PDL :: Volume #5

#474: Misunderstanding

Under the approval point, Shu Zhongyu said: What to do do you plan?” 认可的点下头,书中玉道:“那你打算怎么办?” Urgently has not been responding to Shu Zhongyu, Qin Shi many had the idea at heart, asked to Luo maple tree: „The Luo Family host, before you and I said that North District all influences, completely are the Burning Sky Sect goals, i.e. will they likely begin to other four big cities?” 沒有急着回应书中玉,秦石的心里多少已经有了想法,冲洛枫问道:“洛家主,之前你和我说,北方区域所有的势力,全部是焚天宗的目标,就是说他们很可能会对其余四大城动手了?” Right, said accurately that three cities have submitted, now remaining Mu Tiancheng of West also by strenuous efforts are only supporting, today my Rainbow Cloud City was attacked, feared that was which Mu Tiancheng also very to goes.” “沒错,准确的说,已经有三座城池臣服,现在只剩下西方的慕天城还在苦苦支撑,今日我虹云城受到袭击,怕是慕天城也好不到哪去了吧。” This has licked the split corners of the mouth, in the black pupil of Qin Shi, dodges the ruthless offense: Such words, that starts from Mu Tiancheng.” “这样啊”舔了舔干裂的嘴角,秦石的黑眸中,一闪狠戾:“如此的话,那就从慕天城开始吧。” The people surprised [say / way] of: „Does little friend, you want Mu Tiancheng?” 众人惊讶的道:“小友,你想要去慕天城?” Um, I think that a first-level city, Burning Sky Sect should not be parsimonious his nine Heaven Realm expert?” Qin Shi smiles under the point. “嗯,我想,一座一级城池,焚天宗应该不会吝啬他那九名天境高手吧?”秦石笑着点下头。 hear that, what Yan is suddenly enlighted: Kid, you wants to get rid to other influences while Burning Sky Sect, then comes a praying mantis to catch the cicada canary, defeats it one by one?” 闻言,何岩恍然大悟:“小家伙,你这是想要趁着焚天宗对其他势力出手,然后來一个螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,将其逐一击破?” Is so.” Selected has been a fussy eater the angle, the Qin Shi sound suddenly changed callous several points: Luo maple tree Family Head, does not know whether to tell the younger generation Mu Tiancheng the position?” “正是如此。”挑了挑嘴角,秦石的声音突然变冷酷几分:“洛枫家主,不知能否将慕天城的位置告诉晚辈一下?” Mentioned that Mu Tiancheng, has not waited for Luo maple tree start to talk, stands steps in the following dry lamp goes forward, said: Kid, you must go to Mu Tiancheng, by obsolete is guided, I with there Huo, actually some origins.” 提到慕天城,沒等洛枫开口,站在后面的枯灯迈上前,道:“小家伙,你要去慕天城,就由老朽带路吧,我和那里的霍家,倒是有些渊源。” Huo?” Considers, Huo Qin Shi knows that is Mu Tiancheng the overlord, for this reason smiles under the point, said: That this line, trouble dry lamp senior.” “霍家么?”斟酌一番,霍家秦石知道,是慕天城的霸主,为此笑着点下头,道:“那此行,就麻烦枯灯前辈了。” Senior may not be at all.” “前辈可不敢当啊。” The dry lamp feels urgently folds shaking the head of ghost. 枯灯倍感折煞的摇了摇头。 Prepares all, Qin Shi does not prepare to do to delay in Rainbow Cloud City, said actually he has the dwelling heart how to be kindhearted, for the world common people, because delays a point, Desolate Town will be many one point of danger, his all close relatives to the love in Desolate Town, he do not dare to be negligent, does not dare to be careless, therefore turns round to spread to Cen with Qiu Diao signaled with the eyes, outside hints them to go to reorganize the following deployment, while weather also early, instantly. 准备好一切,秦石不准备在虹云城多做耽搁,倒不是说他有多么宅心仁厚,为了天下苍生,而是因为多耽搁一分,荒镇就会多一分危险,他所有的至亲至爱都在荒镇,他不敢大意,不敢马虎,所以回身冲着岑驰和邱雕使了个眼色,示意两人去外面整理好下面的部署,趁着天色还早,即刻出发。 The following person starts to take action, Luo maple tree hesitant, embarrassed clenching teeth of said: Shi’tou, we? With you?” 下面的人开始行动起來,洛枫犹豫一下,难堪的咬了咬牙道:“石头,那我们呢?跟着你么?” Pats the forehead, Qin Shi thinks, if he like this leaves, if Burning Sky Sect sends for attacking once more, the Luo Family person definitely cannot resist. 一拍脑门,秦石才想起來,如果他就这样离开,若是焚天宗再次派人袭击,洛家的人肯定抵挡不住。 Thinks, Qin Shi said: „The Luo Family host, this line of, the Luo Family family members also do not have the wound after all in the body, needs the human to look, I will keep Xiaomi Cai, when your injuries restore, goes to Desolate Town, met with Qin sect, I hurried back quickly 思索一番,秦石道:“洛家主,此行你们就不要跟着了,毕竟洛家老小还有伤在身,需要人照顾,我会把小米彩留下來,等到你们的伤势恢复,就前往荒镇,和秦宗会合,我很快就赶回去” Father, do you want to abandon me?” Being angry that Xiaomi Cai Boss is not glad no wonder that. “爹爹,你又要扔下我?”小米彩老大个不乐意的嗔怪道。 Has rubbed the Xiaomi Cai seven colors luxuriant, Qin Shi said with a smile: Who can abandon you? Can this duty, be more arduous than all duties, helping the father look after good Desolate Town? Moreover, Yin Mo and Su Ming they in Desolate Town, you did not say that you thought them.” 揉了揉小米彩的七彩秀发,秦石笑道:“谁要扔下你?这个任务,可比所有任务都要艰巨,帮爹爹照顾好荒镇好吗?而且,尹沫苏铭他们也在荒镇里,你不是说你想他们了么。” Really clip clop?” “真哒?” Hears Yin Mo and Su Ming, Xiaomi Cai reveals several points of excitement immediately, had not realized completely the deceit of Qin Shi, complies saying: Good and ensure completes task.” 听到尹沫苏铭,小米彩马上露出几分兴奋,完全沒有察觉到秦石的欺骗,答应道:“那好,保证完成任务。” Shouted, was really good to coax.” Relaxed, the following deployment has prepared to finish, Qin Shi has held holding the fist in the other hand to Luo maple tree, before arriving at the Qin Xuexin body, said: We walk.” “呼,真是好忽悠啊。”松了口气,下面的部署已经准备完毕,秦石冲着洛枫抱了抱拳,走到沁雪心身前道:“我们走吧。” Um.” “嗯。” Smiling complies with one, Qin Xuexin exceptionally clever pulling to live in the arm of Qin Shi, they in a flash, reappear void outside the main hall, spreads and the others to beckon to Cen, enormous and powerful escapes toward the West. 莞尔的答应一声,沁雪心异常乖巧的挽住秦石的手臂,两人虚空一晃,浮现在大殿外,冲着岑驰等人招手,浩浩荡荡的朝西方远遁。 Looks army who is escaping, suddenly Luo maple tree and the others at heart, was created thousand spray: This time, North District, feared that must have the earth-shaking change.” 望着远遁的大军,一时间洛枫等人的心里,被激起千层浪花:“这一次,北方区域,怕是要发生天翻地覆的变化了啊。” Regarding this, does not have one person to feel suspicion. 对此,无一人感到怀疑。 Under the leadership of dry lamp, Qin Shi and the others rapid speeds away toward Mu Tiancheng, Qin Shi looks askance all the way, realized that from experienced of dry lamp several points worried, said with a smile: Senior, I thinks that between you and Huo, should be some origins so is not only simple?” 在枯灯的带领下,秦石等人迅速的朝着慕天城疾驰,一路上秦石侧目,从枯灯的老练上察觉到几分担忧,笑道:“前辈,我想您和霍之间,应该不光是有些渊源这么简单吧?” Trembled trembling, dry lamp forced smile said: Is open about the facts the little friend, with young lady Huo Caidie of Huo, had a bad karma obsolete long ago.” 颤了颤,枯灯苦笑道:“不瞒小友,老朽在早年之时,和霍家的大小姐霍彩蝶,有过一段孽缘。” Oh? looks at this appearance, you should love her very much, how will become the bad karma?” Came the interest, Qin Shi puzzled asking. 哦?看这模样,你应该很爱她,怎么会成为孽缘呢?”來了兴趣,秦石不解的问道。 At that time, obsolete stony broke, but she is actually Miss Huo Jia of keeping aloof, the human, always young frivolous, I want to rush to an enterprise, then leaves behind the note, leaves without saying good-bye.” Speaking of the aging past events, the look of dry lamp moved fast lax, said: Afterward, in this North District, had several to be divided obsolete actually, the given name of dry lamp was also getting bigger and bigger, his Huo Jia people saw me, was very respectful, but thinks in me, I can be joined to her time, I returned to Mu Tiancheng again, she actually already degenerated into **, under knee full house.” “那时,老朽身无分文,而她却是高高在上的霍家小姐,人吗,总是年少轻狂,我就想要出去闯一番事业,便留下字条,不告而别。”提起陈年往事,枯灯的神色涣散飘忽,道:“后來,老朽在这北方区域,倒是有了几分成就,枯灯的名号也越來越大,就连他霍家人见到我,也是非常恭敬,而就在我以为,我能配得上她的时候,我再回到慕天城,她却早已沦为**,膝下满堂了。” Hears this word, a Qin Shi Chest colic, in his nearby Qin Xuexin, is makes an effort to pull his arm, reveals several points of low-spirited. 听闻此言,秦石的心口一阵绞痛,在他旁边的沁雪心,更是使劲挽住他的手臂,露出几分黯然。 Sentimental thing, extremely in free, is just you who sometimes you think thinks that treasures has at present.” Long implored one, dry lamp has patted the shoulder of Qin Shi, alone mentioned the speed, approached in Mu Tiancheng the direction continuously. “感情这东西,太过于无偿,有时你以为的只不过是你以为,珍惜眼前拥有的吧。”长吁一声,枯灯拍了拍秦石的肩膀,独自的将速度提起,朝着慕天城的方向连绵逼近。 Two who alone drops, Qin Shi and Qin Xuexin silent for a long time, no one has opened the mouth, but the moral nature actually aroused several points of mighty waves. 独自落下的两人,秦石沁雪心沉默了许久,谁都沒有开口,而心底却是激起了几分波澜。 Once, when the unfeeling cliff, Qin Xuexin just restored spiritual power, they are because this each other thinks, two thorough just missing of poor evil. 曾经,在绝情崖上,沁雪心刚刚恢复灵力时,两人就是因为这样彼此的自以为,差一点害的两人彻底的失之交臂。 Remembered then appearance, wiped panic-stricken floats off in their facial features, looking that turned round suddenly to each other, simultaneous opening mouth, but when saw the movement of opposite party, starting to speak but hesitating of oil non- oil. 一想起当时的模样,一抹惊恐在两人的面容上浮起,猛然回身的望向彼此,同时的张了张嘴,而看见对方的动作时,油不油的欲言又止。 What do you want to say?” Qin Shi said first. “你想说什么?”秦石先道。 You said first.” Qin Xuexin shyly shaking the head. “你先说。”沁雪心扭捏的摇摇头。 Smiles bitterly, Qin Shi embraces tightly Qin Xuexin: I must say that we never misunderstand, forever must believe each other heart, like the dry lamp senior them?” 苦笑一声,秦石沁雪心搂紧:“我要说,我们永远不要误会,永远要相信彼此的心,不要像枯灯前辈他们一样,好吗?” Um I also want to say.” Qin Xuexin said with a smile to comply to say. “嗯我也想这么说。”沁雪心笑道答应道。 The words of dry lamp, had not small touching to them, established them to be full shortly after is on the path of thorn, did not leave not the abandoned resolute determination. 枯灯的话,对两人有了不小的触动,奠定了两人在不久后满是荆棘的道路上,不离不弃的刚毅决心。 Does not leave the half day, the crowd arrives to Mu Tiancheng. 不出半日,人群抵达到慕天城。 Mu Tiancheng the scale, is almost the same as Rainbow Cloud City, even also wants the boundless several points, is only the present scenery, exceptionally is miserable, full is the gunsmoke and flames of war, leaves far away can smell the rich smell of blood. 慕天城的规模,和虹云城相差无几,甚至还要磅礴几分,只是如今的景色,却异常凄凉,满是硝烟和战火,离着老远就能够嗅到浓郁的血腥味。 Float Yu Kong, Qin Shi looks to the wild city that fire beacon fills clenches teeth saying: Drinks, good Burning Sky Sect, to control North District, even doesn't hesitate life Tu Tan?” 悬浮于空,秦石望向狼烟弥漫的荒城咬牙道:“喝,好个焚天宗,为了主宰北方区域,甚至不惜生灵涂炭吗?” Burning Sky Sect, resorts to all means throughout, we go to Huo first, hopes that do not have an accident is good.” Pinches tightly the fist, the dry lamp bends down downward, crashes in the raging fire of city rapidly. 焚天宗,始终是不择手段,咱们先去霍家,希望不要出事才好。”捏紧拳,枯灯俯身向下,迅速冲进城池的烈火之中。 Qin Shi and the others looked at each other one, goes forward. 秦石等人对视一眼,跟着上前。 In the raging fire, can hear to cry loudly the sound once for a while, with the praying for rescue sound of common people, the most central position, in an ancient dwelling, the Burning Sky Sect army gathers in this, the center only remaining two old forms, one is the rickets the seventy years of age old man, one is the old lady of sixty year cycle white hair. 在烈火中,时不时还能够听到嚎哭声,和百姓的求救声,最中央的位置,一处古老的宅院里,焚天宗的大军汇聚于此,中央只剩下两道苍老的身影,一名是佝偻着古稀老头子,一名是花甲白发的老太婆。 The forefront of Burning Sky Sect army, is a new face, 30 over appearances, named: The profound clouds, the laughter said: Huo Caidie, Chushan, has not expected, will you reduce finally also to so the scene?” 焚天宗大军的最前面,是一名生面孔,30出头的样子,名为:玄霄,嬉笑道:“霍彩蝶,竹山枝,沒有料到,你们两个最后也会沦落到这般光景吧?” The old lady of sixty year cycle, is: Huo Caidie, feels relaxed to the middle age that Burning Sky Sect leads smiles: He he, has not expected, has not expected your Burning Sky Sect, so will be unexpectedly ruthless spicily.” 花甲的老太婆,正是:霍彩蝶,冲着焚天宗领头的中年释然一笑:“呵呵,是沒料到,沒料到你们焚天宗,竟然会如此狠辣。” Few idle talk, fall in us now, I can ask favor with Sect Master actually, forgives your life, otherwise, do not blame my vicious and merciless.” The profound clouds shouted to clear the way fierce. “少废话,现在降于我们,我倒是可以和宗主求情,饶你们两个一命,否则的话,就别怪我心狠手辣了。”玄霄厉声喝道。 Surrender? He he, you have killed our Huo whole families, do you make us surrender now?” In scolding sound, two old men laugh wildly suddenly. “投降?呵呵,你杀了我们霍家满门,你现在让我们投降?”在呵斥声中,两名老者突然狂笑。 Laughs wildly, they support by the arm mutually, when old age disclosed that it goes without saying happiness, has not paid attention to the profound clouds, each other looks at each other one, a Chushan [say / way]: „Does old woman, you fear?” 狂笑中,两人相互搀扶,老年之余却透露出不言而喻的幸福,沒有理会玄霄,彼此对视一眼,竹山枝道:“老婆子,你怕吗?” Did not fear, for a lifetime, can with you die together, poured is also the heaven helps.” The facial features of Huo Caidie fold, squeeze out wipe naive young smiling. “不怕,一辈子,能和你死在一起,倒也算是老天成全了。”霍彩蝶褶皱的面容,挤出一抹天真年少的笑。 Good, that has spelled with them, revenged the wainscot of Chushan rickets for our children, on the expert of vicissitudes, gathered several points of light spiritual power. “好,那就和他们拼了,为咱们的儿女报仇”竹山枝佝偻的腰板挺了挺,沧桑的老手上,汇聚起几分淡薄的灵力 Sees their appearances, the look of profound clouds is embarrassed: Drinks, two things of acting recklessly, want dead together, I have helped you, the Burning Sky Sect disciple obeyed orders, has killed them 望见两人的模样,玄霄的神色难堪下來:“喝,两个不知死活的东西,想要一起死,我就成全了你们,焚天宗弟子听令,杀了他们” Dies, must draw several to be buried along with the dead “就是死,也要拉几个來陪葬” Several hundred disciples simultaneously over a thousand, Chushan and Huo Caidie collaborate, suddenly on the earth before body, rips open one to make person gully with amazement. 数百弟子同时上千,竹山枝和霍彩蝶两人联手,一刹那间在身前的大地上,撕开一道令人骇然的沟壑。 Bang The strength that this strikes is not small, they all have cultivation of Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage are, but is hundred years of husband's and wife's tacit understanding , to promote the strength to Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, even peak, the billowing spirit tablet is similar to dreadful, but rough sea waves, curls up the crushed stone in former residence, plunges the Burning Sky Sect disciple. 这一击的力量不小,两人皆有玄灵境中期的修为,而身为百年夫妻的默契,更是将力量提升到玄灵境后期,甚至巅峰,滚滚的灵位如同滔天而起的巨浪,将古宅中的碎石卷起,扑向焚天宗的弟子。 Bang 轰隆 The attack that suddenly welcomed, shook more than hundred people departs over a hundred meters, suddenly unexpectedly unmanned again dared on the kilometer. 突然迎來的攻击,将百余人震飞出上百米,一时间竟无人再敢上千米。 Ha Ha, the old woman, you are such fierce.” “哈哈,老婆子,你还是这么厉害啊。” Old man fiercely is.” Chushan, Huo Caidie, they in the collisions, do not have the slightest fear unexpectedly, instead reveals several points of satisfied smiling. “老头子厉害才是。”竹山枝,霍彩蝶,两人在碰撞间,竟是沒有分毫的恐惧,反而露出几分惬意的笑。 The profound clouds are angry, alone before jumping onto: useless person that two are going to be buried, really also has the mood to flirt with one another here, acts recklessly 玄霄大怒,独自跃上前:“两个将要入土的废物,竟然还有心情在这里打情骂俏,不知死活” Loudly, the strength of Heaven Realm but rolling has, mixes the clouds in vault of heaven, under surges, strength continuously, the flash the wild waves that and Huo Caidie forms Chushan stagnates, then airborne inexplicable expansion at the same time great hand, howling pats maliciously toward Chushan. 轰然间,滚滚而起的天境之力,搅动起苍穹上的云霄,激荡下,连绵不断的力量,一瞬间将竹山枝和霍彩蝶形成的骇浪凝滞,然后空中莫名的展开一面巨手,呼啸的朝竹山枝狠狠拍下。 Old man “老头子” Huo Caidie flurried one startled, sets out to face forward to leap. 霍彩蝶慌乱一惊,起身就欲朝前飞跃上去。 But when under the oppression of Heaven Realm, distance less than hundred meters, she by the control, one step cannot go forward unexpectedly. 而在天境的压迫下,距离不足百米之时,她竟被生生的控制住,一步都不能上前。 „The fellow of old codger, aren't you love? I make you look how with own eyes each other is suffered dead” profound clouds angry roaring by me. “老不死的家伙,你们不是恩爱吗?我就让你们亲眼的看着彼此是如何被我折磨而死”玄霄愤怒的咆哮。 Great hand unlimited proximity, kneeling of Chushan support on the ground. 巨手无限度的接近,竹山枝支撑不住的跪在地上。 Bang But at this time, an invisible finger such as the sharp sword punctured, center the palm of profound clouds, made its coagulation motionless all of a sudden, was only the moment, disintegrated. 而这时,一道无形的手指如利剑刺出,正中玄霄的手掌心,一下子令其凝固不动,接着只是片刻,土崩瓦解。 The great hand disruption, the billowing dust sand such as the building of avalanche, causes the dust sand that blocks the sky loudly, but in the dust sand, the frail form has patted the long gown together, said with a smile bright: Heaven Realm? He he, I said that Burning Sky Sect extremely will not be parsimonious.” 巨手碎裂,滚滚的尘沙如崩塌的大楼,轰然间引起遮天蔽日的尘沙,而尘沙中,一道单薄的身影拍了拍长袍,朗然笑道:“天境么?呵呵,我就说,焚天宗不会太过吝啬。” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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