PDL :: Volume #5

#467: Arrives in the northern region

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Northeast boundary, besides burning outside day mountain range, other place?” Shu Zhongyu quite surprise. “换条路?难道东北分界线,除了焚天山脉以外,还有别的地方?”书中玉颇为诧异。 hear that, Qin Shi smiles under the point that did not speak. 闻言,秦石笑而不语的点下头。 Where is at?” Shu Zhongyu asked. “在哪?”书中玉问道。 The response, Qin Shi has not been looking askance anxiously slightly, the vision 3000 blue black hair on, smiles suddenly: Unfeeling mountain valley 沒有急着回应,秦石稍微侧目,将目光3000碧蓝色的青丝上,突然一笑:“绝情崖谷” Spoke, his partly squatting lower part of the body, Fushun the goshawk of under foot, inclined unwinding is burning the day mountain range, speeds away to coast toward the side. 说完话,他半蹲下身,抚顺着脚下的苍鹰,倾斜的绕开焚天山脉,朝着侧面疾驰滑下。 The half day time, all people arrives in the unfeeling mountain valley, on the mountain valley was such as once was still ordinary, the fog was dim, resembles the wonderland. 半日时间,诸人抵达绝情崖谷,崖谷上仍是如曾经一般,云雾朦胧,酷似人间仙境。 The bird's eye view, Shu Zhongyu sighed to sigh: My stupor time, you and do snow heart meet in this below?” 俯瞰而下,书中玉喟叹道:“我昏迷的时候,你和雪心就是在这下面碰见的?” Yes, in a flash two years.” “是啊,一晃两年了。” Complies with, Qin Shi to slow down the personal appearance with a smile intentionally, Qin Xuexin rises together simultaneously with him quickly, looks at the unfeeling mountain valley that under deeply is not seeing the bottom, is out of sorts. 笑着答应一声,秦石故意将身形放慢,沁雪心很快就和他并起,望着下方深不见底的绝情崖谷,不由失神。 To behind raised hand, Qin Shi hints to rest, at once holds Qin Xuexin: Walks, we take a look 冲着身后扬了扬手,秦石示意诸位下去休息一下,旋即抱起沁雪心:“走,我们下去瞧瞧” They fall to the cliff top first, is feeling the miserable cold wind, Qin Xuexin min the cherry lips light [say / way]: Has not thought that I can also return to this.” 两人先落到崖顶,感受着凄凉的冷风,沁雪心抿着樱唇轻道:“沒想到,我还能回到这。” Yes, I do not have also thought that moreover with you, this is the fate of being destined.” Hugs the Qin Xuexin graceful waist, Qin Shi is raising hand to point out: Remembers? At that time in this, you and I said that wanted me to live, will meet until us next time.” “是啊,我沒也想过,而且还是和你,这就是命中注定的缘分吧。”搂着沁雪心曼妙的腰肢,秦石扬手指道:“记得么?那时候就是在这,你和我说要我活着,直到我们下次相见。” Remembers, at that time, you Spirit Seal Realm, on supercilious said with me that must lead me to hover azure clouds, is not bashful.” “记得,那时候,你才封灵境,就心高气傲的和我说,要带着我翱翔青霄,都不害臊。” Supercilious what kind, now don't I achieve?” “心高气傲怎么样,如今我不是做到了么?” Qin Shi is not convinced stared staring, at once the vision searches toward the distant place, now the position is the North District territory, in the heart surges unavoidably: Shouted, one year, my Qin Shi came back finally 秦石不服气的瞪了瞪眼,旋即目光朝着远处探去,如今所处的位置已经是北方区域的领土,心中不免激荡起來:“呼,一年了,我秦石终于回來了” What to do then do you plan?” “接下來你打算怎么办?” First goes to Rainbow Cloud City, inquiry next present situation from the Luo Family mouth.” Qin Shi responded to one, at once turns round to shout to all people: „, With tightening “先去虹云城吧,从洛家口中打探下如今的情况。”秦石回应一声,旋即回身冲着诸人喊道:“诸位,跟紧了” In the future process, crowd in drawing support from Desolate Beast, depending on empty, but speeds away to go toward Rainbow Cloud City, all the way familiar picture, unceasing returns to reveal from the mind, resembles the difference that yesterday had. 再往后的过程,人群沒有在借助荒兽,凭虚而起的朝着虹云城疾驰而去,一路上熟悉的景象,不断的从脑海中回显,就好像昨天才发生的异样。 Shi’tou, before you and I separated, went to this Rainbow Cloud City?” Is pulling Qin Shi, Qin Xuexin gentle question. 石头,之前你和我分开,就是去了这个虹云城吗?”挽着秦石,沁雪心温柔的问句 Has not waited for Qin Shi to respond, Shu Zhongyu departure Blazing Book, said with a laugh: Yes . Moreover, in Rainbow Cloud City, this boy lucky in love great, but also has picked hum 沒等秦石回应,书中玉咻的飞出焚书,笑呵呵道:“是啊,而且啊,在虹云城,这小子的艳福不浅,还捡了个呜呜呜” The black pupil stares, Qin Shi does not need to be able to guess correctly, Shu Zhongyu must say definitely is he with the matter of Lo Hsueh Xian false office wedding, although joins in the fun, but this matter do not let the words that Qin Xuexin knows, for this reason covers the mouth of Shu Zhongyu hastily, said with a smile to Qin Xuexin: Um, in Rainbow Cloud City, has my several old friend.” 黑眸一瞪,秦石不用想都能猜到,书中玉要说的肯定是他和洛雪娴假办婚礼之事,虽说是逢场作戏,可这种事还是不要让沁雪心知道的话,为此连忙捂住书中玉的嘴巴,冲沁雪心笑道:“嗯,在虹云城,有我几个故友。” Looks at their differences puzzled, Qin Xuexin pressed frowning, actually obedient had not asked. 看着两人的异样,沁雪心不解的蹙了蹙眉,倒是乖顺的沒有多问。 Felt relieved that Qin Shi loosens Shu Zhongyu, indignant scolding said: Elder Sister Yu, were you insane? Loving to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points?” 放下心來,秦石才松开书中玉,气愤的呵斥道:“玉姐,你是不是疯了?哪壶不开提哪壶是吧?” You also had not said that cannot tell her, said again, you can conceal the truth for a while, I do not believe you to hide the truth from first, the mysterious person who before took away Lo Hsueh Xian was not simple, I believe that in the future in mainland the place of peak, you decided however can have a reunion, at that time I thought how you explained “你又沒说不能告诉她,再说了,你能瞒一时,我就不信你能瞒一世,之前带走洛雪娴的神秘人不简单,我相信将來在大陆的巅峰之处,你们定然能够重逢,那时候我看你怎么解释” You “你” Has sucked the tongue, in the Qin Shi heart dumbfounded, recalled that Lo Hsueh Xian, in the heart somewhat is actually uncomfortable, Lo Hsueh Xian to save him finally, was taken away by the mysterious person, sighed painstakingly: Does not know, she now how.” 咂了咂舌,秦石心中无语,回想起洛雪娴,心中却有些不是滋味,洛雪娴最后是为了救他,才被神秘人带走,苦叹道:“不知道,她现在怎么样了。” Ok, does not think that said the present matter solution first again, I promise her to look after good Luo Family.” “算了,不想了,先把眼前的事解决再说,我答应过她要照顾好洛家。” Shaking the head of a thinking of not making sense, Qin Shi makes an effort, brow knitting the brows, wipes the courage vigor to head on at once. 一番无厘头的思索,秦石使劲的摇了摇头,旋即眉头不由的皱了皱眉,一抹血气扑面而來。 Shi’tou, does not suit.” 石头,不太对劲。” Shu Zhongyu also induces filling the air of courage vigor, frowns to say. 书中玉也感应道血气的弥漫,蹙眉道。 Has selected, Qin Shi had not said again, suddenly black pupil closed, 99% psychic force able to move unhindered ten thousand meters, at one fell swoop search toward the front. 点了下头,秦石沒再多说,蓦然间将黑眸闭合,99的精神力纵横万米,一举朝前方探去。 In a while, the black pupil opens suddenly, writes off to intend to the black pupil to flash through, at once his half character had not said that the under foot makes an effort suddenly, speeds away toward the front on. 沒过多久,黑眸猛然睁开,一抹杀意在黑眸中闪过,旋即他半个字都沒说,脚下猛然用力,朝着前方疾驰而上。 Running that in forests not far away, together distressed form been able choose the exact way because of flurry, whole body was been densely covered by several hundred blood-stained mouths, but in his, is three puts on the middle age of scarlet blood armor. 林间不远处,一道狼狈的身影正慌不择路的奔跑,全身上下被数百道血口密布,而在他的身后,是三名穿着赤血铠甲的中年。 The distressed form puffs, really after being incapable of moving , by an ancient mulberry tree, making three people of pursuit disdain saying: Jie Jie, called Young Master, how to run?” 狼狈的身影喘着粗气,实在无力行动后靠在一棵古桑树上,令追击的三人不屑道:“桀桀,一鸣公子,怎么不跑了?” Blood Wolf Mercenary Group , cannot think that you really also do have the remnants of faction?” Distressed form called, Luo Family two Young Master, he clenched teeth, roared to three people lowly. 血狼佣兵团,想不到你们竟然还有余党?”狼狈的身影正是洛一鸣,洛家的二公子,他咬了咬牙,冲三人低吼一声。 Three people cry sphere, to tease: Hey, do you think? Puts pride in pocket for one year, finally can revenge.” 三人将洛一鸣围住,戏谑道:“嘿嘿,你以为呢?忍辱一年,终于能够报仇了。” Revenges? Joke “报仇?笑话” Called single-handed behind, exploded to azure clouds in suddenly projects two purple quiet color miraculous glows, at once says with a smile: Snort, this is my Luo Family unique contact way, when my Luo Family person saw that will immediately catch up, these time must be ruthless your Blood Wolf Mercenary Group surely, revenges for my younger sister 洛一鸣单手背后,突然间冲着青霄中爆射出两道紫幽色的灵光,旋即笑道:“哼,这是我洛家特有的联络方式,等我洛家人看到,马上就会赶过來,这一次定要将你们血狼佣兵团赶尽杀绝,替我妹妹报仇” Three people look at each other one, whatever the miraculous glow from the sky blasts out, disdains to say with a smile: He he, waits for the Luo Family person to save you? Ha Ha, feared that was they now, has been unable to defend oneself?” 三人对视一眼,任由灵光在空中炸开,不屑笑道:“呵呵,等洛家人來救你?哈哈,怕是他们现在,都已经自身难保了吧?” Called one startled: Your this saying what meaning?” 洛一鸣一惊:“你这话什么意思?” What meaning? You thought that we do not have the backer, dares such flagrant plunders your Luo Family trade route? I estimated that now your Luo Family, should be captured by Burning Sky Sect.” Three people laugh wildly one. “什么意思?你觉得,我们沒有靠山,敢这么明目张胆的來劫你们洛家的商旅吗?我估计,现在你们洛家,应该已经被焚天宗攻陷了吧。”三人狂笑一声。 Burning Sky Sect?” Called sinks at heart, pupil heart cut-throat roared: Bastard, I and you spelled 焚天宗?”洛一鸣心里一沉,眸心凶狠的咆哮一声:“畜生,我和你们拼了” Depends on you, wants to go all out with us?” “就凭你,也想和我们拼命?” Cross-eyed that three people of disdaining, even if sets out approaches to call, consecutively three strike suddenly Zhang, wicked striking called the chest, puff a blood spouted, called the back ancient mulberry tree to break off around the middle, the whole person fluttered dozens meters far. 三人不屑的对视一眼,纵然起身的就逼近洛一鸣,连续三击暴掌,恶狠狠的击在洛一鸣胸膛,噗一口鲜血喷出,洛一鸣背后的古桑树拦腰折断,整个人翻飞出数十米远。 Strikes to fly to call, the two go forward once again, does not have under the pain the killer, but suffers to call unceasingly, exclaiming that cry clenches jaws: Had to plant you to kill me, my called, if wrinkled half brow, I was not surnamed 击飞洛一鸣,其中两人再度上前,却沒有痛下杀手,而是不断的折磨洛一鸣,洛一鸣咬牙切齿的吼道:“有种你们就杀了我,我洛一鸣若是皱半下眉头,我就不姓洛” Has killed you? Drinks, such quickly makes you die, how to revenge for our blood wolf group 110 brothers? No rush, solely is not you, heard that you have a youngest sister, called Luo Tingting, this year less than ten years old, now my graceful bearing to your Miss also forgets to return, but was a pity she not in Rainbow Cloud City, but thinks that this younger sister should not be bad?” “杀了你?喝,这么快就让你死,怎么替我们血狼团110來号的兄弟报仇?别急,不单单是你,听说你还有个小妹妹,叫洛婷婷是吧,今年才不足十岁,现在我对你们洛大小姐的风韵还流连忘返,只是可惜她不在虹云城了,但想必这妹妹应该也不会太差吧?” hear that, called in great surprise, the pupil gave a tongue-lashing to want exclaiming of crack: What do you want to make?” 闻言,洛一鸣大惊,眸呲欲裂的吼道:“你们想做什么?” Makes anything, naturally helps you ** before next your younger sister me, specially and Burning Sky Sect person has arranged, making them do not kill your younger sister, you should thank me are.” “做什么,当然是帮你**下你的妹妹啊我之前特意和焚天宗的人打点过,让他们不要杀了你妹妹,你应该谢谢我才是。” Bastard “畜生” Called bellows angrily, actually in any event could not work loose two. 洛一鸣愤怒大吼,却无论如何都挣脱不开两人。 Looks at their movements, another person steps to go forward in behind, blames: Do not play, hurried to kill him, snatched the cargo, so as to avoid caused complications.” 看着两人的动作,另一人在后面迈上前,责怪道:“别玩了,赶紧杀了他,把货物抢过來,免得节外生枝。” To the words of this person, they always follow, helpless letting go, satirized to cry: Snort, ok, our eldest children are benevolent, gives you a happiness, but you could rest assured that your this definitely will not be all the way lonely, when we found your younger sister, enjoys, sends to accompany you 对此人的话,两人言听计从,无奈的摊了摊手,冲洛一鸣讽刺道:“哼,算了,我们老大仁慈,就给你一个痛快,但是你放心,你这一路上肯定不会孤单,等我们找到你妹妹,享受一番,就送去陪你” Bastard, I must kill you “畜生,我要杀了你们” The anger launches a psychological attack, struggling that cry goes all out, on wields several fists to the person who not far away leads void. 怒火攻心,洛一鸣拼命的挣扎,冲着不远处领头的人就虚空挥出几拳。 Bang The fist has not fallen, the look of person of lead twists suddenly, painful calls out one, bewildered flying upside down over a hundred meters far. 拳头尚未落下,领头之人的神色突然扭曲,痛苦的嚎叫一声,莫名其妙的倒飞出上百米远。 This, called with two guys stared staring puzzled, at once two guys turn round to look angrily at to call: Brat, do you dare to injure our eldest children? I kill you 这一下,洛一鸣和两个大汉不解瞪了瞪眼,旋即两名大汉回身怒视洛一鸣:“臭小子,你敢伤我们老大?我弄死你” Bang But has not waited for them to turn round, a shadow speeds away like the sharp sword, falling of ghosts and demons before two people, holds the palm to fall at once, their convulsion twitches, flying upside down suddenly. 而沒等两人回身,一道黑影如利剑般疾驰,鬼魅的落在两人身前,旋即掌起掌落,两人痉挛的抽搐一番,就戛然的倒飞出去。 Cry clenched teeth, strenuous crawls from the ground, looks at the shadow before body to hurry to say respectfully: Many thanks the senior gets rid.” 洛一鸣咬了咬牙,吃力的从地上爬起來,望着身前的黑影赶忙恭敬道:“多谢前辈出手。” Called the brother, two years did not see, you actually compared with the former spirit?” Shadow turning round slowly, has rubbed the nose called to free and easy smiles. “一鸣兄,两年不见,你倒是比以前锐气了很多啊?”黑影缓缓的回身,揉了揉鼻子的冲洛一鸣洒脱一笑。 The resolute facial features heave in sight, the face that called stagnated suddenly, partly made a sound shivers saying: Qin Shi? Are you Qin Shi?” 刚毅的面容映入眼帘,洛一鸣的面庞戛然凝滞,半响才颤动道:“秦石?你是秦石?” I also think that you did not know me.” The Qin Shi faint smile said. “我还以为你不认识我了呢。”秦石浅笑道。 How can not know that calculates you are my brother-in-law, did you come back?” The mood in heart is somewhat complex, cry smiles bitterly, perhaps if not for in the past Qin Shi, their Luo Family already removed in Rainbow Cloud City, not to mention became the Rainbow Cloud City overlord. “怎么会不认识,算下來你还是我的妹夫呢,你回來了?”心中的情绪有些复杂,洛一鸣苦笑一声,当年若不是秦石,他们洛家或许早就在虹云城除名,更别提成为虹云城的霸主了。 Brother-in-law?” “妹夫?” But the sound just fell, has not waited for the Qin Shi start to talk, the blue long hair such as the waterfall drops, Qin Xuexin fell side Qin Shi pressed frowning: He said that you are his brother-in-law?” 而声音刚落,沒等秦石开口,碧蓝色的长发如瀑布飞泻,沁雪心落在秦石身边蹙了蹙眉:“他说你是他妹夫?” Ended “完了” Pats the forehead, Qin Shi criticizes one, one not good premonition raises in the heart, at once sees only the waist to transmit the intermittent stabbing pain, makes suction port cold air/Qi that but actually he eats the pain. 一拍脑门,秦石暗骂一声,一种不好的预感在心中升起,旋即只见腰间传來阵阵刺痛,令他吃痛的倒吸口冷气。 Sees this, Cen who Shu Zhongyu and following catches up with spread several people, cannot help laughing, they cannot think that their this keeping aloof, constantly create Sect Master of miracle, has this admitting defeat unexpectedly time. 看见这幕,书中玉和后续赶來的岑驰几人,不禁哑然失笑,他们怎么也想不到,他们这位高高在上,不断创造奇迹的宗主,竟也有这种吃瘪的时候。 Called puzzled blinking, also smiled to make noise unexpectedly. 洛一鸣不解的眨了眨眼,竟也笑出声來。 Also feels all right to smile, does not hurry to help in an emergency “还好意思笑,不赶紧救急” Qin Shi stared his one eyes, hurries with roar lowly that the psychic force passes message. 秦石瞪了他一眼,赶忙用精神力传音的低吼一声。 The mind rocks, called has gotten back one's composure, at once is suddenly enlighted raises several points of fear, said: Was right, Burning Sky Sect must get rid to Luo Family, we must hurry back immediately 脑海晃动一下,洛一鸣才回过神,旋即恍然大悟中升起几分恐惧,道:“对了,焚天宗要对洛家出手,我们必须马上赶回去” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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