PDL :: Volume #5

#476: Fights for the faith

Gawked staring, Qin Xuexin was angry no wonder that: Hey, where has you to make a bet with others like this? You do not know that is very mindless?” 愣了愣,沁雪心嗔怪道:“喂,哪里有你这样和别人打赌的啊?你不知道很不讲理吗?” Sore, sore, hurts on tiger body to transmit wipes the ice-cold stabbing pain, Qin Shi beckons with the hand to say hastily: Was good, if the dry lamp senior lost, you want any me to promise you.” “疼,疼,疼”虎躯上传來一抹冰冷的刺痛,秦石连忙摆手道:“好了,如果枯灯前辈输了,你想要什么我都答应你。” „Did you determine?” “你确定?” Were few, keeps promises Qin Shi to say decidedly. “本少,说一不二”秦石决然道。 This, Qin Xuexin the satisfied revealing dimple, the beautiful pupil slightly has to look toward the battlefield that in worries, the profound clouds and dry lamp they, look at each other for a very long time. 这一下,沁雪心满意的露出笑靥,美眸略有担忧的朝战场上望去,玄霄和枯灯两人,久久对视。 Just started, no one has gotten rid rashly, the thoughts of profound clouds were not prolonging contact, but how calculated to escape, the vision from four has swept, finally fell on the dry lamp body, secret passage: By the Qin Shi disposition, he decides however will not make the dry lamp old ghost be killed, if can its capture alive, hope that perhaps also somewhat returns alive.” Thinks of this, he raises head to say suddenly: „The thing of old codger, you, since must court death, this place has helped you 刚开始,谁都沒有贸然出手,玄霄的心思不在恋战,而是盘算起如何才能脱逃,目光从四下扫过,最后落在枯灯身上,暗道:“以秦石的性格,他定然不会让枯灯老鬼被杀,若是能够将其生擒,说不定还有几分生还的希望。”想到这,他突然仰头道:“老不死的东西,你既然非要找死,本座就成全了你” The dry lamp ridiculed one, single-handed a revolution in the hip, a series of withered and yellow Fujinobu, was similar to the python fluttering: He he, when obsolete able to move unhindered North District, you still play to turn the rope in your mother's womb, dares shameless calls this?” 枯灯嘲弄一声,单手在胯间一转,一连串的枯黄藤木,如同巨蟒般翻飞而起:“呵呵,在老朽纵横北方区域的时候,你还在你娘胎里玩翻绳呢,竟敢恬不知耻的称之为本座?” overestimate one's capabilities 不自量力 Under Fujinobu, the profound clouds are surely completely at ease, in the five fingers burns the raging flame, an arrow step rushes, at once by the potential of setting the prairie afire, burns down it all. 千万藤木下,玄霄坦然自若,五指间燃烧起熊熊烈火,一个箭步就冲上去,旋即以燎原之势,将其尽数焚烧。 Solves Fujinobu, spiritual power of profound clouds rolling increases, in his palms, overflows at one fell swoop together the flaming fire dragon, spreads out the successor dynasty the chest of dry lamp to puncture. 解决藤木,玄霄的灵力滚滚攀升,一举在他的掌心间,四溢起一道熊熊火龙,摊开后朝着枯灯的胸膛刺下。 The presbyopia concentrates, the dry lamp arrives at two hastily in the chest, but between Heaven Realm and Profound Spirit Realm, there is together a rough gap, even if both hands, is still unable to overstep, was shaken suddenly departs dozens meters far. 老眼一凝,枯灯连忙将两手抵在胸膛,而天境玄灵境之间,有一道粗犷的鸿沟,即便是双手,仍然是无法逾越,猛然被震飞出数十米远。 What is bitterly disappointing, the profound clouds have not called a halt in light of this, but takes advantage of somebody's authority to face forward to leap void, words swing of a series of remnant shades in chaotic Shek Kong, arrives in the dry lamp, the five fingers arrive on waist that directly, in the dry lamp rickets draw out, makes an effort. 令人心寒的是,玄霄并未就此停手,而是借势朝前虚空一跃,一连串的残影在乱石岗中话摇摆而过,抵达在枯灯的身后,五指直接抵在枯灯佝偻起的腰肢上,用力一点。 Bang Bang, five dazzling flame shells puncture likely generally, in an instant penetrates the wainscot of dry lamp, shoots down directly in his chest, squeezes out five deeply not to see the bottom front earth the hole. 巨响一声,五道刺眼的火光像炮弹一般刺出,刹那间透过枯灯的腰板,直接击落在他的胸膛,将面前的大地挤出五道深不见底的窟窿。 Crowd one startled, before gathering up that Huo Caidie worries about shouts: Dry lamp 人群一惊,霍彩蝶担忧的凑上前喊道:“枯灯” Dry lamp senior Qin Xuexin is angry to shout one. “枯灯前辈”沁雪心嗔呼一声。 When many human desire must get rid, suddenly the golden light sweeps away in the palm of Qin Shi together, cuts off together the gully in the earth, stops it: Cannot begin 而在不少人欲要出手时,突然一道金光在秦石的掌中横扫而出,在大地斩断出一道沟壑,将其阻拦下來:“都不许动手” Huo Caidie look changes, blamed: Boy, were you insane? The dry lamp he will die 霍彩蝶神色一变,责怪道:“小子,你疯了?枯灯他会死得” Yes Shi’tou the thoughts of Qin Xuexin concubine, the tender drop said: I go home with you, I go home not to be good with you, these time calculates that you won.” “是啊石头沁雪心小女人的心思,娇滴道:“我跟你回家,我跟你回家还不行啊,这一次算你赢了。” Felt at heart several points of dumbfounded, Qin Shi said: „, The sentiment was mistaken that this little was wants to win the gambling house, did not make the bystander lend a hand to help?” 心里感觉到几分无语,秦石道:“好吗,感情是误以为,本少就是想要赢得赌局,才不让外人出手帮助的啊?” Has other reason?” Qin Xuexin puzzled [say / way]. “有别的原因?”沁雪心不解道。 Has not responded, Qin Shi supine beginning resolutely, said: „Do you have to think, the dry lamp senior knew that is not the match of profound clouds, why can also show off power to accept a challenge?” Here, he moved the vision to Huo Caidie: Senior, how you and dry lamp senior said that is also acquainted for hundred years, don't you to him, understand?” 沒有作出回应,秦石毅然决然的仰起头,道:“你们有沒有想过,枯灯前辈自知不是玄霄的对手,为什么还非要逞强应战?”说到这,他将目光挪向霍彩蝶:“前辈,你和枯灯前辈怎么说也相识百年,难道你对他,一点都不了解吗?” Was interrogated one, Huo Caidie torso trembled trembling, suddenly has not said a word. 被质问一句,霍彩蝶的躯干颤了颤,一时间沒有言语。 In the silence, Qin Shi said to Qin Xuexin: Snow heart, you still remember before , the scene in unfeeling cliff blood lake, with me to you have spoken the words?” 在沉默中,秦石沁雪心道:“雪心,你还记得之前在绝情崖血湖中的情景,和我对你说过的话吗?” Black eyebrow coloring eyebrow slightly pressed, the Qin Xuexin absent-minded stalemate train of thought that remembered is encircled by dozens blood puppets at that time, Qin Shi knew perfectly well that was not the rival, knew perfectly well that will die actually keeping off decidedly before her body, has not withdrawn one step. 黛眉微蹙,沁雪心恍惚的陷入思绪,想起那时候被数十只血傀儡围剿,秦石明知不是敌手,明知会死却决然的挡在她身前,不曾退后一步。 But at that time the words in Qin Shi mouth were 而当时秦石口中的话是 Remembers anything suddenly, [say / way] that the Qin Xuexin broad and handsome forehead raises: You say the dignity?” 猛然想起什么,沁雪心螓首扬起的道:“你是说尊严?” Deep nod, Qin Shi said: Right, to dry lamp senior, this time solely is not a spiritual power showdown, is for his fight of dignity and faith.” 深沉的点了点头,秦石道:“沒错,对枯灯前辈來说,这一次不单单是一场灵力的对决,更是一场为了他的尊严和信念的战斗。” Trembled trembling, the crowd bursting out laughing of just making noise. 颤了颤,刚刚喧闹的人群不由哑然。 Chushan went forward from behind, pats Huo Caidie shoulder saying: „The Qin Shi little friend said right, this fights us unable to get rid, only then by dry lamp.” 竹山枝从后面上前,拍了拍霍彩蝶的肩膀道:“秦石小友说的沒错,这一战我们不能出手,只有靠枯灯自己。” But he will die “可是他会死得” „” Qin Shi will not turn round suddenly, bright saying with a smile: You must believe that sometimes a great strength of person faith, must surpass cultivation on spiritual power is “不会”秦石突然回身,灿烂的笑道:“你们要相信,一个人信念的强大,有时候要远超过灵力上的修为” Suddenly and Qin Shi looking at each other, under the profound black pupil, the twinkle wipes to make the brilliance that one wallows, recalled, only then Spirit Seal Realm Qin Shi, with the blood puppet resistances of dozens Broken Spirit Realm, but the appearance that finally actually can still be saved from death, Qin Xuexin smiled: Um, I believe.” 蓦然间和秦石对视,在深邃的黑眸下,闪烁一抹令人沉迷的光彩,回想起只有封灵境秦石,和数十破灵境的血傀儡对抗,而最终却仍是能够死里逃生的模样,沁雪心笑了:“嗯,我相信。” Puff passes 噗通 The chest was pierced, dry lamp deficient kneeling in dust sand. 胸膛被洞穿,枯灯匮乏的跪在尘沙中。 Stands behind him, laughing wildly of profound clouds joyfully satisfied: Ha Ha, the fellow of old codger, I said that you are not my match, you have defeated, you defeated 站在他背后,玄霄得意洋洋的狂笑:“哈哈,老不死的家伙,我就说你不是我的对手,你败了,你败了” Defeat? I do not have.” The dry lamp withered palm supports tread, reveals suddenly wipes the strange smiling face: This time, I certainly in giving up “败?我才沒有。”枯灯干枯的手掌撑着地面,突然间露出一抹诡异的笑容:“这一次,我一定不会在放弃” Burns “燃” The bang is inexplicable, in the palms explodes projects the torrential raging fire, in the raging fire the jet black demon symbol ignites together, has the enormous and powerful strength suddenly, the strength harasses the vault of heaven, the black leopard of galloping from the sky runs together. 轰莫名间,手掌间爆射出滔滔烈火,烈火中一道漆黑的魔符燃起,突然间产生浩荡的力量,力量扰乱苍穹,一道奔腾的黑豹在空中奔跑而起。 Demon symbol?” “魔符?” The sudden phenomenon, making many people feel panic-stricken. 突然的异象,令不少人感到惊恐。 Good fearful strength, is this demon symbol Profound Spirit Realm Desolate Beast builds up unexpectedly?” Huo Caidie and Chushan they stared staring. “好可怕的力量,这魔符竟是玄灵境荒兽所炼?”霍彩蝶和竹山枝两人瞪了瞪眼。 But follows the Qin Shi person, actually does not feel the accident. 而跟随秦石的人,却并不感觉到意外。 Qin Xuexin smiled suddenly, has patted Qin Shi: Originally, are you early prepared?” 沁雪心恍然一笑,拍了拍秦石:“原來,你早有准备?” „If there is not prepared, how I do will make a bet with intelligent you?” “若是沒有准备,我怎么敢和聪慧的你打赌呢?” Good, you deceived me to be swindled intentionally?” Qin Xuexin hears that sound, toot toot fragrant cheek, blame white: „It is not good, this time cannot calculate.” “好啊,你是故意骗我上当的啊?”沁雪心闻声,嘟嘟起香腮,责怪的白了一眼:“不行,这次不能算。” No, five mark demon symbols, with auction, but can also sell 2 million spirit stones.” Does not have the temperament all of a sudden droops face, the Qin Shi meat pain calls out one: Snow heart beautiful woman, we must mean what he says, I 2 million buy you to accompany me to go home, you look in this on sincerely, isn't good to reject me?” “别啊,一张五纹魔符,拿出去拍卖,还能卖2000000的灵石呢。”一下子沒脾气的耷拉起脸,秦石肉痛的嚎叫一声:“雪心美女,咱们要说话算话,我2000000买你陪我回趟家,你就看在这份诚心上,也不好拒绝我吧?” Does not think, after hearing the word, the Qin Xuexin jade surface sinks, toot toot the blame of mouth: „, Originally I in you, value 2 million Upper Tier spirit stones?” 不想,闻言后,沁雪心的玉面一沉,嘟嘟起嘴的责怪道:“嗷,原來我在你心里,才值2000000上品灵石啊?” „” “” Suddenly the bursting out laughing, the Qin Shi mental effort is exhausted, he discovered this, no matter what woman, from Qin Xuexin this Sect saintess, to the girl of ordinary common family, this creates a scene is their inherent nature, does not choose a person to teach. 一时间哑然,秦石心力匮竭,他发现这不管是什么样的女人,上至沁雪心这种宗门圣女,下至普通百姓家的女孩,这无理取闹都是他们与生俱來的本性,根本不用人教啊。 Was good, I promise you.” “好了,我答应你。” Looks the appearance that Qin Shi looks distressed, smiling that Qin Xuexin cannot bear. 看着秦石愁眉苦脸的模样,沁雪心忍不住的嫣然一笑。 Looks the battlefield, the black leopard gallops three around azure clouds, sneaks into following the forehead of dry lamp, at once sees only his muscle to stick out suddenly suddenly, the arm enough changes has more than three meters thickly, face upwards to roar: Roar 回望战场,黑豹绕着青霄奔腾三圈,顺着枯灯的眉心窜入,旋即只见他的肌肉猛然暴起,臂膀足足变的有三米多粗,仰天咆哮一声:“吼” In the great roar, has felt the constriction of terrifying, the profound clouds unexpectedly are the withdrawing several steps that cannot bear. 巨吼声中,充满了恐怖的压迫感,玄霄竟是忍不住的退后数步。 Damn, five mark demon symbols? How will you have this type of fearful thing?” Clenched teeth, the profound clouds are at heart flurried, five mark demon symbols link their Burning Sky Sect, the treasure of not having had. “该死,五纹魔符?你怎么会有这种可怕的东西?”咬了咬牙,玄霄心里慌乱起來,五纹魔符可是连他们焚天宗,都不曾拥有的宝贝。 The dry lamp book is Profound Spirit Realm peak, in addition promotion of demon symbol, he cultivation on spiritual power is, already the foot and Heaven Realm contends, in addition Desolate Beast fearful fleshly body, even also wants a crush profound clouds point to a certain extent. 枯灯本就是玄灵境巅峰,加上魔符的提拔,他在灵力上的修为,已经足矣和天境抗衡,加上荒兽可怕的肉身,某种程度上甚至还要碾压玄霄一分。 Bang Wields hundred jin (0.5 kg) sharp claws, strikes to hit in the chest of profound clouds. 挥起百斤利爪,一击击中在玄霄的胸膛。 Bang 轰隆 This, the profound clouds were shaken suddenly depart dozens meters far, grasps single-handed on the giant stone reluctantly stops, but this did not finish, changes into the dry lamp of black leopard, velocity anomaly quick, at all not to the time that he pants for breath, once more throws. 这一下,玄霄猛然间被震飞出数十米远,单手抓在巨石上才勉强停下,而这并不是结束,化为黑豹的枯灯,速度异常的快,根本不给他喘息的时间,就再次扑下。 Five incisive sharp claws, leave behind several ripples in the air, puff one rips open five blood-stained mouths the chest of profound clouds, deep obvious bone. 五道尖锐的利爪,在空气中留下几道涟漪,噗一下将玄霄的胸膛撕开五道血口,深可见骨。 The distant place sees this, many people held breath an cold air/Qi, a Chushan to praise sighed: Demon symbol type of thing, truly extremely goes against heaven's will, Profound Spirit Realm with its help, can meet as an equal with Heaven Realm unexpectedly.” 远处望见这幕,不少人都倒吸了口冷气,竹山枝赞叹道:“魔符这种东西,确实太过逆天,一名玄灵境在其帮助下,竟能够与天境分庭抗礼。” Truly, but takes a broad view at North District, most Demonic Talisman Master are two grains, the rare three grains, this degree of demon symbol, between the war for empires, the strength of promotion army is perhaps useful, in the one-to-one powerhouse showdown, actually appears some weaks.” Huo Caidie shook the head, at once said: Does not know that these five mark demon symbols, where are the dry lamp are at to seek.” “确实,只是放眼北方区域,大多数的符魔师不过是二纹,罕见三纹,这种程度的魔符,用于帝国间的战争,提升军队的实力或许有用,在一对一的强者对决中,倒是显得有些鸡肋。”霍彩蝶摇了摇头,旋即道:“不知道,这五纹魔符,是枯灯在哪來寻來。” Hey, these five mark demon symbols, consider our Sect Master to build up.” But mentioned this matter, Cen Chi could not bear say in side. “嘿嘿,这五纹魔符,自当是我们宗主所炼。”而提到这事,岑驰在旁边忍不住接过话來。 Two old men one startled: You said that these five mark demon symbols, are the Qin Shi little friend build up?” 两名老者一惊:“你是说,这五纹魔符,是秦石小友所炼?” Sticks out chest, Cen spreading arrogance [say / way]: Naturally, takes a broad view at the entire empire, person who can refine five mark demon symbols, feared that is only then our Sect Master.” 挺起胸膛,岑驰傲气的道:“当然,放眼整座帝国,能够炼制出五纹魔符的人,怕是只有我们宗主。” Bah, curling the lip of a miss Xiao Qing has not been glad, said: Do not forget, smelly Shi’tou can achieve five mark demon symbols, has been lucky our Yu Family demon Fu Tongjian “呸,还有本姑娘呢”小青不乐意的撇了撇嘴,道:“你可别忘了,臭石头能够达到五纹魔符,还是多亏了我们郁家的魔符通鉴” Has grasped scratching the head awkwardly, Cen Chi said hastily: Yes, I have forgotten the Xiao Qing miss, should say that in entire empire, the person who can refine five mark demon symbols, has Sect Master and Xiao Qing miss 尴尬的抓了抓头,岑驰连忙道:“是,我都把小青姑娘忘了,应该说整座帝国里,能够炼制五纹魔符的人,只有宗主小青姑娘” It seems like does not have the dialog of orderliness, actually Huo Caidie and a Chushan shock, has choked maliciously a spit: Rumble 50 Profound Spirit Realm, several Heaven Realm, empire only two five mark Demonic Talisman Master, are actually these people the what kind monstruous talent?” 看似沒条理的对话,却把霍彩蝶与竹山枝震惊,狠狠的噎了口吐沫:“咕噜50名玄灵境,数名天境,还有帝国唯独的两名五纹符魔师,这些人究竟是何等的妖孽?” Suddenly, read wants to flash through in their mind: Perhaps, after this time, North District really again did not have Burning Sky Sect.” 突然,一个念想在两人脑海闪过:“说不定,这一次过后,北方区域就真的再无焚天宗了。” But absolutely those who make them unable to think, this time Qin Shi, is far from ordinary Demonic Talisman Master, but takes a broad view at trim mainland demented soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master. 而让两人万万想不到的是,此时的秦石,已经远非普通的符魔师,而是放眼整片大陆都令人癫狂的魂咒符魔师 Hears behind discussion, Qin Shi turns round to say with a smile: Two seniors, what's wrong? Is interested in the demon symbol? If likes, my this also several demon symbols, give two are.” 听到身后的议论,秦石回身笑道:“两位前辈,怎么?对魔符感兴趣?若是喜欢的话,我这还有几道魔符,送给两位便是。” Spoke, Qin Shi palm one, four demon symbol that punctures five grains to wind exposes with nothing left, and Huo Caidie hands over toward Chushan. 说完话,秦石掌心一摊,四张刺着五道纹络的魔符展露无遗,朝着竹山枝和霍彩蝶递上去。 Is looking at four demon symbols, the people have sucked the tongue, Cen Chi and the others reveal the greedy vision, let alone is in barren North District two hundred -year-old man, feels the throat dry heat, trembles saying: This, does this demon symbol, give to us?” 望着四张魔符,众人不禁咂了咂舌,就连岑驰等人都露出贪婪的目光,更何况是身在贫瘠北方区域的两名百岁老者,不由感到喉咙干热,颤道:“这,这魔符,送给我们?” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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