PDL :: Volume #5

#479: Danger

Desolate Town. 荒镇 In Gu Xiu a main hall, dense and numerous crowd gatherings in this, many are the form of Qin Shi knowledge, such as his grandfather Qin Yongfeng, father Qin Tianqing, uncle Qin Tianyu, Leader Yun, Piao Quan, Su Ming, Yin Mo, blood Venerable, as well as many old friend. 一座古朽的大殿中,密密麻麻的人群汇聚于此,其中不少是秦石熟知的身影,如他的爷爷秦永峰,父亲秦天擎,大伯秦天宇,凌霄,朴泉,苏铭,尹沫,血尊者,以及诸多的故友。 But in the appearance of this group of people, the unification is hanging the intense facial expression, in the fist palms once for a while exudes several fricatives from joint, making the serious atmosphere change was more stern. 而在这群人的面目上,统一挂着紧张的神情,拳掌间时不时的发出几道來自关节的摩擦声,令本就沉重的气氛变的更加严峻。 black ink Chen, for the past 15 days, what sound can Burning Sky Sect have?” Leader Yun sits on the square chair, has straightened up the wainscot sinking sound track. “墨辰,近半月來,焚天宗可有什么动静?”凌霄坐在四方椅上,挺直了腰板沉声道。 black ink Chen considers, said: Um, now the Burning Sky Sect army is stationed in Ancient City, left protectors Zhao Yan leads enough 3000 Spirit King Realm disciples, now has surrounded Desolate Town all round, I could not find out on the 3rd, should begin to us.” 墨辰斟酌一下,道:“嗯,如今焚天宗大军驻扎在古城,左护法・赵岩率领足足3000王灵境的弟子,现在已经将荒镇团团包围,我想不出三日,应该就会对我们动手。” Is Zhao Yan?” “是赵岩?” In the field many people reveal several points of fierceness, they and Zhao Yan are not first having to do, first did not say for two years ago when burning day mystical place, Zhao Yan compels the dead end Chi Huo School, only a short time ago Burning Sky Sect attacked Ancient City, is Zhao Yanwei head, the Heaven Realm ruthless spicy method, even if the present recalled that made him feel absolutely terrified. 场上不少人露出几分狰狞,他们和赵岩不是第一次打交道,先不说两年前在焚天秘境时,赵岩将离火宗逼到绝路,光是前不久焚天宗攻打古城,就是赵岩为首,天境的狠辣手段,就算是现在回想,都令其感到毛骨悚然。 Evidently, Luan Muhua could not wait, 3000 Spirit King Realm disciples, pour also really suffices to think highly of us Leader Yun absent-minded hesitate. “看样子,栾慕华是等不及了,3000名王灵境的弟子,倒也真是够看得起我们”凌霄失神的沉吟一声。 But when hears the Burning Sky Sect fearful strength, restlessness that many people start change, several once belonged to the Chi Huo School disciple to complain: Wanted me saying that should not keep Desolate Town, the Qin Family person does not want to live, why can we remain to bury to them?” 而听闻焚天宗可怕的力量时,不少人开始变的不安,几名曾经归属离火宗的弟子埋怨道:“要我说,就不该留在荒镇,秦家的人不想活了,咱们为什么非要留下來给他们殉葬?” Shut up, rests nonsense the Leader Yun look changes, scolds one to the disciple of opening the mouth, just now turns round to have several points of apology said toward Qin Yongfeng: Grandpa Qin, the following disciple is innocent, you not must toward enter at heart are.” “住口,休得胡说”凌霄神色一变,冲开口的弟子呵斥一声,方才回身带有几分歉意的朝秦永峰道:“秦老爷子,下面的弟子不懂事,您老莫要往心里进才是。” For a very long time shuts goal Qin Yongfeng to open eyes slowly, shakes the head saying: „The Leader Yun elder, this matter no wonder they, truly are because my Qin Family holds to read, has implicated you, has not launched the general attack while present Burning Sky Sect, you want to leave Desolate Town also with enough time.” 久久闭目的秦永峰缓缓睁眼,摇头道:“凌霄长老,此事怪不得他们,确实是因为我秦家的执念,才连累了你们,趁着现在焚天宗还沒有发起总攻,你们想要离开荒镇还來得及。” Grandpa Qin, you said that this saying may look on as an outsider, now 3000 people of enemies encircle Desolate Town, feared that we think, did not have this opportunity.” Helpless shaking the head, Leader Yun said once again: Moreover, we, if really abandons Qin Family not to attend, feared that will be well which the final result will not compare by the slaughter of Burning Sky Sect to go.” 秦老爷子,你说这话可就见外了,如今3000人敌军将荒镇围剿,怕是就算我们想,也沒有这个机会了。”无奈的摇了摇头,凌霄再度道:“况且,我们若真是弃秦家而不顾,怕是最后的结果不会比遭焚天宗的屠杀好到哪去。” The voice falls, in the mind of many person, reappears always to put on the familiar form of black robe together, reveals the color of forced smile. 话音落下,不少人的脑海中,浮现出一道总是穿着黑袍的熟悉身影,纷纷露出苦笑之色。 Yes, if known by Qin Shi, they get rid of Qin Family in the final critical juncture, by the Qin Shi style, feared that pursues to the ends of the earth, will give to clutch them. 是啊,若是被秦石知道,他们在最后的危急关头抛弃秦家,以秦石的行事风格,怕是追到天涯海角,都会将他们给揪出來。 But regarding this, Qin Yongfeng said: „, If so, you are not necessary to be worried that before you just before leaving, obsolete will leave behind the correspondence, some day Shi’tou comes back, you give him the correspondence, he will decide however will not feel embarrassed you.” 而对此,秦永峰却扬言道:“诸位,若是如此,你们大可不必担心,在你们临行前,老朽会留下书信,有朝一日石头真的回來,你们将书信交给他,他定然不会为难你们。” To be honest, hears the promise of Qin Yongfeng, many people start to vacillate, newborn disciple who especially in this year, joined Qin sect, itself the sentiment to Qin sect was not deep, making them not attend to bringing death of life, decided at heart however unwillingly. 说实话,听闻秦永峰的许诺,不少人开始动摇,特别是这一年,才加入秦宗的新生弟子,本身对秦宗的感情就不深,让他们不顾性命的送死,心里定然不甘。 Sees in the crowd the indecisive appearance, the Su Ming company said that three good characters, to satirize: Good, good, good, is really great, if no Qin Shi, this year your scenery where comes? Now did Qin Family have difficult, has hit a person when he is down?” 望见人群中犹豫不决的模样,苏铭连道三声好字,讽刺道:“好,好,好,真是好样的啊,若是沒有秦石,哪里來的你们这一年的风光?现在秦家有难,一个一个就落井下石了是吧?” Sound such as ancient grave morning bell, rap maliciously in the atrium of everyone. 声音如古墓晨钟,狠狠的敲击在每个人的心房。 Pays no attention to the silent crowd, Su Ming steps suddenly the previous step, said: No matter others are what kind, my brother's family is my family, my Su Ming will decide however will not leave, will Burning Sky Sect be also what kind of? Some young master my head person of young master my above people were Qin sect forever Sect Master Qin Shi 不理沉默的人群,苏铭突然迈前一步,道:“不管别人怎样,我兄弟的家就是我家,我苏铭定然不会离开,况且焚天宗又怎么样?小爷我头上有人小爷我上头的人就是秦宗永远的宗主秦石 , The depressing atmosphere relaxes several points indifferently, Yin Mo and Qin Shang as well as the Su Family person, looks at each other in blank diamay, 11 steps goes forward: We do not walk 漠然间,压抑的气氛缓和几分,尹沫秦殇以及苏家的人,面面相觑一眼,11的迈上前:“我们也不走” Hey, good that the brat, said blood Venerable has had a yawn, a face natural has patted under the shoulder of Su Ming, is calm: I do not walk, is today leaves in any case, when Burning Sky Sect has controlled North District, finally definitely will not let off us, would rather remains, puts together life and death with them, even if cannot stand off, at least wants in Dora several pad backs, making Burning Sky Sect know that our Qin Zongke was not the soft persimmon that who wants to pinch can pinch.” “嘿嘿,臭小子,说的不错”血尊者打了个哈欠,一脸潇洒的拍了下苏铭的肩膀,从容道:“我也不走了,反正就算是今日离开,待焚天宗主宰了北方区域,最后肯定也不会放过我们,倒不如就留下來,和他们拼个你死我活,哪怕是真的敌不过,至少要多拉上几个垫背,让焚天宗知道知道,我们秦宗可不是谁想捏就能捏的软柿子。” Under Leader Yun approval point: Blood Venerable said right, with its lives on dishonorably under the sweep of Burning Sky Sect, would rather does utmost spells to spell with them 凌霄认可的点下头:“血尊说的沒错,与其苟活在焚天宗的笼罩下,倒不如竭尽全力的和他们拼上一拼” The Leader Yun start to talk, black ink Chen several senior statesmen, naturally follow closely, these presents some status people, only remaining Piao Quan have not taken a stand, but under being a focus of public attention, Piao Quan let go, senseless [say / way]: Do not visit me, I was not your Qin sect person.” 凌霄开口,墨辰几名元老,自然紧随而出,这一下在场有些地位的人,就只剩下朴泉沒有表态,而在万众瞩目下,朴泉则是摊了摊手,无谓道:“别看我,我又不是你们秦宗的人。” Plain senior, your meaning is, do you want to walk?” “朴前辈,您的意思是,您要走?” Such remarks, the person who just calmed down, vacillates immediately, population of Piao Quan presence the strength is strongest, if he leaves, this war must defeat. 此话一出,刚定下心的人,马上又动摇起來,在场之人数朴泉的实力最为强劲,若是他离开的话,此战必败。 Nonsense, I meant that from beginning to end kicked up a racket on your Qin sect must walk, I was not your Qin sect person, definitely will not walk, said again my treasure person also in this, I may not give up her, I must wait for Qin Shi that brat to come back, take a look at his elder sister present fierce, making him know that initially had not requested me to be the master, was a matter of how regret.” Piao Quan flipped the supercilious look, ill-humored [say / way]. “胡说,我的意思是说,从头到尾就你们秦宗吵吵着要走,我又不是你们秦宗的人,肯定不会走啊,再说我的宝贝徒儿还在这,我可舍不得她,我还要等秦石那臭小子回來,瞧瞧他姐姐现在的厉害,让他知道当初沒有拜我为师,是一件多么后悔的事。”朴泉翻了翻白眼,沒好气的道。 The intense atmosphere is lax. 紧张的氛围松懈下來。 The disciple who vacillated a moment ago, this heart also sank, said their some multi- being willing actually, but did not have Leader Yun and the others, wanted alone to leave Desolate Town depending on them? Simply is dream of a fool. 刚才动摇的弟子,这一下心也沉了下來,倒不是说他们有多心甘情愿,只是沒有凌霄等人,凭他们想要独自离开荒镇?简直就是痴人说梦。 Deeply inspired, Qin Yongfeng said with a smile lightly: He he, Shi’tou that boy, can have the junctions of your forgetting years, does not know that has repaired the good fortunes of several lifetime.” 深吸了口气,秦永峰淡淡笑道:“呵呵,石头那小子,能有你们这些忘年之交,不知是修了几辈子的福分。” Leader Yun forced smile: Grandpa Qin, things have gotten to this point, did not need saying that how then should think to resist Burning Sky Sect is, how could it not be saying that Zhao Yan Heaven Realm cultivated is, was only that 3000 Spirit King Realm disciple, is not we now can contend.” 凌霄苦笑:“秦老爷子,事已至此,就无需多说了,接下來该想想怎么对抗焚天宗才是,岂不说赵岩的天境修为,光是那3000名王灵境的弟子,就不是我们现在能够抗衡的啊。” The statement turns over to the statement, once to the true facts on, many people the dispirited got up, the presbyopia of Qin Yongfeng pollution transferred the extension, said: We now how many Spirit King Realm?” 表态归表态,一旦到了真章上,不少人又萎靡起來,秦永峰浑浊的老眼转了转,道:“我方现在有多少王灵境?” 2000.” “2000不到。” 2000?” Under the Qin Yongfeng not accidental point, has turned round to Piao Quandao at once: Mr. Piao Quan, three months ago, I asked your matter, now does how?” “2000不到么?”秦永峰并不意外的点下头,旋即回过身冲朴泉道:“朴泉先生,三个月前,我拜托您的事,现在做的怎么样了?” Had been lucky private rain that girl, these three months with her help, two mark demon symbol preparations about 3000, three mark demon symbols 2000, four grains also has 800.” Piao Quan light [say / way]. “多亏了私雨那丫头,这三个月在她的帮助下,二纹魔符准备大约3000之多,三纹魔符2000,四纹也有800。”朴泉淡淡道。 But this light sound, actually under is startled the dreadful rough sea waves, adds together to have more than 5000 demon symbols? Did this grade of digit, rather also too exaggerate? 而这平淡的声音,却在下方惊起滔天巨浪,相加起來足足有5000多张的魔符?这等数字,未免也太夸张了吧? Has been responded, under Qin Yongfeng satisfied point: Is very good, three mark following demon symbols, assigns to the following Broken Spirit Realm above person, but four mark demon symbols leave Spirit King Realm, especially Spirit King Realm Late Stage, so long as can many Profound Spirit Realm, our army be able many hope.” The split lip angle stops, said once again: Moreover, the disciple who stands sentry outside will recall, tonight at the same night evacuates the mystical place to back side of the mountain from Desolate Town, outside secret is equipped with ties, Yi Shounan attacks, before I arranged the human to store up many grain and spirit stones in the mystical place, enough our army supported half a month time.” 得到回应,秦永峰满意的点下头:“很好,将三纹以下的魔符,给下面破灵境以上的人分配下去,而四纹魔符留给王灵境,特别是王灵境后期,只要能多一名玄灵境,我军就能多一份希望。”干裂的唇角停顿一下,再度道:“另外,将在外面放哨的弟子召回,今夜连夜从荒镇撤离到后山的秘境,秘境外设有结界,易守难攻,之前我安排人在秘境中囤积了不少粮食和灵石,足够我军支撑半月时间。” Listened to have well ordered arrangement, has sucked the tongue that Leader Yun shocked: Originally, Grandpa Qin are you early prepared?” 听着有井有序的安排,凌霄震撼的咂了咂舌:“原來,秦老爷子您早有准备?” Smiles under the point, Qin Yongfeng said: Three months ago, nine space mines crash, I know that Burning Sky Sect must be potential achievement, but has not expected, so will be unexpectedly rapid.” 笑着点下头,秦永峰道:“三个月前,九道天雷坠落,我就知道焚天宗要有所作为,只是沒有料到,竟然会这般迅速。” hear that, Leader Yun is suddenly enlighted, originally beforehand Qin Yongfeng said that makes them leave, but is a test, can be said as the probe will of the people, thinks of this, bewildered rejoices: Ginger really old spicy.” 闻言,凌霄才恍然大悟,原來之前秦永峰说让他们离开,只不过是一种考验,也可以说是试探人心,想到这,莫名其妙的庆幸起來:“姜果然还是老的辣啊。” Had the plan, each department starts going into action routinely, Su Ming and Yin Mo several younger generations, are responsible for unblocking the work, leading many disciples to go to the back side of the mountain, Leader Yun several people are responsible for the disciple who recalls stands sentry, and brings up the rear. 有了计划,各个部门开始按部就班的行动起來,苏铭尹沫几名晚辈,负责疏导工作,率领诸多弟子前往后山,凌霄几人负责召回放哨的弟子,并且断后。 Until dusk fall, Qin sect the high and low more than 7000 people, gathered in the mystical place in Desolate Town back side of the mountain completely, tied the opening place, by Leader Yun and Piao Quan, blood Venerable and Qin Yongfeng and Qin Family two generations, as well as Su Ming several juniors guarded. 直至暮色降临,秦宗上下7000余人,全部汇聚到荒镇后山的秘境中,结界的裂口处,由凌霄、朴泉、血尊者、秦永峰秦家二代,以及苏铭几个小辈镇守。 …… The remnant shade from airborne has stroked together, black ink Chen whole body is stretching the hard feather, in golden eagle-eyed is passing keenly, falls before several people. 一道残影从空中拂过,墨辰全身舒展着坚硬的羽毛,金色的鹰眼中透着敏锐,落在几人身前。 Sees black ink Chen, going forward that Leader Yun takes the lead saying: How is it? Investigated thoroughly the strength of opposite party elite team?” 看见墨辰,凌霄带头的上前道:“怎么样?查清楚对方精英队伍的实力了么?” Investigated thoroughly, this time must be lucky the goatsucker demon symbol of Piao Quan senior, cannot think under demon symbol, Zhao Yan have not realized me.” “查清了,这一次要多亏了朴泉前辈的夜鹰魔符,想不到在魔符下,就连赵岩都沒有察觉到我。” That is natural, the goatsucker is in the dark night, the overlord in food chain peak, even if the detection between empires, nothing but so disposes.” Saying with a smile of Piao Quan immensely pleased with oneself. “那是当然,夜鹰乃是黑夜中,食物链顶端的霸主,就算是帝国之间的侦查,无非也就是这般配置。”朴泉洋洋得意的笑道。 Obviously, all people does not have the interest to goatsucker at this time, all attention centralized in the strength of place, Leader Yun said: How many Profound Spirit Realm does the opposite party have?” 显然,诸人此时对夜鹰沒有兴趣,所有注意力都集中在地方的实力上,凌霄道:“对方有多少名玄灵境?” Speaking of this matter, black ink Chen face drooped, gripped the eagle claw to tremble saying: 330.” 提起这事,墨辰面庞耷拉下來,攥了攥鹰爪颤道:“330名。” What?” Leader Yun , etc. revealed with amazement startled accommodates, does not dare to believe saying: 30? Unexpectedly 30 Profound Spirit Realm?” “什么?”凌霄等露出骇然的惊容,不敢置信道:“30名?竟然有30名玄灵境?” This news, to various people are the huge sad news, psst makes noise without doubt, Qin Yongfeng lacking self-confidence of gradually the fist pinches, the presbyopia has swept at heart also in side, now Qin sect can achieve the Profound Spirit Realm person, only then Leader Yun and black ink Chen, abdicates old, blood Venerable, Su Ming, Yin Mo, with once eight big purple level disciples' heads, Shaoyang seven people, but in Qin Family, is Qin Yongfeng, Qin Tianqing, Qin Tianyu and Xu Daoyan, Qin Yueling, with Qin Si rain six people, even if adds on Piao Quan, but reluctantly 14 people. 这一消息,对诸人來讲无疑是天大的噩耗,拳头捏的吱吱作响,秦永峰心里也渐渐的沒有了底,老眼在旁边扫过,如今秦宗能够达到玄灵境的人,只有凌霄、墨辰,逊老,血尊者,苏铭,尹沫,和曾经的八大紫级弟子之首,邵阳七人,而秦家之中,则是秦永峰秦天擎秦天宇、许道颜,秦月玲,和秦私雨六人,就算加上朴泉,不过才勉强14人。 Must know that Profound Spirit Realm is in battlefield, decided truly the victory and defeat the core is , will a about time of disparity, have the stratagem which ensures success really? 要知道,玄灵境才是战场上,真正决定胜负的核心所在,近一倍的差距,真的会有胜算么? Bang What is more frightened, a sad news has not subsided, connects another sad news to raise, in the vault of heaven blasts out together the flaming fireworks suddenly, but the fireworks is similar to the hot lotus that blooms, talking endlessly fills the air to open toward eight sides, the jet black nighttime sky will illuminate. 更加惊悚的是,一个噩耗尚未平息,接连另一个噩耗升起,苍穹上突然炸开一道火焰状的烟花,而烟花如同绽放的火莲,喋喋不休的朝八方弥漫而开,将漆黑的夜空照亮。 Is the Burning Sky Sect signal “是焚天宗的信号” In an instant, Qin Yongfeng is the crowd of head gushes out the mystical place, begins to look at the hot lotus in sky supinely, suddenly the scarlet pale goes, performs obviously palely. 刹那间,秦永峰为首的人群涌出秘境,仰起头看着天空中的火莲,一时间血色淡去,尽显苍白。 At once, familiar great wild goose sound likes thunder reverberating in one's ears together, resounds through in surrounding area ten thousand meters world: „When Qin sect Qin Family, extermination of the clan, today, kills 旋即,一道熟悉的鸿音如雷贯耳,响彻在方圆万米的天地之间:“秦宗秦家,灭族之时,就在今日,杀” ----- ----- PS: A reader wants dear to say with him: Romania healthy forever loves Liao Chunxiu, the wind and rain colleague, accompanies the show for a very long time not abandoned. PS:一位读者想和他亲爱的说:罗子健永远爱廖春秀,风雨同行,伴秀久久不弃。 This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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