,突然间身上散发起淡淡的碧绿色光芒,旋即本来白皙的皮肤,竟然变成干枯的枝叶,一下子暴涨数十米高,化为一颗粗犷的樟树。 The youth change suddenly, making Qin Shi at heart one tight, hastily after leaps several steps, at once the look changes: Yes, is you?” 少年突然的变化,令秦石心里一紧,连忙朝后跃开几步,旋即神色一变:“是,是你?” Was this camphor tree, not just Qin Shi initially in the idiot camphor tree essence that outside the Rainbow Cloud City city met? Qin Shi still remembers now that initially this goods asked under the clothing that did not ask person pill, changed the appearance of baby all of a sudden. 这樟树,不正是秦石当初在虹云城城外遇见的白痴樟树精吗?秦石现在还记得,当初这货问都不问的服下化人丹,一下子变化婴儿的模样。 This time knew me?” “这次认识我了吧?” , The camphor tree essence changes into the appearance of youth once again, the dirty small hands pats on the Qin Shi shoulder: How is it? Now also dares to call my little brother?” 咻一下,樟树精再度化为少年的模样,脏兮兮的小手拍在秦石肩膀上:“怎么样?现在还敢叫我小弟弟么?” Putting out a hand measures Du Ziteng height, the [say / way] that Qin Shi ridicules: Hey, is the little brother.” 伸手量了量杜紫藤的身高,秦石讪笑的道:“嘿嘿,还是小弟弟啊。” Brat!” “臭小子!” !! !!
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