PDL :: Volume #5

#480: Battle

Falls to the ground along with the sound, the eight side horizons of Desolate Town back side of the mountain, dozens are towing the star tail like the sharp sword light, dodging plunders. 随声音落地,荒镇后山的八方天际,数十道如利剑般的光影拖着星尾,咻咻咻的闪掠而來。 Connects, the earth is turbulent, the strong winds roar, dense crowd at daggers drawn, came straight to the point along the mountain, surrounded the mystical place. 接连,大地动荡,狂风怒吼,黑压压的人群剑拔弩张,沿着山下单刀直入,将秘境包围。 Is Burning Sky Sect?” “是焚天宗?” Looked at the dense crowd, in the lips and teeth of Leader Yun was trembling trembling: Damn, the news that a short time ago searched did not say that at least also requires 34 days, they will launch the attack to us, so to be how sudden?” 望着黑压压的人群,凌霄的唇齿间颤了颤:“该死,前不久探來的消息不是说,至少还要34天的时间,他们才会对我们发起攻击,怎么会这么突然?” In the one side, Piao Quan crosses the hands behind the back the vertical lightness saying: Do not be anxious, they are so hasty, us not necessarily is any bad news 在一旁,朴泉负手而立的淡淡道:“别急,他们这么仓促,于我们來讲未必是什么坏消息” Various people look askance to say puzzled: How did this words say?” 诸人不解的侧目道:“此话怎讲?” You think that by the Luan Muhua arrogant disposition, will definitely not sneak attack us, reason that she such does, I want definitely to meet anything to make her also feel the person or the matter that fear, for fear that present any accident, at the same night will attack to us.” Here, Piao Quan the voice was suddenly excited: However you said that can make Luan Muhua feel dreads what will have?” “你们想,以栾慕华高傲的性格,肯定不会对我们进行偷袭,她之所以这么做,我想肯定是遇到了什么令她也感觉到害怕的人或事,生怕出现什么变故,才会连夜对我们进攻。”说到这,朴泉的声音突然兴奋起來:“而你们说,能够让栾慕华感觉到忌惮的会有什么?” The people were startled being startled, in the mind reappeared suddenly a black robe youth, was surprised saying: Piao Quan does the senior, you mean Qin Shi? Qin Shi did he come back?” 众人怔了怔,脑海中突然浮现一名黑袍少年,诧道:“朴泉前辈,您是说秦石秦石他回來了?” Piao Quan insolent laughing, nod said: Hey, takes a broad view at North District, can make stubborn Luan Muhua feel the thing that dreads, besides that kid, I could not have thought of other anything.” 朴泉张狂的大笑,点头道:“嘿嘿,放眼北方区域,能够让桀骜的栾慕华感觉到畏惧的东西,除了那个小家伙,我还真想不到别的什么。” After the analysis of plain spring, many people thought that has the possibility very much, before the dispirited morale, reversed suddenly broadly, excitedly greatly Sheng. 经过朴泉的分析,不少人觉得很有可能,之前萎靡不振的士气,突然间逆转恢弘,勃然大盛。 The fist heart in sleeve robe gets hold of slowly, Leader Yun is happy: If were really Sect Master came back, so long as can endure him to catch up, Qin sect could be saved has thought of this, his excited looking to Qin Yongfeng: Grandpa Qin, how then does, you send the number season 袖袍中的拳心缓缓握紧,凌霄喜道:“若真是宗主回來了,只要能熬到他赶过來,秦宗就有救了”一想到这,他激动的望向秦永峰:“秦老爷子,接下來怎么做,您老发号时令吧” Qin Yongfeng complexion withers, the mouth spits a character. 秦永峰面色肃杀,口吐一字。 War “战” Qin sect the disciple obeyed orders, war “秦宗弟子听令,战” In the item contains the ghost, Leader Yun is instructed, broad calls out one, first departs the mystical place, gathers the miraculous glow to kill toward the Burning Sky Sect army. 目中含煞,凌霄得到指示,恢弘的嚎叫一声,第一个飞出秘境,汇聚灵光就朝焚天宗的大军杀去。 A person leaps, black ink Chen and are old, blood Venerable and the others not in ambiguous, Qin Tianqing and Qin Tianyu and the others accept a challenge one after another, four corners of back side of the mountain, were burnt down by the raging fire immediately, the sturdy trees change into the grey coal, the explosive again and again. 一人跃出,墨辰和逊老、血尊者等人不在含糊,秦天擎秦天宇等人接连应战,后山的四角,马上被烈火焚烧,一颗一颗粗壮的树木化为灰炭,爆响连连。 The yellowing old present flashes through together the ruthless offense, Qin Yongfeng said to the Qin Si rain and Qin Family several juniors: Private rain, transmitted orders, the disciple who all attains the demon symbol, accepts a challenge together Burning Sky Sect, other disciples cannot be flurried, strictly observe the respective post, once some people intrude the mystical place, does not need Bing Bao, kills 泛黄的老眼下闪过一道狠戾,秦永峰秦私雨和秦家几名小辈道:“私雨,传令下去,所有拿到魔符的弟子,一同应战焚天宗,其余弟子不可慌乱,严守各自岗位,一旦有人闯入秘境,无需禀报,杀” Is “是” Drinks one tenderly, the Qin Si rain confesses that at once leads personally, kills to ascend to heaven along the knot mouth of mystical place, with several hundred Burning Sky Sect disciple tangled warfare one group. 娇喝一声,秦私雨交代下去,旋即亲自带队,沿着秘境的结界口杀出升天,和数百名焚天宗的弟子混战一团。 The war gets stronger and stronger, in cloud layer, together only then a form of arm, maps under the moonlight, disclosed that several points made evil that one trembled. 战事越演越烈,在云层中,一道只有一条手臂的身影,映射在月光之下,透露出几分令人寒颤的邪恶。 Takes a broad view at the battlefield, Qin Yongfeng most dreads is Zhao Yan, staring of vision unwavebering on him, turns round saying: Piao Quan the senior, meets Zhao Yan, gave you, here only then you can resist him 12.” 放眼战场,秦永峰最为忌惮的就是赵岩,目光死死的盯在他身上,回身道:“朴泉前辈,一会赵岩,就交给您了,这里只有你能够抵抗他12。” Smiles under the point, Piao Quandao: Relax, I have promised him, before he has not come back, I will spell protect Qin Family that tries.” 笑着点下头,朴泉道:“放心,我答应过他,在他沒有回來之前,我会拼尽全力的去保护秦家。” Sigh inhaled a cold air, Qin Yongfeng said: Shi’tou can hand over your this grade of kind teacher, is his being honored for a lifetime.” 感叹的吸了口凉气,秦永峰道:“石头能够交到您这等恩师,是他一辈子的荣幸。” Ha Ha, I am not his master.” “哈哈,我可不是他师父。” If can endure this disaster, I want him to acknowledge you as the teacher surely.” Qin Yongfeng was saying. “若是能熬过此劫,我定要他拜您为师。”秦永峰正言道。 Piao Quan beckoned with the hand: Ok, the melon that wrenches is not sweet, one year ago he is not willing to request me to be the master, my also heart refuses to accept, but this time, he comes back again, feared that cultivates for on, already the student becomes superior to the master, requested me to fetter him to be the master on the contrary, his sky does not belong to this, lets his free flying, can fly high.” 朴泉摆了摆手:“算了,强扭的瓜不甜,一年前他不肯拜我为师,我还心有不服,而这一次,他再回來,怕是修为上,早已青出于蓝,拜我为师反倒会束缚了他,他的天空不属于这,让他自由自在的飞,才能飞得更高啊。” In the faint sound full is desolate, Qin Yongfeng grieved opening mouth , the countless words only gather thanks two characters, after saying, was not stopping over, raises the skinny body, was treading piece by piece the fallen leaf, broke in the battlefield. 淡漠的声音中满是苍凉,秦永峰酸楚的张了张嘴,千言万语只汇聚成‘感谢’两字,道出后不在逗留,扬起枯瘦的身躯,踏着片片落叶,冲入战场。 Burning Sky Sect and Qin sect the disciple, slaughtered along the jungle in unceasingly, the quick command green woods, changed into the incredible ruins, gathered and dispersed on and off, this back side of the mountain destroyed degree, even contrast ratio three years ago, when Evil Spirit regained consciousness must be in confusion serious, such as the tree of three autumn was bleak. 焚天宗和秦宗弟子,沿着密林中不断厮杀,很快令本來葱郁的树林,就化为荒诞的废墟,兽聚鸟散,这一次后山被破坏的程度,甚至照比三年前,邪魔苏醒时还要狼藉惨重,如三秋之树般萧条。 The increasing number of people pour in pool of blood, bloodstain one after another as if summon from abyss devil, incarnadine the women's clothing of both sides, splutters on the cheeks of both sides. 越來越多的人倒在血泊中,一道一道的血迹仿佛來自深渊恶魔的召唤,染红了双方的衣裙,溅射在双方的脸颊上。 Through this year, Qin sect took root to base when North District, became in North District, was next to the Burning Sky Sect second largest influence, but before Ancient City battle turned on the water intentionally, without doubt made this confrontation, became for dozens years, the North District scale was hugest, most frigid war, surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5km), life Tu Tan. 通过这一年,秦宗在北方区域扎根立足,成为北方区域中,仅次于焚天宗的第二大势力,而之前古城交战时故意放水,无疑令这一次交锋,成为了数十年來,北方区域规模最为庞大,最为惨烈的战争,方圆万里,生灵涂炭。 Slaughters, each some people die a violent death the tragic death, the blood is similar to the rivers and streams in the gully along mountain road flows off, knot of mystical place surrounding, was attacked by the miraculous glow unceasingly, is dense the billowing ripples, unstable. 厮杀中,每一刻都有人暴毙惨死,鲜血如同江河般沿着山路中的沟壑流下,秘境外围的结界,不断被灵光冲击,氤氲出滚滚涟漪,动荡不安。 Su Ming, Yin Mo and Qin Shang three people of strengths, now are the rapid progress, might be considered as a main force of Qin Family side, especially Su Ming, several times because are unable to assist Qin Shi to feel compunction and unwillingness, for one year the attendance cultivates builds up painstakingly, now had Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage. 苏铭尹沫秦殇三人的实力,如今可谓是飞速进步,堪称是秦家一方的主力,特别是苏铭,几次因无法相助秦石而感觉到内疚与不甘,一年來的勤修苦炼,如今已有玄灵境中期 Nursing to get a grip to cause to me, clings to tenaciously mystical place to raise head to roar, method superior martial arts revolves in the palm, crashing in huge crowd who Su Ming takes the lead. “一个一个把吃奶得劲都给我使出來,死守秘境”仰头咆哮一声,一套套上等武学在掌中运转,苏铭带头的冲进人海。 Another side, on a several meters high rock, the Qin Si rain was protected by dozens Qin sect disciple in central, alone kneads together two white hands in the front, the beautiful pupil shuts. 另一方,在一座十几米高的岩石上,秦私雨被数十名秦宗弟子护在中央,独自将两只玉手捏合在胸前,美眸微闭。 A wisp of wisp of boundless psychic force, looks like on the ocean waves the gravel by the watermark that arouses, invisible spreads toward all around, often moves the Burning Sky Sect disciple, some people of gods know the disintegration inevitably, remains unconscious. 一缕一缕磅礴的精神力,就像是海浪上被石子激起的水纹,无形的朝四周扩散,每每触碰到焚天宗的弟子,必然有人神识崩碎,昏迷不醒。 In one year, she in cultivation achieves Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage for on, but in the psychic force achieves three mark Demonic Talisman Master, this degree is to take a broad view at the empire, will obtain very lofty status, with attaching great importance to of innumerable big influence. 一年中,她不禁在修为上达到玄灵境初期,而精神力上更是达到三纹符魔师,这种程度就算是放眼帝国,都会得到非常崇高的地位,和无数大势力的重视。 Qin Fei, Qin Fengshan and Qin Feng sea these juniors, in one year the strength is also suddenly to increase, Heaven Splitting Fist, Yellow Springs' Nine Swords, once Qin Family three big martial arts, continuously were put forth, wave after wave. 秦飞秦风山秦风海这些小辈,一年中实力也是暴增,烮天拳,黄泉九剑,曾经秦家的三大武学,被连绵使出,一波接着一波。 Bang 轰隆 The mountain massif was shattered, disintegrates. 山体破碎,土崩瓦解。 In the dark wooded mountain, person's shadow one after another passes, when such as winter last fall the flea that regains consciousness is common, looks makes person creepy feeling. 幽暗的山林里,一群一群的人影晃过,就如冬去秋來时苏醒的跳蚤一般,看着都令人头皮发麻。 The torrential raging fire dyes the full horizon. 滔滔的烈火染满天际。 Is good because, many powerhouses headed by Leader Yun makes first move and gets control, by the Profound Spirit Realm vast spirit pressure, with the superiority of flying apsaras escaping place, keeps off the Burning Sky Sect army under the mountain all, making Qin sect not fall Yu Taida leeward. 好在,以凌霄为首的诸多强者先发制人,凭借玄灵境的浩繁灵压,和飞天遁地的优势,将焚天宗的大军尽数挡在山下,令秦宗并沒有落于太大的下风。 But at this time, Zhao Yantuo was breaking the arm, in the item the evil spirit staring earth, beckoned to nearby 30 elders single-handed: Sect Master has the command, fights a battle to force a quick decision, you also go, remembered do not injure the Qin Family person, Sect Master kept them also to use.” 而这时,赵岩拖着断臂,目中凶煞的凝视大地,单手冲旁边的30名长老招了招手:“宗主有令,速战速决,你们也去吧,记住别伤了秦家的人,宗主留着他们还有用。” Is “是” 30 are dormant by long elder, such as the fierce wicked tiger of breaking away shackles, exploding of being ready shoots, duo duo compels to Leader Yun rank. 30名蛰伏以久的长老,如挣开牢笼的凶猛恶虎,蓄势待发的爆射而出,冲着凌霄等人咄咄相逼。 Profound Spirit Realm enters the war, the war was promoted the superheating immediately, before was at the balanced condition pump however to break, Burning Sky Sect launched by the overwhelming superiority to the devastation of Qin sect disciple, the innumerable Qin sect disciple, under the fierce offensive, such as on the ancient sacrificial utensil the meat, allowed to be oppressed. 玄灵境参战,战事马上被提升到白热化,之前处于平衡的状态泵然打破,焚天宗以压倒性的优势展开对秦宗弟子的蹂躏,无数秦宗的弟子,在凶猛的攻势下,如俎上之肉,任人宰割。 The ear is auditing crying loudly praying for rescue sound, in the Leader Yun and other will of the people a colic, after all they are not Luan Muhua, cannot achieve to regard the life such as worthlessly, falls back on side Qin Yongfeng hastily, rapid [say / way]: Grandpa Qin, do not wait again, waited again without enough time, made the following disciple stimulate to movement the demon symbol quickly 耳旁听着嚎哭的求救声,凌霄等人心里一阵绞痛,毕竟他们不是栾慕华,做不到视生命如草芥,连忙退到秦永峰身边,急促道:“秦老爷子,别再等了,再等就來不及了,快让下面的弟子催动魔符啊” Heavy pinches the expert, Qin Yongfeng is falling into to intertwine, if currently uses the demon symbol, no doubt can draw one, but the demon symbol can only continue half double-hour, in half double-hour, if cannot severely wounded Burning Sky Sect, greet Qin Family and Qin sect will be the total destruction, will not have the ample force that the least bit will struggle again. 沉重的捏着老手,秦永峰陷入纠结,若是现在使用魔符,固然能够扳回一盘,可魔符只能持续半个时辰,在半个时辰内若不能重伤焚天宗,迎接秦家和秦宗的将是灭顶之灾,再无半点挣扎的余力。 But Leader Yun said right, if not stimulate to movement the demon symbol now, feared that will be they will not have including the opportunity of use, under for a very long time hesitation, Qin Yongfeng gets angry saying: Transmitted orders, stimulates to movement demon symbol 凌霄说的沒错,若是现在不催动魔符,怕是他们将连使用的机会都沒有,久久的犹豫下,秦永峰红着眼道:“传令下去,催动魔符” Stimulation of movement demon symbol “催动魔符” Point under maliciously, the Leader Yun air/Qi sinking dantian, in the sound pours into spiritual power roars. 狠狠的点下头,凌霄气沉丹田,声音中灌入灵力的怒吼一声。 Obtains the instruction, a Qin Family side, the disciple of meeting the enemy simultaneously dodges to draw back, the left hand stretches out from the sleeve robe, since the light miraculous glow turns the flame, demon symbol ignition one after another. 得到指令,秦家一方,迎敌的弟子同时闪退,左手从袖袍中伸出,淡淡的灵光翻起火焰,将一道一道的魔符点燃。 Bang Just like, thousands of Desolate Beast spirit bodies, like insane the sneaking into clouds, made in the entire world originally the sparkling star new moon, became is overshadowed all of a sudden. 俨然,数以千计的荒兽灵体,像疯了一样的窜入云霄,令寰宇中本來闪闪发光的星朔,一下子都变得黯然失色。 At once, Desolate Beast enters the body, a strength violent of Qin Family side increases the several fold suddenly, Su Ming several people leaps to Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage directly, suddenly the Burning Sky Sect disciple was hit to be caught off guard, the lopsided circumstance reverses once again. 旋即,荒兽入体,秦家一方的实力猛然暴增数倍,苏铭几人更是直接跃到玄灵境后期,眨眼间焚天宗的弟子被打了个措手不及,一面倒的情势再度逆转。 Demon symbol army?” The Zhao Yan clever present flashes through several none remaining, said with a smile evilly: He he, poured really has looked down on you, can serve as evidence these cheap tricks, can change the slaughtered destiny? Naive “魔符大军?”赵岩的贼眼下闪过几道精光,邪笑道:“呵呵,倒真是小瞧了你们,可以为凭这些小把戏,就能够改变被屠杀的命运么?天真” …… The voice falls, his empty shade in a flash, sets out to cover to the battlefield that the blood fills. 话音落下,他虚影一晃,起身就冲着鲜血弥漫的战场笼罩下去。 Bang But in instant, together the broken black robe that Zhao Yan leaves, escapes, but welcoming empties on, Bang one has filled with Zhao Yanzhuang, makes Zhao Yan body, has to stop several points. 而就在赵岩动身的刹那,一道残破的黑袍,遁地而起的迎空而上,砰一下和赵岩撞了个满怀,令赵岩的身躯,不得不停顿几分。 Your match is I “你的对手是我” Stops the body, sees clearly Piao Quan the facial features, Zhao Yan surprise light snort: „Is old fogy, you?” 停下身,看清朴泉的面容,赵岩诧异的轻哼一声:“老家伙,是你?” It seems like left protectors, but also remembers obsolete.” “看來左护法,还记得老朽啊。” To Piao Quan, Zhao Yan impression is very most, one year ago depending on an demon symbol, fights hundred moves with Luan Muhua, creates not the small influence. 对朴泉,赵岩印象很深,一年前凭一张魔符,和栾慕华交手百招,造成不小的影响力。 Thinks of this, Zhao Yan said with a smile: He he, these demon symbols, are you refine?” 想到这,赵岩笑道:“呵呵,这些魔符,就是你炼制的吧?” Cannot set otherwise smiles, Piao Quan has not opened the mouth. 不可置否的一笑,朴泉沒有开口。 But regarding this default, Zhao Yan restrains several points actually, said: Can refine four mark demon symbols Demonic Talisman Master, thinks that Sect Master should very be interested to you, how might as well hire oneself our Burning Sky Sect?” 而对于这种默认,赵岩倒是收敛几分,道:“一个能炼制出四纹魔符的符魔师,想必宗主对你应该会很有兴趣,不如投靠我们焚天宗如何?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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