PDL :: Volume #5

#470: Gu Feng 【Carries over to the next year two】

The Rainbow Cloud City Nanmen, people along the way enormous and powerful approaching, the Zhou clock of lead, about hundred Burning Sky Sect disciples tag along after that approaches in the northwest direction. 虹云城南门,一众人沿途浩浩荡荡的逼近,领头的正是纣钟,近百的焚天宗弟子尾随其后,朝着西北方向逼近。 „, Do not let them walk away quickly.” “快一点,别让他们走远了。” Drinks one lowly, Zhou clock wants to accelerate, but the step has not fallen, only listens to with a crash bang, deeply does not see the bottom the gully to cut in his together, above exposes the jet black corrosion mist, nibbles the bricks. 低喝一声,纣钟欲要加速,而步履尚未落下,只听一声砰然巨响,一道深不见底的沟壑在他脚下划开,上面裸露出漆黑的腐蚀雾气,将砖瓦蚕食。 What person?” “什么人?” Sudden phenomenon, Zhou clock vigilant withdrawing several steps, shifty eyes toward the lane oral thermometer of front nobody. 突然的异象,纣钟警惕的退后数步,贼眼朝前方无人的巷口探去。 In the lane entrance, a black robe exposition of binding tightly, alone arrives at the center of street, in the hand grasps quiet dark color to disclose that the great sword of dense fog, blocks the way of people. 在巷口中,一席裹紧的黑袍暴露,独自走到街道的中央,手中握着一把幽暗色透露出迷雾的巨剑,挡住众人的去路。 Plunders the person who you said.” “劫你们道的人。” Shoulders the brow tip, future Qin Shi, in the black pupil has one to wipe lets the profoundness that the human perishes fully. 挑起眉梢,来者正是秦石,黑眸中有一抹足矣让人沉沦的深邃。 spiritual power finds out sweeps from the black robe, actually only induces to several points of weak spiritual power, Zhou clock reveals for several points to despise: Drinks, is really a fellow not awfully, you may know that who we are?” 灵力探出的从黑袍上一扫而过,却只感应到几分微弱的灵力,纣钟露出几分轻视:“喝,真是个不要命的家伙,你可知道我们是什么人?” Does not know that what I do plunder you to make? Burning Sky Sect!” “不知道,我劫你们做什么?焚天宗!” Zhou clock surprise has gawked staring, flies into a rage: You, since knows that we are Burning Sky Sect, that thinks that you were also ready that suffered to death, came the human, has killed him to me!” 纣钟诧异的愣了愣,勃然大怒:“你既然知道我们是焚天宗,那想必你也做好受死的准备了,来人,给我杀了他!” Yes!” “是!” The following disciple must the command, take up the pointed weapons immediately, approaches toward Qin Shi from eight sides. 下面的弟子得令,马上抄起兵刃,从八方朝秦石逼近。 Was surrounded by the crowd, Qin Shi completely at ease laughter: He he, one year does not see, other Burning Sky Sect ability has not seen to strive, this rampant arrogance was not weak once!” 被人群包围,秦石坦然自若的笑声:“呵呵,一年不见,焚天宗别的本领没见精进,这嚣张的气焰却是不弱曾经啊!” The voice falls, the sleeve holds up, five fingers void finding out, is only gentle tremor several, Qin Shi air all around instantaneously twists. 话音落下,袖筒举起,五指从中虚空的探出,只是柔和的颤动几下,秦石周遭的空气瞬间扭曲。 Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, the earth opening several openings, do not allow Burning Sky Sect various people to get back one's composure, shakes it directly departs several hundred meters far. 蓦然间,大地裂口数道裂口,根本不容焚天宗的诸人回神,直接将其震飞出数百米远。 The sudden phenomenon, frightens Zhou clock to tremble a point, hastily after moves out of the way several steps, trembles saying: „Did you hide the strength intentionally? Actually are you who?” 突然的异象,吓得纣钟哆嗦一分,连忙朝后挪开几步,颤道:“你故意隐藏了实力?你究竟是谁?” „To know that who I am?” “想知道我是谁么?” The corners of the mouth smile, a shadow, such as the ghosts and demons have fluttered void, the black robe makes noise in the hurricane cool and refreshingly, obstructs the cape fluttering of surface to fall, the Qin Shi blazing pupil stabbing pain Zhou clock, the ridicule smiles: Your Burning Sky Sect unlucky star, avenger!” 嘴角一笑,一道黑影,如鬼魅般虚空飘过,黑袍在飓风中泠泠作响,遮面的斗篷翻飞落下,秦石炽烈的眸子刺痛纣钟,嘲弄一笑:“你们焚天宗的灾星,复仇者!” Pupil heart looking at each other, the look of Zhou clock coagulates suddenly, that slightly is immature actually fills the familiar face, such as nightmare general heaving in sight: Yes, is you? Qin Shi?” 眸心对视,纣钟的神色戛然凝固,那略显稚嫩却充满熟悉的面庞,如噩梦一般的映入眼帘:“是,是你?秦石?” Many Burning Sky Sect disciples hear the Qin Shi two characters, wipes does not have the reason scared such as torrential Jiang Hong Ban to be in flood, simultaneously has swallowed a spit maliciously, everywhere does not dare to believe that one year ago the Burning Sky Sect miserable picture, reappears once again in the respective mind. 不少焚天宗的弟子听到秦石二字,一抹没来由的恐慌如滔滔江洪般泛滥,同时狠狠的咽了口吐沫,满目的不敢置信,一年前焚天宗的凄凉画面,再度浮现在各自脑海之中。 Is looking at such as damn all people, Qin Shi cold smiling of: He he, good, it seems like that the Burning Sky Sect person, had not forgotten one's origin completely few.” 望着如见鬼的诸人,秦石冷冽的笑了笑:“呵呵,不错,看来焚天宗的人,还没有完全忘了本少啊。” „Haven't you died? Did you come back?” Zhou Zhong Chandao. “你没死?你回来了?”纣钟颤道。 Luan Muhua that old fogy, in addition is living, how this to little die?” Qin Shi scolds one, under the creeping motion of curling the lip the corners of the mouth, follows close on him to vanish like the ghosts and demons baseless, appears before the body of Zhou clock directly. “栾慕华那老家伙尚且活着,本少怎么会死呢?”秦石呵斥一声,撇了撇嘴的蠕动下嘴角,紧跟着他如鬼魅般凭空消失,直接出现在纣钟的身前。 The field of vision in a flash, the pupil of Zhou clock shrinks, the heart lives frightened trembling saying: Very strong.” 视野一晃,纣钟的瞳仁一缩,心生恐惧的颤道:“好强。” He remembers, one year ago Qin Shi, but has Spirit King Realm, now does not draw support from the external force unexpectedly, can go to the situation that keeps him from seeing clearly? 他记得,一年前的秦石,不过才只有王灵境,如今竟然不借助外力,就能达到让他无法看清的地步? Makes a fist void, nearby Zhou clock space seemed found time the general, fierce pain wells up from the bottom of the heart, puff kneels down on the ground, frightens his startled [say / way] hastily: „Do you, what you want to make?” 只是虚空握拳,纣钟跟前的空间仿佛被抽空一般,剧烈的痛苦由心底涌上,噗一下跪在地上,吓得他连忙惊道:“你,你想要做什么?” Pours does not make anything, told me the Luo Family person, which direction in went, do not say that you do not know, I had plant the means to make you know surely.” Qin Shi words, superficial, is extremely cold: This, is one type!” “倒也不做什么,告诉我洛家的人,朝哪个方向去了,不要说你不知道,我有千万种办法让你知道。”秦石的话,轻描淡写,却极度寒冷:“这,就是其中一种!” ! 咻! Does not give time that Zhou Zhong responded, Netherworld Sword delimited two blood-stained mouths on his arm directly, jet black corrosion aura, unceasing swallowed it. 不给纣钟反应的时间,幽冥剑直接在他的臂膀上划出两道血口,漆黑的腐蚀气息,不断的将其吞噬。 Volume!” Painful calls out one, the forehead of Zhou clock falls the perspiration drop: I, I said that I said you will let off me?” “额啊!”痛苦的嚎叫一声,纣钟的额头落出汗滴:“我,我说,我说了你会放过我吗?” Knit the brows, Qin Shi despises saying: He he, you did not have qualifications and I discuss the condition, but today this few is happy, you tell me now, I can not kill you actually.” 皱了皱眉,秦石蔑视道:“呵呵,你本没有资格和我谈条件,但是今天本少的心情不错,你现在告诉我,我倒是可以不杀你。” What you said is the truth?” “你说的是真话?” My Qin Shi always kept promises, was believed by you.” Qin Shi narrows the eyes focuses, impatient [say / way]: Naturally, if in three seconds, I cannot obtain the answer of satisfied, you will choose the trust the opportunity not to have, but at that time you also know that I spoke to turn out as said!” “我秦石向来说一不二,信不信由你。”秦石眯眯着眼,不耐烦的道:“当然,如果三秒内,我得不到满意的答复,那你将选择信任的机会都没有,而那时你也就知道我说话算不算话了!” A look revolution, Zhou clock fully realized that Qin Shi is not cracking a joke, replied hastily: I said that my this said that the Luo Family person in northwest.” 神色一转,纣钟深知秦石不是在开玩笑,连忙答道:“我说,我这就说,洛家的人朝西北方向去了。” Northwest?” “西北么?” Light nan that thought aloud, Qin Shi stared at Zhou clock, can look that he has not lain, for this reason loosened Netherworld Sword, reveals wipes smiles evilly, turns round to pat clapping: Called the brother, this gave you, making you revenge personally! Has killed him!” 自言自语的轻喃一声,秦石凝视纣钟,能够看出来他并未说谎,为此将幽冥剑松开,露出一抹邪笑,回身拍了拍手:“一鸣兄,这个交给你,让你亲手报仇吧!杀了他!” The voice just fell, in the lane entrance, called with Qin Xuexin and the others reappeared, called is being fierce the facial features, the without the slightest hesitation holding up bayonet, a blade jabbed into the chest of Zhou clock. 话音刚落,在巷口中,洛一鸣和沁雪心等人浮现,洛一鸣狰狞着面容,毫不犹豫的举起刺刀,一刀刺进纣钟的胸膛。 „Do your you deceive me?” “你你骗我?” The pain is transmitted by the heart, Zhou Zhong Dengda the blood pupil is looking angrily at Qin Shi. 痛苦由心传递,纣钟瞪大着血眸怒视秦石 I have meant, I do not kill you, but I had not said that I will let off you!” Narrows the eyes focuses, the Qin Shi sound is exceptionally terrorist, until Zhou clock tragic death, his corners of the mouth shoulders toward on, making nearby person feel several points of coldness: Burning Sky Sect, this is only the start of retaliation, then you wait for the inexhaustible nightmare!” “我是说了,我不杀你,可我也没说,我会放过你啊!”眯眯着眼,秦石的声音异常恐怖,直到纣钟惨死,他的嘴角才朝上挑起,令旁边的人都不由感到几分寒冷:“焚天宗,这只是报复的开始,接下来你们就等待无穷无尽的噩梦吧!” „The northwest direction, we walk!” “西北方向,我们走!” Scolds one, Qin Shi raises black robe, in front line enhanced dust. 呵斥一声,秦石扬起黑袍,在最前方扬尘而起。 The quiet forest in Northwest, what Yan leads the Luo Family audiences, rapid shuttle, because many people have the injury, the speed is not fast. 西北方的幽林,何岩率领洛家家众,迅速的从中穿梭,由于不少人还带有伤势,速度并不算快。 Is good because of having the dry lamp and bagpipe, the Luohe River seven strange, these hundred years ago old monsters, with the people of many Alchemist associations, help to share much. 好在有枯灯和风笛,洛河七怪,这些百年前的老怪物,和诸多炼药师协会的人在,帮忙分担不少。 Picks up some speeds, meets the Burning Sky Sect reinforcements to arrive, I really could not run away!” Luo maple tree beckons to all people unceasingly, exclaims. “加快些速度,一会焚天宗的援军抵达,我就真的跑不掉了!”洛枫不断的冲诸人招手,吼道。 Clenched teeth, the crowd increases speed once more. 咬了咬牙,人群再次提速。 But in the advance less than hundred meters, together the bone-chilling cold flame such as the tuck dive big dragon is ordinary, shoots to enter from the distant place birthplace, approaches what Yan the chest. 而就在前进不足百米时,一道凛冽的火光如翻腾巨龙一般,从远处贯射而入,逼近何岩的胸膛。 President what Yan!” all people one startled! “何岩会长!”诸人一惊! The dry lamp, the bagpipe, their look stagnates, before rushing quickly, concentrates to build three barriers, keeps off the fire dragon. 枯灯,风笛,两人神色凝滞,以迅雷不及掩耳之势冲上前,凝造起三道屏障,才将火龙挡下。 Keeps off the fire dragon, the bagpipe is holding what crag question: President what Yan, are you how is it?” 挡下火龙,风笛扶着何岩问句:“何岩会长,你怎么样?” Being all right what Yan shook the head. “没事”何岩摇了摇头。 Hey, now is all right, will not represent one to be all right, I said that will such worry, where wants to go to?” The sound that satirized together resounded, several hundred wore the crowd of raging fire long gown to enclose from eight sides, two who led were put on a high and mighty act, float Yu Kong revealed several points of contemptuous. “嘿嘿,现在没事,可不代表一会没事,我说诸位这么着急,想要去哪里啊?”一道讽刺的声音响起,数百名身着烈火长袍的人群从八方围上,其中领头的两人趾高气昂,悬浮于空的露出几分轻蔑。 Sees clearly the future appearance, what Yan and other will of the people bottoms sinks: Gu Feng, Du Jian? Damn, is the Burning Sky Sect reinforcements!” 看清来者的容貌,何岩等人心底一沉:“顾峰,杜建?该死,是焚天宗的援军!” Yo, dry lamp old ghost? Bagpipe female monster? Really many ripe faces.” A long hair is floating, attended to has swept in the crowd that peak crosses the hands behind the back, reveals several points of surprised: Cannot think that has acted including you, Zhou clock that fellow is no wonder bad, but I am actually curious, opposes with our Burning Sky Sect, is knows isn't own life long, wants to ask for a heroical cause of death?” “呦,枯灯老鬼?风笛女妖?真是好多的熟面孔啊。”一头长发飘飘,顾峰负手的在人群中扫过,露出几分惊讶:“想不到,连你们都出面了,难怪纣钟那家伙不济,但我倒是好奇,和我们焚天宗作对,难道是知道自己寿元不长,想要讨个壮烈的死法?” Has pinched the fist, under hundred people of encircling, what Yan and other will of the people sinking valleys, wipes climbs up to the facial features in frightened, reveals several points of despair. 捏了捏拳,在百人的围剿下,何岩等人心沉谷底,一抹惊悚攀爬到面容上,露出几分绝望。 Few idle talk, a brat of being wet behind the ears, but also is not one's turn you to come the review we!” The dry lamp old man stands up, keeps off before what Yan and the others the bodies, stares at Gu Feng: Has any skill, although causes!” “少废话,一个乳臭未干的臭小子,还轮不到你来点评我们!”枯灯老者站起身,挡在何岩等人的身前,凝视顾峰:“有什么本事,尽管使出来吧!” Bagpipe and Luohe River seven strange, goes forward: He he, Burning Sky Sect is truly formidable, but we actually not necessarily fear you.” 风笛和洛河七怪,同时上前:“呵呵,焚天宗确实强大,可我们却未必怕你们。” Attends to peak silent meeting looking pensive, said suddenly: „, To Kazakh, I have forgotten, once dry lamp old ghost, bagpipe female monster, Luohe River seven strange, was the To rebuke Heaven and Earth characters once, is voice hence, the sound suddenly becomes exceptionally callous: But that after all was once, starting today this North District, only then my Burning Sky Sect school, has killed them to me!” 顾峰若有所思的沉默一会,恍然道:“哦,对哈,我都忘了,曾经的枯灯老鬼,风笛女妖,洛河七怪,都是曾经叱咤风云的人物啊,可是”话音至此,声音突然变得异常冷酷:“可那毕竟是曾经,从今日起这北方区域,就只有我焚天宗一派,给我杀了他们!” Has been instructed, the Burning Sky Sect disciple also loses one's temper. 得到指示,焚天宗的弟子同时动怒。 Bang! 轰隆! All kinds of martial arts, are similar to flood dragon entering the sea is ordinary, incarnadine half vault of heaven, coming in swarms mass-criticized toward what Yan rank. 各式各样的武学,如同蛟龙入海一般,染红了半边天穹,蜂拥而至的朝何岩等人炮轰下去。 In the crowd clenches teeth, Luo maple tree and purple potato set out: Burning Sky Sect is not willing to let off us, we have spelled with them, dies, must draw in several pad backs!” 人群中一咬牙,洛枫和紫薯率先起身:“焚天宗不肯放过我们,我们跟他们拼了,就算死,也要拉上几个垫背!” The fierce confrontation, launches in the forests. 剧烈的交锋,在林间展开。 Jie Jie, the bagpipe ghost, I comprehends your skill!” Du Jian bends down, holds among the winds to bring the billowing hurricane, chops around the middle two old trees towering to the skies, straight punctures toward the bagpipe. “桀桀,风笛老妖,我来领会领会你的本事!”杜建俯身而下,掌风间带着滚滚飓风,将两棵参天古树拦腰劈断,笔直的朝风笛刺下。 Both all are Profound Spirit Realm peak, the strong spirit pressure rips open several gullies in the ground, many strength bad people were shaken to draw back directly. 两者皆是玄灵境巅峰,强势的灵压在地面上撕开几道沟壑,不少实力不济的人直接被震退出去。 Bagpipe, I help you!” “风笛,我来助你!” The look changes, the dry lamp while this opportunity, ignites a quiet fire single-handed, punctures toward the back that Du constructs. 神色一变,枯灯趁此机会,单手燃起道道幽火,朝着杜建的背后刺下。 Bang! 砰! Unexpectedly at this time, void knot launched before his body together, Gu Feng was sideways, kept off says with a smile before his body: Hey, dry lamp old ghost, your this age, honest observes in side, so as to avoid otherwise comes up injured to 12, the reversed image that makes is my Burning Sky Sect does not understand the boundary elders!” 不料这时,一道虚空的结界在他身前展开,顾峰侧身而下,挡在他的身前笑道:“嘿嘿,枯灯老鬼,你都这把年岁了,还是老实的在旁边观战吧,否则免得上去被伤到12,弄的倒像是我焚天宗不懂得尊境老辈!” Drinks, this saying, you let Luan Muhua, perhaps also somewhat component, but your this is the new junior of show, does not match!” The dry lamp shouted angrily, the quiet fire in palm straight toward attending to the peak forehead punctured. “喝,这话,你让栾慕华来说,或许还有几分分量,而你这新起之秀的小辈,不配!”枯灯怒喝一声,掌中的幽火笔直的朝顾峰眉心刺下。 Doesn't match?” “不配么?” Gu Fengqing nan, reveals several points of contemptuous at once actually, the smiling face of under the pupil taunting is even more profound, at once sees only him to wave void, the dry lamp such as suffered the great cauldron crush, unexpectedly was controlled in the midair, puff a blood spouted. 顾峰轻喃一声,旋即倒是露出几分轻蔑,眸底下嘲讽的笑容越发深邃,旋即只见他虚空挥手,枯灯如遭受到巨鼎碾压,竟生生的被控制在半空中,噗一口鲜血喷出。 Under the huge pressure, the body distance of dry lamp senile trembles several points, does not dare to believe is staring at Gu Feng, trembles saying: This strength boy your breakthrough to Heaven Realm?” 在巨大的压力下,枯灯老态的身躯距离哆嗦几分,不敢置信的盯着顾峰,颤道:“这力量小子你突破天境了?” !! !!
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