PDL :: Volume #5

#481: Grandfather

Winning over of scarlet fruits made Piao Quan stare, the senile body rickets got up, sneer saying: He he, I said you, a moment ago to the person of Qin sect, naive was shouting, now are naive? You thought that I hire oneself Burning Sky Sect, will let off me by Luan Muhua disposition?” 赤果果的拉拢令朴泉一愣,老态的身躯佝偻起來,冷笑道:“呵呵,我说你,刚才对秦宗的人,一口一个天真的喊着,现在自己怎么也天真起來了?你觉得我投靠焚天宗,以栾慕华的性格会放过我么?” This point you do not need to be worried, so long as you are resigned to hire oneself, I decide however can persuade Sect Master, does not go into one's past a look revolution to you, lowering the head of Zhao Yan not to accept as correct, in the bird's eye view tread the pitiful bleak wooded mountain: „, The one who understands the times is outstanding, this fought Qin Zongbai, North District again did not have Qin sect, why can compensate own life again?” “这一点你不必担心,只要你甘心投靠,我定然能劝服宗主,对你既往不咎”神色一转,赵岩不以为然的低下头,俯瞰着地面上凄惨的荒凉山林:“正所谓,识时务者为俊杰,这一战秦宗败了,北方区域就再无秦宗,何必要再赔上自己的性命呢?” Senseless shrugging, Piao Quandao: That may not necessarily, you forget, even if has defeated today, so long as Qin sect Sect Master has not come back, Qin sect was also not perishes.” 无谓的耸了耸肩,朴泉道:“那可未必,难道你忘了,就算今日败了,只要秦宗的宗主还沒回來,秦宗也就不算亡。” Zhao Yan stares, as if heard the huge joke to be the same, satirizes: Drinks, did you say Qin Shi? Ha Ha, depends on him, he is to live now is dies does not know, moreover he comes back, depending on his a brat of being wet behind the ears, can raise the big storm?” 赵岩一愣,仿佛听到了天大的笑话一样,讽刺道:“喝,你说秦石?哈哈,就凭他,他现在是生是死都不知道,况且就算他回來,凭他一个乳臭未干的臭小子,又能掀起多大的风浪?” He he, do you dare to think? That may really not rise the lesson.” Piao Quan laughs to make noise similarly: One year ago, he is also a person, storm that finally turns, but almost submerged your Burning Sky Sect. Moreover, you have forgotten, how does your right hand break?” “呵呵,你敢这么认为?那可真是不涨教训啊。”朴泉同样大笑出声:“一年前,他也是一个人,结果翻起的风浪,可是差点淹沒了你们焚天宗啊。而且,你难道忘了,你的右手是怎么断得?” You break the arm incident, is Zhao Yan taboo, exclaiming that the shame of forever not being able to forget, is angry suddenly: Scoffs, the bad old man, do not propose a toast do not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit, I asked finally your one time, are you fall or do not fall?” “你”断臂一事,是赵岩的禁忌,永远忘不了的耻辱,猛然间大怒的吼道:“嗤,糟老头,你别敬酒不吃吃罚酒,我最后问你一次,你是降还是不降?” Ha Ha, Burning Sky Sect is no doubt huge, may look like in my Piao Quan, but is the bandit nest that does not make a name, you thought that I will fall?” Piao Quan stretches out the arms, plays old disrespectful extremely arrogant uninhibited. “哈哈,焚天宗固然庞大,可在我朴泉看來,不过就是一个不成气候的土匪窝,你觉得我会降吗?”朴泉张开双臂,一副玩老不恭的狂妄不羁。 Zhao Yan patience was worn down completely, knitting the brows of becoming angry out of shame, reprimanded: Scoffs, the old fogy of acting recklessly, thinks that the dead main body helps you 赵岩的耐性被消磨殆尽,恼羞成怒的皱起眉,斥道:“嗤,不知死活的老家伙,想死本尊就成全你” The word, he bends down, breaks the hand sleeve of arm to make noise in the cold wind cool and refreshingly, another palm finds out, such as Long Zhaoban tears down toward the chest of plain spring. 言罢,他俯身而下,一条断臂的手袖在冷风中泠泠作响,另一只掌心探出,如龙爪般朝朴泉的胸膛撕下。 …… But in instant, the body that he just approached stops suddenly, refuses to compromise in the midair, dark evil eye unwavebering is staring at Piao Quan, sees only Piao Quan the dry hand to hold up, is grasping together the shining token, the place above is carving a forceful deficit. 而就在他刚逼近的刹那,身躯猛然停顿一下,僵持在半空中,幽暗的邪眼死死的盯着朴泉,只见朴泉的枯手举起,握着一块金灿灿的令牌,上方刻着一个铿锵有力的赤字。 Scarlet flame command? The old fogies, are you person in empire?” “赤炎令?老家伙,你是帝国的人?” Stares is stopping in Zhao Yan several meters away, the scarlet flame made the barrier in both, Piao Quan tacitly approved saying: Burning Sky Sect that he he, was fearless, there is a thing that command it dreads.” 盯着停在几米外的赵岩,赤炎令隔阂在两者中间,朴泉默认道:“呵呵,原來天不怕地不怕的焚天宗,也有令其忌惮的东西啊。” Drinks, no wonder just security like that had taken advantage.” “喝,难怪刚刚那般的有恃无恐,原來是有所依仗啊。” Sees the scarlet flame command, on Zhao Yan face truly reappears for several points to dread that but under the tense facial expression, the footsteps is actually treading void, is difficult to distinguish the speed that slowly to approach toward Piao Quan by the naked eye. 看见赤炎令,赵岩的面庞上确实浮现出几分忌惮,而在紧张的神情下,脚步却踏着虚空,以肉眼难辨的速度缓慢朝朴泉靠近。 …… But when he is away from Piao Quan when square inch, dreading on facial features was wiped suddenly the totally different craftiness to smile the substitution, holds the palm to fall, the sharp claws puncture. 而就在他距离朴泉只有方寸之时,面容上的忌惮突然被一抹迥然不同的诡笑取代,掌起掌落,利爪刺出。 Bang, bang. 砰,巨响一声。 The opportunity that swiftly, Piao Quanlian dodges does not have, the right chest was passed through by the sharp claws directly, passes the heart cool bloodstain, welcomed the day to spray. 倏忽,朴泉连躲闪的机会都沒有,右侧的胸膛直接被利爪贯穿,透心凉的血迹,迎天喷洒。 Chest sudden severe pain, made to twitch that Piao Quan the appearance could not bear, does not dare to believe was staring at Zhao Yan, must know that seeing the scarlet flame to make such as to see now in the Saint, dared to affront, kills without the amnesty. 胸口突如其來的剧痛,令朴泉面目忍不住的抽搐一下,不敢置信的盯着赵岩,要知道,看见赤炎令如见当今圣上,胆敢冒犯,杀无赦。 Puff Zhao Yanjiang sharp claws extract, cold and gloomy ridicule: Is very surprised? Don't be startled, sees to make such as to see now in the Saint? Your news feared that is insufficiently quick, now, in now Saint already Xianyou, what did Lai see a Saint saying? Let alone this scarlet flame command spoke of this, he stretched out the sound, the one of the remnant arm before Piao Quan wielded, carved the deficit golden token to take out by it similarly: Solely is not you have” 赵岩将利爪抽出,森冷的嘲弄道:“很吃惊么?别吃惊,见令如见当今圣上是吧?只是你的消息怕是不够灵通,如今,当今的圣上早已仙游,何來见圣一说?更何况这赤炎令么”说到这,他拉长声音,残臂在朴泉面前一挥,一枚同样刻着赤字的金色令牌被其取出:“可不单单是你有” Is staring in Zhao Yanshou scarlet flame command, Piao Quan one cold: You how, you how can 盯着赵岩手中的赤炎令,朴泉心里一寒:“你怎么,你怎么会” How will I have scarlet flame to make?” Zhao Yan breaks saying: Looked in share that in you must die, I told you to be good, was your token the large male deer imperial concubine presents as a gift? Really skillful, my token, is the mortal enemy of large male deer imperial concubine, Queen Xiao Chong presents as a gift “我怎么会有赤炎令是吧?”赵岩打断道:“看在你都要死的份上,我就告诉你好了,你的令牌是麟妃所赠吧?真是巧了,我的令牌,是麟妃的死敌,肖宠皇后所赠” Spout blood that suddenly, Piao Quanming becomes aware: He he, I early should think that by Luan Muhua skill, how dares at the North District opening war recklessly, to have Xiao Chong to support in behind, Ha Ha, ha 恍然,朴泉明悟的吐出口鲜血:“呵呵,我早该想到,以栾慕华的本事,怎么敢在北方区域肆意的开启战争,原來是有肖宠在后面撑腰,哈哈,哈哈哈” „The death old fogy, idle talk are really many “将死的老家伙,废话真多” The palm wields, made in scarlet flame the income sleeve, Zhao Yan five senses were fierce, compressed single-handed all round spiritual power within hundred meters, wielded to Piao Quan the skinny body. 掌心一挥,将赤炎令收入袖中,赵岩的五官狰狞,单手将百米内的灵力团团压缩成一点,冲着朴泉枯瘦的身躯挥去。 The wild spirit pressure, the broken black robe will burn through, Piao Quan the old facial features reveal, are looking at the light group of approaching, does not have the ample force that the half minute dodges again. 狂野的灵压,将残破的黑袍燃尽,朴泉苍老的面容露出,望着逼近的光团,再无半分躲闪的余力。 Kid, it seems like that the old man cannot wait for you, when this North District shines the brilliance greatly, has remembered that revenges for the old man “小家伙,看來老夫是等不到你,在这北方区域大放光彩的时候了,记得替老夫报仇” Raised the corners of the mouth strenuously, the light group moved the plain spring the neckband, Bang made the emaciated physique such as the shell common, one flew upside down. 吃力的扬了扬嘴角,光团触碰到朴泉的领口,砰一声令羸弱的身板如炮弹一般,咻一下倒飞出去。 Bang 轰隆 Thousand jin (0.5 kg) great cauldron hit in the halfway up the mountainside of back side of the mountain, takes Piao Quanwei as the center of circle, the earth direct avalanche next dozens meters, innumerable chaps like spider web proliferation. 千斤巨鼎般的撞击在后山的半山腰上,以朴泉为圆心,大地直接崩塌下数十米,无数龟裂如蛛网般扩散。 The fierce shake made the mountain massif vacillate, Qin Yongfeng as well as Leader Yun and the others Chest one startled, exclaimed startled: Piao Quan senior 剧烈的震荡令山体为之动摇,秦永峰以及凌霄等人心口一惊,惊慌吼道:“朴泉前辈” Played enough, should be the time finished.” “玩够了,该是时候结束了啊。” Indifferent sweeps the crowd, the Zhao Yan remnant arm has made an effort to shake in the hip, the stubborn air wave rolling compels together from the sleeve, Bang, leaves a hundred meters gulf the earthquake under body unexpectedly directly, at once he wields single-handed, the air wave to sweep away the potentials of thousand armed forces, howls curls up hundred Qin Family disciples. 冷漠的扫过人群,赵岩的残臂在胯间用力一震,一道桀骜的气浪自袖筒中滚滚逼出,砰一声,竟直接将身下的大地震出一个百米的深坑,旋即他单手一挥,气浪以横扫千军之势,呼啸间卷起百名秦家弟子。 Death “死” Grasps to the hurricane void, only listens to several hundred neat remaining silent, resounds from the abdomen of Qin Family disciple, then also explodes, causes everywhere the blood rain. 冲着飓风虚空一握,只听数百道整齐的闷声,从秦家弟子的腹中响起,接着同时爆炸,引起漫天的血雨。 Those who made people more desperate was this had not finished, after the invisible air wave hundred Qin Family disciples massacred, on average is divided into four strengths, transferred toward eight sides, the place of passing over gently and swiftly must be the horizontal corpse wilderness, the rivers of blood. 令人更加绝望的是这并沒有结束,无形的气浪将百名秦家弟子残杀后,平均分为四股力量,朝着八方挪移,掠过之处必是横尸荒野,血流成河。 Not “不” Wipes the endless despair, opens in the moral nature of human tide, more and more disciple tragic deaths, four hurricanes on such as the god of death sickle, were harvesting the life of Qin sect disciple unceasingly. 一抹无尽的绝望,在人潮的心底翻开,越來越多的弟子惨死,四股飓风就如死神的镰刀,不断的收割着秦宗弟子的生命。 Stands gets down in the blazing blood rain, the innumerable disciples even continually grip grasp the strength of pointed weapons not to have, the pain does not dare knees down, is grabbing with both hands the hair cries loudly: Could not win, could not win, we at all were not their matches 站在炽热的血雨下,无数的弟子甚至连攥握兵刃的力量都沒有,痛苦不敢的跪倒在地,两手抓着头发的嚎哭起來:“赢不了得,赢不了得,我们根本不是他们的对手” Only then dies, can only die, we were dying “只有死,只能死,我们要死了” I have not wanted dead, I do not die, volume “不我还不想死,我不要死,额啊啊” The serious atmosphere, made Qin sect a side, did not fight bursts. 沉重的气氛,令秦宗一方,不战自溃。 Damn, cannot in this way, otherwise the morale thoroughly collapsed, at that time did not need Burning Sky Sect to get rid, we must defeat without doubt Leader Yun and the others, is looking at the disciple of being utterly routed, such as the blade twists at heart general. “该死,不能在这样下去,否则士气就彻底崩溃了,那时候就算不用焚天宗出手,我们必败无疑”凌霄等人,望着溃不成军的弟子,心里如刀绞一般。 Now, can only contend with 12 Piao Quan not to know the life and death with Zhao Yan, making all people feel that unprecedented was incapable. 如今,唯一一个能和赵岩抗衡12的朴泉都是不知生死,令诸人感觉到前所未有的无力。 Bang But the hurricane that at this time, four plundered unceasingly, received a huge hindrance suddenly, produced a fearful fulmination. 而这时,四道不断掠夺的飓风,突然间受到一股巨大的阻碍,产生一声可怕的爆鸣。 Bang 轰隆 Huge remaining prestige that this collision, causes, since has been the entire showdown, has never presented boundless, the mountain massif of half wall is contending, unexpectedly direct avalanche. 这一声碰撞,所引起的巨大余威,是整场对决以來,从未出现过的磅礴,半壁的山体在抗衡中,竟直接的崩塌。 Bang 轰隆隆 The explosive is unceasing, sees only one after another on the jet black nighttime sky, builds a seven color Hongqiao, Hongqiao is divided into four on the summit, the center that such as pricks four hurricanes slatingly, unexpectedly in the next instant, making that devastate the hurricane of Qin sect disciple satanically, was defeated and dispersed the powder that directly could not withstand weakly. 爆响不断,接连只见在漆黑的夜空上,架起一座七彩的虹桥,虹桥在山顶上分为四股,如雷鸣般刺入四股飓风的中央,竟在下一霎,令那如恶魔般摧残秦宗弟子的飓风,直接溃散成微弱不堪的粉末。 Under the strong winds wither, Qin Yongfeng is all people of head, opens the barrier to resist hastily, then several people of presbyopia stared staring, does not dare to believe is staring at seven pink clouds light: „Is this strength Heaven Realm?” 狂风肃杀下,秦永峰为首的诸人,连忙撑开屏障去抵抗,接着几人老眼瞪了瞪,不敢置信的盯着七彩霞光:“这力量是天境?” Heaven Realm? Is Sect Master?” The look trembles, Leader Yun shouts said. 天境?难道是宗主?”神色一颤,凌霄呼喊道。 Qin Yongfeng faint shaking the head: „It is not, in this strength, does not have the Shi’er aura 秦永峰淡漠的摇摇头:“不是,这力量中,沒有石儿的气息” The hope that just ignited, was suppressed immediately, but afterward thinks, Leader Yun several people of bitter and astringent sighing: Pours is also, one year, achieves Heaven Realm from Spirit King Realm, even if that kid, feared that isn't good?” 刚燃起的希望,马上被扑灭掉,而随后想了想,凌霄几人苦涩的叹道:“倒也是,一年时间,从王灵境达到天境,就算是那个小家伙,怕也不行吧?” The hurricane was ground, accidental solely was not Qin sect a side, Zhao Yan also knit the brows, shouted to clear the way to the end of Hongqiao fierce: Who dares to violate my Burning Sky Sect 飓风被碾碎,意外的不单单是秦宗一方,赵岩也是皱了皱眉,冲着虹桥的尽头厉声喝道:“何人敢犯我焚天宗 The voice has not fallen, in the end of Hongqiao, arrogant and impetuous uninhibited charmingly angry resounding, the sound actually such as the oriole leaves the valley to be delightful: Your matter, has not shut up to this young lady 话音未落,在虹桥的尽头,一声骄躁不羁的娇嗔响起,声音却如黄莺出谷般甜美:“沒你事,给本小姐闭嘴” hears that sound, the mountain peak several thousand people have sucked the tongue. 闻声,山峰数千人咂了咂舌。 Is the woman?” “是女人?” Looks following Hongqiao, sees only in the Hongqiao end, a small beautiful figure, wears the multi-colored sunlight long skirt, just likes the color butterfly that flutters maps in the people eyes. 顺着虹桥望去,只见在虹桥尽头,一名较小倩影,身着霞光长裙,犹如翩翩飞舞的彩蝶映入众人眼中。 Quite beautiful “好美” The beautiful figure approaches, pair of Liu Ye beautiful curved eyebrows, getting down is the charming phoenix eye, very skillful bridge of the nose, cherry small mouth, slick, renouncing society and living alone position near clouds. 倩影临近,一双柳叶弯眉,下是妩媚凤眼,挺巧鼻梁,樱桃小口,八面玲珑,遗世独立的位临云霄。 All at once, this world changes colors, if not for personally sees, is very difficult to believe that in society has this type to arrive unexpectedly fine impeccablly, builds up ten thousand beautiful in a female. 一霎时,凡尘失色,若不是亲眼所见,真的很难相信,世间竟有这种精致到无可挑剔,集结万美于一身的女子。 Future, Xiaomi Cai. 來者,小米彩是也。 …… Xiaomi Cai in a flash, one step leapt to Qin sect a side void, under ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) corona, Qin Yongfeng of hundred years of qualifications, was out of sorts several points. 小米彩虚空一晃,一步跃到秦宗一方,在万丈的光环下,就连百年资历的秦永峰,都不由失神几分。 In practice, does not have the division of age, only then cultivated is a saying, Qin Yongfeng fully realized this point, trembling that cuped one hand in the other across the chest hastily said: Many thanks the senior helps one another.” 在修炼界,沒有年岁之分,只有修为一说,秦永峰深知这一点,连忙拱手的颤道:“多谢前辈相助。” Well black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, curling the lip of Xiaomi Cai shuts out: I should not be senior, are others only several years old are good?” “咦”黛眉微蹙,小米彩嫌弃的撇了撇嘴:“我才不要做前辈,人家才十几岁好不好?” Ten several years old?” “十十几岁?” Several years old Heaven Realm? The audience all are disorderly, this thinks that cultivates for the reason, made its appearance not old, has not thought that actually was really only several years old? 十几岁天境?全场皆是凌乱,本以为是修为缘故,才令其容颜不老,沒想到竟然真的只有十几岁? Yes.” Nod of not to accept as correct, the beautiful pupil of Xiaomi Cai glances, sees not far away Qin Tianqing, Qin Tianqing and Qin Shi look like very much, before making its joyful gathering up, said: „Are you father's father? The grandfather is good “是啊。”不以为然的点了点头,小米彩的美眸一瞟,看见不远处的秦天擎,秦天擎秦石很像,令其欣喜的凑上前道:“你就是爹爹的爹爹吧?爷爷好” Master, Grandfather “爷,爷爷” The audience, are once more disorderly. 全场,再次凌乱。 This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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