PDL :: Volume #5

#485: Sees the guardian

Desolate Town back side of the mountain. 荒镇后山。 Here, already did not have past green, gully that such as the centipede insect climbs over one after another, held completely the bright red blood, with corpse. The putrefactive odor of irritating the nose, making many people vomit. 这里,早已沒了昔日的葱郁,一条一条如百足虫爬过的沟壑,其中噙满了鲜红鲜红的血液,和尸体。刺鼻的腐臭味,令许多人不由的呕吐。 This thinks that is doomed is Qin Family of dead end, under the triumphal returning return of Qin Shi, by a circumstance of being unexpected, ending slowly, the reversal is the victory. 本以为注定是死局的秦家,在秦石的凯旋回归下,以一种始料未及的情势,缓缓的落幕,逆转为胜。 But the victory, has not actually brought many cheering, more actually indulges under shock of Qin Shi, for a very long time cannot return to normal. 而胜利,却并沒有带來过多的欢呼,更多的却是沉溺在秦石的震撼下,久久不能平复。 deep inspiration , the heart of slaughtering will swallow like one, making oneself gradually calmed down, falling that Qin Shi could not repress before Qin Yongfeng and Qin Tianqing body, the happy expression said with a smile: Master, father.” 深深的吸了口气,像一口将杀戮之心吞噬一样,令自己渐渐的冷静下來,秦石按耐不住的落到秦永峰秦天擎身前,喜色笑道:“爷,爹。” Brat.” “臭小子。” Making an effort has patted the shoulder of Qin Shi, in two old person of age, the dry eye was slightly moist, countless words suddenly, is speechless. 使劲的拍了拍秦石的肩膀,两名上了年岁的老人,干涩的眼睛微微湿润,千言万语一时间,也是无言。 Qin sect the disciple, started to clean up the battlefield under the direction of Leader Yun, but just started, how all people has not thought that after may began to do, is creepy feeling. The frigid degree of this war, by far is above the imagination of people. as far as the eye can see, the surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5km), do not have complete place unexpectedly, can only rejoice is, now a Qin Family side, Profound Spirit Realm expert quite a lot, works also the convenience. 秦宗的弟子,开始在凌霄的指挥下清理战场,而刚开始,诸人还不觉得如何,可着手去做以后,则是头皮发麻。这一场战争的惨烈程度,远远的超乎众人的想象。放眼望去,方圆万里,竟是无一处完好之地,唯一能庆幸的就是,如今秦家一方,玄灵境高手颇多,做起事來还算方便。 Brat, one year does not see, you do not know to the family in bring a letter, the father also thinks that you died Qin Tianqing to love their kids to ridicule the sentence: Said with the father that which in this year ran?” “臭小子,一年不见,你都不知道给家里捎个信,老子还以为你死了呢”秦天擎爱子心切的笑骂句:“和爹说说,这一年跑哪去了?” Grasped scratching the head with a laugh, Qin Shi said: In East District, moreover I have also extended the influence of Qin sect, these people who this and I come back, was Qin sect in the East District branch.” 笑呵呵的抓了抓头,秦石道:“在东方区域,而且我把秦宗的势力也延伸了过去,此次和我回來的这些人,就是秦宗在东方区域的分部。” Then, matter that Qin Shi in this year, will occur 1510 and two humanity said. Naturally, related crisis life matter, is avoidance that desirably covers up. In his opinion, Qin Family person, so long as shares happily with him good, as for the pain, he ate has also eaten, says the old person who instead harmed to worry. 接下來,秦石将这一年,所发生的事1510的和两人道说。当然,有关危机生命的事,则是遮遮掩掩的刻意避开。在他看來,秦家的人,只要跟着他分享幸福就好,至于苦么,他一个人吃了也就吃了,说出來反而害的老人跟着担忧。 Is listening to the brief story, is containing the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering important matters. Qin Yongfeng and Qin Tianqing expression constantly changes, although Qin Shi said superficially, they can also know, in this year Qin Shi deciding however is not easy. 听着简短的故事,其中却蕴含着一件一件惊天动地的大事。秦永峰秦天擎的表情不断变化,尽管秦石说得轻描淡写,两人也能知道,这一年秦石过的定然不易。 Qin Tianqing is better, Qin Yongfeng is old, is looking at Qin Shi, thinks that own grandson, the crime in this year suffering , cannot bear is excited. 秦天擎还好一些,秦永峰毕竟年迈,望着秦石,一想到自己的孙儿,这一年遭受的罪,又是忍不住的激动起來。 Felt that the change of Qin Yongfeng, Qin Shi beckoned with the hand hastily with a smile, then turns round to look toward quiet forest a hundred meters away , said \; Hey, has not come out, wants me to invite you?” 感觉到秦永峰的变化,秦石连忙笑着摆了摆手,接着回身朝着百米外的一处幽林里望去,道\;“嘿嘿,还不出來,难道要我请你么?” The sound resounds, two old men puzzled has gawked staring, goes toward quiet Lin Tan, a blue long hair heaves in sight, Qin Xuexin stared Qin Shi one, respects to say to two old people: Snow heart Grandpa Bai Guoqin, Uncle Qin.” 声音响起,两个老者不解的愣了愣,跟着朝幽林探去,一席碧蓝色的长发映入眼帘,沁雪心瞪了秦石一眼,冲两名老人尊敬道:“雪心拜过秦爷爷,秦伯父。” Rumble.” “咕噜。” Has choked a spit, two old people are staring at Qin Xuexin, reveals for several points to change colors, this but actually is also no wonder, the Qin Xuexin beautiful appearance, is Xiaomi Cai in comparison, must be overshadowed. 噎了口吐沫,两个老人盯着沁雪心,不由露出几分失色,这倒也是难怪,沁雪心的美貌,就是小米彩与其相比,都要黯然失色。 Shaking the head of forced smile, Qin Tianqing strange looking eye Qin Shi, it seems like oneself this son, this year lucky in love really great. 苦笑的摇了摇头,秦天擎怪异的瞄眼秦石,看來自己这儿子,这一年的艳福着实不浅啊。 Compares Qin Tianqing, the Qin Yongfeng presbyopia is sinister, stares at revealing that Qin Xuexin is being cannot bear to wipe with amazement, although before him, has seen the Qin Shi crush Zhao Yan strength, with the Xiaomi Cai Divine List Ferocious Beast Venerable prestige, may on the body of Qin Xuexin, still make him feel one type, out of the ordinary aura. 相比秦天擎,秦永峰老眼毒辣,盯着沁雪心则是忍不住的露出一抹骇然,尽管他之前见过秦石碾压赵岩的力量,和小米彩神榜凶兽的尊威,可在沁雪心的身上,仍然让他感觉到一种,与众不同的气息。 This type of aura does not talk clearly, an uncertainty, probably is the surface toward the vault of heaven, making him unable to mention the mood of least bit, only then inexhaustible submitting. 这种气息说不清,道不明,就好像是面朝苍穹,让他提不起半点的情绪,只有无穷无尽的臣服。 Actually, Qin Xuexin already spiritual power restraining, but does not have the means that uneven Heaven Realm, with the day and neatness, there is a special pressure. 其实,沁雪心早已将灵力收敛,但沒有办法,齐天境,与天并齐,有一种特殊的威压。 Qin Xuexin appears, solely did not attract them, the vision cancels completely Leader Yun as well as Piao Quan and the others, they are very first difficult to imagine, how in the world will have so has the dust certainly colorful female, next is the pressure that on Qin Xuexin sends out, making all people have to take her as the center of circle. 沁雪心出现,不单单吸引了两人,将凌霄以及朴泉等人的目光全部勾走,首先他们很难想象,世上怎么会有这般出尘绝艳的女子,其次是沁雪心身上散发的威压,让所有人不得不以她为圆心。 Feels this, the Qin Shi forced smile: It seems like, you are more popular than me.” 感受到这一幕,秦石苦笑:“看來,你比我受欢迎啊。” Pretty girl, where is arrives certainly at to be popular.” Has not waited for Qin Xuexin to answer that Su Ming does not know where braves, staring is staring at Qin Xuexin, dries in the sun Qin Shi unexpectedly in the one side, chuckles to oneself rubs the control saying: Was too attractive, complete crush Zhou Qin, if can marry her, decides however can show off in front of Lin Yu.” “漂亮的女孩,当然是走到哪里都受欢迎啊。”沒等沁雪心回话,苏铭不知从哪里冒出來,直勾勾的盯着沁雪心,竟是把秦石晾在一旁,窃喜的搓着手心道:“太漂亮了,完全碾压周琴啊,若是能够娶到她,定然能在麟宇面前显摆一番。” Hears this word, Qin Shi helpless shaking the head, sentimental one year passes, this boy also keeps thinking about this matter, but he has not gotten rid to stop, to smile by a dry bough that but actually did not speak, looks play that will soon be having. 闻得此言,秦石无奈的摇了摇头,感情一年过去,这小子还惦记这事呢,而他也沒有出手阻拦,笑而不语的靠在一棵枯倒的树干上,望着即将发生的戏剧。 „Doesn't miss, below Su Ming, know the miss given name? Whether already marriage? If not, might as well considers me, I and you said that my above has the human.” “姑娘,在下苏铭,不知姑娘名讳?是否已经婚嫁?若是沒有,不妨考虑考虑我,我和你说,我上头有人。” I am the Shi’tou person.” “我是石头的人。” Does not wait for the voice to fall, in the icy cold sound brings several points of disgruntledness, puts out from the Qin Xuexin mouth. 不等话音落下,冰凉的声音中带起几分不悦,从沁雪心的口中吐出。 Puff “噗” This time, Qin Shi that sees a play in side, very sets out all of a sudden, then feels periphery the innumerable double strange vision, burning roasting on his body, particularly Qin Yongfeng and Qin Tianqing. 这一次,在旁边看戏的秦石,一下子挺起身,接着就感受到周围无数双怪异的目光,火辣辣的烘烤在他的身上,尤其是秦永峰秦天擎 This thinks, Qin Xuexin ice-cold disposition, after was harassed by Su Ming, should not make the response by the arrogant stance, making Su Ming admit defeat, now this appearance, completely and script is different. 本以为,沁雪心冰冷的性格,在受到苏铭的骚扰后,应该是以高傲的姿态不做回应,让苏铭吃瘪,现在这模样,完全和剧本不同啊。 Hears the Qin Xuexin sound, has several to wipe the low-spirited color to reappear when surprised, such as Yin Mo. 听闻沁雪心的声音,在惊讶之余有几抹黯然之色浮现,如尹沫 Hey, Shi’tou, it seems like you have troublesome.” “嘿嘿,石头,看來你有麻烦喽。” Blazing Book of waist rocks several, to the recuperation of Shu Zhongyu, Qin Shi ignores directly, dry cough said with a smile to all Rensha: Hey, that what, Grandfather, the father, I for a long time has not come back, do we change a place? My mother?” 腰间的焚书晃动几下,对书中玉的调理,秦石直接置之不理,干咳的冲着诸人傻笑道:“嘿嘿,那个啥,爷爷,老爹,我这么长时间沒回來,咱们是不是换个地方?我娘呢?” Stared Qin Shi one, Qin Tianqing helpless smiling, at once the vision looked at several toward Qin Xuexin, at heart actually bewildered likes, the son can marry this refined female, pours is also a good fortune. 瞪了秦石一眼,秦天擎无奈的笑了笑,旋即目光又朝沁雪心瞄了几眼,心里却莫名其妙的欢喜起來,儿子能娶到这种脱俗的女子,倒也是种福分。 Although at heart thinks, on the mouth is actually not willing to forgive the Qin Shi [say / way]: Led including the wives, truly should make your mother take a look, she and Bing’er were in the mystical place.” 心里虽然这么想,嘴上却不肯饶过秦石的道:“连媳妇都领回來了,确实应该让你娘瞧瞧,她和冰儿在秘境里呢。” Hollow laugh has rubbed the nose, and various people who Qin Shi ridicules enters the mystical place, but enters the mystical place, is more thorough, Qin Shi reveals several points of stunned, what heaving in sight is a broad dwelling, splendid bejeweled jade palace, mountainous standing erect in, looks at this scale, contrast ratio Desolate Town Qin Family, but also wants on big several times. 干笑的揉了揉鼻子,秦石讪笑的和诸人进入秘境,而进入秘境,深入一些,秦石不由露出几分愕然,映入眼帘的是一座恢弘的宅院,富丽堂皇的琼楼玉宇,重峦叠嶂的矗立其中,看这规模,照比荒镇秦家,还要大上几倍。 Do not be surprised, your grandfather one year ago expects Desolate Town to receive besieging of Burning Sky Sect, therefore during this, spirit stones that used Qin sect to send, quietly constructed the mystical place, after all here knot, was the natural barrier, moreover in this mystical place, spiritual power was also richer than the outside, was suitable for the private rain they practicing.” Qin Tianqing answered. “别惊讶,你爷爷一年前就料到荒镇会受到焚天宗的围攻,所以这期间就用秦宗送來的灵石,悄悄的对秘境进行建设,毕竟这里的结界,可是天然的屏障,而且在这秘境里,灵力也比外界浓郁,适于私雨他们修炼。”秦天擎解释道。 Perhaps nod of approval, others do not know that he is actually clear, in this mystical place has one completely the palace that is built by spirit stones, can spiritual power not be rich? The spirit stones side building that the Mysterious Palace disciples live, compares to miss on several points with here. 认可的点了点头,或许别人不知道,他却是清清楚楚,这秘境里可是有着一座完全由灵石打造的宫殿,灵力能不浓郁么?就连玄殿弟子们居住的灵石厢房,和这里比起來都是要差上几分。 But surprised , is not only Qin Shi, Leader Yun and the others did not know about here that looks at the great boundless architectural complex, wipes the fear to raise at heart. 而惊讶的不光是秦石,凌霄等人对这里也是毫无了解,看着伟岸磅礴的建筑群,一抹后怕在心里升起。 In the Hainan building, the broad discussing official business main hall, a big native of Poland comes in swarms, Qin Shi sits in the Qin Yongfeng side, another side is Qin Tianqing, then Leader Yun and black ink Chen, Cen Chi, Su Ming, Yin Mo, Qiu Diao, blood Venerable and what Yan and the others, dry lamp one line, all present. 琼楼中,有一座恢弘的议事大殿,一大波人蜂拥而至,秦石坐在秦永峰的身旁,另一边是秦天擎,接着凌霄和墨辰、岑驰、苏铭尹沫、邱雕、血尊者、何岩等人,枯灯一行人,皆是在座。 Has not held on to your hat, the time that the people drink tea does not give Qin Shi, asks the west to asking that east he keeps, naturally, Qin Shi is also glad to the answer, 11 explanations with a smile. 尚未坐稳,众人连喝口茶的功夫都不给秦石,冲着他不停的问东问西,当然对此,秦石也是乐于答复,11的笑着解释。 When knowing, Qin sect similarly became East District second largest Sect , countless people have all held breath an cold air/Qi, to this twenty -year-old youth, revealed wipes the respect of difference. 在得知,秦宗同样成为东方区域的第二大宗门时,无数人皆是倒吸了口冷气,对这个只有二十几岁的少年,露出一抹异样的尊敬。 Must know, this merely is the Qin Shi for three years actions, if 30 years? 要知道,这仅仅是秦石三年來的所作所为,若是30年呢? Shi’tou, Qiao'er?” 石头,巧儿呢?” But under various person unceasingly inquiries, the start to talk that Qin Yueling Bei Chiqing trembles, is mother's she, most cares is daughter's safety. 而在诸人不断的询问下,秦月玲贝齿轻颤的开口,身为人母的她,最关心的就是女儿的安危。 To Qin Yueling, Qin Shi said with a smile: Sister-in-law felt relieved that Qiao'er is all right, I must lead her to come back, afterward considered that this line of crises on top of crisis, kept East District her, has remained unresolved and Burning Sky Sect enmity, I take her to come back.” 秦月玲,秦石笑道:“小姑放心,巧儿沒事,本來我要带她回來,后來考虑到此行危机重重,就将她留在了东方区域,待解决了和焚天宗的仇,我就接她回來。” Knows the daughter safe, Qin Yueling relaxed immediately. 得知女儿无事,秦月玲马上松了口气。 Does slightly tranquilly, Piao Quan who throughout has not opened the mouth, holds in side must say with a smile steadily: Kid, good good, has not made obsolete disappointed.” 稍作平静,始终沒开口的朴泉,在旁边扶着长须笑道:“小家伙,不错不错,沒让老朽失望啊。” In this year facing Piao Quan, the Qin Shi silent meeting, all sorts that Qin Family has, he hears from the Qin Tianqing mouth all the way, most makes his affected is Piao Quan, deep inspiration, said earnestly: Piao Quan the senior, the obligation did not say thanks, in this year Qin Family troubled you.” 面对朴泉,秦石沉默一会,这一年秦家发生的种种,他一路上从秦天擎的口中听闻,其中最为让他感动的就是朴泉,深深的吸了口气,认真道:“朴泉前辈,大恩不言谢,这一年秦家麻烦您了。” Yo, once uninhibited kid, actually also knows that the respect for elders did care for the young? Suddenly the old man a little has not been familiar with.” Beckoned with the hand, Piao Quan not to accept as correct teased: Said the proper business, your this coming back, was prepares and Burning Sky Sect does not die continuous.” “呦,曾经不羁的小家伙,竟然也知道尊老爱幼了?一时间老夫还有点不习惯啊。”摆了摆手,朴泉不以为然的调侃道:“说正事,你这次回來,是准备和焚天宗不死不休了啊。” Senior, you thought that between I and Burning Sky Sect, but also there is a possibility that what mediated?” Is default complies with one, under the black pupil of Qin Shi to flash through together the unusual chill in the air. “前辈,你觉得,我和焚天宗之间,还有什么调解的可能么?”算是默认的答应一声,秦石的黑眸下闪过一道异样的寒意。 The chill in the air made the people of audience tremble, Piao Quan whisper the winking presbyopia, the nod said: I know when prepares to begin?” 寒意令全场的人都为之一颤,朴泉叽咕挤咕老眼,点头道:“我就知道,准备什么时候动手?” Should, not be long.” “应该,不会太久了。” The black pupil concentrates, Qin Shi has raised the corners of the mouth. 黑眸一凝,秦石扬了扬嘴角。 After half a month, four first-level cities have solved four Heaven Realm, in addition Ancient City two with Zhao Yan, altogether seven Heaven Realm expert, the Burning Sky Sect main force, had been routed by him all, now on only remaining Luan Muhua this old monsters, what on this day he waits for is really too long, was somewhat impatient, this fights him to win. 经过这半个月,四座一级城池解决了四名天境,加上古城两名和赵岩,一共七名天境高手,焚天宗的主力,已经尽数被他击溃,现在就只剩下栾慕华这个老妖怪了,这一天他等待的真是太久,已经有些迫不及待了,此战他志在必得。 But the raging fire in heart, has not waited to seethe with excitement is suppressed, [say / way] that Piao Quan knit the brows: Fears is, you must prepare well, present Burning Sky Sect, may imagine compared with you must trouble.” 而心中的烈火,沒等沸腾就被扑灭,朴泉皱了皱眉的道:“怕是,你还要好好准备一番,如今的焚天宗,可比你想象中的要麻烦。” Um? Piao Quan senior, what this word?” “嗯?朴泉前辈,何出此言?” Before, you should hear Burning Sky Sect the matter that three months ago extradite nine Lei Jie, but you should not know, these nine Lei Jie, but is one day extradites, therefore has created many alarming, but in this year, Burning Sky Sect one after another has also extradited seven Lei Jie, but as far as I know, in these seven Lei Jie, two stem from Luan Muhua.” “之前,你应该听闻焚天宗在三个月前引渡九道雷劫的事,只是你应该不知道,这九道雷劫,只不过是一天引渡,所以造成了不少的惊动,而这一年中,焚天宗还陆续引渡过七道雷劫,而据我所知,这七道雷劫中,有两道是出自于栾慕华。” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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