PDL :: Volume #5

#466: 50 profound virtual environments

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Moreover the previous time, the profound groups and hundred these two big influences leave all, keeps in the clan to be also useless the powerhouse, making us assist the big brother fully.” Qiu Diaodao. “曦儿族长说了,如今雾影山的结界已经修复,而且上一次,玄组和百家这两大势力尽数离开,把强者留在族内也沒有用,让我们全力辅佐大哥。”邱雕道。 Qin Shi felt that several points of warm forced smile said: Sunlight this girl, is really intimate.” 秦石感到几分温暖的苦笑道:“曦儿这丫头,真贴心啊。” Deeply inspires, pours not in politely, these time returns to North District to be out of the ordinary, many person on many strength, especially Heaven Realm expert, possibly plays the role that changes the course of events. 深吸口气,倒也沒在客气,这一次回北方区域非比寻常,多一个人就多一份力,特别是天境高手,一名就可能起到扭转乾坤的作用。 In the sects 17 people, the quiet clan 24 people, in addition Qin Shi, Feng Hen, Xiao Qing, Qin Xuexin, Xiaomi Cai, about 50 Profound Spirit Realm above powerhouses, gathers in the sect the square, this and other boundless lineups, feared that is the empire must dread several points. 宗内出17人,幽族24人,加上秦石,封痕,小青,沁雪心,小米彩,近50名玄灵境以上的强者,汇聚在宗内广场,这等磅礴的阵容,怕是就连帝国都要忌惮几分。 Is feeling the lifelike pressure, the disciples in innumerable sect are excited, what probably wants on the battlefield is they are same, encircles discusses unceasingly outside. 感受着栩栩如生的威压,无数宗内的弟子跟着兴奋起來,好像要上战场的是他们一样,围在外面议论不断。 Finds? That is our Sect Master.” “瞧见沒?那个就是咱们宗主。” Which? Which? Is quite young, he is one year ago, People noisy North District Qin Shi? Now rises up in the East District reputation, can with him, too be simply happy.” “哪个?哪个?哇,好年轻啊,他就是一年前,一人大闹北方区域秦石?现在又在东方区域名声鹊起,能跟着他,简直太幸福了。” Yeah, I, if is also Profound Spirit Realm this good, can return to North District to go on an expedition the battleground with Sect Master, that can be a honorable matter.” “哎,我如果也是玄灵境该多好,就能够跟着宗主北方区域征战沙场了,那会是一件多光荣的事啊。” Have not thought that hurries diligently, can follow the Sect Master footsteps.” “别想了,赶紧努力吧,才能跟上宗主的脚步。” The broad scene, is very grand. 恢弘的场景,无比壮阔。 Stands in the front line of crowd, in imposing manner such as under the infection of rainbow, in the black pupil of widow who does not remarry, disclosed the brilliance of difference in those days at this time, to wait for this moment, Qin Shi bore patiently was really too long, was suppressing palpitation of innermost feelings, just before leaving before , some of his also matters must confess that was this field of endeavor: This line, everyone / influential family should be clear, what we must face is North District to high influence, in which dangerous it goes without saying, if some people want to withdraw now, my Qin Shi by the life guarantee, will decide however will not feel embarrassed.” 站在人群的最前方,在气势如虹的感染下,往日里古井无波的黑眸,此时也透露出异样的光彩,为了等待这一刻,秦石真的是隐忍了太久,强忍着内心的悸动,临行前他还有些事情要交代,为此道:“此行,大家应该都清楚,我们要面对的是北方区域的至高势力,其中的危险不言而喻,如果现在有人想要退出的话,我秦石以性命担保,定然不会为难诸位。” Hears the Qin Shi words, about 50 people look at each other in blank diamay, the specific situation, Cen Chi had said with them, therefore has not felt surprised, combustion that instead has plenty of fight in one: Has Sect Master, we did not fear 听得秦石的话,近50人面面相觑,具体的情况,岑驰已经和他们说过,所以并沒有感到惊讶,反而斗志昂扬的燃烧而起:“有宗主在,我们不怕” Right, has Sect Master, even if on the mountain of sword, gets down the sea of fire we not to fear “对,有宗主在,就算是上刀山,下火海我们也不怕” Slaughter completely burns the tian gou to revenge for Sect Master “屠尽焚天狗替宗主报仇” Shout of varying, bawl in square vastly. 各异的呼喊声,叫骂声在广场上浩繁而起。 Is involved, Qin Shi can the clear feeling sincere in crowd, this group of people and he it can be said that meet by chance, can actually not hesitate the life and death works oneself to death for him, therefore is moved is unavoidable. 置身其中,秦石能真切的感觉到人群中的真挚,这群人和他可以说是萍水相逢,却能够不惜生死的为他卖命,所以感动是在所难免。 Spout foul air, diligently is tranquil, the raising corners of the mouth of Qin Shi smiling face slam, grip the palm suddenly prosperously, stops suddenly along with it sound, high sound track: Good, no matter the result how, Qin Shi apologized again first, later was the brothers who I risked one's life, everyone / influential family shares life and death, shape my Qin sect 吐出口浊气,努力的平静下來,秦石笑容满贯的扬起嘴角,突然将掌心攥隆,随之声音戛然而止,高声道:“好,不管结果如何,秦石再次先谢过诸位,以后诸位就是我出生入死的兄弟,大家生死与共,状我秦宗” Was strong my Qin sect “壮我秦宗” Was strong my Qin sect “壮我秦宗” Was strong my Qin sect “壮我秦宗” Deafening roaring, four spreads along mountain peak. 震耳欲聋的咆哮,沿着山峰四下蔓延。 Reveals several points of gratified, Qin Shi not before arriving Cen Chi body of talking too much, starts to make the detailed plan. 露出几分欣慰,,秦石不在多言的走到岑驰身前,开始制定详细的计划。 Has rubbed the expert, Cen traveled lane: Sect Master, from here to North District, ten thousand li (0.5km) remote, Heaven Realm can greatly, in addition said that may depend on the Profound Spirit Realm person, wanted to stretch across directly, many were somewhat forced, moreover finally reluctantly arrived, decided however meets the strength to lose money, if at that time encountered the enemy, was disadvantageous to us.” 搓了搓老手,岑驰道:“宗主,从这里到北方区域,有万里之遥,天境大能尚且好说,可凭玄灵境的人,想要直接横跨,多少有些牵强,而且就算最后勉强抵达,定然会实力亏损,那时候若是遇敌,对我们不利啊。” This is not difficult.” “这个不难。” This point Qin Shi had already thought that therefore early in a planned way signaled with the eyes to Xiaomi Cai. 这一点秦石早就想过,所以早有计划的冲着小米彩使了个眼色。 Has been instructed, Xiaomi Cai depending on empty, the imaginary point several of white hands in the vault of heaven, causes several gorgeous riotous pink clouds. 得到指示,小米彩凭虚而起,玉手在苍穹上虚点几下,引起数道绚丽缤纷的彩霞。 The pink clouds integrate in the clouds, starts Cen Chi too unable to understand that at once has not waited for him to get back one's composure, only listens to several grating song of the birds cry sounds, comes following Sect eight Fang Huidi, dozens build huge feather Desolate Beast, whip the rough wing to fall on the Sect square center. 彩霞融入到云霄中,开始岑驰还不太能理解,旋即沒等他回过神,只听几道刺耳的鸟鸣唳声,顺着宗门的八方回递而來,数十只体型庞大的禽类荒兽,拍打着粗犷的羽翼落在宗门的广场中央。 Sizes up from many Desolate Beast, completely in the Profound Spirit Realm over five levels, the strong skeleton made smiling of Qin Shi satisfied, to Cen traveled lane: Had these, wants to stretch across ten thousand li (0.5km), should not be difficult?” 从诸多荒兽身上打量一番,全部在玄灵境五级以上,健硕的骨架令秦石满意的笑笑,冲岑驰道:“有了这些,想要横跨万里,应该不难了吧?” Stared staring dry, complying that Cen Chiye a spit, admired hastily said: „It is not difficult, is not difficult.” 干瞪了瞪眼,岑驰噎了口吐沫,连忙佩服的答应道:“不难,不难。” Many elders were shocked, shouted Qin Shi wrist to be uncommon darkly, cracked a joke, depending on the god list bloodlines of Xiaomi Cai, let alone was dozens feather Desolate Beast, if she thought that feared that was Desolate Beast of entire empire, must bow the head to profess allegiance before her. 不少长老被惊呆,暗呼秦石手腕不凡,开玩笑,凭小米彩的神榜血脉,别说是几十只禽类荒兽,若是她想的话,怕是整座帝国的荒兽,都要在她面前俯首称臣。 The people homing, Desolate Beast is complete. 众人归位,荒兽齐全。 Qin Shi is not delaying, leaps sets out, is situated on a head of majestic goshawk, at once the chest of goshawk very gets up, whips several wings continuously, lead welcomed the bone-chilling cold cold wind to speed away toward the north. 秦石不在耽搁,率先的跃起身,坐落在一只雄壮苍鹰的脑袋上,旋即苍鹰的胸膛挺起,连续拍打几下羽翼,领头的迎着凛冽的寒风朝着北方疾驰。 Black robe curled up whistling makes noise, Qin Shi crosses the hands behind the back to stand, in the front line takes the lead, the vision stares at a direction throughout, the corners of the mouth is shouldering finally, calm surging emotions, if there are causes the dreadful wild waves that the giant stone crashes. 黑袍被卷起的呼呼作响,秦石负手而立,在最前方领头,目光始终凝视着一个方向,嘴角终是挑起,波澜不惊的心潮,如有巨石坠落的引起滔天骇浪。 Burning Sky Sect, Qin Shi came back 焚天宗,秦石回來了” North District. 北方区域 A miserable small town, named Desolate Town. 一座凄凉的小镇,名为荒镇 On Desolate Town, appears somewhat desolate former residence, the atmosphere in dwelling is low, about hundred people gather together, on the face is dignified. 荒镇上,有一处显得有些落寞的古宅,宅院中的气氛低迷,近百之人汇聚一堂,面庞上皆是凝重不已。 In the main shrine center, sits a seventy years of age old man, old man for a very long time Bi Mu , the vitality light pity, if not for chest partly visible fluctuating, feared that will be mistaken as already west Xianyou. 在主殿中央,坐有一名古稀老者,老者久久的闭目,生机淡薄的可怜,若不是胸口若隐若现的起伏,怕是会被误认为已经仙游西去。 Grandpa Qin, we walk, did not walk without enough time.” 秦老爷子,咱们走吧,再不走就來不及了。” Yes, Burning Sky Sect comprehensive makes war with Qin sect now, although in this year, my Qin sect developed rapidly, but Burning Sky Sect had Luan Muhua as well as many Profound Spirit Realm elders, its background was far from my Qin Zongke, many families under the pressure, the treachery, now Ancient City fell to the enemy, feared that was must aim at Desolate Town the spear point immediately.” “是啊,如今焚天宗全面和秦宗开战,尽管这一年,我秦宗发展迅速,可焚天宗有栾慕华以及诸多玄灵境的长老,其底蕴远非我秦宗可比,不少家族在压力下,临阵倒戈,现在古城已经沦陷,怕是马上就要将矛头指向荒镇了。” Many people encircle before the old man body, many familiar forms, Leader Yun, black ink Chen, blood Venerable, as well as Piao Quan, Su Ming, Yin Mo, Qin Shang, Qin Tianqing, Qin Tianyu, Qin Yueling, with many Qin Family audiences. 不少人围在老者身前,其中不乏熟悉的身影,凌霄,墨辰,血尊者,以及朴泉,苏铭,尹沫,秦殇,秦天擎,秦天宇,秦月玲,和诸多的秦家家众。 In the noisy mixed sound, the Qin Yongfeng opening presbyopia slowly, the pollution in look slightly is empty: „, Many thanks in this year, your attendance to the Qin Family, I also knows that depending on my Qin Family strength, people of one group of ants, may after all be the thousand years base industry, the foundation of family here, Qin Family can perish, but will certainly not be the perishing clan slave, this migration, does not may 在喧杂声中,秦永峰缓缓的睁开老眼,眼神中的浑浊略显空洞:“诸位,多谢这一年,你们对秦家的照顾,我也知道凭我秦家的实力,不过一群蝼蚁之徒,可毕竟是千年基业,家族的根基就在这里,秦家可以亡,但一定不会做亡族奴,这迁移,是万万不可” The Leader Yun look is indifferent, suddenly somewhat does not act bashful well. 凌霄神色淡然,一时间有些拿捏不好。 In this year, he urged Grandpa Qin to be innumerable, wants to invite him to go to Ancient City to enjoy the family happiness, but the latter in any event is actually not willing to leave Desolate Town. 这一年,他劝过秦老爷子无数次,想邀他去古城享受天伦之乐,可后者却无论如何都不肯离开荒镇 Naturally, at that time was actually indifferent, after all Ancient City is grasping, even if not go to Ancient City, can still look after Qin Family, but now is actually different, Burning Sky Sect shoulders to fight the potential, and attacks exceptionally quick and violent, Ancient City falls to the enemy . Moreover the Burning Sky Sect point, rushes to Qin Family to come obviously, does not leave Desolate Town, sooner or later must exterminate an entire family. 当然,那时候倒是无所谓,毕竟古城在握,即便不去古城,仍然可以照顾秦家,可如今却是不同,焚天宗挑起战势,并且攻击异常迅猛,古城沦陷,而且焚天宗的目地,明显就是奔着秦家來得,再不离开荒镇,迟早要被灭门。 Thinks of this, Leader Yun rapid [say / way]: Old gentleman, do you want to look at the Qin Family extermination?” 想到这,凌霄急促道:“老爷子,难道你就想看着秦家灭门吗?” hear that, the senile body trembled trembling, Qin Yongfeng is suddenly pale smiles: My Qin Family, will not exterminate an entire family, do not forget that the fearful kids, he may still struggle outside, sooner or later one day, he becomes the pride of my Qin Family.” 闻言,老态的身躯颤了颤,秦永峰突然苍白一笑:“我秦家,可不会灭门,别忘记了,有一个可怕的小家伙,他可还在外面奋斗,迟早有一天,他会成为我秦家的骄傲。” „Do you mean Qin Shi?” “您是说秦石?” Mentioned that this name, in main hall tension-filled atmosphere, bewildered is calm, many people look at each other in blank diamay, does not make the spoken language. 提到这个名字,大殿上紧张的气氛,莫名其妙的镇定下來,不少人面面相觑,不做言语。 Obviously in the depressing atmosphere, throughout does not have sound Piao Quan to cough slightly several, opens the mouth saying: Was good, do not employ professional mourners a face, for a long time hasn't understood that kid? I think this fate the war, final result, but must mark the period by him.” 稍显压抑的气氛中,始终沒有动静的朴泉干咳几声,开口道:“行了,别一个一个哭丧个脸,这么长时间还不了解那个小家伙?我想这一场宿命的战争,最后的结果,还要靠他來画上句号。” „The meaning of Mr. Piao, was said that he will come back?” “朴先生的意思,是说他会回來?” Yes, on that brat few merits, only makes the human settle on keeps one's word.” Caressed Bai Xu, Piao Quan said with a smile. “是啊,那臭小子身上沒几个优点,唯一一个让人看中的就是言而有信。”抚了抚白须,朴泉笑道。 Clenched teeth, Leader Yun sighed to sigh one: Ok, North District so is in any case big, we have no place to run, might as well guard this Desolate Town, wrestles to wrestle with Burning Sky Sect, perhaps also somewhat stratagem which ensures success 咬了咬牙,凌霄喟叹一声:“行,反正北方区域就这么大,我们也无处可跑,不如就镇守这荒镇,和焚天宗搏上一搏,说不定还有几分胜算” The word, the faces of many person, reveal wipe view death as a return home decidedly. 言罢,不少人的面庞,露出一抹视死如归的决然。 Kid, do not make us disappointedly good.” “小家伙,别让我们失望才好啊。” Looks that ten thousand audiences turn over, Qin Yongfeng moves toward the distant place the presbyopia. 看着万众所归,秦永峰将老眼朝远处挪动。 In Burning Sky Sect of other source. 远在他方的焚天宗内。 Luan Muhua handsome sitting in main hall, on the fair white hands grasps the exquisite jade cup, the corners of the mouth is hanging the superficial smiling face, suddenly outside the main hall makes great strides forward them, directs her vision. 栾慕华翩翩的坐在大殿上,白皙的玉手上握着玲珑玉杯,嘴角挂着浅淡的笑容,突然大殿外迈进两人,引去她的目光。 The future, a person breaks the arm, without doubt by Zhao Yan who Qin Shi injures, another person is Yu Lin’er and poem blue teacher, Ye He. 來者,一人断臂,无疑是被秦石所伤的赵岩,另一人则是于琳儿与诗兰的师尊,叶鹤。 But what is accidental, careful observing and emulating, can discover, their contrast ratio one year ago, obvious is younger, wipes the miraculous glow that rises up suddenly, disclosed the Heaven Realm pressure. 而意外的是,仔细观摩,就能发现,两人照比一年前,明显的年轻许多,一抹勃然而起的灵光,透露出着天境的威压。 Palace host, Ancient City has captured, Qin sect the disciple was routed all, the remaining remnants of faction defend in Desolate Town completely, wanted me to have the human to level off now he?” The anger of Zhao Yan ruthless offense said. “殿主,古城已经攻下,秦宗弟子被尽数击溃,剩下的余党全部守在荒镇,是不是要我现在就带人去夷平了他?”赵岩狠戾的怒道。 Stops, Luan Muhua links says three good characters: Good, good, good, Zhao Yan, you have the human to capture Desolate Town now, but was sure to remember that do not kill the Qin Family person, must capture alive to me, moreover arranges several elders, goes to solve Rainbow Cloud City that matter, Luo Family and tzeyun sect that several jumps the beams clown, in this year opposes with my Burning Sky Sect over and over again, thinks really I do not dare to move them 停顿一下,栾慕华连道三声好字:“好,好,好,赵岩,你现在带人去攻下荒镇,但切记不要杀了秦家的人,要尽数给我活捉回來,另外安排几名长老,去把虹云城那面的事解决一下,洛家和紫云宗那几个跳梁小丑,这一年來三番五次和我焚天宗作对,真以为我不敢动了他们” Ye He one startled, said flurriedly: Sect Master, can you begin to Luo Family and tzeyun sect? Their two side influences have very big power and influence in North District, now we and Qin sect the war was unceasing, if with them in battle, feared is North District, can life Tu Tan.” 叶鹤一惊,慌乱道:“宗主,你要对洛家和紫云宗动手?他们两方势力在北方区域拥有很大的权势,如今我们和秦宗战事不断,若是和他们在开战的话,怕是北方区域,将会生灵涂炭啊。” „Is that also what kind of? My Burning Sky Sect, in North District this barren place also dull sufficing for a long time, tranquil also sufficed to be long, happen to extinguished them, after the unification, southwest the whereabouts spread again.” In Luan Muhua look everywhere is full of the ambition, wild low drinks one. “那又怎样?我焚天宗,在北方区域这贫瘠的地方也呆的够久了,平静的也够了久了,正好灭了他们,统一以后再去向西南蔓延。”栾慕华满目的神色中充满野心,狂野的低喝一声。 Clenched teeth, Ye Hedao: Sect Master, cannot, you forget, one year ago picture?” 咬了咬牙,叶鹤道:“宗主,不可啊,难道你忘了,一年前的景象?” Bold Luan Muhua is angry indifferently, scolds saying: Ye He, do not think that I do not know, one year ago is who lets go Yu Lin’er that cheap person, if not for she, poem Lan Qi will have second to explode the miracle cure?” “大胆”栾慕华漠然大怒,呵斥道:“叶鹤,你不要以为我不知道,一年前是谁放走于琳儿那个贱人,若不是她的话,诗兰岂会有第二枚爆灵丹?” Originally do you know?” “原來您都知道?” Snort, I did not say, but looks in you with this these many years, not having the merit also to have the efforts, if this time, you dare to go bad my good deed again, do not blame me not to record benevolence to pat starting in those days, angrily rebuking of Luan Muhua ruthless offense said: „, One year ago matter at my surface premise, that the person who called Qin Shi will not come back, even if he came back, I will immediately have killed him “哼,我不说,只是看在你跟着本座这么多年,沒有功劳也有苦劳,若是这一次,你再敢坏我好事,别怪我不记往日恩情”拍了下手,栾慕华狠戾的怒斥道:“还有,不要在我面前提一年前的事,那个叫秦石的人再也不会回來,就算他回來了,我也会马上杀了他” Is “是” But, Ye Hebao holding the fist in the other hand, must retreat from the main hall. 无奈下,叶鹤抱了抱拳,只得从大殿上退去。 In the palace of nobody left, only remaining cold and still below Luan Muhua, in the beautiful pupil glitter several points of woods to be cold: This time, no one want to stop me, I want solely is not North District, but is the entire empire 在空无一人的殿堂上,只剩下冷寂下的栾慕华,美眸中闪烁几分森寒:“这一次,谁也别想阻拦我,我要的不单单是北方区域,而是整座帝国” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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