PDL :: Volume #5

#468: Hong Yun Cheng accident

Rainbow Cloud City. 虹云城 North District, one of the five big first-level cities, are Luo Family of here overlord, past , before the dwelling, is the bustling places, but at this time actually appears somewhat miserable. 北方区域,五大一级城市之一,身为这里霸主的洛家,昔日里,宅前都是门庭若市,而此时却显得有些凄凉。 Said accurately, is not only Luo Family, entire urban lonely scary, the windows and doors of common family shut tightly, the withered and yellow fallen leaf scatters the street under rolling up and pushing along of severe gale, the nobody left. 准确的说,不光是洛家,整座城市都冷清的骇人,百姓家的门窗紧闭,枯黄的落叶在厉风的卷动下散落街头,空无一人。 In the bleak city, the center has a Tenth Rank iron tower: Purgatory tower, the 110 th crowd gathering in this, carefully looked that will discover, is Luo maple tree and Luo porch, and many Luo Family remnants of faction, on them, is the bloodstained, is scarred. 荒凉的城池里,中央有一座十层铁塔:炼狱塔,其中110号的人群汇聚于此,仔细一看就会发现,正是洛枫、洛轩、和诸多洛家的余党,在他们身上,无一不是血迹斑斑,伤痕累累。 Purple Sect Master, these time looks like, my Luo Family is doomed, knot of Luo Family establishment, should be able to constrain a Burning Sky Sect meeting, you have not gotten back one's composure while them, hurry to lead the human to walk, owes you favour of tzeyun sect, feared that did not have the opportunity to repay.” Puffing of Luo maple tree pain, has held holding the fist in the other hand to the distant place. “紫宗主,这一次看來,我洛家是在劫难逃,洛家设置的结界,应该能够拖住焚天宗一会,你趁着他们还沒回过神,赶紧带着人走吧,欠你们紫云宗的人情,怕是沒有机会偿还了。”洛枫痛苦的喘着粗气,冲着远处抱了抱拳。 In the jet black corner, finds out several forms. 漆黑的角落里,探出几道身影。 Walks in the forefront person, is Sect Master of tzeyun sect: The purple potato, are congealing the eyebrow, crosses the hands behind the back to stand. 走在最前面的人,正是紫云宗的宗主:紫薯,凝着眉,负手而立。 Past one year, the strength of purple potato has achieved Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage, may so, on his left arm, still have together deep obvious bone the cutting edge of amazement, said: Favour, after that said again that you think really I walk now, will Burning Sky Sect let off me?” 过去一年,紫薯的实力已经达到玄灵境中期,可就算如此,在他的左臂上,仍是有一道深可见骨的骇然刀口,道:“人情不人情,那个以后再说,你真以为我现在走,焚天宗就会放过我么?” „Can Burning Sky Sect also get rid to you?” 焚天宗也要对你们出手?” The purple potato quite have helpless [say / way]: Now, Qin sect game is as good as lost, Burning Sky Sect wants to take advantage of this opportunity, may shake their power and influence the influence together with our these to erase all, unifies North District at one fell swoop, therefore I have the human to evacuate, Burning Sky Sect gets rid to my tzeyun sect, that is also sooner or later matter.” 紫薯颇有无奈的道:“如今,秦宗大势已去,焚天宗想趁此机会,连同我们这些有可能撼动他们权势的势力尽数抹除,一举统一北方区域,所以就算我带人撤离,焚天宗对我紫云宗出手,那也是迟早的事。” Under atmosphere instantaneous dispirited in purgatory tower, all people looks at each other in blank diamay reveals the weak bitterness and astringency. 炼狱塔内的气氛瞬间萎靡,诸人面面相觑下露出无力的苦涩。 Ha Ha, the Luo Family host, purple Sect Master, do not hide, looks is so bitter, wants me who you look to go in personally?” Suddenly, resounds together the stubborn sound outside the tower. “哈哈,洛家主,紫宗主,别躲了,找你们找的这么苦,难道非要我亲自进去吗?”突然,在塔外响起一道桀骜声音。 hears that sound, the crowd in tower trembles, Luo maple trees and many elders simultaneously wrinkle the brow. 闻声,塔内的人群不由一颤,洛枫和诸多长老同时皱紧眉头。 Damn, such quickly has gotten back one's composure?” “该死,这么快就回过神了吗?” Closes tightly jaw, Luo porch looks to Luo maple tree: Family Head, what to do? Or we and did they spell?” 咬紧牙关,洛轩望向洛枫:“家主,怎么办?要不咱们和他们拼了吧?” Yes Family Head, is rather die than regretless, has put together hawk with them, crawls to set out with Luo Family many disciples, stimulated exclaiming of getting angry. “是啊家主,宁死无悔,和他们拼了”洛海青,和洛家不少弟子爬起身,一个一个红着眼的亢奋吼道。 Luo maple tree closes right up against the wall surface, silent looked for a long time toward the purple potato: Purple Sect Master, how do you see?” 洛枫靠着墙面,沉默了许久才朝紫薯望去:“紫宗主,你怎么看?” I thought that if now and they have spelled, our perhaps also opportunity, when if the Burning Sky Sect foreign aid came, we were really desire to fly high are also difficult to fly.” Considers, the purple potato said. “我觉得,如果现在和他们拼了,我们或许还有一线机会,如果等到焚天宗的外援來了,那我们就真的是插翅也难飞了。”斟酌一番,紫薯道。 Good, Burning Sky Sect wants to be ruthless, we put together Luo maple tree to stand up with them suddenly, one year ago also high-spirited he, now is actually old feeling sad. “那好,焚天宗想要赶尽杀绝,那咱们就和他们拼了”洛枫突然站起身,一年前还意气风发的他,如今却已是苍老的让人心酸。 Outside purgatory tower. 炼狱塔外。 About hundred wear the Burning Sky Sect disciple of raging fire long gown, the hand grasps all kinds of silver spear pointed weapons, along tower outside it surrounding all round. 近百名身着烈火长袍的焚天宗弟子,手握各式各样的银戈兵刃,沿着塔外将其团团的包围。 What takes the lead when the forefront is a fifty old man, an old man Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage strength, once Qin Shi greatly noisy Burning Sky Sect, he also on the scene, named: Zhou clock. 在最前面领头的是一名半百老者,老者一身玄灵境后期的实力,曾经秦石大闹焚天宗时,他也在场,名为:纣钟。 Reported Zhou clock elder, in tower did not have the sound, can launch the attack to break to it?” Several disciples step go forward, lower the sound inquiring question. “禀告纣钟长老,塔里面还是沒有动静,要不要发动攻击给它破开?”几个弟子迈上前,压低声音的询问句 Zhou clock has caressed the beard, sneers saying: „It is not anxious, we defend outside, their inside does not have the grain, even if several old codgers can Bi Gu, but these Luo Family juniors actually cannot achieve, I do not believe Luo maple tree to see my descendants, starves to death while still alive 纣钟抚了抚胡须,冷笑道:“不急,咱们就守在外面,他们里面沒有粮食,就算有几个老不死的能够辟谷,可那些洛家小辈却做不到,我就不信洛枫能够看着自己的子孙,活活饿死” Here, his corners of the mouth shouldered for several points to smile evilly: If can starve to death, that really loves but actually, we in province begin personally 说到这,他嘴角挑起几分邪笑:“如果真能饿死,那倒真是喜闻乐见,省的我们亲自动手” Zhou clock elder is wise “纣钟长老英明” Under the point, several disciples do not forget the racket to flatter. 点下头,几个弟子不忘拍拍马屁。 But has not waited for several people to draw back, three disciples run hastily: Returned to Zhou clock elder, Luo Family and remnants of faction of tzeyun sect comes out.” 而沒等几人退下,有三名弟子连忙跑上來:“回纣钟长老,洛家和紫云宗的余党出來了。” Oh? smiles one craftily, under Zhou hour, drags at once the long gown is taking advantage of opportunity to leap before the gate of purgatory tower, looks Luo maple tree that and the others is going out, said with a smile crazily: „Couldn't Jie Jie, this endure the temper? I also think that wants me to make funeral arrangements to you outside” 哦?”诡笑一声,纣钟点下头,旋即拖着长袍顺势跃到炼狱塔的门前,望着从中走出的洛枫等人,狂笑道:“桀桀,诸位这就耐不住性子了?我还以为要我在外面给你们送终呢” With Zhou clock staring, Luo maple tree and purple potato, they pinch the fist, scolds saying: Few idle talk, Burning Sky Sect is unkind, sooner or later, will be condemned by the heaven on the 1st” 和纣钟凝视,洛枫、紫薯,两人不由捏拳,呵斥道:“少废话,焚天宗不仁,早晚有一日,会遭到苍天的谴责” Ha Ha, scourge? The joke, our Sect Master is day, who dares to condemn us?” Zhou Zhong Zhanbi laughs: On the contrary is you, first is worried about itself, since came out, that goes to the Yama palace to confess “哈哈,天谴?笑话,我们宗主就是天,谁敢谴责我们?”纣钟展臂大笑:“反倒是你们,先担心担心自己吧,既然已经出來了,那就去阎罗殿忏悔吧” Kills, does not remain “杀,一个不留” Waves, the presbyopia of Zhou clock changes, the abundant murderous intention does not cover up, receives his instruction, the following Burning Sky Sect disciple at daggers drawn, varying martial arts points to the purgatory tower. 一挥手,纣钟的老眼一变,盎然的杀机毫不遮掩,受到他的指示,下面的焚天宗弟子剑拔弩张,各异的武学直指炼狱塔。 Luo maple tree and purple potato have pinched the fist, the purple potato reprimanded: „The Luo Family host, these are small, gave you Luo Family person, I coped with Zhou clock 洛枫和紫薯捏了捏拳,紫薯率先斥道:“洛家主,那些小喽啰,就交给你们洛家人了,我來对付纣钟” Clenched teeth, although Luo maple tree is not willingly, at heart is actually clear, his strength only then Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage, in front of Zhou clock, puts in an appearance to be not necessarily able to keep off including one, therefore also can only take advantage of the purple potato. 咬了咬牙,洛枫虽说不甘心,心里却是清楚,他的实力只有玄灵境初期,在纣钟面前,连一个照面都未必能够挡下,所以也就只能够依仗紫薯了。 Today the benevolence, my Luo Family has taken down, if can be survived today, settled repayment has held under the fist, the Luo maple tree bitter and astringent [say / way]. “今日恩情,我洛家记下了,若是今日能大难不死,定当偿还”抱了下拳,洛枫苦涩的道。 Benevolence anything, can live to say again “恩情什么,能活下來再说吧” The purple potato helpless shaking down head, leaps sets out to approach toward Zhou clock, the fingertip changes in the palm wind, exploding continuously shoots under. 紫薯无奈的摇下头,跃起身就朝着纣钟逼近,指尖在掌风中变化,连绵不断的爆射而下。 Bang Both encounter, the vault of heaven on clouds takes advantage of opportunity the transformation, blustery, Zhou clock relaxed shunts two Dow Jones Index to strike, at once the raging fire on control is lifelike, starts to produce several points of ripples including the air, approaches the purple potato unceasingly. 两者交锋,云霄上的苍穹顺势转变,风起云涌下,纣钟轻松的躲开两道指击,旋即手心上的烈火栩栩如生,连空气都开始产生几分涟漪,不断逼近紫薯。 Is ready to be set off, Luo maple tree pinches tightly exclaiming of fist: „The Luo Family disciple obeys orders, spelled with the Burning Sky Sect person 一触即发,洛枫捏紧拳的吼道:“洛家弟子听令,和焚天宗的人拼了” Bang 轰隆 Luo porches, hawks and Luo Family many disciples, simultaneously explode drink one, welcomed the Burning Sky Sect disciple to slaughter. 洛轩、洛海青、洛家诸多弟子,同时爆喝一声,迎着焚天宗的弟子进行厮杀。 Luo maple tree takes the lead, fights with a Burning Sky Sect Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage young deacon is heavily engaged, but at this time three Profound Spirit Realm Initial Stage disciples, sneak attacked him from the back, immediately during made him fall into to be passive. 洛枫领头,和焚天宗一名玄灵境初期的小执事打得不可开交,而这时又有三名玄灵境初期的弟子,从背后对他进行偷袭,马上令他陷入被动之中。 Gigantic Rainbow Cloud City, degenerates into battleground suddenly, the innumerable pavilions were eradicated, the explosive sound, calls out the sound, flutters about recklessly. 硕大的虹云城,眨眼间沦为沙场,无数的楼阁被连根拔起,爆炸声,嚎叫声,肆意纷飞。 Bang In the vault of heaven, the Zhou Zhong Henli cold pupil concentrates, a palm shakes toward the chest of purple potato: Scoffs, overestimate one's capabilities thing 在苍穹上,纣钟狠戾的寒眸一凝,一掌朝紫薯的胸膛震下:“嗤,不自量力的东西” The moral nature sinks, the purple potato resist flurriedly: Profound Spirit Realm Late Stage, good fearful strength 心底一沉,紫薯慌乱抵挡:“玄灵境后期,好可怕的力量” Bang 轰隆 Although resists, he was still shaken draws back several hundred meters far, Bang made the purple potato hit in the gigantic purgatory tower, the tremor of purgatory tower, making the earth rock several points. 尽管抵挡,他仍是被震退数百米远,砰一声令紫薯撞在硕大的炼狱塔上,炼狱塔的颤动,令大地晃动几分。 The blood stays behind from the currency value of purple potato, Zhou Zhong satirized: You said that you treat well in the tzeyun sect, is how many days can also live? Must come this to bring death 鲜血从紫薯的面额留下,纣钟讽刺道:“你说,你好好的待在紫云宗,是不是还能够多活几日?非要來这送死” Lowers the head to look, below Luo Family, under forcing of Burning Sky Sect disciple, starts to retreat in defeat again and again, by the population, by the strength, Burning Sky Sect had the absolute superiority. 低头望去,下方的洛家,在焚天宗弟子的逼迫下,开始节节败退,论人数,论实力,焚天宗都占据了绝对的优势。 Three deacons collaborate, struck from three directions Luo maple tree strikes to fly, making the latter spit several blood continuously, the painful being hard brace set out. 三名执事联手,从三个方向一击将洛枫击飞,令后者连续吐了几口鲜血,痛苦的难以撑起身來。 Luo porch and hawk, were encircled by hundred people immediately. 洛轩、洛海青,马上被百人围剿。 Smiling of satisfied, Zhou Zhong Dao: He he, one group of ineffective and worthless troops, in this year to your exercising forbearance, it seems like on the contrary have become toleration, dares to oppose with my Burning Sky Sect, really acts recklessly 满意的笑笑,纣钟道:“呵呵,一群虾兵蟹将,这一年对你们的忍让,看來反倒是成了纵容,竟敢和我焚天宗作对,真是不知死活” Sect Master has the command, does not keep living witness 宗主有令,不留活口” Superficial cold drinks one, the following Burning Sky Sect disciple is fierce immediately, all kinds of martial arts gatherings, the silver spear rocks, completely crazy thorn to Luo Family. 轻描淡写的冷喝一声,下面的焚天宗弟子马上狰狞起來,各式各样的武学汇聚,银戈晃动,全部疯狂的刺向洛家 …… But at this time, in all people startled , a seventy years of age old man, is leading ten several powerhouses, flies to escape to come in the Rainbow Cloud City north direction, the Purple gold color raging fire is similar to the star meteor is together common, crashes loudly. 而这时,在诸人惊慌下,一名古稀老者,身后带着十数名强者,沿着虹云城的城北方向飞遁而來,一道紫金色的烈火如同星陨一般,轰然坠落。 Bang 轰隆 The raging fire blasts out in the earth, such as a wall with flues for heating is common, rises along the gully of ground, protects the Luo Family the person of disciple and tzeyun sect. 烈火在大地炸开,如一堵火墙一般,沿着地面的沟壑崛起,将洛家弟子和紫云宗的人护在其中。 Turns round to look, the facial features accident that Luo maple tree sees clearly the old man shouts: What crag senior?” 回身望去,洛枫看清老者的面容意外喊道:“何岩前辈?” Looks at each other with the old man, Zhou clock twists the brow, in the old men and behind several people of fronts, the unification is hanging a symbol of pill stove, making him narrow the eyes the eye: I consider anyone, originally is the Alchemist association?” 和老者对视,纣钟不由拧起眉头,在老者和身后的十几人胸前,统一挂着一个丹炉的标志,令他眯眯起眼:“我当是谁,原來是炼药师协会?” The future, is what Yan. 來者,正是何岩。 what Yandang in Zhou Zhong Shenqian, said lightly: Burning Sky Sect now, is really domineering threatening, does not give the human to keep the means of livelihood of least bit.” 何岩挡在纣钟身前,淡淡道:“焚天宗现在,真是跋扈逼人,不给人留半点的活路啊。” Facing what Yan, Zhou clock is obviously discrete several points, evilly having several points to smile should say: He he, always does the neutral Alchemist association, today suddenly have free time to come to be guests here? What doesn't know so-called?” 面对何岩,纣钟明显谨慎几分,带着几分邪笑的应道:“呵呵,向來中立的炼药师协会,今日突然有空來这里做客?不知所谓何事?” Does not make the response to the inquiry of Zhou clock, the presbyopia sweeps from Luo maple tree several people, what Yan said lightly: Takes away your person, today here no one can die.” 对纣钟的询问不做回应,老眼从洛枫几人身上一扫而过,何岩淡淡道:“把你的人带走吧,今日这里谁也不能死。” Drinks, good extremely arrogant tone “喝,好狂妄的口气” Pinches the fist, the look of Zhou clock is pale. 一捏拳,纣钟的神色铁青下來。 While when he must open the mouth again, from eight sides gathers about hundred forms, is above Spirit King Realm, many several Profound Spirit Realm expert. 可正当他再要开口之时,从八方汇聚來近百名的身影,其中尽数是王灵境以上,不乏几名玄灵境高手 Turns round to search toward the crowd , the look of Zhou clock instantaneous is pale: Dry lamp old ghost? Bagpipe female monster? Luohe River seven strange?” 回身朝人群中探去,纣钟的神色瞬间铁青下來:“枯灯老鬼?风笛女妖?洛河七怪?” Given names were said to come, crowd raises several points of anxiety, these fellows in North District, quiet hundred years of old fogies, there are influences of another four big first-level cities, cultivates can be underestimated, all in Profound Spirit Realm Middle Stage above. 一个一个名号被道说而來,人群不由的升起几分紧张,这些家伙都是在北方区域中,沉寂百年的老家伙,也有另外四大一级城池的势力,一个一个修为不容小觑,皆是在玄灵境中期以上。 The crowd forces central, Zhou clock clenches teeth cold Dao: „, Do hundred years does not see, want with my Burning Sky Sect for the enemy?” 人群逼迫到中央,纣钟咬牙冷道:“诸位尊者,百年不见,难道也想要和我焚天宗为敌?” Jie Jie, your Burning Sky Sect, the present is the north overlord, if placed the past, our these old fogy where do dare to manage? We, owe the favour of Alchemist association, today by the President what commission, naturally cannot stand by.” What start to talk is the famous old man, named: Dry lamp: Therefore urged you another day again to fight, depending on these people who you brought, fought with us, feared that could not ask for any advantage.” “桀桀,你们焚天宗,现在是北方霸主,若是放在以往,我们这些老家伙哪里敢管?只是我们这些人,都欠炼药师协会的人情,今日受何会长的嘱托,自然不会袖手旁观。”开口的是名老者,名为:枯灯:“所以劝你还是改日再战吧,凭你带來的这些人,和我们交手,怕是讨不到什么好处。” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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