PDL :: Volume #5

#473: The north fights the potential

Has swept one in the crowd, the dry lamp old men received the heavy wound, Luo maple tree sighed painstakingly: „Here not suitable talk, to look for a peaceful institute first, I was saying to you.” 在人群中扫了一眼,就连枯灯老者都受了不轻的伤,洛枫苦叹道:“这里不适合谈话,先找个安静之所,我在向你慢慢道来吧。” Also good, since came back, not eagerly this for a while, with the hatred of Burning Sky Sect, but must take your time is good.” Hears the surrounding pain ** the sound, Qin Shi complies with one with a smile. “也好,既然回来了,就不急于这一时,和焚天宗的仇恨,还要慢慢来算才行。”听闻周围痛苦的**声,秦石笑着答应一声。 If he said is the same, although he wished one could to level off immediately Burning Sky Sect, may such do will only harm him, has harmed along with the people who he came, only then made the good appropriate plan, can reduce to few loss, after all this time enemy, different in those days. 如他所言一样,尽管他恨不得马上就能夷平焚天宗,可那样做只会害了他,害了随他而来的众人,只有制定好合适的方案,才能将损失减少到最少,毕竟这一次的敌人,不同往日。 But, do we go?” “可是,我们去哪?” Sees Qin Shi to comply, all people is sorrowful, although North District is big, may actually all degenerate into the control of Burning Sky Sect, several second-level cities near Rainbow Cloud City, now are also to degenerate into the Burning Sky Sect attaching subordinate city, if not for so, before they will not be forced wants to go to Desolate Town. 秦石答应,诸人却哀愁起来,北方区域虽大,可却已尽数沦为焚天宗的掌控,就连虹云城附近的几座二级城池,如今也是沦为焚天宗的附属城,若不是如此的话,之前他们也不会被逼无奈的想要前往荒镇 But now, in this group of people, most severe wounds, want to overstep the thousand li(500 km) remote to rush to Desolate Town, obviously somewhat lacks the ability to do what one would like. 而现在,这群人中,多数重伤,想要在踏过千里之遥赶往荒镇,显然有些力不从心。 To this issue, smiling of Qin Shi thinks little of actually: This said that returned to Rainbow Cloud City, so long as there is my person, Burning Sky Sect could not injure.” 对这个问题,秦石倒是不以为意的笑了笑:“这个好说,就回虹云城吧,只要有我的人在,焚天宗伤不到诸位。” Has gawked staring, the people squint, responded that now and was critically different a moment ago, depending on these monstruous talent that Qin Shi brought, only if Burning Sky Sect beautiful woman, otherwise really how them. 不由愣了愣,众人相觑一眼,才反应过来,现在和刚才大为不同,凭秦石带来的这些妖孽,除非焚天宗倾城而出,否则还真奈何不了他们。 But along the way instead, all the way the person of Alchemist association, cures for the wounded, Qin Shi and Luo maple tree and what Yan, hawk and Luo Tingting several people take the lead, chat some gossips, in the heart is quite comfortable. 沿途而反,一路上炼药师协会的人,替伤者进行治愈,秦石和洛枫、何岩、洛海青、洛婷婷几人走在前面,闲聊些家长里短,心中颇为舒适。 Returns to the Rainbow Cloud City Luo Family garden, Luo maple tree hints Qin Shi to make the waiting in the main hall first slightly, institute of he and Luo Family family audiences' under rest for the following deployment and wounded arrangement. 回到虹云城洛家庭院,洛枫示意秦石在大殿中先稍作等待,他和洛家的家众为下面的部署及伤者安排下休息之所。 Sits waited for in the main hall that in the Qin Shi hand holds the steaming hot green tea, what Yan is sitting by him, is looking at the resolute and calm face, cannot bear say with a smile: He he, cannot think that leaves for one year, the strength of your boy, unexpectedly progress to this degree.” 坐在大殿上等待,秦石手中捧着热气腾腾的清茶,何岩坐在他旁边,望着刚毅而从容的面庞,忍不住笑道:“呵呵,想不到,一别一年,你小子的实力,竟进步到这种程度。” Now recalled just, Qin Shi depending on strength of the, resisted Gu Feng and appearances of Burning Sky Sect several hundred disciples, in the heart also felt to subdue. 现在回想起刚刚,秦石凭一己之力,对抗顾峰和焚天宗数百弟子的模样,心中还不由的感到折服。 If not for personally sees, really cannot believe that is the present youth, is swayed by personal feelings one year ago, reckless killing Burning Sky Sect, but two years ago is the exaggeration, the whole face uninhibited appearance, in the Rainbow Cloud City Alchemist association, injures by cheating him and Piao Quan. 若不是亲眼所见,真是不敢相信,就是眼前的这个少年,在一年前意气用事,不顾一切的杀上焚天宗,而两年前更是夸张,满脸不羁的模样,在虹云城炼药师协会,坑骗他和朴泉。 Looks askance to smile, Qin Shi polite [say / way]: Hey, what Qianbei was polite, if not for one year ago, what and Piao Qianbei rescue in Burning Sky Sect at risk of life, where also has today's Qin Shi.” 侧目莞尔,秦石客气道:“嘿嘿,何前辈客气了,若不是一年前,何老和朴前辈在焚天宗拼死相救,哪里还有今日的秦石。” Ha Ha, I am actually indifferent, Mr. Piao for you, may really pay much, does not know, when he sees your this the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo kid once more, can be what kind of embarrassment.” “哈哈,我倒是无所谓,朴老头为了你,可真是付出了不少,不知道等到他再次看见你这个青出于蓝而胜于蓝的小家伙,会是一副怎样的窘态。” Remembers Piao Quan to play the old disrespectful appearance, Qin Shi also with smiling to make noise, one year ago , if not for Piao Quan uses the demon symbol that his teacher leaves behind, resists with Luan Muhua at risk of life, wins that time for him, can this time he, live two was also saying that do not say anything comes back to murder those who have cheated them. 想起朴泉玩老不恭的模样,秦石也是跟着笑出声来,一年前若不是朴泉使用他师尊留下的魔符,拼死和栾慕华抵抗,为他争取那点时间,此时的他,能不能活着还两说,更不要说什么回来寻仇。 Tip benevolence, engraves on one's memory.” “点滴恩情,铭记于心。” What's wrong, records them, then said that was purple somebody initially minded others'business.” In they talked, purple potato Lang Xiao went forward, said: Your boy, but has said that must come my tzeyun sect to be a guest, this first-grade let wait obsolete for one year, weren't you will give to forget?” “怎么,就记着他们俩啊,那么说是紫某人当初多管闲事了呗。”而在两人谈话间,紫薯郎笑上前,道:“你小子,可是说过,要来我紫云宗做客,这一等就让老朽等了一年,你不会是给忘记了吧?” Turns round to stare, looks at each other one with purple potato, Qin Shi shows several points of happy expression, this also had the host of several points of gratitude and grudges with him, one year ago also help him a lot. 回身一愣,和紫薯对视一眼,秦石露出几分笑意,这个曾经和他还有过几分恩怨的一宗之主,在一年前的时候也是帮了他不少的忙。 „The benevolence of senior, younger generation where will forget, when the Burning Sky Sect incident ended, I decide however go to the tzeyun sect to thank politely personally.” Qin Shi said with a smile. “前辈的恩情,晚辈哪里会忘,待焚天宗一事结束,我定然亲自去紫云宗拜谢。”秦石笑道。 Ha Ha, has not forgotten well, otherwise may probably bear a grudge obsolete.” The purple potato hold to laugh. “哈哈,没忘就好,否则老朽可要记仇了。”紫薯扶须大笑。 The arrangement returns the people, Luo maple tree drags along the senile body to rush to the main hall, he arrives around Qin Shi to open mouth: Stone may the words not say, hastily closed is awkward, suddenly does not know how should call is. 安排还众人,洛枫拖着老态的身躯赶赴大殿,他走到秦石跟前张了张嘴:“石”可话未说完,连忙闭合的尴尬起来,一时间不知该如何称呼才是。 „The Luo Family host, said that my Shi’tou on line, I said calculates carefully, we are the whole families, should not speak two words.” Qin Shi felt that leaves Luo maple tree awkward appearance, puts down the teacup to say. 洛家主,称我石头就行,我说了仔细算来,咱们还是一家人,不该说两家话。”秦石感觉出洛枫为难的模样,放下茶杯道。 Long implored one, Luo maple tree got over an emotion saying: Shi’tou.” 长吁一声,洛枫释怀道:“石头。” „The Luo Family host, North District looks like is not in this year peaceful, actually what happened?” One exchanged greetings, Qin Shi asked finally had an intention the anxious matter. 洛家主,这一年,北方区域看来可不怎么太平啊,究竟发生了什么事?”一番寒暄,秦石终于问起心中焦急之事。 Helpless shaking the head, Luo maple tree said: One year ago, you leave North District, Burning Sky Sect probably have six months are in a closed state, starts us to think that was hurt the vitality by your boy, may afterward we know that they at all are are not recovering, but is preparing any special thing intentionally.” 无奈的摇了摇头,洛枫道:“从一年前,你离开北方区域,焚天宗大约有半年时间处于封闭状态,开始我们都以为,是被你小子伤了元气,可后来我们才知道,他们根本不是在恢复元气,而是在故意准备什么特殊的东西。” Special thing?” Qin Shi puzzled [say / way]. “特殊的东西?”秦石不解道。 Right, concrete is anything, we are not clear, but knows that three months ago, Burning Sky Sect has a sound suddenly, at the same time extradited nine Lei Jie continuously, on that day trim North District, was at the condition of rocking.” “没错,具体是什么,我们也不清楚,只是是知道在三个月前,焚天宗突然间有所动静,同一时间连续引渡了九道雷劫,那一天整片北方区域,都处于晃动的状态。” What? Nine Lei Jie?” “什么?九道雷劫?” When surprise suction port cold air/Qi but actually, Xiaomi Cai breakthrough Heaven Realm, Qin Shi in side, that together Lei Jie might, destroys the Spirit Origin Blood Pond surrounding area ten thousand meters, if said that simultaneously drops nine, alarms trim North District also and possibly has. 诧异的倒吸口冷气,小米彩突破天境时,秦石就在旁边,那一道雷劫的威力,就将灵源血池的方圆万米摧毁,若是说同时落下九道,惊动整片北方区域也并不是没有可能。 What is but curious, simultaneously to have how possibly nine people of breakthrough? This matter, rather also extremely coincidence? 可是让人好奇的是,怎么可能会同时有九人突破?这种事情,未免也太过巧合了吧? Should cross disaster on nine revolutions.” “应该就九转渡劫阵。” But in puzzled, Shu Zhongyu opens the mouth from Blazing Book suddenly: In the ancient times, a strategy, must by nine followers for the eye, be able to make the Profound Spirit Realm peak person, induces through the strategy to the Heaven Realm shackles directly, and helping other extradites Lei Jie, breakthrough Heaven Realm.” 而在不解中,书中玉突然从焚书中开口:“在远古,有一种阵法,要由九名修炼者为阵眼,能够令玄灵境巅峰的人,直接通过阵法感应到天境桎梏,并且助人引渡雷劫,突破天境。” Really has this matter? No wonder, Hua Ling said before that the Burning Sky Sect strength rises suddenly suddenly, originally drew support from these nine revolutions to cross disaster.” Pursed the lips, the Qin Shi Chest is heavy: Nine Heaven Realm, it seems like I have looked down on Burning Sky Sect, although in this year, my progress is rapid, but they have not profaned.” “竟然有这种事情?怪不得,之前花零说,焚天宗的实力突然暴涨,原来是借助了这九转渡劫阵。”抿了抿嘴,秦石心口沉重:“九名天境,看来我还是小瞧了焚天宗,尽管这一年,我的进步飞速,但是他们也没有丝毫亵慢啊。” The silent meeting, Shu Zhongyu said puzzled: Strange, these nine revolutions cross disaster, may be called the action of going against heaven's will, has been lost ten thousand years ago, I have also heard in the hearsay, how will Burning Sky Sect obtain?” 沉默一会,书中玉不解道:“奇怪,这九转渡劫阵,堪称逆天之举,在万年前就已经失传,我也只是在传闻中听说过,焚天宗怎么会得到?” hears that sound, Qin Shi knit the brows, regarding this in his heart is not but actually accidental, because he knows in Burning Sky Sect, is hiding a fearful fellow, Zhen Yuan. 闻声,秦石皱了皱眉,对此他的心中倒并不意外,因为他知道在焚天宗,隐藏着一个可怕的家伙,甄渊。 This line, biggest dreading, is Zhen Yuan. 此行,最大的忌惮,也就是甄渊。 That will Burning Sky Sect, how look for Luo Family and tzeyun sect?” The understanding the Burning Sky Sect strength, Qin Shi clashes Luo maple tree question now. “那焚天宗,怎么会找上洛家和紫云宗?”了解如今焚天宗的实力,秦石冲洛枫问句 Luo maple tree and purple potato look at each other one, reveals several points of bitterness and astringency: Solely is not we, since nine Lei Jieyin falls, Burning Sky Sect not in law-abiding, the influences of North District all a little fame, completely are their goals, has to unify the North District trend greatly, is only in this year, our two big influences, were close with Qin sect the communication, throughout refused to accept in the control of Burning Sky Sect, feared, when ** killed.” 洛枫和紫薯对视一眼,露出几分苦涩:“不单单是我们,自从九道雷劫引落,焚天宗就不在安分,北方区域所有有点名气的势力,全部是他们的目标,大有要统一北方区域的趋势,只是这一年中,我们两大势力,和秦宗来往密切,始终不服于焚天宗的管制,怕是被当**来杀喽。” Originally is this.” Under the pupil heart of Qin Shi, flashes through several ruthless offenses, at once sneers saying: Does not need to be worried that shortly afterward, I will let understand again, the choice and my Qin sect formed an alliance, certainly was you wisely chooses.” “原来是这样。”秦石的眸心下,闪过几道狠戾,旋即冷笑道:“诸位不用担心,再过不久,我就会让诸位明白,选择和我秦宗结盟,一定是你们最明智的选择。” all people of main hall trembled trembling, although the Qin Shi words are stubborn, does not have anybody to feel the suspicion, his trip of returns, will certainly be potential achievement. 大殿的诸人不禁颤了颤,虽说秦石的话语桀骜,却没有任何人感到怀疑,他此行回归,必将有所作为。 My Qin sect? Now is what kind of?” “那我秦宗呢?如今怎么样?” Mentioned Qin sect, crowd complexion in field was simultaneously ugly, suddenly looked at each other in blank diamay, throughout the unmanned start to talk, making the Qin Shi subconscious feeling not wonderful, the palm was grasping the teacup alarmed several points of ripples, got angry: My Qin sect how?” 提到秦宗,场上的人群面色同时难看下来,一时间面面相觑,却始终无人开口,令秦石下意识的感觉到不妙,掌心握着的茶杯惊动出几分涟漪,怒道:“我秦宗怎么了?” Shi’tou, should not be excited first, Qin sect has not obstructed greatly, the gentle mood, I was mentioning with you carefully.” Luo maple tree said hastily. 石头,你先别激动,秦宗没有大碍,平缓一下情绪,我在和你仔细说来。”洛枫连忙道。 Clenched teeth, Qin Shi already was not one year ago spiritual power that impulsive little demon, will flee in all directions restrained under the black robe, calm many [say / way]: „The Luo Family host, you said that I was all right.” 咬了咬牙,秦石早已不是一年前冲动的小鬼,将流窜出的灵力收敛到黑袍下,冷静不少的道:“洛家主,你说吧,我没事了。” Luo maple trees and what crag several people look at each other one, the start to talk of bracing oneself said: „Before the half a month, Burning Sky Sect launches the huge attack, now Ancient City fell to the enemy!” 洛枫和何岩几人对视一眼,硬着头皮的开口道:“半月前,焚天宗发起巨大攻击,如今古城已经沦陷!” Ka! 咔! Bang, the teacup in Qin Shi hand was pinched the powder directly, in which tea scatters, exclaiming that the anger increases successively: Drinks, good Burning Sky Sect, when really my Qin sect was good to bully!” 巨响一声,秦石手中的茶杯直接被捏成粉末,其中的茶水四溅而起,怒火节节攀升的吼道:“喝,好一个焚天宗,真当我秦宗是好欺负的了啊!” Kid, you do not worry, although Ancient City falls to the enemy, Qin sect the casualties were not big.” what Yan urged in side. “小家伙,你别着急,虽说古城沦陷,秦宗的伤亡却并不算大。”何岩在旁边劝道。 Qin Shi black pupil restraining, said: How did this words say?” 秦石黑眸收敛,道:“此话怎讲?” You must know that in this year solely is not you are progressing, Qin sect did not have the least bit to stagnate, you must believe that your proficiently built Qin sect was good, reason that present Qin sect, many Profound Spirit Realm expert, they will discard Ancient City, to retreat Desolate Town, the strength that concentrated, even if were Burning Sky Sect, wanting the short time to capture, was really not easy.” what Yan explained: Moreover, Piao Quan that old ghost, you have not looked down on his status.” “你要知道,这一年不单单是你在进步,秦宗也没有半点停滞,你要相信你一手创建的秦宗才行,如今的秦宗,不乏玄灵境高手,他们之所以会舍弃古城,是为了退守荒镇,集中起来的力量,就算是焚天宗,想要短时间攻下,也是实属不易。”何岩解释道:“况且,还有朴泉那老鬼在,你可别小瞧了他的身份。” The look transferred the extension, under the Qin Shi earnest point, before Desolate Town, Piao Quan put out the scarlet flame made, he guessed correctly that Piao Quan the status was uncommon. 神色转了转,秦石认真的点下头,之前在荒镇上,朴泉拿出赤炎令时,他就猜到朴泉的身份不凡。 Kept abreast of the general situation, in the Qin Shi heart has calmed down gradually, in mind rapid revolution, was thinking the following plan. 掌握了大致情况,秦石心中渐渐冷静下来,脑海中飞速的运转,想着接下来的计划。 Shu Zhongyu question: Shi’tou, what to do? Can hurry back to Desolate Town immediately?” 书中玉问句:“石头,怎么办?要马上赶回荒镇吗?” No, what said right, I should believe Qin sect, according to the old news, Burning Sky Sect should have at least nine Heaven Realm, even if were struck to kill one by me, but also remaining eight people, but we actually only then, Xiaomi Cai, Qiu Diao and quiet clansman, with Qin Xuexin, even if I can go against Heaven Realm, but seven people, if meets the tough head-on with toughness, unavoidably will suffer a loss.” Here to stop, Qin Shi said again: Moreover, Luan Muhua, before is not clear she achieves what kind of strength, should better with the Burning Sky Sect frontage conflict.” “不,何老说的没错,我应该相信秦宗,按照洛老的消息,焚天宗应该拥有至少九名天境,即便被我击杀一名,还剩下八人,而我方却只有,小米彩,邱雕和幽族人,和沁雪心,就算我能顶一名天境,不过才七人,若是硬碰硬的话,难免会吃亏。”说到这停顿一下,秦石再道:“况且,还有栾慕华,在不清楚她达到怎样的实力之前,最好还是不要和焚天宗正面冲突。” !! !!
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