PDL :: Volume #5

#482: Takes away the big trough

The tight atmosphere, was broken by the Xiaomi Cai euphonious wonderful sound, Qin Yongfeng is the person of head, strange looking to Qin Tianqing. 紧张的气氛,被小米彩银铃般的妙音打破,秦永峰为首的人,怪异的望向秦天擎 Do not visit me, I, if her grandfather, you were her Grandpa Zu.” The Qin Tianqing corners of the mouth twitch stared Qin Yongfeng one, at once has rubbed Xiaomi Cai such as luxuriant of pink clouds: „Did girl, you admit mistakes? What did you just shout me?” “别看我,我要是她爷爷,你就是她的祖爷爷了。”秦天擎嘴角抽搐的瞪了秦永峰一眼,旋即揉了揉小米彩如彩霞的秀发:“小姑娘,你是不是认错了?你刚刚喊我什么?” Grandfather, you are not my father's father, that is my grandfather.” Xiaomi Cai innocent winks big eye to say. “爷爷啊,你不是我爹爹的爹爹吗,那就是我的爷爷啊。”小米彩无辜的眨着大眼睛道。 Affirmed once more one have not misunderstood, Qin Tianqing corners of the mouth dry, but at this time, his look gawked, suddenly holds any keyword same question: You said that I am your father's father? Who is your father?” 再次肯定自己沒有听错,秦天擎嘴角干涩,而这时,他神色一愣,突然抓住什么关键词一样的问句:“你说,我是你爹爹的爹爹?你爹爹是谁?” My father is Qin Shi.” “我爹爹是秦石啊。” The strange vision, suddenly is reveals wipes scary changing countenance, Qin Yongfeng fierce went forward one, shouted to clear the way: Girl, is your father Shi’er?” 本來怪异的目光,一刹那间皆是露出一抹骇人的动容,秦永峰猛的上前一步,喝道:“小姑娘,你爹是石儿?” Yes.” [Say / Way] that Xiaomi Cai does not know quite the same as. “是啊。”小米彩浑然不知的道。 Rumble dry throat rolled, Qin Tianqing has gawked half sound, gratified clapping said: Good, good, this brat, one year does not see makes me become the grandfather not to be right, one year.” “咕噜”干涩的喉咙滚动一下,秦天擎愣了半响,才欣慰的拍手道:“好啊,好啊,这臭小子,一年不见都让我当上爷爷不对,才一年啊。” The happy expression of just raising was suddenly inflexible, Qin Tianqing fierce lowering the head , the big hand took rough measurements from the head of Xiaomi Cai, the Xiaomi Cai height almost arrived at his waist, Nyima, even if takes away the big trough, one year could not detain such big miss. 刚升起的喜色戛然僵固,秦天擎猛的低下头,大手从小米彩的脑袋上比量一下,小米彩的身高差不多都到了他的腰间,尼玛,就算是扣大盆,一年也扣不出來这么大的姑娘啊。 This brat, will not kidnap and sell the youth young girl, deal that what slave trader is? 这臭小子,不会拐卖青春少女,做上什么人贩子的勾当了吧? Thinks and does not think right, Heaven Realm can expert be kidnapped and sold easily? 想一想又觉得不对,天境高手能被轻易拐卖吗? Ha Ha, does not use surprisedly, this was not the Qin miss of Shi’tou little friend.” The strange atmosphere was broken suddenly, dozens forms float empty to come, what Yan of lead. “哈哈,诸位不用惊讶,这位不是石头小友的秦姑娘。”怪异的氛围突然被打破,数十道身影浮空而來,领头的正是何岩。 What crag senior, Luo Family host?” The hand that Qin Yongfeng decays dry trembled trembling, said: „Did you come? Before the half a month, hears Burning Sky Sect to get rid to Rainbow Cloud City, I and others also had to worry, this outcome what's the matter?” “何岩前辈,洛家主?”秦永峰枯朽的手颤了颤,道:“你们怎么來了?半月前听闻焚天宗虹云城出手,我等还心存担忧,这究竟是怎么回事?” Ha Ha, is a long story, but also wants many thanks the Shi’tou little friend is.” what Yan caressed to with a smile steadily, 11 the half a month ago matter passed on to Qin Yongfeng. “哈哈,说來话长,还要多谢石头小友才是。”何岩笑着抚了抚长须,将半月前的事11转告秦永峰 Follows what Yan the spoken language, crowd look change rapidly, is similar to the sculpture is at a stalemate motionless, as if such as under the sweep of god of death, catches suddenly wipes the hope the dawn. 伴随何岩的言语,人群神色急速的变化,一个一个如同雕塑般僵持不动,仿佛如在死神的笼罩下,突然间抓到一抹希望的曙光。 Wipes the it goes without saying happy expression, blooms on the shamelessness of Qin Yongfeng, because is excited, making the presbyopia of his pollution slightly moist: You said that you were said my grandson did come back?” 一抹不言而喻的喜色,在秦永峰的老脸上绽放,由于激动,令他浑浊的老眼都微微湿润:“你是说,你是说我孙儿回來了?” Um, moreover this kid now is not simple, these time came back to seek 50 Profound Spirit Realm expert, several Heaven Realm with a smile nodded, what Yandao. “嗯,而且这小家伙现在可不简单,这一次回來足足寻來了50名玄灵境高手,其中还有数名天境”笑着点了点头,何岩道。 Hissing “嘶” Fierce sucking in mouth cold air/Qi, 50 Profound Spirit Realm, several Heaven Realm? 剧烈的倒抽口冷气,50名玄灵境,数名天境 Is this exists? 这是何等存在? Weeping that cannot bear, Qin Yongfeng said: I know that I know, Shi’er will not disappoint us 忍不住的喜极而泣,秦永峰道:“我就知道,我就知道,石儿不会让我们失望啊” Under the approval point, Leader Yun said: Such words, so long as perseveres Sect Master to come back, was my Qin sect turns defeat into victory 认可的点下头,凌霄道:“如此的话,只要坚守到宗主回來,就是我秦宗反败为胜的时候了” Pretense “假模假样” Does not think that Leader Yun just opened the mouth, Xiaomi Cai reveals exclusion of face unexpectedly, white, snorting contemptuously snort has turned the broad and handsome forehead one side. 不想,凌霄刚开口,小米彩竟露出一脸的嫌弃,白了一眼,嗤之以鼻的哼了哼就将螓首扭到一旁。 Ponders over unclear one, Leader Yun that makes has sucked the tongue, does not know one have made the mistake anything, but does not wait for him to open the mouth to closely examine, on the vault of heaven suddenly resounds the billowing great wild goose sound, Zhao Yan scolds to cover fierce: „Does the silly girl who where comes, dare to meddle my Burning Sky Sect matter?” 琢磨不清的一幕,弄的凌霄咂了咂舌,不知自己做错了什么,而不等他去开口追问,天穹上突然响起滚滚的鸿音,赵岩厉声的呵斥覆盖而來:“哪里來的黄毛丫头,竟敢插手我焚天宗的事?” The Xiaomi Cai irritable temperament is air fan gets up, instantaneous full house, boldly thrusting forward goes forward one step: Drinks, the senior buddhist monk, my having no free time manages you, couldn't you look on the bright side of thing unexpectedly first are?” 小米彩火爆的脾气可谓是扇风就起,瞬间爆棚,挺身的上前一步:“喝,老秃驴,我沒空理你,你竟然先想不开了是不是?” The complexion sinks, Zhao Yan holds up the remnant arm, wields together the hundred zhang (333m) hurricane to Xiaomi Cai: Dares such to speak with me, you court death 脸色一沉,赵岩举起残臂,冲着小米彩就挥出一道百丈飓风:“敢这么和我说话,你找死” The hurricane curls up, the people reveal immediately in a terrified way, but at this time, Xiaomi Cai disdained cast aside draws the skirt, one step kept off before Qin Yongfeng several people of bodies said: Grandfather, Grandpa Zu, you do not fear that here has me, I thought that he can injure to anyone of you 飓风卷起,众人马上露出惶恐,而这时,小米彩不屑的撇开彩裙,一步挡在秦永峰几人的身前道:“爷爷,祖爷爷,你们别怕,这里有我,我看他能伤到你们谁” Charmingly angry, the skilled artist in chest, seven color knot takes advantage of opportunity to open together, covers the mountain massif of half wall unexpectedly, all Renhu. 娇嗔一声,妙手在胸膛一番,一道七彩的结界顺势张开,竟将半壁的山体笼罩,将诸人护在其中。 Bang 轰隆 Hurricane offensive exceptionally quick and violent, the earth of halfway up the mountainside rips open several gullies on, but hit for all this in tying on, on after seven color knot causes several points of ripples, swings unexpectedly however dissipates. 飓风的攻势异常迅猛,将半山腰的大地上撕开数道沟壑,而尽管如此的撞击在结界上,七彩的结界上引起几分涟漪后,竟荡然消散。 Keeps off the hurricane, Xiaomi Cai has not received the hand, but is toot toot the fragrant cheek, an arrow step welcomed empties on, turned round to shout to Qin Tianqing: Grandfather, do not walk, when I solve this senior buddhist monk I to come back to look for you.” 挡下飓风,小米彩并未收手,而是嘟嘟起香腮,一个箭步就迎空而上,回身冲秦天擎喊道:“爷爷,别走啊,等我解决这个老秃驴我就回來找你。” The corners of the mouth twitch several, Qin Tianqing helpless forced smile, thought: This is my family, where I can toward walk 嘴角抽搐几下,秦天擎无奈的苦笑一番,心想:“这是我家,我能往哪里走啊” Bang Stares like star meteor multi-colored sunlight, Zhao Yan is revealing wipes the startled color, Heaven Realm of North District not besides Burning Sky Sect, therefore since this has been his breakthrough Heaven Realm, shunt that first admitting defeat, is sideways hastily. 盯着如星陨般的霞光,赵岩露出一抹惊色,北方区域焚天宗外并无天境,所以这是他突破天境以來,第一次吃瘪,连忙侧身的闪开。 Two Heaven Realm, by crush audience spiritual power of excitedly, engage in the broad battle in the nighttime sky thousand li (0.5km) away, remaining prestige that suddenly the explosive again and again, each confrontation causes, must be daring. 两名天境,以碾压全场的勃然灵力,在千里外的夜空展开恢弘的交锋,一时间爆响连连,每一次交锋所引起的余威,必是气吞山河。 If not for knows how things stand multi- Profound Spirit Realm to support under by strenuous efforts, reluctant resists the remaining prestige, feared that is entire mountain peak, at this time had been razed. 若不是有数多玄灵境在下方苦苦支撑,勉强的将余威抵抗,怕是整座山峰,此时都已经被夷为平地。 „Is this Heaven Realm strength? Before Zhao hadn't Yan done utmost?” In the lips and teeth trembled trembling, Qin Yongfeng and the others felt to rejoice, if not for the sudden appearance of Xiaomi Cai, this they must defeat. “这才是天境的实力?之前赵岩都沒有竭尽全力?”唇齿间颤了颤,秦永峰等人不由感到庆幸,若不是小米彩的突然出现,这一场他们必败。 Can say, if not for Zhao Yan formerly pulled rank, feared that was present Qin sect and Qin Family, already was the rivers of blood, did not exist. 或者可以说,若不是赵岩先前托大,怕是现在的秦宗和秦家,早已是血流成河,不复存在。 Piao ghost?” “朴老鬼呢?” When all people is surprised, what Yan is irritable searches, for a very long time does not have the form of old friend, question. 而在诸人惊讶时,何岩急躁的四下寻觅一番,久久沒有故友的身影,问句 Speaking of Piao Quan, under Qin Yongfeng gripping maliciously the fist, some vision remorses moved toward the rear hundred meters deep gully, what crag vision searched, at once the look trembles, shouted to clear the way suddenly: Piao ghost 提起朴泉,秦永峰狠狠的攥下拳,目光有些自责的朝后方一座百米深的沟壑挪动,何岩目光跟着探去,旋即神色一颤,猛然喝道:“朴老鬼” …… Piao Quan the injury is quite serious, the right chest passed through hole blood stream continues, what Yan under all therapy compounded drug clothing, this will save the life for this reason. 朴泉的伤势极为严重,右侧胸口被贯穿的窟窿血流不止,何岩将身上所有的疗伤丹药为此服下,这才保住性命。 Wipes anger with amazement, braves along the shamelessness of what crag on, before he because of the Qin Shi reason, stood and Burning Sky Sect opposition, but this time, kills intent is actually the real origin in the innermost feelings, exclaiming of being burning with anger: Burning Sky Sect, I and you am unable to co-exist 一抹骇然的愤怒,沿着何岩的老脸上冒起,之前他只是因为秦石的缘故,才站出來和焚天宗对立,而这一次,杀意却是真真实实的來源于内心,怒火中烧的吼道:“焚天宗,我和你势不两立” Bang In the sky demolishes once more, Zhao Yan leaves to back up, Xiaomi Cai is not willing, the speed to speed up obviously suddenly, skilled artist void outstretch, together seven color whips, being ready is curving, Mou Zu vigor brushes toward Zhao Yan. 天空中再次爆破,赵岩抽身倒退,小米彩显然不肯,速度猛然加快,妙手虚空的伸出,一道七彩的鞭子,蓄势待发的弯曲起來,牟足了劲的朝着赵岩抽打下去。 Bang! Raises hand hastily, Zhao Yan tucks in several flames with the remnant arm void, will become the bikini the colored whip will block, but does not think that this had not finished, the whip will fall in the flame, suddenly will blast open, will change into the color butterfly surely, plunging Zhao Yan of coming in swarms. 连忙举手,赵岩凭着残臂虚空撩起几道火光,成三点式将彩色的鞭子挡住,而不想,这并沒有结束,鞭子落在火光中,突然炸裂开,化为千万的彩蝶,蜂拥而至的扑向赵岩。 Ping 砰砰砰 Flurried, Zhao Yan withdraws hastily, in several showdowns makes him fully realize that cultivation of Xiaomi Cai for good, clenched teeth saying: Small girl, are actually you who? Why can meddle my Burning Sky Sect matter?” 慌乱下,赵岩连忙退后,几番对决中让他深知小米彩的修为不俗,咬了咬牙道:“小丫头,你究竟是何人?为何要插手我焚天宗的事?” What's wrong? Didn't know me?” Xiaomi Cai sarcastic comments huh, the violent anger said: You do not know me, I may know you “怎么?不认识我了?”小米彩冷言冷语的哼哧一声,暴怒道:“你不认识我,我可认识你呢” Suffers to death “受死” The white hands tuck dive, holds the palm to fall, Xiaomi Cai does not have the least bit to hesitate, seven color multi-colored sunlight look like the north-south polar region aurora, making the dim world bright. 玉手翻腾,掌起掌落,小米彩沒有半点犹豫,七彩的霞光就像是南北极地的极光,令昏暗的天地明亮。 Bang Strenuous resists, Zhao Yan knit the brows: „Do you know me?” 吃力的抵挡一下,赵岩皱起眉:“你认识我?” Snort, the previous time, my strength is insufficient, the father who harms is injured, these time has not arrived while him, I first extinguished you for him “哼,上一次,我实力不足,害的爹爹受伤,这一次趁着他还沒到,我就先替他灭了你” True body transformation “真身转化” Xiaomi Cai drinks one coldly, at once on her tender body blossoms in radiant splendor suddenly, the snake large male deer of color butterfly multiplies on the fair flesh, in a flash, dozens zhang (3.33 m) python, is dormant in the vault of heaven clouds together. 小米彩冷喝一声,旋即她的娇躯上突然大放异彩,一片一片彩蝶的蛇麟在白皙的肌肤上滋生,转瞬间,一道数十丈的巨蟒,蛰伏于天穹云霄。 The python that suddenly reappears, making the audience all stare the god, although before , hear of what Yan mentioned, knows that Xiaomi Cai was Desolate Beast, but after witnessing, somewhat was hard to accept. 突然浮现的巨蟒,令全场皆是愣了愣神,尽管之前听何岩提及,知道小米彩荒兽所化,而亲眼目睹后,还是有些难以接受。 Especially Qin Tianqing, thinks that the big snakes, to oneself shouting grandfather in a seductive voice, always feel a moment ago somewhat strangely. 特别是秦天擎,一想到刚才有一条大蛇,冲着自己娇声娇气的喊爷爷,总是感觉有些怪异。 In all people is frightened, the Leader Yun look stares, remembers for two years ago, is burning the day mystical place, seven color small snakes of palm of the hand size, tremble saying: Originally is she?” 而在诸人惊悚间,凌霄神色一愣,想起两年前,在焚天秘境,一条巴掌大小的七彩小蛇,颤道:“原來是她?” Remembered just Xiaomi Cai again to the appearance that he shut out, shaking the head of was suddenly enlighted all of a sudden, said painstakingly: From behaving badly.” 再想起刚刚小米彩对他嫌弃的模样,一下子恍然大悟的摇了摇头,苦道:“自作孽啊。” Is you?” “是你?” Is staring at the python, Zhao Yan pupil heart one coldly, suddenly also remembers anything, once was burning day mystical place, is his palm, strikes to fly Xiaomi Cai. 盯着巨蟒,赵岩的眸心一寒,忽然也想起什么,曾经在焚天秘境处,就是他一掌,将小米彩击飞。 Recognized? The elder sister delivers you dead” “认出來了?姐姐送你去死” The gigantic blood-stained mouth calls out one, Xiaomi Cai circles the snake body, one to Zhao Yanpu. 硕大的血口嚎叫一声,小米彩盘旋起蛇躯,咻一下就冲着赵岩扑了上去。 Bang 轰隆 Clenched teeth, raises head to look at two who on the vault of heaven is encountering, Qin Yongfeng exclaims: We also get rid, spelled with the Burning Sky Sect person 咬了咬牙,仰头望着天穹上交锋的两人,秦永峰吼道:“咱们也出手,和焚天宗的人拼了” Under tangled warfare that shock that what Yan, the bagpipe female monster and Luohe River eight strange joining, Xiaomi Cai creates in addition, opens once more, Burning Sky Sect was suppressed thoroughly. 何岩、风笛女妖、洛河八怪的加入,加上小米彩所造成的震撼,再次开启的混战下,焚天宗彻底被压制住。 Bang Fierce collision, Zhao Yantuo the remnant arm, was pulling out by the snake tail of Xiaomi Cai maliciously flies, such as meteor hit on mountain peak of distant place. 剧烈的碰撞一下,赵岩拖着残臂,被小米彩的蛇尾狠狠抽飞,如流星般撞击在远处的山峰上。 Bang 轰隆 Bang, Zhao Yan spits blood again and again, fierce when crawls to set out, is looking below Burning Sky Sect unceasingly massacred disciple, thorough violent anger: Good, good, good, good Qin sect, but you think this, can shake our Burning Sky Sect? To a Ancient City round of signal, adjusts completely all disciples, if today the non- slaughter extinguished Qin sect, I vowed am not human 巨响一声,赵岩连连吐血,狰狞的爬起身时,望着下方焚天宗不断被残杀的弟子,彻底暴怒:“好,好,好,好一个秦宗,但你们以为这样,就能够撼动我们焚天宗吗?给古城发信号,将所有弟子全部调來,今天若不屠灭秦宗,我誓不为人” Has been instructed, the elder who below several were compelled the hopeless situation, simultaneously raises the hand sleeve, wields two flames to the midair. 得到指示,下方几名被逼到绝境的长老,同时扬起手袖,冲着半空中挥出两道火光。 Is exploding with Leader Yun that fights hostilely hastily draws back, raises head the flame that looks at to shoot up to the sky, rapid [say / way]: Quick, blocks him quickly, cannot make the signal launch 正在与敌对交手的凌霄连忙爆退,仰头看着冲天而起的火光,急促道:“快,快拦住他,不能让信号发射出去” Bang But the voice falls, wants to stop to cross obviously late, the hot lotuses of combustion from the sky disperse, the jet black nighttime sky will lighten. 而话音落下,想要阻拦显然已经过迟,一片一片燃烧的火莲在空中散开,将漆黑的夜空点亮。 The hot lotus blooms, Leader Yun is suddenly dispirited: Ended, these, has also guarded in Ancient City two Heaven Realm 火莲绽放,凌霄突然颓废下來:“完了,这一下完了,在古城还有两名天境镇守” What? Two Heaven Realm?” “什么?还有两名天境?” When hearing this news, was starting Qin sect all people who meets the enemy, simultaneously reveals the frightened panic. 在听到这个消息时,本來正兴起迎敌的秦宗诸人,同时露出惊悚的恐慌。 …… But at this time, two star meteors streaked across the nighttime sky suddenly, was having together the grating broken rumor, rumbled to crash before the body of Leader Yun, the body of Leader Yun before getting back one's composure, was two deeply does not see the bottom directly the endocrater, under each endocrater was all lying down a distressed form of body fire cloud embroidery. 而这时,两道星陨突然划破夜空,带着一道刺耳的破风声,轰一声坠落在凌霄的身前,在回神时凌霄的身前,直接是两个深不见底的巨坑,每一个巨坑下皆是躺着一名身着火云刺绣的狼狈身影。 Two Heaven Realm that the Leader Yun elder, you said that is these two?” 凌霄长老,您所说的两名天境,可是这两位?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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