PDL :: Volume #5

#484: Terrifying Qin Shi

The Zhao Yan distressed body floats in airborne, hears Qin Shi such as the cold ice sound to tremble fiercely fiercely, he can the clear feeling, Qin Shi that seem like limpid actually under the profound black pupil, seems dormant for a long time cheetah, but he is the game in cheetah eye, so long as there is an opportunity, will immediately throw, rips the smashing him. 赵岩狼狈的身躯浮于空中,听闻秦石如寒冰的声音剧烈猛颤一下,他能够真切的感受到,秦石那看似清澈却又深邃的黑眸下,仿佛有一只蛰伏许久的猎豹,而他就是猎豹眼中的猎物,只要有机会,马上就会扑上來,将他撕成粉碎。 Is suppressing the fear of innermost feelings, he knows that at this time cannot confuse own situations, the vision flees in all directions in the incredible quiet forests, below valley, the Burning Sky Sect army was suppressed by the sudden 50 powerhouses thoroughly, the rout is only sooner or later matter, does not have the possibility that the least bit stands up from failure again. 强忍着内心的恐惧,他知道这时候不能自乱阵脚,目光在荒诞的幽林间流窜一番,下方的山壑中,焚天宗的大军已经被突然出现的50名强者彻底压制,溃败只是迟早的事情,再无半点翻身的可能。 Qin Shi, you make war like this, does not have the advantage to anyone, is inferior to us to call a halt, well discussed that?” Clenched teeth, Zhao Yandao. 秦石,你这样开战,对谁都沒有好处,不如我们双方停手,好好的谈一谈?”咬了咬牙,赵岩道。 Saying with a smile of Qin Shi satire: Discussed? I and you, what have to talk about? Two years ago in burning day mystical place, you cannot kill me, established you to die in my hand.” 秦石讽刺的笑道:“谈?我和你,有什么好谈的么?两年前在焚天秘境,你沒能杀死我,就奠定了你必须要死在我的手上。” Being burning with anger stared staring, Zhao Yan cutting tooth said: I acknowledged that in this year you truly strive, but you think depending on these, can exceed me? Don't forget, in this year may not only be you in progressing 怒火中烧的瞪了瞪眼,赵岩切齿道:“我承认,这一年你确实精进很多,可你真以为凭这些,就能够胜过我?别忘了,这一年可不光是你在进步” Bang The voice has not fallen, spatters in all directions along the torso of Zhao crag under with the strength of day fighting, breaks on the arm to stick out suddenly several blue veins, likely is the innumerable poisonous snakes above You Cuan, even is fearful. 话音未落,一股与天争锋的力量沿着赵岩的躯干下迸溅而起,断臂上暴起几根青筋,像是无数条毒蛇在上面游窜,甚至可怕。 Heaven Realm?” Under wild pressure, many people for it absent-minded, but Qin Shi actually completely at ease smiling, crosses the hands behind the back saying: Yes, in this year, your also breakthrough, was only in this year, crime that the pain that I had, I received, was your ten times, my progress, was your ten times, therefore you were not my match 天境么?”狂野的威压下,不少人为之失神,而秦石却坦然自若的笑了笑,负手道:“是啊,这一年,你也突破了啊,只是这一年,我吃的苦,我受的罪,是你的十倍,我的进步,是你的十倍,所以你不在是我的对手” Extremely arrogant that I deliver you dead” “狂妄那我就送你死” The evil eye concentrates, beginning that Zhao Yanxiang makes first move and gets control, to rush the thunder certainly among them several hundred meters distance to pull closer, then breaks the arm to form Long Claw, presses up to the chest of Qin Shi. 邪眼一凝,赵岩想先发制人的动手,以奔雷之势将两人之间数百米的距离拉近,然后断臂汇成龙爪,直逼秦石的胸膛。 Sudden offensive, Qin Yongfeng moral nature one cold, before Zhao Yan by the prestige of Heaven Realm, the act of terror of crush Qin sect disciple, has become to other party many shocks, but present Qin Shi is no doubt strong, can the strength of Profound Spirit Realm peak, Profound Spirit Realm, how be able to contend with Heaven Realm after all? 突然的攻势,秦永峰的心底不禁一寒,之前赵岩以天境之威,碾压秦宗弟子的恐怖行为,对他造成了不少的震撼,而如今的秦石固然强势,玄灵境巅峰之力,可毕竟还是玄灵境,怎么能和天境抗衡? question that therefore worries about: Tianqing, can Shi’er be good?” 为此担忧的问句:“天擎,石儿能行么?” But under worry of various person, Qin Tianqing crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the blazing vision has never left the Qin Shi black robe half minute, smiles saying: Father, relax, after this year, Shi’er already was not a child, since he dares alone to face Zhao Yan, naturally has the assurance that must win.” 而在诸人的担忧下,秦天擎负手而立,炽热的目光从未离开过秦石的黑袍半分,一笑而道:“爹,放心吧,经过这一年,石儿早已不是孩子,他既然敢独自面对赵岩,自然有着必胜的把握。” Ha Ha, knows the child is better father.” Piao Quan under the careful care, regained consciousness in the stupor, was supported by the arm by what Yan is arriving by several people, the matter about Qin Shi, he in the crag mouth had known from where, to praise that cannot bear sighed: „The reliable strategy that the precise plan that defeats one by one, destroys, with this not warm not hot calm disposition, present he, was not once that only understood to show off power, harebrained little demon, but was the genuine powerhouse who can assume sole responsibility for an important task.” “哈哈,知子莫若父啊。”朴泉在精心的照料下,已在昏迷中苏醒,被何岩搀扶着來到几人身旁,关于秦石的事,他已经从何岩的口中得知,忍不住的赞叹道:“逐一击破的精密计划,一举歼灭的牢固阵法,和这不温不热的沉稳性格,如今的他,可不是曾经那个只懂逞强,冒冒失失的小鬼,而是一个能独当一面的真正强者。” Listened to their analysis, Qin Yongfeng to stare staring, the dark presbyopia has swept in four Friday 16 stars, just now smiled bitterly: Truly, actually I, always regarded the child him, Tianqing, you had a great son.” 听着两人的分析,秦永峰愣了愣,幽暗的老眼在四周五16道繁星阵上扫过,方才苦笑:“确实,倒是我,始终把他当成孩子了啊,天擎,你有个了不起的儿子。” Ha Ha, I had already said that can my Qin Tianqing son, how be the common mediocre generation?” The surging emotions surge, Qin Tianqing gratified laughing. “哈哈,我早就说过,我秦天擎的儿子,岂会是寻常的平庸之辈?”心潮激荡,秦天擎欣慰的大笑。 The nighttime sky of half wall, was outshone by the broad thunder light. 半壁的夜空,被恢弘的雷光照亮。 Is looking superficially in the dragon claw that in the pupil heart expands unceasingly, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth has selected selecting, does not hide the holding up left hand that does not dodge unexpectedly, said: He he, wants to put together fleshly body? I accompany you to play.” 望着在眸心中不断扩张的龙爪,秦石嘴角浅淡的挑了挑,竟是不躲不闪的举起左手,道:“呵呵,想拼肉身么?我就陪你玩一玩。” Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique 星陨霸体决 The golden scales and ossein level multiply, has wrapped on the shoulder from the left hand, such as a diamond not bad brassard. 唰金色的鳞甲和骨质层滋生,一直从左手包裹到肩膀上,如一尊金刚不坏的臂铠。 Qin Shi maliciously grips the tight fist, but when the fist wind just kneaded together, as if greatly is towed in the cool breeze that all around flees in all directions, forms the naked eye obvious eddy currents unexpectedly, the vortex Pan-Blue camp, produces for several points to twist including the space slightly, the speed is extremely then fast, among half respites, the arm leaves behind several remnant shades, welcomed Long Claw. 秦石狠狠的攥紧拳,而拳风刚刚捏合之际,在周遭流窜的清风仿佛受到巨大的牵引,竟形成一片一片肉眼可见的漩涡,漩涡微微泛蓝,连空间都产生几分扭曲,接着速度极快,半个喘息间,臂膀留下数道残影,迎上龙爪。 Bang 轰隆 Short confrontation, suddenly in clouds reappearing fault. 短短的交锋,一刹那间就连云霄上都浮现断层。 From nine days, to nine quiet, Long Zhaohe bone fist the remaining prestige to turn into a dragon shou shape, as if opens to the equal division the world, the precipice of half wall crushes unexpectedly directly, reappears deeply not to see the bottom the rift valley. 上至九天,下至九幽,龙爪和骨拳的余威成龙首状,仿佛将天地给平分而开,半壁的山岩竟直接粉碎,浮现一处深不见底的裂谷。 During moving that the world divides, Zhao Yan clenches teeth makes an effort to get hold of Long Claw, tries the ossein level crumb on Qin Shi fist, actually unexpectedly, no matter his how all-out effort, in the pure white surface, is unable to stay behind including a scratch unexpectedly: How possible?” 天地分割的触碰间,赵岩咬牙的用力握紧龙爪,本想试图将秦石拳头上的骨质层捏碎,却不料,不管他如何拼劲,竟在在洁白的表面上,连一道划痕都无法留下:“怎么可能?” Feels Zhao crag the strength, Qin Shi reveals several to wipe the satire, cracks a joke, the maxillary bone of this scarlet blood lizard, but endures compared with existence of real dragon. 感受到赵岩的力量,秦石露出几抹讽刺,开什么玩笑,这赤血蜥蜴的颚骨,可是堪比真龙的存在。 What's wrong? Didn't have the strength? That changes me “怎么?沒力气了?那换我吧” The look changes, the Qin Shi arm makes an effort, the bone fist one works loose Zhao Yan dragon claw, then toward previous, an index finger recklessly ball that kneads together, one group of purple quiet fires under ignite, before , the air of tenth vortex burns through, gathers together the golden light bright Buddhist relics, explodes to Zhao Yan shoots to go. 神色一变,秦石臂膀用力,骨拳一下挣脱开赵岩的龙爪,接着朝上一番,捏合的食指肆意一弹,一团紫色的幽火唰下燃起,将之前成漩涡的空气燃尽,汇聚成一道金光灿烂的舍利,冲着赵岩就爆射而去。 Is that move?” “是那招?” Zhao Yan brow one tight, this move of he knows, one year ago made Sun Tao several admit defeat, bending down of acted servilely hastily, broke the arm to launch at the same time the blazing wall with flues for heating depending on one in the front: jue hot shield 赵岩眉头一紧,这一招他知道,一年前令孙涛几番吃瘪,连忙卑躬屈膝的俯下身,凭一条断臂在胸前展开一面炽热的火墙:“爝火盾” Bang The golden light Buddhist relics puncture on the wall with flues for heating, trembles with a crash, a series of turbulence, are the inexhaustible spark bloom one after another, the light is this strikes, burns below dead wood unexpectedly completely, making in the back side of the mountain ignite the billowing sea of fire. 金光舍利刺在火墙上,砰然一颤,一连串的动荡,接连是无穷无尽的火花绽放,光是这一击,竟将下方的枯木焚尽,令后山上燃起滚滚火海。 Bang 轰隆 The wall with flues for heating is forced, Zhao Yan look one startled, one and Qin Shi spreads out, hurried [say / way]: Why? Your can Profound Spirit Realm, how break my defense?” 火墙被迫,赵岩神色一惊,唰一下和秦石拉开距离,慌道:“为什么?你不过玄灵境,怎么能破开我的防御?” Hey, one year ago, my Wang Lingjin, but can also break your arm.” “嘿嘿,一年前,我不过王灵金,还能断你一臂呢。” Taunt that teased, Qin Shi not in idle talk, from start to the present, he thought that delayed has sufficed the long time, below situation has settled, does not need to haul. 戏谑的嘲讽一声,秦石不在废话,从开始到现在,他觉得已经耽误了够久,下方的局势已经定局,沒必要在拖拉下去。 An arrow step, the speed quick makes Zhao Yan get back one's composure radically without enough time, before Qin Shi rushes to his body, holds the palm to fall, said: However this time, does not break the arm to be so simple, but wants your life 咻一声一个箭步,速度之快让赵岩根本來不及回神,秦石就冲到他的身前,掌起掌落,道:“而这一次,可不是断臂这么简单,而是要你的命” You dare Zhao Yan one coldly, the desire of hurrying must withdraw. “你敢”赵岩一寒,慌忙的欲要退后。 Bang! clatter But he just set out, the Qin Shi black pupil draws, follows to wipe the chill in the air to puncture, holds Zhao Yan calf, at once the god character Secret Art revolves, wipes the psychic force to emerge the dantian, shape of spiritual power the respites in the fireworks that blooms unexpectedly, the violent increases all of a sudden. 而他刚起身,秦石黑眸收拢,伴随一抹寒意刺出,一把抓住赵岩的小腿,旋即神字诀运转,一抹精神力涌入丹田,灵力在喘息间竟然像绽放的烟花,一下子暴增起來。 spiritual power that rises suddenly, likely is a giant fishing net, in the situation of not restraining, making the innumerable Spirit King Realm following crowd puff pass kneels on the ground, wipes frightened surges from the bottom of the heart. 猛然上升的灵力,像是一面巨大的鱼网,毫无收敛的情况下,让无数王灵境以下的人群噗通跪在地上,一抹恐惧由心底涌起。 What's the matter? Sect Master will spiritual power, how have promoted these many suddenly?” “怎么回事?宗主灵力,怎么会突然提升了这么多?” Quite fearful, is this Heaven Realm?” “好可怕,这是天境?” Leader Yun has sucked the forced smile of tongue, before he is still thinking, even if Qin Shi, in one year is unable to achieve Heaven Realm, but now looks like, Heaven Realm seemingly cannot stop his footsteps. 凌霄咂了咂舌的苦笑,之前他还在想,就算是秦石,一年内也无法达到天境吧,而现在看來,天境貌似都沒能阻拦住他的脚步啊。 „It is not right, the feeling of this spiritual power, is Profound Spirit Realm.” what Yan shook the head, narrows the eyes to focus saying: Is only, this fearful purity what's the matter?” “不对,这灵力的感觉,还是玄灵境。”何岩摇了摇头,眯着眼道:“只是,这可怕的纯度是怎么回事?” Piao Quan laughs recklessly: Ha Ha, interesting, interesting, the boy who initially I favored worthily, Profound Spirit Realm, can grasp is not inferior in Heaven Realm spiritual power, if makes him achieve Heaven Realm, does not dare to imagine 朴泉肆意大笑:“哈哈,有意思,有意思,不愧是当初我看好的小子,玄灵境,就能掌握丝毫不逊色于天境灵力,若是真让他达到天境,不敢想象啊” Hears this word, many person lax absent-minded, think that Qin Shi achieves the appearance after Heaven Realm, truly is a soul-stirring matter. 听得此言,不少人涣散的失神,想一想秦石达到天境后的模样,确实是一件惊心动魄的事。 Before and dry lamp of Qin Shi accompanying, shaking the head of becoming accustomed, but smiled bitterly: Really, he also has card in a hand to be useless.” 之前和秦石随行的枯灯,习以为常的摇摇头,无奈苦笑:“果然,他还有底牌沒用啊。” Under when the oppression, Su Ming is excited has unwilling saying with a smile: He he, this thinks that one year can overtake him, actually does not want unexpectedly by draw was getting more and more far.” 压迫下,苏铭兴奋之余带有不甘的笑道:“呵呵,本以为,一年能够追上他,却不想竟是被拉的越來越远了啊。” In one side, Yin Mo gentle saying with a smile: You have not understood him, if he can like the average man, that be strange.” 在一旁,尹沫温婉的笑道:“你还不了解他,他若是能够像常人一样,那才奇怪呢。” Ha Ha, person who truly, can let my Su Ming respect, if this skill does not have continually, I with wrong person.” “哈哈,确实,能让我苏铭尊敬的人,若是连这点本事都沒有,那我可是跟错人了。” spiritual power soars, since this has been returns to North District, the Qin Shi first use god character Secret Art, vast spiritual power in within the body tumbling, making him feel that several points of fearfulness, depending on this condition, he believes that First Rank seizes Heaven Realm, rare rival, even if Second Rank Heaven Realm, if adds on the psychic force, he also has a confidence war. 灵力直线攀升,这是回到北方区域以來,秦石第一次动用神字诀,体内翻滚的浩繁灵力,让他自己都感觉到几分可怕,光凭这副状态,他相信,一层天境,将罕见敌手,即便是二层天境,若是加上精神力,他也有信心一战。 The transformed conclusion of god character Secret Art, was equal to announce Zhao Yan death news, Qin Shi found out from the sleeve the five fingers, the buddhist relics of five golden light sparkles, in the fingertip intense compression, making in the air have the fierce broken rumor. 神字诀的转化结束,等同宣布了赵岩的死讯,秦石将五指从袖筒中探出,五道金光闪耀的舍利子,在指尖强烈的压缩,令空气中产生剧烈的破风声。 Not “不” Under five [gold/metal] stabbing pain, Zhao Yan wants to withdraw frightened, but just about to does not make an effort like his, actually felt that intermittent void, all around all spiritual power were already found time, making him not have touchdown target deadlock to be in-situ. 在五道金芒的刺痛下,赵岩恐惧的欲要退后,而不像他脚下刚要用力,竟然感觉到一阵阵的虚空,四周所有的灵力早已被抽空,让他毫无着陆点的僵持在原地。 Finished.” “结束了。” Faint light snort, the Qin Shi five fingers bend, Bang a hole of five deep obvious bone, the chest smashing of Zhao crag, the sound of rib break, carries off his vitality directly diligently, the blazing blood sprays like the bubbling spring in the sores all over the eye quiet forests. 淡漠的轻哼一声,秦石五指屈起,砰一声五道深可见骨的窟窿,直接将赵岩的胸膛粉碎,肋骨断裂的声音,孜孜不倦的带走他的生机,炽热的鲜血如涌泉般喷洒在满目疮痍的幽林间。 Rumble “咕噜” This, came saying that was sudden, the people already expected are this result, but personally saw or the surging emotions is uncertain, Qin Shi has killed Heaven Realm unexpectedly. 这一幕,來的说突然不突然,众人早已料到是这个结果,只是亲眼看见还是心潮不定,秦石竟然真的杀了天境 But the sad news that the Burning Sky Sect disciple who before also to fight out, Zhao Yan died a tragic death, routs their final defense lines without doubt, the calling out sound one after another, cries to seek the sound, the unilateral slaughter, has continued about half double-hour, the Burning Sky Sect disciple, was annihilated all. 而之前还拼命抵抗的焚天宗弟子,赵岩惨死的噩耗,无疑将他们最后的防线击溃,接连的嚎叫声,哭求声,单方面的屠杀,持续了大约半个时辰,焚天宗的弟子,被尽数歼灭。 From beginning to end, Qin Shi does not have the least bit to hesitate, looks at the appearance that he renounces, the moral nature of countless person, flash through wipe panic-strickenly, Piao Quan smiles bitterly: This murders the resolute personality, this boy really today we are no longer as we have been.” 至始至终,秦石沒有半点犹豫,看着他决绝的模样,无数人的心底,闪过一抹惊骇,朴泉苦笑:“这杀伐果决的性情,这小子果然今非昔比了啊。” The sound that hears Piao Quan, Qin sect all people started to rejoice that rejoiced beforehand has not left Desolate Town, how many people Leader Yun is looking under the new moon night, as if like the black robe youth of bright moonlight same sparkle, offended this person, will fear compared with offending Burning Sky Sect fearfully? 听闻朴泉的声响,秦宗的所有人开始庆幸,庆幸之前沒有真的离开荒镇,凌霄几人望着朔夜下,仿佛如明月一样闪耀的黑袍少年,得罪了这种人,怕是会比得罪焚天宗更加的可怕吧? But when rejoices, countless people know that Qin Shi this quiet one year of name, shortly after from North District, will leave behind the new legend again. 而庆幸之余,无数人知道,秦石这个沉寂了一年的名字,在不久后将再一次从北方区域,留下新的传奇。 Burning Sky Sect, the true retaliation, just started.” 焚天宗,真正的报复,才刚刚开始。” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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