PDL :: Volume #5

#475: Bet

The spiritual power great hand was routed suddenly, from the dust sand, a black robe exposes in the field of vision of people, Qin Shi that came from far away. 灵力巨手突然被击溃,从尘沙之中,一席黑袍暴露在众人的视野里,正是远道而来的秦石 Over a hundred vision interweave on the body of Qin Shi, simultaneously reveals for several points startled to accommodate, Chushan and Huo Caidie looks at each other one, plunders in the respective memory, had not actually found with the Qin Shi related least bit impression. 上百道目光交织在秦石的身上,同时露出几分惊容,竹山枝和霍彩蝶对视一眼,在各自的记忆中搜刮一番,却是没有找到和秦石有关的半点印象。 The profound clouds have congealed with rapt attention, shouted to clear the way: Does not know that your excellency is what kind of person? Opposes with my Burning Sky Sect, may not have what good end.” 玄霄凝了凝神,喝道:“不知阁下是何许人也?和我焚天宗作对,可没有什么好下场。” Satire that crooked the head, Qin Shi has thought little of: How can? Since one year ago offended Burning Sky Sect, this few is good that eats, good that drinks, rests also good, all worries disappear, how can say that won't have the good end?” 歪了歪脑袋,秦石不以为意的讽刺道:“怎么会呢?自从一年前得罪了焚天宗,本少是吃的好,喝的好,睡的也好,一切烦恼都不见了,怎么能说会没有好下场呢?” Um?” The people knit the brows. “嗯?”众人皱了皱眉。 Opposes for one year with Burning Sky Sect, but now also living is the human, he?” In a Chushan presbyopia wipes suddenly surprisedly. “和焚天宗作对一年,而如今还活着的人难道,难道是他?”竹山枝的老眼中猛然一抹惊讶。 Huo Caidie beautiful face changing colors, thinks anything, trembles saying: Old man, you said that one year ago that Qin Shi? Qin sect Sect Master?” 霍彩蝶花容失色,不由的也想起来什么,颤道:“老头子,难道你是说,一年前那个秦石?秦宗的宗主?” Um, besides him, I cannot think of now also anyone, dares such and person speech of Burning Sky Sect.” Chushan has gripped the fist, sighed painstakingly. “嗯,除了他,我想不到现在还有谁,敢这么和焚天宗的人说话。”竹山枝攥了攥拳,苦叹道。 Thinks solely is not they, the profound clouds and Burning Sky Sect many disciples, are think similarly one year ago, such as the form of Burning Sky Sect nightmare, a black robe, is the frail form, with a front this person of comparison, how unequalled tallying? 想起来的不单单是两人,玄霄和焚天宗的诸多弟子,同样是想起来一年前,如焚天宗噩梦的身影,一席黑袍,单薄身影,和面前这人一比较,是多么无与伦比的吻合? „Are you Qin Shi?” The profound clouds tremble to say. “你是秦石?”玄霄颤道。 Yo, it seems like Burning Sky Sect, is some smart people.” Qin Shi default laughter. “呦,看来焚天宗,还是有些聪明人的吗。”秦石默认的笑声。 But has been affirmed, Burning Sky Sect many disciples are also actually panic-stricken, shows the frightened look, void that overwhelming power imposing manner, vanished all of a sudden. 而得到肯定,焚天宗的诸多弟子却同时惊慌失措,一个一个露出恐惧的神色,刚才的威猛气势,一下子消失的荡然无存。 Day, did he come back? Did he come back unexpectedly?” “天啊,他回来了?他竟然回来了?” How possible? Ended, we must defeat!” “怎么可能?完了,咱们要败了!” Feeling behind morale reduces greatly, the profound clouds scold saying: What fears? One one year ago was expelled the North District stray cur by Sect Master, even if comes back, brings contempt upon oneself!” 感受身后的士气大减,玄霄呵斥道:“都怕什么?一个一年前被宗主撵出北方区域的丧家之犬,就算是回来,也不过是自取其辱!” Has saying that the saying of profound clouds is useful, had reminded all of a sudden moves restlessly the Burning Sky Sect disciple, making it calm down gradually. 不得不说,玄霄的这话非常有用,一下子点醒了躁动中的焚天宗弟子,令其渐渐冷静下来。 Stands in the following Chushan and Huo Caidie, the old pupil looks at each other one, anxious going forward said: Little brother, many thanks you can lend a hand to assist, but the strength of this profound clouds is uncommon, has achieved Heaven Realm First Rank, you possibly are not his match.” 站在后面的竹山枝和霍彩蝶,老眸对视一眼,紧张的上前道:“小兄弟,多谢你能出手相助,可这玄霄的实力不凡,已是达到了天境一层,你不可能是他的对手。” Two seniors felt relieved that some people said a moment ago what is coming? To bring contempt upon oneself? Has this desire, like this few unselfish, naturally must help to realize is good.” Qin Shi shakes down the head with a smile. “两位前辈放心,有些人刚才说什么来着?想要自取其辱是吧?有这种愿望,像本少这样大公无私,自然是要帮忙实现才行。”秦石笑着摇下头。 hears that sound, two old men knit the brows, under the opacitas eye pupil reveals wipes disappointedly, Chushan thought: Thinks that this Qin Shi is a talent, has not actually thought that he so does not understand the discretion unexpectedly, is a boorish fellow.” 闻声,两名老者皱了皱眉,浑浊的眼眸下露出一抹失望,竹山枝心想:“本来以为,这秦石是个天才,却没想到他竟这般不懂分寸,是一介莽夫啊。” Huo Caidie womanly compassion, urged once again: Little brother, should not be swayed by personal feelings, you a bit faster leave, don't, for our two old bones were killed are.” 霍彩蝶妇人之仁,再度劝道:“小兄弟,不要意气用事,你还是快点离开,别为了我们两个老骨头丧了命才是。” „To run? Did I permit?” “想跑?我允许了么?” Fierce exclaiming, the profound clouds raise single-handed, void tucks in several ripples, the ripples gathers the translucent spirit wave great hand, wants to Qin Shi grasp. 厉声的吼道,玄霄单手扬起,虚空中撩起几道涟漪,涟漪汇聚成半透明的灵波巨手,就欲要将秦石抓来。 Is looking at nihility great hand of approaching, Qin Shi shaking the head with a smile, at once stabilizes selects under to Huo Caidie, opens the mouth saying: You said that I have not run, your this with hardship compels, meets the words that you must want to run, I may not permit.” 望着逼近的虚无巨手,秦石笑着的摇摇头,旋即安定的冲霍彩蝶点下头,才开口道:“你说,我还没跑,你就这样苦苦相逼,一会你要真想跑的话,我可也不会允许啊。” Joke, will I escape?” “笑话,我会逃跑?” The profound clouds are controlling the great hand, throws off the earth the crushed stone, approaches among the foreheads of Qin Shi. 玄霄操控着巨手,掀翻大地的碎石,冲着秦石的眉宇间逼近。 That is good.” Shakes down the head with a smile, at this time great hand in being away from the Qin Shi forehead, only then among the square inches, Chushan and Huo Caidie rapid shout, actually does not think that Qin Shi is actually only the holding up hand silently, faces forward to raise: Comes out, others said that does not run!” “那就再好不过了。”笑着摇下头,此时巨手在距离秦石的眉心,只有方寸之间,竹山枝和霍彩蝶急促的喊声,却不想秦石却只是默默的举起手,朝前一扬:“出来吧,人家都说不跑了!” Um?” “嗯?” Profound clouds puzzled knitting the brows, suddenly, he felt at once the clouds on top of the head were defeated to open, suddenly crashes the next dozens terrifying pressure, made Heaven Realm him, trembling drew back several steps. 玄霄不解的皱了皱眉,旋即猛然间,他感觉头顶上的云霄被击破而开,突然坠落下数十道恐怖的威压,令天境的他在其中,都不由的颤退几步。 The spirit pressure more wells up is fiercer, grinds the powder pink / white the quarry stone of earth, but approaches the great hand of Qin Shi forehead, was frozen by the thousand years cold ice together suddenly, refuses to compromise motionless. 灵压越涌越烈,足足将大地的乱石碾碎成齑粉,而逼近秦石眉心的巨手,被一道千年的寒冰猛然冻结,僵持不动。 This strength, what's the matter?” “这力量,是怎么回事?” Looks quickly, looks at space quickly, many people! The day, when do they appear in this? How a detection?” “快瞧,快瞧天上,好多的人!天啊,他们什么时候出现在这?怎么一点察觉都没有?” Nonsense, others may all be Profound Spirit Realm expert, can make you realize casually obtains?” “废话,人家可全是玄灵境高手,能让你随便察觉得到吗?” The people begin supinely, at once the pupil in pupil draws in rapidly, sees only airborne, dense and numerous about 50 Profound Spirit Realm, Qin Xuexin is moving 3000 blue dropping long hair, keeps off before the body of Qin Shi. 众人仰起头去,旋即眸中的瞳仁急速收拢,只见空中,密密麻麻近50名的玄灵境,沁雪心甩动着3000碧蓝色的飞泻长发,挡在秦石的身前。 This grade of lineup, even if the profound clouds, Chushan and Huo Caidie feels the throat to give off heat, suddenly bursting out laughing does not have the words. 这等阵容,就算是玄霄、竹山枝、霍彩蝶都不由的感觉喉咙发热,一时间的哑然无话。 „, He so was no wonder calm a moment ago, originally early is prepared?” Cross-eyed that Chushan and Huo Caidie smiles bitterly, remembers before once, their worry, thought that several points satirized. “难怪,刚才他那样镇定,原来是早有准备啊?”竹山枝和霍彩蝶苦笑的对视一眼,旋即想起之前两人的担忧,不由觉得几分讽刺。 Color butterfly?” “彩蝶?” When form that dry lamp four sweeping away, the presbyopia sees Huo Caidie, the desire of just now relaxing must go forward, but just after taking several steps, suddenly looks at each other one with Chushan, stops all of a sudden is in-situ. 枯灯四下的横扫,老眼看见霍彩蝶的身影时,方才松了口气的欲要上前,而刚迈出几步后突然和竹山枝对视一眼,一下子停顿在原地。 Huo Caidie realized similarly dry lamp, on stares, Chushan understanding moves out of the way several steps toward side, has let the position. 霍彩蝶两人同样察觉到枯灯,不由的愣上一愣,竹山枝才会意的朝旁边挪开几步,将位置让了出来。 Under the awkward hesitation, the dry lamp half step goes forward: „Haven't you injured?” 尴尬的犹豫下,枯灯小步上前:“你没伤到吧?” Looks at each other one with it, Huo Caidie look is somewhat strange, for a long time shakes the head saying: Does not have, how can you here?” 与其对视一眼,霍彩蝶的神色有些古怪,许久才摇头道:“没,你怎么会在这里?” Was a long story, waits for this to finish, I was explaining with you that can see you to be all right, I put down the heart.” Has spat a foul air, shaking the head of dry lamp forced smile, then afraid drawing back several steps. “说来话长,等这结束,我在和你解释,能看见你没事,我就放下心了。”吐了口浊气,枯灯苦笑的摇了摇头,然后心虚的退开几步。 When more than 50 people of oppressions, the profound clouds did not have the energy immediately, but when he just wanted to withdraw, Qin Shi said with a smile suddenly: Hey, what's wrong? Does this want to run? You did not say that you don't run? Does Burning Sky Sect such fail to keep one's word?” 在50多人的压迫下,玄霄马上没了底气,而就在他刚欲退后时,秦石突然笑道:“嘿嘿,怎么?这就想跑了?你不是说你不跑吗?焚天宗就这么言而无信?” Anyone, who said that I can run?” “谁,谁说我要跑了?” Does not run well, avoid troubles.” “不跑最好,省得麻烦。” Qin Shi satirized one with a smile, at once spreads toward nearby Cen with Qiu Diao signaled with the eyes, said fierce: Kills, does not remain!” 秦石笑着讽刺一声,旋即朝着旁边的岑驰和邱雕使了个眼色,厉声道:“杀,一个不留!” Yes!” “是!” Has been instructed, the following person starts to take action, 50 Profound Spirit Realm, the Burning Sky Sect person in its front, collapses at the first blow simply. 得到指示,下面的人开始行动,50名玄灵境,焚天宗的人在其面前,简直是不堪一击。 The suddenly time, the Burning Sky Sect disciple was slaughtered, only the remaining profound clouds with hardship resist, 50 people encircle the center, the bloodstained to Qin Shi is exclaimed: Qin Shi, majority wins, is any hero, has the skill you to come out with me to be one-to-one!” 只是眨眼间的功夫,焚天宗的弟子被屠杀,只剩下玄霄苦苦抵抗,被50人围剿中央,血迹斑斑的冲秦石吼道:“秦石,以多胜少,算什么英雄,有本事你出来和我一对一!” hear that, the Qin Shi brow tip has selected selecting, reveals the meaning of several points of taunt: He he, how many mistakes corrects your, first, your Burning Sky Sect person, are by far more than us, how can say that majority wins? Moreover, one year ago on me Burning Sky Sect, whom has not seen saying that must be one-to-one with me! Doesn't rally together to attack, wants to kill quickly then?” 闻言,秦石的眉梢挑了挑,露出几分嘲讽之意:“呵呵,纠正你几个错误,首先,你们焚天宗的人,远远比我们要多,怎么能说是以多胜少?另外,一年前我一人上焚天宗时,可没见谁说要和我一对一!不也是群起而攻之,欲要杀而后快么?” Has gawked staring, profound clouds bursting out laughing does not have the words, Qin Shi said right, he also clear ruthless, is only present he, at is not these 50 people of matches, can only offer this bad plan. 愣了愣,玄霄哑然无话,秦石说的没错,他心里也清楚的狠,只是现在的他,根本不是这50人的对手,只能够出此下策。 „, Was right.” In the silence, Qin Shi suddenly the cold and gloomy start to talk, the ice that the sound such as under ten thousand li (0.5km) deep sea freezes: Also a little, I forgot to tell you, I was not the hero, but wanted the blood to dye your Burning Sky Sect avenger! Kills!” “哦,对了。”在沉默中,秦石突然又森冷的开口,声音如万里深海下冻结的冰:“还有一点,我忘了告诉你,我本来就不是什么英雄,而是要血染你们焚天宗的复仇者!杀!” Several people of stop, when last kills the character to become quiet, an arrow step leaps sets out, the broad spirit pressure destroys Huanglong, billowing covers toward the profound clouds. 停顿的几人,在最后一个杀字落音时,一个箭步跃起身,恢弘的灵压直捣黄龙,滚滚的朝玄霄笼罩。 And other!” “等一下!” But at this time, the dry lamp broke to say in behind suddenly. 而这时,枯灯在后面突然打断道。 Knit the brows, turns round to look to dry lamp, Qin Shi said abreast in row puzzled: Senior, how not many and color butterfly senior said that several, here gives me to come to be good.” 皱了皱眉,回身望向并排在身旁的枯灯,秦石不解道:“前辈,怎么不多和彩蝶前辈说上几句,这里交给我来就好。” He he, does not use, said again many, the regret eventually is regrettable.” The dry lamp shook the head with a smile, stops, said: Little friend, my presumptuous request, does not know that you not whether to comply obsolete?” “呵呵,不用了,说再多,遗憾终究是遗憾。”枯灯笑着摇了摇头,停顿一下,道:“小友,有一个不情之请,不知你不能否答应老朽?” Gawked, Qin Shi said: Has any matter, the senior but said that might as well.” 愣了一下,秦石道:“有什么事,前辈但说无妨。” The low-spirited presbyopia narrows the eyes, the dry lamp moves the field of vision to the profound clouds: „Doesn't this fellow want one to one? Gives to be obsolete I to solve personally.” 黯然的老眼眯起,枯灯将视野挪向玄霄:“这个家伙不是想要一对一吗?就交给老朽我亲自解决吧。” Um?” Qin Shi is quite accidental, said: Senior, why bother is your this? Depending on your cultivation is, is not his match.” “嗯?”秦石颇为意外,道:“前辈,你这又是何苦?凭你的修为,可不是他的对手啊。” Deeply inspired, the dry lamp also knew that is not the match of profound clouds, but is [say / way] decidedly: Person life, must have several times crazy times, when is young, the light is thinking must rush to the world, when was old, she has married others, for a lifetime, I cannot do anything for her, these time is I to her making up, like this I can also be more relieved.” 深吸了口气,枯灯也自知不是玄霄的对手,可还是决然的道:“人一生,总要有几次疯狂的时候,年轻时,光想着要闯天下,等老了,她又嫁给了别人,一辈子,我也没能为她做些什么,这一次就算是我对她的弥补吧,这样我心里也能安心一些。” The sound that this saying, said is very low, only then hears in nearby Qin Shi, the tiger body under black robe trembled trembling, looked askance Huo Caidie toward distant place to look at one, suddenly smiled: Perhaps he he, she does not know that the senior also such does worry her?” 这话,说的声音很低,只有在旁边的秦石听见,黑袍下的虎躯不禁颤了颤,侧目朝远处的霍彩蝶望了一眼,突然笑了:“呵呵,或许她都不知道,前辈心里还这么牵挂她把?” How knows? How doesn't know? Knew, only the meeting person increases our pain.” The dry lamp heaved a deep sigh, was everywhere bitter and astringent. “知道又如何?不知道又如何?知道了,只会徒增我们三人的痛苦罢了。”枯灯长叹一声,满目苦涩。 Qin Shi shook the head, treats sentimental thing, his bystander has not said, but he knows that he will not let him and Qin Xuexin, Yu Luocha, Shu Zhongyu, one day arrives this step. 秦石摇了摇头,对待感情这东西,他一个外人还真不好说,只是他知道,他坚决不会让他和沁雪心,玉罗刹,书中玉,有一天走到这一步。 With dry lamp looking at each other for a long time, he will be single-handed wields, carves the demon symbol that five grains are winding to offer a sacrifice to together in the palm, gives the dry lamp: Senior, adds carefully.” 和枯灯对视许久,他将单手一挥,一道刻着五道纹络的魔符在掌中祭出,递给枯灯:“前辈,多加小心。” Sees the demon symbol, dry lamp look slightly is strange, at once puts out a hand received it, said: Many thanks the little friend helps.” At once strides bravely forward steps goes forward, looking with rapt attention to profound clouds: Come, one-to-one, I am your match!” 看见魔符,枯灯神色略显怪异,旋即才伸手的将其接过,道:“多谢小友成全。”旋即昂首阔步的迈上前,凝神的望向玄霄:“来吧,一对一,我做你的对手!” The person who gathers round the profound clouds stares suddenly, the profound clouds puzzled have also been startled the god, moves unified toward Qin Shi the vision, the latter is feels relaxed smiles, nod default. 围着玄霄的人突然一愣,玄霄也是不解的怔了怔神,统一将目光朝秦石挪去,后者则是释然一笑,点头默认。 But along with it, the crowd in great surprise, the profound clouds reveals wild laughing suddenly: Ha Ha, Qin Shi, I really do not know that you are really silly false silly are occasionally silly, lets this old codger unexpectedly comes to fight with me? That is not making him bring death!” 而随之,人群大惊,玄霄突然露出狂野的大笑:“哈哈,秦石,我真是不知道,你是真傻假傻偶尔傻,竟然让这个老不死的来和我交手?那不是在让他送死吗!” Pulling of Qin Xuexin worry lives in Qin Shi: Shi’tou, what do you mean? You clearly know that the dry lamp senior could not win him.” 沁雪心跟着担心的挽住秦石:“石头,你这是什么意思?你明知道枯灯前辈赢不了他。” Couldn't win?” Light nan of Qin Shi faint smile, shaking the head of decidedly said at once: „Do we make a bet how is it?” “赢不了么?”秦石浅笑的轻喃一声,旋即决然的摇了摇头道:“我们打个赌怎么样?” Um? What bets?” “嗯?赌什么?” Bets this, who can win.” Qin Shi said with a smile: I bet the dry lamp senior, if he won, you must promise me to return to Qin Family along with me.” “就赌这一场,谁能赢。”秦石笑道:“我赌枯灯前辈,若是他赢了的话,你就要答应我随我回秦家。” The Qin Xuexin black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is pressed, said: Good, if he did lose?” 沁雪心黛眉蹙起,道:“好,若是他输了呢?” He he, he will not lose.” “呵呵,他不会输。” !! !!
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