PDL :: Volume #5

#477: Said goodbye palace error

Um.” Qin Shi said with a smile. “嗯。”秦石笑道。 This, their heartstrings ripple, but in the surging emotions the turbulent waves again and again, did not have one person to put out a hand to receive the demon symbol freely, after all they were clear, the values of five mark demon symbols, let alone was North District, was the supreme influence of entire empire, feared that will be for this reason will be demented. 这一下,两人心弦荡漾,而尽管心潮中激浪连连,却无一人伸手去接过魔符,毕竟他们心里清楚,五纹魔符的价值,别说是北方区域,就是整座帝国的至上势力,怕是都会为此癫狂。 Little friend, you give us two fourth child Zhang Mofu, feared that what also meets other to request?” Chushan is the man, contrast ratio Huo Caidie wants to be steadier after all, asked. “小友,你给我们二老四张魔符,怕是还会别的什么要求吧?”竹山枝毕竟是男人,照比霍彩蝶还是要稳重一些,问道。 Qin Shi smiles under the point, not [say / way] of concealment: Senior is really intelligent person, some younger generation truly matters requests two.” 秦石笑着点下头,并无隐瞒的道:“前辈果然是聪明之人,晚辈确实有事相求两位。” Huo Caidie sees that in side, reveals several points of curiosity, because she really does not think clearly, now has dozens Profound Spirit Realm expert, with several Heaven Realm expert, alone is five mark Demonic Talisman Master Qin Shi, has any matter meeting to need to the fellow who they soon are buried. 霍彩蝶在旁边见状,不由露出几分好奇,因为她实在想不明白,如今拥有数十名玄灵境高手,和几名天境高手,独自还是五纹符魔师秦石,有什么事会需要到他们两个快要入土的家伙。 He he, these four demon symbols, are not really good to take.” Chushan smiles bitterly, looks at each other one with Huo Caidie, has been approved from latter's pupil, said: Little friend said that what matter has to need us to help?” “呵呵,这四张魔符,果然不是那么好拿的啊。”竹山枝苦笑一声,和霍彩蝶对视一眼,从后者的眸中得到认可,道:“小友说吧,有什么事需要我们二老帮忙?” Actually, pours also nothing, now Burning Sky Sect and my Qin sect tactical situation, thinks that two seniors are also clear, a mountain does not accommodate two tigers, this few this line, decides however must make war with Burning Sky Sect comprehensively, I hope that two seniors can see clearly the present current event, stands the team is, not must regret.” Qin Shi spoke frankly. “其实,倒也沒有什么事,如今焚天宗和我秦宗的战况,想必两位前辈也是清楚,一山不容二虎,本少此行回來,定然要和焚天宗全面开战,我希望两位前辈能够看清楚眼下的时事,站好队才是,莫要后悔。”秦石直言道。 Has gawked the god, the reply of Qin Shi, making two old men unexpected, said: Little friend, your meaning is, wants to make us hire oneself Qin sect?” 愣了愣神,秦石的回答,令两名老者出乎意料,道:“小友,你的意思是,想让我们投靠秦宗?” Shrugs, Qin Shi is default. 耸了耸肩,秦石算是默认。 But regarding this default, two old men actually falls into hesitant, now Huo is slaughtered by Burning Sky Sect all, both sides' relations were in the situation that was unable to compromise, at this time can obtain the asylum of Qin Family, gives opportune help to them. 而对于这种默认,两名老者却陷入犹豫,如今霍家被焚天宗尽数屠杀,双方的关系已经到了无法调和的地步,这时能够得到秦家的庇护,对两人來讲可谓是雪中送炭。 A little, Huo Caidie always thinks not clear question: „The Qin Shi little friend, depending on your present influence, our two old fogies, may not have the big help to you.” 只是,有一点,霍彩蝶始终想不明白的问句:“秦石小友,凭你现在的势力,我们两个老家伙,对你可沒有多大的帮助啊。” Senior was modest, first did not say two have cultivation of Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage is, with the tacit coordination, endures compared with Profound Spirit Realm peak, is only two in the North District given name and rallying point, is far from the younger generation can compare.” Qin Shi polite saying with a smile. “前辈过谦了,先不说两位拥有玄灵境中期的修为,和默契的配合,堪比玄灵境巅峰,光是两位在北方区域的名号与号召力,就远非晚辈能比。”秦石客气的笑道。 In this case, two old men are acquainted, hundred years of tacit understanding made them not need to say a word, saw each other idea from each other pupil, under a Chushan point, met with a smile four demon symbols. 在这种情况下,两名老者相识一眼,百年的默契令两人无须言语,就从彼此的眸中看出彼此的想法,竹山枝点下头,笑着将四张魔符接到手中。 This movement, has indicated both's standpoint. 这一动作,已经表明了两者的立场。 That younger generation, many thanks two.” “那晚辈,就多谢两位了。” Little friends said that if our two old codgers is rejecting, but somewhat was ignorant of current affairs.” Huo Caidie smiles bitterly to say in side. “小友都这么说了,若是我们两个老不死的在拒绝,可就有些不识时务了啊。”霍彩蝶在旁边苦笑道。 Smiles under point that did not speak, Qin Shi started to prepare the ground for the following plan at heart, drew in Huo Caidie, naturally had to draw in their intentions. 笑而不语的点下头,秦石心里开始为接下來的计划做铺垫,收拢霍彩蝶两人,自然有收拢两人的用意。 But at this time, Qin Xuexin in side suddenly anxious holds Qin Shi, said: Shi’tou, blocks profound clouds quickly, the dry lamp senior must defeat.” 而这时,沁雪心在旁边突然紧张的抓住秦石,道:“石头,快拦住玄霄,枯灯前辈要败了。” Um?” “嗯?” People one startled, raises head to look toward two who in the ruins fights, how many minute of puzzled simultaneously reveals, changes into the dry lamp of black leopard, it may be said that was occupies completely in fine weather and favorable geographical position, in addition the resentment of innermost feelings read, completely was overwhelming was compelling to draw back the profound clouds, how can say that can defeat? 众人不由一惊,仰头朝废墟中交手的两人望去,同时露出几分不解,化为黑豹的枯灯,可谓是占尽了天时地利,加上内心的怨念,完全是压倒性的在逼退玄霄,怎么能说要败了呢? But in various people are puzzled, black pupil cold, looking of Qin Shi with rapt attention to the profound clouds palm, sees only clear palace error float, in palace error is burning the raging flame, takes advantage of opportunity to change into the armor, protects the body of profound clouds. 而就在诸人不解时,秦石的黑眸一寒,凝神的望向玄霄掌心,只见一座晶莹的宫阙悬浮而起,宫阙中燃烧着熊熊烈火,顺势化为铠甲,将玄霄的躯体护住。 Wild with rage standing in ruins, the whole body transpiration the torrential raging fire, the profound clouds are exploding drink: Snort, the old fogy, I thought that you really have not died, thinks that an demon symbol really can resist with this place? overestimate one's capabilities 狂怒的站在废墟中,全身蒸腾着滔滔烈火,玄霄爆喝:“哼,老家伙,我看你真是沒死过,以为一张魔符就真能和本座对抗?不自量力 Bang The palace error armor reappears, profound clouds kill intent greatly Sheng, welcomed the dry lamp of approaching to wave a fist, seemed like the heavy sharp claws with its confrontation, unexpectedly suddenly stop in airborne, at once does not wait for various people to get back one's composure, Bang a bang, the dry lamp was shaken directly departs several hundred meters far. 宫阙铠甲浮现,玄霄杀意大盛,迎着逼近的枯灯挥手一拳,看似沉重的利爪与其交锋,竟戛然间的停顿在空中,旋即不等诸人回神,砰一声巨响,枯灯直接被震飞出数百米远。 The hard superficial knowledge was injured by the raging fire, was punctured the blood-stained mouths of dozens deep obvious bones unexpectedly stiffly. 坚硬的皮毛被烈火所伤,竟硬生生被刺破数十道深可见骨的血口。 Dry lamp strange strength, what's the matter?” “枯灯这诡异的力量,是怎么回事?” Huo Caidie and Chushan facial expression one tight, reveals several points of vacant color, the North District Heaven Realm big energy, one year ago only then Luan Muhua, but takes a broad view at the present, only then Burning Sky Sect several elders, are better than Huo host of the city for this reason, to palace error the strength of attribute, is the understanding are really few. 霍彩蝶和竹山枝神情一紧,露出几分茫然之色,北方区域天境大能,一年前就只有栾慕华一人,而放眼如今,也只有焚天宗的几名长老,为此就算是强如霍家的这种一城之主,对宫阙的属性之力,也是了解甚少。 But under compares, spreads along with Cen who Qin Shi comes with Qiu Diao and the others, regarding this understands several points actually, especially Qiu Diao and three Heaven Realm big energies, complexion sinks: Heavenly body palace error? First Rank Heaven Realm, does he unexpectedly dare to offer a sacrifice to outside body heavenly body palace error?” 而相比较下,随秦石而來的岑驰和邱雕等人,对此倒是了解几分,特别是邱雕和三名天境大能,面色一沉:“天体宫阙?才一层天境,他竟然就敢将天体宫阙祭出体外?” Bang Strikes the flying dry lamp, meaning that profound clouds have not given up, under the promotion of heavenly body palace error, strength the speed, obtained dozens times of increasing, sees only his to make an effort suddenly, on the earth blasts out one piece with a crash like the spider web chap, remnant shade, compels a together to the leopard body of dry lamp. 击飞枯灯,玄霄沒有丝毫罢手的意思,天体宫阙的提升下,无论是力量或是速度,都得到了数十倍的攀升,只见他脚下猛然用力,大地上砰然炸开一片如蛛网般的龟裂,咻一声一道残影,逼向枯灯的豹躯。 Scoffed, acts out of desperation?” “嗤,狗急跳墙了么?” Has licked the split corners of the mouth, under the black pupil of Qin Shi, the biting cold chill in the air flashes through together, the empty shade in a flash, jumps onto goes. 舔了舔干裂的嘴角,秦石的黑眸下,一道彻骨的寒意闪过,虚影一晃,跃上前去。 Arrives to the profound clouds and dry lamp center, Qin Shi has not been offering a sacrifice to anxiously spiritual power, because he knows that under the strength of attribute, common spiritual power is useless, for this reason raises the fist, hesitates: Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique 抵达到玄霄和枯灯中央,秦石并未急着将灵力祭出,因为他知道,在属性之力下,寻常的灵力根本沒用,为此扬起拳头,沉吟一声:“星陨霸体决 The dazzling golden light sticks out suddenly, at once the shining scales multiply in the Qin Shi referring to seam, the scales are stable, the place above starts flood the light white cuticle, just likes piece of dense bones of the dead to Yuanwang, meets the approaching enemy on. 刺目的金光率先暴起,旋即金灿灿的鳞甲在秦石的指缝中滋生,鳞甲稳固,上方开始泛起淡淡的白色角质层,离远望去犹如一片森然白骨,迎击而上。 Qin Shi, you court death 秦石,你找死” The profound clouds pupil heart great happiness, explodes drinks one. 玄霄眸心大喜,爆喝一声。 Bang The fist palm moves, Qin Shi dark snort, this is his second time fights with the strength of attribute, the strength of strength of attribute is exceptionally strong, under the defense of Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, he was still exploded freely withdraws from about hundred meters. 拳掌触碰间,秦石暗哼一声,这是他第二次和属性之力交手,属性之力的力量异常强大,尽管在星陨霸体决的防御下,他仍是爆退出近百米。 „The strength of attribute, is really uncommon, does not know that I achieve Heaven Realm, what attribute can be.” Stands firm the personal appearance, Qin Shi looks to the raging fire armor of profound clouds, unexpectedly not slightly frightened, instead reveals wipes excitedly. “属性之力,果然不凡,不知道我达到天境,会是什么样的属性。”稳住身形,秦石望向玄霄的烈火铠甲,竟沒有丝毫恐惧,反而露出一抹兴奋。 The dry lamp sees that upturns to set out from place hastily: Little friend, does not need you to get rid.” 枯灯见状,连忙从地上翻起身:“小友,不用你出手。” Senior, can compel his leaving the palace error, you have won, then gives the younger generation.” Shook the head, this Qin Shi has not been suitable for intent of dry lamp, he knows, under the strength of palace error, even if there is demon symbol to assist, the dry lamp does not have the slightest stratagem which ensures success. “前辈,能逼他出宫阙,你已经赢了,接下來就交给晚辈吧。”摇了摇头,这一次秦石沒有顺了枯灯的意,他知道,在宫阙之力下,就算是有魔符相助,枯灯也沒有分毫胜算。 Gives you?” Profound clouds hear that, is actually similar to hears in the world the biggest joke to be the same, said with a smile crazily: Ha Ha, is really the joke, since you know palace error, you should know that what my armor is? Depending on you, Profound Spirit Realm useless person, for a lifetime do not want to injure to me “交给你?”玄霄闻言,却如同听到世上最大的笑话一样,狂笑道:“哈哈,真是笑话,你既然知道宫阙,那你应该知道我身上的铠甲是什么吧?就凭你,一个玄灵境废物,一辈子都别想伤到我” Hears to laugh wildly, Qin Shi silently looks is referring to the slit, light nan said: Before, person had also spoken such words.” Supine beginning gently, he is crooked the head to say with a smile to the profound clouds: But you know that what his afterward result was?” 听闻狂笑,秦石默默的望着指间的缝隙,轻喃道:“之前,有一个人也说过这样的话。”轻轻的仰起头,他歪着脑袋冲玄霄笑道:“可你知道,他后來的结果是什么吗?” Um?” The profound clouds have gawked gawking: What is?” “嗯?”玄霄愣了楞:“是什么?” He lip angle opens and closes, the Qin Shi body anteversion, the next instant such as rushes to the potential of thunder to flee to the place of profound clouds body first half rice suddenly suddenly, suddenly said with a smile evilly: Died “他”唇角开合,秦石的身躯猛然前倾,下一霎如奔雷之势猛然窜到玄霄身前半米之处,突然邪笑道:“死了” The voice falls, together the purple quiet pervert fire, suddenly the tuck dive between the index finger and middle finger, punctures to the chest of profound clouds. 话音落下,一道紫幽色鬼火,蓦然间在食指和中指间翻腾而起,冲着玄霄的胸膛刺下。 …… Under the sharp fingertip forces, profound clouds indifferent anxious point, laughing that however the next quarter, he disdains suddenly: Ha Ha, wants to attack me? I said that depending on your Profound Spirit Realm strength, do not think for a lifetime 锋利的指尖逼迫下,玄霄漠然的紧张一分,然而下一刻,他突然不屑的大笑:“哈哈,想要攻击我?我都说了,凭你玄灵境的力量,一辈子也别想” Does not think that the voice has not fallen, stops suddenly. 不想话音未落,戛然而止。 Bang A fierce strength, following the Chest of profound clouds, puff pierces it directly, before made various person terrifying raging fire armor, disrupted in the quiet fire unexpectedly suddenly. 一股凶猛之力,顺着玄霄的心口,噗一声直接将其洞穿,之前令诸人恐怖的烈火铠甲,竟在幽火中骤然碎裂。 What's wrong, how to be possible? How can you injure to me?” Puts out a blood, profound clouds kneel on the ground, the appearance does not dare to believe is staring at the fingertip of Qin Shi, induces the strength that in the above quiet fire transmits to tremble: This, is this psychic force?” “怎么,怎么可能?你怎么能伤到我?”吐出一口鲜血,玄霄跪在地上,面目不敢置信的盯着秦石的指尖,感应上方幽火中传來的力量不由一颤:“这,这是精神力?” He he, has guessed right, what a pity has not rewarded.” Qin Shi smiled, at once said: Gives you a prompt, the next generation pays attention to a point, sometimes acts out of desperation, if not jump over, but will fall very much miserably.” “呵呵,猜对了,可惜沒有奖。”秦石笑了笑,旋即道:“给你个提示,下辈子注意一点,有时候狗急跳墙,若是跳不过去,可是会摔得很惨的啊。” The entire process, the complete silence, to the profound clouds tragic death, has choked in nearby crowd a spit, particularly Huo Caidie and Chushan blue, have sucked the tongue terrified, a Heaven Realm big energy, aspires to seize existence of North District peak, in the Qin Shi hand, including strikes unexpectedly has not passed through? What concept is this? 整个过程,鸦雀无声,一直到玄霄惨死,在旁边的人群才噎了口吐沫,尤其是霍彩蝶和竹山青,悚然的咂了咂舌,一名天境大能,问鼎北方区域巅峰的存在,竟然在秦石手中,连一击都沒有走过?这是什么概念? Has turned round, but how actually reason that Qin Shi have not thought that a moment ago him can go well easily, mainly because of the general idea of profound clouds . Moreover, he wants slaughter completely Burning Sky Sect, person who the anger cuts Luan Muhua, how because will solve this small to feel complacent. 回过身,秦石自己倒沒觉得如何,刚才他之所以能轻易得手,主要还是因为玄霄的大意,况且,他是要屠尽焚天宗,怒斩栾慕华的人,怎么会因为解决掉这种小喽啰就感到自满。 Cen Chi and the others went forward, held the dry lamp, half double-hour just passed, the effect of demon symbol clears, returns for the senile of vicissitudes, is somewhat dispirited. 岑驰等人上前,将枯灯扶了起來,半个时辰刚好度过,魔符的功效散尽,回归为沧桑的老态,有些颓废。 To the appearance of dry lamp dispirited, Qin Shi is not but actually accidental, after all cannot cut to kill the profound clouds personally, many will leave behind some heart knots, for this reason has patted the dry lamp emaciated shoulder: Senior, do not think that later the opportunity are many.” 对枯灯萎靡的模样,秦石倒并不意外,毕竟沒能亲手斩杀玄霄,多少会留下些心结,为此拍了拍枯灯羸弱的肩膀:“前辈,别多想,以后机会还多。” Helpless shaking the head , the dry lamp said: Um, then, what does the little friend have to plan?” 无奈的摇了摇头,枯灯道:“嗯,接下來,小友有什么打算?” Looks all around, backdrop city now, is empty city one, even contrast ratio Rainbow Cloud City is pitiful, cloud of smoke float over, the courage vigor is strong. 环顾四周,天幕城如今,已是空城一座,甚至照比虹云城还要凄惨,硝烟弥漫,血气浓重。 Thinks, Qin Shi said: „The following plan, feared that must trouble the dry lamp senior, with the color butterflies and Chushan two seniors is.” 思索一番,秦石道:“接下來的计划,怕是还要麻烦枯灯前辈,和彩蝶、竹山枝两位前辈才是。” Has anything to request, the little friend said freely can.” “有什么要求,小友尽管说便可。” Is short with the manpower, moreover just the performance of Qin Shi, Huo Cai butterfly of thorough shock they, for this reason very refreshed complying said. 正所谓拿人手短,而且刚刚秦石的表现,彻底的震撼的霍彩蝶两人,为此很爽快的答应道。 Has selected, Qin Shi said sternly: I think that then we fan out in three groups, captures the remaining three first-level cities.” 点了下头,秦石正色道:“我想,接下來我们兵分三路,将剩下的三座一级城池攻下。” Fans out in three groups?” “兵分三路?” Um, right.” Qin Shi complies saying that then the vision in the dry lamp, Huo Caidie and Chushan three people sweeps, said: Is only, this line along with the person who I come back, many are not North District indigenous, knows really few about North District, feared that is needs three to guide is good.” “嗯,沒错。”秦石答应道,然后目光在枯灯,霍彩蝶和竹山枝三人身上一扫而过,道:“只是,此行随我回來的人,多数不是北方区域的土著,对北方区域了解甚少,怕是需要三位带路才行。” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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