PDL :: Volume #5

#472: Small dew skill 【Carries over to the next year four】

Gives a thought to the peak to issue the order, the Burning Sky Sect disciple, even if sets out, reveals for several points to suppress, wants to open up an offensive toward Qin Shi. 顾峰下达命令,焚天宗弟子纵然起身,露出几分狠相,朝着秦石就欲要展开攻势。 Luo maple tree and the others are suddenly anxious, they know that the Qin Shi strength is uncommon, has above Profound Spirit Realm, actually does not think that he attended to the peak Heaven Realm match, although just he kept off Gu Feng to strike, but nobody knows whether Gu Feng has used fully. 洛枫等人猛然焦急,他们只是知道秦石的实力不凡,有玄灵境以上,却不认为他真的是顾峰这个天境的对手,尽管刚刚他挡下顾峰一击,可没人知道顾峰是否使用了全力。 In worrying under the vision interweaves, Qin Shi actually appear free and easy, loosens is supporting by the arm the palm of Luo maple tree, looks askance to say with a smile: Luo maple tree senior, some flies were really annoying, wait for the younger generation to solve them first, then came to continue to talk about old days with you.” 在担忧的目光交织下,秦石自个倒是显得洒脱,松开搀着洛枫的掌心,侧目笑道:“洛枫前辈,有些苍蝇实在烦人,等晚辈先解决了他们,再来和你们继续叙旧。” Um?” The Luo Family person knit the brows. “嗯?”洛家人皱了皱眉。 Qin Shi has not explained that was welcoming the attack of Burning Sky Sect, with a laugh stepped goes forward. 秦石没有多做解释,迎着焚天宗的攻击,笑呵呵的迈上前。 Sect Master, Big brother, these, give us to be good.” But does not wait for Qin Shi to get rid, Cen Chi and Qiu Diaodai several people are falling to Qin Shi by. 宗主,大哥,这些喽啰,交给我们就行。”而不等秦石出手,岑驰和邱雕带着几人落到秦石旁边。 The voice falls, three Heaven Realm big energies, are almost violent without hesitation begin the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket the prestige, the withered leaf in mulberry tree forest curls up, vast covering in audience each inch corner. 话音落下,其中三名天境大能,几乎是不假思索的暴起灵威,桑树林中的枯叶卷起,浩繁的笼罩在全场每寸角落。 A moment ago, what their only did Qin Shi call? Sect Master? Big brother? Are these people, unexpectedly completely his under the hands / subordinates? Moreover, is Heaven Realm, are that three people unexpectedly all Heaven Realm?” Under the intense oppression, the crowds of two sides all are one startled, Burning Sky Sect that just rose, is all of a sudden dispirited. “刚才,他们光秦石叫什么?宗主?大哥?这些人,竟全部是他的手下?而且,是天境,那三个人竟全是天境?”强烈的压迫下,两方的人群皆是一惊,本来刚崛起的焚天宗,一下子萎靡不振。 Damn, where did he find these many powerhouses?” Gu Fengchan trembling, he knows at this moment that he just wanted to put to death the idea of Qin Shi, to be actually naive. “该死,他在哪里找到这么多的强者?”顾峰颤了颤,这一刻他才知道,他刚刚想要诛杀秦石的想法,究竟有多么天真。 Stands up, dry lamp old ghost and bagpipe female monster, as well as Luohe River seven strange and families of other four cities, shows the strange look suddenly. 站起身,枯灯老鬼和风笛女妖,以及洛河七怪和其余四城的家族,突然间露出怪异的神色。 50 Profound Spirit Realm above under the hands / subordinates, in this year, the growth of this kid imagines us evidently is more fearful.” “50名玄灵境以上的手下,看样子这一年,这个小家伙的成长比我们想象中的还要可怕啊。” Now, I suddenly felt that stood in what and Qin sect this side, was a very wise choice.” The dry lamp caresses must steadily, there is inexplicable rejoicing: Otherwise, with this artificial enemy, was really too terrifying.” “现在,我突然感觉,站在何老和秦宗这一面,是一个非常明智的选择。”枯灯抚着长须,有一种莫名的庆幸:“否则,和这种人为敌,实在是太恐怖了。” Cen Chi and Qiu Diao several people keep off before, attended to eggplant that the peak such as is worried all of a sudden, does not dare to act rashly, but regarding this, Qin Shi actually appears confident, faint smile blocks several humanity: I come, one will help me protect here person on the line.” 岑驰和邱雕几人挡在前,顾峰一下子如瘪气的茄子,不敢在轻举妄动,而对此,秦石倒是显得坦然,浅笑的拦住几人道:“我自己来吧,一会帮我保护好这里的人就行。” hear that, all Renshao reveals the surprise, looks at each other one mutually, pours has not shown off power, in abundance makes concessions one step, before standing Luo maple tree several people. 闻言,诸人稍显诧异,相互对视一眼,倒也没有逞强,纷纷的退让一步,站到洛枫几人身前。 Did not understand that Qin Shi Luo maple tree, is actually worries saying: „Does he come? Can be good, but Gu Feng Heaven Realm expert.” 不了解秦石的洛枫,却是担忧道:“他自己来?能行吗,那顾峰可是天境高手啊。” Hey, the old fogy, relax, dies Heaven Realm expert in this year in my father hand, feared that is a hand cannot count!” Holds seven color skirt clothes, Xiaomi Cai to fall before Luo maple tree body with a smile. “嘿嘿,老家伙,放心吧,这一年里,死在我爹爹手上的天境高手,怕是一只手都数不过来!”托着七彩裙衣,小米彩笑着落到洛枫身前。 What?” hear Yanza has sucked the tongue, Luo maple tree panic-stricken looking to Qin Shi: In this year, actually did this kid experience what?” “什么?”闻言咂了咂舌,洛枫惊恐的望向秦石:“这一年,这小家伙究竟经历了什么啊?” Innumerable life and death, compare with these enemies, Burning Sky Sect this person regarding him, really does not have what component.” Xiaomi Cai said is very confident, but hears all people who in side, is actually is Qin Shi this year, feels fearful and apprehensive. “无数次的生死,和那些敌人比起来,焚天宗这点人对于他,实在是没有什么分量。”小米彩说的很坦然,而在旁边听闻的诸人,却是不由为秦石的这一年,感觉到心惊胆战。 They know that Qin Shi in this year, decided experienced the inhuman experience, was only this courage, was not the average man can compare. 他们都知道,秦石这一年,定是经历了非人的历练,光是这一份胆魄,就不是常人能比。 Dry lamp several people size up from Xiaomi Cai, Xiaomi Cai is always domineering, does not understand anything to restrain, felt the spirit pressure that his body fills, the heartstrings tremble: „Is this small girl, unexpectedly also Heaven Realm? Moreover, did she shout the Qin Shi father?.” 枯灯几人从小米彩身上打量,小米彩向来跋扈,不懂得什么收敛,感觉到其身上弥漫出的灵压,心弦一颤:“这小丫头,竟也是天境?而且,她喊秦石爹爹?不得了啊。” What true is serious is space that.” Shaking the head that what Yan smiles bitterly, Yang Muchao 3000 sends to look blue, from the body of Qin Xuexin, Alchemist of this able to move unhindered empire divides the association president, feels with amazement: Evidently, this Qin Shi that kid is prepared to return, Burning Sky Sect is troublesome.” “真正不得了的是天上那位。”何岩苦笑的摇摇头,仰目朝3000的蓝发望去,从沁雪心的身上,就连他这纵横帝国的炼药师分会长,都感觉到骇然:“看样子,这一次秦石那小家伙是有备而回,焚天宗麻烦喽。” We bet right.” Luo maple tree said with a smile. “我们赌对了。”洛枫笑道。 all people to the item, all reveals the forced smile of non- speech table. 诸人对目,皆是露出无发言表的苦笑。 Talking in whispers Gu Feng of distant place has not heard, seeing Cen to spread they to withdraw, only when remaining Qin Shi, instead is reveals for several points to laugh wildly: Qin Shi, I know that in this year you grow much, but can't you naive thinking, win our Burning Sky Sect these many people depending on you?” 远处的窃窃私语顾峰并没听到,看见岑驰他们退后,只剩下秦石自己时,反是露出几分狂笑:“秦石,我知道这一年你成长不少,但你不会天真的以为,凭你自己就能赢过我们焚天宗这么多人吧?” Otherwise? Do you hope and them fight? I can help you.” Qin Shi curled the lip, is very free and easy toward rear person of popular hopes. “不然呢?你希望和他们交手?我可以成全你。”秦石撇了撇嘴,很是洒脱的朝后方人众望了一眼。 Sinks at heart, Gu Feng changes the topic hastily: Drinks, cannot think that one year does not see, is that haughty.” 心里一沉,顾峰连忙岔开话题:“喝,想不到,一年不见,还是那么狂傲啊。” Um? Hasn't one year seen? I one year ago has seen you? How don't I remember?” Qin Shi shrugs, what he said is the truth, in Burning Sky Sect, let the person who he bore in mind, such several, but this Gu Feng, did not have. “嗯?一年没见?我一年前见过你吗?我怎么不记得?”秦石耸了耸肩,他说的是实话,之前在焚天宗,让他记在心里的人,就那么几个,而这个顾峰,却是没有。 Your good garrulousness.” “你好个伶牙俐齿。” Becoming flushed face that admits defeat, Gu Feng clenches teeth to say. 吃瘪的涨红面庞,顾峰咬牙道。 Before Du Jian gathers hastily his body, lowers the sound saying: Gu Feng, we what to do? Can fight with him really? Even if can exceed him, he behind these people definitely will get rid, when the time comes we must defeat.” 杜建连忙凑到他的身前,压低声音道:“顾峰,咱们怎么办?真要和他交手?就算能胜过他,他身后那些人肯定会出手,到时候咱们必败。” The train of thought rotates, Gu Fengdao: „A meeting, I spell to try to constrain him first, you leave while this opportunity, then reports Sect Master the news that Qin Shi comes back, this matter cannot delay.” 思绪转动一番,顾峰道:“一会,我先拼尽全力拖住他,你趁此机会离开,然后把秦石回来的消息禀告宗主,这事不能耽误。” Knit the brows, Du Jian reveals several points of respectful: This sentiment, Du has taken down, meets me to return to the sect surely fully, making Sect Master send out expert to come this support.” 皱了皱眉,杜建露出几分恭敬:“此情,杜某记下了,一会我定会全力回宗,让宗主派出高手来这支援。” Stops, Gu Feng had not said much that under the pupil heart flashes through several points of bone-chilling cold chill in the air, explodes directly drinks one: „The Burning Sky Sect disciple obeys orders, begins!” 停顿一下,顾峰没有多说,眸心下闪过几分凛冽的寒意,直接爆喝一声:“焚天宗弟子听令,动手!” Bang! 砰! The voice falls, he speeds away like sharp sword on the chest of Qin Shi, when approaching Qin Shi, the Heaven Realm pressure sticks out suddenly directly: Brat, makes me take a look, is your strength and your mouth is equally incisive!” 话音落下,他率先如利剑般疾驰上秦石的胸膛,在临近秦石跟前时,天境的威压直接暴起:“臭小子,就让我瞧瞧,你的实力是不是和你的嘴巴一样尖锐!” Kills you, foot.” “杀你,足矣。” Indifferent shaking down head, Qin Shi Netherworld Sword able to move unhindered in the front, directly haunches full Han to corrode the aura at the same time the barrier, then void cuts off, punctures two sword glow. 漠然的摇下头,秦石幽冥剑纵横在胸前,直接撑起一面满含腐蚀气息的屏障,接着虚空斩断,刺出两道剑芒。 Bang! 砰! Unexpectedly when the sword glow approaches, attended to the peak side opening the personal appearance suddenly, looks back drinks one toward Du Jiandi: Du Jian, run!” 不料剑芒逼近时,顾峰突然间侧开身形,回首朝着杜建低喝一声:“杜建,快跑!” A brow wrinkle, the Qin Shi train of thought was towed by Du Jian immediately, Du Jian when obtaining instruction, stands up from failure flies to escape to go toward the distant place. 眉头一皱,秦石的思绪马上被杜建牵引,杜建在得到指令时,翻身就朝远处飞遁而去。 „To run?” “想跑?” Qin Shi holds up single-handed, is only makes a fist to the back that Du constructs void, making after that air of all around as if be found time general, the step stagnation that just jumped is hard to move same place. 秦石单手举起,冲着杜建的背后只是虚空握拳,令其后者周遭的空气仿佛被抽空一般,刚跃起的步伐停滞在原地难以动弹。 But Du Jiangang was controlled, Gu Feng the pupil bottom dodges the ruthless offense, unexpectedly while the time that all people loses concentration, picks up the star tail to speed away to fly in northwest. 而杜建刚被控制住,顾峰的眸底一闪狠戾,竟趁着诸人分神的功夫,托起星尾就朝西北方向疾驰飞去。 Um? Originally is the bait?” The rumor made Qin Shi look askance, the movement that saw Gu Feng feels the surprise: Betrays the teammate decisively, likely is the Burning Sky Sect behavior.” “嗯?原来是诱饵?”风声令秦石不由侧目,看见顾峰的动作感到诧异:“真是果断的出卖队友啊,像是焚天宗所为。” Luo maple tree several people one startled: Do not let him run.” 洛枫几人一惊:“别让他跑了。” Relax, he cannot run away.” Complies with one, Qin Shi to control Du Jian palm to make an effort with a smile suddenly, at once sees only Du Jian body convulsion several, then on the vest was separated the spatial fingerprint by seal next five suddenly, the complexion pale spout blood, next instant directly like shell flying upside down. “放心,他跑不掉。”笑着答应一声,秦石控制着杜建的掌心突然用力,旋即只见杜建的身躯痉挛几下,然后背心上突然间被印下五道隔空的指印,面色苍白的吐出口鲜血,下一霎直接如炮弹般倒飞出去。 ! 咻! The second kills Du Jian, had not ended, Qin Shi personal appearance in airborne in a flash, such as rushes to the thunder to vanish from the field of vision of crowd generally, its speed quick made dry lamp several people with enough time not get back one's composure. 秒杀杜建,并未结束,秦石的身形在空中一晃,如奔雷一般从人群的视野中消失,其速度之快令枯灯几人都没来得及回神。 Looks at each other in blank diamay in surprised, but follows close on is seeing only in the quiet forest kilometer away, dozens hundred meters high ancient mulberry trees, are similar to are hit by the total destruction, directly by around the middle buckle. 在惊讶中面面相觑,而紧跟着只见千米外的幽林中,数十颗百米高的古桑树,如同遭到灭顶之灾,直接被拦腰折损。 At once, the distressed form, puff was thrown from thousand li (0.5km) together, falls directly in Luo maple tree several people of , Qin Shi follows, a foot pedal before attending to the body of peak: Day of boundary Initial Stage, if links you to be able from my hand to escape, how I also do ask Luan Muhua that old ghost to revenge?” 旋即,一道狼狈的身影,噗一声就从千里外被抛了回来,直接摔在洛枫几人的跟前,秦石紧随其后,一脚踏在顾峰的身前:“一天之境初期,若是连你都能从我手上逃跑,那我还怎么去找栾慕华那老鬼报仇?” Panic-stricken pouring on the ground, Gu Feng the eye socket complete extravasated blood, how the five senses swells up the distortion that changes, he has not expected, one year ago little demon, now unexpectedly terrifying in this way, he in drawing out hand, cannot go out including three moves. 惊恐的倒在地上,顾峰的眼眶全部淤血,五官怎么肿起而变的扭曲,他万万没料到,一年前的小鬼,如今竟已恐怖如斯,他在起手中,连三招都未能走出。 Qin Shi, you, if kills me, Luan Muhua Sect Master will not let off you!” 秦石,你若杀我,栾慕华宗主不会放过你!” He he, this time, who lets off anyone, feared that was is very difficult saying that Burning Sky Sect abandoned my veins, the shame my sentiment, destroyed my Qin Family, injured my Qin sect, so the deep hatred, did not die continuous.” Qin Shi smiles cold Dao: Relax, shortly afterward, Luan Muhua that old fogy, will get again down to accompany you.” “呵呵,这一次,谁放过谁,怕是还很难说,焚天宗废我筋脉,辱我感情,毁我秦家,伤我秦宗,如此血仇,不死不休。”秦石笑着冷道:“放心,再过不久,栾慕华那老家伙,就会下去陪你们了。” The word, Qin Shi counts on the fingers a ball, golden Buddhist relics explode to shoot, at once the Buddhist relics just moved to give a thought to the peak, wipes the purple quiet fire on such as the tuck dive big dragon, gives to swallow him suddenly completely, a dull thumping sound, Heaven Realm expert, the chest was exploded the blood splash directly. 言罢,秦石屈指一弹,一枚金色的舍利爆射而出,旋即舍利刚触碰到顾峰身上,一抹紫色幽火就如翻腾的巨龙,猛然间将他给吞噬殆尽,一声闷响,一名天境高手,胸膛直接被炸成血花。 Before all people gathers up, saw just also put on a high and mighty act, the foot extinguished kills Heaven Realm expert of audience, now unexpectedly only remaining, the ice-cold, distressed skeleton, Luo maple tree and the others all are trembling the suction port cold air/Qi of but actually. 诸人凑上前,望见刚刚还趾高气昂,足矣灭杀全场的天境高手,如今竟只剩下,冰冷,狼狈的尸骸,洛枫等人皆是哆哆嗦嗦的倒吸口冷气。 Luo maple tree senior, what crag senior.” “洛枫前辈,何岩前辈。” Only has Qin Shi, thinking little hangs the faint smile saying that but under that faint smile, all people knows that he is not one year ago, common people of that being swayed by personal feelings, but slaughters the resolute powerhouse. 唯有秦石,不以为意的挂着浅笑道,而在那浅笑之下,所有人都知道,他在也不是一年前,那个意气用事的泛泛之辈,而是杀戮果决的强者。 Luo maple tree also realizes this, recalled two years ago Qin Shi initially enters Luo Family, only then the Broken Spirit Realm appearance, he can also pose as the elder at that time, but compared with the present, actually does not match: Cannot think that you did come back really?” 洛枫也意识到这点,回想起两年前秦石初入洛家,只有破灵境的模样,那时候他还能以长辈自居,而如今相比,却是不配:“想不到,你真的回来了?” Sees the difference in crowd, Qin Shi feels the soul god not too comfortable [say / way]: He he, the senior, you do not need so, Qin Shi to have today, must be lucky, moreover I and Luo Family advocate, in name the whole family, should not say that two words are right.” 看出人群中的异样,秦石感觉魂神不太自在的道:“呵呵,前辈,你们不必如此,秦石能有今日,都要多亏了诸位,况且我和洛家主,名义上还是一家人,不该说两家话才对。” hears that sound, remembers the relations of Qin Shi and Luo Family, Luo maple tree suddenly does not know that should say anything, Luo Family what Dehe can climb up such tall Zhi, has been lucky Lo Hsueh Xian. 闻声,想起秦石洛家的关系,洛枫一时间不知该说些什么,洛家何德何能能够攀上这样的高枝,多亏了洛雪娴啊。 Senior, younger generation one year of chapter of North District, has not known that could say with me, what situation now is North District? Recently Burning Sky Sect, how will Burning Sky Sect get rid to you?” Qin Shi asked one. “前辈,晚辈一年没回北方区域,不知能否和我说一下,现在北方区域是什么情况?最近焚天宗,焚天宗怎么会对你们出手?”秦石笑问一声。 Speaking of this matter, Luo maple tree several people revealed bitterly and astringently: This matter is a long story, this year North District, but is really the eventful time.” 提起这事,洛枫几人露出苦涩:“此事说来话长,这一年的北方区域,可真是多事之秋啊。” !! !!
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