PDL :: Volume #5

#486: Luan Muhua present strength

Two Lei Jie?” “两道雷劫么?” Qin Shi places the sandal wood on single-handed four jiao table, index finger rap gently the orderly rhythm, stops suddenly, said: That i.e., present Luan did Muhua, have three days of boundaries?” 秦石单手放在檀木的四角桌上,食指轻轻的敲击出有规律的节奏,突然停下,道:“那就是说,如今的栾慕华,拥有三天之境了?” Um, why does not know, in this year, Burning Sky Sect as if received the help of any external force, but this help made his internal strength suddenly to increase.” Piao Quan stern adding: Therefore, wants to capture Burning Sky Sect, I thought that also needs to need further consideration is good.” “嗯,不知为何,这一年来,焚天宗仿佛受到了什么外力的帮助,而这种帮助令其内部的实力暴增。”朴泉正色的补充道:“所以,想要攻下焚天宗,我觉得还需要从长计议才行。” Earnest nod, Qin Shi has not revealed too many accidents, before North District, he knew from the Hua Ling mouth that Luan Muhua strength suddenly to increase, as for reason, he also probably began to materialize, definitely cannot be inseparable from Zhen Yuan. 认真的点了点头,秦石并没有露出太多的意外,在回来北方区域之前,他就从花零口中得知,栾慕华的实力暴增,至于这其中的原因,他心里也大概有了眉目,和甄渊肯定脱不了干系。 Many thanks Piao Quan the senior reminded, I have known in heart, I will plan precisely, was making the plan.” The pursing the lips angle, Qin Shi said. “多谢朴泉前辈提醒,我心里有数了,我会精密的计划一下,然后在做打算。”抿了抿嘴角,秦石道。 You understand on the line.” “你明白就行。” Has been responded, Piao Quan relaxed, he knows depending on the present Qin Shi brains, so long as he should say that the point arrives, remaining latter can process. 得到回应,朴泉松了口气,他知道凭现在秦石的头脑,他只要把该说的话点到位,剩下的后者自己就能够处理。 The hesitant meeting, Qin Shi turns round to Leader Yun and Cen spreads two humanity: Two elders, although through this time matter, Burning Sky Sect should not get rid to Qin sect rashly, but Luan Muhua will act out of desperation unavoidably, therefore troubles two to arrange the following disciple, momentarily under inquired the Burning Sky Sect sound.” 犹豫一会,秦石回身冲凌霄和岑驰两人道:“两位长老,虽说通过这次的事,焚天宗应该不会对秦宗贸然出手,但难免栾慕华会狗急跳墙,所以麻烦两位还是将下面的弟子安排出去,随时打听下焚天宗的动静。” Sect Master felt relieved that gives us is.” 宗主放心,交给我们就是。” They comply with one, later has not been making the stay, the departure main hall, is quick the following speed, the deployment that is good at investigating gathers, is sent to frontier service North District each corner, carries on to the survey of Burning Sky Sect. 两人答应一声,之后没有在多做逗留,率先的离开大殿,将下面速度较快,善于侦查的部署聚集起来,发配到北方区域的各个角落,进行对焚天宗的探测。 Later in the main hall, Qin Shi and all people also chatted, just now stood up, the preparation must leave the main hall, first a day went home, he also wants to let tie tight one month of nerve to relax, for this reason has not continued in the Burning Sky Sect topic. 之后在大殿中,秦石和诸人又闲聊一阵,方才站起身,准备要离开大殿,头一天回到家,他也想让紧绷了一个月的神经放松一下,为此并没有在焚天宗的话题上继续。 Steps to the Qin Xuexin side, now, making him feel that also wants the thorny matter compared with Burning Sky Sect, brings Qin Xuexin to see the guardian. 迈到沁雪心的身旁,现在有一件,让他觉得比焚天宗还要棘手的事,就是带着沁雪心见家长。 Leaves the main hall, the East flood the bright, they have arrived at behind in the dwelling pavilion, stands in the entrance of pavilion, the Qin Shi stop lower part of the body, for a very long time has not entered into. 离开大殿,东方已经泛起亮光,两人走到宅院后方的楼阁里,站在楼阁的门口,秦石停顿下身,久久的没有迈入。 Because he knows, his mother in inside. 因为他知道,他的母亲就在里面。 Calculates that he had quick two years not to see his mother, before rushed to Burning Sky Sect, he does not want to make Qiong Shuyao be worried, therefore the previous time, saw Qiong Shuyao, was when the Chi Huo School Mid-Autumn Festival. 算一算,他有快两年没有见过他的母亲了,之前赶赴焚天宗时,他不想让琼淑瑶跟着担心,所以上一次,见到琼淑瑶,还是在离火宗中秋之时。 Squeek ~! 吱~! The gate was shoved open, Liu Yan Bing allows to reveal tenderly, two years let this girl, thorough blooming, the physique of beautiful fascinating'winsome like fresh and beautiful is pretty. 门被推开,柳颜冰的娇容露出,两年时间让这个小妮子,彻底的绽放,婀娜的身姿如出水芙蓉般靓丽。 Elder brother?” Trembled trembling, in the Liu Yan Bing hand is holding the washbasin, Bang one falls turns in the place, the phoenix eye was red, one line of silver tears fall: „Did you come back?” “哥?”颤了颤,柳颜冰手中捧着的水盆,砰一下摔翻在地,凤眼唰的就红了,一行银泪滑落:“你回来了?” Similarly excited Qin Shi, is controlling own mood diligently, was not cried by oneself, has rubbed Liu Yan Bing luxuriant with a smile: Um, the small girl, two years does not see, changed attractive, mother?” 同样激动的秦石,努力控制着自己的情绪,不让自己哭出来,笑着揉了揉柳颜冰的秀发:“嗯,小丫头,两年不见,变漂亮了,娘呢?” Godmother is in the room, comes in quickly.” Erases the tear stains, Liu Yan Bing puts out a hand to draw Qin Shi, but at this time in the vision dodged deep blue, stays on Qin Xuexin the moment, trembles: Elder brother, this is “干娘在屋里,快进来。”抹掉泪痕,柳颜冰伸手去拉秦石,而这时目光中一闪碧蓝,停留在沁雪心身上片刻,不禁一颤:“哥,这位是” He he, called the sister-in-law.” Qin Shi said with a smile. “呵呵,叫嫂子。”秦石笑道。 Sister-in-law? Sister-in-law?” Redundant light nan, Liu Yan Bing allows to change tenderly, Bei Chi the closing tightly lower lip, cannot say the mood of well ups. “嫂?嫂子?”重复的轻喃一声,柳颜冰的娇容一变,贝齿不由的咬紧下唇,一股说不上的情绪涌上心头。 Under one struggles, she has not made the performance, the politeness nodded to Qin Xuexin, says with a smile: Sister-in-law, enters the room quickly.” Then leads into the pavilion them. 一番挣扎下,她并没有多做表现,礼貌的冲着沁雪心点了点头,笑道:“嫂子,快进屋吧。”然后将两人带入楼阁。 Just entered the pavilion, a woman of middle age, reappeared in the Qin Shi field of vision, this woman was not just his mother: Qiong Shuyao? In child's eyes, father with mother often is two different feelings, the father likes such as the heavy mountain being perhaps same, always such dignity, but maternal love, actually by chance opposite, like sea gentle and spoils. 刚入楼阁,一名中年的妇女,浮现在秦石的视野中,这妇女不正是他的母亲:琼淑瑶吗?在孩子的眼睛里,爹和娘往往是两种不同的感觉,父爱或许如重山一样,总是那样威严,而母爱,却恰巧相反,是如海洋般的温柔和溺爱。 Therefore when sees Qin Tianqing, Qin Shi is tall and straight throughout the chest, wants to make Qin Tianqing see his present growth, making Qin Tianqing proud, but in front of Qiong Shuyao, how he actually unable to endure patiently, black pupil moist outflow tears. 所以看见秦天擎时,秦石始终挺拔着胸膛,想让秦天擎看见他如今的成长,让秦天擎骄傲,而在琼淑瑶面前,他却怎样也忍耐不住,黑眸湿润的流出热泪。 Mother!” “娘!” A character, has filled guilty. 一个字,充满了愧疚。 Two years do not see, Qiong Shuyao was still the beautiful appearance such as beginning, but in the black hair mixes with the white snow, sat cross-legged on the bed, with Qin Shi looking at each other , the tender body trembled fiercely trembling: Shi’er?” 两年不见,琼淑瑶仍是美貌如初,只是青丝中已是夹杂白雪,盘坐在床榻上,和秦石对视中,娇躯剧烈的颤了颤:“石儿?” Shi’er?” 石儿?” Excited grasps Qin Shi, the son good thousand li(500 km) mother worried, in the two years Qiong Shuyao, did not have on the 1st, has not missed Qin Shi, mother and child the reunion of once again, making him be with flowing tears. 激动的抱住秦石,儿行千里母担忧,这两年来的琼淑瑶,没有一日,不曾思念秦石,母子的再度重逢,令其潸然泪下。 Partly squats by the bed, the Qin Shi pillow on the knee of Qiong Shuyao, past was respected by ten thousand people that who can imagine, murders resolute Qin sect Sect Master, the child who such as has not grown up at this moment unexpectedly, walks arm in arm, in mother cherishes. 半蹲在床榻旁,秦石枕在琼淑瑶的膝盖上,有谁能够想象的到,昔日受万人敬仰,杀伐果决的秦宗宗主,此时此刻竟如一个没有长大的孩子,依偎在母亲怀中。 Spoke with mother.” “和娘说说话。” Relaxes gradually, Qiong Shuyao is gripping the hand of Qin Shi throughout, was listening to Qin Shi and her [say / way] said slowly, in the two years, his story. 渐渐缓和下来,琼淑瑶始终攥着秦石的手,听着秦石和她慢慢道说,这两年来,他身上的故事。 From time to time laughed heartily, from time to time worried. 时而欢笑,时而担忧。 Qin Xuexin, Qin Shi has returned to the childhood probably, shows several points of stubbornly disobedient smiling face, said with a smile to Qiong Shuyao: Right mother, this is Qin Xuexin.” 拉过沁雪心,秦石好像又回到小时候,露出几分顽劣的笑容,冲琼淑瑶笑道:“对了娘,这位是沁雪心。” Snow heart has seen the aunt.” “雪心见过伯母。” Clever, clever.” Patted Qin Xuexin, Qiong Shuyao has sized up, was shocked by the Qin Xuexin beauty, at once looks in side Qin Shi happy laughing foolishly, was mother's she, how can not understand that son's thoughts, took off the jade bracelet on wrist with a smile, wear to the white arms of Qin Xuexin on, said: Aunt does not have any valuable thing, this considers aunt's small regard, if later Shi’er bullies you, aunt for you over.” “乖,乖。”拍了拍沁雪心,琼淑瑶打量一番,不由被沁雪心的美色震撼,旋即看着在旁边秦石开心的傻笑,身为母亲的她,怎会不了解儿子的心思,笑着将手腕上的玉镯摘下,戴到沁雪心的皓腕上,道:“伯母也没什么值钱的东西,这个就当是伯母的小小心意吧,以后石儿若是欺负你,伯母替你出头。” Thanks the aunt.” Qin Xuexin said with a smile sweetly. “谢谢伯母。”沁雪心甜笑道。 Is staring at the jade bracelet, Qin Shi is happy: Mother, you did not say that this jade bracelet is the grandmother gives your dowry? You give the snow heart, that i.e., have you recognized this daughter-in-law?” 盯着玉镯,秦石喜道:“娘,你不是说,这玉镯是姥姥给你的嫁妆吗?你给雪心,那就是说,你认了这个儿媳妇喽?” These words, embarrassing the atmosphere, but resulted in the waist to transmit the intermittent stabbing pain, Qiong Shuyao stared Qin Shi one maliciously: Human has grown up, mouth also such poor.” 这一句话,令气氛尴尬下来,而得腰间传来阵阵刺痛,琼淑瑶狠狠的瞪了秦石一眼:“人长大了,嘴还这么贫。” Hey.” Grasps the head, Qin Shi whispers low voice: „The whole family, will have anything unable to say in any case sooner or later.” “嘿嘿。”抓了抓脑袋,秦石小声嘀咕道:“反正早晚一家人,有啥不能说的啊。” Day of time, Qin Shi accompanies throughout side Qiong Shuyao, said that arrives to the twilight once more, Qin Shi is about to leave, making Qiong Shuyao rest. 一天时间,秦石始终陪在琼淑瑶身边,说了很多,一直到暮色再次降临,秦石才准备离开,让琼淑瑶休息。 But what he does not know, shortly after he just left, Liu Yan Bing such as the tears person is ordinary, absent-minded puts in the bosom of Qiong Shuyao: Godmother 而他不知道的是,他刚离开不久,柳颜冰如泪人一般,失神的扑在琼淑瑶的怀中:“干娘” Silly thing “傻丫头” Is hugging the daughter in bosom, Qiong Shuyao helpless light nan, is looking at the frail black robe of dissipation sentimental thing who can say, sighs shaking the head of sighed. 搂着怀中的干女儿,琼淑瑶无奈的轻喃一声,感情这东西谁能说的准,望着消散的单薄黑袍,喟叹的摇了摇头。 Stars new moon night. 繁星朔夜。 Qin Shi returns to Qin Tianqing for the side building that he prepares, lies down on the soft bed, long separation a feeling of family well ups. 秦石回到秦天擎为他准备的厢房,躺在松软的床榻上,一种久别的家的感觉涌上心头。 But is resting the head on him of arm, raises eyes to look at sky over the mystical place vault of heaven, actually slowly does not have the sleepiness, completely about the following plan that in the mind thinks. 而枕着手臂的他,举目望着秘境上空的苍穹,却是迟迟的没有睡意,脑海中思索的全部是关于接下来的计划。 To 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, turned sets out, anxious pushed the door that he could not bear suddenly, frightened Shu Zhongyu question: Is so late, why do you want to go?” 一直到了子时,他突然忍不住的翻起身,焦躁的就推门而出,吓得书中玉不由问句:“这么晚,你要干嘛去?” Looks for the snow heart.” Qin Shi said. “找雪心。”秦石道。 Has gawked the god, the Shu Zhongyu sound is suddenly strange, said: Hey, you were not the parents just will permit, can do to shame the bashful matter with the snow greatly? Oh, I must be the paternal aunt! Quite excited.” 愣了愣神,书中玉的声音突然怪异,道:“喂,你不会是爹娘刚允许,就要和雪大做羞羞的事吧?哎呀呀,我要做姑姑了!好兴奋哦。” „” “” Breathless, Qin Shi has almost not fallen on the ground, then single-handed holds down the anger of Blazing Book: Asked the elder sister, you visit me now, like had that mood person?” 一下气急败坏,秦石差点没摔在地上,接着单手按住焚书的怒道:“拜托姐姐,你看我现在,像是有那种心情的人么?” „? Not, white excited.” “啊?不是羞羞啊,真是,白兴奋一场。” „” “” dumbfounded, Qin Shi clenches jaws once again. 再度无语,秦石咬牙切齿。 He thinks that does not understand, he does look for Qin Xuexin to do to shame the bashful matter, what vigor the Shu Zhongyu excited? It is not and she does! 他就想不明白了,他就算去找沁雪心做羞羞的事,书中玉跟着兴奋个什么劲啊?又不是和她做! Pays no attention to creating a scene of Shu Zhongyu, before arriving at the Qin Xuexin boudoir, his hesitant meeting, has knocked two doors gently: „Did snow heart, rest?” 不理书中玉的无理取闹,来到沁雪心的闺房前,他犹豫一会,还是轻轻的敲了两下门:“雪心,睡了么?” A for a very long time silence, made he disappointed shaking the head, but when he just wanted to turn around to depart, squeek, the door of boudoir shoved open slowly, a beautiful woman of person heartstrings left the bath chart, mapped under his black pupil. 一阵久久的沉默,令他不由失望的摇摇头,而就在他刚欲转身离去时,吱一声,闺房的房门缓缓推开,一副荡人心弦的美人出浴图,映射在他的黑眸下。 In 3000 blue long hair is also leading the bright water drop, Qin Xuexin and Qin Shi looking at each other, on the cheeks raises several points of shyness, makes way the entrance hastily: Shi’tou? Comes in quickly.” 3000的碧蓝色长发上还带动着剔透的水珠,沁雪心秦石对视,脸颊上不由升起几分羞涩,连忙将门口让开:“石头?快进来。” Exquisite has to the line, making Qin Shi feel that his blood ebullition, in throats dry, wipes unprecedented to well up the mind impulsive. 玲珑有致的线条,让秦石感觉他的血液沸腾,嗓间干燥,一抹前所未有的冲动涌上脑海。 But all impulsions, suddenly by Shu Zhongyu teased suppresses: Shi’tou, the good opportunity, to fall down quickly she, falls down she! Is the father, is the father!” 而一切的冲动,突然被书中玉的调笑扑灭:“石头,好机会,快扑倒她,扑倒她!做爹爹,做爹爹!” „” “” All of a sudden sober many, under Qin Shi racket maliciously Blazing Book, this calm forward boudoir, Qin Xuexin in his front, looks like the virtuous wife, steeps pot green tea, hands the Qin Shi hand middle course: You are so late, had an accident?” 一下子清醒不少,秦石狠狠的拍下焚书,这才冷静的迈进闺房,沁雪心在他的面前,就像是贤惠的妻子,沏上一壶清茶,递到秦石的手中道:“你这么晚过来,是出什么事了么?” He must with you!” “他要和你羞羞!” , Shu Zhongyu jumps out from Blazing Book, two big phoenix pupils shine was lovable, full Han was staring at them excitedly. 咻一下,书中玉焚书中窜出,两只大大的凤眸忽闪忽闪的可爱极了,满含兴奋的盯着两人。 Elder Sister Yu, do not deliberately create trouble!” The sweet and delicate voice falls to the ground, the Qin Shi full heavy line, holds down Shu Zhongyu, ill-humored snort, was just now grave much said to Qin Xuexin: Truly a little matter.” 玉姐,别胡闹!”娇声落地,秦石满头黑线,一把按住书中玉,没好气的哼了哼,方才严正不少的冲沁雪心道:“确实有点事。” About Burning Sky Sect?” “是关于焚天宗吧?” Qin Xuexin may intelligently question of person. 沁雪心聪慧可人的问句 Nodded, Qin Shi stared Shu Zhongyu ill-humoredly, thought that similarly is the woman, is the disparity so big? Others snow heart, one thinks that is any matter, knows that helps itself share sorrow, this Shu Zhongyu may be good, the full brain dirty matter, how returns the color compared with the man. 点了点头,秦石没好气的瞪了一眼书中玉,心想同样是女人,差距怎么就这么大呢?人家雪心,一下就想到是什么事,知道帮自己分忧,这书中玉可好,满脑子龌龊之事,怎么比男人还色。 Mentioned Burning Sky Sect, the atmosphere anxious several points in boudoir, Shu Zhongyu also restrained the laughter, said: Shi’tou, are you are being worried about Luan Muhua? Actually you are not necessary, although three days of boundaries have gone beyond our expectation, may really not be finally good, I and snow heart, we get rid am.” 提到焚天宗,闺房中的氛围紧张几分,书中玉也收敛嬉笑,道:“石头,你是在担心栾慕华?其实你大可不必,虽说三天之境超出了我们的预料,可最后实在不行,还有我和雪心呢,我们出手就是。” Shaking the head of forced smile, Qin Shi sighed to sigh: After one year, the fellow who I already once did not show off power, if is really Luan Muhua, a three days of boundary, my why big fee is flustered, makes you get rid directly is, but I am worried has other 苦笑的摇摇头,秦石喟叹道:“经过一年,我早已不是曾经逞强的家伙,若真是栾慕华,一个三天之境,我何必大费周章,直接让你们出手就是,只是我担心的另有其他啊” Has other?” “另有其他?” Two girls have gawked gawking, at once a Shu Zhongyu look revolution, she felt before does not suit, cannot say where is not right, now listened to a Qin Shi saying, she just now understands that by the Qin Shi disposition, how for how many small Heaven Realm First Rank, to delay near half a month the time to defeat one by one? Decides however also has other anything to make the thing that Qin Shi dreads. 两个女孩愣了楞,旋即书中玉神色一转,之前她就感觉不太对劲,却又说不上来哪里不对,如今听秦石一说,她方才明白,以秦石的性格,怎么会为了几个小小的天境一层,耽误近半月的时间去逐一击破?这其中,定然还有别的什么令秦石忌惮的东西。 !! !!
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