PDL :: Volume #5

#469: Arrives in Hong Yun Cheng 【Carries over to the next year one】

You “你” Zhou clock clenched teeth, suddenly the bursting out laughing does not have the words, Burning Sky Sect has not dreaded this group of people actually, but the dry lamp said does not have the mistake, depending on disciple who he brings today, actually asks for less than the least bit advantage from this crowd of person hands. 纣钟咬了咬牙,一时间哑然无话,焚天宗倒是不曾畏惧这群人,可枯灯说的没有错,凭他今日带来的弟子,从这群人手中却是讨不到半点好处。 Zhou clock elder, we what to do?” Several disciple restless question. “纣钟长老,我们怎么办?”几名弟子不安的问句 Has congealed with rapt attention, Zhou Zhong Lengdao: First is not anxious, our reinforcements, waited for that time immediately, depending on this crowd by the tiger of pulling a tooth, at all was not our Burning Sky Sect match.” 凝了凝神,纣钟冷道:“先不急,我们的援军马上就到,等那时候,凭这群被拔了牙的老虎,根本不是我们焚天宗的对手。” Thinks of this, he clenched teeth, exclaimed to Luo maple tree and the others lowly: Snort, today calculates you to be in luck, so long as in North District, have not wanted to escape from our Burning Sky Sect control.” The word, he turns round under the disciple to body to call one: We walk!” 想到这,他咬了咬牙,冲着洛枫等人低吼道:“哼,今日算你们走运,但是只要你们还在北方区域,就别想逃出我们焚天宗的手心。”言罢,他回身冲身下的弟子招呼一声:“我们走!” Flicks the sleeve sets out, Zhou clock leads many disciples to escape toward the south. 拂袖起身,纣钟带着诸多弟子朝着南方远遁。 Is looking at Zhou Zhongli Kai, what Yan relaxing of gradually, holds question Luo maple tree: „The Luo Family host, is your injury how is it?” 望着纣钟离开,何岩才渐渐的松了口气,将洛枫扶起来问句:“洛家主,你伤势怎么样?” Does not have, all right.” Luo maple tree shakes the head hastily, at once said respectfully: Many thanks what crag senior gets rid, some thanked politely for Luo Family up and down.” “没,没事。”洛枫连忙摇头,旋即恭敬道:“多谢何岩前辈出手,洛某替洛家上下拜谢了。” He he, is not necessary, I lend a hand to assist, but has promised my old friend . Moreover, I am not for no reason am, your lunch I have been at cost of the life, is carrying on a gambling house.” what Yan shook the head with a smile. “呵呵,大可不必,我出手相助,只是答应过我那老朋友,况且,我也不是无故之为,你便当我是拼了老命,在进行一盘赌局吧。”何岩笑着摇了摇头。 What crag senior, you bets, but my little son-in-law can Qin Shi, return to this North District once again?” Luo maple tree stares, at once smiles bitterly: If so, that may really be, uses the complete unrestrained gambling.” “何岩前辈,您赌的可是我那小女婿秦石,能够再度回到这北方区域?”洛枫一愣,旋即苦笑一声:“如果是的话,那可真是一场,倾尽全部的豪赌啊。” Ha Ha, the unrestrained gambling is the unrestrained gambling, but I thought that I will not lose, some of my early predictions, this piece of vault of heaven, cannot fetter the wing of that kid, I want to wait till he comes back again, decides by a stance of big dragon, comes bird's eye view stretch of earth.” what Yanfu must say steadily. “哈哈,豪赌是豪赌,可我觉得我不会输,我早有预言,这一片天穹,束缚不住那小家伙的羽翼,我想等到他再回来的时候,定会以一尊巨龙的姿态,来俯瞰这片大地。”何岩扶着长须道。 Stops, in the mind flashes through the related Qin Shi fact, Luo maple tree said with a smile suddenly: I think, not solely so, the trouble looks for Burning Sky Sect time!” 停顿一番,脑海中闪过有关秦石的事迹,洛枫突然笑道:“我想,不单单如此,还是麻烦找上焚天宗的时候!” They look at each other one, simultaneously caresses must laugh. 两人对视一眼,同时抚须大笑。 When the Burning Sky Sect disciple leaves thoroughly, many Alchemist of Alchemist association, the duplicate miracle cure that in the hand leaves leeway, is mad pill extensively, gives the wounded with all kinds of panaceas, had controlling one's breathing of compounded drug, making various people be eased quickly. 等到焚天宗弟子彻底离开,炼药师协会的诸多炼药师,将手上留有的复灵丹,恢气丹,和各式各样的灵丹妙药递给伤者,有了丹药的调息,令诸人很快就得到了缓解。 The vitality restores, Luo maple tree to what Yan and the others said sternly: We cannot make the stay here, when otherwise the Burning Sky Sect reinforcements arrive, no one want to leave.” 气血恢复,洛枫冲着何岩等人正色道:“我们不能在这里多做逗留,否则等到焚天宗的援军抵达,谁都别想离开。” „The Luo Family host said right, is only Zhou clock person of words, in addition we actually do not fear, but now the Burning Sky Sect powerhouse like saying, has several Heaven Realm big energies, if coming several people, troubled.” 洛家主说的没错,光是纣钟一人的话,我们倒是尚且不惧,可如今焚天宗强者如云,更有数名天境大能,若是在来几人,就麻烦了。” Under the point of dry lamp approval, several old monster strengths on the scene are not weak, the frontage and Burning Sky Sect encounter, does not have the slightest assurance. 枯灯认可的点下头,就算在场的几名老妖怪实力不弱,正面与焚天宗交锋,却是没有分毫把握。 In crowd, strength strongest is the dry lamp I, but Profound Spirit Realm peak, if Burning Sky Sect sends out Heaven Realm expert, a person of foot sweeps away. 人群中,实力最强的就要数枯灯本人,不过才玄灵境巅峰,若是焚天宗派出天境高手,一人足矣横扫。 After all, they are not Qin Shi, does not have that inexhaustible card in a hand, with the ability of cross level to war. 毕竟,他们不是秦石,没有那无穷无尽的底牌,和跨级对战的本领。 But knows freely so, complexion of crowd, the purple potato sighed embarrassedly: Issue, Zhou Zhong said right, this North District so is big, now hoodwinked the public by Burning Sky Sect, leaves, where can we go to?” 而尽管知道如此,人群的面色却难堪不已,紫薯叹道:“问题,纣钟说的没错,这北方区域就这么大,如今被焚天宗只手遮天,离开,我们能去哪里?” Laid bare the secret. 一语道破天机。 But the crowd, yes, this seems like hugely big North District, actually does not have people the institute of taking shelter. 人群都无奈下来,是啊,这看似天大地大的北方区域,竟然没有众人的容身之所。 Hesitant, what Yan said suddenly: Obsolete actually second of place, but does not know that dares otherwise to try to try with me?” 犹豫一番,何岩突然道:“老朽倒是有一处秒地,只是不知诸位敢否跟我试上一试?” Luo maple tree said respectfully: What crag senior, my Luo Family high and low family members' life is you rescues, where you said go, we with you are.” 洛枫恭敬道:“何岩前辈,我洛家上下老小的命都是您救下来得,您说去哪里,我们跟你便是。” Stops, the purple potato comply saying: Yes, North District, dares to give shelter to our places not to be many now, can have one, was good.” 停顿一下,紫薯答应道:“是啊,现在北方区域,敢收留我们的地方可不多,能有一处,就不错了。” Some people take the lead, all people in abundance toward the vision that what Yanpao trusts, the senile body silent meeting, under the opacitas pupil heart dodges the none remaining: Desolate Town!” 有人带头,诸人纷纷朝何岩抛去信任的目光,老态的身躯沉默一会,浑浊的眸心下一闪精光:“荒镇!” Desolate Town?” 荒镇?” Has sucked the tongue, many people have held breath a cold air/Qi. 咂了咂舌,不少人倒吸了口冷气。 Now, Burning Sky Sect everywhere aims at Qin sect, Ancient City fell to the enemy, is attacking Desolate Town fully, that place, but also wants the dangerous compared with Rainbow Cloud City the institute of right and wrong, we go now, isn't equal to the turning oneself in tiger's den?” Various Family Head and dry lamp several people of surprise [say / way]. “如今,焚天宗处处针对秦宗,古城已经沦陷,全力在攻击荒镇,那地方,可是比虹云城还要危险的是非之所啊,我们现在去,不等同于自投虎穴?”各家家主和枯灯几人诧异的道。 But at this time, Luo maple tree clearly became aware suddenly: „The meaning of what crag senior is, is the most dangerous place, the safest place?” 而这时,洛枫突然明悟:“何岩前辈的意思是,最危险的地方,就是最安全的地方?” Smiles under the point, what Yandao: Um, not merely so, now the Burning Sky Sect potential must unify North District, I and others, if such as the loose sand is common, finally sooner or later must exterminate an entire family, might as well meet with Qin sect, perhaps at that time can also resist 12.” 笑着点下头,何岩道:“嗯,不单如此,如今焚天宗势要统一北方区域,我等若再如散沙一般,最后迟早要被灭门,不如和秦宗会合,那时候说不定还能抵抗12。” all people considers in the heart, under have no alternative also can only bet a gambling but actually. 诸人在心中斟酌一番,无可奈何下倒也只能赌上一赌。 Lived obsolete for over a hundred years, is unhappy restrains, if makes Burning Sky Sect one alone really big, that lives in this North District, such as is stranded the bird in cage actually, is not comfortable, is not comfortable, for this reason, I must spell to spell with Burning Sky Sect, as you like went to that Qin sect.” The dry lamp caressed to steadily, added to what Yan: Is only the old fogy, do not forget to comply with my rising miracle cure.” “老朽活了上百年,就是不喜约束,若是真让焚天宗一家独大,那活在这北方区域,倒是如困在笼中的鸟,不自在,不自在,为此,我也要和焚天宗拼上一拼,就随你去那秦宗吧。”枯灯抚了抚长须,冲着何岩补充道:“只是老家伙,你可别忘了答应我的升灵丹。” Rises the miracle cure?” “升灵丹?” Hears this name, many people reveal the color of several points of Xian Sha. 听到这个称呼,不少人都是露出几分羡煞之色。 Felt relieved that He keeps one's word, before complied with reward, so long as had suffered this disaster, offered settledly completely!” Feels various person burning vision, what Yan said with a smile. “诸位放心,何某人言而有信,之前答应各位的酬劳,只要捱过这一劫,定当全部奉上!”感受到诸人火辣辣的目光,何岩笑道。 Had no way out, in addition what Yan the enticement, the indecisive person, these also became decidedly got up before, excited complying said. 本就走投无路,加上何岩的诱惑,之前犹豫不决的人,这一下也变得决然起来,兴奋的答应道。 Does to decide that various people start under lead of what crag, in the northwest direction, the Desolate Town position leaps rapidly. 做下决定,诸人开始在何岩的领头下,朝着西北方向,荒镇的位置迅速飞跃。 But at this time, withdrew to Burning Sky Sect of Rainbow Cloud City Nanmen, took root in the quiet forest outside Nancheng, several flurried disciples ran up to side Zhou clock, said: Zhou clock elder, Luo Family that group of people ran.” 而这时,退出到虹云城南门的焚天宗,扎根在南城外的幽林里,几名慌乱的弟子跑到纣钟身旁,道:“纣钟长老,洛家那群人跑了。” Runs? What direction did they look to run?” “跑?他们找什么方向跑了?” Zhou clock look one tight, inquiry of knitting the brows. 纣钟神色一紧,皱了皱眉的询问一声。 The disciples responded: Is northwest.” 弟子回应道:“是西北方向。” Northwest?” The brow that Zhou clock screwed tight, stares suddenly, stretches to open instantaneously: Drinks, northwest? Ha Ha, ha, do one group of lunatics, dare to run away toward the northwest at this time unexpectedly?” “西北?”纣钟本来拧紧的眉头,突然间一愣,瞬间舒展而开:“喝,西北?哈哈,哈哈哈,一群疯子,这个时候竟然还敢往西北去逃?” Several disciple puzzled question of: Zhou clock elder? What is your this is smiling?” 几名弟子不解的问句:“纣钟长老?您这是在笑什么?” Ha Ha, what smiles? Our reinforcements, are catching up from northwest, they actually run away toward the northwest, you said that I should smile?” Zhou clock rampant Landau recklessly said. “哈哈,笑什么?我们的援军,正从西北方向赶来,他们却偏偏朝西北去逃,你说我应不应该笑?”纣钟肆意的猖獗朗朗道说。 The disciple who hear that, opening the mouth becomes aware immediately suddenly: You meant that attended to peak elder and Du Jian elder, is catching up from that direction?” 闻言,开口的弟子马上恍悟:“您是说,顾峰长老和杜建长老,正从那个方向赶过来?” Right, a short time ago, attended to peak that old fogy just extraditing Lei Jie, breakthrough First Rank Heaven Realm, this group of fellows brought about own destruction simply, are digging a pit **!” Zhou clock bone-chilling cold has given a tongue-lashing the tooth, at once the pupil low and deep flashes through one point of coldness, shouted to clear the way: Walks, we with coming up, the good play must begin immediately!” “没错,前不久,顾峰那老家伙刚引渡雷劫,突破一层天境,这群家伙简直就是自寻死路,挖坑**!”纣钟凛冽的呲了呲牙,旋即眸子低沉中闪过一分寒冷,喝道:“走,我们跟上去,好戏马上就要开演了!” ! 咻! In Rainbow Cloud City city. 虹云城城内。 what Yan and the others do not know, shortly after they just left, one crowd the army who is led by a black robe youth, such as the sharp sword cuts the vault of heaven, speeds away. 何岩等人并不知道,在他们刚离开不久,一群由一名黑袍少年领头的大军,如利剑般划破苍穹,疾驰而来。 Black robe, Qin Shi. 黑袍者,秦石 Under the bird's eye view, familiar picture, flashed through in the mind past rapidly, with Luo Tingting and Lo Hsueh Xian's looking at each other, with Luo Family and Piao Quan and the others all sorts, as if occurred yesterday one after another, that purgatory tower. 俯瞰下方,昔日熟悉的景象,在脑海中迅速闪过,和洛婷婷、洛雪娴的相视,和洛家、朴泉等人的种种,一幕一幕仿佛发生在昨日,还有那炼狱塔。 He he, city that city, but was a pity that already the thing was the human non-.” Wipes the length of sigh to implore, Qin Shi easy heaving a deep sigh. “呵呵,城还是那座城,只是可惜早已物是人非了啊。”一抹感叹的长吁,秦石略带优柔的长叹一声。 Shu Zhongyu smiled, said: Yes, once under three Wei Family disciples forced, wanted the fascinated baby, now is also the mental maturity, great person who can keep off the clouds alone.” 书中玉笑了笑,道:“是啊,曾经在三个魏家的弟子逼迫下,想要入魔的小娃娃,如今也是心智成熟,能够独挡云霄的大人物了。” Elder Sister Yu, you also laugh at me.” 玉姐,你还笑话我。” Helpless shaking the head, Qin Shi has not been delaying, to behind waved, leap to below Luo Family former residence, but shoves open the dwelling instant, is actually is in-situ. 无奈的摇摇头,秦石没在耽搁,冲着身后挥了挥手,率先飞跃向下方的洛家古宅,而推开宅院的刹那,却是不禁的愣在原地。 In the dwelling, was destroyed all, such as was looted general in confusion. 宅院中,尽数被破坏,如被洗劫一般的狼藉。 Cry sees that rapid clashes, searches while shouted: Father, Big brother, the father's younger brother, where are you at?” 洛一鸣见状,急促的冲进去,一边寻觅一边大喊:“爹,大哥,叔父,你们在哪?” But shoving open of guest room, one after another obtains actually only then loses, in entire dwelling nobody left, only then the sough of fallen leaf, feels urgently miserable. 而一间一间客房的推开,得到的却只有失落,整座宅院中空无一人,只有落叶的飒飒声,倍感凄凉。 When withdrawal former residence that cry loses, his whole person becomes the dispirited is dispirited, puff passes kneels on the ground: Luo Family, Luo Family did not have a person not to have, a person did not have.” 洛一鸣失落的退出古宅时,他整个人都变得萎靡颓废,噗通就跪在地上:“洛家,洛家没了一个人都没有,一个人都没有。” I know.” “我知道。” The fist heart psst pinching tightly, is entering former residence instant, Qin Shi uses the psychic force to survey, but he does not endure to break to call. 拳心吱吱的捏紧,早在进入古宅的刹那,秦石就用精神力进行探测,只是他不忍打断洛一鸣而已。 Not merely is here, present Rainbow Cloud City, is an empty city!” Long implored one, under the black pupil of Qin Shi, wrote off expanding that intent could not cover to open: Burning Sky Sect, it seems like you know that I must extinguish your whole families surely, the preparation make me hate your several points.” “不单是这里,如今的虹云城,就是一座空城!”长吁一声,秦石的黑眸下,一抹杀意遮挡不住的扩开:“焚天宗,看来你们是知道,我定要灭你满门,准备让我在多恨你几分啊。” Shi’tou, do not impulse, the Luo Family person here, does not might as well be a good deed!” 石头,你别冲动,洛家人不在这里,未尝不是件好事!” Um?” Qin Shi surprise. “嗯?”秦石诧异一声。 Shu Zhongyu jumps out Blazing Book, alone leaps toward the wall of dwelling, the skilled artist has stroked from the place above gently, causes several points of broken ripples, a pressed black eyebrow coloring eyebrow: Well, is this psychedelic knot?” 书中玉窜出焚书,独自朝着宅院的墙壁跃去,妙手从上方轻轻拂过,引起几分残破的涟漪,一蹙黛眉:“咦,这是迷幻结界?” , Her feature flies upwards suddenly, reveals turning round of several points of happy expression to shout: I guess really right, before here, was supposed psychedelic knot, the Luo Family person early is prepared evidently, should leave this, we pursue now, perhaps also with enough time.” 恍然一下,她的眉目飞扬,露出几分喜色的回身喊道:“我猜的果然没错,这里之前被人设下迷幻结界,看样子洛家人早有准备,应该已经离开这了,我们现在追上去,说不定还来得及。” Really?” Qin Shi happy [say / way]. “真得?”秦石喜道。 Pressing that cry worries about said: That also waits for anything, we pursue quickly.” 洛一鸣担忧的促说:“那还等什么,我们快去追啊。” Issue is, have you thought? Do we pursue toward where?” Qin Xuexin that throughout has not opened the mouth, said in nearby light spitting that the impulsive cry will awaken. “问题是,你想过么?我们朝哪里去追?”始终没有开口的沁雪心,在旁边淡淡的吐道,将冲动的洛一鸣惊醒。 Trembles at heart, called the hope that just ignited, was suppressed by the cold water all of a sudden, yes, they do not know that Luo Family went to where, how to pursue? 心里一颤,洛一鸣刚燃起的希望,一下子被冷水扑灭,是啊,他们根本不知道洛家去了何处,怎么去追? When all people is speechless, the Qin Shi brow tip selects suddenly, in the center of the forehead wipes enchanting Baleful Qi to flash through, sneers saying: He he, I have means but actually, knows where the Luo Family person went.” 而在诸人无言时,秦石的眉梢突然一挑,印堂上一抹妖娆的煞气闪过,冷笑道:“呵呵,我倒有办法,知道洛家的人去了哪里。” What means?” Cry said. “什么办法?”洛一鸣道。 Comes with me.” “跟我来。” Has not explained that the Qin Shi curling the lip angle, alone sets out to vanish to clear same place, only then the black robe stays behind light fabricated. 没有多做解释,秦石撇了撇嘴角,独自起身在原地消失散尽,只有黑袍留下的淡淡虚妄。 -------- -------- In such significant day, first, wishes reader Happynewyear! Happy New Year! In the new year the new look, can the peach transport in 2015 again and again, achieves both fame and fortune, Loli, imperial elder sister, female man, small fresh, has everything expected to find. 咳咳,在这样重大的日子里,首先,祝愿各位读者Happynewyear!新年快乐!新年新气象,在2015年能够桃运连连,名利双收,萝莉,御姐,女汉子,小清新,应有尽有。 Moreover, sincerity the thanks of here, look back for one year, has supported my reader, in one year has too much bitter, is you supports me to walk, and makes the evil Monarch's present progress, small shallow sincerity bows for you. 另外,真心的在这里感谢,回首一年中,一直支持我的读者,一年里有过太多辛酸,是你们支撑着我走下来,并且取得邪君现在的成绩,小浅真心的为你们鞠躬。 The activity that before prepared, logo symbolized that has done, fellow readers possibly added my QQ83868880, or was the group: 227024606, I will send to the space picture in the evening for choice, the clothes will start recently to print, has not left behind the friend speed relation of way. 之前准备的活动,logo标志已经做了出来,各位读者可能加我QQ83868880,或者是群:227024606,我晚上会把图片发到空间供各位选择,衣服最近就会开始印刷,没有留下方式的朋友速度联系。 Finally, small shallow remaining only then thanked, does not have present me without you, did not have the shallow family armed forces. 最后,小浅剩下的就只有感谢,没有你们就没有如今的我,更没有浅家军。 Moreover, exploding of reaching an agreement ... Small shallow was defeated finally, has to go to the underground spring to take a stroll, finally others do not want me, wanted me to come back evil Monarch to finish ... Everybody was really sorry, I with every effort makes up. 另外,说好的爆更...小浅最终失败了,只好去黄泉溜达一圈,结果人家不要我,非要我回来把邪君写完...各位实在抱歉,我会尽力的去弥补。 !! !!
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