PDL :: Volume #5

#463: Quiet profound soul palace

The gods read in Sea of Consciousness have a good swim, opened after the black pupil of Qin Shi for a long time suddenly, holds the wind to puncture like the sharp sword, one grasped the fist in void, at once only heard a rumor, overflowed to open from the palm. 神念在识海中畅游,历经许久秦石的黑眸突然睁开,掌风如利剑般刺出,一把在虚空中握成拳头,旋即只闻一声风声,从掌心中四溢而开。 Spreads out the hand, in slender referring to seams, calmly lies down the slight light group, the light group is sending out light [gold/metal] together, soul that the implication strength, feels on Shu Zhongyu with beforehand Qin Shi, exactly the same. 摊开手,在修长的指缝间,静躺一道细微的光团,光团散发着淡淡的金芒,其中蕴含的力量,和之前秦石书中玉身上感觉到的魂魄,一模一样。 Was it!” “就是它了!” Reveals several points of excited happy expression, Qin Shi says according to Shu Zhongyu, starts the light group in match to quenching. 露出几分兴奋的喜色,秦石按照书中玉所言,开始对手中的光团淬炼。 Buzz! 嗡! During the light group was recruited the god to read, an invisible impact pours into the mind, made Qin Shi feel several points of energetic absent-minded in a flash. 光团被吸收进神念之中,一股无形的冲击灌入脑海,一瞬间令秦石感觉到几分精神的恍惚。 Drinks, is very tenacious.” “喝,挺顽强吗。” Drinks one darkly, the Qin Shi high degree of concentration, controls the god to read the light group arrests, then carves up round number ten, the even branch in the god read. 暗喝一声,秦石高度集中,操控着神念对光团进行逮捕,然后瓜分成数十道,均匀的分部在神念中。 Quick, light group gives up resistance, but this thinks Qin Shi that soon will finish, actually suddenly feels in Sea of Consciousness fierce rocks. 很快,光团停止抵抗,而本以为即将结束的秦石,却突然间感觉到识海中剧烈的晃动起来。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Raises head suddenly, the god read trembles, saw only in Sea of Consciousness sky over, with the Mysterious Palace ancient relative position, formed the billowing dark clouds, but in this dark clouds flashed through was actually not the thunder and lightning, was one type is similar to the ghost same jet black object, four shuttled back and forth. 猛然仰头,神念不禁一颤,只见在识海的正上空,和玄殿古阵相对的方位,形成滚滚的黑云,而这黑云中闪过的却不是雷电,是一种如同鬼魂一样的漆黑物体,四下穿梭。 Fixing one's gaze on is looking at the thunder clouds, the Qin Shi mind one coldly, in that dark clouds, making him feel terrifying power that cannot be moved, the strength moved his soul directly, like must tear in half his soul, howled unceasingly. 凝眸的望着雷云,秦石心神一寒,在那黑云之中,令他感觉到一股,不可触碰的恐怖力量,力量直接触碰到他的灵魂,像是要将他的灵魂撕成两半一样,不断呼啸。 Violent storm, situation due-out. 狂风暴雨,局势待发。 „Before this should be, Elder Sister Yu has said soul disaster?” “这这应该就是之前玉姐说过的灵魂劫吧?” In those days in the black pupil of widow who does not remarry, flashed through clearly discernible dreading, the Qin Shi god reads toward together does to move slightly, the face was lonely. 往日古井无波的黑眸中,闪过一道清晰可见的忌惮,秦石的神念朝稍作挪动,面庞冷清。 Success or failure or not, in this at one fell swoop, so long as can under the resistance this strike, he can succeed marches into soul Demonic Talisman Master, but otherwise, if the resistance, Sea of Consciousness greatly will cause heavy losses. 成败与否,在此一举,只要能够抵抗下这一击,他就能够成功的步入一魂符魔师,而反之,如果抵抗不住,识海将会受到巨大的重创。 In riches and honor danger asked that spelled with this soul disaster!” “富贵险中求,和这灵魂劫拼了!” Clenches teeth, stamps the feet, Qin Shi stretches out the arms, controls in Sea of Consciousness all psychic forces, gathers unceasingly to the thunder clouds center, tries to resist. 一咬牙,一跺脚,秦石张开双臂,操控起识海中所有的精神力,不断汇聚向雷云中央,试图抵抗。 Bang! 轰隆! The thunder clouds in this moment, the load bearing do not live the ghost of shuttle, produces together the deafening bang, was torn then piece by piece the dense fog. 雷云在这一刻,承载不住其中穿梭的鬼魂,产生一道震耳欲聋的巨响,然后被生生撕裂成片片迷雾。 The dense fog clears, ghostdom that ghost surely, such as overturns, is fierce plunging Qin Shi that the evil spirit fang is howling, wipes unexpectedly terrified, Qin Shi hurries to control the psychic force to gather the barrier in the front, fully resistance. 迷雾散尽,千万的鬼魂,如打翻的冥界,狰狞着凶煞的獠牙呼啸的扑向秦石,蓦地间一抹悚然,秦石赶忙操控精神力在面前汇聚屏障,全力抵抗。 Buzz! 嗡! Follows the impact of ghost, in the barrier is raises unexpectedly the torrential black fire, the barrier that resembles changes into the light mist, suddenly dissipation. 伴随鬼魂的冲击,屏障上竟是升起滔滔黑火,似的屏障化为淡淡雾气,戛然消散。 The Qin Shi moral nature sinks, hurried [say / way]: Quite fearful, is burning unexpectedly my psychic force?” 秦石心底一沉,慌道:“好可怕,竟然在燃烧我的精神力?” Does not leave the hemiprism fragrant time, the black flame is even more maneating, in Sea of Consciousness seemed found time to be the same, causing the Qin Shi god to read the frail, scared pinching tightly fist. 不出半柱香的功夫,黑色的火焰越发凶悍,识海中仿佛被抽空一样,导致秦石的神念单薄,恐慌的捏紧拳头。 Loses the protection of barrier, black fire such as the clever water snake, takes advantage of opportunity on the winding in one after another Qin Shi the god reads, at once the pain of raging fire burning down is full the whole body immediately, Qin Shi felt that his soul probably from ** strips, that pain, is the contrast ratio practices Mysterious Heaven Scripture also to exaggerate several hundred times, seemed like granted not the body of dying, then the experiencing suffering hell 18 torture were the same, unravelling the pain of web, making his god read absent-minded, the foundation vacillated. 失去屏障的守护,黑火如一条一条灵巧的水蛇,顺势就缠绕上秦石的神念,旋即烈火焚烧之痛感顿时充盈全身,秦石感觉他的灵魂好像在从**中剥离,那种痛苦,是照比修炼玄天圣经还要夸张数百倍,就像是被赐予了不死之身,然后受尽地狱18酷刑一样,抽丝剥茧的钻心之苦,令他的神念恍惚,根基动摇。 Vertically and horizontally five kilometers Sea of Consciousness, along with the it unceasing tremor, probably anytime has the danger of avalanche, if not for the moral nature final faith, feared that was Qin Shi already dark error. 纵横五千米的识海,更是随之不断的颤动,好像随时都有崩塌的危险,若不是心底最后的信念,怕是秦石早已昏阙。 I cannot defeat, I must suffer!” “我不能败,我一定要捱过去!” If this I could not eat painstakingly, what that also discussed to revenge, what that also discussed to protect, that also discussed that what kept out wind and rain for the snow heart?” “如果这点苦我都吃不了,那还谈什么报仇,那还谈什么守护,那还谈什么替雪心遮风挡雨?” Volume!!!” “额啊啊啊!!!” Full roars, Qin Shi is going to be defeated and dispersed, but god completely read, suddenly became the firm several points, toughed it out was saying surely tearing of ghost, clenched teeth to withstand. 全力的怒吼一声,秦石将要溃散而尽的神念,突然间变得坚定几分,硬挺着千万道鬼魂的撕扯,咬牙承受。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Does not know that comes under the influence of Qin Shi firm willpower , because of other reasons, in Profound Heaven Ancient Formation that in Sea of Consciousness revolves unceasingly, offers a sacrifice to the golden photosphere suddenly the spirit body, enters the back that the Qin Shi god read unexpectedly, suddenly made his whole body explode projects the dazzling golden light, covered in five kilometers Sea of Consciousness. 不知是受到秦石坚定意志力的影响,还是因为其他原因,在识海中不断旋转的玄天古阵,突然间祭出金色光球的灵体,竟咻一声,窜进秦石神念的背后,蓦然间使他的全身爆射出刺目金光,笼罩在五千米的识海中。 Roar!” “吼!” The eye-catching golden light such as Wan Jian returns to the birth family, crazy thorn to surely ghost, once there is a ghost to be pierced by [gold/metal], will certainly sends out the scary startled roar, at once fierce made a false counter-accusation to vanish, little desalination. 夺目的金光如万剑归宗,疯狂的刺向千万鬼魂,一旦有鬼魂被金芒洞穿,必将是发出骇人的惊吼,旋即狰狞的被反噬消失,一点点淡化。 Side building area that the Mysterious Palace disciple rests. 玄殿弟子休息的厢房区。 , Over ten thousand dark golden rays, the room that is at from Qin Shi rolling puncture with a crash suddenly, the ray the place of passing over gently and swiftly, must form one after another naked eye obvious hole, suddenly four sides wall, then changes into the screen that the fishing net installs. 砰然一声,上万道的暗金色光芒,突然间从秦石所在的房间中滚滚刺出,光芒所掠过之地,必会形成一道一道肉眼可见的窟窿,眨眼间四面的墙壁,便化为渔网装的筛子。 Fierce rocking, brings in the innumerable Mysterious Palace disciples, sees in stone wall every large or small hole, dumbfounded: What stone Qin was he making? Has such formidable strength?” 剧烈的晃动,引来无数的玄殿弟子,望见石壁上大大小小的窟窿,目瞪口呆:“石秦他在做什么?怎么产生这么强大的力量?” Yes, the wall in practice stone chamber, but is melted by the thousand years profound irons, pours into spirit stones to build, heard that is the Taoist trinity elder, cannot cause the damage above easily, he unexpectedly this stone chamber puncturing?” “是啊,修炼石室里的墙壁,可是由千年玄铁融化,注入灵石打造,听说就算是三清长老,都不能轻易在上面造成伤害,他竟然把这石室给打穿了?” Good terrifying “好恐怖” The flurried discussion, Yun rain and several females are rubbing the white hands, is staring at the hole on stone chamber outer wall, felt that for Qin Shi worried. 慌乱的议论,芸雨和几名女子搓揉着玉手,盯着石室外壁上的窟窿,替秦石感觉到担忧。 In the stone chamber, Shu Zhongyu hugs is winning the snow the white skirt, the jade front forms the triangle the barrier, in the barrier is glittering the strength of light soul, this forces to resist the dark golden ray. 石室内,书中玉抱着胜雪的白裙,玉面前形成三角形的屏障,屏障中闪烁着淡淡的灵魂之力,这才勉强将暗金色的光芒抵挡下来。 Her beautiful pupil is anxious, is staring at Qin Shi on lotus flower place, on the latter forehead tumbles the bean big beads of sweat, the whole body explodes toward all around projects billowing dark [gold/metal] Jianmang, is mixing with the strange strength. 她美眸焦急,凝望着莲花座上的秦石,后者额头上滚落出豆大的汗珠,全身朝着四周爆射出滚滚的暗金剑芒,其中夹杂着诡异的力量。 The black eyebrow coloring eyebrow screws tight, Shu Zhongyu can induce, the strength of that strength soul, the pray of Bei Chiyao lip: Shi’tou, come on, so long as the soul disaster, has been able to achieve soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master!” 黛眉拧紧,书中玉能够感应到,那力量正是灵魂之力,贝齿咬唇的祈祷道:“石头,加油啊,只要挺过灵魂劫,就能够达到魂咒符魔师!” But her pray, looks like has not played the role, the flesh of Qin Shi is suddenly indifferent, the dark golden ray binds tightly it all round, starts to nibble the strength of Qin Shi within the body. 而她的祈祷,看起来并未起到作用,秦石的肌肤突然淡然,暗金色的光芒将其团团裹紧,开始蚕食秦石体内的力量。 The jade surface dodges to worry, Shu Zhongyu easy grips the tight pink / white fist, in the heart the secret passage: It seems like, yes ** excessively anxious, finally can be defeated?” 玉面一闪担忧,书中玉优柔的攥紧粉拳,心中暗道:“看来,是**之过急,最后还是要失败吗?” Sighing that sigh loves dearly, Shu Zhongyu understands Qin Shi, if this breakthrough is defeated, will decide however becomes not the small attack to other party, at once in the beautiful pupil flashes through for several points decidedly: No matter you succeed or not, these time returns to North District, I do not permit you to receive the least bit to injure again, you succeed, I then stand in your, if you are defeated, I got rid to kill Luan Muhua.” “呼”心疼的叹了口气,书中玉了解秦石,如果这一次突破失败,定然会对他造成不小的打击,旋即美眸中闪过几分决然:“不管你成功与否,这一次回北方区域,我决不许你再受半点伤害,你成功,我便站在你的身后,你若失败,我就出手杀了栾慕华。” Bang! 砰! Does not allow to think, Shu Zhongyu mind one startled, a strength of by far dark [gold/metal] ray punctures suddenly from the Qin Shi forehead, under that strength is very strange, reappears the raging fire that such as blooms, scatters the dark [gold/metal] ray of Qin Shi outside body suddenly, making dispirited Qin Shi restore the none remaining once again. 不容思索,书中玉心神一惊,一股远胜暗金光芒的力量突然间从秦石的眉心刺出,那力量十分诡异,浮现下如绽放的烈火,突然间将秦石体外的暗金光芒驱散,令萎靡的秦石再度恢复精光。 Well? Did this strength, compared with also want the strength of pure soul a moment ago?” “咦?这力量,是比刚才还要精纯的灵魂之力?” Looks to the mark of Qin Shi forehead twinkle, in the beautiful pupil of Shu Zhongyu reveals the color of accident, this situation is she has not seen, was just dark the golden ray to wrap Qin Shi, clearly is the breakthrough failure, must by the sign that the soul disaster makes a false counter-accusation, unexpectedly by this sudden accident melting? 望向秦石眉心处闪烁的印记,书中玉的美眸中露出意外之色,这种情况就是她也没有见过,刚刚暗金色的光芒包裹秦石,分明是突破失败,要被灵魂劫反噬的迹象,竟被这突如其来的意外给化解了? Bang! 轰! In puzzled, Qin Shi within the body explodes projects strength with amazement, under the strength washes out such as incessant Jiang Hong, Shu Zhongyu concentrates the soul that makes to tie, in appears collapses at the first blow, direct disruption. 在不解中,秦石体内爆射出骇然的力量,力量冲散下如滔滔不绝的江洪,就连书中玉凝造的灵魂结界,在其中都显得不堪一击,直接碎裂。 Flurried, Shu Zhongyu flees hastily in Blazing Book, this is reluctant avoids a disaster. 慌乱下,书中玉连忙窜回进焚书中,这才算是勉强的躲过一劫。 The strength such as rolls up and pushes along calm sea level, forms the billowing ripples, when subsides once again next, the Qin Shi long close pupil heart just like stares in a big way, but is actually not the profound blackness, but is full of the enchanting golden color. 力量如卷动起波澜不惊的海面,形成滚滚涟漪,再度平息下时,秦石久闭的眸心俨然瞪大,而其中却不是深邃的漆黑,而是充满妖娆的金色。 [gold/metal] continues long time in the pupil heart deep place, gradually was received Sea of Consciousness by Qin Shi, at once his corners of the mouth not independent toward rising raising, has revealed the color of being overjoyed. 金芒在眸心深处持续很长时间,才渐渐的被秦石收入识海,旋即他嘴角不自主的朝上扬了扬,露出喜出望外之色。 Shi’tou, did you succeed?” 石头,你成功了?” Looks at the action of Qin Shi difference, Shu Zhongyu flutters once again, keeps off happily asks before the Qin Shi body. 看着秦石异样的举动,书中玉再度飘出,挡在秦石身前欣慰问道。 Looks at each other one with Shu Zhongyu, Qin Shi, and is giving the response anxiously, but changes over to the energy to Sea of Consciousness in first, at this time his Sea of Consciousness had the tremendous changes, already was not once boundless spacious, but by the strange Purple gold raging fire flaming package, the range from once trivial five kilometers, was the 90,000 meters of stretching as far as eye can see, in 90,000 meters Sea of Consciousness place above, float translucent Purple gold palace, in the palace was carving the deep soul character. 书中玉对视一眼,秦石并且急着给予回应,而是先将精力转入到识海之中,此时他的识海发生了翻天覆地的变化,早已不是曾经的无垠空旷,而是被诡异的紫金烈火熊熊包裹,范围更是从曾经的区区五千米,达到一望无尽的90000米,在90000米识海的正上方,悬浮一座半透明的紫金宫殿,宫殿上刻着深深的魂字。 Wields single-handed, offered a sacrifice to outside body the Purple gold palace, Qin Shi with responded to Shu Zhongyu actually: Had this, should be successful?” 单手一挥,将紫金宫殿祭出体外,秦石用实际回应了书中玉:“有了这个,应该就算是成功了吧?” The delay moment of beautiful pupil in the Purple gold palace, Shu Zhongyu said with amazement: This belongs to the soul incantation Demonic Talisman Master soul palace specially?” 美眸在紫金宫殿上呆滞片刻,书中玉惊讶道:“这是专属于魂咒符魔师的魂殿?” Soul palace?” “魂殿?” Um, heavenly body palace error, the quiet profound soul palace, is nine Heaven Realm, with nine soul Demonic Talisman Master exclusive abilities, both has the wonder of equally good results from different methods, but the former is the strength of attribute is refined by spiritual power, the strength of soul the latter actually the psychic force refines!” Shu Zhongyu happy Yu Yanbiao answered. “嗯,天体宫阙,幽玄魂殿,是九层天境,和九魂符魔师专属的能力,两者有着异曲同工之妙,只不过前者是由灵力提炼出的属性之力,后者却是又精神力提炼出的灵魂之力!”书中玉喜于言表的解释道。 Under being suddenly enlighted point, Qin Shi takes down this name, at once suddenly remembers the beforehand Qin Xuexin words, integrates within the body the soul palace in palm, on the flesh of next instant whole body multiplies the hard Purple gold armor, seems just likes the perfection war-god in hearsay. 恍然大悟的点下头,秦石将这个称呼记下,旋即突然想起之前沁雪心的话,将掌中的魂殿融入体内,下一霎全身的肌肤上滋生出坚硬的紫金铠甲,看上去犹如传闻中的不败战神。 Really!” “果然可以!” Excited laughs, wears the Purple gold armor, Qin Shi can feel, by far in common psychic force the strength of soul, covers on each inch flesh of whole body, this feeling contrast ratio once, enough formidable dozens times, for this reason in the heart, in the black pupil dodges the none remaining joyfully: Depending on this quiet profound soul palace the strength of soul, even if bumps into heavenly body palace error again, I will not be at a loss, this time, I can certainly cut to kill Luan Muhua!” 兴奋的大笑一声,身着紫金铠甲,秦石能够感受得到,一股远胜于寻常精神力的灵魂之力,覆盖在全身的每寸肌肤上,这种感觉照比曾经,足足强大了数十倍,为此心中欣然而起,黑眸中一闪精光:“凭这幽玄魂殿的灵魂之力,就算再碰到天体宫阙,我也不会束手无策,这一次,我一定能够斩杀栾慕华!” Truly, evidently, the heaven must help you to murder those who have cheated them.” “确实,看样子,老天都要助你寻仇啊。” Has rubbed the beautiful pupil, looks at front youth happily, Shu Zhongyu smiles to make noise, she knows that is away from the Burning Sky Sect end, was not far. 揉了揉美眸,看着面前的少年,书中玉欣慰的笑出声来,她知道距离焚天宗的末日,已经不远了。 When excited, under the black pupil of Qin Shi flashes through the billowing courage vigor and ruthless offense, wipes greedy killing to read, pierces azure clouds toward the remote north searches. 兴奋之余,秦石的黑眸下闪过滚滚血气和狠戾,一抹贪婪的杀念,刺穿青霄的朝遥远的北方探去。 Burning Sky Sect, once devil, must come back, prepares to accept the crazy retaliation!” 焚天宗,曾经的恶魔,就要回来了,准备好接受疯狂的报复吧!” !! !!
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