PDL :: Volume #5

#487: Ocean Group

What is?” Shu Zhongyu said. “是什么?”书中玉道。 Sigh exhales foul air, Qin Shi said sternly: Elder Sister Yu, you may know, one year ago my Spirit King Realm, how is escapes from Burning Sky Sect?” “呼”呼出一口浊气,秦石正色道:“玉姐,你可知道,一年前我不过王灵境,是怎么从焚天宗逃脱的吗?” Shu Zhongyu refuses to compromise, when they just had a reunion, she has inquired Qin Shi to this issue, is only latter's reply ambiguous two may, always covers up, in addition sees Qin Shi to be safe and sound, she has not cared, but now Qin Shi proposed that makes her realize several points of difference, pursues asks: Actually what's the matter?” 书中玉僵持一下,两人刚重逢时,她对这个问题就询问过秦石,只是后者的回答摸棱两可,总是遮遮掩掩,加上见到秦石安然无恙,她也就没有放在心上,而如今秦石主动提出,才让她察觉到几分异样,追问道:“究竟是怎么回事?” Hesitant, Qin Shi the start to talk, the black pupil unknowingly has not been pulling up one toward Qin Xuexin anxiously, because he knows, matter that he must say in the future, decides however will make this vulnerable female fall into the pain. 犹豫一下,秦石并没有急着开口,黑眸不经意间朝着沁雪心撩了一眼,因为他知道,他往后要说的事,定然会令这个脆弱的女子陷入痛苦。 Is Ocean Group, the blood robe person?” “是溟组,血袍人吧?” But does not think that they just looked at each other, Qin Xuexin said the sentence unexpectedly on own initiative. 而不想,两人刚刚对视,沁雪心竟主动的说句。 Qin Shi tiger body stiff startled [say / way]: „Do you know?” 秦石虎躯僵硬的惊道:“你知道?” Um.” “嗯。” Not under concealment point, one year ago the Burning Sky Sect matter, Qin Xuexin is leaving blue snow sect Qian, listened to his Li saying that 1510 passing on Qin Shi. 并无隐瞒的点下头,一年前焚天宗的事,沁雪心在离开青雪宗前,就听其黎老说过,1510的转告秦石 Knows these, Qin Shi just now suddenly becomes aware, originally in the past year, Qin Xuexin had never forgotten him, even arranged expert to protect itself in secret, at heart feeling one point of warm feeling. 得知这些,秦石方才恍悟,原来在过去的一年里,沁雪心从未忘记过他,甚至安排了高手暗中保护自己,心里不由的感觉到一分暖意。 Right, lets is the blood robe person who truly I dread: Zhen Yuan, his strength above Luan Muhua, if he still in Burning Sky Sect, this time Qin sect had troublesome.” The Qin Shi helpless nod said. “没错,真正让我忌惮的就是血袍人:甄渊,他的实力远在栾慕华之上,如果他还在焚天宗的话,这一次秦宗就有麻烦了。”秦石无奈的点头道。 Considers, Qin Xuexin said: He gives me, the I and Ocean Groups long-standing enemy, happen to must criticize.” 斟酌一下,沁雪心道:“他交给我吧,我和溟组之间的宿仇,正好也要清算一下。” Only can trouble you.” “只能麻烦你了。” Under point that deep inspiration, Qin Shi has not shown off power, if only then he, he decides however will not make Qin Xuexin take risk, the person but who this time involves is really too many, if he defeated, Qin sect and Qin Family, as well as believe that he followed his these people, feared that will be hit by the total destruction, he could not bet, could not lose. 深深的吸了口气,秦石没有逞强的点下头,若是只有他自己的话,他定然不会让沁雪心冒险,只是此次涉及到的人实在是太多,若是他败了的话,秦宗和秦家,以及相信他跟随他的这些人,怕是都会遭到灭顶之灾,他赌不起,也输不起。 Final heart knot said that Qin Shi was steadfaster, then he stops, said: Snow heart, is this Ocean Group, actually what organization?” 最后的心结说出来,秦石踏实很多,接着他停顿一下,道:“雪心,这溟组,究竟是个什么组织?” Can look, Qin Xuexin to Ocean Group these two characters very sensitive, just heard, made her tender body tremble fiercely, Bei Chiyao the cherry lips for a long time, embarrassedly was saying: About Ocean Group, if, I am hope that you never know, but they looked for you now, if you must know, I can tell you.” 能看出来,沁雪心对溟组这两个字十分的敏感,刚刚听闻,就令她的娇躯剧烈一颤,贝齿咬着樱唇许久,才难堪道:“关于溟组,如果可以,我本是希望你永远都不要知道,只是如今他们已经找上你,如果你真的要知道的话,我可以告诉你。” Here, the sound was getting more and more weak, stops good long while, once again said: Is only, if you want to be clear, Ocean Group huge of influence, far from any Burning Sky Sect, Scarlet Flame Empire these may compare, even if my blue snow sect faces with it, feels thornily, once steps this turbid water, was very difficult to be separated again, I do not hope that you were implicated.” 说到这,声音越来越微弱,停顿了好半天,才再度道:“只是,你要想清楚,溟组的势力之庞大,远非什么焚天宗,赤炎帝国这些可比,就算是我青雪宗与其面对,都感觉到棘手,一旦踏上这蹚浑水,就很难再脱离了,我不希望你受到牵连。” Hears these, Qin Shi knit the brows, the veins and blood in within the body cannot help but is anxious, he knows, following matter, likely thorough breaks the life of his common person, making it be involved to an exceptionally huge vortex. 听闻这些,秦石皱了皱眉,体内的筋脉和血液不由自主的紧张起来,他知道,接下来的事,很可能彻底的打破他寻常人的生活,令其卷入到一场异常庞大的漩涡之中。 But for all this, he is biting lip, does not have flinching of slightest, instead one step goes forward, hugs Qin Xuexin in the bosom: I do not know that this Ocean Group is actually fearful, but, I only want to say with you that your Qin Xuexin is my woman, I have said that some day, I can on the anti- under your shoulder all responsibility, stand in your front cover the wind and rain for you, all these all are far from jokes.” 而尽管如此,他咬着嘴唇,没有分毫的退缩,反而一步上前,一把将沁雪心搂在怀里:“我不知道这溟组究竟有多么可怕,不过,我只想和你说,你沁雪心是我的女人,我说过,有朝一日,我会抗下你肩上所有的责任,站在你的面前替你遮挡风雨,这一切的一切绝非玩笑。” Tender body fierce trembles, this is the Qin Shi first time, such initiative and Qin Xuexin said that she is her woman, the beautiful pupil is moist, under point that for a long time makes an effort broad and handsome forehead: Um, I know.” 娇躯剧烈的哆嗦一下,这是秦石第一次,这么主动的和沁雪心说,她是自己的女人,美眸不由湿润,许久才使劲的点下螓首:“嗯,我知道。” Told me.” Qin Shi said. “告诉我吧。”秦石道。 The silver tooth shivers, Qin Xuexin heavy [say / way]: Regarding the Ocean Group, I is also knows really few, only knows is, Desolate Spirit Continent, since ancient times war, for 30,000 years blustery, has the influence to rise unceasingly, has the strength to fall from the sky, which side influence does not have, can eternal existence in this dispute unceasing region, but only this Ocean Group, is actually the exception.” 银牙颤抖,沁雪心沉重道:“对于溟组,我也是知道甚少,唯一知道的就是,荒灵大陆,自从远古大战后,30000年来风起云涌,不断有势力崛起,亦有实力陨落,从没有哪方势力,能够在这纷争不断的地域中永恒的存在,而唯独这溟组,却是例外。” Exception?” “例外?” Um, the Ocean Group, in this mainland, survived for 30,000 years, since war of all influence withering away ancient times started, he existed, disaster the war, can never make them vanish.” The broad and handsome forehead, Qin Xuexin said lightly. “嗯,溟组,在这片大陆上,足足存活了30000年,自从远古之战所有势力消亡开始,他就存在,无论是天灾或是战争,从未能让他们绝迹过。”螓首轻点,沁雪心道。 Heard this huge digit, Qin Shi trembled fiercely trembling: 30,000 years? That is, has Ocean Group from the war of ancient times, existed now?” 听闻这庞大的数字,秦石剧烈的颤了颤:“30000年?就是说,溟组从远古之战,就一直存在到现在?” Um, but what is more surprised, anybody has not seen the leader of Ocean Group, but knows that in 30,000 years of long years, the leaders of Ocean Group have never traded.” “嗯,而更惊讶的是,没有任何人见过溟组的领袖,只是知道在30000年的漫长岁月里,溟组的领袖从未换过。” What?” This, Qin Shi cannot repress again, startled [say / way]: Hasn't changed the leader? That is did the Boss of Ocean Group, live for enough 30,000 years?” “什么?”这一下,秦石再也按耐不住,惊道:“没换过领袖?就是说溟组的老大,活了足足30000年?” Although wants to deny that Qin Xuexin actually can only nod saying: Um, nobody knows that actually they want to make anything, they do not attend the Sect dispute, does not attend the empire chaos caused by war, they probably are the taboo of this mainland, some people are never willing to offend them, but occasional will appear in Desolate Spirit Continent some corner, then crosses one, bewildered disappearance, copes with me like them, I do not know that the reason is anything, but knows that my intimate person, will encounter their retaliations.” 尽管想要否认,沁雪心却只能点头道:“嗯,没有人知道,他们究竟想要做什么,他们不参加宗门纷争,不参加帝国战乱,他们就好像是这片大陆的禁忌,从未有人愿意得罪过他们,只是偶尔的会出现在荒灵大陆的某个角落,然后再过一阵,又莫名其妙的消失,就像他们对付我一样,我不知道理由是什么,只是知道我亲近的人,都会遭到他们的报复。” Deep inspiration, Qin Shi felt that several points of heaviness, the news of this Ocean Group, imagines him is more fearful. 深深的吸了口气,秦石不免感觉到几分沉重,这个溟组的消息,远比他想象中的还要可怕。 Moreover, during facing this Ocean Group, he bewildered feelings, seems always dark is doomed, the shortly after future, he will decide however can with this mysterious organization, will have the complicated relations, but this relations, is far from friendly. 而且,面对这溟组,他总有一种莫名其妙的感觉,仿佛冥冥之中注定,在不久后的将来,他定然会和这个神秘的组织,扯上千丝万缕的关系,而这种关系,绝非友善。 At that time, is the war of true destiny. 在那个时候,才是真正的命运之战。 Oh, was tired, heavy must die, wasn't one lived 30,000 years of old monster? Has fearfully any, do not forget, the elder sister I also lived for ten thousand years.” But under their facial expression constrains, Shu Zhongyu cannot endure white. “哎呀呀,烦死了,一个一个沉重的要死,不就是一个活了30000年的老妖怪吗?有什么可怕的啊,你们可别忘记了,姐姐我也是活了万年的哦。”而就在两人神情压抑下,书中玉忍受不住的白了一眼。 Falls in the clear sound, the tight string loosens suddenly, Qin Shi turns round to smile bitterly is looking at Shu Zhongyu, but said: Yes, you lived for ten thousand years, finally has also rested for ten thousand years I sometimes curiously, others lived ten thousand years of old monster, did not say omnipotently, at least the exceedingly high penetrating place, you may be booing, asked that three do not know, anything does not know.” 在清脆的声音落下,紧绷的弦突然松开,秦石回身苦笑的望着书中玉,无奈道:“是,你是活了万年,结果也睡了万年我有时候就好奇啊,人家活了万年的老妖怪,不说无所不能,至少通天彻地吧,你可倒好,一问三不知,什么也不知道。” About Shu Zhongyu, Qin Shi also indicated to be drunk, the side had to witness the funny guy of ten thousand years of history obviously, actually anything busy could not add on. 关于书中玉,秦石也表示醉了,身边明明有个见证了万年历史的活宝,却什么忙也帮不上。 Who said that I do not know.” “谁说我不知道。” That was says that what you did know?” “那是说说,你知道什么?” I just wanted to refute, the words to the mouth, Shu Zhongyu withered staring, Qin Shi said right, although she survives for ten thousand years, but most time passed in the deep sleep, matter about this Desolate Spirit Continent, what know are very few, curling the lip of finally are unbearably angry: Snort, you manage me to know anything, I know that you is a fool!” “我”刚欲反驳,话到了嘴边,书中玉却干瘪的瞪了瞪眼睛,秦石所言没错,虽说她存活万年,可大多数时间都是在沉睡中度过,关于这荒灵大陆的事,知道的是少之又少,最后气不过的撇了撇嘴:“哼,你管我知道什么,我知道你是个傻子!” Full is the reply of not making sense, the full heavy line of Qin Shi air/Qi. 满是无厘头的回复,秦石气的满头黑线。 Stares appearance that they were teasing, Qin Xuexin in one side, throws the obstructing mouth that could not bear to smile, two who this ordered to quarrel, suddenly coagulation. 盯着两人调侃的模样,沁雪心在一旁,扑哧忍不住的遮嘴一笑,这一下令争吵的两人,戛然凝固。 Two pairs of burning vision look to approach itself, Qin Xuexin afraid [say / way]: What do you visit me to make?” 两双火辣辣的目光望向自己,沁雪心心虚的道:“你们都看着我做什么?” Snow is big, you should smile , was too simply attractive, the beautiful woman shames the moon and flowers clip clop, no wonder Shi’tou is willing to give up 3000 harems for you.” “雪大啊,你真应该多笑笑,简直太漂亮了,沉鱼落雁闭月羞花哒,难怪石头肯为你放弃3000后宫。” I!” “我呸!” Shu Zhongyu does not open the mouth fortunately, to open the mouth definitely to make Qin Shi spit blood, ill-humored scolded: I calculate that understands what you knew, you know that sowed dissension is?” 书中玉不开口还好,一开口必然要让秦石吐血,没好气的骂道:“我算明白你知道什么了,你就知道挑拨离间是不是?” I said isn't truth?” “我说的不是实话啊?” Yes, yes, yes, hurries in Blazing Book.” “是,是,是,赶紧回焚书里去吧。” Holds Shu Zhongyu, forcefully forces in it Blazing Book, in the boudoir only remaining Qin Shi and Qin Xuexin they, gradually become peaceful. 一把抓住书中玉,强行的将其塞进焚书里,闺房中只剩下秦石沁雪心两人,渐渐变得安静。 Peaceful, Qin Shi holds in the arms the willow waist of Qin Xuexin, making her rest the head on own chest, has stroked following 3000 mild-mannered black hair, said with a smile: Snow heart, no matter Burning Sky Sect, no matter Ocean Group, no matter how, we will want the common onset and retreat in the future.” 安静中,秦石搂住沁雪心的柳腰,让她枕在自己的胸膛,顺着3000柔顺的青丝拂过,笑道:“雪心,不管焚天宗,不管是溟组,不管未来如何,我们都要共同进退。” Um.” “嗯。” In the gentle sound full Han the love, making Qin Xuexin all defense lines not attack bursts, she complied with one earnestly. 温柔的声音中满含的爱意,令沁雪心所有的防线不攻自溃,她认真的答应一声。 , She also believes gradually, the man who she walks arm in arm, in the future will haunch one piece for her, is only her blue sky, in blue sky of that day, the hatred, has not slaughtered, only then love, love. 渐渐得,她也相信,她依偎的这个男人,将来将会为她撑起一片,只属于她的蓝天,在那天蓝天中,没有仇恨,没有杀戮,只有爱,浓浓的爱。 A night passed in deep attachment quan, next day. 一夜在缱绻中度过,翌日。 Had and plan of Qin Xuexin, Zhen Yuan that puts down for the time being, Qin Shi Cen Chi, Qiu Diao, Leader Yun, Qin Yongfeng, draws on with Piao Quan five people in the morning. 有了和沁雪心的计划,甄渊那面暂且放下,秦石清晨将岑驰,邱雕,凌霄,秦永峰,和朴泉五人招来。 These five people, are on present Qin Shi, all clever of influence, Cen Chi symbolized East District Qin sect, Leader Yun Representative North District Qin sect, Qiu Diao is being the quiet clan, Qin Yongfeng Qin Family, Piao Quan is North District, headed by what Yan, dry lamp these scattered crowds. 这五个人,是如今秦石手上,所有势力的通灵者,岑驰象征着东方区域的秦宗,凌霄代表北方区域的秦宗,邱雕是幽族,秦永峰秦家,朴泉则是北方区域,以何岩、枯灯为首的这些零散人群。 What's wrong? Shouted us to come, had plan?” “怎么?喊我们来,是有计划了?” Hears all people the inquiry, Qin Shi said: Um, these time shouted comes, wants with say that in the following half a month, reorganized the respective deployment, half a month later, attacked Burning Sky Sect.” 听闻诸人的询问,秦石道:“嗯,这一次喊诸位来,就是想和诸位说,接下来的半月里,诸位将各自的部署整理好,于半个月后,攻打焚天宗。” For half a month?” Qin Yongfeng has gawked staring, stares saying: „Is Shi’er, some is extremely this time offensive?” “半个月?”秦永峰愣了愣,瞪眼道:“石儿,这个时间,是不是有些太过唐突?” Considers, Qin Shi shakes the head saying: No, Burning Sky Sect just caused heavy losses, good opportunity that we attack, if misses this time, next time will be more difficult.” 斟酌一番,秦石摇头道:“不,焚天宗刚受到重创,正是我们进攻的好机会,若是错过这一次,下一次会更难。” After the analysis of Qin Shi, five people lowered the head approval in abundance, but at this time Piao Quan actually supinely began: But, Luan Muhua? Even if Burning Sky Sect heavy losses, so long as she is also in good health, is different?” 经过秦石的分析,五个人低下头纷纷的认可,而这时朴泉却仰起头:“可是,栾慕华呢?就算焚天宗重创,只要她还健在,不还是一样?” Luan Muhua, I have means.” “栾慕华,我自有办法。” Smiles one to several people craftily, the black pupil of Qin Shi dodges the corridor ruthless offense. 冲着几人诡笑一声,秦石的黑眸闪过道狠戾。 Sees Qin Shi so to act, all Rendao have nothing to say, has also held holding the fist in the other hand to Qin Shi, leaves the meeting hall, gathers below deployment. 看见秦石这般动作,诸人倒也无话可说,冲着秦石抱了抱拳,离开议事厅,聚集起下方的部署。 When all people leaves, Qin Shi deep inspiration, alone sits on the chair of sandal wood, has knocked Blazing Book, said: Elder Sister Yu, half a month later, could trouble you, the snow heart deals with Zhen Yuan, could not take care of oneself, depending on my present strength, fights with three days of boundaries, feared that has not grasped.” 待诸人离开,秦石深深的吸了口气,独自坐在檀木的椅子上,敲了敲焚书,道:“玉姐,半个月后,可能要麻烦你了,雪心对付甄渊一人,已经是自顾不暇,凭我现在的实力,和三天之境交手,怕是没有把握。” Flutters along Blazing Book, Shu Zhongyu said decidedly: This is not the idle talk, moreover do not forget, may not only be you and Burning Sky Sect has a grudge.” 沿着焚书中飘出,书中玉决然道:“这不是废话,况且你别忘了,可不光是你和焚天宗有仇。” hears that sound, Qin Shi just now remembers, one year ago he and Shu Zhongyu, they places oneself the Burning Sky Sect appearance, among the facial expressions strengthens several points, the woods cold [say / way]: Good, the previous time, Burning Sky Sect harms us to distinguish for a half year, these time makes us rush to rush again, does accounts with him well.” 闻声,秦石方才想起,一年前他和书中玉,两人置身焚天宗的模样,神情间不由坚定几分,森寒道:“好,上一次,焚天宗害我们分别半年,这一次就让我们再去闯上一闯,和他好好算账。” !! !!
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