PDL :: Volume #5

#471: Long hatred 【Carries over to the next year three】

Heaven Realm?” 天境?” The sound of dry lamp has not fallen, below in what Yan and the others, causes a fierce panic, the time on hand suspends completely, terrified raising head goes toward Gu Fengtan, in the pupil reveals frightened and despair of not being able to cover up. 枯灯的声音未落,在下方何岩等人中,引起一阵剧烈的恐慌,手上的功夫全部暂停,悚然的仰头朝顾峰探去,眸子中露出遮掩不去的恐惧和绝望。 Jie Jie, this group of idiots, realized that attended to peak elder breakthrough to Heaven Realm?” “桀桀,这群白痴,才察觉到顾峰长老突破天境啊?” Yes, thinks the old fogy who really how many are buried quickly, can contend with our Burning Sky Sect? overestimate one's capabilities, if really earnest, depending on Brother Gu Feng, feared that can extinguish them.” “是啊,真以为几个快入土的老家伙,就能够与我们焚天宗抗衡?不自量力,若是真认真起来的话,凭顾峰师兄一人,怕是就能灭了他们所有人吧。” Ha Ha, leaves this, keeps a hope to others, keeps a lucky heart.” “哈哈,别这样,给人家留点希望,留点侥幸之心吗。” To the atmosphere of various person dispirited, Burning Sky Sect disciple excited cheers, many people the morale damage while what Yan and the others greatly, initiates the sneak attack hastily. 相对于诸人萎靡的气氛,焚天宗的弟子则是兴奋的欢呼起来,不少人趁着何岩等人士气大损,连忙发起偷袭。 Bagpipe female monster, looks to incur!” “风笛女妖,看招!” Du Jian holds the wind like the thunder, the twin peaks that brushes center the bagpipe female monster to stick out, the strength shakes her draws back hundred meters, Bang hits on an ancient mulberry tree. 杜建掌风如雷,一个擦身间正中风笛女妖隆起的双峰,力道之强生生将她震退百米,砰一声撞在一棵古桑树上。 Falls turns in the place, the bagpipe does not have the half minute to resist, shivers under the Heaven Realm pressure, the beautiful pupil frames under Gu Fengpao, is out of sorts low-spirited. 摔翻在地,风笛却是没有半分抵抗,在天境的威压下颤抖,美眸定格在顾峰袍下,黯然失神。 Defeat , is not only the bagpipe, under the suppression of powerful enemy, Luo maple tree, purple potato and Luohe River seven strange, even if what Yan as well as many Alchemist members, was encircled by the Burning Sky Sect person all. 战败的不光是风笛,强敌的压制下,洛枫、紫薯、洛河七怪、哪怕是何岩以及诸多炼药师的会员,尽数被焚天宗的人围剿。 Is Heaven Realm? Really sent out Heaven Realm to come.” “是天境?果然派出天境来了。” Ended, this time we do not have the least bit stratagem which ensures success again, we possibly are not their matches, share that we only then wait for death.” “完了,这一次咱们再无半点胜算,咱们不可能是他们的对手,咱们只有等死的份。” Even if Profound Spirit Realm peak, so long as the virtual environment, what Yan and the others have not given up, at least must have the opportunity that makes an all-out effort to wrestle, but the appearance of Heaven Realm, actually this finally minimal opportunities, pushes to the abyss. 哪怕是玄灵境巅峰,只要还是灵境,何岩等人都不曾放弃过,至少要有拼力一搏的机会,而天境的出现,却是将这最后微乎其微的机会,推向万丈深渊。 Under is a focus of public attention, attended to peak unusual enjoyment, has raised the top of the head two, the billowing spirit pressure gathers in the top of the head, at once gathers strength with amazement suddenly, pierces the clouds directly, aims at the dry lamp. 万众瞩目下,顾峰异常的享受,将两手举过头顶,滚滚的灵压汇聚在头顶,旋即突然间汇聚起骇然的力量,直接将云霄刺穿,指向枯灯。 Old fogy, I make you know that often the most fearful person, is the new show!” “老家伙,我就让你知道,往往最可怕的人,偏偏就是新起之秀!” The vision staring dry lamp with amazement, Gu Fengzhong draws in two arms, becomes two scarlet flame fire dragons, imposing manner such as rainbow casting off Dragon's Tail, is ready, compels all round. 骇然的目光凝视枯灯,顾峰终是将两臂收拢,成两道赤炎色的火龙,气势如虹的甩开龙尾,蓄势待发,团团逼出。 Died!” “死定了!” Under the pressure of fire dragon, the fearful strength makes all people not dare to face, in a flash, the dry lamp felt the unlimited close death. 火龙的威压下,可怕的力量让诸人不敢正视,一瞬间,枯灯感觉到自己无限度的接近死亡。 Bang! 砰! But in this at a crucial moment, the black demon shade keeps off like the sharp sword before the dry lamp body together, the sleeve robe turns over, the five fingers catch the fire dragon in the hand. 而就在这千钧一发,一道黑色的魅影如利剑般挡在枯灯身前,袖袍翻转,五指将火龙抓在手中。 The sudden phenomenon, how many minutes making the audience amazed, especially dry lamp behind demon shade, senile trembled trembling, all that just had, he completely received in the eyeground, the fearful degree of that fire dragon, has not fallen makes him the hair terrified, unarmed keeps off unexpectedly at present by this youth? 突然的异象,令全场惊诧几分,特别是在魅影后侧的枯灯,老态龙钟的颤了颤,刚刚发生的一切,他都尽收在眼底,那火龙的可怕程度,尚未落下就令他已毛发悚然,竟被眼前这少年徒手挡下? Moreover under keeping off unexpectedly is so relaxed? 而且挡下的竟是这般轻松? What all people does not know, the shock just started, is stable from the demon shade, a then form, treads the faintly recognizable azure clouds to leap, enough 50, float in wooded mountains, vast magnificent feat that creates, the morale is threatening. 诸人不知道的是,震惊才刚刚开始,自魅影稳固,一名接着一名的身影,踏着飘渺的青霄跃过,足足有50名之多,悬浮于山林间,造成的浩瀚壮举,士气逼人。 Hissing 50 Profound Spirit Realm expert?” “嘶50名玄灵境高手?” what Yan and the others, or Burning Sky Sect, has all sucked in an cold air/Qi, reveals unprecedented to frighten, this grade of strong lineup, feared that takes a broad view at North District, is Burning Sky Sect also mediocre? 无论是何岩等人,亦或是焚天宗,皆是倒抽了口冷气,露出前所未有的惊吓,这等强势的阵容,怕是放眼北方区域,就连焚天宗也不过如此吧? But takes a broad view at the crowd, most directs several of person, without doubt in the black robe youth who the forefront leads, although cannot see clearly its appearance, may only looks at battle formations in more than 50 people, his protecting firmly, can know that he is here right to speak most important person. 而放眼人群,其中最为引人的几名,无疑是在最前面领头的黑袍少年,虽说看不清其容貌,可光是看着50余人中的阵势,将他牢牢的护在其中,就能知道,他是这里话语权最为重要的人。 And on his body, one type exceptionally directs the gathering potential point of person, that type of point is not the aggressive sharp knife blade, is more like hides in the dagger of hidden place, offends somebody in invisible. 并且在他的身上,有一种异常引人的蓄势锋芒,那种锋芒并非是咄咄逼人的利刃,更像是藏匿于暗处的匕首,伤人于无形之中。 Next, is one 3000 luxuriant, female who such as the blue spray drops, its female appearance absolute name on is the beautiful woman certainly generation, after day latitude place, what is especially important is she such as cold ice allows, to leave the dust to be certainly colorful tenderly, too beautiful to behold. 其次,是一名3000秀发,如碧蓝色浪花飞泻的女子,其女子容貌绝对称的上是倾城绝代,经天纬地,尤为重要的是她如寒冰般的娇容,出尘绝艳,美不胜收。 Moreover, puts on seven color skirt gauzes, slightly is immature actually shows several points of enchanting female, as well as side stands in this nearly more than 20 people, his female such as Xi Shi again world, outside intelligent, male face compared with Song Yu, appearance, if Pan An, the world is rarely heard. 另外,有一名穿着七彩裙纱,略显稚嫩却透出几分妖娆的女子,以及旁边站在这近乎20余人,其女子如西施再世,外秀慧中,男子颜比宋玉,貌若潘安,人间罕闻。 Good one, the most fearful person, is the new show, but this compares young-lookingly, feared that is you is not very new!” Quiet, Qin Shi crooked head, to giving a thought to the peak shows several points of dense happy expression. “好一句,最可怕的人,偏偏就是新起之秀,只是和本少相比,怕是你还不够新啊!”沉寂中,秦石率先歪了歪脑袋,冲着顾峰露出几分森然的笑意。 Under more than 50 people, Gu Feng also has to restrain the point, exercises forbearance several points of [say / way]: Does not know that is what kind of person, should not be our North District person?” 50余人下,顾峰也不得不收敛锋芒,忍让几分的道:“不知诸位是何许人也,应该不是我们北方区域的人吧?” Is North District, is this very important?” “是不是北方区域,这很重要吗?” Qin Shi wields single-handed, before the spirit pressure of being disillusioned fire dragon, drew under the black robe instantaneously, has not had the overflow of least bit, for the first time looks, to the feeling of person probably is, has not had the least bit cultivates for every, can actually float above the highest heaven. 秦石单手一挥,之前破灭火龙的灵压,瞬间收拢到黑袍之下,不曾有半点的溢出,乍一看,给人的感觉就好像是,一个不曾有半点修为的凡者,却能够悬浮于九霄之上。 Induces to the Qin Shi behavior, Cen Chi and the others abolishes the pressure. 感应到秦石的所为,岑驰等人随之撤销威压。 The spirit prestige dissipates, made the people on the scene is darkly sighs: „Can some people control unexpectedly so adeptly the spiritual power aura? Actually are they where sacred?” 灵威消散,令在场的众人皆是暗叹一番:“竟有人能将灵力的气息控制到这般娴熟?他们究竟是何方神圣?” Does not know that has not heard the news of this group of people, feared that including Burning Sky Sect, wanting the short time to gather these many powerhouses to be unlikely.” “不知道,从来没有听过这群人的消息,怕是连焚天宗,想要短时间聚集这么多的强者都不太可能。” The discussion sound is unceasing, Gu Fengbian dignified, the light was just the skill of that restraining aura, even if achieves Heaven Realm him to grumble were inferior, in heart secret passage: This group of people, unknown origin, ten thousand cannot be negligent, first searches the actual situation genuine and fake, took a look at their origins to say again.” At once to the Qin Shi polite [say / way]: This brothers, where words this is, where person no matter the brothers are, came from far away is the guest, below is the North District Burning Sky Sect elder: Gu Feng, does not know that Sect Master Luan Muhua, whether your excellency does have hearing?” 议论声不断,顾峰变得凝重起来,光是刚刚那收敛气息的本事,就算是达到天境的他都自叹不如,心中暗道:“这群人,来历不明,万不能大意,先探探虚实真假,瞧瞧他们的来历再说。”旋即冲秦石客气道:“这位兄弟,这是哪里话,不管兄弟是哪里人,远道而来就是客,在下是北方区域焚天宗的长老:顾峰,不知宗主栾慕华,阁下是否有过耳闻?” Luan Muhua? Knows that I and she have not the small connection, this line comes also specially to seek her, solved the past matter.” Qin Shi nodded, in the smiling face has several points of strangeness. “栾慕华?知道,我与她还有着不小的瓜葛呢,此行而来也是特意寻她,解决解决当年的事。”秦石点了点头,笑容中有着几分诡异。 hear that, Gu Feng and Burning Sky Sect many disciples relaxed, since has listened to their Sect Master given name, thinks that is also the person of empire, that should also know that Luan Muhua takes a broad view at the empire, able to move unhindered an overlord of side. 闻言,顾峰和焚天宗的诸多弟子松了口气,既然听过他们宗主的名号,想必也是帝国之人,那应该也就知道,栾慕华可是放眼帝国,纵横一方的霸主。 But a side felt relieved that what Yan and the others actually hit to tremble: „Are this group of people, ask Luan Muhua to handle matters?” 而一方放下心来,何岩等人却是不禁打了个哆嗦:“这群人,是来找栾慕华办事得?” Luo maple tree whole body is weak, puff passes knees down: Heaven is unfair, this is must perish my Luo Family, must perish my Luo Family!” 洛枫全身瘫软,噗通的跪倒在地:“苍天不公,这是要亡我洛家,要亡我洛家啊!” A black pupil revolution, falls on the Luo maple tree in mulberry leaf, does not pay attention to all people the vision, picks up the black robe to face forward to leap several steps. 黑眸一转,落在桑叶中的洛枫身上,不理会诸人的目光,托起黑袍朝前飞跃几步。 Hey, cannot think that the halfway can also bump into some helpers.” Induces to the Qin Shi movement, Gu Fenglu the bleeding color taunt, is secretly self-satisfied “嘿嘿,想不到,半路还能碰到些帮手。”感应到秦石的动作,顾峰露出血色的嘲讽,暗自得意起来 Luo porch, hawk, wraps Luo Tingting that girl, crawls keeping off that hastily sets out before Luo maple tree body, although knows that they possibly are not the match of this person, was still the pulling sharp sword of creepy feeling: Do not come, otherwise, does not take it ill us not to be impolite to you!” 洛轩,洛海青,包裹洛婷婷那丫头,连忙爬起身的挡在洛枫身前,尽管知道他们不可能是此人的对手,仍是头皮发麻的拔出利剑:“你别过来,否则的话,休怪我们对你不客气!” Father's younger brother, Tingting, do not begin!” “叔父,婷婷,别动手!” But under startled, the familiar sound falls into by all people the ear together, looks askance to look, called everywhere the happy expression, wiped running of sweat stain to go forward. 而在惊慌下,一道熟悉的声音落入诸人耳旁,侧目望去,洛一鸣正满目喜色,抹着汗渍的跑上前。 „A cry?” Luo porch several people stare. “一鸣?”洛轩几人一愣。 Qin Shi half squatting lower part of the body, the five fingers find out the sleeve robe extends to Luo Tingting, has stroked from the latter fair cheeks gently: Small girl, two years does not see, do you grow up actually much?” 秦石半蹲下身,五指探出袖袍的冲洛婷婷伸去,从后者白皙的脸颊上轻轻拂过:“小丫头,两年不见,你倒是长大不少啊?” Um?” Luo Tingting pressed frowning, nearby crowd takes advantage of opportunity one startled, Luo maple tree crawls to set out hastily, knocks it off in Luo Tingting the bosom, exclaimed to Qin Shi: Who are you? If you hate to my Luo Family, killed obsolete is, did not do my daughter!” “嗯?”洛婷婷蹙了蹙眉,旁边的人群顺势一惊,洛枫连忙爬起身,将洛婷婷拉倒怀中,冲着秦石吼道:“你是谁?你若对我洛家有恨,杀了老朽就是,休要动我女儿!” Luo Family main not feared, if calculates that I can also be called am your son-in-law, has the unwarranted reputation freely, the younger generation actually throughout engraves on one's memory.” Very sets out, looks at the anxious Luo maple tree, Qin Shi is revealing several points of joyfully happy expression, making the person audiences of two sides fall into consternation. 洛家主莫怕,若是算下来,我还称得上是您的女婿,尽管只有虚名,晚辈却始终铭记于心啊。”挺起身,望着紧张的洛枫,秦石露出几分欣然喜色,令两方的人众陷入愕然。 Son-in-law?” “女婿?” Amazed nan, the presbyopia of Luo maple tree pollution has sized up from the form before body, like nighttime sky black robe, frail, but the slightly immature carriage, making in his heart pass together the familiar youth indifferently, called out in alarm trembles saying: You, are you Qin Shi?” 惊诧的喃了喃,洛枫浑浊的老眼从身前的身影上打量一番,一席如夜空般的黑袍,单薄而略显稚嫩的体态,令他的心中漠然晃过一道熟悉的少年,惊呼颤道:“你,你是秦石?” Younger generation!” “正是晚辈!” Was said the given name, under the fire fierce vision, Qin Shi slips off the black robe with a smile, the corners of the mouth were still the superficial smiling face, made the audience absolutely terrified appearance, exposed the audience. 被道出名号,在火烈的目光下,秦石笑着褪下黑袍,嘴角仍是浅淡的笑容,一副令全场毛骨悚然的容貌,暴露全场。 Really, is really he? Did he come back?” “真得,真得是他?他回来了?” Luo porch, the Luo Family disciple, as well as what Yan and the others, shock is bringing unbelievable, the audience turns very quiet instantaneously falls into a bewildered condition, all Renru looks at the ghost to be ordinary, staring is staring at the youth. 洛轩,洛家弟子,以及何岩等人,震撼中带着难以置信,全场瞬间屏住呼吸的陷入一种莫名其妙的状态,诸人如看着鬼怪一般,直勾勾的盯着少年。 One year ago, the Burning Sky Sect war, on the scene dry lamp several people, have observed and emulated, they who hears a rumor to go are unable to forget that a whole body is sending out billowing Baleful Qi, is similar to the youth from abyss devil, shakes thousand years stable Burning Sky Sect. 一年前,焚天宗的大战,在场就连枯灯几人,都是闻风而去的有所观摩,至今他们都无法忘记,一个全身散发着滚滚煞气,如同来自深渊恶魔的少年,将千年稳固的焚天宗撼动。 But those who make all people more frightened is, now Qin Shi return of once more, has carried the entire 50 Profound Spirit Realm big energies unexpectedly, has unarmed resists the Heaven Realm strength, this is really one year ago, young fellow of that making a great show of one's talents? 而让诸人更加惊悚的是,如今秦石的再次回归,竟携带了整整50名的玄灵境大能,拥有徒手对抗天境的实力,这真的是一年前,那个锋芒毕露的毛头小子吗? Recalls for two years ago, just when arrived at the Luo Family youth, has a look at now the calm appearance again, Luo maple tree also finally understands at heart why one year of previous less than 20 youth, can make Burning Sky Sect dread such, the potential of this grade of growth, was really too terrifying. 回想两年前,刚来到洛家时的少年,再看看如今沉稳的模样,洛枫心里也终于明白,为何一年前一个不足20的少年,能够令焚天宗忌惮成那样,这等成长的潜力,实在是太恐怖了。 Is Qin Shi? Did he come back?” “是秦石?他回来了?” Gu Feng, Du Jian, the Burning Sky Sect person, the flash as if the position exchange of person of Luo Family, thoughts sink to the valley, terrifying looking to Qin Shi. 顾峰、杜建,焚天宗的人,一瞬间仿佛和洛家之人的位置交换,一个一个心思沉入谷底,恐怖的望向秦石 In an instant, Gu Feng also finally understands why before Qin Shi will say, he and between Luan Muhua some connections, among them far more than are the connections, that clearly is the long hatred, but Qin Shi spoke must identify the issue that Luan Muhua solved, do not murder those who have cheated them? 刹那间,顾峰也终于明白,之前秦石为何会说,他和栾慕华之间有些瓜葛,他们之间何止是瓜葛,那分明就是宿怨啊,而秦石所言说要找栾慕华解决的问题,不正是要寻仇吗? Suddenly, in the mind flashes through the terrifying the train of thought that Gu Fengan shouts this person not to remain, gets angry: „The Burning Sky Sect disciple obeys orders, does not hesitate at all costs, puts to death Qin Shi!” 突然间,脑海中闪过恐怖的思绪,顾峰暗呼此人留不得,怒道:“焚天宗弟子听令,不惜一切代价,诛杀秦石!” !! !!
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