PDL :: Volume #5

#483: Dunning

Bang 轰隆 In the wooded mountain, the sudden two gulfs, capture the attention of audience, but when sees clearly picture, Burning Sky Sect all disciples, simultaneously reveal stunned that shocks everybody. 山林里,突然出现的两个深坑,把全场的目光吸引过去,而看清其中的画面时,焚天宗的所有弟子,同时露出惊世骇俗的愕然。 Zhao Yan stands up from failure trembles: West soldier, Sun Mo 赵岩翻身一颤:“褚西,孙镆” Rumble is we remains behind the Ancient City two Heaven Realm elders? How possible? Is who injured them?” Several Burning Sky Sect elders who just sent the signal, in a terrified way were out of sorts. “咕噜是咱们留守古城的两名天境长老?怎么可能?是什么人伤了他们?”刚刚放出信号的几名焚天宗长老,惶恐失神。 The crowd in wooded mountain, began to look supinely in just the sound reverberation direction, Zhao Yannu: „Who is? Dares to injure my Burning Sky Sect elder?” 山林里的人群,仰起头朝着刚刚声音回荡的方向望去,赵岩怒道:“是什么人?敢伤我焚天宗的长老?” Ha Ha, Zhao didn't Yan, one year see, cannot hear my voice?” “哈哈,赵岩,一年不见,听不出我的声音了吗?” The sound of faint smile, disclosed several points of refined feeling relaxed, broad rolling resounds through along the vast landscape, in the black robe that in the wind makes noise cool and refreshingly, the mapping is pleasant. 浅笑的声音,透露出几分脱俗的释然,恢弘的沿着浩瀚江山滚滚响彻,一席在风中泠泠作响的黑袍,映射入眼。 Under the black robe, is a frail youth, is grasping the hat brim of black robe single-handed, the bird's eye view below earth, familiar Desolate Town, the familiar back side of the mountain, the familiar mystical place, ringing said with a smile: One year, Burning Sky Sect, Qin Family Qin Shi, came back to dun 黑袍下,是一名单薄的少年,单手握着黑袍的帽檐,俯瞰着下方的大地,熟悉的荒镇,熟悉的后山,熟悉的秘境,朗朗笑道:“一年了,焚天宗,秦家秦石,回來讨债了” Qin Shi 秦石 Initial hears, on several thousand people of faces reveals several points of vacant, in this year time, had too many accidents, after one year, Qin Shi lets the name that many people fade from the memory gradually, but this fading from the memory, usually needs a turning point, a tacit hauling, can bring back the people dust-laden memory, once more flood rough sea waves in the will of the people bottom sea tide. 初始听闻,数千人的面庞上露出几分茫然,这一年的时间里,发生了太多的变故,经过一年,秦石已是让许多人渐渐淡忘的名字,而这种淡忘,往往只是需要一个契机,一个默契的牵引,就能勾起人们尘封的记忆,将会再次在人心底的海潮中泛起巨浪。 Is he, was Qin Shi I thinks “是他,是秦石我想起來了” Was Qin sect Sect Master? One year ago greatly noisy Sect Qin Shi? Did he come back unexpectedly?” “是秦宗的宗主?一年前大闹宗门秦石?他竟然回來了?” Several new basic Qin sect disciple, has patted shoulder question of nearby person: Yeah the brothers, I said that who this Qin Shi is? Causes such big ostentation, is very famous?” 几个新入门的秦宗弟子,拍了拍旁边人的肩膀问句:“哎兄弟,我说这秦石是谁啊?怎么弄出这么大的排场,很出名吗?” „Are you silly? You were in Qin sect, you felt all right do not know that who Qin Shi was? Qin Shi is our Sect Master Sect Master does not know idiot “你傻啊?你身在秦宗,你好意思不知道秦石是谁?秦石就是咱们宗主宗主都不认识白痴” Sect Master? Sect Master Emma, he passes on wonderful Sect Master?” 宗主宗主埃玛,他就是传得神乎其神的宗主?” Burning Sky Sect Qin sect the disciple, completely has suddenly forgotten the confrontation of chaos caused by war, perishes in one year ago recalling, the discussion of talking in whispers said. 无论是焚天宗或是秦宗的弟子,一时间全部忘了战乱的交锋,沉沦在一年前的追忆里,窃窃私语的议论道。 The Yin Mo bright eyes are moist, covering up that the white hands cannot bear in the lip angle, the sound shivers: Su Ming, is he, he came back.” 尹沫的明眸湿润,玉手忍不住的遮掩在唇角,声音颤动:“苏铭,是他,他回來了。” Um, I know that he will certainly come back.” Su Ming is pinching the fist, is he of man, is the outflow tears that cannot bear. “嗯,我知道,他一定会回來。”苏铭捏着拳,身为男儿身的他,都是忍不住的流出热泪。 This time, the Burning Sky Sect punitive expedition war, I must accompany about you “这一次,焚天宗的讨伐战,我一定要伴你左右” One year ago, he is in Desolate Town, hears the Burning Sky Sect accident, Qin Shi by the severe wound strikes the stylish spatial crack, does not know when is dies is lives, he by the anger is flushed the crown, if not for Yin Mo and the others block it, feared that already placed oneself to kill Burning Sky Sect, but he who was blocked freely, had not actually forgotten that the hatred in heart, is waiting for this moment throughout, is waiting for the King return of Qin Shi. 一年前,他身在荒镇,听闻焚天宗的变故,秦石被重伤的击入时空裂缝,不知是死是活时,他被怒火冲冠,若不是尹沫等人将其拦下,怕是早已置身杀去焚天宗,而尽管被拦下來的他,却从沒有忘记心中的憎恨,始终在等待着这一刻,等待着秦石的王者归來。 Several Qin sect elder, will be depressing for a long time foul air to put out, the blood Venerable vision has swept along the Qin Shi black robe, wipes the terrified Venerable prestige, making him tremble, said: Drinks, one year does not see, does this kid, the strength promote to this terrifying degree unexpectedly?” 几名秦宗的长老,将压抑许久的浊气吐出,血尊者目光沿着秦石的黑袍下扫过,一抹悚然的尊威,令他哆嗦一下,道:“喝,一年不见,这小家伙,实力竟提升到这种恐怖的程度?” It seems like, Chi Huo School gives him, is a correct choice, in his hand, Sect will reach the altitude that we are unable to imagine.” “看來,离火宗交给他,是一件正确的选择啊,在他的手上,宗门将达到我们无法想象的高度。” Yes, I start gradually believe now, letting Qin sect who initially he said went out of North District, even went out of the empire, aspired to seize Desolate Spirit Continent peak, if were he, perhaps really can be good.” black ink Chen, old, several old elders, is all out of sorts in the expectation. “是啊,我现在渐渐的开始相信,当初他说的让秦宗走出北方区域,甚至走出帝国,问鼎荒灵大陆巅峰了,如果是他的话,说不定真能行。”墨辰、逊老、几名年迈的长者,皆是在憧憬中失神。 The Qin Family audiences, countless people stare in azure clouds always to hang the faint smile, a wind pale Yun Qing black robe youth, excited reveals happy intent. 秦家家众,无数人盯着青霄上始终挂着浅笑,一幅风淡云轻的黑袍少年,激动的露出喜意。 He came back, Qin Family could be saved.” “他回來了,秦家有救了。” The Qin Si rain kneels to sit on the gigantic rock, the appearance of Qin Shi, lets throughout tight nerve her, is suddenly weak. 秦私雨跪坐在硕大的岩石上,秦石的出现,让始终紧绷神经的她,突然间瘫软下來。 Because she knows, three years ago, two years ago, one year ago, or one year later, two years later, three years later, innumerable years later, so long as this person, Qin Family will not have difficult. 因为她知道,无论是三年前,两年前,一年前,或是一年后,两年后,三年后,无数年后,只要这个人在,秦家就不会有难。 Three years ago, is only 17-year-old he, in the beast tide of back side of the mountain mystical place, sets at the life and death the Qin Family disciple to be the same under insurance that does not attend, forever is protecting Qin Family. 就像三年前,年仅17岁的他,在后山秘境的兽潮中,置生死于不顾的保下秦家弟子一样,永远的保护着秦家 All Qin Family juniors, remembered once to the ridicule of Qin Shi, Qin Fei, Qin Fengshan and Qin Feng sea, had guilty lowering the head. 一切秦家的小辈,想起曾经对秦石的嘲笑,秦飞秦风山秦风海、带有愧疚的低下头。 This time youth, already today we are no longer as we have been. 此时的少年,早已今非昔比。 The youth on sky, the principle takes care of the black robe, has turned round to show a faint smile to absent-minded Qin Yongfeng and Qin Tianqing several people: Father, Grandfather, child was unfilial, comes back late 天空上的少年,理了理黑袍,回过身冲着失神的秦永峰秦天擎几人微微一笑:“爹,爷爷,孩儿不孝,回來晚了” Facing own son, Qin Tianqing ringing laughs, feared that is in this world, anything has not been can compared with seeing a oneself son's growth happier matter, said: Brat, comes back well.” 面对自己的儿子,秦天擎朗朗大笑,怕是这世上,沒有什么是能够比看见自己儿子的成长更加开心的事了,道:“臭小子,回來就好。” Qin Shi, haven't you died unexpectedly?” 秦石,你竟然沒死?” Withdraws from the two elders in gulf the vision, Zhao Yan is fierce the looking angrily at black robe of fang. 将目光从深坑中的两名长老身上抽回,赵岩狰狞着獠牙的怒视黑袍。 Father, here fly are too many, after child solution, comes to talk about old days with you again “爹,这里的苍蝇太多,待孩儿解决之后,再來和你们叙旧” Pays no attention to Zhao Yan, Qin Shi smiles faintly to Qin Tianqing, latter gratified crossing the hands behind the back nods: Be careful, not must show off power.” 不理赵岩,秦石冲着秦天擎浅笑一声,后者欣慰的负手点头:“小心,莫要逞强。” Asked the father to feel relieved, since child said dunned two characters, that today's all Burning Sky Sect disciples on the scene, did not use “请爹放心,孩儿既然说了讨债二字,那今日在场的所有焚天宗弟子,就都不用走了” Superficial complies with one, Qin Shi stern moves turns round, faces Zhao Yanleng of remnant arm saying: Cannot kill with one's own hand Luan Muhua, how I will die.” 轻描淡写的答应一声,秦石正色的挪回身,面对着残臂的赵岩冷道:“沒能手刃栾慕华,我怎么会死呢。” A face change, Zhao Yan is anxious, the sudden appearance of Xiaomi Cai, has harassed the original plan, but the return of Qin Shi, planning completely to break, an eyeball revolution, thinks saying: Snort, is good because, this boy is one, today looks like stays for a long time, so long as can withdraw Sect , depending on the Sect Master strength, with the present Burning Sky Sect scale, measures him unable to turn the big spray.” 面庞一阵变化,赵岩心神不定,小米彩的突然出现,已经扰乱了本來的计划,而秦石的回归,更是将计划彻底打破,眼珠一转,心想道:“哼,好在,这小子又是自己,今日看來不已久留,只要能够撤回宗门,凭宗主的实力,和如今焚天宗的规模,量他也翻不起多大的浪花。” Thinks of this, he shouted to clear the way to Qin Shi: He he, cannot think that you also really dare to come back, is only I am very curious, depending on you, why to want the lives of my Burning Sky Sect all disciples?” 想到这,他冲着秦石喝道:“呵呵,想不到,你还真敢回來,只是我很好奇,凭你自己,凭什么要我焚天宗所有弟子的命?” Senior buddhist monk, are you are scolding me are not a human?” “老秃驴,你是在骂我不是人吗?” But the voice has not fallen, throughout Xiaomi Cai that is dormant in side, does not know that is which anger is lit, scolded one to Zhao Yan. 而话音未落,始终在旁边蛰伏的小米彩,不知是哪根怒火被点燃,冲着赵岩就骂了一句。 Sucked the tongue, Zhao Yan had not said the words obstinately. 咂了咂舌,赵岩愣是沒说出话來。 But before not waits for Xiaomi Cai to rush, Qin Shi is single-handed wields, the golden light blocks together her, actually he wants saying that very much you are not the human were good. May concerned about stern of scene, flushing Zhao Yandao who endures: Old fogy, you thought that the same mistake, my Qin Shi will violate twice?” 而不等小米彩冲上前,秦石却单手一挥,一道金光将她拦下,其实他心里很想说‘你本來也不是人好不好’。可碍于场面的严峻,还是忍下來的冲赵岩道:“老家伙,你觉得,同样的错误,我秦石会犯两次么?” Ties “结阵” The forceful two characters resound through Yu Kong, along several thousand meters of back side of the mountain surrounding area beyond, transmits fierce rocking swiftly loudly, as if the earth-shattering is the same. 铿锵有力的两字响彻于空,倏忽间沿着后山方圆的数万米外,轰然传來剧烈的晃动,仿佛天崩地裂一样。 One bunch of silver light, from the East raises, one after another is the second bunch, the third bunch, light beam more and more, passes through above the entire world, becomes eight sides wraps all round the back side of the mountain. 一束银光,自东方升起,接连是第二束,第三束,越來越的光束,贯穿在寰宇之上,成八方的将后山团团包裹起來。 What is this?” “这是什么?” The sudden phenomenon, making the innumerable Burning Sky Sect disciples tremble trembling, Zhao Yanxin was also inexplicable was panic-stricken. 突然的异象,令无数焚天宗的弟子颤了颤,赵岩心里也是莫名的惊恐起來。 Bang 轰隆 Finally, 56 light beams finalize, suddenly forms the wave light clear barrier, such as an invisible fortress is unexpectedly same, seals off the back side of the mountain comprehensively. 最终,56道光束定型,彼此间突然形成波光粼粼的屏障,竟如一面无形的堡垒一样,将后山全面封锁。 Damn, is the strategy?” “该死,是阵法?” Zhao Yan gets back one's composure suddenly, at once next instant, without hesitation wields one group of fearful raging fire, such as fierce tiger plunges the barrier. 赵岩猛然回神,旋即下一霎,不假思索的挥出一团可怕的烈火,如猛虎般就扑向屏障。 Bang Bang, the raging fire just moved the barrier the instance, in the barrier raises Long Shou suddenly, fierce swallows it. 巨响一声,烈火刚刚触碰到屏障的瞬间,屏障上猛然掀起一尊龙首,狰狞的将其吞噬。 Strikes ineffective, one after another is three flame, no matter several times, the final result is the same, barrier all-around covers in which all people. 一击无效,接连又是三道火苗,而不管几次,最终的结果都是一样,屏障全方位的将所有人笼罩其中。 Do not try, these 56 stars, not must say is you, even if Luan Muhua arrives, she does not have the skill to break looks at crazy Zhao Yan, Qin Shi reveals for several points to ridicule. “别试了,这56道繁星阵,莫要说是你,就算是栾慕华亲临,她也沒有本事破开”看着疯狂的赵岩,秦石露出几分嘲笑。 Cracks a joke, this strategy, but stems from the hand of Shu Zhongyu, takes Qin Xuexin as the eye, 55 Profound Spirit Realm above expert display, is precisely small Zhao Yan can break? 开玩笑,这阵法,可是出自书中玉之手,以沁雪心为阵眼,55名玄灵境以上的高手施展,且是一个小小的赵岩能够破开的吗? „Are you early prepared?” “你早有准备?” The pinching tightly fist that hear that, Zhao Yan psst makes noise, exclaimed to Qin Shi. 闻言,赵岩吱吱作响的捏紧拳,冲秦石吼道。 He he, if not to wipe out you, you think that you do have the qualifications wildly so to be here long?” Qin Shi cannot set at saying with a smile otherwise. “呵呵,若不是为了将你们全部歼灭,你以为你有资格在这里猖狂那么久么?”秦石不可置否的笑道。 Gives a tongue-lashing fierce of tooth, Zhao Yan looks along all around, saying with a smile that brow Shu launches suddenly: Boy, I acknowledged that your contrast ratio one year ago, truly progressed, is this head is not quite miraculous, you block completely here, didn't break the escape route of your Qin ancestor?” 呲牙的狰狞一番,赵岩沿着四周望去,眉头突然舒展开的笑道:“小子,我承认,你照比一年前,确实进步了很多,可是这脑袋还是不太灵光啊,你将这里全部封锁起來,不也断了你秦宗人的退路?” He he, what is not quite miraculous is you, you thought that you also do have the skill wound to the person of my Qin Family?” Indifferent smiling, Qin Shi raises the hand to under: Qin sect obeyed orders, annihilates Burning Sky Sect “呵呵,不太灵光的是你啊,你觉得你还有本事伤到我秦家之人吗?”淡然的笑了笑,秦石冲着下方扬起手:“秦宗听令,歼灭焚天宗 The inexplicable roar, making below many Qin sect disciples stare, Leader Yun how many people were also the bursting out laughing has sucked the tongue, was this saying is saying with them? 莫名的吼声,令下方不少秦宗弟子一愣,凌霄几人也是哑然的咂了咂舌,这话是在和他们说吗? Burning Sky Sect 30 Profound Spirit Realm, they are about several, annihilates? Cracks a joke? 焚天宗30名玄灵境,他们不过十几名,歼灭?开玩笑吧? Has gawked staring, Zhao Yanfu knee laughs: „Did you, what you say? You count on these ineffective and worthless troops, wants to annihilate Burning Sky Sect? overestimate one's capabilities, Ha Ha, ha 愣了愣,赵岩扶膝大笑:“你,你说什么?你就指望这些虾兵蟹将,也想要歼灭焚天宗不自量力,哈哈,哈哈哈” Bang But does not wait for his laughter to fall to the ground, sees only under the distant place 56 light beams, suddenly erupts the spiritual power fluctuation that shocks, making the cloudy and cold air become dry and hot. 而不等他笑声落地,只见远方56道光束下,突然爆发起震撼的灵力波动,令本來阴冷的空气变得燥热。 …… From out of the blue 一声破空 …… 咻咻咻 Several from out of the blue, nearly 50 forms, are headed by Cen to spread one after another, bows the head to profess allegiance partly squats before the Qin Shi body, exclaimed: Qin sect the disciple obeyed orders, annihilates Burning Sky Sect 数声破空,接连近乎50道身影,以岑驰为首,俯首称臣的半蹲在秦石身前,吼道:“秦宗弟子听令,歼灭焚天宗 Is “是” Neat roaring sound, the broad shake in stars, only feels the earth to shiver one after another, dozens people of neat getting rid kill to Burning Sky Sect. 整齐的咆哮声,恢弘的震荡在繁星阵内,接连只感大地颤动,数十人整齐的出手杀向焚天宗 Nearly 50 Profound Spirit Realm, is this huge existence? What is most important, were this group of people unexpectedly people of Qin sect the? Growing up mouth that Leader Yun several people all do not dare to believe. 近乎50名的玄灵境,这是何等庞大的存在?最重要的是,这群人竟然是秦宗之人?凌霄几人皆是不敢置信的长大嘴巴。 Sudden 50 Profound Spirit Realm, making the audience people all grow up the mouth, at once what welcomes was houseful horizon the calling out sound of Burning Sky Sect disciple, the praying for rescue sound. 突然出现的50名玄灵境,令全场人皆是长大了嘴巴,旋即迎來的是满屋天际的焚天宗弟子的嚎叫声,求救声。 Regarding this, Qin Shi is faint, without the hesitation of slightest, regarding him, regardless of these people, has injured Qin sect and Qin Family, chooses to stand in them in Burning Sky Sect, with Qin Family for enemy time, is the deceased person. 对此,秦石淡漠无神,沒有分毫的犹豫,对于他來说,无论这些人,是否伤害过秦宗与秦家,在他们选择站在焚天宗,和秦家为敌的时候,就已经是死人了。 Zhao Yan, then, calculates our personal gratitude and grudges “赵岩,接下來,算一算我们的私人恩怨吧” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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