PDL :: Volume #5

#478: He came back

The word, Qin Shi moves the vision to three people, before drew in Huo Caidie and Chushan is blue they the main point is also here, although Cen Chi and the others strengths, but actually did not know about North District that he needs several in the North District senior person, does guidance. 言罢,秦石将目光挪向三人,之前收拢霍彩蝶和竹山青两人的主要目地也是在此,虽说岑驰等人的战力可以,但对北方区域却毫无了解,他需要有几个在北方区域资深的人,來做引导。 Considers, three people look at each other one, the dry lamp opens the mouth: Guides is actually not difficult, is only another three cities, is different from Rainbow Cloud City and backdrop city, they hire oneself to Burning Sky Sect, in the military strength is scatheless, in the group of people depending on little friend hand, to defeat one by one, is actually not difficult, but if is divided into three, simultaneously launches the attack, each city can only divide on less than 20 population, wants to win, feared that will be somewhat will be forced.” 斟酌一番,三人对视一眼,枯灯率先开口:“带路倒是不难,只是另外三城,不同于虹云城与天幕城,他们是投靠给焚天宗,兵力上并无损伤,凭小友手上的这群人,若是想逐一击破,倒是不难,可若是分成三股,同时发起攻击,每座城只能分上不足20的人数,想要取胜,怕是会有些牵强。” This dry lamp senior felt relieved.” Qin Shi has smiled one, said: Said that is divided into three groups, is actually divided into two groups on the line, keeps a city to give me and snow heart solves personally.” “这点枯灯前辈放心。”秦石笑了一声,道:“说是分成三路,其实分成两路就行,留一座城交给我和雪心亲自解决。” Knit the brows, the dry lamp said puzzled: Little friend, you meant that you with this miss, they do resist a city?” 皱了皱眉,枯灯不解道:“小友,你的意思是说,你和这位姑娘,两人去对抗一座城?” „.” Qin Shi said with a smile. “正是。”秦石笑道。 May not three people of anxious persuasions: Three cities, any, all has Heaven Realm to stay and defend one's post, can several thousand military strength, how be good depending on you?” “不可啊”三人惶急劝说:“三座城,任何一座,皆有天境坐守,数千兵力,凭你们两人怎么能行?” Regarding three people of questions, Qin Shi not anxiously response, but has clapped on under the fragrant shoulder of Qin Xuexin gently, said: Snow heart, you answered their issues.” 对于三人的质疑,秦石并未急着回应,只是轻轻的拍了下沁雪心的香肩,道:“雪心,你來回答他们的问題吧。” Um.” “嗯。” Docile complies with one, Qin Xuexin white hands, looks at her movement, three people reveal the puzzled color, but does not wait to get back one's composure, the earth fierce tremor of under foot, frightens three people hastily to leap to the vault of heaven in suddenly. 温顺的答应一声,沁雪心玉手一番,看着她的动作,三人露出不解之色,而不等回神,脚下的大地突然剧烈的颤动起來,吓得三人连忙飞跃到苍穹上。 Bang 轰隆 Just floated spatially, the earth transmitted the intermittent explosive suddenly, directed three people of vision, but along with field of vision bird's eye view, three people of look 360 degrees startled changed, was foolish is in-situ. 刚刚浮空,大地突然传來阵阵爆响,将三人的目光引去,而随着视野俯瞰,三人的神色360度的惊变,痴傻在原地。 „Is this real?” “这这是真的吗?” Trembled trembling, sees only one thousand zhang (3.33 m) to have icebergs, but baseless will put in order Mu Tiancheng to freeze, the flames of war that just also filled, swing however dissipate. 颤了颤,只见一座千丈有余的冰山,凭空而起的将整座慕天城冻结,刚刚还弥漫的战火,荡然消散。 Qiu Diaojian the Qin Xuexin method, that has been including East District Hua Ling, in existence that in his hand must suffer a loss, said with a smile to the dry lamp: Three felt relieved that depending on my big brother and snow heart elder sister, let alone is a trivial city, if they think, is destruction North District, feared that also divides minute's of matter.” 邱雕见过沁雪心的手段,那可是连东方区域花零,在其手中都要吃亏的存在,冲枯灯笑道:“三位放心吧,凭我大哥和雪心姐,别说是区区的一座城,若是他们想的话,就是覆灭这北方区域,怕也只是分分钟的事情。” Has gawked the god, the dry lamp forced smile book thinks, when Qin Shi appears, he has used up this life all shocking mood, but at this moment he knows, he how naive, and after understanding of such a long time Qin Shi, he believes that with the Qin Shi thoughts, should have any Assassin's mace not to move. 愣了愣神,枯灯不由苦笑本以为在秦石出现的时候,他已经把今生所有的震惊情绪都用完,而此刻他才知道,他是多么的天真,并且经过这么长时间对秦石的了解,他相信以秦石的心思,应该还有什么杀手锏沒有动有。 It seems like, his preparation, the contrast ratio I imagine is sufficient, hugs is wanting destruction Burning Sky Sect to return.” “看來,此次他的准备,照比我想象中的还要充足,就是抱着要覆灭焚天宗而回的啊。” Falls on the tip of the iceberg, Qin Shi crosses the hands behind the back to say with a smile: Three do, what question currently have?” 落在冰山一角,秦石负手笑道:“三位,现在还有什么疑问吗?” Under shock of Qin Xuexin frozen city, dry lamp three people of where will have what question? Shakes the head hastily: Little friend, whatever your arrangement is.” 沁雪心一手冻城的震撼下,枯灯三人哪里还会有什么疑问?连忙摇头:“小友,任由你的安排便是。” So, the remaining three cities, should be on the ground the cities, Yun mist city, the blue sub-city, the dry lamp senior is leading Qiu Diao, goes to the ground the city with Heaven Realm, Yun mist city gives the color butterfly senior and a Chushan senior, the blue sub-city, I solve personally.” Here, Qin Shi stopped: When three cities finished, directly to the Ancient City convergence.” “如此,剩下三城,应该是席地城,云岚城,青子城,枯灯前辈带着邱雕,和一名天境前往席地城,云岚城交给彩蝶前辈和竹山枝前辈,青子城么,我亲自解决。”说到这,秦石停顿一下:“待三城结束,直接到古城汇合。” Returns to Ancient City? Isn't Desolate Town?” Dry lamp puzzled [say / way]. “回古城?不是荒镇么?”枯灯不解道。 Wipes the ruthless offense to flash through from black pupil, Qin Shi cold Dao: He he, Burning Sky Sect took my thing, naturally must spit to be good first.” 一抹狠戾自黑眸中闪过,秦石冷道:“呵呵,焚天宗拿了我的东西,当然要先吐出來才行。” Ice-cold of sound, made three people did not have the origin to fight a shiver, cross-eyed that at once smiles bitterly, in the heart simultaneously wants saying: Burning Sky Sect offended a terrifying kid.” 声音的冰冷,令三人沒由來的打了个寒战,旋即苦笑的对视一眼,心中同时想道:“焚天宗得罪了个恐怖的小家伙啊。” Good, I and others decided will not disappoint the little friend.” “好,我等定不会让小友失望。” Under shocks, three people of the hiring oneself hearts to Qin Shi, is more and more firm, clashes Qin Shi to comply with one in abundance, flies to escape to go in two different directions. 震撼下,三人对秦石的投靠之心,也是越來越坚定,纷纷冲秦石答应一声,朝着两个不同的方向飞遁而去。 Looks at two side separate crowds, Qin Shi is not having feel of origin to be excited, because he knows that his revenge plan, started to carry on, said to Qin Xuexin: We also walk, is the time is all these, marked a period.” 望着两方离散的人群,秦石沒由來的感到兴奋,因为他知道他的复仇计划,已经开始进行,冲沁雪心道:“我们也走吧,是时候为这一切,画上一个句号了。” Docile complying, they are always treading rolling azure clouds, disperses from such as the city of iceberg in a flash, speeds away to the North District center. 始终温顺的答应,两人踏着滚滚青霄,从如冰山的城池上一晃而散,冲着北方区域的中央疾驰。 Half a month passes gradually. 半月荏苒。 In this half a month, became North District, the thousand years most scared half a month, the war is in all directions unceasing, on to three first-level cities, gets down to the innumerable second-level and third-level cities. 这半月中,成为了北方区域,千年來最为恐慌的半月,四面八方战事不断,上到三座一级城市,下到无数二级和三级的城池。 But under everywhere war, only then, had not been affected, that is: Burning Sky Sect 而漫天的战争下,只有一处,未受波及,那就是:焚天宗 In the boundaries of northeast two wide ranges, winds to reach to the sky like the Longji mountain range, in the light clouds has the meaning of several points of fairyland, a dignified prominent peak, dominates in the peak on top of peak, in mountain peak most peak, is one broad atmospheric bejeweled jade palace, the magnificently decorated building. 在东北两大区域的分界线,一座蜿蜒如龙脊般的山脉高耸入云,淡淡的云霄中带有几分仙境之意,一座威严的主峰,凌驾于重峦叠嶂之中,在山峰的最顶端,是一片恢弘大气的琼楼玉宇,雕梁画栋。 Burnt the day mountain range is once burning day mountain range, but Burning Sky Sect, actually changes the appearance, since short three months ago, four completely were the disciple expands in the construction, the present scale, just likes the fort fortress of construction in hills, compares Eastern Mysterious Palace, did not flaunt lets. 焚天山脉还是曾经的焚天山脉,而焚天宗,却是大变模样,自从短短的三个月前,四下尽是弟子在施工扩建,如今的规模,犹如建设在群山中的要塞堡垒,就是相比起东方玄殿,也是不逞多让。 Large-scale drawing in disciple, large-scale plunders. 大规模的收拢弟子,大规模的四下掠夺。 But in such as Sect of fort, the center has a resplendent in gold and jade green main hall, in the main hall hundred people sit cross-legged, wear the raging fire long gown, without doubt is not the Burning Sky Sect elder, in crowd place above, the pretty females, on the delicate face draw the pale makeup, in the willow eyebrows are disclosing several points of enchantment. 而在如要塞的宗门内,中央有一座金碧辉煌的大殿,大殿中百人盘坐,身着烈火长袍,无疑不是焚天宗的长老,在人群的正上方,有一名貌美女子,清秀的面庞上画着淡妆,柳眉间透露出几分妖娆。 The females always slightly close beautiful pupil, indifferently opening slowly, one wipe the biting cold cold and gloomy fine glow, likely was 39 heavy snow passing over gently and swiftly main halls, any elder who nonchalant covered, all had the tense feeling of sweat directing current, hastily looked askance did not do with its looking at each other, but took a broad view in Burning Sky Sect, can have the prestigious person so, who wasn't Luan Muhua can also? 女子始终微闭的美眸,漠然中缓缓的睁开,随之一抹彻骨的森冷精芒,像是39的大雪掠过大殿,凡是被不经意笼罩的长老,皆是有种大汗直流的紧张感,连忙侧目的不干与其对视,而放眼焚天宗内,能有这般威望的人,不是栾慕华还能有谁? Gu did Feng, with profound clouds that have the news?” Among the cherry lips weak opening and closing, Luan Muhua clashes below elder light [say / way]. “顾峰,和玄霄那面,有消息了吗?”樱唇间微弱的开合,栾慕华冲下方的长老淡淡道。 But along with Luan Muhua sound, elder is such as hears Long En to be enormous and powerful, stiff body hastily, one of them refuses to budge a meeting, said painstakingly: Returns to Sect Master, the news has not fed, but I want depending on attending to the strength of peak elder and profound clouds elder, should already take two cities, because some trivial matters haven't responded?” 而随着栾慕华的声响,诸位长老皆是如听闻隆恩浩荡,连忙的挺直身子,其中一人僵持一会,苦道:“回宗主,消息尚未传回,但我想凭顾峰长老和玄霄长老的实力,应该早已将两座城池拿下,只是因为些琐事才迟迟沒有回应吧?” One crowd of useless person, two cities, delay such for a long time, sends for passing on the news to get down, in three day I must hear the news that two cities submit.” Luan Muhua reveals the color of several points of loathing, impatient [say / way]. “一群废物,两座城池,就耽搁这么久,派人传消息下去,三日之内我要听到两城臣服的消息。”栾慕华露出几分厌恶之色,不耐烦的道。 When the crowd is going to draw back next, Luan Muhua slightly has stopped 12, suddenly shouts: And other, Zhao Yan that preparation how?” 而在人群将要退下时,栾慕华又稍微停顿了12,突然喊道:“等一下,赵岩那面准备的怎么样了?” Zhao Yan protectors that to prepare completely, so long as Sect Master ordered, momentarily can capture the elder who Desolate Town just opened the mouth to flatter. “赵岩护法那面已经准备齐全,只要宗主下令,随时可以攻下荒镇”刚刚开口的长老奉承道。 This news, made Luan Muhua reveal the color of several points of satisfied obviously, said excitedly: Good, transmitted orders, tomorrow starting from, captures Desolate Town.” 这一消息,显然令栾慕华露出几分满意之色,兴奋道:“好,传令下去,明日开始,攻下荒镇。” Is “是” Has been instructed, many elders draw back hastily. 得到指示,诸多长老连忙退下。 But along with drawing back of elder, Luan Muhua in main hall reveals several points of insolent color, the greedy mask in beautiful pupil, said with a smile: Again shortly afterward, my Burning Sky Sect, is this North District overlord, no, is the entire empire's control.” 而随着长老的退下,大殿中的栾慕华露出几分张狂之色,美眸中的贪婪遮挡不住,笑道:“再过不久,我焚天宗,就是这北方区域的霸主,不,是整座帝国的主宰。” Jie Jie, Luan Sect Master, present Burning Sky Sect, is really sight enviable.” Under the laughter fills the air, Luan Muhua behind space rocks suddenly several points, together form light showing. “桀桀,栾宗主,如今的焚天宗,真是风光的令人羡慕啊。”而在笑声弥漫下,栾慕华身后的空间突然晃动几分,一道身影淡淡的从中透出。 If Qin Shi here, decides to this person will not be strange, this person isn't shaking him flies North District Zhen Yuan? 若是秦石在此,对此人定不会陌生,此人不正是将他震飞到北方区域的甄渊吗? Zhen Yuanzun?” Treated Zhen Yuan, Luan Muhua just Venerable the prestige to be nothing left: Younger generation can have today, all relies upon the Ocean Group to support in the back, such kindness younger generation none who does not dares to forget.” “甄渊尊者?”对待甄渊,栾慕华刚刚的尊威荡然无存:“晚辈能有今日,全是仰仗着溟组在背后支持,此等恩惠晚辈莫不敢忘。” If remembers the kindness, rapid broke through Qin Family, found the secret about Suppressing Jade, otherwise waited that kid to come back, seeing you to compel this predicament Qin Family, feared that will not give up.” Float that Zhen Yuan crosses the hands behind the back in main hall middle course. “若是记得恩惠,就迅速将秦家攻破,找到关于崩玉的秘密,否则的话待那小家伙回來,看见你把秦家逼到这副窘境,怕是不会善罢甘休。”甄渊负手的漂浮在大殿中道。 Pressed frowning, Luan Muhua said: Venerable, do you mean Qin Shi? He he, one year ago he by the Venerable severe wound, again did not have the least bit news, feared that has not died, is sick and disabled serious, how comes back to be able?” 蹙了蹙眉,栾慕华道:“尊者,您是说秦石?呵呵,一年前他被尊者重伤,就再也沒有半点消息,怕就算是沒死,也是病残严重,回來又能如何?” Zhen Yuan demeanor changes, teased: If thinks that feared must disappoint you, early half a month ago, I felt Tun Tian that disgusting aura in this North District.” 甄渊声色一变,戏谑道:“若这么想,怕是要让你失望了,早在半个月前,我就在这北方区域感觉到吞天那令人厌恶的气息。” What? Venerable said that he did come back?” “什么?尊者是说,他回來了?” You think, the elder who you send hasn't turned over to because of what? I think now, feared already on rushing to the road of underground spring.” Zhen Yuan satirized. “你以为,你派出去的长老迟迟未归是因为什么?我想现在啊,怕是早已在赶往黄泉的路上了。”甄渊讽刺道。 But hears this word, Luan Muhua shocks said: Is impossible, Gu Feng and profound clouds, although with the aid of strategy breakthrough, may have heavenly body palace error forcefully after all, the ordinary virtual environment not possible wound to arrive at them certainly, can Qin Shi in this year, breakthrough Heaven Realm?” 而听闻此言,栾慕华震撼道:“不可能,顾峰和玄霄,虽说是借助阵法强行突破,可毕竟拥有天体宫阙,普通灵境绝无可能伤到两人,难道秦石这一年,能够突破天境?” He has not achieved Heaven Realm actually, in person but who this time comes back along with him, is actually many Heaven Realm expert, hey, I think that this time is prepared to return, will ask you to murder those who have cheated them again before long?” “他倒是沒有达到天境,只是此次随他回來的人中,却是不乏天境高手,嘿嘿,我想他这次有备而回,再过不了多久,就会來找你寻仇了吧?” In the beautiful pupil the cold brightness one presently, Luan Muhua reveals several points of startled color, she has not expected, Qin Shi will have the opportunity to return to North District once more. 美眸中寒光一现,栾慕华露出几分惊色,她万万沒有料到,秦石会有机会再次回到北方区域 Some people came, you put best into it, if could not find the Suppressing Jade secret again, feared that is this time is your Burning Sky Sect death anniversary.” In Luan Muhua shocks, a Zhen Yuan brow wrinkle, rips open at once single-handed void, keeps the lower segment sound, vanishes in the main hall. “有人來了,你好自为之吧,若是再找不到崩玉的秘密,怕是此次就是你们焚天宗的忌日。”在栾慕华震撼中,甄渊眉头一皱,旋即单手撕开虚空,留下段声响,消失在大殿之中。 Zhen Yuan disappears, during Luan Muhua is also in shocks, running in main hall that a Burning Sky Sect elder hurries, before kneeling down Luan Muhua body of tumbling, called out howlingly: Ancestor, Sect Master, the important matter is not good 甄渊消失,栾慕华还处于震撼之中,一名焚天宗的长老慌忙的跑进大殿,连滚带爬的跪倒栾慕华身前,嚎叫道:“宗,宗主,大事不好啊” What matter, is so flustered?” “什么事,这么慌张?” Luan Muhua mind is agitated, looks that the elder rude appearance anger said. 栾慕华心神烦躁,看着长老失态的模样怒道。 Under the anger, crawls in the elder of place clenched teeth, shivers saying: Returns to the Sect Master five first-level cities, falls to the enemy completely 怒火下,匍匐在地的长老咬了咬牙,颤抖道:“回宗主五座一级城池,全部沦陷” What?” Bang, leaps from the main hall, before Luan Muhua grasps sets out the elder to exclaim: Said, what's the matter?” “什么?”砰一声,从大殿上方跃下,栾慕华抓起身前的长老吼道:“说,怎么回事?” Qin Shi, Qin Shi he came back, brought innumerable expert, all our influences, has all broken through, now is going toward Desolate Town 秦石,秦石他回來了,带了无数的高手,把咱们所有的势力,全都攻破了,现在正朝荒镇去呢” At heart one startled, Luan Muhua makes an effort has pinched the white hands, remembered a moment ago Zhen Yuan words, wiped not to have the fear of reason to open in the moral nature: „Did he come back really?” 心里一惊,栾慕华使劲的捏了捏玉手,想起刚才甄渊的话,一抹沒來由的恐惧在心底翻开:“他真的回來了?” Flurried, Luan Muhua loosens white hands, the elder before to body said anxiously: Conveys a message Desolate Town, immediately starts to attack, does not hesitate at all costs, must find the Suppressing Jade secret 慌乱下,栾慕华松开玉手,冲着身前的长老焦急道:“传话去荒镇,立刻开始攻击,不惜一切代价,一定要将崩玉的秘密找到” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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