PDL :: Volume #5

#464: Qin sect reappeared

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I wish one could the present, immediately can fly Burning Sky Sect 脑海中,金棕色的秀发缓缓飘过,诗兰八面玲珑的娇容挥之不去,秦石狠戾的捏紧拳头,略微尖锐的指尖刺破掌心,流出几抹血迹:“而现在,我终于无需再忍,终于能够大仇得报,我怎么能够在耽误下去?我恨不得现在,马上就能飞到焚天宗 Two girls unknowingly trembled trembling, looks at Chang Rili the temperate youth, looks with raw hate, the painful appearance, simultaneously feels to love dearly. 两名女孩不经意的颤了颤,看着常日里温和的少年,面露凶狠,痛苦的模样,同时感到心疼。 One year, I achieve this position, I know that many people are not convinced, many people feel surprisedly.” Has pinched the fist, the Qin Shi black pupil indifferent looks on the palm to walk randomly the miraculous glow that suddenly said with a smile: But, I do not think the accident, because I know that my this year payout, is worth having such repayment.” “一年时间,我达到这个位置,我知道很多人都不服气,很多人都感觉到惊讶。”捏了捏拳,秦石黑眸漠然的望着掌心上游走的灵光,突然笑道:“不过,我并不觉得意外,因为我知道,我这一年的付出,值得拥有这样的回报。” One year, yes, in this year, Qin Shi experienced were really too many, the innumerable having been through repeatedly life and death, innumerable slaughtered before Gate of Death, endure humiliation, trace sway back and forth to crawl, stands today's position. 一年,是啊,这一年,秦石真的是经历了太多,无数次的历经生死,无数次的在鬼门关前厮杀,忍辱负重,摸打滚爬,才站到今日的位置。 Looks on the youth pale face, suddenly squeezes the bright smiling face, in the Xu Qiao'er heart does not have feel of origin to be grieved, she and Qin Shi grows up since childhood, is this youth has been taking care of her, is remembering these year of Qin Family to his actions, abandons him, the shame he, ridiculed him, even also made the matter of injustice to his parents, but he never had more than half point complaint, Qin Family all, anti- in own shoulder, the expansion wing of going all out, was protecting Qin Family everyone. 看着少年苍白的面庞上,突然挤出灿烂的笑容,许巧儿心中沒由來的感到酸楚,她和秦石从小长大,一直都是这个少年在照顾她,在想起那些年秦家对他的所作所为,弃他,辱他,嘲笑他,甚至还对他的爸妈做出不仁不义之事,而他却从未有过半点怨言,将秦家所有的一切,都抗在自己的肩头,拼命的展开羽翼,呵护着秦家的每一个人。 Elder brother “哥” Tip of the nose acid, beautiful pupil of Xu Qiao'er slightly flood red. 鼻尖一酸,许巧儿的美眸微微泛红。 Rubbed Xu Qiao'er luxuriant, the Qin Shi light interruption said: Does, actually I like original that a little elegantly beautiful Qiao'er, now with your Elder Sister Yu study, is all right is always artificial artificial, I am not used.” 揉了揉许巧儿的秀发,秦石淡淡的打断道:“干嘛啊,其实我还是喜欢原來那个有点冷艳的巧儿,现在跟你玉姐学的,沒事总矫情矫情的,我都不习惯了。” Who was artificial is artificial? Or does the elder sister turn ins and outs to you? What snow heavy snow two, the harem do 3000 want?” The Qin Shi words, annoy the Shu Zhongyu disaffection immediately. “谁矫情矫情了?要不姐姐给你翻点老底?什么雪大雪二,后宫3000要不要?”秦石的话,马上惹來书中玉的不满。 No, jokes does not bring to a slap in the face in the Qin Shi heart to be completely helpless, begs for mercy to say. “别,闹着玩不带打脸的啊”秦石心中满是无奈,求饶道。 Looks appearance that Qin Shi admits defeat, annoys two female smiling faces, walks arm in arm to the Qin Shi bosom, Xu Qiao'er endures not to speak. 看着秦石吃瘪的模样,惹來两女的笑容,依偎到秦石怀中,许巧儿忍着沒有说话。 Holds Xu Qiao'er, Qin Shi is moving vision to Yu Luocha, small sound track: This time I leave, Qiao'er they troubled you to look, when my matter ended, I hurried back immediately.” 抱着许巧儿,秦石将目光挪向玉罗刹,小声道:“这一次我离开,巧儿他们就麻烦你多照顾了,等我那面的事情结束,我马上就赶回來。” Um, you were careful that about the area north of the Great Wall day firm matter, I said with the Hua Ling elder sister, she has complied with one, saves others.” Yu Luocha does not feel better at heart similarly, but she knew this time, she cannot display, will otherwise only make Qin Shi lose concentration. “嗯,你自己小心,关于塞外天牢的事,我已经和花零姐说了,她答应过一阵,就去救人。”玉罗刹心里同样不好受,可她知道这时候,她不能表现出來,否则只会让秦石分神。 Under the point, Qin Shi long implored one: Hope, in that two archives, can find the clue about empire second plan.” 点下头,秦石长吁一声:“希望,在那两张公文上,能找到关于帝国第二计划的线索吧。” Clue beforehand did not say that I did ask your Liu Tingting what's the matter?” Yu Luocha breaks Qin Shi, in the hand is grasping a kraft paper, beforehand Qin Shi gives her list, goes against to write Han Zai, Liufeng, with Liufeng many under the hands / subordinates, as well as Liu Tingting. “线索的事先不说,我问你那个刘婷婷是怎么回事?”玉罗刹打断秦石,手中握着一张牛皮纸,正是之前秦石交给她的名单,顶上写着韩仔,柳峰,和柳峰不少的手下,以及刘婷婷 The look has gawked staring, when several area north of the Great Wall days are firm the familiar form has fluttered in the mind, has enchanting Liu Tingting, if not for she through flattering the technique helps one another, Qin Shi can leave finally smoothly, but also was very difficult to say. 神色愣了愣,几名塞外天牢时熟悉的身影在脑海飘过,其中就有妖娆的刘婷婷,若不是她通过媚术相助,秦石最后能不能顺利离开,还很难说。 After all then he, at all was not the match of two General Profound Spirit Realm. 毕竟当时的他,根本不是两名玄灵境将军的对手。 Now Yu Luocha asks, he somewhat is awkward, Liu Tingting reveals to his sentiment with nothing left, but he does not have the least bit presumptuous heart, for this reason wants to make up an excuse first, deceived, may just want to open the mouth, Yu Luocha actually broke him saying: You do not want to tell me, this Liu is Tingting a man?” 只是如今玉罗刹问起,他却有些尴尬,刘婷婷对他的情袒露无遗,可他是真的沒有半点非分之心,为此想先编个理由,糊弄过去好了,可刚欲开口,玉罗刹却打断他道:“你不会想告诉我,这刘婷婷是男人吧?” Volume “额” Grasped scratching the head, Qin Shi really has wanted then. 抓了抓头,秦石真是想这么说來得。 „The man of stamen.” Looks at the Qin Shi awkward appearance, Yu Luocha maliciously white his eyes, in the heart have somewhat been uncomfortable. “花心的男人。”看着秦石尴尬的模样,玉罗刹狠狠的白了他一眼,心中有些不是滋味。 Helpless shaking the head, Qin Shi said: Was good, you and snow heart the relations of I just clarified, even if borrows me again several courage, I do not dare to incur the bee to direct the butterfly again.” 无奈的摇摇头,秦石道:“好了,你和雪心的关系我刚弄清楚,就算再借我几个胆子,我也不敢再招蜂引蝶了啊。” Purses the lips to comply with one, Yu Luocha also to know that takes a broad view at Desolate Spirit Continent, which side overlord isn't the harem in groups? Compared with them, Qin Shi at least also has the conscience, is not the person of overflowing sentiment, she also satisfied. 撅着嘴答应一声,玉罗刹也知道,放眼荒灵大陆,哪一方霸主不是后宫成群?和他们相比,秦石至少还拥有良知,不是滥情之人,她心里也就满足了。 …… In three people of peaceful chats, a scarlet Yingtian fell, has cut off in the clouds the light dense fog. 三人安宁的聊天中,一席红衣应天落下,斩断了云霄中淡淡的迷雾。 The scarlet without doubt is Hua Ling, three people simultaneously move the vision, Yu Luocha said: Hua Ling elder sister? How did you come?” 红衣无疑是花零,三人同时将目光挪去,玉罗刹率先道:“花零姐?你怎么过來了?” Has not responded, the beautiful pupil of Hua Ling is staring at Qin Shi throughout, in the vision somewhat is slightly strange, Qin Shi looks at each other one with it, felt that knit the brows incorrect, said: What matter has?” 沒有回应,花零的美眸始终盯着秦石,目光中稍微有些怪异,秦石与其对视一眼,感觉到不对的皱了皱眉,道:“是不是有什么事?” The Hua Ling look rotation, Shi Qin was the matter of Qin Shi, she heard that opened the mouth saying: Before listened to the demons saying that you can return to North District?” 花零神色转动,石秦就是秦石之事,她已经听说,开口道:“之前听罗刹说,你要回北方区域?” [Say / Way] that under the point, Qin Shi has not concealed: Um, some personal gratitude and grudges, should be the time have been solved, should tomorrow, how?” 点下头,秦石沒有隐瞒的道:“嗯,有些私人恩怨,该是时候解决了,应该明日就会出发,怎么了?” A little matter about North District, does not know that should tell you.” Long implored foul air, Hua Ling to have several points of helplessness. “有一点关于北方区域的事,不知道该不该告诉你。”长吁一口浊气,花零带有几分无奈。 North District?” 北方区域?” Three people of accidental light nan, Qin Shi does not dare negligently is anxious: What matter?” 三人意外的轻喃一声,秦石不敢大意的紧张起來:“什么事?” My Mysterious Palace, in other three wide ranges, many also influences, received the news before from North District, Burning Sky Sect however makes war to Qin Zonggong, moreover your Qin sect situation, was not optimistic “我玄殿,在其他三大区域,多少也有些势力,就在之前才从北方区域接到消息,焚天宗对秦宗公然开战,而且你们秦宗的情况,并不算乐观” Squeek The palm grips the fist indifferently, Qin Shi closes tightly jaw. 漠然间掌心攥拳,秦石咬紧牙关 Burning Sky Sect and matter of Qin sect, some of his also information, but before , is the small scopes fights darkly, although Qin sect was inferior to Burning Sky Sect, in a short time but actually will not have any big crisis, but now Burning Sky Sect makes war unexpectedly blatantly, such depending on Qin sect less than two years of background, naturally was not the match. 焚天宗和秦宗的事,他也有些情报,只是之前都是小范围的暗斗,虽说秦宗不及焚天宗,短时间内倒也不会有什么大的危机,而如今焚天宗竟公然开战,那样凭秦宗两年不到的底蕴,自然不是对手。 The angry meeting, Qin Shi shows the happy expression suddenly, smiles unusual frivolous: Ha Ha, ha, Luan couldn't Muhua, bear finally?” 愤怒一会,秦石突然间露出笑意,笑的异常轻狂:“哈哈,哈哈哈,栾慕华,终于忍不住了吗?” When, did you have the mood to smile?” Hua Ling by puzzled that Qin Shi makes. “都什么时候了,你还有心情笑?”花零秦石弄的不解。 Naturally must smile, once Burning Sky Sect, did not spare a glance to my Qin sect, looked straight at continually has not looked at one, now actually blatantly declares war, that showed that my Qin sect, achieving made Luan Muhua feel finally the degree of dreading, you said I shouldn't smile?” The Qin Shi blowing enhanced dust, said densely. “当然要笑,曾经的焚天宗,对我秦宗根本就是不屑一顾,连正眼都不曾看一眼,现在却公然宣战,那就证明我秦宗,终于达到让栾慕华感觉到忌惮的程度了,你说难道我不该笑吗?”秦石拂面扬尘,森然而道。 Hua Ling has gawked staring, feels helpless to the god logic of Qin Shi, long breathes a sigh of relief: Some sources said that Luan Muhua strength rose suddenly in days before suddenly, and this matter also obtained the support of empire, I urged your time to go back, was discrete.” 花零愣了愣,对秦石的神逻辑感到无奈,长舒口气:“有消息说,栾慕华的实力在前几日突然暴涨,并且此事还得到了帝国的扶持,我劝你这一次回去,还是谨慎一些。” Here, the beautiful pupil of Hua Ling moved one toward Yu Luocha, the have no alternative [say / way]: If the need, I can lend you Mysterious Palace.” 说到这,花零的美眸朝玉罗刹挪动一眼,无可奈何的道:“如果需要,我可以把玄殿借给你。” Under the good words persuaded, Qin Shi actually shook the head, in the black pupil flashed through the difference the honored [say / way]: He he, if usually, I decide however will be impolite, but this time, is not good, this time was the matter of my Qin sect, naturally must solve by my Qin sect.” 好言相劝下,秦石却摇了摇头,黑眸中闪过异样的光彩道:“呵呵,若是平日,我定然不会客气,可这一次,不行,这一次是我秦宗之事,自然要由我秦宗自己來解决。” Your Qin sect were solved? Now Qin sect in North District, was suppressed, what also raises to solve?” Hua Ling rapid light snort said. “你秦宗自己解决?如今秦宗在北方区域,已经被压制住了,还提什么解决啊?”花零急促的轻哼道。 Shrugs, saying with a smile of Qin Shi actually not to accept as correct: Recluse had the ingenious plan, Burning Sky Sect waits to belong to my Qin sect retaliation specially.” 耸了耸肩间,秦石倒是不以为然的笑道:“山人自有妙计,焚天宗就等着专属于我秦宗的报复吧。” Um?” “嗯?” Hua Ling knit the brows, but at this time in the vault of heaven dropped two forms suddenly, Tai Qing and Changqing two elders curls the billowing wind pressure to fall before the Hua Ling body, appears somewhat anxious. 花零皱了皱眉,而这时苍穹上突然间落下两道身影,太清和长清两名长老卷着滚滚风压落在花零身前,显得有些惶急。 Turned round to look at their one eyes, Hua Ling said: What's the matter?” 回身看了两人一眼,花零道:“怎么回事?” Their strange looks at eye Qin Shi, at once clashes Hua Ling to say respectfully: Reported the palace host, before three double-hour, black dragon sect announced dismisses, changes the name as Qin sect 两人怪异的看眼秦石,旋即冲花零恭敬道:“禀告殿主,在三个时辰之前,青龙宗宣布解散,更名为‘秦宗’” What?” “什么?” Hua Ling black eyebrow coloring eyebrow pressed tight being angry drinks one, staring that at once becomes aware suddenly to Qin Shi, said suddenly: Is you in the unseemly behavior? Originally do you early have the plan?” 花零黛眉蹙紧的嗔喝一声,旋即恍悟的瞪向秦石,突然道:“是你在作怪?原來你早有打算?” Has not replied Hua Ling, because has not needed to reply that Qin Shi moves his vision North Korea: It seems like, everything is ready, should be my Qin sect now, triumphal returns to return to time 沒有回答花零,因为已经不需要回答,秦石将他的目光朝北方挪去:“看來,万事俱备,现在就该是我秦宗,凯旋回归的时候了” This book first round from 17 K novel network, first looks at the legal copy content! R405( 本书首发来自17K小说网,第一时间看正版内容!R405( …… ……
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