PDL :: Volume #5

#465: Arrived in Qin sect

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This expectation , was too rather high. 听得南宫冰的话,下方诸人皆是倒吸了口冷气,帝国第一?这个期望,未免也太高了些。 When all people is surprised, Nangong Yueyang is actually without the slightest hesitation complies with one, because he is the same with the Nangong ice, has experienced the fearfulness of Qin Shi, even in his opinion, future Qin sect, likely will become the big dragon that could not trig including the empire circle. 而在诸人惊讶时,南宫岳阳却是毫不犹豫的答应一声,因为他和南宫冰一样,见识过秦石的可怕,甚至在他看來,将來的秦宗,很可能会成为连帝国都圈制不住的巨龙。 With the Nangong same achievement also has historian too, Family Head Taishi Ying Ling, ordered to want the Taishi ting flower instantly to rush to Qin sect, won over Qin sect, and there are if possible, making her develop in some special direction their relations. 和南宫家相同作为的还有太史家,家主太史婴灵,下令要太史葶花即刻赶往秦宗,拉拢秦宗,并且有可能的话,让她将俩人的关系朝着某种特殊的方向发展。 But knows the Family Head request, the Taishi ting flower appears somewhat bitter and astringent, the beautiful appearance that in the mind remembers the Qin Xuexin beautiful woman, sighed: Feared that is in his eye, could not accommodate other people again.” 而得知家主要求,太史葶花显得有些苦涩,脑海中想起沁雪心倾城的美貌,自叹道:“怕是他的眼睛里,再也容不下其他人了啊。” Bang Compares front two, Huangpu reveals some Death Qi heavy, in Huangpu wind fist palms dragon chair the hand crumb, shouted to clear the way lowly: „The damn Huangpu river confessed that he goes to the non- gate auction room to capture martial arts, martial arts has not obtained, but also that kid offending 相比前面俩家,皇普家则显些死气沉沉,皇普风拳掌间将龙椅的把手捏碎,低喝道:“该死的皇普江交代他去无门拍卖行夺取武学,武学沒得到,还把那个小家伙给得罪了” „The Huangpu person of extraordinary ability, takes 1 million spirit stones, now immediately goes to Qin sect, does not hesitate at all costs, must relax both sides' relations, ten thousand cannot make the least bit mistake “皇普俊彦,带上1000000灵石,现在马上去秦宗,不惜一切代价,一定要将双方的关系缓和,万不能有半点差错” Cold City, Shangguan Family, Shangguan Ba in knowing Shi Qin gained the honor big game champion, and also when with the relational alleviation of Mysterious Palace, whole person on heartfelt feel regret, but now the black dragon sect changed name to Qin Zong, was whole body weak sitting down exhausted in the main shrine, below was the severe winters and many elders, have no alternative of face, in original four everyone / influential family, the relations of Shangguan Family and Qin Shi should be most intimate, but after capturing Spirit Origin Blood Pond, was they pushes to the abyss this relations stiffly, achieves situation that cannot be relaxed. 冷城,上官家,上官霸在得知石秦获取荣誉大赛冠军,并且还和玄殿的关系缓解时,整个人就由衷的感到悔意,而如今青龙宗改名秦总,更是全身无力的瘫坐在主殿上,下面是严冬和诸多长老,一脸的无可奈何,本來四大家中,上官家秦石的关系应该是最为亲近,而就在夺取灵源血池后,是他们硬生生将这层关系推向深渊,达到不可舒缓的地步。 To Qin Shi, they have understood, Qin Shi is the standard gratitude and grudges is distinct, who has graciousness to him, he firmly in heart, but what is opposite, who has injured him, in heart thorough excludes it. 秦石,他们都了解过,秦石是标准的恩怨分明,谁对他有恩者,他都牢牢的记在心中,而相反的是,谁伤害过他,就会在心中彻底的将其排除在外。 Sins “造孽啊” Although Shangguan Ba knows, Qin Shi not with Shangguan Family for enemy, but actually forever could not achieve once relations, the flash seemed to be old dozens years old, lost: Is my Shangguan Family sins.” 尽管上官霸知道,秦石不会与上官家为敌,可是却也永远达不到曾经的关系,一瞬间仿佛苍老了几十岁,丧道:“是我上官家自己造孽啊。” Short half day, influential or small clan, coming in swarms offered the congratulatory gift toward Qin sect, was only these, was one huge to the wealth of being hard imagining. 短短半日,无论是大家小家,蜂拥而至的朝秦宗送上贺礼,光是这些,就是一笔庞大到难以想象的财富。 Receives the message of black dragon sect, Qin Shi fully realizes the opportunity to be mature, next morning, he and Qin Xuexin, Xiaomi Cai, Feng Hen, Xiao Qing, several people will be about to leave. 收到青龙宗的消息,秦石深知时机成熟,翌日清晨,他和沁雪心小米彩、封痕、小青、几人准备离开。 Hua Ling and Yu Luocha several people come to see off, Xu Qiao'er walks arm in arm in the bosom of Qin Shi, [say / way] that the sound sobbed: Elder brother, this time, you must add carefully.” 花零玉罗刹几人前來相送,许巧儿依偎在秦石的怀中,声音哽咽的道:“哥,这一次,你自己要多加小心。” Um, you are also, listens to the demons the words, then always do not bully the owlet porch.” Qin Shi has rubbed the Xu Qiao'er long hair with a smile, said: Shortly afterward, the family inside matter solution, I send for taking you to go home again.” “嗯,你也是,多听罗刹的话,然后别老欺负枭轩。”秦石笑着揉了揉许巧儿的长发,道:“再过不久,家里面的事解决,我就派人來接你回家。” Um.” Complying that Xu Qiao'er gets angry said. “嗯。”许巧儿红着眼的答应道。 Then and several person 11 farewells, arrive at Yu Luocha finally, they look at each other for a long time, no one has broken this dreariness. 然后和几个人11告别,最后才到玉罗刹,两人相视许久,谁也沒有打破这份沉寂。 Finally, Qin Shi has pinched the fist, walks to go forward this ice-cold that person to hug in the bosom: Is waiting for me, quick will come back.” 最后,秦石率先捏了捏拳,走上前将这个冰冷伊人搂在怀中:“等着我,很快就会回來。” I am waiting for you.” “我等着你。” The broad and handsome forehead, Yu Luocha min the cherry lips, are breaking away from the bosom of Qin Shi lightly, step before the body of Qin Xuexin said: I his back, gave you.” 螓首轻点,玉罗刹抿着樱唇,从秦石的怀中挣开,迈到沁雪心的身前道:“我把他的背后,就交给你了。” I will take care of him.” Qin Xuexin light [say / way]. “我会照顾好他。”沁雪心淡淡道。 In a non- my humble home, Qin Shi several people of enhanced dust, are rolling up and pushing along finally the billowing hurricane, pierces the dim fog, leaves behind together the pale white star tail in the clear sky, even if dissipates. 在一番不舍下,秦石几人终于扬尘而起,卷动着滚滚的飓风,洞穿开朦胧的云雾,在晴空中留下一道淡白色的星尾,纵然消散。 Since hearing Qin Shi must walk, Yu Luocha has not fallen more than half drop tears throughout, how although in the heart to be again grieved, she does not want Qin Shi to be worried that but frowns to look at the increasingly estranged light form, in the beautiful pupil cannot suppress blooming of tears again, has cried in a soft voice. 从听闻秦石要走至今,玉罗刹始终沒有落过半滴眼泪,尽管心中再怎样酸楚,她都不想要秦石担心,而蹙眉望着渐行渐远的淡薄身影,美眸中再也压制不住泪花的绽放,轻声的哭了出來。 Looks she annoys appearance that the human loves tenderly, Hua Ling reluctantly goes forward to hold in the arms her, small sound track: All right, cried to be good, do not press at heart.” 看着她惹人怜爱的模样,花零无奈的上前搂住她,小声道:“沒事,哭出來就好了,别压在心里。” Sighed to sigh one, the Hua Ling vision North Korea moves unexpectedly, she knows again shortly afterward, a return of King, will certainly create the inexhaustible sanguinary rule to there. 喟叹一声,花零竟目光朝北方挪去,她知道再过不久,一个王者的回归,必将对那里造成无穷无尽的腥风血雨。 Burning Sky Sect, you offended one, serious kid.” 焚天宗,你们得罪了一个,不得了的小家伙啊。” Leaves Mysterious Palace, after the half day, all people headed by Qin Shi, rushes to the former Qinglong sect rapidly, but when arrives in the goal, gigantic Sect heaves in sight, broad construction, even if compared with Mysterious Palace, does not flaunt lets. 离开玄殿,历经半日,以秦石为首的诸人,迅速赶往原青龙宗,而抵达目标时,一座硕大的宗门映入眼帘,其中恢弘的建筑,就算和玄殿相比,也是不逞多让。 What is most important, in the bejeweled jade palace center, the Third Rank high luxurious palace, the midpoint of palace hangs a giant [gold/metal] plaque, [gold/metal] Bian is sparkling two forceful large characters under the hot sun ray, leads the Qin Shi heartstrings. 最重要的是,在琼楼玉宇的中央,有一座三层高的奢华宫殿,宫殿的正中央挂着一面巨大的金匾,金匾在烈日的光芒下闪耀着两个铿锵有力的大字,带动起秦石的心弦。 Qin sect 秦宗 Excited happy countenance Yu Yanbiao, Qin Shi float Yu Kong light [say / way]: Far view goes, has felt the sense of achievement actually.” 兴奋之色喜于言表,秦石悬浮于空的轻道:“远观而去,倒是充满了成就感啊。” Do not worry, these time unifies North District, your sense of achievement will be bigger.” “别着急,这一次统一北方区域,你的成就感会更大。” Shu Zhongyu said with a smile, she was in those present group, only the person who witnessed Qin Shi to grow, knows how he was a beggar from street, became a host, how to start from scratch created Qin sect, Qin sect from North District third-level Sect , achieves now the colossus of this able to move unhindered half wall empire, the midway has eaten many pain, had many bitter, only then he knows. 书中玉跟着笑道,她是在场的人群中,唯一一个见证了秦石成长的人,知道他是如何从一名街头的乞丐,成为一宗之主,是如何白手起家的创造秦宗,将秦宗从一个北方区域的三级宗门,达到如今这种纵横半壁帝国的庞然大物,中途吃过多少的苦,有过多少的辛酸,只有他自己知道。 Is good because, these have not projected on Qin Shi. 好在,这些都沒有打到秦石 Um, I believe that sooner or later on the 1st, Qin sect tremor entire empire, no, tremor trim mainland in the response of Shu Zhongyu, the ambition that Qin Shi moves restlessly also will start the unseemly behavior, smiles brightly: Perhaps at that time, I can achieve Elder Sister Yu, the snow heart, direction landscape that you said “嗯,我相信,早晚有一日,秦宗会颤动整座帝国,不,会颤动整片大陆”在书中玉的回应中,秦石躁动的野心也开始作怪,灿烂一笑:“那时,说不定我就能达到玉姐,雪心,你们所说的指点江山” We believe that” two females simultaneously should say. “我们相信”两女同时应道。 Stops a meeting, all Renchong Qin Shi question: We now on the past?” 停顿一会,诸人冲秦石问句:“我们现在就过去?” Psychic force restraining that is assigned away from the capital, Qin Shi shakes the head to say hastily: No, inside person are too many, now goes in is also exchanges greetings unavoidably, waits to subside one, we in the past.” 外放的精神力收敛,秦石连忙摇头道:“别,里面人太多,现在进去难免又是一阵寒暄,等平息一阵,咱们在过去。” Drinks, has you such to be the leader? What matter all gives the following elder, what wants your this leader to make?” Shu Zhongyu hear that ridicules to say ill-humoredly. “喝,有你这么做掌门的吗?什么事全都交给下面的长老,要你这掌门做什么?”书中玉闻言沒好气的笑骂道。 Grasps the head, Qin Shi said: You also know that I have been used to freely, not the suitable this situation, to give them to be good.” 抓了抓脑袋,秦石道:“你也知道,我自由惯了,不适合这种场合,就给他们就好。” Regarding this as, several people of helpless shaking the head, Qin Shi is the standard waving the arms about storekeeper. 对此作为,几人无奈的摇了摇头,秦石就是标准的甩手掌柜。 Calculates that what this Sect Master does is really insufficiently fulfills responsibility, constructed Qin sect to start from North District, he in sect Neidai the date and time, decided the calculation to calculate insufficient in one month. 算下來,他这个宗主做的真是不够尽责,从北方区域建造秦宗开始,他在宗内待过的时日,定算定算不足一月。 Below main hall, since black dragon sect changes the name to change surname, every day the person of visiting enough over ten thousand, Cen Chi is the busy delight, but this type busy, he is glad. 下方大殿内,自从青龙宗更名改姓,每日來拜访之人足足有上万之多,岑驰可谓是忙的不亦乐乎,而这种忙碌中,他却倍感欣慰。 He knows that from him knew starting from Qin Shi that day, this thinks that is doomed the unsuccessful life, had the archery target change. 他知道,从他认识秦石的那一天开始,本以为注定碌碌无为的一生,就发生了质的改变。 The Taishi ting flower, Nangong Yueyang, the Huangpu person of extraordinary ability, as well as Mysterious City Li Family Li Yu, East District many honored and popular people gathers together, is hoping can see with one's own eyes Qin Shi. 太史葶花,南宫岳阳,皇普俊彦,以及玄城李家的李煜,东方区域诸多有头有脸的人汇聚一堂,都盼望着能够亲眼看到秦石 Has to do with this group of giants, Cen Chi does not dare to be careless, throughout compensates entertains all people who smiles, in the heart feels urgently bitter and astringent, until dusk fall, sends off this group of great people, the have no alternative length implored one. 和这群巨头打交道,岑驰不敢马虎,始终赔笑的招待诸人,心中倍感苦涩,直到暮色降临,才将这群大人物们送走,无可奈何的长吁一声。 Ha Ha, it seems like gives Cen the spreading elder Sect , is a very wise choice.” “哈哈,看來将宗门交给岑驰长老,是一件很明智的选择啊。” In Cen spreads sitting that just relaxed on the chair, transmits one ringing to smile from the main hall crisply, making his facial features one stiff, reveals the happy expression: Leader? Did you come back?” 就在岑驰刚松了口气的坐在椅子上,从大殿外传递來一声朗朗的爽笑,令他的面容一僵,露出喜色:“掌门?你回來了?” Um.” “嗯。” Qin Shi complies with one with a smile, he naturally cannot say that he already came back, was only concerned about the former large number of elderly persons, to avoid troubling has not made an appearance. 秦石笑着答应一声,他自然不会说他早就回來,只是碍于之前人数众多,为了避免麻烦才沒有露面。 Leader is the leader, side unexpectedly so many expert “掌门就是掌门,身边竟有这么多的高手 In the heart dark snort, Cen Chi vision sweeps in Qin Shi behind several people, especially Qin Xuexin, making him stop for several seconds, Qin Xuexin gives his feeling, one type the oppression that crashed just like the vault of heaven. 心中暗哼一声,岑驰的目光在秦石身后的几人身上一扫而过,特别是沁雪心,令他停顿几秒,沁雪心给他的感觉,有一种宛如苍穹坠落的压迫。 Has gotten back one's composure steps goes forward, Cen Chi treats the Qin Shi unusual respect: Leader, this time comes back, whether can prepare North District?” 回过神的迈上前,岑驰对待秦石异常的尊重:“掌门,此次回來,是否就要准备回北方区域?” Um, first said with me that now the situation in sect.” “嗯,先和我说说,现在宗内的情况。” Before the tiger white belt words came back, I inventoried the population, although now in the sect does not have Heaven Realm expert, above Profound Spirit Realm had 17 people, achieved Initial Stage had ten people, Middle Stage was four people, Late Stage they, a peak person.” “之前虎皓带话回來,我就将人数盘点一番,如今宗内虽说沒有天境高手,玄灵境以上却是有17人,其中达到初期的有十人,中期是四人,后期两人,巅峰一人。” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! 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